Hello everyone.
I welcome you all to my course Role of Craft
and Technology in
It is an interdisciplinary course and it focuses
on understanding the
interrelationship between craft and technology
in interior architecture.
So, before delving
into exploring this interrelationship let
us first understand separately what is craft
technology and what is interior architecture.
So, module one, we will begin with this it
focuses on interior architecture what is its
meaning, what is its definition, what do we
understand by interior architecture.
So, that
we have a comprehensive understanding before
getting on with another subsequent
So, this is just the outline of the contents
what this module we will deal with.
Interior architecture - meaning, definition,
understanding, interior architecture - what
its importance, and what is its scope, interior
architecture - interior design and interior
decoration are the same, are the different,
how do we distinguish between them.
Few projects that will help us understand
what interior architecture is all about.
Then the
overview of the entire module, it will cover
interior architecture, its types, the elements
that constituted, courses which are offered
globally based on interior architecture and
degrees which are offered and the references
the books and the other resources that one
can referred to.
So, let us begin with what is interior architecture.
Interior architecture is relatively a new
discipline we will see how did it evolve and
what does it mean.
So, if we go by a formal
definition then the in the book the fundamentals
of interior architecture the authors have
defined it in a certain way.
The term ‘interior architecture’ emerged
in 1970s as the description of a discipline
employs architectural theory, history and
principles in the design and creation of interior
So, the important thing here is that they
are talking about the application of
architectural theory, history and principles
of design.
So, interior spaces are as complicated as
the building envelope or the façade or the
architecture itself.
Its growth was an part due to a perception
that by employing the
rigour of architectural thinking together
with the sensory understanding of interior
design, a synthesis could be produced that
was both intellectually and humanistically
satisfying and which overcame the narrow specialisms
of façade-driven architecture and
contexts free interior design that were prevalent
at that time.
So, it is very important to understand that
we are marrying the architectural thinking
along with the sensory understanding of an
interior space and then there were lot of
ambiguities and uncertainties related to the
term interior design, it was not just it did
have to be context free, it did not have to
be only façade driven architecture.
So, keeping
account of all these events and discourses
happening during that time this terminology
came up and it has been very widely accepted
and is also being developed slowly.
Interior architecture to simplify it encompasses
the outer envelope of a building as well
as the interior environment.
So, it could be termed as a coherent term
which is used for
architecture and interiors.
And it needs to be understood in current architectural
education and design practices.
Also to simplify it further one could say
that it is
designing and interior in the terms of architecture
or an architectural terms.
So, when I do not consider my interior space
just as space which has to be treated or
which has to be superimposed with anything,
but something which comes up with
architectural thinking along with the sensory
experiences then I would call it as interior
This is one example of Jewish museum in Berlin
this has been designed by a very
famous Architect Daniel Libeskind.
So, if we see this pictures over here there
is a
staircase leading to a gallery, this side,
and this is another hall over there which
coming of the light inside and creates a sort
of a very meditative environment.
So, these
pictures are like very simple ones, but they
talk a lot about the space.
So, all the spaces do not have to have very
particular function, but sometimes the form
the colour the light and the quality of space
which is generated it could be to create a
meditative experience where the user can connect
both physically and emotionally.
So, I
personally visited this museum and I could
just very instantly connect to the space and
there were will lot of gamut of emotions that
came in when we see the history of Jewish
museum why it was made for, what was the purpose,
all that the architect was able to
generate within me as a person.
So, this is one nice example where I put in
for the interior architecture where we have
the sensory organs in place, we have a nice
architectural design and we have the
experience within a space.
Now, before going ahead further we would like
to have a little bit discussion on why is
important to understand and study interior
architecture, I mean by at all do we study
why is it so important.
So, taking ahead the discussion that we had
over the last few
slides, interior architecture centres on developing
the design of interior spaces for
specific uses, these uses could be commercial,
residential, public spaces, housing or
mixed use projects, and also the knowledge
of adaptive reuse.
So, if there is already
existing space and we want to reuse it in
certain ways then there are strategies involved
within the reuse of that space which is called
as adaptive reuse.
So, interior architecture deals with both
creating of spaces for specific uses as well
designing them for adaptive reuse.
And it covers a very wide range of professional,
functional, technical and theoretical
If you would like to study interior architecture
formally as a degree qualification
or practice it later than the kinds of topics
that it considers or discusses are interior
design history, interior construction methods,
social and community issues integrating
programming, human behaviour and the making
of atmosphere, surface materials and
detailing, developing and building conceptual
or functional furniture prototypes,
furniture theory, advance electric lighting
design, colour theory and sustainable interiors.
Now, if one focuses on this list of topics
which is like very wide and diverse and very
much important, one would realise what all
do we need to study while we are talking
about interior architecture what all do we
need to incorporate and integrate while we
working on interior architecture projects.
