Hello all and welcome to this first module
of optical communications mook course in this
module I will give you a brief overview of
optical fiber communications the idea is not
be very comprehensive if you do not understand
one or two topics here or if you d not understand
most of the topics here do not worry the entire
course is for this expanding up on what we
are going to cover today we will be revisiting
all the topics that we discuss in a very brief
manner the idea of this over view is t tell
you what is optical communications.
Capable of doing and how it performs this
function that it is very well known for that
and we will also discuss the course plan suggested
text book and references and we will began
with considering the overview of optical fiber
communications my name is Pradeep Kumar K
and I am department of electrical engineering
IIT Kanpur my email ID is given here on the
screen so feel free to contact me once the
course starts we can talk about the questions
that you will have.
So the outline here for the overview is that
we will first motivate the requirement for
optical fiber communications and then we talk
about the point to point.
Optical communication link I will talk specifically
about modulation and transmission also introduce
you to receivers finally I will discuss optical
fibers remember all these topics are going
to be covered in the entire detail for the
rest of the course the idea here is to familiarize
due with what is optical fiber communications
and how is it currently deployed and what
are the elements that going to making in optical
fiber communication system.
Now before we get into optical fiber communications
here is a slide which I want to show you this
slide was taken from Cisco global IP traffic
forecast which was couple of years ago it
was published and it is it makes very interesting
reading here you can see that the data traffic
or the global IP traffic keeps on increasing
from the values around 60 exabytes/ month
to the projected 170 or 168 exabytes/ month
by the year 2019.
We are already in the year 2016 and the exabytes/month
of the global IP traffic is already touching
100 exabytes/month now this is just a IP traffic
if you look at global traffic the global data
rates are expected to exceed 2 zettabytes
/month by the year 2019 in another 3 years
we are expected to reach more than 2000 more
than 2 zettabytes/ month to put this number
zettabyte into context 1 zeetabyte allows
you to store one trillion movies each movie
assuming at 1 gigabytes that is a non HD format
most movies are available with 1 gigabytes
of the size and you can store one trillion
movies this is the entire movie in all of
the different movie industries in the world
put together this number would not be exceed.
So you have you see that by the 2019 this
is the kind of data traffic that this expected
to be there for the entire world and this
traffic implies that then world must be connected
with very high speed data network.
If you look closely at what applications drive
this IP traffic you will see that much of
the application is by the internet video something
that you would appreciate it including this
online lecture that is that you are viewing
currently comes and into the category internet
video and you can see that there is about
40% or 45% of the entire traffic is excepted
to be that but by the year 2019 this number
is excepted to go up to 64% so we expect that
internet video will become is already dominating.
It will become even more dominating as the
years go by the next application that is consuming
lot of data is IP video on demand then there
are web data and file sharing with which you
know can share files to your friends you can
share some documents that comes up and finally
there is gaining which does not really see
much of a improvement out there, so this applications
all consume enormous amount of data and these
applications are also sensitive to delay.
You do not want to view a video in which one
frame of the video comes now and the next
frame of the video comes 1 or 2 seconds later
that kind of delay is unacceptable so once
the steaming starts you want the entire video
to be delivered to you are streamed to you
unfortunately this video traffic is not always
up steam that is this video traffic is almost
always consumed by the consumers rather than
consumers putting out videos and you know
putting down the connection from the other
However we also expect such certain novel
applications to come up such video calling
and pear to pear services they are expected
to make traffic symmetric so that the load
on the network distributes evenly between
consumers as well as the data centers if you
look at the context of India internet in India
is one of the rapidly expanding recourse and
it is very clear why that is so because now
more and more people are getting connected
through internet by either private networks
or though public sector networks which are
governed by the government of India.
And this internet traffic is expected to go
even more higher because of such initiatives
by the government such as online course which
is are again expected to increase rapidly
in addition t that consumer data traffic also
drives the internet traffic in India and India
is one of the fastest growing country in terms
of internet traffic we expect that IP traffic
are when I say we actually I mean the Cisco
expects Cisco networks expects that the IP
traffic in India will exceed 2 exabytes/ month
by the 2017.
Okay now we ask well we are seeing lot of
data being communicated now what actually
does it take to communicate what infrastructure
is required for me communicate at such high
data rates and possibly with very low delay
that is the network or the infrastructure
must be fast enough in order to perform all
these functions to transfer the data it must
also calls no delay okay well two characteristic
of communication come up very naturally one
is that you are looking at long distance communications.
Why are we looking at long distance communications
remember your data centre might be located
in the united states and you might be sitting
in India and accessing some data from the
data centre which means that you are on two
different continents and you are now connected
though a infrastructure communication infrastructure,
it is of course not only two users there are
millions and billions of users who are connected
where internet and this internet spans continents
In order to have long distance communication
you also want the communication channel to
have very, very low loss what happens if the
communication channel has a high loss then
what ever data that you are transmitting in
certain form that will be lost before it reaches
the destination and we are talking about thousands
of kilometer of transmutation of data from
one point to another point therefore in order
sustain this long distance communication the
communication channel that you use in the
network infrastructure must have low loss.
