Welcome to this first lecture on the NPTEL course
on basic building blocks of microwave engineering.
Now the theme of this first week lecture will be
the mathematical model of microwave transmission.
You know that from the source, the electromagnetic
energy propagates. Now it propagates through
various channels and then reaches its destination
or receiver or sink. Now we will model this first
part of the transmission and when that theme the
first lecture today that will address this concept
of mode in microwave transmission. Myself Amitabha
Bhattacharya here in E & ECE department of IIT
Kharagpur. You can reach me in my email here.
Now let us see if we look at the universe,
when we are, if we look beyond our territory
that is earth, you see so many stars,
so many galaxies etcetera. Now do you know that
all of them, they radiate either light that's
why we are seeing them or they are also radiating
electromagnetic radiation and there is one Nobel
Laureate Michael Booth who measured and found
that in earth everywhere we have something like
2 degree Kelvin of microwave radiation always that
the background microwave radiation. So always we
are getting bombarded with microwave radiation, we
are living with it. Also, You know Sun emits solar
flare that's why when the solar flare reaches
earth, it's not always but sometimes when it
reaches solar flare is different from the normal
light, so solar flare when it reaches all the
activities in communication etc. They get stopped,
so ISRO has a calendar they keep track of when the
solar flare reaches us and that's why they notify
and that time although our satellites etc. they
stopped working because solar flare creates
magnetosphere and that creates huge magnetic,
electromagnetic field. All of you are familiar
with this site in rainy season you will see
lightning. Now you see a lightning striking the
earth. It is a huge source of electromagnetic
emission due to the high potential, high static
charge potential there is air gets breakdown and
that's why you see that due to that breakdown the
light gets produced, the sound get produced. Now
sound is not electromagnetic energy but this
light is and that reaches earth. It you know
if you try to receive this energy will get
killed but that energy comes here when it is
not striking neither a tree or anything but in
the whole atmosphere you are pervaded with these
terrestrial lightning. Then you see satellites,
natural satellites in the right side. In the left
side the man-made satellites huge number of them.
All of them are communicating with earth, by what,
by electromagnetic signal. So you are always
getting signals from them. Then you see, let us
see a typical family how we are surviving today,
there are Wi Fis, that is emitting electromagnetic
environment. You see satellite that is doing that,
you see TV that is doing that, you see mobile
phone nothing but electromagnetic radiation, you
see a ground station satellite, you see your tab
or pager something you see mobile phone you see
electric towers, you see so many devices. So we
are leaving with it. Now we need to understand
this environment, if we want to master this
technology, so let us see that electromagnetic
spectrum. You see starting from a soccer field
that large size of wavelength to what our molecule
etc. all our electromagnetic environment but we
won't talk with this whole spectrum our microwave
technology means. You see we have noted that radio
waves you can see that up to the soccer field
to roughly the baseball size of wavelength,
baseball diameter wavelength that is radio waves,
but after that from baseball to let us say this
a point dot that wavelength type of the radiation
for which wavelength is that long that is denoted
as microwave. As you can see that this is the
zone of microwave. So here will mainly talk with
that and just beyond that you see. If we go still
further in wavelength that means still higher you
know frequency you can appropriately see from here
we are reaching terahertz radiation. Now microwave
radiation as the technology is progressing day
by day, it is going towards terahertz radiation
and similarly this terahertz radiation also
coming day by day beyond. So almost these two
technologies are getting merged or I think when
you people will be finishing your carrier that
time it will be completely merged. So we need
to understand this technology and for that this
following lectures will help you to understand the
basics of that. Now you see from all these field
if I look at any environment, actually we are
doing in a particular place we were trying to map
the electromagnetic field distribution and it came
something like. This is a color plot , so you see
the red ones they are the maximum things, maximum
radiation level, electromagnetic radiation,
then it is coming down it's actually the radiation
density, electric field radiation density at that
point and you see that gradually it is going down.
