Welcome everybody, this is the first lecture
of the course on multiphase systems basically
transport phenomena in multiphase systems.
My name is Saptarshi Basu.
I am a faculty member in the Department of
Mechanical Engineering at Indian Institute
of Science.
And so, under this particular course we are
going to cover the basics of multiphase systems.
And we will take also some specialized topics
under the multiphase systems like for example
droplet evaporation, droplet combustion, boiling,
flow through porous media so some specific
problems as such.
So, initially we will start covering that
what are the basic principles are for multiphase
What are multiphase systems in general?
What are the thermodynamics and the transport
governing equations for such multiphase system?
So, basically under this particular course
we are going to follow a couple of books one
is the Transport Phenomena in Multiphase Systems
by Amir Faghri and Yuwen Zhang.
The other book that we are going to follow
is Droplets and Sprays by Will Sirignano.
So, that will cover the specifics of droplet
evaporation and droplet combustion type of
So, we will cover these things in the subsequent
weeks of this particular course.
So, the first lecture of this particular course
we are going to give you some examples of
multiphase systems and try to understand that
why multiphase systems are so very useful?
Why multiphase systems are required?
And why should we learn about multiphase systems
in general?
So, if we look at the first slide now you
will find that these are this is a slide which
actually says what are the examples of multiphase
So, the multiphase systems in general are
basically characterized by two or more phases
and they can have one or more components as
Now what do I mean by that, by two or more
phases, for example if you have water and
water vapour, say you take a saucer in which
there is filled with water and you keep it
exposed in an open environment.
What will happen is that there is liquid water
and then there is water vapour okay.
So, basically there are two phase’s water
and water vapour okay.
So, there are basically two phases in this
multiphase system.
However because this is kept open in the environment,
air is also another component that is present.
So, it is also an example of a multi-component
system as well.
But if you take the same system and say you
place it in a vacuum chamber that means you
have sucked all the air out and you have put
a saucer of water inside that vacuum chamber.
So, what we will have is that basically liquid
water and only water vapour.
So, that will be a multiphase system which
will be characterized by two phases and one
component, because water is the only component
that is present in this case.
Now multiphase systems can also involve phase
changes and what are phase change events?
like for example evaporation, boiling, condensation.
Here the phase change happens between liquid
and liquid and vapour.
Let us look at this particular thing and so,
you can see that evaporation, boiling, condensation
this involves what we call liquid vapour transition.
Then melting and solidification is another
state that is possible.
That is done between solid and liquid.
Sublimation is another phase change phenomena
which involves solid and vapour.
So, there could be phase changes that could
happen in a system like this, like for example
going back to the example of a saucer of liquid
water okay.
So, this is the liquid water this is the corresponding
vapour phase.
Now if you look at a system like this, water
actually evaporates as we all know that if
you keep a pot of water out in ambient what
happens is that the liquid level starts to
come down.
So, naturally there is mass transfer that
happens from here to here okay.
So, this is a phase change phenomena in which
liquid water is being transferred to the vapour
phase okay.
Now, so, this is one example similarly you
can have an example you have a liquid water
say for example, you basically cool this,
that means you extract the heat out.
What happens is that this water starts to
It starts to form ice okay.
So, that is a transition in which we can call
it solidification for example right, because
it involves solid and liquid.
So similarly there can be sublimation problems
also, naphthalene for example, it actually
is a sublimate ─ directly gets converted
from solid to vapour.
So, multiphase system you can all see it has
a specific interface structure.
What do I mean by interface structure, if
you look at the same problem of that liquid
water, so, this is liquid water this is the
You can see that the vapour and the liquid
phase are basically separated by this particular
structure correct.
So, this particular structure is basically
what is called an interface okay.
So, the interface means it is a separating
surface okay, which basically separates the
two phases.
In this particular case it is liquid and vapours
It could be between solid and liquid could
be between solid and vapour as well okay.
You have all seen if you take for example
a droplet and place it on a surface like for
example when you spill something right, you
can take a droplet out and you can put it
on a surface.
So, this is liquid, this is the solid surface
and this is the vapour right.
So, this is a typical example in which this
interface okay, specially this particular
sector basically is a solid liquid vapour
phase contact line.
