This is first lecture on Quantum Theory
or Introduction to Quantum Theory,
and any such course traditionally begins
with Introduction to Black body Radiation.
So, we are going to start this lecture with
introduction to black body radiation. So,
what the ideas that I am going to
talk about is black body radiation,
spectral density (definition) for
radiation, then black body as a cavity,
then energy density inside a cavity which would
be equivalent to energy density for a black body,
and finally radiation pressure inside a cavity.
These are ideas that will be used then to develop
the concept of quantum; introduction of
quantum hypothesis explaining the black
body radiation as specifically density.
So, question is; what is a black body?
This is explained in terms of absorption
of radiation which says that a black body
absorbs all the radiation; and by that we mean
any wavelength falling on it. There is no perfect
material that forms a black body even the suit
that you see does not absorb all the radiation
may be 99 percent, but it does not absorb all the
radiation falling on it or for all the wavelength.
So with this, we are going to define something
called the absorption coefficient which is a;
symbol is a, which is radiation absorbed by
a body divided by radiation incident on it;
that is the absorption
coefficient. Simultaneously,
I am going to define something called the
emissive power and as you can well imagine,
this is related to the emission of radiation
from a body. So, what is emissive power?
Suppose I am given a body, I am defining emissive
power and from a surface I look at the radiation
coming out perpendicular to the surface.
So, this is perpendicular direction,
choose a solid angle delta omega, then emissive
power which I will denote by e is defined as
energy coming out in this small solid angle in
per unit time. So, suppose delta E energy comes
out in time delta t and suppose this area is small
area is delta A then per unit area. So, emissive
power is power emitted normal to a surface per
unit area; per unit solid angle. So, we have
defined 2 quantities; absorption coefficient and
emissive power. This I am going to call a; this
I am going to call e. This is something called;
now I should write a is equal to 1 for a black
body and let me call this E for a black body, and
then there is something called Kirchhoff’s rule.
Kirchhoff’s law that says that emissive power
of anybody divided by its absorption power is
equal to E, I am not proving it, this can be
argued very easily, but this is what it is.
So, Kirchhoff’s rule; law says that emissive power
of any body divided by a is equal to E. So, higher
the absorption coefficient of a body, larger
will be its emissive power. So, something that
absorbs more will also tend to radiate more. For
example, suppose I take a green piece of glass,
it is green because it absorbs the red and other
colors and reflects green. If I heat it up and
put it in the dark, I am going to see red color
coming out of it because it absorbs red much more.
So, emissive power for red color would be more or
suppose you put a piece of wood and iron outside
in the sun, the iron piece becomes hotter because
it absorbs more, wood piece does not get that hot
because absorption power is low; their emissive
power will also be proportional to that a. So,
iron when heated to a certain temperature would
emit much more radiation than a piece of wood. So,
that is Kirchhoff’s rule. Now next question
is; if there is no material that is a
perfect absorber; how do we make a black body?
By the way just talking on the perfect absorbing
material, there is research going on into this
because a perfect absorbing material would be very
nice for solar panels because it will absorb all
the radiation coming on to it. So, that to how do
we make a block body. So, the trick is you make a
cavity, make a small hole in it and let radiation
go in from here on the back side of the cavity,
you put zigzag wall. So, that the radiation
that comes in, goes in arbitrary direction and you
also put a little bit of black spot somewhere. So,
that whenever radiation falls on that it gets
absorbed plus I will put a black spot here. Now,
since it is going around many-many times,
every time I can even make it black inside,
it gets absorbed; however, it does not come out
of the hole. So, whatever radiation is going in,
it gets absorbed and therefore, a cavity like
this; a cavity like the one shown is very very
close to a black body whatever radiation
is inside it, it is black body radiation.
Now, you may ask; why are we interested in black
body radiation for that I will again go back to
Kirchhoff’s law which says that e over a is equal
to capital E, therefore, this E on the right hand
side is like universal quantity. So, if we study
it, we can make statements about it in a universal
way. So, a cavity like the one that I have shown
is something which is very very close to black
body or roughly a black body; now properties of
radiation. So, we made a black body like this.
With a small hole here and zigzag wall
here maybe painted with black inside. So,
that it is a perfect black body and we can also
make the walls very thick. So, that the radiation
does not go out. So, this is a wall, all the
radiation inside which I will show by blue is
black body radiation. Now the properties of this
radiation is number one the nature of radiation
does not depend on the geometric shape of
the body. So, I could have this cavity of
this shape have a small hole here and even then
it will be a black body. So, it does not depend
radiation inside is that corresponding to a black
body and its nature does not depend on the shape.
Number 2; the radiation inside a black
body cavity is isotropic what; that means,
is nature including strength; that means,
intensity does not depend on which direction
radiation is coming from. So, let us
see the consequences because of one
I can take the body to be spherical, when
doing a theoretical analysis because the
shape does not really matter and because
of 2, if we look into a cavity radiating,
we will not see any difference in any direction.
That means whether I look inside this cavity,
whether I see here, whether I see here,
whether I see here, I will not see any
difference because there will be no contrast from
any side coming, alright, a good example of this.
Whatever I said just now example is; when you
have these coals which are burnt in a furnace
and sometime these coals form a cavity and for
example, here could be a cavity and radiation
coming out of here, radiation also coming out of
these burning coals, what you will notice that
intensity of radiation coming out of the cavity is
largest; why, because cavity has higher emissive
power, it is closer to black body number 1. Number
2; you cannot make out the edges, etcetera, inside
the cavity because the radiation is isotropic.
So, let me summarize whatever we have learnt so
far is that; if we wish to study black
body radiation and as I said earlier;
black body radiation, I want to study because it
has a universal property. It is ratio of emissive
power to absorption coefficient for all bodies,
it has that universal property. So, if we wish to
study black body radiation, we can study it using
radiation coming out of a cavity which is closed,
but has a small hole; with a small hole in it.
For analysis, we can take this cavity to be
spherical. All this is very nicely described in
book by book on Heat and Thermodynamics by Saha;
this is our own Meghanath Saha and
Srivastava. So, I have taken most
of these materials from this book and this
is really a very nice book, if you want to
read the historical development and things like
those, this is very nicely given in this book.