So, all of these are very important aspects
when we talk about community issues and we
talk about human behaviour, the
psychology, when we talk about furniture the
colour, lighting.
Like right now if I am here sitting at this
desktop what is the amount of light in that
coming, what kind of surface is it, is it
absorbing, is it reflecting the light, what
kind of
illumination on lux levels I am getting over
here, what is the colour scheme of this place,
because right now this is an office setup
where in academic office setup where we are
discussing and we are having this lecture,
so what kind of colour scheme should go here.
So, all of these important things come into
picture when we talk about interior
There as much technical as they also considered
the psychological well being, how
human being would respond to a certain type
of design.
So, all of these things need to be
really understood when one talks about interior
architecture its education, pedagogy or
its practice.
Now, the very important question and that
confuses lot of people is Is interior
architecture not interior design? are the
same, are the two different things, is one
extension of the other and why I at all we
talk about interior architecture and not interior
Little bit of it while introducing I had discussed,
why this term interior architecture came
up, but to take the discussion further.
The discipline of interior design has been
with lot of uncertainties; it is getting reduced
to just interior decoration that is one major
Interior decoration deals primarily with surface
treatment, selecting fabrics,
furnishings and curtains.
So, when we are restricting ourselves just
to treatment, just to surface finish or just
selection of a curtain or a furnishing or
a fabric then according to me and of course,
according to lot of scholars and practicing
architects it does not come anywhere close
interior design, it just becomes interior
decor or interior decoration.
So, it is very crucial to know and understand
that designing interior spaces is not just
about treatment and decoration.
It involves way much more this is why a very
comprehensive term like interior architecture
came up and has been widely and
popularly used since then.
Now, what distinguishes interior architecture
from other related disciplines?
There are
some important points which give interior
architecture its distinction its identity.
So, few
of the important ones here are this discipline
and closing structure and its context is
acknowledge and within this discipline, it
involves manipulation and experience of three
dimensional space not just surface treatment,
it primarily deals with forms and volume
not only two d shapes and surfaces.
So, this is very important this we have been
discussing throughout this module.
When we talk about a space in terms of three
dimensionality, in terms of volume the
third dimension and we are not treating it
just as a 2D surface like a shape.
So, that is
where interior architecture has a distinction
and it takes care of a very holistic approach;
It employees the sensory stimuli of sound,
touch, smell and site which are essential
of the interior experience.
It recognises light as a very important medium
for defining of
space, creating effect, producing the well
being for the inhabitants.
It employees
materials and colour as integral components
of the designed environment.
So, these are
few basic and very crucial important points
when we talk about interior architecture.
There are few projects in the field of interior
architecture we can just have a look at
them, so that we have more comprehensive understanding.
We also have demonstrations
and exemplary illustrations of what interior
architecture is about.
Most of the projects
that I am going to show you they have been
awarded, they have been recognised by AIA,
the American Institute of Architects.
And the award that is based upon them is institute
honour awards for interior architecture, these
are very prestigious awards.
So, this is one project the first one we will
start with this.
This is an office building for
digital marketing firm called the Barbarian
If you see here in the interior space over
here it is like a very interesting interiors
have given the conventional requirements at
an office space would require, but they have
done it in a very innovative way.
So, if we see this table which seems like
endless, it flows here in there, takes a turn,
takes rise and then dips and there are splashes
of it, here it again extends into another
So, this is called superdesk.
And here what we see is that the furniture
extends to
become the structure.
So, there is an identity, there is a defined
entrance through the
structure which then ends over here is furniture.
Then we see that there are gathering spaces,
there are lifting over pathways then there
are workspaces which are created here the
people can sit together and work.
So, this is
very interesting for me and just a little
idea which talks about the senses and designing
interior spaces very sensibly.
To give the details of the materials it uses
plywood which
is made of 870 unique laser cut panels and
the top surface is light reflecting it is
white in
colour absence of any colour, but it goes
so well with the ambience and the office space
that is needed.
So, the surface is light reflecting pearlescent
white with a clear epoxy coatings.
So, it
also has an epoxy coating.
So, this was a very fascinating project and
I really like that.
And this is Louisiana State Museum and again
it has been awarded by this prestigious
If you see here there are some keywords that
i have listed down.
So, if we see the
form along with that if we see the structure.
So, in this project there is a science of
marriage between form and structure there
is a synthesis.
So, my form and structure
everything seems integrated, it is not like
there is an outer envelope and then I have
things inside in a way with does not go with
the overall structure.
So, and then I see the play of light and the
lighting is little bit it is natural there
is some
lighting which is manmade.
So, there is a dialogue between the man made
and the
So, synthesis of form and structure is primarily
what I really liked in it and
another way to really distinguish this project
is by the way the lighting is done over here.
This was another interesting project.
Coming to the next one, these keywords will
really help us understand what these
projects stand out for and what are those
aspects of interior architecture that really
into the making of these project into creating
these spaces.
This is another office building
which is in Washington DC, if we see over
here there is a major play of light then there
is a major play of texture.
If we see this wall it has a nice texture
to it.
So, it gives us
textuality and it gives a certain kind of
experience to us.
There is a play of white again,
there is absence of colour, but white very
much does justice to this kind of tranquil
peaceful space that is required.
What is another thing that is very interesting
here is a physical and visual connection to
the building lobby.
So, the way there is a connection from this
level to this level and the
way there is this visual connect the way people
can interact or see things what is
happening around that was very interesting
And the architects have described it
very nicely that this project focuses on blurring
the line between circulation and enclosed
So, it is a very fascinating project again.
So, then another one project, this is a project
which is meant for musical and
technological fields we can see it is very
vibrant colourful, there is a play of primary
colours, there is blue, there is lot of red
over here.
Here this is red and blue, then we see
nice fixtures which also add to the space
and the experience within it here also we
there is a visual connect and there is an
So, the spatial planning is done in
such a way that there is an interaction people
can see through, they can discuss, they can
So, that kind of spatial planning is over
Interesting furniture is there we also see
a little of the carpet and the rug, how furnishings
and fabrics come into picture.
Then we talk about lighting, so there is also
lighting from
top the kind of roof form that has been designed.
So, there is natural light as well as
mechanical light.
So, colours, light, furniture, space frames
all in all creating a very nice
exuberant space that is another nice project.
This project is very very interesting and
I would like to spend the little time on this
So, this is crystal bridges museum of American
And this is something which I would
like to say that this slide tells what this
course is about role of craft and technology
interior architecture.
So, basically this project the design was
inspired by the works of a basket maker from
He is very famous for making baskets which
are sculpturally ribbed, which
talk about a structure and form.
So, if we see over here this is series of
224 parallel ribs
which are made of locally harvested cherry
So, local material is there, craftsmanship
is there, it is inspired from a basket maker
skills, how he creates forms and structures
and these parallel ribs which are harvested
from this local material they were digitally
fabricated directly from the firm’s building
information modelling delivery process.
So, this is again how craft and the skills
which will discuss later of course in the
second module can go into creating a nice
structure and space and experience for us.
Another example this is Illinois state capital
west wing restoration project.
It is known
for its exuberance the variety of materials
that we see over here, the interior architecture
Just look at the grandeur, and the kind of
richness, and the kind of detailing that we
over here.
The colours that we see which are very vibrant,
but still subtle they are not
over the top then the flooring over here also
other railing that we see.
So, lot of detailing
play of colours, play of materials over here
that is why this project also I found by very
This is another project which will give us
an idea about this discipline call interior
This is the very famous 9 11 memorial museum
which is a New York.
If we
see the picture over here visual connect like
this and it talks about time and space for
reflection and remembrance.
So, we all know why this was made for and
there are so
many people whose memories and experiences
are attached to this building.
So, this
creates that kind of experience for them.
And other important thing is surviving slurry
wall which is very revealed over here not
really concealed, not plastered, not coated
anything, so whatever slurry was remaining
from the original building that went into
constitution of this space.
Then there are lot of stories that the space
evokes and there is; obviously, a play of
and dark which is pay deliberately done to
create spaces and experiences.
Another project is Newport Beach Civic Centre
and what is interesting in this project is
that it has lot of clarity and openness.
It was designed for civic life in a Southern
California beach side community, it is very
simple yet it is very appealing it has this
rhythmic wave shaped roof, it is very well
lit, it has array interiors there are lot
ventilation then another very fascinating
thing is that it has views of the pacific
If you can glance through this over here there
are openings and their views, one could
have very nice views of the Pacific Ocean
and form and expression they are generated
place and sustainability.
So, this design goes by the vision of the
communit y, their
lifestyle, what kind of spaces do they prefer.
So, that way it is again a very holistic
This is another project this is not really
an awarded one, but here also if we see the
How the, you know the seating the material
used over here extends into wall and then
goes on to become the sealing and there is
entire form and structure play and this huge
nice view to the outside in the experiences
that are created within when you sit; So,
a very interesting project.
This is a very simple yet very interesting
project where the focus has been kept on
So, we see lot of materials over here stone,
timber, fabrics, flooring.
So, the
entire ambience that is created the entire
setting that is created, the kind of lighting,
it is open over here and there is lot of light
that comes in, the kind of colour palette
has been very wisely chosen and the justice
that is done to the entire space which is
The overview of the module so far what have
we discuss and a little bit more after that.
