I welcome you all to the first lecture of
Optical Sensors course.
Today, we are going to discuss the very basics
of the sensors and biosensors and the components
involved in this and what are the basic characteristics.
So, here is the outline of the talk.
We will first introduce sensors and biosensors,
and then we will see the market overview and
need of biosensors; “Why do we need them?”
and what are the components and their functions,
and finally we will discuss optical parameters
which are required for transduction in this
kind of sensors.
So, a sensor is a device which measures a
change in one physical parameter in terms
of magnitude of a second different parameter
which can be measured more conveniently and
perhaps more accurately.
What is the meaning of this thing?
This means that you want to measure something
in terms of something else which can be measured
more conveniently and accurately.
I have listed here a few examples of sensors,
for example this thermometer; what it does?
It measures temperature, but in terms of what?
In terms of the length of this column.
So, you see that if you increase the temperature
of this room say by 2 degrees centigrade,
you hardly feel any change ok, but this device
it can tell you how much change in temperature
occurred by measuring the change in length
So, it measures the length which can be measured
more conveniently and more accurately and,
then it translates in temperature.
Another example is this old time coal miners’
biosensor is this yellow canary bird which,
actually coal miners used to bring to coal
mines in old times and what happened actually
is that when there was some unpleasant situation
say some leakage of methane gas or something
then it will start crying.
So, they know that now this is the time to
evacuate the mines, I think that they chose
a yellow bird because they wanted to see it
easily even in dark.
Now, you can see a conventional glucometer
which is commercially available in the market.
It, actually, measures current.
It is an electrochemical sensor and, it translates
this change in current in terms of glucose
concentration in blood.
Here is a conventional pregnancy kit which
measures the hCG hormone in urine.
And, this infectious disease biosensor detects
tuberculosis; say for example, the patient
has to go and cough in here and the vapours
from the vapours you know that the person
has tuberculosis or not.
So, these are some kind of sensors, but out
of these sensors what you can do is that we
can categorize, for example, these five sensors
in two groups: one group is a sensor which
is quantitative, while the other sensor is
purely qualitative.
What does it mean? for example, this coal
miners biosensor, yellow canary bird or pregnancy
It tells you that if the situation is there
or not for example, this coal miners biosensor
tells you that there is an unpleasant situation,
but it does not tell you that how unpleasant.
It does not tell you that how much amount
of gas leakage is there, but there is something
which is unpleasant and then it starts crying.
This pregnancy kit - it tells that either
the lady is pregnant or not.
It does not give you any information that
how much pregnant.
So, it is a qualitative sensor.
Now, come to the thermometer or glucometer.
Let us focus to the thermometer.
So, the thermometer- it says how much change
in temperature occurs.
It says that there is a change in temperature
and that how much change in temperature occurred.
So, it is quantitative.
Similarly, a glucometer – it tells you that
there is a change in glucose concentration
in blood and how much change it also measures
the concentration that is qualitative and
So, we can divide this whole branch of sensors
in 2 parts one is qualitative others is quantitative.
So, they have different uses you can could
have seen from here.
Let us see what is a bio-sensor.
There are lots of definitions.
In 1996, I will just read it : IUPAC you know
IUPAC: International union of pure and applied
chemistry - they defined a biosensor like
this: “A biosensor is a self contained integrated
device that is capable of providing specific
quantitative or semi quantitative analytical
information using a biological recognition
element which is in direct special contact
with special transduction element.”
I will explain it later but, let us see another
definition which was recently published a
sensor that integrates.
“A biological element with a physicochemical
transducer to produce an electronic signal
proportional to a single analyte which is
then conveyed to a detector”.
And, then a very simple one: “Any device
that uses a specific biochemical reaction
to detect chemical compounds in biological
samples that can be called a bio sensor.”
So, from here the take home messages that
any device which uses its specific biochemical
reactions from all the I mean this is the
essence of all these definitions and it detects
something in biological samples, that is all.
So, why it is important?
Actually, because we are polluting almost
I am only talking about biosensors here and,
you can see that be it air, water or food.
