hello and welcome you to this course applied
ergonomics my name is ankur gupta and i am
faculty in the school of mechanical sciences
at indian institute of technology bhubaneshwar
i and doctor shantanu bhattacharya who is
professor in the department of mechanical
engineering indian institute of technology
kanpur will cover this course this is the
first lecture out of approximate thirty lectures
ah decided for this course i have collected
the matter ah for teaching this course from
various sources such as books papers internet
search so on so forth in order to make this
whole matter easier to understand for all
students irrespective of kind of disciplines
of engineering and related streams
so we have added facts figures graffiti daily
life examples and try to present the matter
in lovely manner so i hope you will like this
course so ah before introducing the whole
syllabus ah which we are going to cover in
this course let us start with taking a most
common example ah suppose ah you have been
given an assignment to design a chair so what
will be your approach what are the factors
that you will be considering in order to design
a chair so ah as you can see from this figure
ah that has been put for ah better ah visualization
of this designing a chair
so what will happen if the seat becomes too
deep what will happen if seat is too low and
what difficulty will a user face when elbow
rest is too high so as you can see ah in fact
you can visualize all this situation in this
figure shown so ah when seats are too high
the feet can no longer be used to extend the
base of support beyond the base of chair so
these all sort of mismatches ah cause ah chronic
problems like lower back pain etcetera lets
have a another example ah the figure in fact
the picture that we are seeing here after
designing a chair which is ergonomically perfect
user sits and starts working for a prolong
period of time
so ah please see this picture in which a lady
is sitting in chair doing her work this is
the most common situation where ah which everybody
faces maintaining a wrong posture ah while
working for continuous hours ah may lead to
ah neck pain wrist pain and back pain so this
is sort of musculoskeletal disorders which
may affect muscles tendons joints ligaments
and nerves ah can be counted among the among
the main reasons for sick leaves in industrialized
countries and in fact ah there is a one of
the most promising situation when people used
to do work in in front of computer
so those computer work stations are often
at the top of one smile ah as an example but
also you can consider as a microscopic work
stations carry the risk of staring the backs
and next neck of their users so for a prolong
period of time if you are working in front
of any machine lets say computer so ah that
constant posture will give you a lot of disorders
in fact this musculoskeletal disorder is one
of the famous ah disorder now it is so this
anthropometric mismatches it can have serious
consequences for health and efficiency in
fact i have ah put one more interesting picture
that you can see ah from the slide that ah
in which a son is asking to his father that
what is ergonomy so father replies that son
ah its making children tall enough not to
have dads bend so much
so ergonomics is about taking care of user
difficulties or in other words analyzing the
factors responsible for decreasing the system
performance and work on those aspects thereby
making system completely efficient so now
ah after taking these examples we will start
ah the about discussion about discussing the
ah overview of this particular course ergonomics
so now we come to understand the definition
of ergonomics ergonomics is basically composed
of two greek words the first word is ergo
which means work and second word is nomos
which means study or laws
so as a as a combination of these two words
we can ah state the definition of ergonomics
as study of the work and as far as its definition
is concerned so it has the scientific discipline
concerned with the understanding of interactions
among humans and other elements of a system
and the profession that applies theory principles
data and methods to design in order to optimize
human wellbeing and overall system performance
so overall its purpose is to improve the system
performance by improving the human machine
and environment interaction so this basically
ah the first time that ergonomic word was
used by w jastrzebowski in a polish newspaper
which was in eighteen fifty seven so in fact
in the u s ah that particular ergonomics is
understood as a human factors engineering
so human factor engineering and human factors
have been closed synonyms european ergonomics
has its root in work physiology and biomechanics
and work system design also
so human factors on the other hand ah originated
from research in experimental psychology where
the focus was on human performance and system
in fact system design also so but there are
several other names ah such as engineering
psychology and more recently cognitive engineering
and cognitive system engineering ah the later
emphasizes the importance of human information
processing for our size so despite the difference
between human factor and ergonomics in the
type of knowledge and designed philosophy
ah so basically the approaches ah these two
approaches are coming closer
so ah as per the interaction of computers
