Hello friends, welcome to this first lecture
on Acoustics and Noise Control. The title of
the course has this two very important
words acoustics and noise control. So,
this introductory lecture is about a brief
description of these two words acoustics
and noise control. So, see what acoustic means.
Acoustics is obviously as you may be aware is the
science of sound and sound in turn is the cause
for which we have the perception of hearing. So,
it is a very important attribute, it is a very
important sensory human sense that we are able
to hear different kinds of sound it has great
implications in terms of our behavioral as well
as biological existence. So, that part of it
is obviously, not engineering, but what is
engineering we will come to it in a moment time,
but before we do that let us try to understand
what causes this perception of sound. So, the
elementary physiology that we are going to stick
with in terms of that it is very clear that it is
some kind of pressure fluctuations which hits your
eardrum. And these pressure fluctuations in turns
excite a fluid which is there in your ears which
is called the cochlear fluid that gets into some
excitation and those excitations are picked up by
the nervous system present in the auditory canals
and it is interpreted as sound by the brains.
So, that complex physiology is something that
possibly we are not going to do in this course,
but we are going to non and the same stick
to this important idea that the perception
of hearing is because of the fact that there is a
certain sound pressure which is fluctuating sound
pressure rather which is causing the eardrum to
vibrate. The eardrum is just like a structure
just like the tabla or the drum it is a membrane
if it is subjected to some fluctuating pressure
force. Please understand what the difference
between fluctuating pressure force and a
standard atmospheric pressure. If it is a standard
atmospheric pressure like 101 kilopascal pressure,
then you will not have any sensation of
hearing because of that because it is
going to cause only a static deflection.
So, let’s make this clearer. So, there are this
term of pressure fluctuation okay, so as the name
suggest fluctuation means there is in time axis
if you had to plot the pressure there is a mean
pressure and the mean pressure does not change
much in the time scales of our interest. So,
let us say the standard atmospheric pressure
is 101 kilopascal okay at some conditions of
temperature, humidity and so and so forth;
then usually this does not change in the scale of
seconds or minutes or even in an hourly scale.
So, if there is a membrane, this is a membrane
structure let’s say and if you have this
pressure acting on to the membrane structure
then the resultant of that is going to be a
static deflection. So, the membrane structure is
possibly going to deflect like this and that’s it
nothing else will happen. So, it is like as I
sit on the chair the chair being spring like,
the chair sorts of deflects into a static
deflection position and nothing else right.
But if instead of a standard atmospheric pressure
on a static atmospheric pressure, we have a
fluctuating pressure something like this. We don’t
quite declare what the type of fluctuations are,
but all that we say is over and above this mean
level there is some fluctuating or oscillatory
components if you may like which is acting.
So, on top of this what is now going to happen
is that there is going to be an oscillating
component and I will show these oscillating
component in this fashion okay, because it
is both upward and downward with reference
to a mean which is now not zero, but at
101 kilopascal. The mean has been shifted,
the mean is no longer 0 pascal or in term
if you work in terms of gauge pressures,
you can still think that the gauge pressure is
zero. But in terms of absolute atmosphere pressure
absolute pressure quantities, the quantity
which is the mean pressure is at 101 pascal,
but over and above the 101 kilopascal there is a
positive pressure and a negative pressure which
is what it means as a fluctuating pressure.
To continue the analogy of me sitting in to this
chair if I just do not move around and nicely
comfortably sit statically onto this chair,
I can understand the chair has deflected by a
few millimeters probably because of my weight.
But then if I start sort of jumping around in
this chair then I can feel that this chair is
also oscillating along with me, this is true for
any structure not just for a chair. You can try
this in your car seat you can think about the car
itself any structure when it is subjected to a
dynamic, this is what we call a dynamic forces.
A static force is that which does not change
with time. So, you will note this down, static
quantities are those which do not change with
time. You could have a static weight; you could
have other forms of static dead load or so on. So,
static the effect of static load onto a
structure causes static deflection.
However, when you have when I say dynamic
quantity, I basically mean time varying
quantities. So, dynamic quantities basically
are time varying that which is not constant with
time. So, in this course, we will be interested
about dynamic quantities, time varying quantities
and as an example a dynamic load acting on a
structure causes vibration of the structure.
