Hello and welcome to this Manufacturing Systems
Technology Part 2 course, today being module
one. Just a brief recap of you know sort of
what we did in the part one we tried to learn
about computer integrated manufacturing systems
really starting with the CAD design part then
going into the different aspects of how you
do process planning and then finally, also
trying to write a code using numerical control
on machines. And then finally, studying a
little bit about inventory management keeping
the lean manufacturing concept into mind.
This particular module would be dedicated
more on issues like quality associated with
manufacturing process. It will also be looking
into various aspects of material handling
systems like let say automatic storage retrieval
systems or automatic guided vehicles AGV’s,
which are the most important concepts of production
management in the current technology regime,
which exist in the industries. We will also
looking details to some of the issues related
to robotics and robot programming in this
particular module.
So, let us talk about quality; quality really
is the key parameter that is determinant of
whether an enterprise can be in business ok,
gone of all those days the probably the late
eighties when we should talk about minimum
cost you know and also to some extend about
the leap time in which production processes
would be able to converge and realize a product
to the customer. The major issues, which are
nowadays very important to stay in the business
is how repeatable the performance matrix of
product is, once it goes to the customer of
the market. And the whole essence is about
changing the quality management philosophy
of an organization, and the changing the focus
of management of an organization geared to
the quality aspects, so that there is no value
you know non value added work, which comes
out of any you know process.
So, push back as far as possible the metrics
which determine the quality into the process,
so that at the stage of the process output,
you really need not worry about the quality
level ok. So, this is all called in process
quality build up. And all the organizations,
nowadays are more or less intending to do
that. So, let us understand how quality can
done at the product level or the process level.
Normally by designing the process of the product
and introducing a lot of robustness in that
design stage, so that the non-conformability
or the you know not meeting of the performance
matrices out of the question ok of given a
product design or a given a process design,
which has been laid out, so that is the essence
at which we will be looking at of this quality
engineering aspect.
And let us look at some of the basic principles,
which are important for understanding quality.
So, obviously the best approach as I think
I had illustrated of product quality is to
build quality into the product and process,
right at the product and process design stage
ok that is called robustness by design. And
also you know, it may be improved at the production
stage by confirming to the process design,
and trying to see whether whatever you have
laid out you know as your process, follows
the norms for the process at every stage the
norms that have been formulated at the design
stage of the process. So, for this purpose,
the techniques such as SPC or SQC, which is
also known as statistical process control
or quality control is used; and the idea is
that you have to somehow we able to reduces
the number of non-conforming products and
non-conforming parts, which come out of a
production process ok. So, the reducing the
number of non-conforming products, and thereby
improving the quality is basically the goal.
So, one aspect obviously is the design stage
and one aspect; obviously, as the production
is going on what you do to rest the production
problems at much an earlier level before it
really gets into a minus, so that is all about
quality engineering.
And if I really looked at quality, it is a
really you know relative term some person
may perceive something as high quality some
person may perceive something else as high
quality. So, you have to have some kind of
a customer mapping of the customer needs and
the aspiration that the customer has behind
the product exactly into the product ok. So
obviously, we did a lot of this analysis before,
when we talked about how variability can be
introduced at the production process stage
given the change of perception, how quickly
a process can be altered to produce something
which changes or maps that perception on the
real time basis. So, all this we did in part
one Manufacturing Systems Technology.
So, here it is really you know depended on
the eyes of the beholder I would say who is
the customer who would actually tried to treat
quality in some particular manner. So, from
a functional point of view of course, the
product is considered to be good quality if
it meets the desired functional requirements
adequately over the intended period of its
use ok. And so the definition of the you know
quality as per the American Society of Quality
Control includes all these concepts, which
have been illustrated here and says that the
quality is the totality of features and characteristics
of a product or service that bear on its ability
to satisfy a given need; and need means a
customer need basically. So, how values are
confirming to the characteristics mapped from
the customer need is what the quality means
So, if I look at some of the dimensions which
are associated with the let say quality of
the product, there are principally about 12
dimensions related to the product into which
you can categorized the quality of a product.