So, this is basically called a three-phase
structure that you form okay.
So, the multiphase systems based on their
interface structures can be dispersed phase,
can be separated phase it can be mixed phase
as well.
And we will see what each of these thing means
in the next slide.
So, for example coming back to this particular
question that, we said that we have something
called separated phase, we have something
called mixed phase and in the next slide I
will show you what I mean by dispersed phase.
Now separated phase has basically two phases
which are separated by a clearly defined geometrically
simple interface.
This is a very critical definition.
Simple geometrically simple interface is what
actually characterizes a separated phase.
In most of these cases let us look at a few
Like for example in the picture that you see
over here, the phase change say here for example
there is a liquid layer on a solid surface.
And the liquid layer has got a particular
curvature that you see over here right okay.
So, this liquid layer is a very clearly defined
interface correct because this interface is
kind of very simple it has got a nice structure
to it.
You can almost define it by a functional form.
So, examples of such systems will be like
film condensation, film boiling, solidification,
melting, sublimation.This need not be only
liquid layer it can be liquid layer on a solid
surface solid layer on a vapour blanket.
It can be vapour layer in a liquid, so it
can be a variety of things but the interface
that you can see is very simple, it is just
a wavy interface.
The next example can be for example when a
liquid jet or a gas jet is coming out into
the other phase like for example here if you
take this is for example there is a pipe in
which you are flushing in liquid okay.
So, this liquid jet is coming out in an ambient
vapour core.
So, this is the liquid this is the corresponding
vapour core.
As you can see here also the interface is
nice and simple okay it need not be flat and
straight it is just a nice interface okay.
Similar things can be seen in a liquid vapour
annular flow kind of a system okay here in
this case the inner part can be a vapour the
outer part can be a liquid or it can be vice
versa as well.
So, this example it works for atomization
problems like for example in gas turbines
and other applications.
This works in the case of film boiling, film
condensation, film evaporation etc okay.
Similar things can be seen in the other applications
as well not going into the details of that
but you can just read up this particular portion.
So, it essentially means the surface that
interface the separating surface between the
two surfaces, two phases are basically a nice
and simple geometric interface.
Let us look into the mixed phase problem now.
Now the mixed phase problem is a slightly
more difficult problem to address.
It does have some features of a separated
phase that there is a clearly defined interface.
But however if you look at this particular
example over here what you see is that you
do see a clear interface like this but at
the same time you see this additional phase
is being present inside that particular phase.
So, it is like phase within a phase kind of
a problem.
So, you can see for example in this case there
are vapour bubbles in a liquid film.
So, if I draw it if I magnify it, so this
is initially the liquid phase, this is initially
the vapour core right as you can see from
the example but however some of the vapours
have manifested itself as vapour bubbles.
So, these are bubbles okay that are situated
inside the liquid core okay.
So, here it is a typical problem in nucleation
So, we will come to those kind of specific
details later.
But here you can see it has a clearly defined
interface but at the same time it has got
this particular phase present within the liquid
So, this is what we call a mixed phase it
has got a feature of the separated phase as
well as we will see it has got also the feature
of a dispersed phase.
So, if we look at the next one.
In the next slide that you can see if we look
at the dispersed phase problem right now this
is has got the most complex interface okay.
Like for example if you look at this particular
application over here you will see that this
is basically like vapour bubbles, so these
are basically vapour bubbles okay in a liquid
core okay.
So, you can see readily from this particular
problem this is a vapour bubble in a liquid
So, the interfaces and there are multiple
interfaces and the interfaces are complex
and they are dispersed within the other phase.
So, one phase is basically dispersed in the
So, the same problem can be also in the other
case as well that means there is now a vapour
core and then there are this liquid droplets.
And they are used in multiple applications
as we can see spray cooling, combustors, atomisers.
It can be also be, the other one can be used
in chemical reactors and things like that
It can also involve particulate matter, so
it is a typical example of a solid vapour
So, in the solid vapour interface what you
can see is that there are solid particles
which are dispersed in a liquid flow.
So, there is also the interface is now between
a solid and a liquid okay.
So, the dispersed phase are very complicated,
so this requires special handling and these
are very common applications as well most
of the applications that you will find will
have dispersed phase.