How to calculate vibrating structure due to a
given applied loading that is the subject matter
of theory of vibration, some of you may have had
exposure to that, but even otherwise do not we do
not need too much of theory of vibration at least
for this course. But we just need to appreciate
this fact that once you have a dynamic or a
time varying load acting onto a structure, the
structure will vibrate. So, again as an example
of this we have the physiology of acoustic.
So, let us take this to be our ear and internal
to the ear there is a structure as I said which
is the eardrum okay. So, now, if I look at
just the eardrum, this is being subjected to
some kind of atmospheric pressure that is for
sure. But on top of the atmospheric pressure
the fact that I am talking to you it basically
implies that on top of the atmospheric pressure
my voice is able to create some fluctuating
components and these fluctuating components
are going to cause the ear membrane to oscillate.
And these oscillations will be picked up by some
fluid which is called the cochlear fluid, and
it goes in some spiral fashion. And from there
onwards using some complex nervous, I mean
sensory pick up it is interpreted by the
brain as a voice or as the sound or whatever you
think music or noise and so on and so forth.
So, the basic cause of our perception for hearing
is the fact that our ear drums are vibrating and
why are the eardrums vibrating just like any
structure would any structure would vibrate
because of the presence of oscillating forces
acting onto the structure. So, eardrum is no
different mechanical structure than a plate or
this chair on which I gave you the example. So,
accordingly the eardrum vibration is setup by
fluctuating pressure components which are caused
because of the sound generation mechanism, this
is what we will take up in more details as we go
along. But the moral of the story is this, the
perception of sound is due to the oscillatory
pressure forces oscillatory pressures acting
on the eardrum causing the eardrum to vibrate.
Again please note that the atmospheric pressure
which is a static which is assumed to be static or
constant with time merely causes static deflection
of the eardrum structure and is not responsible
for sound perception. So, this is the most
important trigger as far as human perception of
sound is concerned. And we will take it up from
here that there are some oscillating pressure
forces which we will try and understand how these
oscillating pressure forces are generated in the
are taking birth or originating. And then another
very important aspect is how they are getting
transmitted from the point of it generation to
your eardrums, how is it getting transmitted.
So, accordingly we will have different topics
to talk on, but the fundamental point which I
wanted to emphasize is that it is the pressure
fluctuations which is acting on the eardrum
which is the basic trigger for the perception of
our sense of hearing okay. Again another human
aspect of sound is that sounds could can be
pleasing or it can be annoying; and obviously,
there are lots of human subjectivities involved
in this criteria there is no hard and fast
rule that what appears as music to a certain
individual can appear noisy to the other. So,
in general now sound is not subjective, sound
is the perception of hearing, you have sound,
you have it fluctuating pressure, you will
you are going to hear sound but whether
that is pleasing her whether that is annoying;
obviously, depends upon the individual concern.
So, the discrimination between what is music or
what is an intelligible speech in comparison to
what is not is or what is an annoying sound,
annoying sound will be called noise. So, this
distinction is actually there are subjectivities
involved, but in this course we are primarily
going to be concerned about machine noise. We
are not going to worry about music or speech
because that’s basically outside the scope of
our discussion here. Being mechanical engineers,
we are interested in machines we are also
interested in machines which are quieter, and
I will emphasize why we need quieter machines in a
moment time, but usually when it comes to machine
any sound that is emanated from the machine is
basically not intelligible. So, it is of no use,
it is definitely not soothing. So, it is best
avoided, it is annoying, but in certain instances
as again I will probably emphasize in certain
instance, you may like to have a certain kind
of noise, but more often than not all machine
noises are annoying and all machine noises in
terms of good machine design perspective. It is
an objective that this noise is best got rid of.
So, from sound we come to noise and
the objective in this course will be
to understand not only sound, but to be able to
at least in some through some examples to be able
to appreciate how all this theory can help us
design quieter machines. So, obviously, there
are a lot of machines that are there we won’t
talk about all machines. But hopefully at the
back of our mind we will keep this in mind that
how different machines make noise and what is it
that one can do to sort of contain this noise or
bring this noise to the minimal possible levels.
So, generalize definition of acoustics could be
stated as it is the branch of science which deals
with the study of sound. So, we are going to study
sound and noise control in a more specialized
branch of acoustic which deals about how to apply
this theory behind sound in order to design better
machines in terms of its acoustic performance, and
there are good reasons why we should do so I will
have some motivation for you in the following
slides. There are different areas within this
very broad field of acoustics. We could talk about
how sound is generated in the first place and that
we will do in the part of this course.