Obviously this blue etc. those are very low but
you see there are various types of these field
distributions are possible. Now the question is,
if we want to understand and microwave
engineering then we need a model that is
the basic task of any engineering, that when we
try to analyze or we try to understand something,
we make a model. So that's why we say that if
you want to understand, you want to design, you
want to analyze any practical system, you want a
mathematical model. So for microwave transmission
system also we want model of this EM signal as
I shown you just before that, if I want to have
what is happening I need a model, mathematical
model of EM signal. Now EM signal again I have
listed for your convenience from that spectrum
graph that you know x-ray, light ray, infrared,
microwave, TV, radio, radar, mobile telephone,
landline telephone everything comes under EM
signal. Out of that I can say that microwave TV
then radar then somewhat mobile telephone these
are in our microwave zone. So the question is do
we need for each of these type of signals because
each of signal is different that's why they are
quiet listening at any place all these signals are
present. Now that means if I want to understand do
I need a model for each of the signal. Then my job
is just remembering all those models it will be a
huge task, so fortunately it's not so. So now all
the same signals they will be Maxwell's laws,
all EM signals light you know Sir J. C. Bose,
he proved that okay light is indeed a form of
electromagnetic radiation. So let us see light
and mobile phone signal now what can be light can
be seen what well phone signal cannot be seen but
still both of them obeys Maxwell situation.
There are various solutions of Maxwell's laws,
light signal is one such solution mobile phone
signal is another such solution radar signal is
another such solution etcetera etcetera. So do
I need to understand all these, so that means
let us make a set of all EM signals, so one can
make a set of all such EM signals. Are all these
signals independent? If it was then we had to
understand all these signals but no, answer is no,
fortunate for us there are a minimal number of
independent solutions such that all EM signals
can be expressed as linear combinations of them.
So you see that though there are various solutions
but they are not independent there is a minimal
list of independent solutions and all solutions
are linear combinations of them. So that we are
fortunate and these minimal number of independent
solutions are called modes. So you see that people
generally say that modes, what is a mode, modes
are solutions of Maxwell's equation. I say it is
partly to the answer because any electromagnetic
signal as I said that light signal or a microwave
signal or a radar signal that is also solution of
electromagnetic signal but all signals are
not called modes. Modes are the number of
independent solutions minimal number in which we
can express. Now those who are familiar with set
theory they understand that basically this we can
call as a basis set. You see if I have a set of
signals then there is a minimal number of sets my
minimal number of elements of that set in terms of
which I can express all the elements of that set.
That set it all the Macey said like for electric
electrical signals pre-approved the famous furrier
by his period theorem we proved that okay you can
take a exponential basis 8 to express all sorts
of electrical signal that's why today we take
either cause our sign or sinusoidal signal
we analyze that and say okay we know all the
signals because all the signals can be linearly
expressed like that. So Fourier took a basis set
okay there are other basis sets also possible.
Now modes, it's precise definition means modes
are mutually independent solutions of Maxwell's
equation such that every possible electromagnetic
field configuration can be expressed as a linear
combination of the modes. so for our learning
purpose if I understand the field distribution
in a mode then I can construct any signal,
so my model requires that what will be the this
modes field distribution. So let us come that
obviously when Em signal is produced there needs
to be a source, that source may be near the signal
because electromagnetic signal propagates as
a wave. So when I am looking at the signal the
source may be near may be far away but to start
with one kind of source is a point source. Now
point source is actually an ideal source like
the concept of point in geometry which you know
that it's an abstraction similarly ideal so point
source it's an ideal source it's an abstraction no
real source is a point source. All distance stars
as you showing in the first slide that you see so
many stars but they appear to be us as a somewhat
not point something more but if we are really far
away then all distance starts appearance point to
our eyes but if we go closer to the star, what we
see we see the star it's a huge size there are
a variety of contours there are mountains here,
there are rivers here, there are caves here,
craters here etcetera etcetera. So any faraway
distributed source of EM field is considered
as a point source and if the source is nearby
then we know what is its contour so we can say
that it is summation of all those point source.