The first being the performance of course,
the primary operating characteristics we are
talking about let us say the engine meeting
a certain break horse power output. So, you
know the primary operating characteristics
of the engine then would be how much BHP the
engine is designed for ok. Or let say for
example, if I wanted the flow rate coming
out of a head you know let us say of mechanical
pump then the flow rate would be the primary
operating characteristics for which primarily
the product is intended - the design of the
product is intended, so that is performance
the primary operating characteristics.
The other aspects are features, for example,
there may be many secondary operating characteristics
apart from the primary operating characteristics.
For example, you know in an engine if we look
at let say the secondary operating characteristics,
there may be many issues like for examples
whether the engine meets the emission norms
ok, so that can be one of the secondary operating
characteristics given the primary operating
characteristic of the engine RPM or BHP which
is very, very critical ok. Can the next need
could be that is it going to meet some kind
of quality layout for meeting the emission
norms ok, so that can be secondary operating
characteristics in this particular case ok.
So, then you have of course, time, time waiting
in line, time from concept to production of
a new product, time to complete a service,
these are all a very important part that how
much lead time you are having in the process
which includes probably the design
concept all the way to the production stage
of a product. Or you know let say when you
are talking about a service industry, time
to complete given service. Like for example,
when you talk about restaurant, and you want
to see how you know the food from the ordering
point to the point when it is delivered is
taken across you know all that time would
be considered as very critical because a customer
may have to wait more or less depending on
the food arrives faster or a later ok and
so that is very important aspect of quality.
So, performance features time.
The next is reliability, the extent of failure
free operation. For example, let say when
you are talking about the Indian driving cycle
we might as well see that if let say there
is a quality parameter or an oil seal an engine,
and you want to simulate the engine to run
on conditions like the Indian driving cycle
and see that how many revolutions of the crankshaft
can these oil seal bear without leaking ok,
so that is a reliability of the oil seal.
So, something which is more related to the
extent of time up to which the product would
operate without the any failures that is very
important part of the quality.
Durability again very important part of amount
of use until replacement is preferred to repair,
we all talk about product warranty and product
guarantee you know in some of the cases, where
there is this issue of durability which is
talked about. Can you up to what amount of
time you can use the product right until the
product really become so non-conforming that
you will have to rather replace it rather
than doing some changes and trying to use
it ok, so that is the durability.
Obviously, uniformity is the important quality
dimension. So, low variations among the repeated
outcomes of a process we are taking about
let say production of a circular shaft cylindrical
shaft by turning process and there you know
the uniformity could be concerned with what
is the variability in the output dimension
that is the diameter of a particular shaft
ok if you a producing 20000 of a shaft it
may be a day’s time on a high speed NC controlled
lathe machine then the question of uniformity
would come as to if you look at all the outputs
is it all coming out be within the dimension
± that tolerance, which has been provided
in the design itself as are going out you
know other process is going on a run out.
So, that is the uniformity that is the very
important aspect or dimensions of the quality.
Consistency ok, so consistency basically talks
about match with documentation advertising
deadlines or industry standards. So, whatever
has been planned for the process bead the
production process are the marketing process
are even the design first principle of quality
says the document everything that has been
planned if at all the different related you
know certification agency are basically nothing
but overall guidelines of how to document
certain processes or certain products or certain
you know systems with then an organization.
So, this documentation once done has to be
matched at every level consistently that is
called consistency of a organization that
if you have documented a process to do carryout
in a x or y way are you sticking to that process
sticking to that documentation as far as the
regular running of the process is concern
year long is something, which is related to
the consistency ok. So, this can go through
for even things like you know the deadlines
to an organization, how the deadlines are
being meet, how you are advertising for the
particular product that the organization produces
or are there any industry standards, which
are there in your complained to them. So,
these are all part of consistency.
