Hello friends welcome to the NPTEL
course on Irrigation and Drainage. So,
I am Damondhara Rao Mailapallli, I am an
assistant professor in Agricultural and Food
Engineering Department IIT Kharagpur.
So, in this course the highlights of the course
includes; so, we going to have two modules.
So, one on irrigation, then the other one is on
drainage. So, and then it is going to be 12 weeks
course and each week we are going to cover 5, 30
minute lectures. So, all together it will be like
60 lectures and also we going to have a tutorials
on GATE ICAR JRF problems at the end of each week
so that means, the 5th lecture in a week will
contain the tutorials. So, that will be talking
about or solving some GATE or ICAR JRF I mean
problems. So, then it contains assignments to
give hands on you know training to the students
and also the quizzes. So, update the course or
other to update the previous weeks, you know
the syllabus of previous weeks course content.
And then a online discussion, if you have any
questions or any enquires. So, we can have like
discussion online. So, then we going to have two
technical assistants to support in this discussion
so, they are my Ph. D. students.
So, what exactly the you know irrigation and
drainage? So, if you see in the agriculture
fields. So, the two cases you can really see
in, the first case there is a dry field and
the other case will be like a wet field
contains some water ponded on surface.
So, in case of dry case; so, it doesn t means that
the water is not there, you know in the surface
or definitely there is a water within the soil
profiles. So, that is called the groundwater. So,
if the groundwater is nearer to the surface and
the plants are grown in the fields. So, you need
not give irrigation to the plants because,
plants can extract water from the root zone,
or from the water table ok. So, since the water
table is you know deeper. So, we need to give
water artificially on the surface. So, that the
water will penetrate into this soil and available
to the plant. Whereas, in other case. So, that
is in drainage case what happens the fields are
ponded with water always. So, in order to grow
crops in that particular you now piece of land,
you need to take out the water excess water from
the surface. So, how do you do that, you can
either you can provide the channel, or they cut
the field on the surface or you can provide some
you know the subsurface drainage pipes
So, that the water will penetrate all the way
though this and then ok so so, that is the major
difference between irrigation and drainage. So,
the irrigation case you provide water artificial
on this soil surface whereas, in the drainage case
you take out the excess water, which is ponded on
the surface by providing the by providing the tile
drainage in the surface I mean underground.
So, in the both cases so, our object is to to
give suitable you know environment to the plants
to grow. So, that is the I mean the major goal in
both irrigation and drainage. So, the learning
out come in this the course includes, the to
understand irrigation and drainage principles
this is important to understand, or to design
an irrigation or drainage system. And to design
gravity and pressurized irrigation systems.
So, if you are talking about irrigation so, there
will be the surface irrigation where you provide
water on the surface by gravity force, and you
need not use any pump to pump the water, where
as in pressurized irrigation system for example,
in case of micro irrigation or drip irrigation
you need to pressurized the irrigation.
So, that water can penetrated to the smaller
pores which is in the dripper or you can say this
sprinklers ok, you need pressure for that. And
to understand the groundwater hydraulics.
So, this is important to understand how water
flows from you know the surface to the drains
in case of drainage. And to design surface and
subsurface drainage systems so, once you
understand the governing equations and
the principles. So, you will able to design
surface and subsurface drainage systems. And
to familiar with some irrigation drainage
models so, there are models available to
simulate irrigation drainages cases.
So, we are going to discuss about those
and to know about water lifting devices and
pumps. So, you have water undergrounds so,
how to tap the water using the pumps. So,
that we are going to learn in this.
And the reference books there are several
reference books available, but mostly we will
be focusing on on I mean; So, this Irrigation
Theory and Practice by a A. M. Michael and,
then Land drainage which is by Bhattacharya
and Michael. And there are other foreign
editions you can go through. So, in order to
you know understand the principles.
Yeah sustainable development so, if you
coming into the introduction. So, are the
efficient management of water is challenging
in India because, the water tables is getting
declining day by day due to the over exploitation
of water for drinking and irrigation purposes. So,
that really burden a farmer to tap water from the
deeper, you know aquifers; So, and also incomplete
or major and medium irrigation projects.