A more important factor is how sound is
transmitted from the point of generation to the
point of reception. So, we could do something
more often than not again the generation is
very difficult to tinker with and there are
engineering reasons which I will come to. But the
transmission path from the point of generation
of the sound to the point of reception of the
sound has lot of scope where in an engineer can
use his or her ingenuity in order to reduce
the sound as perceived by the receiver. So,
the transmission path analysis turns out to be
very important. Scattering well scattering is
once there is a sound getting transmitted any
blockage that happens is called scattering. I
will just probably quickly explain to you
these ideas through the writing.
So, generation is one aspect which happens at the
source okay. So, for example, as I am talking the
sound is getting generated from my vocal cords,
you may wish to understand how is my vocal cord
vibrating. And then how the air around the vocal
cords is actually moving such that this pressure
fluctuation is created and then right from my
mouth as you will know the mouth is going to
serve as a resonator for the acoustic. So, the
sound that is getting generated from my vocal
cords is actually getting amplified at my mouth
which is serving is an acoustic resonator; we will
discuss all these in details as we go along and
from there on it is getting transmitted right.
So, you could have a source which could be let’s
the speaker the speaker could be a human speaker
or it could be the instrument speaker that you are
well of both of both the human speaker as well as
the instrument speaker work on the principle of
vibration induced noise sorry vibration induced
sound okay. So, there is something which
is vibrating in our vocal cords or even in
a speaker there is a membrane which is vibrating
and once that vibration happens that sort of. So,
I will make myself a little more clear through
this drawing. So, if you have a structure,
which is vibrating. So, let us say this
structure vibrate within these envelope
it goes up and down up and down what will
happen to the neighboring fluid particles.
Let say there are some fluid particles and I
will indicate them in a different color. So,
these are the neighboring fluid particles just
some random fluid particles I am drawing right.
So, as the structure is going to vibrate, it
is going to throw out these neighboring fluid
particles and it is going to cause motion
of the neighboring fluid particles. So,
once the neighboring fluid particle is set into
motion or what happens to the fluid particles
which are faraway nothing is going to happen
because these fluid particles don’t yet know that
there is a structure which has started vibration.
The neighboring fluid particles will immediately
know because they are being pushed around
and shafted around by the structure they will
immediately know that the structure is vibrating.
So, they will sort of get cramped for space as a
result you will have a region of localized
build-up of the pressure within this fluid
particle which is basically called a region of
condensation that is you will have a region of
build-up of the local pressure and the local
densities. So, this is the source of sound
right. And this is more categorical speaking this
is the vibroacoustics source of sound speakers
being one very good example of that right, but
there are other sources of sound also and I will
talk of them as about them as we go along.
But then when you talk about transmission,
let us understand that you are a little further
away from at least my vocal cord right. So, you
do not get to hear what you are exactly my vocal
cord is producing, it gets amplified firstly, in
my throat because of the resonance effect which as
I said will be detailed out in the later classes,
but what reaches you is the transmitted sound.
So, these localized pressures will actually get
transmitted all the way up to the point where
the reception is occurring. So, this part is
generation, whereas this part is transmission
from the point of generation to the point of
reception whatever changes are taking place is
studied under the heading of sound transmission.
Now, here one crucial assumption that we have
taken is that in this world there is only the
vibrating structure and nothing else that is
not true right, there are obstacles. So, now,
let’s complicate the picture a little bit and say
that there is a certain obstacle here it could be
a wall, it could be a fat man standing between
me and you, it could be anything right. So,
obviously, the transmission path will now get
distorted it cannot have a there is no direct
path of transmission just like in the terms of
optics, there is an obstacle between me and you,
you are not going to see me right, but that it
is not so very easy in terms of sound. Even if I
play some obstacle and sort of hide myself behind
that obstacle, my sound can still reach you. So,
there is a way in which the sound will
now travel in some strange manner.
So, any distortion to the path to the direct path
would be called as scattering. So, this effect is
that of scattering due to an obstacle okay. We
will talk not of all kinds of scatters, but one
very important rather an easy obstacle to talk
of is when this is a completely rigid barrier and
it is sort of reflects the sound back. So, even an
ideal reflector in that sense is a scatter right,
but typically we will not get into the business
of scattering because I don’t think we will have
time allotted to that much details. So, it is just
for your awareness that what is the scattering.