in the work space ah is going on increasing
so ah basically to solve a problem that is
related to computer work places and ergonomist
ah must be able to identify the problem analyze
it and suggest the improvement in the form
of a ah a particular optimized designed solution
so ah in a nutshell we can say that ah the
primary purpose of human factors study and
ergonomics is design so a ergonomics should
be a good designer in order to have a solution
to provide a solution in order to improve
their performance of any system so the course
sciences from which ergonomics is drawn our
psychology ah anatomy ah biomechanics some
sort of physiology physics and physics mainly
ah concerning with the mechanics and environmental
physics and obviously engineering
so the ah practitioners of ergonomics an ergonomist
contribute to the design and evaluation of
task jobs products environment and system
in order to make them compatible with the
needs and ability and limitation of the people
so overall this ergonomics is all about improving
the system by involving themselves in the
loopholes and ah the errors that has been
caused previously in the system so its all
about improving the errors in the system and
ah provided a efficient way of doing work
so as you can see from this circle this particular
ergonomics is in the centre and the product
as well as product manufacturing is concerned
if you are performing any task if you are
in an organization and you are dealing with
a team if you are ah living in a in any kind
of environment whether its real or virtual
or if you are sitting in a chair and performing
your job so these all areas whether it be
a product manufacturing task performance organization
dealing environmental ah interaction and job
ah ah doing job so these all components ah
belonging to ergonomics
so everywhere it is a need to improve the
performance so where the system performance
is coming into picture ergonomic is there
ok so now ah we have to understand the problems
and corresponding knowledge ah arising from
the introduction of ah several work station
lets say machine in the work place so ah we
have lot of problems while working whether
we are sitting in a room or we are performing
a job ah in any organization
so if we are facing a problem in a work posture
you have you should have a knowledge which
ah which is required to solve the problems
lies in the area of biomechanics if you are
if you are tackling the problem with the size
of the strewn characters contrast and colours
so you have to gain knowledge ah in order
to solve that particular problem the knowledge
is required of fusion research and perception
if you are ah facing troubles with environmental
so you have to have knowledge of noise and
environmental stresses if you have ah dealing
with the problem in designing a new system
so you have to to make yourself aware of the
systems design if you are ah dealing with
any problem solving ah at work so you have
should have a knowledge towards cognitive
work analysis and task analysis so all sorts
of area which ah which are related ah to problem
solving so as a as a term being provided so
ah those areas like biomechanics work physiology
cognitive engineering dealing with the physical
work environment
so those areas as a whole if you want to give
a particular name so that name will be ergonomics
since these are in the applied area so the
whole term that we can give ah as a as a substitute
of all these areas is applied ergonomics so
these are all the areas if you are sitting
in front of computers or you are tackling
any machine so analysis of human machine interface
requires inter disciplinary knowledge of ah
all these areas ah such as biomechanics cognitive
psychology system design methodology and ah
as well as physical ah factors also
so now as far as implementation of ergonomic
in system design is concerned so it should
make the system work better by eliminating
undesirable uncontrolled aspects such as fatigue
inefficiency accidents or injuries or user
difficulty so ah inter disciplinary knowledge
is required in this ergonomic design ah for
the following reasons the first kind of reason
may be ah in fact this ah ah the following
reasons ah like to formulate system goals
to understand functional requirements to design
a new system to analyze a system and to implement
a system
so overall aim is to make the system better
by eliminating undesirable uncontrolled aspects
such as ah those have been listed down like
if some work is if you are working for a prolong
period of time and fatigue arises so you have
to take care of those aspects and you have
to provide the solution if you are inefficient
in fact any of the aspect ah such as human
machine or ah environment so if three s are
leading to ah to have inefficiency of the
system so we need to take care of those aspects
and in most in most of the cases most in industries
accidents and injuries are also bit prominent
so we have to ah eliminate those factors in
order to avoid accidents and injuries and
we have to also take care of user user difficulties
so ah in fact this human factors we have to
ah study and this is synonymous with ergonomics
so in europe ah that particular term is known
as human factors engineering and as far as
this u s terminology is concerned ah the word
is ergonomics so the study ah the topics are
which have been covered are more or less same
but the names are different
