I will start discussion on this course, experimental
This is the first lecture and I will give
introduction about this course.
The concept we will cover in these lectures
is basically, the aim of the course, the syllabus
of the course and the laboratory and the apparatus.
So, about them we will discuss in this lecture.
As you know, the aim of this course is: we
want to learn about the experiments on physics.
there are many topics in physics and we will
discuss on selective experiments.
We have designed the course in three modules:
experimental physics-I: there we will discuss
experiments on mechanics, general properties
of matter, thermal properties of matter, sound,
electricity and magnetism.
Then experimental physics-II: there we will
discuss experiments on optics and modern physics
and experimental physics-III: in that module
we will discuss experiments on solid state
physics and modern optics. each module is
of 30 hours course and at present we will
discuss only module-I; module-II and module-III
may be discussed in successive semester.
This course is not only for undergraduate
students of physics; rather, it is compulsory
for all undergraduate students of science,
engineering and technology, who have to deal
with instruments in any point of time during
their carrier and profession.
In this course we will make you understand
the working principle of common devices through
their applications in different experiments
with particular aims; means in this course,
we will discuss different experiments, their
different tools, different parts of apparatus
will be used and through application in those
experiments, we will learn about the devices,
which will be frequently used in your carrier
and in your profession.
As for example, all of you have seen the utility
of the x-ray, MRI, CT Scan, Ultrasonography,
ECG, etcetera in hospitals and clinics.
Also if you look in any branch of science,
whether in teaching laboratory, research laboratory,
industry, hospital, agricultural field, everywhere
instruments are used for specific application.
To understand the basic principle of the instruments
to handle the instruments efficiently and
even to think to design an instrument or experimental
setup for specific application, this experimental
physics course will act as a foundation of
the students apart from the degree in B.Sc,
M.Sc, BE, ME, B.Tech and M.Tech.
Also this course will have positive feedback
for the national level examinations like GATE,
NET, JAM and JEST conducted by IIT, UGC CSIR,
IIT and SERB, respectively.
Syllabus of this course, experimental physics-I:
I will discuss about the basic analysis in
the laboratory.
When we will go to laboratory, you will perform
experiment, specific experiment on different
topics in physics.
But there are common rules and regulations;
there are some common things that everyone
has to know.
That is basically how to take data; how to
analyze those data; where is the, what is
the source of error in the measurement; how
we can minimize the error in the measurement;
how to calibrate the instrument; how to plot
the data in graph.
And then after calculation you will get result;
how to interpret that result and what are
the precautions in the laboratory.
This is a common phenomenon that I will discuss
and then we will discuss some basic tools
in the laboratory.
There are tools, all the time you need them;
you need these common tools; those are this
meter scale, slide calipers, screw gauge,
magnifying glass, nut bolt screw and their
driver, galvanometer, ammeter, voltmeter,
multimeter, cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO),
resistor, capacitor, inductor and so on.
These are the common tools, common components
of any laboratory in science.
I will discuss about those basic tools.
And then we will go to the specific experiments.
We have selected some experiments, almost
around 30 experiment, we have selected for
this experimental physics-I.
Those are the experiments on mechanics, general
properties of matter, thermal properties of
matter and sound.
So, those experiments which we have selected
that will be demonstrated in this course.
Determination of the restoring force per unit
extension of a spiral spring, this is the
one experiment on mechanics.
You know the spring, spring has restoring
force; if we extend it or compressed it, it
wants to go back in its original position,
equilibrium position.
How to measure the restoring force per unit
extension, that experiment will be performed.
We will demonstrate the second experiment:
determination of the acceleration due to gravity
using compound pendulum; g, gravitational
acceleration due to gravity, this is the universal
constant; how to determine this universal
constant using the compound pendulum, that
experiment will be demonstrated.
Then third experiment: study the normal modes
of oscillations of a compound pendulum and
measure the frequencies of this oscillation
of a compound pendulum.
It has basically different modes: one mode
is called normal mode.
What is the frequency of this normal mode,
that experiment will be performed and we will
measure the frequency of the normal mode of
the oscillation of the compound pendulum.
Then fourth experiment is the study of the
free oscillation as well as forced oscillation
using Pohl pendulum.