So, the many projects are you know under
construction, or even in the pending projects
so, because of you know political or you know
financial status. So, they are not able to you
know finish in time. So, and very slow increase
in gross irrigated area so, in every budget so,
in the government budget you are providing lot
of you know funds for irrigation, but the thing is
the amount of funds you are pouring in irrigation,
it is not helping in increasing the gross
irrigated area. And then the quality of
water in rivers and lakes are really degrading
day by day and increasing water conflicts.
So, it is not only within India and across the
in the country, countries like our neighboring
countries for example, India and Pakistan,
India and Nepal, India and Bangladesh. So,
you have lot of water conflicts and within
India for example, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka,
Maharashtra and Andhra so, there now
Telanganna. So, the conflicts are increasing so,
because of this. So, the water management
is really challenging in India.
Then though India has 16 percentage
of world s population, but has only
four percentage of the total available
fresh water if you see this table.
So, we have like the annual precipitation, we
receive from rain fall including snow fall. So,
around four thousand kilometer cube, but the
average annual potential flow in rivers. So, this
only 50 percent almost 50 percentage of that and
utilizable water resources could be 28 percentage
of annual precipitation and, surface and ground
water is kind of you know like 70 percent.
You see the water availability or water
resources in India so, we are receiving
the annual precipitation about 4000 kilometer
cube, the average potential flow in rivers is
almost 50 percent whereas, the estimated you
know utilizable water resources. So, that is
about 28 percentage of annual precipitation
volume and, the utilizable is classified as
surface and ground water resources.
So, the surface water resources are
around 60 percent and, whereas ground water
about 40 percent something like that and
ok. So, the next is per capital water availability
in India. So, this table shows the per capital
water availability which is declining but
with increasing population.
But if you see this as per the international
norms per capita water availability, if it
is less than I mean if it less than 1700 metre
cube per year per capita, the country is under
water stressed. If it is less than 1000 metre
cube per year the country is water scarce. So,
if you see this numbers we are going to hit
the water stressed condition and, in future
the water scares condition very soon.
And the irrigation potential of water so,
the total geographical area of India is 329
million hectares and, the net sown area 141
million hectares which is 43 percentages of 329
million hectares. So, this is what the net sown
area; So, and then the gross irrigation area.
So, that is 87.23 million hectares and the net
irrigated area 62.31 million hectares so, the so
the gross irrigated areas so net irrigated area
the difference is, so, in case of gross irrigated
area so you will be counting this crop which is
grown in a repeatedly in a particular year so
and the productivity which is under irrigated
condition 2.5 ton per hectares and whereas, in
rainfed condition 0.5 ton per hectares. Which is
very low compare to the irrigated condition. So,
you can understand the irrigation potential here
so and the importance of irrigation is. And the
food grain availability if you see around 523 gram
per capita per day available these days.
So, productivity of cereals in India, if you see
this is rice is consuming you know almost double
the water required for other crops, around 120
centimeter whereas, look at the yield. So, yields
of pretty much same but the water productivity
definitely will be less in the case of rice
because, it consuming lot of water.
So, the irrigation here what is exactly
the irrigation, irrigation is artificial
application of water to the plant to the soil,
in order to grow the crop profitably ok. So,
and then irrigation water generally applied when
there is no rainfall, or groundwater sources.
And the main concerns in irrigation is when
to apply, how much to apply and how to apply;
So, these three things are very
important when you decide, or when
you schedule an irrigation to a plant.
So, the benefits of irrigation that includes
so irrigation development has played a key
role in first of all in strengthening economy
because, the irrigation means what I mean
you know applying water for the benefit of
the crop. So, indirectly you are I mean
directly you are producing a crop. So,
that will influence the economy.
So, if you have more grains produces it will more
profits and the it strengthens economy and
then increasing employment opportunity. So,
when the crop production is more, its definitely
drives the you know rural youth in to the into
the agro business and definitely the
employment opportunity will increase.