so ah since we are we are trying to understand
this ergonomics so ah the reason ah we have
to make it more clear that why we are focusing
towards system performance and ah various
areas deliberately we are putting into ah
study these diversified topics which as a
which in a combination is making ah particular
course so ah since like in nineteen seventy
nine the various human related disasters have
contributed to public awareness ah about the
importance of ergonomics and human factors
so there are various kinds of disasters that
have happened because of the human errors
and thats why the focus of human being is
now ah is to is to find out those factors
and ah provide a possible solutions so that
that human error can be minimized so there
are various accidents which i have listed
down so a three mile island nuclear power
plant accident which has happened in nineteen
seventy nine near harrisburg pennsylvania
there is another kind of ah human related
disaster which is bopal pesticide plant union
carbide company ah which has happened in nineteen
eighty four challenger space shuttle ah in
nineteen eighty six above florida and other
kind of explosion ah have happened in chernobyl
nuclear powerplant ah nuclear plant explosion
exxon valdez valdez oil split this has happened
in nineteen eighty nine prince william Sound
alaska and in two thousand three ah the disaster
has happened ah the colombia space shuttle
so these all disasters were the results of
human errors ah mostly caused by inadequate
attention to ergonomics and human factors
in system design and related management and
obviously caused by flaws in decision by human
being so ah in fact if we go in the history
so ah the human factors immersed as a discipline
after world war second so in u s many problems
were encountered in the sue of sophisticated
equipments such as air planes radar and sonar
sonar stations and tanks as well
so ah sometimes these problems caused human
errors with grave consequences for example
ah during the korean war more pilots were
killed during the training than in actual
war activities so this surprising finding
led to a review of the design of airplanes
as well as procedures and strategies in operation
so ah several issues related to the design
or ergonomics were brought up like how can
information be better displayed so that pilots
can quickly understand what the situation
is and as far as this these disasters are
so how can controls be integrated with the
task that they were intuitive and easier to
handle so these all ah research have emphasized
the human ah emphasized the study towards
human ah factors involvements so much research
was done in human factors engineering to support
new designs and in fact there are several
government agencies also which have sponsored
research on civilian applications of human
factors engineering so in fact in the u s
there are many examples like the federal highway
ah administration ah which is for the design
of highways and road signs nasa for human
capabilities and limitations in space and
another agency is that the national highway
traffic safety administration ah which is
taking care of design of cars including crash
worthiness and effects of drugs and alcohol
on driving
so ah these are all the factors which are
ah related to the human activities as well
as those human ah those related to the interaction
between human and machine so ah based on that
ah there are some flaws which has been occurred
and which has been ah converted to several
disasters and accidents as well so ah this
is just because of the ah inadequate attention
to the ergonomical factors as well as ah human
factors in designing as well as ah the response
which we have ah given and that particular
required type
so that all sorts of things ah which includes
ah the ah human decision incapabilities as
well as inadequate information that has been
provided to ah to run the system so these
systems as a whole ah and in fact the study
of those informations adequate information
and decision making those comes in the study
of this particular course ergonomics so these
are the disaster that i have listed down ah
which will ah which will ah give you an insight
that if the proper attention or proper ah
system design is not performed
so what can what maximum can happen so it
may lead to heavier disasters in terms of
ah accidents and injuries ah ah which is which
is very unfortunate and these ah these in
fact disasters that i have listed down have
ah have taken many lives so such a important
thats why the study of ergonomics is important
ah because in in worst cases ah it may lead
to ah heavier damages so ah now we come to
the ah course outline where i will list down
ah the topics that we are going to cover in
whole syllabus of applied ergonomics
so first is introduction and human machine
system then we will proceed to ah physical
ergonomics then we will discuss cognitive
ergonomics some of the biomechanics part which
is directly related to the study of ah the
stresses and forces ah causing damage to a
certain part of the body we will also discuss
of the physical work environment ah because
this work environment is very much necessary
ah to study and to know so the awareness of
the environment where we are working is at
most important
some of the tools and techniques which is
which has been explored so far in the regime
of this applied ergonomics so that we will