We are putting lots and lots of pesticides
to grow more and more food, but at the same
time these pesticides - the remnants of them
are still there in the food and what will
happen if you eat them?
Lots of diseases: cancer, diarrhoea, bacterial
You can think of, say, a fish, for example,
grown in this kind of water.
What will you get?
This kind of fish which is already contaminated,
And, what will happen if you eat this?
You will be subject to various diseases.
For example, this dog has diabetes.
Diabetes is a very common disease.
So, it is very important to detect them and
this is only about biosensors.
I am not talking about the sensors in defence
or in automation and everywhere else.
You can see from the market overview of it
that the global market in the billion dollars
is increasing at a rate of about 2 billion
dollars per annum.
So, by 2024 it will be about 30 billion US
So, there is a huge potential and requirement
for biosensors and that is why this course.
Let us see what the components of a biosensor
So, if you have a biosensor there should be
a surface which interacts with this biological
molecule: which senses this biological molecule,
this is called sensor surface.
So, the molecule of interest is called analyte.
You have a molecule which you want to sense
in a matrix of elements.
I have put different shapes here to see that
there can be lots of molecules and from there
I want to detect only this kind.
To detect this particular molecule we need
some bio-recognition element or bio-receptor.
What it does actually is that it leads to
specific attachment of this particular molecule.
It does not bind to anything else.
It is very simple.
It is like this pen.
You have this cap and you have this pen.
Suppose I attach this here on the surface
and I have this pen.
It is a molecule, it is a free molecule.
It comes and binds in here very specifically.
What will happen if I bring this one, say
another molecule, it does not fit in here.
That is how this works.
And, then we have an agent called antifouling
What it does is that it blocks any empty area
on the surface so that no nothing else can
go and bind in there.
So, it is like- it is called to avoid any
non-specific binding we put this molecule
here which fills up all the empty area apart
from this BRE.
So, now, we have a surface which is very specific
to this particular molecule, this molecule
goes and binds in there very fine.
What happens next?
When it binds over here it will lead to change
in certain properties; maybe it will lead
to change in pH or a refractive index change
or maybe change in mass or heat transfer or
many things, it can change to current or something
or something and whatever change take took
place here we want it to be readable.
So, there should be some mechanism which gives
us the change in a readable output whatever
change occurred due to the binding of this
So, that is the role of something called transducer.
What it does is actually it translates the
effect of this binding into a measurable signal
which can be an optical signal or electrical
signal or acoustic or maybe change in dimensions
I told you that the change in length was there
in thermometer.
So, there can be this kind of things and once
you have this measurable signal
you send it to the detector.
So, this is how you make a biosensor.
Now, let us discuss one by one these components.
So, let us see analytes.
Analytes are chemical or biological or environmental
elements that need to be changed.
So, anything you want to sense is an analyte.
It can be a natural hazard like pesticides,
environmental pollutants, blood or urine analytes
say glucose, you can have say cholesterol,
you can have ions, may be bilirubin genders
all these parameters in a urine or blood whatever
you measure these are all analytes, vitamins.
Now, environmental pollutants you have say
carbon dioxide, methane and all these gaseous,
industrial waste, biochemical waste, biological
waste; from the hospitals you get tons of
syringes and this blood soaked cotton and
all these things never know you want to see
somethings in the food if there are pesticides
or there are preservatives.
Ambient conditions if there is humidity, there
is change in temperature, change in pressure;
gases – as I told you we want to measure
oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen may be in some
samples hydrogen-sulfide, methane there is
lot of use in petroleum you know sector.
Endocrine disrupters – you are eating something
they can be found in say cosmetics you can
have lipsticks and the powders and all the
creams they all have these kind of elements
which can cause endocrine disruption.
There can be pathogenic bacteria, say in your
water, so, you want to detect them or other
food related issues.
For example, you have meat you never know
that if it is infected with bacteria or viruses.
So, you want to detect them.
So, there are there is a whole range of elements
I mean it is a very wide field you can have
analytes say from the defence sector to food
to environment to water to blood to everywhere
and they are very important to us.