And the self-sufficiency in food production if you
see, the food production if you have lot of water
and there will be lot of food production so, that
the sufficiency food will be attained.
And the other benefits could be like raise of
a crop where, nothing would grow otherwise. So,
suppose if you have lot of water you can grow
in desert ok grow, grow crop in even desert. So,
and grow a more profitable crop suppose, if you
are comparing alfalfa which is fodder crop you
put lot of water for fodder crop. So, instead of
that the water the same water can be use to grow
a profitable crop like a wheat. And increase
the yield and a quality of given crop. So,
definitely you are not making any water stress
condition and the quality of the crop will improve
and also the produce will improve. So, increase
the aesthetic value of the landscape. So, you have
lot of water, then you can use it for landscaping
and also the greenery other greenery purpose so,
that the landscape will be green and, definitely
that improves the aesthetic value.
So, and then other benefits will be the
leaching of salts, if you have problems
with salts in soil and you have lot of water,
then you can you know use water to leach out
the salts into the soil. And wind erosion can be
controlled by applying you know water on tops. So,
that that will make the ground wet and
wind cannot blow this soil particles.
And multiple cropping during an year so,
and you can grow like a not single crop,
you can grow like a 3 crops or 2 crops in
a year. And provides jobs already discussed
and reduces risk of crop failures.
So, because you are not you know making
crops under water stress condition definately
that will improve the crop condition and and no
risk of crop failures; Improves socioeconomic
conditions. So, definitely that will help
the rural population in income generation and
increase this socioeconomic condition.
So, disadvantages of irrigation if you have
you know lot of water and excess irrigation so,
it going to decrease the crop yield
because, so like if you put lot of
water what happened the crop roots will be
under wet condition always and the water,
which is on standing on the surface
will act has a barrier and it cannot
you know help help out any oxygen which
is on the surface go into the soil.
And there by definitely the crop yield is going to
reduce because, the roots require the oxygen. So,
if you are not you know if you are making oxygen
stress condition definitely the crop, yield is
going to decrease and the leaching transport
of chemicals. So, the salt are in any other
chemicals can be leached into the groundwater
or transport into the surface waters.
For example, you have sorry for example, you have
pesticides or fertilizers. So, yield reduction can
be happen if you have a deficit irrigations. So,
not only excess irrigation, even if you reduces
irrigation so, that is called deficit irrigation
and yield definitely going to reduce.
And then water logging and salinity could be a
problem so for example, here if you see the field
so, the water is really ponding on the surface not
allowing any you know oxygen enter into the soil
it is it is not a aerated condition. So, it is not
favorable to the plants and if you see this image,
Indian image so, the ground water withdrawal as
percentage of recharge. So, the mostly the Punjab,
Haryana, Delhi and Rajasthan, they withdraw ground
water more than the recharge. So, really it is
alarming situation the groundwater table is really
depleting deeper deeper into the soil.
So, the types of irrigation projects if
you see in India. So, they are classified
into three major classes one is the major
irrigation projects. So, if the irrigation
potential is greater than 10000 hectares and,
then cost of project is more than 5 cr so,
then you can say that the project is like a major
irrigation project. And the in the case of medium
irrigation projects the irrigation potential
is about 2000 to 10000 hectares. So, that is
irrigation potential and the cost of project will
be like 25 to 50 lakhs. And the minor irrigation
projects which will have a the irrigating
potential less than 2000 hectares and, the cost of
project which will be less than 25 lakhs.
So, the surface irrigation system if you see for
example, if you have you know furrow irrigation,
border irrigation, basin irrigation, all are
called surface irrigation systems, if you see the
status of surface irrigation systems in India.
So, the water used for a gross irrigated area of
87 million hectares is 541 kilometer cube under
surface irrigation systems. So, and the gross
water used if you see the wat the amount of
water which is applying on top of the surface. So,
that is 1.45 meter in case of surface irrigation
which is greater than the united states, I
mean where the united states they practice on
the surface irrigation which is 0.9 meter.