This is another type of pendulum.
Using that pendulum, Pohl pendulum, we will
measure the free oscillation and forced oscillation
of the pendulum.
It is basically in oscillation; you know,
there is natural frequency of oscillation;
then, if you apply force on this oscillation
externally, then it is a forced oscillation.
Another oscillation, we tell damped oscillation;
means there is some resistance when it is
There are some resistance, those may be due
to air, air resistance, some may be other
resistances due to eddy current, etcetera.
So, this is called damping; that is called
damped oscillation.
Here we will demonstrate these free oscillation
and forced oscillation using the Pohl?s pendulum.
Then fifth experiment: we will go for the
study of transverse wave and longitudinal
You know the string; if we take a string and
just you disturb it; then it oscillates.
So, that is the transverse oscillation, that
we will study this transverse oscillation.
The longitudinal waves; this is the compressed
of, say, when some waves are moving in the
So, air, this is made of particles, air particles
are compressed and elongated.
So, it is basically displaced along the direction,
the waves are propagating that is basically
longitudinal waves.
we will demonstrate, we will study the transverse
waves as well as longitudinal waves.
The sixth experiment, we will demonstrate,
that is the determination of the moment of
inertia of a flywheel.
How to determine the moment of inertia of
a body?
Here we will take this body as a flywheel
and demonstrate, how to measure the moment
of inertia.
This way, there are some other experiments:
seventh experiment: determination of Young
modulus of elasticity of a solid.
So, general properties of matter in this category.
We will demonstrate how to measure the Young?s
modulus of elasticity of a solid, how to measure
the surface tension of a liquid, how to measure
the viscosity of a liquid.
How to measure the thermal conductivity of
a material, this is the thermal properties
of the matter; then linear expansion coefficient
of a material.
Then we will demonstrate the next experiment:
verification of Dulong-Petits law, this is
specific heat related experiment.
Then we will discuss, determination of the
Stefan-Boltzmann constant of blackbody radiation.
These are the experiments on the heat.
Then next another experiment on heat: the
experimental determination of Joule?s constant
J, that how to find out this Joule?s constant
that will be explained.
Also we will perform and then some measurement
on electricity.
Then the 15th experiment: variation of thermo
EMF as a function of temperature and determine
the unknown temperature.
So, it is a thermometer, this is a thermocouple;
using the thermocouple, how to measure the
We will discuss physics behind this thermometer
and then we will demonstrate, how to measure
the temperature, unknown temperature using
this thermometer.
First we have to calibrate this thermo thermocouple;
basically, due to the difference of the temperature
it generates EMF.
So, that is the thermal EMF, thermo EMF; temperature
versus this thermo EMF that one has to calibrate.
After calibration, then you can find out any
unknown temperature; that experiment we will
Then another experiment of thermometer; as
a thermometer this platinum resistance as
a function of temperature will determine the
unknown temperature.
This is another thermometer, platinum resistance
thermometer that also we will discuss.
Then experiment on sound; how to determine
the velocity of sound in air medium.
You know this is measuring the velocity of
light, measuring the velocity of sound.
So, these are the basic parameters.
How to measure this basic parameter.
In that group, one experiment we will discuss
that is how to determine the velocity of sound
in air medium.
Then experiments on electricity and magnetism:
determination of figure of merit of a dead
beat galvanometer.
When you are going to do experiment on this
electricity, these galvanometer, voltmeter,
ammeter are the basic tools.
So, one should know about these basic tools,
basic apparatus ok.
This is one experiment, which will make you
familiar with the galvanometer, voltmeter,
What is the figure of merit and what it tells
about the galvanometer?
So, we will discuss about the dead beat galvanometer
and how to measure the merit figure of merit
of this galvanometer that experiment will
be performed.
Then this, what is the, say current, sensitivity
and charge sensitivity of a ballistic galvanometer.
The different kinds of galvanometers are there.
The dead beat and ballistic galvanometer are
very useful for the lab.
We will first do the experiment to know about
the dead beat galvanometer and ballistic galvanometer.
Then other experiments on electricity and
magnetism are: the measurement of high resistance
using the capacitive discharge method, how
to measure the resistance, resistance having
different range: say kilo Ohm, mega Ohm which
we tell, it is a high resistance and then
if it is milliohm, micro Ohm: we tell it is
very low resistance and then in between that
is some other resistance.