Well there was a very interesting idea that
someone suggested to as to why should you
have a communication channel at all what if
you possible that you take All the DVD’s
whatever data that you want to communicate
put all the DVD’s and post it or carrier
then to the destination well it can be done
the data rate will be certainly very high
you can imagine you know a truck load of DVD’s
being delivered to you and the data in each
DVD would be around 4 or 5 gb let us say so
that entire data is available to you at the
Right when it is delivered to you however
this transporting DVD form one point to another
point when you are far way across the continents
will involve significant delay so you cannot
have 10 frames of CD of a move arriving to
you by post toady and the reaming 20 frames
arriving in the next post so that is a significant
delay in this idea so that is that brings
up to another aspect of communication we want
communication at long distances you know contentedly
However we want this communication to happen
rather fast we do not want significant delay
in this communication also because it is suppose
to carry a large data rate the communication
channel most have a large band width right
so large bandwidth less delay are two other
characteristics of long distance communications
that you would like to have the traditional
communications which were happening over copper
I do not think you would find copper cables
anymore and for a very good reason is because
data rates cannot be supported in the range
of gigabytes / second and when we say gigabytes/
second this is on the low ball that we are
looking at low ball park that we are looking
at the data rate typically that current communication
infrastructure supports is around 10 of gigabytes/
So it is clear that copper cables or any other
solution you can think of satellite you can
think of the acoustic way kind of communication
none of those communication technologies are
able to support data rates in gig bits per
second, the third and one of the recent match
characteristic of communication that has now
come to all of us is that users also want
the data on go.
That is I have a smart phone you are the smart
phone and you want to watch video not sitting
at a home or not turning on your PC or connecting
to the television via internet what you would
like to have is that you’re walking or your
running and you want to also watch video or
you are travelling from this one point to
another point and you want to watch video
that is tram that is streamed to your smart
This is what we call as data on the go, however
for this to happen the infrastructure must
support mobile communications and this mobile
communication which is implemented in the
form of wireless technology today still requires
a high speed wired backbone network in order
to give you mobile communications as when.
So this backbone network connects to stations
and towers that are used in the wireless communication
Now if you ask what technology addresses all
these issues there is only one technology
which is currently making all these communication
that I talked about with all the nice attractive
features of long distance, low loss, high
data rate, low or a less relay is made possible
by fiber optic communication and fiber optic
communication today can support data rates
in excess of one tera but per second super
channels well these are lap demonstration
they are not have been operational in the
actually world.
But data rates of 40 Gbps are currently available
so much of the new network that private network
operators are setting up is running a 10 or
its next cousin at 40 Gbps.
So there is already 40 GBPS available and
if you look at the aggregate data the aggregate
data rates are in excess of tera bit per second,
now this is very importunate to aggregate
data is in tera bit per second, okay.
1 tera bit is 1000 times billion so you can
imagine the kind of data rate that is possible
with current optical communication technology,
no other communication technology such as
satellite, warless, copper cable whatever
communication technology that I can think
of can provide such high data rate at such
low losses, okay.
Now how optical fiber communications was made
Well optical communications has been in existence
since around 1917 and two discoveries which
were made simultaneously these two seminal
discoveries made optical fiber communications
possible, the first one was the fabrication
of glass optical wave guides or what are now
known as optical fibers which allowed us to
reach the so call magic number of 20Dp/km
and this work was performed by certain group
of people at conic laboratories.
Where they fabricated a silica glass with
attenuation less than 20 degree per kilometer,
now magic number of 20 degree per kilometer
comes from the older technology where the
copper cables add this kind of loss the copper
cables that used that per used for communication
for telephony and other things.
They had this loss of 20 degree per kilometer
therefore there was a rush to try and get
to that magic number of 20 degree per kilometer
with optical fibers.
So if the fiber could deliver attenuation
of less that this number then copper cables
would be replace because silica is cheap is
abundantly available glasses can be made with
very little loss, now that is another interesting
point us to how this losses where reduce and
losses per initially very high, losses were
at 1000 degree/ kilometer when this concept
of optical fibers where suppose and then the
loss steadily decrease and now it was now
in the 1917 it was around 20 degree/ kilometer.
From there the loss has been reduced to the
theoretical limit of around 0.15 degree/ kilometer
today loss are around 0.15 degree/ kilometer
therefore you can kind of forget about loss
as a major impairment in optical communication
systems, loss is almost not unimportant issue
The other thing that made possible optical
communications was the fabrication of a room
temperature laser, now laser if you, you know
think about laser first thing that would come
to your mind is the huge helium, neon lasers
or kind of different carbon dioxide lasers,
these lasers you know all work a different
wavelength they all emit light at different
But one of the characteristic that comes to
our mind when we say laser is that, these
are very bulky, they occupy large area and
they have to be cool always, so if you look
at carbon dioxide laser there is a cooling
liquid such as water that is flowing around,
also in order to cool the placing medium.
