Welcome everybody, welcome to the introductory
class on the course which is titled Introduction
to Soft Matter. So, this is a introductory
lecture on introductory course. So, in this
intro to an intro what we would want to discuss
is what do we even understand by this terms
soft matter, over the course of this, over
the entire course of this series of lectures
we will hopefully understand in great mathematical
depth what we mean by the this topic, by this
term called soft materials and other related
terms. So, what we want to do today in our
today’s lecture, we want to focus on.
So, today what we are going to learn about
reference texts for this, second we will make
an acquaintance with some of the definitions
of key terms and then third is I would like
to look at historical context for this course
where in the first part I would like to look
at some of the work that was or some of the
very interesting developments that took place
in Ancient
time keeping and that will bring us to an
important number that we will be using throughout
this course and that number is called the
Deborah number. So, let us get started with
the first part which is books.
Now, it so happens, there are many different
books, there are really good, there can be
really good text books, the issue with soft
matter is that this is truly and interdisciplinary
course where a lot of different disciplines
for example, chemistry, physics, mechanical
engineering, aerospace engineering, chemical
engineering all these come together. And as
a result what has happened is there are many
books which are written by authors keeping
in mind, these different disciplines and hence,
there are a variety of books of with the variety
of different approaches.
So, I am not trying to detail all the different
possible books that are out there. But, I
have only made a small list from the possible
different possibilities so, to my apologies
to all the different books that I have left
out because, there are certainly many good
texts that I am not been able to refer here.
The first text that is a suggested text here
is called the title of the book is Mechanical
Response of Polymers: An introduction and
this is by authors Alan S. Wineman and K.
R. Rajagopal, we will be using, we will be
referring to this text quite a bit in this
Another is, Dynamics of Polymeric Liquids
by there are three authors for this text book,
which are R. Byron Bird, Robert Armstrong
and Ole Hassager. This is also a very good
text book and it is written quite a bit from
the fluid mechanics prospective and we will
also be referring to some parts of this book
in this course.
The other suggested book here is the Soft
Condensed Matter by Richard A. L. Jones and
finally, this one more text that is Understanding
Viscoelasticity by N. Phan-Thien. Okay, so
these are suggested text books but we will,
this series of lectures is designed to be
more or less self-content so, the lectures
are more or less sufficient for an introductory
course on soft materials. So, those were the
books now, we had said that we do want to
get ourselves acquainted with the definitions
in this area.
Now, when we talk of soft matter and some
of you who are listening in to this course
may have already got to know somehow the relevant
keywords for example you might have heard
of the word the colloids, you might have already
heard of word Viscoelasticity, so there are
a many different keywords that are operative
in this domain, and I do not want to go over
all of them but, two or three of the most
important terms we should be familiarizing
ourselves with at the very onset. And if later
on there are more terms we will familiarize
it, familiarize ourselves with them, as and
when required.
So, the first term obviously since, the course
is called soft matter the first important
term we want to understand is the term soft
condensed matter or soft matter, now according
to R. Jones the book Soft Condensed Matter
he defines soft matter or soft condensed matter
as a convenient term for materials in states
of mater that are neither simple liquids nor
crystalline solids.
As we can say this definition appeals somewhat
to your intuition and it is asking you that
before you even familiarize yourself a soft
condensed matter you should know what simple
liquids are and what crystalline solids are
and soft matter is a state of matter that
is somewhere in between these two, so it is
appealing to your intuition in the sense that
what is an in between state you should be
able to understand on a slightly intuitive
Now, simple liquids whenever we say liquid
probably the most common liquid that human
can or people would think of would be water.
When we say crystalline solid you might probably
think of steel, or some metal as very good
examples of the states of matter. So, soft
matter is probably something that is in between
these two, and this intuitive idea is actually
very helpful because, it does let you figure
out what a material probably is.
In another book the which is called soft matter
of physics by an author Masao Doi he states
that soft matter includes a large class of
materials and then he goes on to numerate
some of the possible materials which is polymers,
colloids, surfactants, liquid crystals, etc.
with a common feature of consisting of large
structural units with two characteristics.