So, then there are lots of issues associated
with the human perception of sound. And you
know the evolution of the decibel scale for
one thing is led from this trigger that it is
the human perception which matters. And once
you get into this human perception issues,
you understand that you cannot quantify sound
in the usual run of the main type of unit. So,
one needs to evolve the units which are decibel
scale and you will have decibel a weighted scale,
b weighted scale and so on and so forth these
are all related to human perception of sounds
because finally, what we are interested in is
to understand how we can have less annoying
machines less noisy machines right. So, if you
have a machine which makes less perceptible
noise then it is all the more better for us
in terms of our machine design perspective.
We will also like to touch upon the topics of
absorption. There are different materials which
are there which can absorb sound, and what
is the basic underline philosophy of sound
absorbing materials if time permits we will
try and touch on those things also. We will
talk about sound measurement techniques some of
these will be these materials will be uploaded in
the appropriate web page for the course. We will
just create some awareness about the different
computational modeling and simulation tools that
are available for acoustic. This course is not
about computational acoustics in particular, so we
will not talk about detailed formulation aspects
of these computational approaches, we will just
create an awareness is to what are the ways and
means by which different computational modeling
can be done, so that being slide one.
So, here I again start talking about
the sources of sound some of which I
have actually demonstrated in notes that I
was writing for you. So, the question was
what triggers perturbations in the ambient
medium, what triggers this fluctuations or
perturbations if you may so. By perturbation,
I simply means small fluctuations okay. So,
these small fluctuations are triggered by a source
and as I said one way in which these perturbations
are these fluctuations could be triggered is the
structural vibration. The structural vibration
is a very good example and all sources which
creates sound because of vibration are called as
vibro-acoustic or structural acoustic sources.
So, examples being the good old bell jar
experiment where well not the bell that we have in
our door these days, but the traditional ringing
of a bell, if you say it is just a hammer which
is impinging on a plate like structure circular
plate like structure. So, this finally, makes
the plate vibrate. And once the plate vibrate,
the ambient air is thrown out is set into
motion and that motion of that ambient fluid
particles is communicated from the point
of generation to the point of reception,
so that’s how a ringing bell or a tuning fork
or my voice or a guitar actually makes sound
okay. So, most musical instruments which are
either of percussion type let’s say drums,
tabla all of them are vibro-acoustic instruments.
On the other hand, if you have flute in flute
nothing vibrates actually no structural rather
vibrates you could have a flute which is
made up of very very rigid structure yet I mean
the vibration of the structure could be abysmally
minimal. So, there is nothing that vibrates,
but yet you hear the nice sound of a flute,
so that is caused because of the flow right.
Another very nice example of flow induced sound,
it’s probably you guys have experienced last
month when there was cyclone Vardah striking us
then there was huge noise a shrill noise was like
deafening noise was being carried through. So,
the motion of the air as it passes through
different structure is able to cause noise also.
And the reason is quite simple because
if you recollect the motion of the air
especially at high velocities is when it comes
to talking about you know cyclonic weather.
When the wind was really blowing at nearly 100
kilometers per hour then you could expect that
the as the wind this airflow was happening
through the buildings through the trees,
there were boundary layers that would be
created. And since the velocity were very high,
the Reynolds number was very high and it would go
to turbulence right the motion was turbulent. If
you recollect turbulence also has the same idea
that there is a mean component and there is a
fluctuating component on top of a mean component.
As you know in the turbulent flow example we
will have a mean quantity and associated with the
mean quantity is also a fluctuating quantity. So,
what happens is that this fluctuating quantities
are transmitted from its point of generation
to far away in points and that process is also
process in which sound can get transmitted. So,
the point is this the source of noise this
time is the turbulent fluctuations which
happens in the turbulent boundary layer, but
then these turbulences induce the fluctuations
the fluctuations are eventually conveyed or
transmitted through large distances in the form
of acoustic wave propagation that is the source
how the turbulence induced noise can be generated.
This is an example of flow-induced sound.
It is the same process if you have heard
engine noise let’s say in an air breathing
engine which is basically your aeroplane
engine. Aeroplane engine also makes the
sound because of exactly the same process;
it is a very very high velocity flow which
is happening through an air breathing engine.