So any distributed source nearby we call it is
summation of point sources. Now point source it
radiates equally in all direction, this point
it does not have a preference of radiation to
any particular direction. Again I am reminding
that no real source is a point source, every
real source has a preferred way of radiating, a
preferred direction in which it radiates more than
others but when we idealize or when we learn thing
point source we define as which radiates equally
in all directions. So this that means that does
origin there is a point source so in all possible
directions you are giving a wave can be seen
equally bright in all directions you have not seen
anything till now which does like that but ideally
you can say because if you observe a distance
star, now in the art if you move reasonable
distance suppose in a region etcetera you don't
think that there is any change in that, that means
that is as a to you it is appearing as a point
source but if you really travel far then you are
traveling much so something suppose from northern
hemisphere to southern hemisphere if you come
then you would see that okay that is changing.
So we can say that energy is coming equally in
all direction from point source and people have
found out the solutions for that it has been seen
that image spherical waves in all directions. So
if you are a center of a sphere then the energy is
equally going along larger and larger spheres and
coming to you. At a particular distance from the
source if we connect all the equal amplitude and
equal phase points that means whose any field
electric field or magnetic field it's equal
amplitude and equal phase points if you connect
then the locus becomes a spherical surface. so
it's phase front is called spherical so that means
when elect any point source is electromagnetic
signal then at a particular distance if we connect
all the equal amplitude and equal phase that means
equal signals where they are then if we connect
that that becomes a spherical surface. That's why
we say that point source emits spherical waves
in all directions. Now at a large distance from
the source you know that sphere if you go on
constructing larger and larger spheres now very
large sphere at a particular place you will see
that the spherical surface is almost becoming a
planar surface. So that's why we are saying that
at a large distance from the source this spherical
surface becomes approximately a plane. Then these
waves are called plane waves. Now we'll see plane
waves and or you have already seen plane waves in
EM theory plane waves means in that plane there
are electric field vector magnetic field vector
they don't have any variation they are constant
over the plane that is called uniform plane
wave. First plane wave that all equal amplitude
and equal phase points they are plane and then
if you have uniform plane which is a variety
of plane wave where they will have the there is
no variation in that plane of the amplitude or
phase of that thing. So that plane waves you have
seen already its solution we have seen in anything
it is that Cos Omega t minus KZ type of thing
or e to the power minus kz did that thing. So
for plane waves, you have also seen that electric
field vector magnetic field vector and direction
of in EM energy propagation of EM energy direction
that form a right-handed orthogonal triplet. This
you have already seen. So for plane waves this is
two. Now we see the second type of or an another
type of source instead of point source suppose
we have all these are obstructions but it will
help you to understand what is a source and how
it radiates. Suppose we have an infinite sheet of
surface current source that means a whole plane
where we have a one directed surface current.
It is called sheet of surface current source,
so here we have taken that in the Z is equal
to 0 plane the sheet of surface current source is
like. So what we have written that not only point
sources some other sources also can produce waves
whose electric and magnetic field vectors both are
orthogonal to the wave propagation direction. So
consider an infinite sheet of conducting surface
current density let us call that surface current
density Js and consider obviously since we are
talking of electromagnetic field that means this
is not a DC current it is an AC current that I
am writing consider time varying GS the surface
current density is time varying it has a time
function it is dependent function of T and also
for simplicity I have assumed that it is in the XY
plane it is X directed it can lie in any direction
but we can orient our XY thing so that for a
simplicity it becomes X directed thing. Now since
you see this source, this source it is an infinite
source though my drawing does not be present but
in XY plane it has an infinite variation actually
there is an X here you'll see this is X though I
don't think it isn't mixed with the contour so in
XY plane it is infinite. So since it is infinite
and you know that if there is an electric there
is an conduction current that means in that
direction there are the electric field also. So
if J s is in X Direction obviously the electric
field results from in the X direction but since
there is no variation in the whole infinite plane
in either X or Y, please remember that it may be
X directed the current is X directed electric
field is also X detected but they don't have any
variation because the whole source doesn't have
any variation in the neither X or Y direction but
it definitely has a variation in the Z direction
because suddenly it is here just at Z is equal to