Here we will demonstrate, how to measure the
high resistance, how to get the value of high
There are different methods, but here we will
use the capacity of discharge method and then
another experiment next for the low resistance:
how to measure the low resistance?
We will use again it has different method,
people use different method.
Here, we will use the method that is called
Kelvin double bridge method.
Next experiment: how to measure the capacitance
of a capacitor.
You know, these resistor, capacitor, inductor,
these are the basic electric or electronic
We should know about this basic components.
So, basically to know about these components,
we will do some experiments to be familiar
with these basic components.
We will measure the capacitance of a capacitors
and check the formulas for the capacitor,
capacitance of capacitors, when they are connected
in series, when they are connected in parallel
and then we will study the charging and discharging
of a capacitor and determine the time constant
of the capacitor.
Next experiment, we will do, the variation
of the reactance of the L-R circuit.
So, reactance is the equivalent to resistance.
Resistance of the L-R circuit, LC circuit,
it is a reactance, impedance, resistance.
So, these are equivalent depending on the
combination of the circuit whether, it is
only R whether it is LR, whether it is LCR.
So, depending on that, this difference of
impedance or reactance or resistance.
We will study the variation of reactance of
the LR circuit with the frequency of the AC
source and determine the self inductance of
an inductor.
The next experiment: we will study the resonance
of LCR circuit and determine the Q-factor
of the circuits.
So, you will, say a circuit, quality of the
circuit, it is determined measuring the Q-factor
of the circuit.
So, that experiment also we will do.
The next experiment, this as I told, is resistor
capacitor inductor, these are the basic component.
Next component is inductor: we will study
the variation of mutual inductance with the
angle variation between the two plane circular
So, coil basically is the inductor; if you
take 2 coils, interaction between these 2
coils; that is called mutual inductance.
So how mutually inductance varies when the
angle between these 2 coils will vary, that
experiment we will perform.
This will give you or teach you about the
And then you know, when the current flows
in a conductor, it generates magnetic field.
That type of experiment we will perform.
We will determine the magnetic field of a
straight conductor as a function of current
and the distance from the conductor.
How magnetic field depends on the magnitude
of the current, how magnetic field magnitude
of the magnetic field depends on the distance
of the point where you want to measure the
magnetic field.
So, the distance of the point from the wire.
So, as a function of this current and distance
we will measure the magnetic field when current
flows in a straight conductor.
Then we will study the variation of a magnetic
field with distance along the axis of a circular
coil, when current will pass through the circular
So, through circular coil, if you pass current
through the circular coil, how magnetic field
varies that we will measure the magnetic field
along the axis of the coil as a function of
the distance of the coil, as a distance of
the point where we want to measure the magnetic
field from the center of the coil.
So, that experiment we will perform and I
will show you how to generate magnetic field.
So, in our laboratory for different experiment,
you will see that we will use the magnetic
Say, you want to measure the magnetic field,
want to measure the variation of resistance
of a material as a function of magnetic field;
if we apply magnetic field, whether resistance
of the material changes; if changes, how it
When you want to study this type of problem,
you want to demonstrate this type of experiment,
you need magnetic field in the lab.
So, how to get the magnetic field in the lab,
this is the way.
Then we use the electromagnet.
In electromagnet, 2 Helmholtz coils, we use
to produce uniform field between these 2 coils.
So, in that uniform field we place of our
material and then we vary the magnetic field
varying the current in the coil and then we
measure the resistance of this material at
different magnetic field.
Here this is the basic experiment where you
will learn how to generate magnetic field
in the laboratory.
This is the purpose to choose this experiments
and then next experiment is a measurement
of the induced voltage in a coil as a function
of magnitude and frequency of the current
in another coil producing magnetic field.
You know this law, this Faradays law, Faradays
induction law.
If you have a coil, if you pass current through
this coil, it will generate magnetic field.
Now, if you take another coils, if you take
this coil without flowing current in this
coil, if you take this coil close to this
coil, which is producing magnetic field.
This magnetic field is nothing, but the lines
of force, magnetic lines of force.