And once you have such a very high velocity
flow, definitely you are inducing turbulence
at some point or the other. And once you induce
turbulence the fluctuations are naturally there,
the fluctuation can be of a different kind between
the flow induced noise and the structure induced
noise, but none the same they are fluctuations
over the mean value. And once you set up these
fluctuations, you will be able to hear. You have a
generation mechanism from the generation mechanism
there is a transmission mechanism which basically
is the wave propagation idea and from there on, it
hits your eardrum and your eardrum perceives it as
noise, so that is flow acoustics for you right.
So, flow acoustics is another very important
branch of acoustics probably more important than
vibro-acoustics in certain applications such
as aerospace whereas, vibro-acoustics is all
pervasive. Flow acoustics a lot of research
work is being actively done to understand
different mechanisms of noise. Computational
flow acoustics is really demanding, you have
to run your CFD simulations very intensively in
order to predict the flow acoustics correctly, so
but none the same you should be aware that there
are different mechanisms of generating sound.
The other mechanism is combustion-induced
noise. So, even if you have observed cooking
right when you poured in your hot oil if you
put your vegetables immediately you will hear a
crackling noise that is happening because of some
chemical reaction that is happening between the
hot oil and the vegetables right. So, there is the
primary factor there is a chemical reaction which
eventually sets of fluid motion that is true even
if you are cooking vessel does not vibrate. The
cooking vessel if you have noted is fairly rigid
as the cooking process is going on you hardly have
any perception of vibration of the vessel. So, it
is not because of the vibration of the vessel that
the cooking is happening. So, this is something
you would have definitely seen as you or your
mother probably was cooking in the kitchen.
But this believe it or not the same thing is
happening when you are IC engine is undergoing
a combustion process. Basically it is hot oil
which is getting spread within the combustion
chamber and the same crackling sound is obviously
going to get generated due to the combustion
process that is happening in the IC engine
also. The only point is that you don’t sit in
inside an IC engine to hear that noise rather
you sit outside your car and that noise will
actually if you hear carefully in the exhaust
side of the engine, you would be able to pick up
some similarity between those sounds right. So,
this is what the primary driving factor in this
case is the combustion process and the chemistry
associated with the chemical reaction of the
combustion process which is the driving factors.
Eventually it will trigger of the fluid motion and
the once the fluid is set into motion, it will get
conveyed from the point of generation to your ear
drums, so that is combustion acoustics for you.
So, we are not going to talk much in details
about combustion acoustics or flow acoustics;
we are going to remain fairly generalistic in
our study of acoustics persevere. We not going
to specialize towards any of this topic but none
the same you should be aware there are different
ways in which sound does get generate.
So, from the generation process let us now talk
about the transmission process. After the sound
gets generated at its source the question is how
does it reach the receiver. So, as will be shown
in very much details is that the transmission from
the origin to the point of reception is through
a form of waves. So, waves maybe as a child,
you would have played with different types of you
know by throwing stones at pond, you would have
seen some waves. But we will formalize these
arguments as to what really a wave is how do
you mathematically describe our wave and there are
very nice interesting mathematical tools to study
waves, this is what we will do predominantly in
this course. At least the first part of the course
we will try and bolster the foundations and try to
understand how waves propagate in a given medium.
So, the reason why we will study waves is because
we understand that the transmission of sound from
the origin to our eardrums or to the microphone
for that matter is in the form of waves. And
as I said that you know in most cases as a noise
control engineer, this is the place where you have
to target. Because again getting back to my IC
engines example, the combustion process is sort of
fixed by the engineer who owns the engine in the
sense that you know a certain combustion setting
maybe the best in terms of the fuel efficiency of
the horsepower rating or the torque rating. So,
as a noise control engineer, you are really not
expected to tinker with the engine because that
will offset the design objectives for the engine.
But what we will show and in through this course
is that that you could really do a lot in
containing that noise in the transmission
path between the source which is the engine and
the human ear which is outside your car. So, the
transmission path is through the exhaust pipe.
So, what we will do is we will put a silencer or
a muffler in that exhaust pipe and we will
try to contain the noise as that the noise
doesn’t reach the outside let it get generated
in the engine. You do not want to tinker with
that because that may sort of cut off the
best efficiency of designs for the engine
in terms of fuel consumption horsepower
rating, torque and so on and so forth.
You don’t want to tinker with these aspects rather
you would be better off in controlling the sound
by putting the appropriate muffler within the
transmission path between the point of generation
and the point of reception. So, therefore,
and the reason why you will be able to design
a good muffler if you understand really how the
transmission works right, transmission is in the
form of wave and just to jump the queue. If you
can induce some reflections in this transmission
path and make sure that much of the wave actually
reflects back to the source rather than get
transmitted from the source to the receiver, you
will have a good muffler designs. So, based on
these aspects we will be able to enlighten
you as to how muffler design can proceed.
