So, welcome to the course on Engineering Mechanics.
It is desirable that when you learned a new
course that you get to know the history and
the human struggle to arrive at that body
of knowledge. In these set of slides, you
see a variety of structures dating from 2500
B. C. This is the Parthenon in 438 B.C and
this is the famous Eiffel tower in 1889, and
this is the bridge under construction at Dubai.
And what you see in these slides is complexity
of the design has phenomenally increased from
just stones standing in one place to a beautiful
construction of depicting a human smile on
the bridge. And another aspect is you also
find a change in the materials that they have
used. You find steel is used in the Eiffel
tower and the modern construction they have
used concrete and also steel and variety of
other aspects. And you know it is desirable
when you have a course it is like a roller
coaster; you have ups and downs and also you
have sense of joy in the mind of these people.
And I would like you to have this sense of
joy as we learn the course. Because I believe
learning is a pleasure. And what you see in
the roller coaster you can easily explain
by the law of conservation of energy.
And many of you know this in your earlier
training and from an engineering perspective
you should view this simplified model of the
roller coaster. Can you see something very
interesting and striking in this? If you look
at the peaks they are cleverly put at different
levels and it is mainly because you start
with the maximum potential energy at the beginning
of the ride. And you select the height in
such a way that the car is able to loop the
loop and all this you can comfortably explain
by initially neglecting friction. That is
the way we do the modeling and make our life
And you should also know that there have been
spectacular failures. Look at the concrete
bridge. This concrete bridge is going through
an oscillation and if you can watch carefully
there is a person who is coming along the
central line of this that is the nodal point
of this. The story goes that there was a car,
there was a car here and there was a dog inside
the car he was trying to rescue that car and
he is a professor of vibration. So, he knew
how to navigate this vibrating structure and
look at the concrete bridge. Can you ever
imagine it can twist like this?
And all of this happen without a warning;
see the human civilization learnt many things
from failures than success. And this was the
bridge constructed in 1940s and the wind speed
at that time was 42 miles per hour and the
period of oscillation was about 5 seconds.
It was started in 1938, opened to traffic
in 1940 in the month of July and it collapsed
in the month of November just 4 months of
It really sent shock waves to the designers
what is it that they have not noticed while
designing this bridge. And the interesting
story is it started vibrated at 10 o’ clock
in the morning continued for about 40 minutes.
There was a video store at the end of the
bridge and he saw something happening and
he started recording it, you might think that
the video quality is not good. But you should
also associate with time in 1940 that is the
quality that they had and that is a real learning
experience for many to see and this failed
by torsional mode of vibration. And the bridge
completely collapsed into the water body.
And if you look at history; Egyptians had
empirical rules for determining safe dimensions
and they built huge pyramids. This was dating
back to 2500 B. C.
Then what you find Greeks further advanced
the art of building. They had built an arch
bridge this is still surviving what you will
have to look at is, this looks very trivial
at this point in time. But this bridge is
in use for 3300 years. And now we know what
is the mechanics behind the arch bridge you
have a keystone piece. This is held by friction
locks all other stones in place; all these
understanding now we have at that point in
what kind of understanding they had we have
no clue.
And what you find is Romans were great builders
and we also had arches in ancient civilization.
Starting from 2nd millennium BC, Mesopotamian
brick work is like this, and this is the one
you saw in many of the structures that Romans
have built extensively used arches in their
And you should know nowadays much lighter
structures are built. You have to conserve
material and people have looked at engineering
as advanced. Nevertheless, you should compliment
people when they had problem; they had a solution
that solution may not be optimal that is a
different issue. But they had a solution when
they were forced to get certain things done.
And most of the knowledge that the Greeks
and Romans accumulated was lost during the
Middle Ages; that is the saddest part of it.
And you can see here the use of arches and
this for the transporting water these are
called aqueducts.
And it was a sense of pride and this is a
hilly terrain, so you have a ravine here and
they have built similar arches multiple layers.
So, they were able to solve the problem of
water requirement by having these kinds of
And it is also surprising to see the Romans
were also the ones to use concrete in their
bridges. And it appears they have built not
one bridge; 931 bridges about 2000 years ago.