Serviceability, so obviously, there may be
product failures in the market are the product
non complaints non complaints of the performance
matrix in the market because of which frequent
servicing may be required of the product you
know the particularly for the dynamic product
is very important that one sold you have to
have sort of annual maintenance of this products
to set it right every time and set it and
ensure that it keeps running. For example,
if you by an automotive a there is; obviously,
a service plan given with a automotive that
you have to come out. So, many kilometers
have so many numbers of days you know back
for servicing are there may be some free services
given by the organization just to ensure the
habit of quality checking to the customer
and ensuring that the customer returns once
in a while, so that the overall vehicle health
can be monitored at that particular level
ok. So, the serviceability of the product
is very very important of dimension of quality
and these has to be planned at the design
of the product stage you designing a product,
which is invisible let us say for example,
after the full assembly you are not able to
open a part from a system it is a major problem
to the other issue the aesthetics of a product.
Obviously, as the name implies it means how
beautiful is the product you know it is make
or construction. So, it is basically all characteristics
related to quality to the senses of the customer
and it is basically mapping of how you peruses
the product to be you know a good looking
product. You know so that is what the aesthetics
means is a very important trade of quality
again incorporate in the design stage for
a product you know so, that there is good
amount of perception about the product in
the customers mind so
obviously, there is a personal interface,
which talks about characteristics such as
punctuality courtesy and professionalism for
any particular organization, this is a very
important a aspect that you know related to
let say process for an organization or related
to for the system for the organization are
the essential elements of that organization
the human factor is it really disciplined
and punctual this would be very important
for determining whether, the overall quality
level would be afflicted of the particular
product ok or maybe make systems in manners
so that become people become regular and punctual
you know then you have things like how professional
personalize aborted own work.
For example, does hide anything which goes
bad in the production that he has made or
the sequence of operation that he has added
on to a certain system or a product ok. So,
this is also very important that trade to
personality trace of a person who is in involved
in the product in production level is inherently
related to the quality. So, this is a personal
interface of the human force, which is associated
which is the production or even the design
you know is very important dimension of the
quality again you know so, for example, in
systems in places where, you can ensure that
the work force by enlarge discipline and the
work force by enlarge is honest about what
they are doing you will always be able to
get a good level of quality. harmlessness
so obviously, this is the characteristics
related to safety health and environment any
process for example, which is the production
process will have an a issue related to overall
safety ok, whether this particular product
when the production process is going on is
safe to be produced.
There may be products were are topic fuse
or harmful you know vapors may be generated,
which were not be that consumer friendly or
which may not be that friendly to the personal
who are making the product at that particular
stage. So, will have to make separate guidelines
for sort of an environment production there
so, that the human safety aspect of the people
who are involved directly in the production
can be taken up and this has to be again a
important part of process planning and so,
that would in way influence the quality of
the products. So, for example, in automotive
plaint shops if you have a certain level of
let say you know environmentally cleanliness
it is very important for the quality of the
particular product.
So, if there is a certain amount of dust level
let say for example, if you are talking about
plaint shop with class 1000 or class 10000
you know cleanliness level where we are taking
about how many dust particles per millimetre
cube or ml of arc is available in the particular
system is a very important concept of quality,
because is a related to the
environment in which the product is being
produce. So, the harmlessness and also issues
related to the environment are very critical
for the product quality obviously, perceived
quality is again is a very important factor,
which is actually an indirect measures or
inferences about one or more of the dimensions
and then over all reputation etc. of the business.
So, if I am well known to produce a high quality
products. So, the perceived quality just by
looking at that particular brand of the product
will be that yes it is good you know so, that
also in a way is a dimension to the quality
which needs to be promoted at the design stage
itself. So, these are various I would say
1-12 dimensions of quality which are important
for a insuring that there is the quality system
in place with an organization for the process
or even for the product design.
So, we will stop this module here the interest
of time in the next module. We will look at
some of these the cause which can be associated
at various stages, which can be a sort of
penalty cost two any non-complaints to the
quality standard, which are been layout in
the process are design itself or even in the
product design itself. So, if we have this
fast approach everywhere, you are doing some
kind of and non-conformance there would be
a penalty a cost penalty. So, these is the
idea is that the conformance level would be
high in that particular case. So, this is
the concept which will had in the next module.
Thank you.