So, we are putting lot of water on top of the
surface, compare to the United States, in case
of surface irrigation systems. So, the overall
irrigation efficiency in the country is 38 percent
so; that means, 100 mm you are supplying to the
field only 38 mm of water is being taken
into the by the plant, or by the farm.
And if you see the I mean other river basins
like Krishna, Godavari, Cauvery and Mahanadi
systems have very low efficiency of around 27
percent whereas, Indus ganga systems are doing
better than the Krishna, Godavari, Cauvery and
the efficiency is improved like 43 to 47 percent
because, they have well structured water release
systems called Warabandi for example.
So, the pressurized in case of pressurized
irrigation systems like drip irrigation
sprinkler irrigation systems; So, drip irrigation
saves 25 to 60 percentage of water and increase
yield up to 60 percentage. Whereas sprinkler
irrigation saves 25 to 33 percentage of water.
So, the net irrigation under drip irrigation is
0.5 million hectares and the sprinkler is 0.7
million hectares, though we have a target of about
10 percentage of you know gross irrigated area
needs to be under brought under you know micro
irrigation or pesticide irrigates systems.
So, the Maharashtra is being the largest, I
mean micro irrigation micro irrigation system
practice state; So, this ok and then and then
reasons for low irrigation efficiency.
If you see this irrigation efficiency surface
irrigation is about you know 30 to 40 percent,
but why what is really causing the low
irrigation efficiency if you see. So,
the most is the unlined canal systems with
excessive seepage so, cannal system we have
is mostly unlined. So, the water which is being
delivered from the canal to field level, is been
lost through seepages or evaporation mostly.
So, then lack of field channels the channels so,
you have very you know properly designed
field channels required, for a delivering
water efficiently to the fields. And then lack
of canal communication network, you don t have
canal communication network and you don t know
when to you know release water for a particular,
you know the area or command area.
So, if you don t have proper communication
definitely the scheduling will be you know faster
or slower, or one day early or one day you know
delay can be happened. So, that really causing
the low irrigation efficiency. And the lack of
field drainage this another important thing
is so, the excess water you are taking out,
or the excess water which is accumulating on the
surface needs to be you know taken out from the
fields for that the field drain drainage
is requires. So, that is really lack.
And improper field leveling this is also
very important in order to you know increase
the uniformity of uniformly distribution of the
water. And the price of water right know it is no,
or you know very less. So, this needs
to be improved in this case.
So, irrigation some of the irrigation terminology
if you see the gross command area so, that is a
total area that includes roads farmstead, the
lying between drainage boundaries which can
be irrigated by canal system. So, you have like a
like a boundary suppose you so, you have the water
spread like this is the drainage boundaries for
example, these are the two drainage boundaries.
And you can have this area, you know is something
roads, or you have some trees so, everything. So,
you have some farmsteads ok. So, this is called
gross command area, but if you are only conc
I mean accounting you only accounting so, the farm
lands. So, that is culturable command area.
So, this what culturable command area so,
the gross command area. So, contains both so
this is culturable command area and the other
area which is not culturable so, it is called
unculturable command area. So, this sum of these
two will be the gross command area.
So, as I said the culturable command area this
includes, I mean gross command area, without
unculturable command area such as unfertile barren
land, alkaline soil, local ponds, villages other
area such as habitations ok.
So, then the intensity of irrigation so,
this the ratio of irrigated to irrigable, or
irrigable area. You have some area available
for irrigation, but based on your water
availability water resources so, you decided
to irrigate part of that land and so, that ratio
the ratio of irrigated land to irrigable land
will give the intensity of irrigation.
And water tanks are really dug areas which
can be useful to store the excess rain water.
And outlets are kind of you know head regulator
at the field level, to deliver water to
the fiel you know fields real fields. And
water logged areas this is an agricultural
land it said to be water logged.
When productivity of fertile or fertilities
affected by high water table. So, in this
case what happens water table rises up. So,
always you can see the water on the surface
and, the field capacity it is the water content
held in the soil after excess water has drained
and plants can extract sufficient water
from the soil for its plant growth.