So, that is something creditable. See normally
when we learn anything, we have learnt so
much about western civilization how it has
come about. We have never looked at as Indians
what we have been doing it; we saw a bridge
in Roman Empire that they have built it 3300
years old.
We also had parallel examples and dating back
to Ramayana and you have a bridge on sea.
And I said that they have cleverly used a
material which will float on the sea they
are limestone shoals.
And this is not a short bridge it is a bridge
covering 30 kilometers and this bridge was
in good shape until there was a storm in the
15th century and it broke only in the cyclone
of 1480 until then people were able to go
for several 1000 years this bridge was existence
so that is something very interesting to see
And when you look at the Parthenon you have
a nice building with a roof; this is consisting
of vertical members which are called as columns
which you will learn in this course. And the
horizontal member which support transverse
loading are called beams. So, they had an
idea that you want to build a structure you
can have beams and columns.
The one striking difference is you look at
the distance between the columns it is very
narrow. Whereas the room in which you are
sitting you are having a beam; in this room
the beam is like this, the span is very large
we have understood the mechanics. So, we are
able to exploit it better. Nevertheless, you
should compliment when it was 438 B.C, they
had the idea of building structures like this.
And we also had several temples having 1000
pillared Mantapas. So, the span is different
span is the one which is different.
So, if you look at the earlier civilization,
they knew the problems; they had solved it
by some method. But still the behavior have
they understood the behavior completely for
them to extrapolate or teach the next generation
what to do.
And if you go back to history you know you
have this Archimedes; I would like you to
look at these historical figures with their
associated time. You should recognize that
this was in before Christian era and all of
you know the law of buoyancy that is the eureka
moment. What precipitated this? He was given
a problem by the king; he got a golden crown
and he wanted to know whether it is done properly
even at that point in time people were cheating
ok. He wanted to find out whether it is made
of pure gold or not. So, he had to find out
a way to find out the density and he solved
the problem.
So, in those eras you had a king, he had a
court, he will have a bunch of scholars who
would solve king’s problem. It is not that
the general mass had an idea or clue how to
solve the problem if they are faced with.
And you also have very nice construction of
hoisting devices this is still used in Egypt
for irrigation. And Archimedes is also very
well known for equilibrium of levers. In this
course we would exploit and analyze levers
to find out many gadgets that are of use in
today ok.
But if you look at what prompted him to develop
these levers, the story is different; he had
to defend his country. So, he devised a lever
which will lift the boat and sink it in one
shot that is what you saw it in the animation.
And on the other side this animation shows
how the ship is snapped very fast.
So, the idea what I am trying to convey is
unfortunately many of the key scientific developments
whether it was in the olden days or currently
it is all precipitated by military considerations.
First people develop it for military to kill
each other. Then they find a technology it
can be used for maybe making your heart valve
titanium alloys are used for heart valve;
it percolated from that kind of technology.
So, that you will have to keep in mind it
is not that science always focuses on human
Funding is available only for military that
is another aspect that you have to keep in
mind. And if you go back to history Leonardo
daVinci had the correct idea of the thrust
produced by an arch which I have already given
hint of what it is. He has studied strength
of materials experimentally until then people
have not done it. Also considered the strength
of beams though not correct fully and you
will be surprised analysis of beams development
of a proper theory took 400 years of human
effort very bright minds have contributed
to it is not a child’s play.
We may teach theory of beams in 15 minutes
in a class, but if you look at the history
it was a great struggle; daVinci also made
some investigations on the strength of columns.
Perhaps the first attempt to apply statics
in finding forces in members of structures.
Whatever the important advances made by daVinci
buried in his notes.
As in Roman era to fix the dimensions of structural
elements the engineers relied only by experience
and judgment that is a very vague word unless
whatever the understanding is brought into
mathematical equations, it cannot become a
science. So, daVinci really realized mechanics
is the paradise of mathematical sciences because
here we come to the fruits of mathematics;
so, the very important statement.