Large and nonlinear responses, slow and non-equilibrium
So, the first part of this definition is still
appealing to intuition in the sense that it
is trying to enumerate somehow the possible
soft materials that are out there. And then
it gives two important characteristics of
them, and these characteristics are actually
they come from a statistical mechanics or
microscopic view point, we will take these
up, later on in the course okay,
So, we already saw the term colloids, okay
so, maybe we should define it at this at the
very onside this will probably be using this
term quite a bit, so colloid is a colloidal
dispersion, so word colloid is a short form
for colloidal dispersion, so a colloidal dispersion
is the dispersion of one phase into another
where the dispersed particles and the microscopic
regime and then the regime is given to you
is from 0.01 which is 10 nanometers to 100
microns. And this definition also states that
only one dimension of the particle needs to
be in this range. And this is taken from foundations
of colloids science by R. Hunter.
So, this term called colloids we will, also
encounter in our in due course but, a term
that is going to be a very important for us
and we are going to use that quite a bit,
at the very onset is viscoelasticity and viscoelasticity
here is defined as the property of materials
which involves aspects of two types of common
natural responses, classical elasticity and
classical fluid. This definition which is
taken from the book Mechanical Response of
Polymers by Wineman and Rajagopal.
Initially it does seem like it is also appealing
to your intuition in that it is asking you
to think of a classical elasticity and classical
fluid and then the viscoelastic response is
somewhere in between.
Now, the classical elastic response of the
classical viscous fluid these are ideas from
continuum mechanics. And in the continuum
mechanics we will, see that both these two
terms are understood very well, they are understood
with the mathematical precision so we will
use this word in the beginning quite a bit,
and viscoelasticity one more thing that I
would like to mention here is that this is
also a dynamical concept what do you mean
by when I say a dynamical concept it means
that, we are going to look at classical elasticity
or classical fluid behavior or even or the
viscoelastic behavior from the prospective
of the application of a force on a materials
and then understanding the response of that
material to that force.
Okay, so what we have done till now is we
went over some good books as I said, my apologies
to the books which I have left out there are
many of them I could not put all of them here,
we looked at some of the definitions and now
what we want to do is look at the historical
context and we will look at the ancient time
keeping systems but, before we look at the
historical context.
So, going to just talk about, before we talk
about historical context I would like to stop
for a moment and I would like to give you
a reason why we are doing this, so remember,
if you may, so most of you who are attending
this course should be familiar with what a
classical elastic response is and you probably
remember from your undergraduate classes that
for elastic body we would write sigma equal
to E into epsilon where epsilon is a measure
of stress sorry, measure of strain some measure
of strain in the system, this is a measure
of stress
and this is some modulus, elastic modulus.
This equation is better written as sigma of
t into E times epsilon of t and I have deliberately
written now, t into this because, I want to
emphasize that the strains and the stresses
can be functions of time but, what this equation
is saying is that the instantaneous stress
depends upon the instantaneous value of strain
and vice versa. It almost implies that the
system response is infinite, so if you put
some amount of strain this amount of stress
is going to be instantaneously generated.
But we know that, systems take time to react,
whenever you apply a force, or are trying
study a system so, systems have their own
responses so, there are usually natural time
scales that are associated with a system’s
response. So, it is important to understand
what these time scales are and how they are
relevant in this particular context. Which
is why I want to highlight a couple of things
from the historical context here.
And I just want to look at the issue of time
in the indict prospective because idea of
time was treated in a lot of detail in some
of the indic sciences and I would like to
use a very this is a very, this is the quote
I very much like so, maybe I will start with
that and this quote is attributed to ECJ Sudarshan
in his essay time in the Indian tradition.
And he says that in the Vaisasika system of
Indian philosophy
which is
closest to physics time or often written as
Kala, if I have to write it in Devanagari
I would write like this, is an ingredient
of the world building. And this is attributed
to ECG Sudarshan and it can be found in his
essay time in the Indian tradition and the
reason I am bringing this up is because, the
issue of time was dealt with the in a lot
of detail in the Indian tradition and the
ancient understanding of time was interestingly
extremely sophisticated.
Because, they understood that there are many
different natural time scales and they use
these different times they not only observe
these time scales they not only recorded them
but, they used it with a lot of creativity.
So, for example, they realize so if I just
draw time axis, they realize that there are
lot of different units of time that are possible,
one such unit of time is called the Nimesa
sorry, I put the here on different location,
Nimesa and another one was Muhurta and a Nimesa
was defined as the time takes for blinking
of an eye, and this built up different time
scales on this one unit that they identified
and they using multiplicating factors they
built up different time scales in.
For example, and here before I write the different
time scales I must warn you that different
authors sometimes differed in the use of the
different time scales Muhurta could be different
numbers for different people.
So, this is from a Suryasiddhanta and here
they have defined 15 nimesas as or 15 twinklings
of an eye, as one kashtha and 30 kashthas
made 1 kala, and 30 kalas is 1 muhurta and
30 muhurtas amounted to 1 Divas, 1 day. So,
in fact you can do a very simple calculation
1 muhurta was about 48 minutes of modern time
and reference for this I will just also give
you the reference material for here.
The reference text here is, ancient Indian
Leaps into mathematics
and it is edited by, its editors are Mohan
and Yadav. Now, they even designed smaller
time scales which they understood as responses
or natural time scales that are inherent in
certain actions so for example, one more time
scale was called the truti and the truti was
defined as.
The time taken by a sharp needle
to pierce a lotus leaf, lotus petal is called
a truti and they even again just like previous
time they built up a so 100 truties would
make up 1 lava and 30 lavas will be equal
to 1 nimesa so since, smaller time scales
are defined and massively larger time scales
are also provided for example the yuga and
the mahayuga, etc.
And these time scales were used for because,
they realize that there are different events
which correspond which have different inherent
natural time scales. So, a cosmological event
has to be or has to be described by a time
scale that is natural to the cosmological
event. So, a cosmological event may be described
by mahayugas or yugas. Whereas, a small time
scale that you are experiencing in daily life
might be described by muhurta which is basically
based on the idea of the day. Right, which
is also again as you realize is a natural
time scale that is set by our planetary system.
And they even found out that there were other
time scales which are natural for example
the blinking of an eye it take some time for
you to blink the eye and that they used to
define a unit called the nimesa and similar
other. And as I said before one important
thing to keep in mind is that different authors
sometimes use different time scales and they
would use the same name for example so, one
has to be careful so, Pauranic and astronomical
time scales for example could differ despite
the use of the same name.
But, the important take away here is not the
accuracy of the time scales so whether they
are right or wrong but, rather the important
take away here so, what is the take away why
are we discussing this, so the take away is
that different
physical phenomena have different time scales
that should
be used to describe them, and the idea that
systems have an inherent response time in
a certain sense, and this idea will also be
key to our understanding of soft matter. This
idea the different physical phenomena has
different response times or have different
inherent time scales that are associated with
This comes up in a number or the non-dimensional
number that we are going to use quite a bit,
in this course.
So, this brings up to a non-dimensional number
called the “Deborah number” and this was
first defined
by M. Reiner in his publication which was
called “The Deborah number”. And he defined
this number as here is on the top is the time
of relaxation we will see what that means
is, and this is time of observation.
So, here we see that the there are two important
numbers this is the numerator and the denominator,
the numerator and we will see this in more
detail as we go through the series of lectures
where the numerator in a sense is designed
to take into account the idea that when you
apply force on a material, the result is not
always instantaneous.
Or sometimes if you withdraw the force, that
result is also not instantaneous although
when you probably learned about fluid mechanics
you learned that the moment you apply shear
force on fluid it starts flow and flow is
instantaneous with the application of the
force. And that may not always be true. The
system might have a certain time scale associated
with its response to a given force and the
numerator is designed to take that into account.
So, in today’s introductory lecture what
we had promised you is we will go over few
things which are the different books that
you might want to look up, a refer to for
this course, we looked some of the definitions
we only looked at handful of them and if we
come up with more terms we will define them
as and when we needed, but the terms that
we are going to use quite a bit is called
the term viscoelasticity and we are also going
to look at the term soft matter but at a slightly
later stage you are look at what that exactly
An in the historical context we looked at
ancient time keeping and how, natural time
scales where observed and recorded and used
very creatively to keep a tab on time and
this eventually flows in to the idea which
we just started to discuss today which is
the Deborah number and in the next class we
will look in more detail at the topic of Deborah
number okay so, we will end our first lecture