So this kind of operation made that you could
not really use this laser in conjunction with
optical fiber and that is where semi conductor
laser’s fabricated.
These are known as double hetero structure
fabric diode cavity lasers and these lasers
have distractive features that you can control
the lasing power by simply varying the current
to the laser and this came in a very small
form factor and most importantly, this did
not require external cooling mechanism and
they were able to work at room temperature.
So they did not require this huge in stuff
but they were able to work at room temperature
and these two together now you have a laser
optical source and you have a optical fiber
which is the guiding mechanism, so you can
take light from the laser modulate, so that
you can put the information on the optical
And then couple that one to the guiding medium,
there at the receiver end, you put up a photo
diode, which is again a semi conductor device
which can again be fabricated on the chip
and then the corresponding circuitry can be
arranged on the chip, as well and then you
have your full optical communication link,
so you have the source in the form of a laser,
you have an optical fiber which is the guiding
mechanism at the end you will have a photo
diode or photo detector.
So optical fiber communication suggested was
not possible without having this room temperature
lasers and the development of low loss optical
The concept of optical fibers was not really,
in fact the concept of optical communication
was not really new, long time ago I know about
hundreds of years, two thousand of years ago
people use to communicate by you know with
this smoke signals, if something happened
you burn some wood and then the smoke signal
go up, the person at some other distance can
view the smoke signal and then say that something
must have happened.
This kind of visual communication by the smoke
signal or by lighting up torches and then
relying the information was known, people
used light for communications.
But, of course the thing with that those communications
are there extremely low data rate and they
are susceptible to lot of problems because
of the channel and weather conditions and
the distance between which you could perform
the communication was limited.
So you light up a torch, it can only go so
far before that other person cannot see anything.
So these were characterized by very low data
rates, they were characterized by short distances
and high amount of loss because of the weather
condition, things started improving and people
in the 1960’s came up with the idea of using
optical wave guides or with the idea of glass
fibers, you know these fibers which are very
thin or suppose to guide light using the mechanism
of total internal reflection, so this was
proposed however, load of optical fibers were
not available, because the fabricated optical
fiber at significant impurities from the w3ater
content in the fabrication.
Then people refined the fabrication process
and finally what came was a low loss optical
fiber, throughout this 10 year journey where
optical fibers proposed and their losses were
reduced in the year 1970.
There was couple of people who were campaigning
the cause of optical communications and one
of this person was Charles Kao who jointly
won noble prize for campaigning the cause,
for popularizing the cause of optical fiber
He won a noble prize in the year 2009, today
however low loss optical fibers are available,
lasers are available and then high data rate
communication is enabled today in addition
to fibers, lasers, detectors all this improvements,
today there is a significant communication
technology enabled in the form of coherent
detection plus digital signal processing,
coherent detection was used in the first three
generations of the optical networks, however
there coherent detection was very difficult
top scale up for higher bit rates, today coherent
detection is combined with digital signal
processing which makes the data rates at 100
Gbps and next now the next technology at 400
Gbps and beyond.
If you look at how a typical optical communication
looks, this is how it looks, of course I dint
put all the components necessary over here.
We have a data that is almost always digital,
this data is mapped to appropriate, by using
an appropriate mapping technology we will
talk about what is mapping is and what is
modulation methodology is later, in this case
it is called as Qpsk modulator, from this
Qpsk modulator you take the map data, this
is still in the base band or in the digital
domain, this is still that data needs to be
over the optical fiber.
In order to transmit it over optical fiber
you need to modulate this data onto a laser,
laser is the optical source, optical carrier;
you modulate the laser and then transmitted
over the fiber you can choose to compensate
for certain fiber impairments inside the link
itself this is known as in line dispersion
compensation do not worry if you do not understand
dispersion compensation we will talk about
it later so this is the standard single more
fiber whose loses are pretty low and this
will work in the wave length range 15, 15
nanometer so this current optical communication
technology was in the range of 15, 15 nanometer
and these GS and GD are the optical amplifiers
these are use to overcome whatever the losses
that are there in the channel okay so you
will have multiple fetch what is called as
span so these spam consisting of a single
mod optical fiber.
And an amplifier so you have multiple such
spans forming together to the channel at the
receiver you have a local oscillator which
will mix with the incoming signal and then
produce in face and quarter components these
in face and components are analog signals
are these are the currents are voltages in
the electrical domain they will which are
continuous but they will be sampled using
very high speed analog to digital converters
once we have sampled to combined the digital
samples and perform the rest of the signal
It could be face estimation it could be carriers
frequency offset estimate it could be anything
else you perform all the signal processing
eventually you try to recover the data of
course so the not always be able to recover
the data because lot of things can go wrong
in this communication system and you are one
of the objectives of optical fiber communication
system the design objective is to minimize
the error between what you are sending and
what you are receiving we will quantify more
stringent error criteria in the next module
okay so key technologies that are driving
optical fiber communication.