And he was also a great artist and he was
acclaimed for a very nice piece of bronze
statue. And if you see here it stands on two
hind legs unless you understand the distribution
of weight and statics properly you will not
be able to make this statue. And this statue
is only above foot in height and when was
it done; it was done in 1516 to 1519 ok the
horse was standing on two legs.
But in Indian achievement we had statue of
Nataraja standing on one leg; don’t you
feel that it is much more creditable? And
when was it done? You had excavations revealed
right from 6th century onwards we have Nataraja
and whatever the idol I am showing here is
the 10th century Chola statue standing on
one leg that is amazing. And you look at this;
this has a depth very complex dynamical structure.
It cannot be done unless they had some understanding
of mechanics.
We had this knowledge 1000 years ago before
daVinci could build his equestrian statue
and this is all embodied in Silpasasthra and
you will also be surprised the statue of Nataraja
has been given as a presentation to the CERN
which is the particle accelerator at Switzerland
by the Department of Atomic Energy, Government
of India. Because whatever the subatomic particle
which they were trying to reveal they had
inspiration from the dance of Nataraja.
And the questions that puzzled the generations
they are very important. Is the earth at the
centre of universe; If you suppose you start
thinking you want to find out reason behind
everything then you are confronted with these
basic questions. What is the frame of reference?
Is it absolute or relative? What is gravitation;
because gravitation was a very puzzling aspect
because you have forces being exerted when
bodies are not in contact.
People could understand when the bodies are
in contact, they exert each other force that
was reasonably understood. So, gravitation
as such was a very puzzling in the human evolution
to understand and does the earth spin? Does
it revolve around the sun? How do planets
move? In which orbits; time and space are
they independent or dependent? You are all
very well taught in your physics courses in
your schools you would say Kepler’s laws
that say planets travel in elliptical orbits.
You will proudly come and say now we will
go back and say what Indians have done earlier
And let us get back to the very root of scientific
thinking you had Aristotle’s physics this
started in 350 B. C or so. So, the Aristotle’s
views on space, time and motion were very
intuitive; that means, everybody will agree
with what he says. And these are the statement
that he has made that. They are very abstract
in nature. Every sensible body is by its nature
somewhere. Time is a numeration of continuous
movement; very abstract ok.
What did he say about frame of reference?
There exists a prime mover which is at a state
of absolute rest and with respect to this
state of absolute rest you have to measure
whatever the coordinate system that you have.
And the prime mover also had a clock you see
this old clock that he has; the time is measured
based on the prime mover’s clock; a very
convenient to get started when you get started.
Can you imagine for how many years these views
were unchallenged? Can you make a guess when
somebody makes a statement to understand what
happens around him and formulate? Certain
basic ideas you will be surprised this took
2,000 years to change not 1 or 2 years. So,
when you get a doubt after a class; do not
be annoyed fine human civilization was like
that if you are getting a doubt you may be
getting that original doubt they had asked
at that point in time.
And Galileo came into the picture; he came
1500 years or 2000 years later. He argued
that there is no such thing as absolute rest.
The mechanical laws of physics are the same
for every observer moving with a constant
speed along a straight line; this is called
inertial observer.
And in those days for locomotion what do you
had? You had only these boats ok. So, he said
when doing experiments on a boat sailing at
constant speed in a straight line that is
very important. On a smooth lake the results
are the same as on shore. One cannot tell
whether the ship is moving at all without
looking outside, it was a great understanding
And if you say that what Galileo has said
if we go back to our literature you have a
sloka which says “Anuloma gathinaustha…”
the sloka reads like this. This is from Aryabhatiyam
this is in 499 AD. At least 1000 years before
Galileo was thinking about relativity; the
meaning of this is; just as a person in boat
moving forward sees the stationary objects
on the bank as moving backwards, the stationary
stars are seen in Lanka as moving towards
the West; very important. Concept of relativity
was not simple. Indian scientists had this
vision 1000 years earlier than this you have
such records ok.