So, if you see when there is a rainfall heavy
rainfall, there will be lot of water which is
standing on the surface and, but if you go in
the next day morning the water will be receding
slowly and you may not be seeing the water on the
on the surface. So, where the water has gone so
the water has gone escape through you know over
land flow, or through deep percolation,so, the
water but still the soil contains some water.
So, the amount of water which is available during
that time or after 1 or 2 days of heavy rainfall
is called the field capacity. So, and then the
permanent wilting point the wilting coefficient
or permanent wilting point so the water content
at which plants can no longer extract sufficient
water from the soil for its plant growth. So,
here so, at this the water which is available
in the the soil particles soil which is not
extracted by this plants. So, then the plant
show wilting nature ok. And this we will discuss
more on these in the upcoming lectures.
And the crop ratio the crop ratio generally so,
we have two crops seasons here Kharif and Rabi
season. So, the crop ratio could be so, we are I
mean tracking the whole year. So, the cultivable
area under different crops during different
seasons in a crop year is called the crop ratio
for example, you are cultivating rice in Kharif
and Rabi. So, the ratio of cultivable area during
Rabi and Kharif will give the crop ratio.
And the crop period so, the number of days
between sowing to the harvesting of crop
is crop period. And base period is a period of I
mean water application, or the first watering to
the last watering or before harvesting.
And the live storage dead storage and then gross
storage. So, these three terminology belong
to the you know you have a reservoirs ok.
So, live storage is complete is water complete
water stored in the reservoirs between full
reservoir level and at storage level. So, this
water is really available for you know usage and
dead storage whereas, the stored reservoir
between the lowest supply level to the deep
deepest river bed level, which is 10 percentage
of GS or a gross storage whereas, gross storage
is the storage capacity between full water
reservoir level and deepest reservoir level.
So, if you see this the gross storage which is
equal to you know live storage plus dead storage
whereas, if you considering the 10 percent
10 percentage of GS. So, you have 0.1 GS so,
which is equal to so GS which is equal to LS plus
0.1 GS, so if you take GS out then you got 0.9
GS equal to LS and GS is equal to LS by 0.9. So,
this is the way we got this equation ok.
So, so next is delta. So, what is the delta?
So delta is a total depth of irrigation water
required by a crop during the cropping period
here, we are talking about the base period ok. So,
so, that is first water application to the
last water application before harvesting so,
this is the total depth of water you are
providing to the crop during the base
period. So, suppose if a crop required about
12 irrigation ok of 10 centimeter depth.
So, then so, 12 irrigations 10 centimeter depth
so, that gives you 12 multiplied by 10 centimeter
so, that will give 120 centimeter of depth of
water you provided during the base period. So,
this is called delta. So, 120 centimeter,
or 1.2 m is a delta ok.
So, and then suppose if the area under
the crop is a hectare the total water
require would be 1.2 multiplied by
area over the period of 120 days. So,
this is the simple calculation receive.
And the other terminology is called duty, so,
which is hectare per cumic cumec. So,
cubic meter per second so, the amount
of the volume of water you are utilizing, or the
area you irrigated for unit volume of water. So,
that is that is called duty. So, it is the ratio
between the irrigated crop area and the quantity
of irrigation water required during
the base period.
So, the definition is clear, suppose if
you have suppose if you have 3 cumec of
irrigation of water, which is required for crop
sown over an area of fifteen hundred hectares. So,
the so, this is this is what this is the
volume of water so, you are using right. So,
and then this is the area and the duty will be the
area divided by the volume you are using. So, that
will be 1700 hectares cumec and 3 cumec discharge
would be required throughout the base period. So,
don t forget this. So, we are targeting
the base period, whatever you are using so,
this 3 cumec per. So, you are continuously
supplying during the base period.
Ok So, the value of duty be different at the
head of the watercourse, or at the head of the
distributors. So, the this is because they
will lot of losses, if you consider. So,
relationship between duty and delta if you see
so, the delta is equal to 8.64 B divided by D.