zero - it is not there at Z is equal to zero plus
it is not there. So it has a variation only in the
Z direction but in X or Y direction it doesn't
have any variation so this type of source. So
due to the discontinuity as I was saying in the
Z is equal to 0 plane, there will be EM waves
propagating away from the source in plus minus
Z direction. This will always remember that if
there is any source as a discontinuity that it
is suddenly there and then not there then it will
radiate. So it will radiate obviously in plus
minus Z direction and already we have discussed
that the electric field is x detected the movement
electric the propagation of wave or propagation of
energy is in Z direction. Now let us put the you
all know boundary conditions of electromagnetic
fields. So boundary condition and Z is equal to 0
if we apply we know that what this is saying you
know n is a normal vector so n cross e 2 minus e
1 that means what tangential component should be
continuous tangential component of the electric
field should be continuous that is a boundary
condition 1 of electromagnetic field. Similarly
the tangential component of magnetic field n cross
H 2 minus H 1 that is discontinuous and the amount
of discontinuity is the surface current density it
is a second boundary condition of electromagnetic
field. In our this particular case n is the
outward normal, so n is positive az directed
and e 1 H 1 we are calling it is the electric
and magnetic field in region 1. Region 1 we are
defining as Z less than 0 that means below the
current sheet and Z greater than zero is above the
current sheet where the fields are E2 H 2 that's
why we have written this boundary condition. Now
to satisfy this boundary condition n is a Z so a
Z cross e 2 minus e 1 we know that e 2 minus e 1
will come then the H 2 minus H 1, so az it cross
this is equal to some X component. So obviously it
says that H 2 and H Y they must have Y component,
simple mathematics. So we can write the fields as
e1 phasor that will be equal to in ax directed and
then we assume some amplitude a first we assumed
since H 1 is y directed, so H 1 let us assume in
the lower one you see to satisfy that equation
in lower one it will be minus so minus a Y,
a is some amplitude then we know that the field
is propagating in Z direction means it's variation
will be e to the power JK not z and you want an
h1 we know that always they are related by the
wave impedance in free space it is propagating so
eta not the intrinsic impedance of free space, so
there e1 will be like this similarly at Z greater
than 0 we can write h2 any to some other constant
B amplitude and some other constant B here. So A
B needs to be found out. So to satisfy boundary
condition 1 we get A is equal to B to satisfy
boundary condition 2 we get this so solving we
get that A and B their values we get. So by that
we can find out that there is an electromagnetic
field, so we see that it also produce surface
current infinite surface current that produces
an electric field so that you can have the
propagation in the plus minus Z direction. Now
so in this case also you see that we have electric
and magnetic field vectors both are orthogonal to
the wave propagation Direction Z. So you see that
E and H they are all lying in XY plane the wave is
going in Z direction the E and H field doesn't
have any component in the propagation direction
this is the first mode that we introduce that
if and both the electric and magnetic field they
are lying on the transverse plane that means
transverse to the direction of propagation
then we call that as TEM mode or transverse
electromagnetic mode. To any propagation direction
one can draw infinite number of perpendiculars
that means if we have any direction to that
you can draw a perpendicular so all these are
perpendicular to it you can have many because
with this I can have this as a perpendicular with
that I can have other perpendiculars also. So but
all these perpendiculars they will lie in a plane
that is in this transverse plane, so this plane so
there any line is perpendicular and now electric
field vector can lie along any of these infinite
number of perpendiculars. Now in the transverse
plane we can always find in a plane we can find
allways a couple or another perpendicular,
two perpendicular couple we can always locate,
so along the perpendicular to the electric plane
we can always locate another perpendicular which
is a magnetic field vector. So this TEM wave is
a mode then in a guided structure like in normal
coaxial transmission line these mode propagates
in unguided fields that means when we radiate
by antennas then at a far off distance from the
antenna this is become say TEM wave that we have
discussed that from that starts when we are far
away they becomes plane waves plane waves are an
example of TEM mode but reverse is not true apart
from plane waves also there are many examples of
TEM wave field distribution, so any antenna is
a distribution of point sources so at a far off
distance from the antenna the radiated field
show TM mode field distribution. This is the
TEM mode field distribution you see that it is in
a coaxial line we get this type of distribution
here you see that we have so many all this
is only electric field and I am showing it
is entirely in the XY plane the propagation is
taking place in the Z direction. So it is the
magnitude is changing as you see from the color
plot but it is streaming. So you see if we look
in the Z direction this is Z direction the in
the transverse plane there is no Z component,
so this is an example of a TEM field distribution.
