Hello everyone, I am Dipankar N Basu
a faculty member of the Department of
Mechanical Engineering at IIT Guwahati . Just to
ah briefly introduce myself I did my education
from Jadavpur University and then from IIT
Kharagpur. Then for little more than 4 years
I worked at Bengal Engineering and Science
University, Shibpur which is presently known
as IIEST Shibpur . And since 2012 onwards I
am working at IIT Guwahati as an assistant
professor and associate professor. In our lush
green and beautiful campus very clean campus
also ah it’s nearly 7 years that I have spent
and it is an enjoyable journey so far here.
In this department I am associated primarily
with the fluid and thermal specialization.
And accordingly my primary job is to
teach subjects such as thermodynamics,
fluid mechanics, heat transfer. I have also
taught postgraduate subjects like multiphase
flow etcetera. My primary research interest
is in the area of nuclear thermal hydraulics,
multiphase flow and high pressure flows both in
micro and mini channels. And while most of my
research publications etcetera are associated with
the computer simulations or numerical analysis of
this kind of ah systems but I have also a very
strong fascination towards the experiment.
And it is this fascination towards experiment
that has brought me here in this particular
MOOC's course on the Principles of Mechanical
Measurement. Whenever we are trying to achieve
something or trying to understand the
any particular ah phenomenon whatever
simplified or what. However, complicated that
may be we have to do some kind of experiment
first. Because unless we know the nature of the
thermal fluidic interaction that is going on
inside any system large or small whatever maybe
we can’t establish the numerical model for that
or we can’t establish any kind of mathematical
relationship for that. And hence experiment is
the first and foremost thing related to
any kind of scientific investigation.
And whenever you are talking about experiments
measurements comes into picture. And that’s why
this topic of mechanical measurement is included
in the syllabus of ah all major undergraduate
university curriculum. Ah and definitely
in mechanical engineering in certain cases
in a few other departments also. However, the
focus of our course will mostly be restricted
to mechanical engineering only. You will generally
find this course ah included in the fifth or sixth
semester of your undergraduate curriculum. And
this is ah some kind of free subjects means it
generally doesn’t need any kind of prerequisite
apart from of course, the basics of mechanics or
some basic principles of physics etcetera.
And that’s why it can be taught in any other
semesters also, but generally it is included
in whatever I have seen from the curriculum of
different universities Indian universities
at least. That it generally is found in the
fifth or sixth semester in a few rare
cases in the fourth semester. And hence
any undergraduate student who has completed
all the basics subjects like thermodynamics,
solid mechanics etcetera can undergo this kind of
course, and no other prerequisite is necessary.
Now, let me see what we are looking to check in
this particular course or looking to go through
in this course. These are the course structure
I am sure you have already taken a look at
this one ah in ah the webpage of this particular
course, but still just to repeat itself. You know
it’s a 12 week course and accordingly the entire
course content has been divided into 12 modules;
where in the initial 4 modules we shall be
ah setting different components. Like in the
first week; that is this week itself, we are
going to talk about some introductory features
of measurement introducing several terminologies
also discussing about the different components of
a measurement system and also how to understand,
how to estimate different kind of errors.
Next week we shall be talking about the
characteristics and response of different kind of
measurement system in terms of static and dynamic
characteristics, amplitude frequency and phase
response on also different kinds of different
orders of system where we shall mostly be focusing
on zero, first and second order systems. Because
most of the common instruments fall in either of
these three categories. Third week we know ah you
all know this is the ah era of digitalizations and
we are going for digitalizations in everything
and that’s why ah it is important to know the
techniques and fundamentals associated with
digitalization. So, in the third week we
shall be talking about the digital techniques in
measurement where some introduction about how to
digitize an analog input that will be discussed.
Then different number systems some fundamental
circuits that are involved and then analog to
digital or digital to analog conversion so we
shall be discussing in detail. Fourth week
we shall be talking about data processing
different kinds of indicators and counters imaging
procedure. And if time permits may be a few very
elementary statistical approaches. And then
fifth week onwards we shall be entering the
real measurement part with all the basics that
we are going to learn in the first four weeks,
fifth week onwards in every week we shall be
taking up one important scientific parameter and
we shall be discussing about the common techniques
of measuring that particular parameter.
Like in week number five we shall be talking
about the measurement of displacement then
stress and strain force and torque in week number
seven then some very common parameters pressure,
temperature, flow and temperature in the next
three weeks. Finally, we shall be discussing about
the motion that is velocity and acceleration.
And in week number 12 depending on again how
many lectures left with us we shall be discussing
on a few special topics like acoustics, radiation
measurement, pollution sampling etcetera.
These are some of the books that you can follow
there are infinite number of good quality books
are available in the market. I have listed a few
of them and I shall primarily be taking help from
the first three, which is; the book of Beckwith
Lienhard and Marangoni, Doeblin and Naik actually
it was the book of Doeblin and ah adopted by Manik
in the later years then J.P. Holman a classical
books for an experimental methods for engineers.