So, this lines of force will pass through
this second coil and so, that we tell this
flux this magnetic lines are passing through
this and the second coil, we tell this flux
passing through the second coil and magnetic
field is nothing, but the flux per unit area.
Now this coil, the second coil is in flux,
is in magnetic field.
Now if there is a variation of the magnetic
field or variation the flux linked with the
second coil, if it varies with time then there
is a induced EMF produced, generated in this
second coil.
So, this induced EMF, it is basically proportional
to the change of the rate of the flux.
So, if phi is the flux, d phi by dt that is
the rate of change of the flux.
So, this induced EMF is basically equal to
minus d phi by dt.
Why minus?
It is minus due to this EMF, induced EMF,
there will be induced current in the coil,
second coil.
So now, due in this induced current in the
coil, when current in the coil, it produce
magnetic field.
That magnetic field?s direction will be such
that it will oppose this original magnetic
That is why this minus sign is given.
So, it will oppose the magnetic field of the
first coil.
In second coil, the direction of the EMF should
be such that; that means, direction of the
current should be such that the second coil
will produce magnetic field, induced magnetic
field, that filed will opposed the original
magnetic field.
That is why it is the induced EMF which is
equal to minus d phi by dt.
So, this is another very nice basic experiment
that we will discuss and then we will discuss
the determination of Fourier spectrum, you
know Fourier analysis of signals.
Any signal if it has one frequency that is
fine; the most of the signals is not of one
frequency, is the superposition of the many
So, Fourier analysis use to separate those
There is the analysis of the spectrum, this
is called: if we take any spectrum it has
different components of the frequency; now
how to find out the different component of
the frequency in that spectrum.
There is a Fourier spectrum and that spectrum,
we will determine the frequencies of the Fourier
spectrum in form of square wave, triangular
wave or thus half sinusoidal waveform using
the CRO.
Again another basic instrument in the laboratory
that is the CRO, cathode oscilloscope.
This is the basic instrument.
This experiment will help us to learn about
the CRO.
So, we will do experiment and for each experiment,
most of the experiment, there are some common
tools that will be used.
So, there is the application of these common
tools in different experiments.
So, first I will discuss some basic tools
and what are the basic tools that is what,
I told, it is a screw gauge and then slide
caliper and then meter scale then volt meter
then galvanometer then CRO cathode ray oscilloscope,
these are the basic instruments.
In most of the experiments, experimental setup,
these tools are used, this apparatus are used.
Before I go to discuss this particular experiments
wherever I showed you, I will discuss about
the basic instruments.
So those are the experiments we will discuss
with time.
You have to go to laboratory, you need laboratory
and then you need apparatus.
Now how should be the laboratory?
I think, students when go to the laboratory,
somebody maintained the laboratory.
So, students do not bother about the laboratory;
they get the readymade set up on the table
and they perform the experiments.
I think we have to look in different way.
You have to think, if you want to develop
a laboratory, so how laboratory should be,
that if you have to think.
I believe that the laboratory should be well
lighted room with humidity and temperature
The room should contain cages or cupboards
or a large closet in which the apparatus can
be stored when not in use; because, you have
to save your setup and when you are fabricating,
generating, producing something, you
have to take care saving them.
There should be some arrangement for keeping
the apparatus, when they are not in use.
Then there should be table with power sockets
for each experimental setup with sufficient
space surrounding the table and then there
should be more common tools such as screw
driver set, a shouldering iron, a multimeter,
a magnifying glass, meter scale slide, calipers,
screw gauge, galvanometer, voltmeter, ammeter,
These are very common tools and it should
be always available to the students.
Those should be close to the hand of the students.
There should be a small store with basic components
such as this family of nut, bolt, screws;
family of wires; also family of resistors,
inductors, capacitors, bread board, lenses,
mirrors etcetera.
These are the basic components and various
kind of these components should be in the
laboratory; because, these are small components,
anytime you may need them and it should be
available to you; there should not be wastage
of time that it is not there.
If we need one screw and if screw is not there,
you cannot do the experiment or what we want
to do that you cannot do immediately.
So, I think these are the basic components,
which should be available in the laboratory.
These are the introduction about this course
and then next we will discuss basic components
and some common tools in next class.
Thank you for your kind attention.