Today or spectrally efficient modulation you
want to modulate your data on to the carrier
in such a way as to minimize the total occupied
bandwidth okay so for a given bandwidth you
want to sequencing as much as data as possible
then you also have to do come preprocessing
at their transmitter side by performing some
error correction this is called as forward
error correction.
This is in anticipation of things that can
go wrong in the channel you also performed
digital signal processing at the end and then
you also need to performance monitoring or
in it actively monitor the performance of
various blocks in this optical communication
system so as to consistently deliver high
data rates.
If you look at hoe optical fiber communication
involved at the beginning you had in the 1970s
the first generation optical fibers they were
working in the 800 nanometer reign the data
rates were pretty small and the distance over
which you could communicate was also small
SMS was introduced in 83 at the same time
DSP laser was also introduced of course before
that the laser that were used for fabric cavity
laser so we will talk about them later and
once SMS was introduced at the wave length
was push to 15, 15 nanometer the data rate
became 2.5gb PF that was the third generation
optical network the first generation was working
with 800 nanometer and multi mode fibers.
They were not very fast or they did not have
pretty high data rate the rate were in some
40 to 45 mega bits per second later in the
second generation optical communications systems
the operating wave length was move to 1300
nanometers because that happens to be a smaller
attenuation compared to 800 nanometers however
this smaller attenuation actually this smaller
also has 0 dispersion there single more optical
fiber then so called 652 de optical fiber
has 0 dispersion wave length or 1300 nanometer
which means that you do not have to worry
about dispersion in that band.
And that was made very attractive later lot
of other problems came up and the attenuation
was not as small has be through so there was
one more window which opened up at 15, 15
nanometer that was a third generation opt6ical
communication systems were the data rate sorry
where the attenuation was at is lowest at
15, 50 nanometer the attenuation is lowest
dispersion is not low but it can be but it
can be managed okay so this third generation
data rate was 2.5gb PS the detection mechanism
for coregent action so you had to have a local
oscillator and we have to control the face
of the local oscillator and you have to control
the fact of the local oscillator very accurately
with respect the incoming optical signal.
This was a very challenging task but the advantage
was that the sensitivity can be pushed up
to 628DB okay so third up to third generation
current detection systems were very widely
used something very radical happened in the
late 80s where people discovered an optical
amplifier that to take fiber that would be
couple with fiber at the input and it produce
a five I mean it would produce an output through
the fiber that could be coupled at the output
and the amplifier itself was made of fiber.
Which could be easily pumped by having one
more optical element at the input called a
pump diode laser or a pumped diode okay pump
laser now this amplifier is called as Erbium
diode amplifier it is structure I very similar
to the single mode fiber however this single
mode fiber when you dope with this Erbium
irons will allow you to amplify optical singles
the best part of this optical amplifier that
is the erbium dope optical amplifier was that
you did not have to convert your input optical
signals into electrical signals and then amplify
this was in all optical amplifier you have
Multiple channels coming in and all this channels
could be amplified simultaneously by using
the Erbium doped fiber amplifier so you could
use this Erbium dope fiber amplifier to amplify
optically all the signals that also let to
the concept of w DM systems that is instead
of sending only one carrier in the optical
fiber communication you now break up the available
spectrum into multiple channels you modulate
each channel with data communication from
different sources you put all of them together
into an optical multiplexer.
And then send it over the fiber if the fiber
is getting I mean if the data is getting loss
because of the fiber loses you simply put
an optical amplifier in the form of an it
for amplify all the channels simultaneously
and then transmit over the next or the remaining
part of the fiber network so this advantage
of having WDM systems and later to dens WDM
system so DW DM systems meant that you could
be pack in lot many channels and each contributing
data rates of at least 2.5 to 10gb PS of the
data rate so you have an aggregate.
Data rate which was already going up this
WDM technology was the one which made possible
internet connections because it delivered
very high data rates to the users were connected
very far away distances of course from there
you see that the data rates have pushed up.
Increasing and increasing and this is a figure
which is quite old now this is up to the year
2010 but you can see that already at 2010
you have systems demonstration such as 112
Giga bits per second and there are 112 channels
in the aggregate so the total data rate is
112/112 the experimental reach already came
in the system operation already came with
100G that is now going to be standardized
very shortly so in between you had 2.5 10GB
PS from 10 it when to an intermediate 40GB
PS stage from 40 we are now at 100G.
So current technology is at 100 Giga bits
per second technology so we will see what
makes the current technology and enables the
current technology as we go along with the.
Course now one thing which I would like to
emphasis is that optical communications earlier
work quite simple if you take a standard text
book on optical communications which was published
in the year 90s or 80s you would see that
modulations implement changing the laser current
according to the signal that you want to sent
and detections implement you put a receiver
photo detector and then follow it up whether
receiver amplifier so this is all your receiver
consistent of a detector and amplifier.