So, how do you get that so, duty generally
duty is equal to hectare divided by cumec it
is a cube cubic meter per second. So, hectares
is a 104 power 4 meter square and cubic meter,
suppose this is cubic meter into second
ok. So, the 104 meter square for meter cube
multiplied by you can convert that in days.
So, that will be 8.64 into 10-4 less days. So,
you get like you know this is 10 power
10 power gets cancels out and meter
square meter square this is meters so,
8.64 into base period lets say this base
period and meters this is delta so, that is
D. So, you finally, you get delta is equal to
8.64 B by D. So, this is so this is D ok yeah.
So, these these are the units you can.
So, example if you see here.
Suppose if you have an if you have
an irrigation canal, which has GCA which is gross
command area that is 80000 hectares out of which
85 percent is culturable area so; that means, you
have total area, but only 85 percent is culturable
area the intensity of irrigation for Kharif
season is 30 percent out of this culturable area,
only 30 percent for Rabi season a sorry Kharif
season for Rabi season is 60 percent ok. And
find the discharge required at the head
of the canal, if the duty is given for
the Kharif season and for Rabi season ok.
So, this is the problem. So, since the GCA is
given so, how do you solve this basically? So,
in order to solve that sorry ok solution here;
So, the culturable command area if you see = 80000
0.85 because 85 percentage of culturable area so
you got culturable area 68000 hectares and then
area under Kharif season out of this culturable
area only 30 percent is Kharif season.
So, multiplied by 0.3 you get 20400 hectares
this is irrigated, This is during Kharif season
similarly for Rabi season you get 40800 hectares.
So, water required at the head of the canal to
irrigate during Kharif season is so, area divided
by cu I mean the cumec. So, area divided by cumec
you get 25.5 cumecs ok. And then Rabi season you
get 40800 divided by 1700 cumec. So, that will
be 24 into cumec so, if you see this so this one
so this number so, how do you get this.
So, this is area ok divided by so, duty is
given. So, area divided by duty so, duty. So, that
will give area in hectares divided by duty. So,
that will be in hectares divided
by cumec right. So, then you get
cumecs this is what you got fine.
So, so how to decide which one really you
want to go with like 25.5 cumecs or 24 cumec;
So, general thumb rule is you always go with
higher you know the discharge. So, that it can
serve both Rabi and Kharif season.
Whereas, example two the watercourse has a
culturable command area twenty 2600 hectares
out of which the intensities of irrigation
for perennial sugarcane and rice crops of 20
percent 40 percent respectively ok. So, here the
intensity of irrigation is given. So, intensity of
irrigation so; that means so, you have a irrigable
area, but only part of that is irrigated for
example, here 20 percent for a sugarcane and 40
percent for rice crop respectively ok. The duty
of these crops at the head of the watercourse is
750 hectares per cumec this is duty is given for
both cases and, find the discharge required the
head watercourse, if the peak demand is 20 percent
higher than the average water requirement.
So, its similar to the previous example,
if you see this ok the solution here if you
see area under sugarcane. So, let us say so,
you have 2600 hectares, but 20 percent is you
know irrigable land sorry irrigated land. So,
that is 550 hectares under sugarcane.
And similarly under rice 40 percent So,
that is 1040 hectares and water required for
sugarcane will be so, 500 hectares divided by duty
you get you know 0.694 cumec. And similarly for
rice 0.577 cumec and so, if you see this since
sugarcane is perennial crop so; that means,
you need to supply water throughout the year
and rice requires you know one season.
So, here I mean what is the decision like
I mean what water you need to provide.
So, since sugarcane is perennial crop so,
you need to sum up these like sugarcane as well as
I mean rice crop the water required for sugarcane
and rice can be combined and, you will have the
maximum water which is required that the total
discharge during the year is 1.271 cumecs ok.
Hence, the peak design discharged if you see this
20 percent higher than. So, you can put like
20 percent 120 percent now. So, that is 1.2 so,
that will be 1.52 ok. So, thank you for this
lecture this is the first lecture and we are going
to cover more on the following lectures so;