So, these are the molecules.
Then you have receptors or bio molecular recognition
You want to have certain molecules which need
to be attached on the sensor surface and you
want them to be very specific to the analyte
molecule that is called receptor or bio-molecular
recognition element.
This BRE or receptor is something which needs
to be fixed on the surface of the sensor so
that the analyte comes and interacts with
Like I gave the example of this pen.
So, the molecule comes and fits in it.
So, this is BRE, it has to be very selective
and it is specific.
It is not like if this is coming and something
else can also come and fit.
No, that is not acceptable.
So, it can be various types, it can be enzyme
You know, what are enzymes?
So, enzymes are molecules which increase or
decrease the reaction rates in the body metabolic
process processes.
So, something comes and binds on the enzyme
say a ligand and when it binds it increases
to gives us a by-product which can be which
can be used for sensing.
Then you have immune-sensors: antibody or
antigen based sensors.
What it does actually is that you have either
of antibody and antigen: one of it works as
a receptor, one of it works as an analyte
and, we use it for this.
Then you have DNA based sensors which are
nucleic acid based.
Also you have cell based sensors or tissue
based sensors.
So, these are various kind of sensors people
And, then we have transducers, and I told
you that it converts one form of energy to
another form of energy that is the basic definition.
But, what it does is the sensor is that basically
it transforms this binding phenomenon or interaction
phenomenon from between the analyte and the
BRE into a measurable output signal, that
is a transducer.
So, when I say an optical sensor that means,
the transducer is optical.
It is giving us optical readout.
If I say electrochemical sensor that means,
this sensor has a readout which is due to
electrochemical processes.
If it is a piezoelectric sensor that is the
transducer is piezoelectric.
So, you name a sensor, the method, it is basically
the transducer, ok.
So, for example, I have shown this diagram
here that you can see that a transducer can
be electrochemical, a piezoelectric thermo
metric or optical.
Electrochemical can further be divided in
amperometric, conductometric, potentiometric.
What does it mean actually, say for example,
you have amperometric sensor.
What it does actually?
It means in electrochemical sensor you have
electrodes basically three electrodes and
what you do is that when there is this interaction
taking place between the receptor and the
analyte there is a change in current.
So, you measure a change in current and that
is why it is called amperometric.
When you measure a change in conductance,
actually it is the parameter which is mostly
getting affected.
I will tell you, why we need a parameter which
is getting most affected due to this that
I will come to you later.
But, for now take my word that you have this
kind of interaction and then there is a change
in current between the electrodes, you measure
the change in current that is amperometric.
You measure the conductance that is conductometric
and if you measure the change in potential
drop that is potentiometric sensing.
In piezoelectric, actually the transducer
is like if you attach something on the piezoelectric
crystal, what happens actually there is a
change in mass.
The change in mass leads to change in the
vibration frequencies.
So, you can measure this small change in vibration
frequencies because this piezoelectric means
that it will change the pressure.
So, you transform that into the electrical
signal and that is how you use it for transduction.
In thermometric ones you measure the change
in heat and that is how you do.
In the optical transducers, basically you
measure the change in optical signals.
So, there this interaction took place and
this leads to some change in optical properties.
So, we know now the basic components of an
optical sensor of any sensor.
Now, we want to make a sensor chip.
How do we make it?
You take a transducer surface.
You put a cross linker.
The job of the cross linker is to attach the
bio-recognition element on top.
You know, sometimes, this element can directly
get attached to the transducer surface then
you do not need to put a cross linker.
But, many a times this molecule cannot directly
get attached to the surface.
You need something say an adhesive for example,
kind of I mean you can use a word vaguely
like adhesive you need an adhesive to put
this molecule on the sensor surface.
After you have put it now it can catch the
analyte, but then there are lots of spaces
which are not filled.
It is like this, you have a surface.
You put molecules here all these places and
this places the analyte can go and bind on
here, but you have lots of space here which
is empty here ok, all this is space.
So, directly you can go and bind on it.
This will create a false signal.
So, it is very important for us to block all
these sides all this sides so that nothing
can go and bind on here ok.
How do we do that?
We choose a molecule or something which goes
and binds non specifically on all these things
on all this surface, you know sometimes you
will have these cross linkers which are unbound
like here.
So, you have these cross linkers which are
unbound here.
So, what will it do?
Any kind of any molecule can go and bind here
which is not binding here maybe, it will bind
So, the job of this agent is to block all
the nonspecific binding sites and once we
are done with this we get a sensor chip.
So, we get a sensor chip which only has this
BREs open for binding, everything else is
closed ok.
And, when you have an analyte, it goes and
binds on these sites.
It does not go and bind anywhere else; if
you have another molecule it does not go and
bind anywhere else.
That is how you make a very good sensor surface.
Now, when we come to optical sensors so, optical
sensors are generally based on measurements
of changes in any of the following optical
It can be absorbance in chemical reaction;
it can either of reflectance and transmittance;
it can be change in refractive index; it can
be based on change in phase shift; it can
be change in polarization or it can be based
on change in light energy.
So, it can either be a fluorescence based
sensor or Raman based sensors.
So, if I write the most general equation of
the plane wave incident on any medium and
want to see what kind of parameters are there
which get changed so, you can write it like
this: E equals E0 into exponential e to power
i omega t minus k dot x and plus first any
some initial phase phi.
So, suppose this is a plane wave which is
incident on some medium and we want to see
what are the optical properties which can
get changed.
So, if it is change in amplitude then it will
lead to sensors based on absorbance or reflectance
or transmittance and many times change in
fluorescence intensity or Raman intensity.
And, when there is change in k or omega or
change can be in phi and then this z (direction
of electric field vibration) so, basically
these are the parameters which can change.
So, it can be either of this or this or this
parameter or this parameter and then this
parameter which basically can be monitored,
and the optical sensor can be based on any
of these.
So, as I already told you that when it is
change in amplitude then the sensor is basically
absorbance or reflectance or transmittance-based
sensor or basically change in fluorescence
intensity or change in Raman intensity.
And, this k is equal to omega by c into n.
So, if this n is changing, basically this
k is changing and it gives the direction of
propagation so, suppose this is in the x direction
so, basically let us say that the wave is
moving in the x direction.
So, if this refractive index changes then
it leads to change in k.
So, if this kind of plane wave is incident
at that medium and the wave which came out
if it has different k, that will give information
about ‘n’ if there were no change in omega.
Also, if there is change in omega which is
like you sign with some light and you are
measuring say lambda and then there is a change
in lambda.
So, suppose this is intensity versus lambda
curve and what you see here is that if there
is a change in lambda, then it is change in
So, basically it is like fluorescence or Raman
based sensors.
This initial phi can also change and that
will also get reflected in terms of the absorbance
or transmittance and by measuring the change
in phase you can say that what is the property
of the medium.
Another property is the polarization.
So, suppose you send a linearly polarized
light through a medium and then after passing
through it, its orientation changes.
So, by measuring the change in orientation
of the polarization of light you can say that
what is the nature of this material.
So, many times it can be a levorotatory or
dextrorotatory material and depending on the
changes in the polarization vector you can
say that what is the property of that particular
So, an optical sensor can generally be based
on any of these kind of parameters.
Why would need to optical biosensors because
they are very small.
They are flexible, they are very fast.
They are safe because there is no electrical
device to interconnect.
And, they have very good biocompatibility
– fibres or glasses, there are maximum glasses
most of the times or you use noble metals
silver or gold which is good for health, we
wear it all the time here.
Disadvantage is that the optical signal may
not be strong enough many times.
For example, fluorescence; if you have a single
molecule the fluorescence is very big.
So, we will discuss this as the course progresses.
So, to summarize my talk today, we introduced
what are sensors and biosensors; and what
are the components of the sensor; how they
work and what are their types; and then we
discussed the various optical methods which
can be probed: optical properties and then
we use it for optical sensing.
Thank you.