So in a way the communication system was very
simple you had a simple transmitter you had
a simple structure for receiver however with
this you know the current trends in optical
communications which show that high data rates
can be achieved what they have done is that
in order to get this high data rates per channel
and not a efficiently utilize the spectrum
and to lower the cost per but for the consumer
we have lost that simplicity the moderator
structure is now complicated the receiver
structure is even more complicated and the
enabling technology all have to go in order
to ensure that higher data rates per channel
are achieved and of course the.
Advantages is that if you do this higher order
higher data rates per channel then you are
efficiently utilizing the spectrum and so
as a consumer there will be less amount of
cost per bit that you consume or that you
transmit over the network so higher infrastructure
cause go for telecom companies which they
will then recover by appropriately pricing
their strategies okays so the point I want
to make was we have increase the data rate
at the cost of simpler transmitter sent receivers.
To get back to what communication means communications
is a very old concept even now I am communication
of course this is a one way communication
because I am talking and your listening and
hopefully my ideas which have been speaking
for the last 20 30 minutes it is going into
you so this is one kind of communication a
which requires a person who is communication
a medium which is internet in this particular
lecture series and a listener who will listen
and interpret what the sender is saying so
you have a sender you have channel and the
receiver of course the receiver can also.
Send something back not at the same time so
you have these two parties which can communicate
over the channel in a by lateral way so sender
can become a receiver, receiver can become
a sender after sometime, the idea for the
sender would be to send messages as fast as
possible and make as many less errors as possible
so the communication channels must ensure
which the communication channel will separates
the sender and the receiver must ensure that
messages are be delivered faster and they
are being delivered with almost no errors.
If you look at a typical communication system
there are certain layers in which the communication
system is organized in order to much, in order
to facilitate the entire communication process
at the top you have an application layer for
example, if I am typing an email to be send
out to my friend who does not reside in India
but resides let say in United States I type
something on the on my computer and then say
put it into a email program and then send
hit but I press the hit but send button and
this message is then transmitted to my friend.
This layer which completely shields me away
as to what is happening inside, how it is
possible that I put up or if I press a button
here the message is delivered almost without
any delay to my friend that entire mechanism
is invisible to me and this mechanism in which
I am only concern with how to utilize this
application is called as the application layer,
so on the application layer we are completely
obvious to the mechanism of communication.
So if you want to understand how communication
is happening you need to go down one level
below this is sometimes called as a network
layer, so what happens is that the message
that needs to be communicated to the receiver
must be tagged appropriately think of you
know posting a letter, when you post a letter
without mentioning the address it can go anywhere,
it can go anyplace it wants but it does not
always go to the receiver.
So in order to make it go to the intended
receiver you need to put in the address router
all this information needs to be you know
it needs to be put in.
So the email that I entered which is just
a strop of keys you know from the keyboard
will be converted into bits because most communication
systems are digital so they will converted
into bits and this bits are tagged with addresses
in order to make it go to the resend intended
recipient, okay.
Of course this again shields the exact way
in which this bit transfer is occurring, right
so one can take this bits and then carry physically
over to the receiver but that is not what
we normally mean by communication system.
So if you go one level below you will see
that these bits actually are input to a device
called as transmitter which will then prepare
this information which it has received into
a form that is suitable for transmission over
the channel and based on what address and
router information has been given this way
forms which are suitable for the channel and
they are carrying the information that needs
to go from sender to receiver will be switched
routed and placed appropriately at the receiver
side you have the physical layer receiver
which will receive the information from the
channel and converted into a form that is
suitable for the receiver to read.
If you receive 1s and 0s or if you receiver
currents and voltages you would not be able
to understand what is being transmitted, so
this voltages and current have to be converted
in the form that you can understand and the
form that you can understand is perhaps the
language that we are speaking right now.
So this entire thing has to performed at the
physical layer for someone who is sitting
at the network layer it seems that some bits
are going in and some bits are coming out
with occasional errors.
So this entire physical layer will look like
a bit pipe, okay so bits go in bits comes
out, so this sometimes they would be errors
but this bit pipe encapsulates whatever the
function that are necessary to convert bits
which are abstract entities into actual voltages
or currents or light waves which can then
be transmitted over the channel.
Now as I mentioned mush of communication happens
today by digital means there are very few
analog links that are available even the analog
communication system such as AM and FM use
analog only at the front end and at the back
end, the remaining ends are all digital, okay
so if you go to a AM station or a FM station
only at the front end everything is analog
the, and the transmitting and where your the
wave forms are going as AM or FM, but once
you have come to the actual circuits after
the initial front end all the remaining circuits
are all they are in the digital domain.
So why if it that everything has gone digital
there are several reasons why it is so, one
of the important reasons is that digital signals
are immune to noise because they can be regenerated
and this information can be repeated, so this
regeneration and repeatability which are excellent
for digital communications compute to analog
communications makes it very attractive for
us to work with digital communication systems,
and there are various blocks that one can
use when you are operating things digitally
and they can be purchased at very low cost
because they have been nicely integrated by
the VLFI technology.