So, therefore, we will do all that as we go
along, but then muffler design proceeds on the
ideas of plane acoustic waves, but that is not
the only kind of waves in which the acoustics
wave propagation does take place. We also have
cylindrical waves and spherical waves. Cylindrical
waves you would have seen as you throw a stone
on the pond, these waves are basically going
on the surface, they go out radically, these are
cylindrical way, whereas in the three dimension,
you will be having spherical waves. So, some of
these waves will be talking about plane waves and
spherical waves for sure, cylindrical waves
could possibly be some assignment for you.
So, we will talk about different forms of wave
propagation, plane wave be the easiest and at
least to visualize, and as I said there are
interesting applications of plane waves. So,
we will dig a lot deeper in plane waves.
We will also see how spherical waves can
be analyzed and we will actually show you that
you know there are very interesting cases where
special cases where spherical waves can be
approximated in terms of plane waves. So,
in that way the study of plane waves will be
very rewarding. So, as I said when there is an
obstacle, sound will be partially reflected or
transmitted. So, this is a very crucial idea.
When you don’t want the sound to reach to the
human ear or to the point of reception, one idea
would be to make an obstacle which typically is
called a noise barrier or what is more technically
called as inducer impedance mismatch, we will
talk about all these terms as we go along.
But very loosely speaking this is an obstacle, if
you put an obstacle then you are expecting that
the sound will not get transmitted, but rather
will get reflected back. So, if you don’t want
to hear me one idea is you put certain kind of
barrier just like if you do not want to see me
in front of you, you just put a barrier, I will
not be visible to you. Similarly, it the optical
barrier will not work efficiently as an acoustic
barrier, but if you know the transmission analysis
carefully and if you are aware of different issues
associated with acoustic wave propagation, you
could possibly design a very nice sound barrier,
which actually has minimal transmission of my
sound to you. So, how could you design all those
things we could possibly think of as we go along.
So, one issue that is definitely there is
all the medium will have certain losses.
Associated with the properties of medium
other than the process of sound transmission,
there is also a process of sound absorption.
Sound absorption happens due to two main features;
one is that of the viscosity of the medium, as you
know the fluid viscosities play an important role
in the dynamics of the fluid, and the viscosities
are usually treated as a sort of head loss in the
case of mean flow effects. Similarly, even in the
case of acoustic propagation, the viscosities,
which are inherent within the fluid do
play a role of energy loss mechanisms. So,
these essentially create an effect because of
which the sound which gets propagated within the
medium is actually decaying as it is propagating.
So, these phenomena is known as sound absorption.
Other than the fact that there is inherent
viscosity in the fluid, there is also another
important features that of heat conduction. What
happens as we will come to know is that when the
sound wave does travel within a fluid medium,
then there are different zones having slightly
different temperatures. It is not a very great
difference in temperature which you could possibly
measure with ordinary thermometer, but none the
same there are differences in temperature between
different zones in which the sound transmission
is taking place. For example, the compression and
refraction zone will have different temperatures.
Now, once there is a temperature differential that
is set up within the medium as you know there are
heat conductions, which will take place because
of the thermal conductivity of the medium.
Now, once this heat conduction takes place,
this is also a sort of energy loss as far as the
medium is concerned. So, for this dual effect of
thermal conduction plane within the medium as
well as the viscosity effects of the medium,
there is essentially the sound that is getting
transmitted through the medium also gets partially
absorbed. And therefore, it slowly decays as
it gets transmitted within the media. So, this
phenomena is called sound absorption. Sound does
not travel beyond a certain distance is because
the sound essentially gets attenuated, so that is
because the medium will have certain losses. So,
all that is getting generated doesn’t reach the
point of reception because there is definitely
a natural attenuation to associated with the
medium. So, one aspect is that the medium is
inherently having some absorption characteristics,
but at times that is not sufficient. You want
better absorption characteristics because
you don’t want the noise to reach the point
of reception of or the associated human ear.