So, essentially what we can say is that on
one end of the spectrum you have the separated
phase, nice and easy problems to solve very
well-defined interface.
On the other side of the spectrum you have
the dispersed phase very complicated where
this is one phase is actually dispersed in
In between these two things you basically
have what we call the mixed phase which has
got characteristics of both the separated
phase as well as the dispersed phase okay,
like for example applications like this if
you look at this or this or the things that
I showed you in the last slide.
So, it has got features of both the things
So, and in on this side we have written all
the applications that are that these kind
of systems you will find.
So, there you can see almost all the real
systems that are there in the world right
from gas turbine to spray cooling to thermal
storage and we will see some of those applications
a little later.
You can find that all of them are multiphase
All of them involve liquid vapour solid interfaces
in some form okay.
So, the real life problems are all more or
less multiphase in nature okay.
So, that is the reason why you should study
multiphase flow as well okay.
Now an important part of the multiphase system
is studying the interfacial phenomena because
individually when we just deal with a liquid
flow say for example and one example of a
liquid flow is say flow through a pipe this
is an example that we can relate to each and
every spectrum of your lifestyle.
Flow through a pipe is say its a pure liquid
flow and we know the equations that actually
govern the flow through a pipe okay.
Similarly there are other applications when
you can also flow gas through the pipe also
I mean it would basically be the same but
however when you actually have two phases
involved okay, you have to not only take into
account the liquid and the vapour or the two
phases essentially.
But you also need to take care of the interfaces
between these two phases and when you have
an interface between these two phases you
have to understand how the interfacial transport
actually happens.
Whether it happens from the liquid to the
vapour or vapour to liquid or solid to vapour
whatever it is you have to understand the
transport mechanism across that interface
So, interfacial phenomena is extremely hard
and it is extremely important to study.
And if you are looking for that where are
these interfacial phenomena is very useful
for I take an example of say cloud formation.
That is a very large scale event there one
of the main thing is an interface.
If you take another large scale system like
a gas turbine, these gas turbines are basically
what powers your where we get all these lights
and other things.
It can be it is this is the same gas turbines
that are also used in your aero engines that
means when a flight actually takes off this
is the gas turbine that is used.
It is also used for thermal storages these
days a lot of emphasis is on solar thermal
So, in solar thermal energies sometimes the
energy needs to be stored okay because the
solar thermal energy is not always present.
So, you store the energy that you get out
of the Sun in terms of something right.
So, that thermal storage is also mostly done
by face changing materials.
So, thermal storages also involves multiphase
Then you can, you have heard something called
fuel cells also alternative sources of energy
this also involves multiphase problems.
Heat pipes which is extensively used in space
applications also uses multiphase systems.
It is basically a multiphase system.
Microfluidics used in biomedical to pharmaceutical
or whatever applications that you can think
of microfluidics also involves basically droplets
okay, of two different phases okay.
Surface patterning the things that you use
to generate say for example electronic circuit
boards okay or preparing specialized surface
say for energy harvesting.
Those surface patternings also are done using
multiphase framework.
Similarly there are other applications like
electronics cooling there are nuclear reactors
all of these basically involves multiphase
So, all involves physics at the solid-liquid-vapour
interface okay.
And we need to know how this interfacial phenomena
behaves okay.
And these are some of the examples this is
a combustion application for example okay
where you actually have a liquid droplet which
is burning in a gas field.
You can also have a solid surface which is
reacting with a gas phase directly, so this
is solid with gas directly.
So, this is also an example of a multiphase
system okay.
Similarly you can have like two pure substances
are in equilibrium this always happens that
the water evaporation problem that I showed
you it basically involves liquid water and
water vapour in equilibrium.
You can also have the pipe flow problem that
I showed if you have two different phases
okay, flowing; you can have a problem like
that as well okay.
So, it is very common to have this kind of
assistance and it is important to understand
what happens at those interfaces, let us put
it like that, this is the interface how the
heat, mass and momentum gets transferred across
those interfaces, so that is the main purpose
of this course as well.
So, let us take quickly some simple multiphase
systems okay and let us give you an idea before
we go into the thermodynamics of multiphase
So, let us take the first example, let us
take this is for example thermal energy storage
Thermal energy storage as I said uses latent
heat okay basically uses face changing material.