So, if we have to summarise what interior
architecture is basically about?
summarising it interior architecture is a
globally recognised career that focuses on
design of interior spaces.
It could be called as interior design with
architectural thinking.
It deals with understanding the built and
the natural environment.
It could focus on region to room approach
studying large outside spaces and smaller
interior spaces and how they influence each
It deals with spatial design and not
just with treatment or decoration.
It deals with creating spaces that encourage
interaction at large; Influencing people and
how they live, work, shop, travel.
It also
focuses on solving functional and aesthetic
Now, since we have an understanding of the
term interior architecture and we had a look
at you projects let us go ahead with understanding
the concepts, place and space because
more often than not we use them very wrongly
or interchangeably.
So, not going into too many details, but just
giving a brief overview.
The word ‘place’
has more substance than the word location
It is very particular or personal in
nature and it has an identity, history, memories,
experiences and meaning.
Whereas the
term space it suggest universality which can
be related to many people.
Space and place
together define the nature of geography.
So, it is very important that we understand
difference and apply them accordingly.
Now, just giving an overview of the different
types of interior spaces that can be created,
and the kind of interior architecture projects
that one could indulge in; These are some
major categories which are again identified
in listed by existing literature and scholars.
So, if we see the major categories retail
spaces is one, we have works paces, living
spaces, public spaces, there are spaces which
are transient in nature, the restorative
So, if we go by retail spaces the kind of
spaces or the kind of projects that one
would indulgent while doing retail spaces
would be shops, banks, showrooms,
restaurants, bars.
The work spaces, work spaces usually as a
name suggest some meant for work.
offices, workshop, studios, factories, living
spaces - these are majorly residential
buildings, hostel, accommodations, hotel accommodations,
public spaces.
So, airports,
railway, bus station, cinemas, theatres, museums,
galleries, religious, buildings all these
could come under the public spaces.
If we talk about the restorative spaces the
major projects would be hospitals, clinics
gymnasiums, spas.
Transient spaces they are very interesting
and transient in nature they
could be pavilions, exhibition, display galleries
and so many other projects, but these are
the major ones which have been identified.
Now, if we have to sum up what are the elements
and composition of interior space.
These would be largely as we dwell upon while
dealing with the architecture because
largely and ideally we are dealing with the
So, elements would be more or less
same, but we would be dealing them with a
little difference as far as the sensory
experience is concerned or lighting is concerned
or a play of colour is concerned.
So, the elements would be plain, scale, proportion,
vista, movement, transition and
So, all of this for this module we will not
go into much detail because we
will be seeing in subsequent modules how these
elements are applied in projects, so we
leave it at that, ok.
Before going ahead this is something very
important which is put on the slide.
Since we
had an understanding of space and place and
we are talking about interior architecture
maybe it is not bad to have a look at these
important terms, and these have been again
borrowed from the book fundamentals of interior
Just to give us an idea
what is structure, what is fabric, what is
façade, what is construction mean, what do
mean by a dialogue.
So, as stated technically the structure which
is designed in this book
is the arrangements of the various parts of
something and often referred to in architecture
as the assembled or constructed parts of the
Fabric, the main body of a building usually
the walls the floor the ceiling .Function,
is the purpose of designing that space what
is the practical use of it.
Facade; The exterior
plains on the front of a building that we
see from outside; Construction the placement
and interrelationship of structural elements.
Dialogue, the word dialogue is used in every
day speech to mean a verbal interchange between
people in the language of design, in
the same way the word is used to describe
the practical or sensory interaction between
the components of a whole scheme.
So, just to have an overview and understanding
these terms would be nice, let us just stay
with them and see how in the subsequent
modules we explore them.
Now, this is a very comprehensive list of
different kinds of courses which are offered
based on interior architectural globally.
And this is not a very exhaustive list the
list goes
on endlessly there are many more to add, but
these are the ones that are more popularly
known or which have proven to be very famous
and popular and which have resulted in
good interior architects who have come up
in research and practice.
So, Aalto University is one, then we have
UNSW Australia, University of Oregon,
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Boston Architectural
College is there, University of
Canberra is another one university of South
Australia, Victoria University in New
Zealand, then there is RISD Rhode Island School
of Design, we have CEPT University
in India, Academy of Art University which
is based this San Francisco and we have HFT
So, all of them of a degrees and courses on
interior architecture usually at
masters level, but in few cases it is also
at the bachelor’s level.
So, before ending this module on interior
architecture I would like to quote something
which has been with me since a very long time
since I have read about it.
It is a quote by
a famous Corbusier.
It is says “Space and lights and order,
those are the things that men need just as
much as
their need bread or a place to sleep.”
So, I think I let the thought settle without
saying anything and it means a lot what he
summed up in few words.
So, we will end with this module today.
These are the
references you can go for further reading
and this will help you a lot.
Thank you.