As I said this regeneration repeatability
comes because digital signals have a greater
immunity to noise the channel impairments
can be easily you know we can easily undo
the channel impairments using digital signal
processing you can use all kinds of DSP algorithms
very sophisticated and this algorithms allow
you to overcome the channel impairments and
switching and routing operations are very
easy with digital communication system, they
are very difficult with analog communication
systems, they are very easy you can tag headers
you can tag footers you can tag whatever that
you want and in order to switch and route
the appropriate bits or packets.
If you look at elements of digital communication
system you will see a CODEC you know at the
input side which consists of the bits, bits
are coded in order to reduce the redundancy
amongst them and then these bits are then
further encoded in order to deal with the
channel impairments which is called as channel
coding and they have to be of course converted
into a form that is suitable for transmission
that can be performed by a modulation block
and normally this block that you see after
modulation has data in its base band as we
would call this base band data must be converted
into pass band using an up conversion process.
For example, this could be an electrical signal
but my channel would be optical channel so
I need to convert this electrical signals
on to optical signal, so I can do that by
up conversion process the channel will then
carry the appropriate wave form at the receiver
side you demodulate and recover back your
base band signal which you then demodulate,
sorry down convert and recover back your electrical
signal use then demodulate you perform channel
decoding source, decoding lots of performs
and signal processing operations to recover
your bits, okay.
As I said this is just an optical fiber communication
that could exists today this could be an example
of 100 gigabits per second, single channel
optical link, okay it is not an optical network
at a single channel optical link.
If you look at what is required to modulate
this data you will see that you have a laser
diode, laser diode normally emits lights which
is continuous wave that is it is like an oscillator
which is oscillating with the particular wave
form however if you want to modify the characteristics
of this wave form you need to modulate its
amplitude, frequency, phase or any of this
combinations, normally we modulate the amplitude
and phase this is called as quadrature amplitude
If you simply choose to modulate the amplitude
or equivalently intensity this is called as
intensity modulation.
What you would like to do well, I know that
this is a wave form which I want to send let
us say and I know this is the laser light
output as a function of the current so imagine
this as a diode and this electrical signal
is driving the current, so if the current
increases the volt, the light output power
will increase if the current here at the input
decreases the light power decreases, so whatever
the variation that are happening at the electrical
side will be carried over to the optical side,
this is called direct modulation of the laser
and this was the technology that was used
in the first four generations of optical communications
for data rates up to 10gbps.
Now instant of using only intensity modulation
if you want to pack in more and more data
on to the same bandwidth you want to use modulators
which can perform phase modulation, you want
to modulate not only amplitude you want to
modulate phase as well, so that you can put
in more information and in some sense we will
see later optical phase modulation is one
of the easiest things to perform rather than
optical amplitude modulation, okay.
So phase modulator is the building block including
an optical modulator, so all external modulators
include phase modulator as one of its unit,
you can play your own with the phase modulator
to come up with amplitude modulator structures
as well.
In today’s technology Y or Z cut lithium
niobate crystals are the substrates that are
used for optical phase modulation, okay. we
will study more about how phase modulation
occurs and what is the physics behind this
phase modulation as we go ahead with the other
parts of the course.
You can combine phase modulators put them
together to form a Mach-Zehnder modulator
which consists of two phase modulators you
can see one phase modulator at the top, you
can see one more phase modulator at the bottom
you can drive it with two signal this is called
as a dual drive Mach-Zehnder modulator, and
the transfer characteristics of this which
you can see here.
Shows that it is a non linear transfer characteristic
but if you want to operate in the linear region
that is if you what to send in analog signals
you would like to operate this in the linear
region which is called as the quad point operation
you but your bios point at the dot that is
shown here, if you want to operate digitally
you operate either at the minima or at the
maxima of the signal and then drive from minima
to the3 maxima, okay.
So this Mach-Zehnder modulator allows you
to perform analog modulation as well as digital
modulation, it also allows you to create pulses
out of contentious wave light .that we will
see later.
You can put together, to such mach-zehnder
modulators and one phase modulator, in order
to perform what is called as quaderature amplitude
modulation, with quaderature amplitude modulation
you are able to perform both amplitude as
well as phase modulation combined together,
As I said you can use mach-zehnder modulation
for pulse carvers various duty cycles or various
area under the pulses can be archived, this
is the 33% duty cycle, this is 50% duty cycle,
and this 67% duty cycle for the way form,
where in you send in the contentious wave
signal and outcomes your pulsed wave form,
We will see how you can perform all this pulsed
wave form or you can generate this pulses
later as we go to the course.
As I said you can modulate amplitude, if you
simply choose to modulate the amplitude of
the carrier this is equivalent of density
modulation, you can either turn on the light
source or turn off the light source, when
you turn off the light source the amplitude
of the light going is 0, when you turn on
the light the amplitude could be something
or the power could be something, we will normalized
it and called this amplitude to be equal to
So this is called as amplitude shift keying
modulation this is inherently digital modulation,
your data comes in the forms of 0’s and
1’s ,to send a 0 you send nothing ,to send
1 ,you send some amount of light for a short
Specially efficient modulation would require
you to modulate both amplitude and phase ,this
is an example of a star quaderature amplitude
modulation ,you can see that there are 16
states in this so there are 16 possible bit
combination that you can transmit, if for
example you want to transmit the bit sequence
1111 then you transmit an amplitude of some
r2 at the same time you also have the phase
of 900 , so this is the in phase access is
the quaderature access we will come to that
when we discuss modulation phases in the next
few modules, okay.
So this is an example of a transmitter.
Now you come to receiver an ordinary PN junction
can act like a receiver, okay, however if
you want to make good qualities receivers,
then you have to do some additional things
to the PN diode, and do additional things
are in the form of the structure, in the form
of toping concentration, in the form of the
structure, the device itself.
This entire thing we will discuss later the
device which responds by changing its electrical
current to the incoming light is called as
a photodiode, and this photodiode will allow
you to convert optical variations in to electrical
variations, the fact about photodiode is that
there only sensitive to intensity that don’t
really care what is the phase of the input
signal, Okay and.
As such they can be used what is called as
incoherent detection, in this method of detection
which is also called as direct detection you
are only concern with the optical intensity,
so your data is coming in either some light
pulse or no light pulse, and you put in the
detector, if there is no input the detector
will produce 0 ideally, and if there is some
light pulse the detector will produce a certain
current which will then be converted in to
voltage and amplifier, okay.
There is no requirement of controlling the
phase there is no requirement of controlling
the polarization, everything is very simple
this as the electrical and optical complexity,
of course it’s not suitable for demodulating
or detecting phase modulated systems.
So in order to detect phase from the incoming
signal, you have to use what is called as
a coherent receiver, a coherent receiver is
the one which mixes the incoming signal which
have represented as Es with the local oscillator
signal Elo and after a mixing you put them
through, the photo detectors take the difference
in the photocurrents and then amplify it.
You will be able to recover both the in phase
as well as quaderature components of course
when you recover the in phase and quaderature
components also going to look at some noise
in the receiver system and that noise will
be part of your detected currents.
The information that you have transmitting
resides in the amplitude A(t), and in the
phase I(t) ,both can be recovered by this
coherent receiver.
You can do one step better then a coherent
receiver, you can split the incoming signal
in to two parts because we will later learn
that fibers can support two polarizations
and it is criminally wasteful to just waste
one polarization, so we normally modulate
both the polarization degrees of freedom.
You can recover this entire polarization of
the incoming signal by splitting the input
signal into its respective or polarized components
mix them with the local oscillator component,
which is again split into to two or tonally
components, and perform IQ de modulation at
the two ends and then combine appropriate
to obtain the full polarized electric field.
So you have got a full information about whatever
that has been transmitted.
As a final point, I would like to tell you
that this process by which opening the currents
,by in phase and quaterature currents are
not the end of optical communication systems
,infect for high data rate system that is
just the beginning ,from here you perform
low pass filtering in order to remove some
noise and other components at a lot of interest
,then you convert this contentious time signal
into discrete time signal by sampling them
through a high speed analog to digital converter
,once this samples are available you can then
perform operations such as timing recovery,
adaptive equalization ,you can perform phase
estimation in order to obtain the carrier
in order recover the carrier phase.
You can do all this by using highly sophisticated
digital signal processing algorithms, okay.
The next and the last part which i would like
to show you now, is the optical fiber in a
optical fiber is the guiding layer which allows
you to take data from one point to another
point, in its impressed structure an optical
fiber consists of a cylindrical core and a
cylindrical cladding that is surrounding,
the core has the higher refractive index,
the cladding has the lower refractive index,
and light in a very simplified analysis can
be considered as in guided by total internal
What are the good things about this optical
fiber, the optical fiber has no loss and large
bandwidth ,however two impairments which are
common to optical communication systems because
of the fibre are ,dispersion and non linearity,
so we will spend some time discussing dispersion
and non linear compensation schemes.
If you look at the structure of a single mode
optical fiber, the core diameter is around
8 micron or the core radius is around 4 micron,
the cladding is standardize to 125 micron,
covering the cladding is the buffer 250 micron
and finally the jacket at around 400 microns,
So these are some of the modes in the optical
fiber when you send light, light arranges
itself in this fashion the intensity here
is at the centre is maximum, the intensity
keeps dropping as we move away from the centre
in this mode this is the fundamental mode
this is called as LP01 mode, then you have
higher order modes which are all the different
pattern which selected fields can be found
inside an optical fiber.
We will discuss fiber modes and tell you how
to obtain these beautiful colored pictures
later in the course.
This is the fundamental mode as I said the
core has its larger intensity and the intensity
of the light starts should drop of as you
move away from the core, the effective content
of the energy inside the core is measured
by what is called as the mode field diameter,
which is the distance over which the light
is concentrated by its height is higher than
1/E, so it’s around 90% of the power is
concentrated inside this mode filled diameter
of the fiber.