discuss and some of the research methodologies
that has been utilized in order to perform
research in ergonomics area and lastly we
will discuss some occupational safety and
health so these in a nutshell ah we will be
covering these topics ah in this particular
applied ergonomics course ok so ah that was
the slight introduction of this course now
we will go towards overview of ergonomic course
in which ah we will initiate with the brief
history of ergonomics
so ah it has been quoted in vedhas that a
disease in human being is caused by misuse
of the body and problem is usually ah three
fold involving body mind and the spirit out
of the harmony with the existing environment
so almost every introductory lecture or a
chapter in ergonomics explains that word ergonomic
comes from word ah ergon and nomos so which
means ah work study or some sort of physical
laws also so technology was also well developed
in ah ancient greece it means because this
particular ergonomic word has been originated
from ah greek dictionary
so although ah not many text are available
about the technological knowledge of the time
but the archeological findings of objects
of everyday use ah which maybe tools buildings
ships statues or even automatic mechanism
constitute ah valuable signs ah of high technological
level achieved at in fact achieved by ancient
greeks so there is a strong evidence that
ancient greeks design was human centered so
ah but the credit goes to the ah wojciech
jastrzebowski in eighteen fifty seven which
ah most of the book have referred as a father
of word ergonomics
so the word ergonomics was coined by british
scientist k f h murrell and entered the english
language in nineteen forty nine so the statues
and paintings indicate that ancient greeks
had a good knowledge of anthropometry ah we
will discuss in detail what is anthropometrys
all about and in fact we have some separate
topic to discuss about this anthropometry
so ah so there are various researchers and
researchers basically ah have contributed
directly or indirectly towards this ergonomics
so one of the hypocrites who was father of
medical science ah developed concrete a recommendation
for surgeons work place so in fact ah the
great hypocrites suggest that a surgeon may
be either standing or sitting depending on
the types of operation but he always has to
adopt the most comfortable posture so having
describing these postures ah hypocrites ah
determines the relative position of the surgeons
the patient and the source of light both natural
or artificial ah light
so in order to facilitate the operation and
avoid glare so in some text he also suggested
about the tools that tools have to be placed
near to the operating hand of the surgeon
so ah but at the same time they must not hinder
the movement of surgeon so ah hypocrites also
suggest that surgical tools should have such
a shape size weight and construction so as
to promote ease of use so these all things
that has that has been already been done in
three seventy b c and we are ah in fact the
following the same protocol and strategies
that have been provided with the our ancient
so ah this properly ah in fact the although
the word ergonomic has has come in this century
but the work has already been ah done by our
ancient researchers so the list is big so
hypocrites aristotle leonardo da vinci and
many more so we all know we all are aware
of the leonardo da vinci work so in which
he has worked a lot and documented his findings
ah on the anthropometry so that was history
ah that was a brief history in fact and so
we are ah there are various key areas which
as a as a sub division of ergonomic course
so the ergonomics can be sub divided in several
key areas so it will be anthropometry in which
anthropometry is again a greek word which
ah consist of basically two greek words ah
anthropo and metron so it means measurement
of man and women
ah we will be describing detail ah the anthropometric
analysis also in human oriented design ah
topic physical ergonomics cognitive ergonomics
organizational ergonomics and physical work
environment so these are the following key
areas which we will discuss in detail in later
slides so this physical ergonomics basically
also covers subtopics such as anatomy biomechanics
physiology and it also includes some sort
of psychology
so in a nutshell we will ah go ah to understand
ah those sub topics so first we will try to
understand what is this physical ergonomics
so this physical ergonomics is concerned with
the human anatomical anthropometric physiological
and biomechanical characteristics as they
relate to physical activities so ah in a generalized
sense if you perform any work any work ah
which is of which is related to ah putting
physical efforts so the what are the effects
ah what are the effects of that particular
work on your body
so study of these effects on your body and
its positive and negative effects ah when
we do study that study comes in the physical
ergonomics so the relevant topics may include
working postures so all of us work in a certain
posture and but if that posture if we are
maintaining for a prolonged period of time
so it may lead to some sort of disorders and
diseases ah other physical efforts may include
material handling repetitive moments work
related musculoskeletal disorders work place
layout safety and health and related to temperature
and vibration also
so these all sort of physical efforts and