A very old book of Goldstein fluid mechanic
measurement and ah some help from the others also.
And also there are huge quantity of material good
quality materials are available on internet. So,
you can also take help from internet. Now once
we know about what we are going to do here;
the first question that I have
to answer is what is measurement
or what do we mean by that our measurement .
To understand that I would like to quote couple
of very favorite quotations of mine; one from Max
Planck ah it is in front of you; 'An experiment
is a question which science poses to nature and a
measurement is a recording of nature's answer'.
Because in physics whatever we are doing that is
basically interacting with the nature and trying
to understand different laws of nature. And in
engineering we are trying to apply those laws of
nature for certain applications of our interest.
And whenever you are trying to interact with
the nature we have to understand the response
that we are getting from the nature and that
is what we are talking about as measurement.
And another one by Lord Kelvin, again a very
favourite quote of mine; 'When you can measure
what you are speaking about and express it in
numbers you know something about it'. That
is basically whenever you are talking about
something we have to quantify it somehow. And
quantifying it means we have to tell it in terms
of some numbers and getting or some converting
some natural phenomenon in terms of numbers or
natural behaviour in terms of some numbers is what
we are going to do in this course of measurement.
So, accordingly we can put a definition of
measurement like; we can say that measurement
is the acquisition of information about a state or
phenomenon in the world around us. Means whatever
going is going around us if we want to get a
feel of that then we have to understand or you
have to get some information from that. And ah
that information collection is the measurement.
Now the object or the state of the phenomenon
about which we are going to get the information
that we are going to call as measurand and
this time I shall be using from now onward.
Now collecting any kind of information may not
be measurement at all at least from engineering
point of view we are mostly interested in
numbers. Unless we can express it in terms
of numbers we are not going to talk that going
to call that as measurement. Like say who you
are reading a book when you are going through the
book you are also getting lots of informations,
but you are not doing any kind of measurement.
Because you are just reading you are gaining
knowledge, but still you can’t express that
in in terms of numbers unless in some very
special cases; so that is not a measurement.
But whenever what we are ah seeing a phenomena
which can be converted to certain numbers that
definitely we can talk we can categorize as an
act of measurement. Measurement primarily has to
satisfy three conditions; one is descriptive or
the first one is descriptive means there has to
be some kind of relationship between the object
of measurement and the measured result. Ok before
describing this let me give you some example of
all this measurand like ah your measurand
can be anything there is a huge variety of
measurand that we can have depending upon what
kind of applications we are talking about.
Like in ah different industrial applications
you can ah encounter the measurement of
several very common scientific factors like
temperature, pressure, force, stress, strain,
etcetera to understand ah the magnitude of all
of them is definitely some kind of measurement.
But that doesn’t mean that all these parameters
has to be a real one. Sometimes you also talk
about some arbitrary parameters which we can’t
measure directly, but can measure in an indirect
way. Like in thermodynamics we mention about
terms like entropy or enthalpy which are only
concepts and we cannot measure them practically.
But definitely we can measure them in terms of
other directly measurable parameters like pressure
and temperature. So, those also will come under
the policy of measurement. Ah if we shift our
focus to say some manufacturing industry and there
people may be ah interested about knowing the
quality of some product that is being developed
in the industry. So, explore quality is the
measurement in that case. If we talk about
finance or commerce there how the market is ah
behaving whether the market is in some ups up. So,
it is moving upward or it is going down they have
definitely measured in terms of different kind
of indices which ah you have definitely seen
those share market based indices etcetera.
And so whenever you are getting those numbers from
the share market those are all so the ah those
also can be counted as measurement. And if we
ah move to something else say pharmaceutical
industries someone has identified new new drug
and now want to test that on certain life species
maybe a guinea pig or a mouse or maybe on human
being itself. Then ah testing itself may not be
expressed in terms of numbers, but certain kind
of side reactions may be change in the percentage
of ah red blood cells, in the blood or my should
say the quantity of RBC's or other components in
the blood or may be the change in the percentage
of certain kind of hormone in the body. If we can
express that that definitely is some kind of
quantifications and that quantification will
lead to a measurement even we move from all this
and go to behavioural sciences or in psychology.
There also people talk about measurement like
measuring ah terms like iq emotional quotient
they are expressed in terms of real numbers.
And so those are also coming under the policy
of this measurement. So, anything where we are
talking about certain kind of phenomenon and
then converting that or quantifying that to a set
of numbers we shall be calling that as some kind
of measurement. And in this course we are mostly
concerned about the mechanical measurands which
appear in some kind of mechanical procedure
or during some mechanical processes. So, any
measurement should satisfy three conditions the
first one is descriptive; that means it must have
some relation between the object of measurement
and the final output that we are going to get.
Like suppose someone is going to measure
temperature using a thermometer. Now
thermometer is a device and ah you are expecting
it to give the temperature of wherever we are
taking the thermometer to. But it should not
give you in return the IQ of the person who is
using is because there is no relation between
the two. And it has to be selective means an
instrument may have access to several kind
of information, but it should pick up the
one for which it is being used and give us in the
output information about only that one. Say if we
talk about an instrument which is used in the
weather office for measuring the wind speed.