What happens over here is that this is the
phase changing material what you see over
There is a hot fluid or cold fluid whatever
it is that flows through that inner pipe.
If it is a hot fluid the heat gets transferred
to this PCM.
This PCM actually changes its phase and the
energy of this particular fluid is actually
stored here okay.
So, imagine if this is coming from a solar
tower and that is the heat transfer medium.
You flush this fluid through this pipe you
store basically the energy which is nothing
but the solar energy into this PCM.
Just by melting the PCM okay.
And similarly when you want to extract heat
out of this PCM you pass a cold temperature
fluid through it you extract the heat out
of the hot PCM and then you use it for n number
of applications like lighting your bulb.
You can get light okay or you can use it for
other applications as well okay.
So, like for powering your home powering home
okay, specially in the rural sector this would
be particularly important in India; from Indian
perspective at least okay.
So, these has got some major advantages.
So, here you can see there is a phase change
that happens in the PCM okay.
So, it changes from solid to liquid and liquid
to solid once again.
So naturally you have to know how the heat
is transferred across the interface.
So, this is a thermal energy storage.
This is a big candidate because we actually
do a lot of research in this particular area.
This is what you see over here is basically
a gas turbine okay.
And the gas turbine is a very complicated
machinery it provides 25 to 30 % of the world's
power and aviation needs.
So, you can see, this is; this has been the
hallmark of power generation in the world
and it is a very complicated device.
We will come to those kind of things later.
But if you take a section a very small section
which is basically this part of the gas turbine.
This is where the maximum phase change or
the combustion part actually takes place.
What happens here if you take a zoomed-in
view you have liquid fuel okay.
In this case the liquid fuel can be jet fuel
or any other type of fuel that is basically
injected okay in the form of a spray.
Spray you have all seen right this is a “deo”
spray for example that is like a spray right.
So, this is injected in the form of a spray
okay like for example here okay it is injected
in the form of a spray into a hot air stream
okay into a hot air stream the fuel is injected
So, what happens this is actually the spray
means it is a combination of many small droplets
If you zoom into this particular area here
you will find that there are many such small
Now these droplets what they do is that they
evaporate this fuel right.
So, they evaporate, they actually mix with
this hot air stream and they subsequently
So, this red coloured thing that you see over
here is basically the flame okay.
So, as it burns okay that is how you get the
power you extract energy out of the fuel and
you convert it to electricity or whatever
propulsive power or whatever it is that you
want to do with it okay.
Now here the main backbone of this particular
problem is how do you vaporise liquid droplets
into the corresponding vapour form right.
So, it becomes a multiphase problem in itself
right because it involves interaction of the
spray with the flow, it involves evaporation
and it involves burning this is for example
a picture which shows how a droplet over here
should actually burnt right.
This is basically the flame what you can see
over here are basically the flame okay.
So, it is obvious that a gas turbine is a
very big machine right.
So, at the heart of that you actually have
a multiphase problem.
So, the next thing that we are going from
gas turbine, if you are interested, if you
are a renewable technology guy you move on
to something which is called fuel cell right,
fuel cell is an electrochemical device, electrochemical
energy conversion device essentially which
converts the chemical energy in the fuel directly
to electrical energy okay.
So, in the core of a fuel cell it is a very
simple mechanism actually this is the PEM
fuel cell actually Polymer Electrolyte Membrane
fuel cell.
So, in this particular fuel cell what happens
is that oxygen is supplied into the it is
it through the cathode, fuel which is hydrogen
or methanol comes through the anode the reaction
takes place you get heat and you get water
and carbon dioxide as by products.
So, this is basically the mechanism of the
fuel cell from a very global perspective.
However if you look at the fuel cell complexities
right over here what you can see is that the
fuel cell is a very complicated machinery.
It has got multiple layers like for example
catalyst layer, gas diffusion layer, the proton
exchange membrane.
There are passages which are of course like
millimeter sized passages through which the
gas and the oxidizers or the fuel and oxidizers
are actually passed.
Here it involves two-phase multi-component
systems and it also happens at multiple length
scale for example here the pore sizes can
be of the order of microns.