So earlier transmission of optical fiber happened
the first generation happened 800 nanometer
because the loss here was at its lowest then
came 1300 nanometer window which is this one
,and sorry!
This is the 1300 nanometer window and finally
you have the window at 1550 nanometer which
is the lowest loss, and the typical loss in
fiber on 0.2dB/km.
As I said dispersion is a major impairment
in the fibers there are two kinds of dispersion,
one is called as material dispersion this
occurs because of the silica molecules, and
then there is waveguide dispersion which is
because of the cylindrical construction of
the optical fiber.
The total dispersion is the sum of these two
and for standard single mode fiber.
Zero dispersion occurs at the 1300nanometres
however this dispersion can be move the zero
dispersion windows can be moved to 1550 nanometer
by appropriate dividing the material dispersion.
What is the effect of dispersion?
The effect of dispersion is to basically broaden
the pulse, as the pulse start to spread, no
as the pulse starts to propagate to the fiber
it starts to broaden, why should be care about
that pulse?
You are not going to send only one Pulse you
will be sending one pulse immediately to will
be sending one more pulse, it is a certain
distance between the two, so if the first
pulse spreads out and then you know occupies
the slot for the second pulse then the second
pulse and the first pulse will talk to each
other, and then you will not be able to recover
which pulse corresponds to what.
So you will actually have what is called as
inter symbol interference, one symbol is interfering
with the other symbol and finally optical
fiber at.
Low launch powers low optical powers are very
good linear channel, however this linearity
is lost as soon as you start pumping in larger
optical power, because an optical fiber itself
a very small structure you know the core diameter
is 4 micron the power density, even if you
put just 1 mille what the power density inside
an optical core is very high and that will
give raise to non linear effect.
One of the major impairment of this non linear
effect to disturb the phase of the input or
the transmitting signal so at the transmitter
if you have this constellation we will talk
about what will constellation in the next
module this constellation gets degraded as
it propagate to the fiber and you can almost
make out nothing from this but this can be
restore by some good digital signal processing
algorithms in order to I mean from the good
digital signal processing algorithms to recover
what you have been transmitting.
So this is an example of a 16.phase estimation
again you can see that you can almost distinguish
nothing here in the middle diagram and then
you can recover almost all of the symbols
that you have transmitted after performing
digital signal processing.
In future or it is almost already current
people are looking at multi core fibers where
there are multiple course data can be introduce
in to each core it is like multiple antennas
at the input and the multiple receivers at
the output end you can also use a multi more
fibers and launch light in the different modes
of the fiber okay.
And you can combine them with proper digital
signal processing algorithms to form what
is called a SDM MIMO SDM stand for space tuition
multiplexing and MIMO stands for multiple
inputs and multiple outputs.
If you want to study optical communications
you have to understand 3 layers one at the
functional level you want to know what a functional
blocked does what does the modulator do what
does a laser do what does it input characters
take it what does it output characters take
what should I feed in to control this then
you have to know how a laser is made how a
modulator is made how a photo detector is
made what are the things that can go wrong
when you make them.
So you want to perform you want to assist
the performance of this optical elements when
they are placed in the appropriate optical
communication links we understand functional
realization and performance assessments in
this course by first focusing on the functional
then talking about the physical realization
and finally putting them together to unsets
the performance of this blocks.
What background if required for a good for
taking this course and to extract the maximum
benefit out of this course I assume that you
are familiar with analog and digital communication
basics I will review some fundamental of digital
communication and analog communication but
remember this is just a review I would appreciated
if you would read up analog digital communication
fundamental before listening to these lectures
I also assume that you have taken electromagnetic.
You do not have to know optics I will teach
you whatever the optics that is necessary
electromagnetic at the level of introducing
you have maximum equation is what I assume
so I hope that you would brush up that part
and you should also know little bit about
signal system and digital signal processing
fundamentals I will cover all these topics
as and when they are required but my coverage
will be slightly rapid because my focus is
not on this my focus is on how they can be
apply for optical communication system.
The course plan that I am following will be
to first talk about optical fiber communication
we have already talked about that then I will
talk about some digital communication fundamentals
some line coding pull shaping which is common
to both analog and digital communication systems
we will talk about optical transmitters optical
receivers lasers optical amplifiers optical
fibers and fiber modes what are the WDM components
like multiplexers filter arrived wave guide
gratings fiber brag grating all those thing
we will talk and finally we will talk about
DSP in optical communications for most part
of this the text book that I would following.
Is optical fiber communications by Keiser
of fifth low cost addition is available in
India and there is another book I would follow
to time to time I will let you know when I
am following the text book if fiber optic
communication by Shiva Kumar and team this
unfortunately to my knowledge does not come
in a low cost paper bag addition so with this
I close this module and I look forward to
discussing some fundamentals of analog and
digital communications and then moving on
to the functional description of the optical
transmitter blocks and how optical communication
can be use to perform analog and digital modulation,
thank you.