Now that is generally kept in atmosphere so it
is able to sense ah whatever is there around
it temperature pressure etcetera also, but
if the objective of the instrument is solely
to return the wind speed then it should sense
only the wind speed remove all the other kind
of ah things coming in all the other kind of
inputs coming in and provide us at the output
only information about that wind speed. All
the other informations coming in the picture
those generally call in terms as noise. These
informations about pressure, temperature in
this particular example which are coming in we
can call them as noise because those are not
our objective. Our objective is to get the idea
only about the wind speed with that instrument.
Now both of this ah both of these aspects of
measurement descript being descriptive and
being selective both are essential, but none
of them are necessary or sufficient condition.
But the third one is where ah it says that the
measurement has to be objective; that means, the
whatever output it is going to give that should
be independent of the observer. Means if we are
taking the measurement of a body temperature using
a thermometer then it doesn’t depend who is using
the thermometer, whether it is a doctor or whether
is a common person it should return you the same
value and this is a sufficient condition .
So, descriptive and selective those two has to
be satisfied, but objective is also is another
very important aspect which has to be satisfied
or a measuring instrument should satisfy the third
one truly speaking a measuring instrument should
satisfy all three. Let us take one example let
us say here we have a system from about which
we are trying to get some kind of information
. So, this is the system that we are talking
about and ah s is some kind of parameter which
are trying to measure. So, by the process of
measurement that is using whatever measuring
tool that we are going to use we are going to
convert this measuring or convert this natural
phenomenon or this state to an image space.
And we are going to represent this in terms of
an well defined symbol or maybe a combination
of several well defined symbols. Why you are
calling this as ah image that is because whatever
names we are using that nature provided us, but
rather we have used these names like say if we
are interested about knowing the temperature of
this particular location then ah we have decided
to call that as temperature . And also whatever
value that we are going to use whatever scale for
temperature that we are going to use that is our
own decision only. And that is why we are calling
this as image space like let us check this out
it is a very standard phenomenon a conductor is
being subjected a static magnetic field.
And according you are getting some kind
of ah phenomenon happening then using our ah
understanding and also our convenience we can
always convert this one to an equation like
this where the magnetic field intensity can
be represented as a function of these three
quantities maybe the radius of the coil the,
kinetic sorry the rotational velocity and also the
voltage this, but it is our choice to ah identify
these four parameters that we are talking about .
That means, ah it is not that the nature has told
us ah about this magnetic flux intensity or ah
or any other parameter we have decided this.
And also from our experience with this phenomenon
we have understood that these are the three
parameters which can be most influential in
deciding the value of this B. And therefore,
during the measurement process we try to
monitor these three parameters to get an
idea about this B. So, accordingly ah any
measurement process always involve some
kind of experience that is which parameters
to ah focus on, which parameters to ah keep
the emphasis. And accordingly we get certain kind
of ah output when we shall be discussing in more
detail about this particular transformation.
But before that why do we measure? The question
that came earlier to estimate the amount or
quantify something. That is it we should get
some number or some numerals as the output some
ah concept based upon certain kind of physical
laws or may not be physical laws even certain
abstract things also we can quantify in terms
of numbers. And when you are getting those
numerals as the output we are calling that
as a measurement that can be some very physical
thing like length or mass of something or some
very obstruct thing like IQ of a person but we
should have some kind of numerical representation.
To verify the laws of nature I shall be
coming back to this way in the next slide.
Next to routinely monitor industrial processes
certain industrial processes require huge amount
of measurement simultaneous measurement of
significant parameters to get a feel about
what’s going on. Just to give you an idea I
have a put a picture of a a control panel of
a power station. Just see how many switches
or lights are there; because to ah ensure
that the plant is operating properly and also
to understand its what output it is producing
the operator or the control panel personnel
may have to monitor hundreds and hundreds of
parameters simultaneously. Sometimes which may
will be beyond ah human control and your human
capability and we have to go for computers.
But simultaneously they have to keep an eye
on all these parameters you ah probably have
seen pictures of the cockpit of an aircraft.
There are humongous amount of switches or
controls or dials etcetera are available.
Because people have to ah or rather I should
say the pilot the operator has to continuously
monitor all these to ensure that the flight is
healthy. Even in our car dashboard you may have
seen there are quite a few several dials giving
us an idea about the speed at which it moving,
the temperature of the engine, the amount of
fuel that is left there, and also several other
switches; means how to operate the headlights
how to operate the wipers and several others.
So, all this ah continuous monitoring or
routine monitoring may will be necessary
in several ah industrial processes. And even
maybe in our day to day process also like say
you want to make a cup of tea or maybe you want
to make four cups of tea. Then definitely we’ll
be taking some quantity of water and put put
that into a container and then put that on some
oven for heating. Now firstly, thing you need to
know how much amount of water you should put. So,
you should first measure the volume of water
that you are putting in that container. