Greetings and welcome to the course Teaching
and Learning in General Programs.
We call it TALG.
You may ask, why do we require when we have
been teaching for such a long time in all
higher education institutions, we have been
teaching variety all types of courses and
faculty have acquired lot of experience in
handling teaching and learning in their classrooms.
So, why do we require a course like this?
Let us look at what is the need for this.
First thing is several things that have happened
in the recent past with regard to higher education.
First thing is shift to learner centric education,
that has become the focal point for all the
changes that have been happening since almost
There are 2 things that happened.
This the consequence of this focus on learner
centric education; one is accreditation is
a process though it has been in use or it
has been used for a long time, but the accreditation
processes themselves have changed significantly.
And, outcome based education officially has
become a focus of higher education in India
since 2015.
And, most of the higher education institutions
offering both UG and PG programmes, they want
their institutions to be accredited by NAAC;
National Assessment and Accreditation Council.
In fact, the accreditation of a higher education
institution by NAAC has become compulsory
for all degree Colleges or Universities and
so on.
So, NAAC requires since 2017, all general
higher education programs to attain certain
Program Outcomes and Programs Specific Outcomes
identified by the Institutes and Universities.
So, we are introducing 2 terms here called
program outcomes and programs specific outcomes,
which we will elaborate in the later part
of this presentation.
And, further all teaching and learning activities
in higher education institutions should be
planned and conducted, to facilitate students
to attain well defined and measurable outcomes.
Please note that the focus is on well defined
and measurable outcomes and their attainment.
This is a completely new requirement for faculty
members of all higher educational institutions.
And, something new; obviously, everyone will
have to get familiar with what this is and
what this attainment means.
And, that is why even very experienced faculty,
all good faculty though their following certain
processes of their own, which are mostly individualised
or intuitively done.
Now, because of this accreditation requirement
as well as requirement of operating within
outcome based education, it becomes necessary
for all faculty to understand these issues
related to OBE and accreditation and what
do you call plan and conduct the their courses
in this framework.
And, this TALG is designed to facilitate teachers
to meet these requirements.
It should not be viewed by faculty as if that
we are you are trying to straitjacket everything.
There is no imposition there is no requirement
as far as academic aspects of your course
is concerned.
What do you want to teach, how do you want
to teach, how do you want to access all this
is still completely at in the hands of the
instructor or the teacher, but what we are
trying to say, this in the interest of the
students certain processes is need to be followed.
Only you follow the process, but at every
stage the decisions related to academic aspects
of the course or learning aspects of the course
are still in the hands of the instructor,
that needs to be clearly understood.
This course does not; is not suggesting that
the whole thing should be done only in one
particular way.
This course- let us understand this course.
This course aims at enabling teachers in higher
education programs to facilitate their students
to become good graduates.
Now, you will also observe from now on the
language slightly changes.
Because what has been going on is mostly teacher
centric; teacher decides what to be taught,
in what process to be taught?
And, by in a way that he feels that students
will understand better, but still that entire
process is teacher centric, what the teacher
should be doing in the class?
Whereas, learner centric framework requires,
that all the time you talk about what should
the learner be able to do, has he been able
to do that, has he learnt it, how do I measured
to what extent the learner has learnt?
So, the entire language, entire view becomes
learner centric.
This is the fundamental shift from the earlier
methods of teaching and learning.
Now, this course will be offered as 4 modules,
we will be now looking at only the module
1 as of now.
The first one is related to outcome based
The next one is how do I a design a course
in the context of outcome based education
Then having designed the course, how do I
conduct my instruction?
We will define each term separately.
And, then finally, then fourth module deals
with the accreditation processes of NAAC.
And, then how do we conduct how should an
institute or a department conduct itself so,
that they can score higher marks; that means,
I am doing better as per the NAAC accreditation
Now, the way these modules are designed, each
module constitutes equivalent of 1 credit,
that is officially defined that way.
Each module is offered as 20 units of about
half hour video lectures.
So, you will be in this module you will be
listening to or you will be viewing 20 units
of about half hour.
Each unit will have a set of exercises at
the end of unit.
These need not be submitted and an assignment
every week.
Let us issue 5 units constitute 1 week of
teaching and learning then at the end of 1
week you will have some assignments that need
to be submitted.
And, they will be evaluated by the processes
defined by the NPTEL program.
And, this course; whom will it be useful?
This course will be useful to working teachers
in all higher education institutions offering
general programs.
We can count something like 40 lakh teachers
who will be teaching at BA, BSc, B.Com are
similar 3 year degree program level across
the country; that means, potentially the 40
lakh teachers are the audience for this program/for
this module.
And, aspiring teachers who want to enter into
teaching profession they can understand it
better, they can understand what their profession
means as of today.
And, also graduate students who wish to make
careers in education technology for example.
There are some programs where students do
take a degree, which consists of like a degree
in education or also in education technology.
And, these days quite a bit of instruction
is going on in corporate world or in the business
So, there are several companies that have
come into existence who will be designing
short programs for the working staff of their
own organisations.
So, companies offering education technology
products and training programs to corporate
educational institutes and teachers and students.
So, all these are potentially the audience
for this particular course.
And, here particularly I would like to gratefully
acknowledge the inputs and comments given
by Professor K Rajanikanth with whom I have
been working for a very very long time, and
with whom also we conduct the Faculty Development
Programs in the area of OBE.
And, also would like to thank all the teachers
who participated may be 30-40 programs we
conducted on OBE workshops.
And, they have given lots of their inputs
and we have learned quite a bit and we would
like to particularly acknowledge their contributions
to in developing this course.
Now, let us look at the structure of the TALG.
Here, if you look at this is the TALG and
we are now looking at the module 1, which
is related to outcome based education.
And, module 2 is related to course design,
module 3 talks about instruction, module 4
And, here if you look at this course; this
course is mainly related to this particular
We talk about OBE; what is accreditation,
what are these outcomes, how do we choose
them, and then there is what we call taxonomy
of learning, and how do you write course outcomes,
and how do you measure the attainment of these
outcomes from an accreditation prospective?.
This is the structure of TALG.
Now, what happens when the module 2 and module
3 get 4 also get ready?
For all of them the module one will become
a prerequisite.
I may be able to handle this module without
going through course design, but still module
1 becomes a prerequisite for these.
Same way module 4 the minimum requirement
is module 1, whether they go through these
2 are not.
These 3 modules will be added at a later stage.
This is the structure of TALG.
Now, let us understand the TALG at a little
more detailed level.
As we said there are 4 modules students for
this course are practising and aspiring teachers.
At the end of this course they should be able
to let us say at the end of module 1 understand
the nature of outcome based education and
outcomes of a higher education general programs.
Now, here we are using the word general programs.
General programs that is not really we have
not found it as a standard word in any particular
place, because all professional programs;
like you have nursing, medicine, dentist,
or you have chartered accountancy, engineering,
these are all professional courses.
And, we did not want to call them as non professional
These are also in some sense also professional
courses, but because graduates of these programs
are not necessarily going to once one type
of profession and that is why we call them
as general programs.
So, please accept this terminology when we
say general programs.
So, that is the first outcome of this is “Understand
the nature of outcome based education, and
outcomes of higher education general programs”.
And, next outcome of this is “Understand
the Anderson bloom taxonomy and the 3 domains
of learning”.
This we will elaborate this is what in our
view every teacher, at whatever level undergraduate
or postgraduate level need to be familiar
with to really have a discourse among themselves
regarding teaching and learning.
You require certain terminology and certain
common terms to talk to each other with respect
to understanding learn.
And, then next outcome is “Write outcomes
of a course in a general program that address
is subset of Program Outcomes and Program
Specific Outcomes chosen by the institute
and the department offering the program”.
What it means is - Program Outcomes for general
programs are written by the either the university
or an autonomous institution.
Program Specific Outcomes are written by the
board of studies of a particular department
offering the program.
So, what happens is the either the board of
studies along with the help of the particular
instructors, they will write the outcomes
of a course.
That is what and how to write that what kind
of structuring they are going to follow will
be presented with respect to this particular
outcome CO 3.
Now, let us look at module 2 which we will
not be dealing in the case of module 1, but
to present the whole course CO 4 deals with
designing a course in general program in the
instructions system design framework of ADDIE.
ADDIE is Acronym for Analyse Design Develop
Implement and Evaluate.
This is the framework we will not be elaborating
in this, but how to design a course in the
framework of ADDIE.
And, the next one CO5 the very critical issue
design assessment that is in good alignment
with the course outcomes.
How do you design your assessment?
We will talk about this assessment issues
in a later part.
And, then module 3 where we are talking of
instruction, we are going to present design
instruction following Merrill’s principles
for attaining the course outcomes and competencies
ensuring good alignment among course outcomes,
assessment and instruction.
The entire module is dedicated to the instruction.
Module 4 addresses directly prepare for NAAC
accreditation at the institute.
Now, NAAC has defined whole set of criteria
and one needs to prepare for it; that means,
all faculty will have to participate along
with what they have a unit called IQAC - a
Quality Assurance Centre of the institute
and work with that to prepare the required
documentation that is needed for NAAC accreditation
So, broadly these are the 4 modules that will
that will be part of this course, as I said
we will only be looking at module 1 in this.
Now, this is presented; now coming to the
module 1 itself Outcome Based Education.
OBE as in short that we are going to use OBE
of TALG requires an understanding of what
are the characteristics of good graduates.
This after all we are not teaching only 1
course, when it comes to a BA or BSC program,
at the end he is going to become a graduate
and what are the characteristics of a good
graduate, we will try to understand that.
And, then these are the words that we all
use, but these are also somewhat in the education
field these are very specific technical words.
So, we will try to explain understand these
words education, teaching, learning, instruction
and assessment.
All are what do we call core elements of teaching
and learning.
And, then we look at Outcome Based Education
formally and then levels of outcomes in a
general program that is where we will introduce
the words program Outcomes, Program Specific
Outcomes and Course Outcomes.
And, then what is the role of accreditation?
Then, we spend lot of time in understanding
the taxonomy of learning.
Right now, it is known as Anderson-Bloom Taxonomy
that is the one we follow here, though there
are several taxonomies.
In India and many of the western countries
we are now following this taxonomy.
In fact, UGC in it is recent document directly
names that we need to follow Anderson-Bloom
And, this module requires writing of program
Outcomes, Program Specific Outcomes and Course
The outputs the learner will produce at the
end of this module will be all these 3.
That is the description of the module 1.
Now, we come to what do graduates do?
It is not like; let say in the case of medicine
practically may be 99 percent of the graduates
of medicine will become doctors.
When it comes to engineering it may not be
99 percent, but 80 percent will take a profession
that is broadly related to engineering.
Whether it is in what do we call specifically
at in to a specific engineering area or may
be like slightly peripheral like management,
marketing that kind of thing.
Whereas such a thing is not possible with
respect to general programs; many people use
a just go complete a degree just say for general
education that is it, they may pursue any
kind of career they may choose.
So, the percentage of people who would go
specifically to higher level programs in the
discipline where they took the degree may
not be more than 20 percent.
Though, that is not an exact figure, but an
indicative figure.
So, what happens, what to the graduates do?
They may choose to go for higher education
only some of them as I said not more than
20 to 30 percent.
And, after going for higher education they
may become researchers or after a BSc or a
BSc or BA or MA or MSc, they may provide some
research services in like lab assistants or
technical officers in a research laboratory
and so on and some of them very small number
will become also teachers.
And, quite a few of them will become will
take some kind of an administrative job; in
a private company or a government organisation,
large number of them do that and a small member
depending on the family background and their
own what do you call their wish or their interest
they may become entrepreneurs.
And, still a small member of them, go to professional
programs like MBA.
For example, any degree holder can go for
a MBA program or to services right competitive
exams and join services like IAS, IPS, IRS
Of course, that will be very small member.
Now, this is we looked at what graduates are
likely do, but now what are the characteristics
of a good graduate; generally, considered
important by employers.
As a graduate if you go for a job interview;
what are the things that the employer is looking
This is just a kind of a survey not necessarily
an exhaustive list, but indicative one.
First you should have sound knowledge of a
discipline, wherever that he graduated.
If he has done BA in economics, he must know
the economics discipline.
Even the job actually is not related to the
let us say in this case economics.
The job does not require directly the knowledge
of economics, but what happens when you learn
a discipline properly; there are a whole lot
of things that you will acquire, looking at.
For example, how do you draw conclusions,
what do you think are the assumptions, in
coming to a conclusion and to what extent
they are valid?
The whole lot of processes that processes
that will be involved in learning that discipline;
they will always be useful in the any job
that you do, that is the reason why having
a sound knowledge in a discipline, even though
you know fully well, that I am not going to
do a job in that discipline related to that
discipline ok.
And, ability to solve a well-defined or ill-defined
problems, in real world sometimes we get well
defined problems and mostly we get ill-defined
So, how do you handle an ill defined problem?
And, in any job you are dealing with some
customers with you, even if you are an you
are working in an office and handling a one
particular processing of the you have some
customers; customers who have submitted with
whether within the same office or outside
the office.
So, they become your customers.
So, you need to understand the needs of the
customer that is one common requirement for
any job.
And, then no job is ever done individually.
No single person is runs a one company kind
of thing or runs one office, there is always
a team of people.
Maybe organised in a hierarchical fashion,
but you one needs to work in a team, ability
to work in a team is extremely important in
today’s world, we will elaborate that a
little later.
And, then in what whatever type of job that
you do, you need to be able to write something
down on a piece of paper and share it with
others, and also you should able to plan and
communicate effectively.
If, you cannot communicate effectively with
your own team members or your customers, you
cannot do your job right or you may be causing
more harm to others than providing a service.
And, then especially in today’s world as
the technology is changing very fast as all
of you know, that today even office jobs are
dominantly dependent on the information and
communication technology and with that the
very processes that you are doing also keep
changing all the time.
So, one of the requirements is you cannot
consider your degrees the terminal degree
and you do not have learn anything.
So, one should be willing to learn and learn
by yourself all the time on the job.
So, learning; ability to learn on your own
is a lifetime requirement.
And, generally a good graduate should have
interest and awareness in all facets of the
work space that your involved.
What ever job do there is a work space all
the issues related to your job, you have a
hierarchy; yours is may be a branch office
in a bigger corporate, what whatever that
you have?
One needs to understand or awareness, of all
the facets of the work space even this kind
of knowledge is necessary to protect your
Suddenly the technology is changed and your
job may become irrelevant and if it is a private
job you may find yourself on the street.
So, one needs to have a interest and awareness
in all facets of work space.
Now, we come to the specific any general programme
is required to impart some knowledge, skills
and attitudes ok?
They are required to impart and to whom do
you impart?
To the graduates of 12 standard.
So, that they acquire the characteristics
of a good graduate, that is the purpose of
any general program.
Obviously, you provide some knowledge in a
particular discipline, that is a choice the
student makes what discipline you would like
to go, but the programs impart knowledge skills,
attitudes, to 12th what do you call graduates
of 12th standard to acquire the characteristics
of a good graduate, that is broadly the purpose
of any general program.
Now, what we would like you to do is an exercise
this is a freelance in it is not a kind of
assignment kind of thing which will be kind
of marked, this is for your to understand
what is the good graduate?
Who is your favourite good graduate with respect
to the career path chosen by her or him from
the program of your discipline?
Let us say we are a teacher of chemistry department.
Now, you can look at a good graduate from
chemistry BA, BSc program, they may go to
higher education may not go to post-graduate
or research, but still is a good graduate.
Do you have any one person like that?
And I after identifying can you write in a
few words why do you consider him or her a
good graduate.
And, will thank you if you share that whatever
you write as why do you consider them good
graduate, it will be good input to us, if
you share with the instructor at this particular
And, then we are going to follow this in the
next unit.
We look at the words education and teaching
as we already said we are going to look at
the familiar words - education, teaching,
learning, instruction and assessment.
So, we will be specifically focusing in the
next unit on the activities education and
Thank you very much for your attention.