related study comes in this physical ergonomics
so ah there are basically few important terms
which ah in a in a general comes in this physical
ergonomics so ah these are the anthropometry
physiology biomechanics and anatomy so anthropometry
is as a definition wise if we have to give
a one statement so we will describe as a scientific
study of the measurement and proportion of
the human body and its what is its relation
to ergonomics
so it involves collecting statistics or measurements
relevant to the human body which we call as
a anthropometric data so this data is usually
displayed as a table of results diagram or
graph so this anthropometric data is usually
very important for designers and architects
another terminology is physiology so as a
definition wise we can state that its a branch
of biology that is concerned with vital processes
of living organisms and how their constituents
tissues and cells function
so ah again ah the relation to the ergonomics
is like those physiological problems occur
when the body is required to do too much work
so if we are involved in some continuous hour
of working so and in fact we are not maintaining
the proper posture so ah in fact we can say
that we are working awkwardly or working under
bad environmental conditions so that physiological
problems mostly occur so the design of a system
should should be ah considering to avoid those
problems the next important term is biomechanics
so biomechanics is nothing but a study of
mechanical laws which is relating to the movement
or structure of various parts of the body
so its its relation to ergonomics is ah we
have we can just model muscles with forces
and calculate phase to minimize work done
another important term is anatomy so in anatomy
we study the ah various body parts body structure
of human being in fact and other living organisms
also especially as revealed by dissection
and separation of the parts so ah in order
to improve the efficiency of the work this
study of anatomy is needed so these topics
ah will be explained in details in in coming
so ah like what is ergonomics and what are
the sub topics that could be possibly covering
in this particular course so another question
arises here as why we are going to study this
physical ergonomics so ah in industries or
in any manual work lets say if you can see
this example or in fact this figure so a last
number of occupations require workers to expand
a physical energy to perform their job so
manual labour is primary ah work activity
ah in industries such as constructions agriculture
mining and lot of manufacturing activities
and other logistic activities are there so
these work situations include a significant
amount of physical work which may include
lifting carrying load from one place to another
other manual handling task ah which include
a sufficient significant amount of lifting
carrying and other manual handling task involving
tools parts packages materials and containers
so all those ah work which involves manual
so after continuous and repetition of that
work that stress appears and that leads to
some sort of disorders so so thats why the
the study of this particular physical ergonomics
is very much important in order to have a
survival of ah workers in an industry so another
topic is that we are going to cover a cognitive
ergonomics so a cognitive ergonomics is ah
the way we can understand ah ah so in a general
those cognitive activities are when you read
something when you write when you listen something
when you speak when you think when you learn
something in fact when you ah design something
or when you calculate something
so those all the activities the which takes
assistance of brain that is coming in the
cognitive activities and the study related
to this is known as cognitive ergonomics so
cognitive ergonomics is concerned with the
capabilities and limitations of the human
brain and we also do study of sensory system
which is directly contributing to perform
any activity and that is deciding your course
of action so all sort in that cognitive ergonomics
we we will covering information processing
model as well as the description of various
ah parts of the human sensory system
this cognitive ergonomics considers the how
the human mind perceives its environment and
process information so the relevant topics
which which we will consider ah for discussion
discussion ah are mental work load decision
making skilled performance human computer
interaction human reliability work stress
and training as you may relate to human systems
design so all sorts of activities ah which
are ah done with the help of brain ah comes
in this cognitive activities and we we try
to explore this in a much much explicit way
so nowadays cognitive ergonomics ah is becoming
much more important ah in fact than physical
ergonomics because ah the environment of doing
work is ah the shifting towards towards the
utilization of brain rather than seeking for
manual efforts so ah because of the several
trends in industries and technology this cognitive
ergonomics is becoming increasingly important
ah has become increasingly important ah relative
to the physical ergonomics as well as we are
shifting towards mechanization and automation
in physical task which requires workers to
monitor uncontrolled processes that were previously
performed manually
so as well as increased use of technologically