And what was Galileo’s space and time; he
also had a reference frame like this and he
did not say that it is absolute ok. So, what
he said was every inertial observer could
declare themselves as “the Prime Mover”
and measure the position of everything with
respect to their own set of coordinates x
prime, y prime and z prime. The only restriction
is it should travel in a straight line with
a constant velocity, it could be in one direction,
it could be on another direction, or it could
be in a very generic direction.
So, he had relaxed what should be the frame
of reference, but what did he do about time?
He still measured the time from the prime
mover’s clock; that was not changed. This
is a story after 2,000 years.
So, where Galileo left; Newton Started and
if you look at Galileo’s life ends in 1642
and in 1642 Isaac Newton is born. And he says
Newton’s laws of mechanics are in agreement
with Galileo’s relativity. And we all know
reasonably well what is Newton laws to get
an object to change its velocity we need a
force. The other statement is a body not acted
upon by any force stays at rest or remains
in uniform motion whichever it was doing to
begin with; very important statements in the
development of mechanics.
It took 2,000 years to do that; we will again
and again see in this lecture various ways
of looking at Newton laws of mechanics ok
so that you get the idea central idea how
difficult it was to comprehend this and you
have the famous law F equal to m a and this
is m d v by d t.
And there was also Copernicus between 1473
and 1543. We asked the question whether earth
is at the centre of the universe. For 2,000
years people believed the earth is at the
centre of the universe. So, there was an uproar
against it. One of the scientists which brought
this about was Copernicus. He was convinced
about the heliocentric theory, but very afraid
of repercussions of his work.
And the story goes that he got a printed copy
of his De Revolutionibus on his death bed
in 1543. And he also established that earth
spun on it is axis once per day; until then
people did not have that idea ok. Then you
had Johannes Kepler 1571 to 1630. He published
Tabulae of Rudolphinae in 1627- the most accurate
predictions for the motion of the planets
and all of you know he said Kepler’s laws
of motion and you know the planets travel
in elliptical orbits. All these happened when;
in 1570, 1630 and so on ok.
And you had Rane Descartes between 1596 and
1650. He attempted to figure out enigma of
gravity because this is a force without contact.
So, he devised he was accustomed to only with
contact. So, he proposed the vortex theory
of colliding particles. So, that is required
a medium in space which is not possible and
he attacked the basics of Copernican model
which questioned the geocentric theory.
Because people were for geocentric theory,
they stuck on to Descartes for 100 years.
Even when Newton showed it was impossible
as a dynamical system whatever Descartes was
saying about the vortex theory. Because people
are very difficult to change, they do not
want to change their opinions so easily. Scientists
have to struggle to convince that.
And this is a time line and the time scale
is not linear; you had Aristotle and you have
Ptolemy they were proponents of geocentric
theory; very comfortable for civilization
to think that they are very important in the
creation of God. And Leonardo daVinci was
between 1452 and 1519. Then you had the Copernicus
who talked about the heliocentric theory,
then you had Kepler talked about the planetary
Then you had Galileo established the idea
of relativity and Newton followed Galileo’s
relativity and much later you had Albert Einstein
who questioned the concept of time. From Aristotle
to Newton they still had the prime mover having
a clock from that only you measured the time
that took 2,000 years. From Newton to Einstein
it took 200 years to change those views and
he had also come out with special theory of
And let us look at what was Aristotle’s
contribution. In the absence of a force what
happens? A body is at rest; that looks plausible,
very nice and so on and so forth. And what
did Newton say in 1660 AD, he also agreed
a body is at rest; will remain at rest. There
was no contradiction there. He made one more
statement, which looks very simple now. If
it is moving with a constant velocity it will
continue to do so; very simple statement,
but it took 2,000 years to get that. It is
a very significant development and achievement.
And look at it from other perspective; we
need a force for what? We need a force for
an object to move; that is also people can
comprehend. What Newton said? For an object
to change its velocity, the difference is
very subtle. To penetrate this fact, it took
2,000 years. Now, you follow Newton’s law
and then you make mistakes; that is different,
but the laws are said and it is repeatedly
proved that the laws are correct. And this
is the time when they were making laws, when
it was not available very clearly for anybody
to use it.