Here the pore sizes can be of the order of
nanometers even.
So, this involves flow through multiple passages
And at the same time this fuel, this water
that is actually produced is not just produced
in gaseous form it can also condense and it
can actually block passages.
So, there are n number of issues that are
And all of these things actually involve two
phase multi-component transport issue.
So, the fuel cell is not devoid of a multiphase
nature of it okay.
Similarly there is something called heat pipe.
Now the heat pipe is another device in which
you basically it is a passive device okay.
So, what happens over here is that if you
look at the diagram over there is that heat
pipe is that you basically have once again
a liquid and the vapour interface.
What happens over here is that heat is taken
out in one section okay.
So, the, from the basically the vapour core
through the liquid and after that the heat
is resupplied in the evaporator section right
over there okay.
So, what happens is that heat is applied to
the evaporator section and is conducted through
the wick and the liquid.
The liquid evaporates at its interface with
the vapour in the condenser section that is
in this particular section, the vapour releases
the heat to the liquid as it condenses.
So, this entire transport occurs basically
through capillary action.
So, the heat pipe is basically a passive device
which basically transports heat from one section
to the other and the core of it basically
is a multiphase problem.
Because there is a liquid layer there is a
vapour layer and then there is an interface
which basically separates the two.
In some cases you can also have vapour bubbles
forming inside the liquid.
So, if you remember the previous discussions,
it is almost like a mixed phase here okay.
So, the heat pipe is one of the key applications
in space because you, it does not have any
moving parts.
And it actually is very, very robust and it
is very very simple and it can actually transport
very large quantities of heat okay.
But this is without going into too much details
this also involves a typical multiphase problem
as you can see from the diagram over there
Similarly, you can have other cases in which
you can have rapid melting and solidification
problems as well.
For example in this case it is a solid is
irradiated with a pulsed laser.
So, basically it is radiative heating.
As soon as the pulse laser happens you develop
a melt okay.
And this melt front can actually propagate
depending on the heating forget about these
parts right now.
Because these are not important we will come
across to these parts later.
But this is one of the major things that is
used in the laser heating of solids and melting
of solids or laser metal interaction at very
small time scales is an important problem
that has that is there in many of the industries
for processing as well as for manufacturing
industries okay.
So, this also involves as you can see a liquid
solid interface okay.
So, this entire thing as you can see over
here okay also involves this kind of problems.
This is a for example another problem from
our work which is called surface patterning.
What is being done over here is that you basically
deploy puddles of liquid or droplets essentially
like in the form of a circuit okay.
It looks exactly like this okay.
Now this particular fragment of liquid actually
This has of course got functional materials
whatever is the thing that is you want to
pattern the surface with this liquid actually
evaporates and the pattern gets deposited
on the surface in a particular shape and size.
Of course this particular problem because
it involves evaporation it involves flow like
that we have shown over there in micrometer
So, this is flow in micro meter per second
In the gas turbine the flows are highly turbulent.
So, that the order of the flow is like hundreds
of meter here, we are going into the micrometer
So, the micrometer flows micrometer per second
flows are there okay and it also involves
evaporation as it evaporates it leaves behind
this kind of patterns that you can see over
here on the surface.
So, you can generate patterns at different
scales just by using a liquid template.
So, the liquid template over here involves
interfacial phenomena like evaporation and
So, at this particular point we want to emphasize
that we have covered in the first lecture;
we have covered that what are the examples
of the different multiphase system.
Of course we have not gone into the details.
But we have seen that they can be, these multiphase
systems can be extremely complicated they
are very diverse.
This is not just one particular area.
So, it involves from electronic industry to
power generation industry to chemical processing
industry to any industry that you can think
of this multiphase systems are uni-present
everywhere okay.
So, it is important to know about the nature
of these multiphase systems.
To know the nature of these multiphase systems
in lecture two what we are going to do we
will start looking at the thermodynamics of
the multiphase systems with a little bit of
recap of the thermodynamics that you may have
learnt earlier.
And we will particularly look at how it applies
to the multiphase systems as such okay.
So, we end lecture one over here.
We now will go on to lecture two to look at
the thermodynamics of the multiphase systems.
Thank you.