So, therefore, you would like to design absorbers
which are better than what is naturally inherent
in the air. So, therefore, those are called
acoustic absorbing material. So, we could possibly
I mean again depending upon how the course goes,
we could branch out to understand how different
acoustic absorber materials can be designed such
that we have a better acoustic absorption. So,
these are artificial materials which it’s not
like air or water in the sense that this air
or water comes with its inherent absorption
characteristics which actually may not suffice
for our application needs. We will have acoustic
absorbers usually made of fibrous materials.
And once the sound is forced to pass through
this fibrous materials, we will be able to get
a lot of absorption out of this material okay,
so that will again be something which will be
very useful in terms of our objectives.
There are different fields associated with
an acoustic, we will be interested mostly
in linear acoustic because the sound which is not
too intense will fall within this domain. However,
if you have very intense sound as a rising in
aerospace applications during the launch vehicle,
take off, these intense sound which are like
more than 100 dB or so should be analyzed
as non-linear acoustic phenomena; however,
this course is only about linear acoustics.
As I said in terms of generation of sound, we
have vibro-acoustics, we have aeroacoustics.
We also have a very important field which is
underwater acoustics is very important for
navel applications something that navy people
are extremely you know for this topic is very
important for design of stealth applications
and underwater wall fair devices and so on
and so forth. But we will predominantly not go
in the direction of underwater acoustics, but
this is a very important area which is a little
advanced from this first course on acoustics.
The methodologies that could be adopted in
the different solution processes could be
analytical methods, it could be computational
methods, it could be experimental method. So,
my objective in this course would be to give you
a brief overview of the computational and the
experimental methods as well. We are predominantly
going to fiddle around with some analytical tools,
but understandably the analytical tools are very
important to understand the preliminary and the
fundamental concept. The computational tools are
important in having an accurate estimate for a
specific application, but the interpretation
of the results will be done properly only
if you have a good analytical background.
If you have learnt the analytical background
by which you have the interpretation at least for
you know simple cases such as 1 D application,
then you should be able to have a very
good interpretation of your computational
results also. Analytical results probably
cannot be used to accurately predict us
or accidentally estimate certain quantity
of interest in three dimension. For that,
we have to resort to computational methods, but
the bit fall there is that if you only trust the
computer and lose the insight then it will do
more damages than help you solve the problem.
So, therefore, it is very imperative as students
who should learn the analytical methods correctly,
computational tools are there. And learning
a computational tool could not would not be
that difficult especially most of the commercial
packages provide a very good help document using
the help document you could learn your way
how to work with those commercial softwares.
But then the interpretation of the result
will be based upon how well your theoretical
foundations are how well you have learnt the
basic theory for the learning the basics theory
analytical acoustics is very important. And
this course will be predominantly focusing on
the analytical techniques certain awareness will
be given about computational techniques also.
And experimental acoustics we will talk about
the important instruments associated with the
measurement of sound and other associated
things some of these experimental techniques
could also be part of your self-study which
will be posted in the appropriate webpage.
There are experiments available and I will post
them in the course webpage as we go along. So,
predominantly we are going to consult
about noise control aspects. The other
important areas could be physical acoustics. In
physical acoustics, people are interested to know
different physical processes associated with the
acoustic phenomena. For example, in ultrasonics,
we have a completely different physics associated
with these wave propagation phenomena as they
happen within elastic waves and so on.
Similarly, bioacoustics is concerned about
the biological aspects of acoustics. We are not
going to touch upon these topics in this course.
Physiological acoustics and psychoacoustics
are again interesting areas in their own
right. There is lots of active research as to
understand how exactly we perceive sound what
I told you in the first part of this lecture
today is that a basic sketching ideas as to
how this thing is perceived. But even to this
day there are lots of open question that how
exactly is the sound perception happening. And
what are the physiological ill-effects of over
exposure to noise, what are the psychological
ill-effects of over exposure to noise.
So, lots of experiments and lots of data has been
gathered over the years which seem to points that
over exposure to noise has its ill-effects in
terms of both physiology as well as psychology.
So, but still a lot of active research is going
on in this direction. If you pick up any journal
on acoustics, you will see sections devoted to
physiological acoustics and psychoacoustics,
but again in this course we are not going
to dwell on these topics any further.
Another very active area of research is how
to design new acoustic transducer what is
the associated signal processing and so on and so
forth. So, there are lots of companies which are
actively involved in making the different
acoustic transducers and the associated
acquisition system and the signal processing.
So, this is a fairly active area of research. So,
with that brief exposure, I will stop for
the day here we will pick it up from here
in the next class.
Thank you.