sophisticated equipment that is cognitively
more challenging to operate maintain and repair
so why the the reason why ah which is giving
more important ah towards the study of cognitive
ergonomics are these the another topic that
we are going to cover as a organizational
ergonomics so ah what this organizational
ergonomics is all about it is concerned with
the operation of socio technical systems including
their organizational structures policies and
so the relevant topics in this organizational
ergonomics are communication the crew resource
management work design design of working times
team work participatory design community ergonomics
cooperative work new work paradigms virtual
ergonomics virtual organization sorry and
telework and quality management so these all
the topics that in fact the all the sort of
activities that are being performed in an
organization and that are directly or indirectly
affecting the performance of that particular
organization comes in this organizational
the next topic ah that we will be covering
as as a physical work environment so the study
related to physical work environment why this
physical work environment study is necessary
ah because ah whether work is a physical or
it is related to any mental work so it is
performed in certain kind of environment so
by making the physical components of the work
as comfortable and and distracting as possible
so better job satisfaction and greater productivity
are encouraged so in fact ah this environment
is playing a very important role in this system
performance so in that work environment we
will ah in fact we have discretized that work
environment into three aspects first is visual
environment second is auditory environment
third is climate control
so in that visual environment ah ah we will
discuss about the physics of the light we
will also discuss about the visual performance
visual activity and other sorts of defects
also we will be discussing the lighting system
ah what could be the proper lighting ah a
particular environment should have in order
to a better ah working environment as well
as auditory environment is concerned so ah
we have to take care of the noise level and
obviously that is permissible noise and we
have to take care of noise control activities
so that we will discuss in detail ah what
are the factors responsible for this noise
control and effects of the noise as well and
we will also discuss ah thermo regulation
and what the effect of the heat stress and
code stress over the human body and what is
the reaction of that human body towards ah
that reduced or ah higher temperature because
ambient is very much necessary in order to
have a in order to provide a best performance
so another topic which we are dealing towards
ah this course accomplishment is occupational
safety and health so in that occupational
safety ah occupational safety is concerned
with the avoidance of industrial accidents
so ah basically this occupational safety and
health is a important national in fact global
issue that affects virtually every person
who works there are several ah federal agencies
established to address these issues ah which
are ah o s h a osha form is occupational safety
and health association and one kind of federal
agency is n i o s h whose full from is national
institute for occupational safety and health
ah whose responsibility is to engage in research
training and education in the area of occupational
safety and health
so ah there are two aspects of this particular
thing occupational safety and occupational
health so occupational safety is is related
to the ah study which deals with the factors
that avoids industrial accidents and like
occupational health is also there which is
concerned with avoiding diseases and disorders
caused by exposure to hazardous materials
or conditions so ah these conditions most
often develop after a prolong period of exposure
and it may take years before some terms reveal
the on set of the melody
so and this occupational safety this is a
one time event that cause injury or fatality
so these issues need to be addressed because
life is very much important ah so those were
all about the brief description of the topics
that we are going to cover in the ah next
stage of this course as we are proceeding
so the matter to read i have just listed down
some of the books there are many books based
on not exactly on the ergonomics but the many
books are available ah with some other names
because this is a completely inter disciplinary
subject so ah mostly ah the matter you will
be getting in the form of engineering psychology
human factors engineering measurement of human
ah in fact measure of man and woman and cognitive
so ah i have collected matter from various
sources ah and i would like to special thanks
to google that have given a lot of freedom
ah for the matter to read and understand so
these are all the books which you can ah spend
time in order to understand in a better way
ah this particular courses and the topics
affiliated so with this i would like to finish
ah this first lecture in which some introduction
has been covered i hope the content discussed
so far have given you some idea about the
that particular particular word ergonomics
so we will initiate ah with the description
of various sub topics to be covered in this
course as well as the human machine interaction
in detail in next lectures
thank you