Now let us see an infinite line source,
so this Z directed instead of a infinite sheet of
current which produces TEM waves we are now seeing
an infinite line source so the source is a line
infinite line. il let us call now in the Z plane
will be the transverse plane to these consider
an infinitely long conducting line current source
no magnetic field can exist along this infinite
line source that is bias about law or Maxwell's
law that you if you have a current source magnetic
field is always perpendicular to that that means
in the along this line source there is no magnetic
field component. So where is the magnetic field
vector, then it should lie along the transverse
plane that means that Z is equal to 0 plane,
so magnetic field should lie there. Now electric
field vector can be anything but we have already
seen TEM case. So we say that there both the
electric field vector and magnetic field vector
works in the perpendicular plane. Here we say that
since we are trying to see whether another mode is
possible another solution of Maxwell's equation
is another independent solution is possible,
so that's why we are checking that electric field
vector should not be lying entirely in this plane
because if it lies in Dell enhancement that
is a TEM case. So if it is in this plane we
are going back to the TEM case, so we are trying
to say another fundamental variety of mode. So
electric field vector should have a component in
this transverse plane as well as some component
along the line source direction. So this mode is
called transverse magnetic that means magnetic
field is entirely in the a plane and if you do
the mathematics this line source gives that TEM
mode it doesn't give any TM mode the energy
is propagating how energy is propagating if
you consider that considering that line current
as an axis if you consider a cylinder throughout
that cylinder surface the energy is propagating
these waves are called cylindrical waves. Their
field distribution is TM field distribution.
This is a TM field distribution this comes in
we'll see later in circular type of wave guides
not coaxial cable that means only one conductor
is here. So in a hollow metallic pipe cylindrical
pipe you see electric field vector it is like this
also electric field vector we are showing in the
any between thing at X is equal to zero it has a
longitudinal component. This is an example of a
transverse magnetic mode. Now consider another
example that instead of that line source let us
make a loop, infinite loop of current. Current
calling I, so consider an infinite loop obviously
the electric field will be azimuthal you see at
every point electric field is because it should
be in the direction of this conduction current
there is a conduction current here. So it is in
the ePHI direction that is called azimuthal and
entirely lying in the Z 0 plane. You see here if
I you all are lying in the Z is equal to 0 plane.
So the magnetic field vector should not be lying
entirely in this plane, why because then we are
going back to the TEM case. Again that same logic
so magnetic vector should have a component in the
transverse plane and also some component along
the Z direction. These waves are called TE modes,
their field distribution is like this.
This comes in will see in waveguides,
you are familiar with that, that it is an example
of a T10 mode, this type of various modes but all
of them they have that you see in the transverse
plane the electric field is lying, we are seeing
in a longitudinal plane you see it is basically
the waveguide between that if we can see we'll see
that field distribution is like this. There is no
component which is in the Z direction, so electric
field is entirely in the transverse direction
and as I was saying that with mixing this type of
various modes you see three TEM type of electric
field distribution if they are mixed then you
get a field distribution like this. So all these
various things but all are linear combinations of
these modes so a particular field may be suppose
when in a coaxial line transmission line you can
have all the modes possible TEM, TE, TM all the
then can be possible. You know waveguides you
cannot have TM and so if you see the actual field
distribution you will see something haphazard but
if you break it into these components you will
then understand that how much of TE how much
of TM and which type of TE you also have various
with numbers these two numbers they are giving two
dimensional phones so various numbers are possible
so with that you get all the real-life signals. So
if you understand modes you can easily break the
fields into these modes and then your analysis
will proceed. So that was our first lecture that
what is the concept of mode I think I have tried
to make you understand there are three fundamental
modes TM TE and T0 and wherefrom they come we have
given you examples that which type of sources
can produce a pure of that variety in real life
you have a source which is mixture of all these
various sources I have shown so with that they
produce various types of TM TE T0 now we need a
supporting structure which can carry that so that
energy will be coming from transmitter to receiver
that we will see one by one in the next lecture.