Newton clarified the mechanics of motion in
the real world. He also believed that there
existed an absolute reference frame and an
absolute time. His laws applied only when
measurements were made in this reference frame
or in any other reference frame that was at
rest or moving at a constant velocity relative
to this absolute frame; they are called initial
frames of reference ok.
And he is also associated with the famous
story of apples falling and it and made him
to write the book Principia Mathematica. So,
the apple falling has also dislodged whatever
the thought process Aristotle had about the
universe, space, time so on and so forth ok.
Because the gravitation was so difficult to
comprehend and that precipitated these developments.
Now let us look back what is there in Sanskrit
I will read a simple shloka like this “Gopi
bhagya madhu vrata…”. The shloka goes
like this; on the face of it if you read it
extols the activities of Krishna. Oh, Krishna
the fortune of the Gopis, the destroyer of
the demon Madhu, the story goes like this,
but what is interesting in Sanskrit literature
is it contains layers of information.
See now you are in a different era you have
terabyte as your hard disk; you can store
any amount of information you want. They had
to transmit knowledge from one generation
to another generation by wrote memory and
they also want to have this knowledge transmitted
to right kind of people you have cryptology
now. So, they had packed all the information
in Sanskrit and they were also made that cryptic.
So, only people who have trained can unravel
this information. Now I am going to show you
a very interesting information this simple
shloka says; we will see that.
There is something called Katapayathi in Sanskrit
literature. When I say Gopi bhagya I can see
that as the letters Ga Pa Ba Ya. And these
are the numbers given to that and if you look
at these numbers, I get 3141. And what is
Madhuvrata; in a similar way you can find
out what is Madhuvrata it is 5926. “Shringi
shodadhi sandhiga…” that has a very long
digit. Can some of you guess where I am going
towards too? Ok; that is good.
So, “Khalajeevita..” and you have Ka Tha
Va and you are able to get all these numbers
and this shloka tells the value of pi accurately
to 32 digits. Unless somebody comes and tells
us that the shloka has this that goes to the
credit of Shri Bharathitheertha of Vedic mathematics.
And the story also goes we saw that this extols
the activities of Krishna; there is another
interpretation it also extols Shiva. So, the
Sanskrit literature is so complex unless you
have a right interpreter you will miss what
it communicates that is the background that
you have to keep in mind.
And now we have said that the gravitation
was so difficult to understand ok. Because
it is a force acting at a distance; law of
gravitation is in Upanishads. How many of
you have ever heard of this kind of point
of view? A mantra in Prasnopanishad says that
the Earth’s Devata is activating the function
of apanan. And you will have a shloka like
this and I said shloka alone is not sufficient;
you need a right interpreter to do it.
So, “Prithivyam ya devata…” the shloka
goes like this. When Adisankara wanted to
explain the meaning he had said while writing
Bhashyam for the above mantra Adisankara writes
“like Earth attracts everything that is
put on it, apanan pulls down pranan!” And
this was when? This was again in B.C; Before
Christ. We all have to be very proud that
our Indian tradition had many of these concepts
on mechanics from time immemorial. When I
grew nobody told me, when I have learnt over
the years, I thought it is essential for me
to communicate, we also had this kind of knowledge
much earlier than what the western scientists
have got it.
Nevertheless, you have to give them the credit
they have put it in a mathematical form which
everybody can use it. Unless you have great
Sanskrit scholars with background in modern
science they can go back and unravel the mysteries
of Indian civilization. In fact, many such
works are currently underway; people are working
on it; people are having a relook at it.
So, in this lecture we had a bird’s eye
view of what is the history behind strength
of materials some tit-bits we have seen. You
have to appreciate the human struggle what
you learned and take it for granted has not
come about in a single day. People have to
struggle and people hold on to the views,
it is very difficult to change something which
is comfortable.
If you ask all the 1000 questions to one person;
he will only collapse. These are very mind-boggling
questions. So, in the next class we will continue
the discussion. We would also see a very surprising
information on planetary motion very correctly
said as elliptical motion in our literature.
Nobody has told us we have to resurrect and
then take pride in the civilization that we
have grown in. Thank you.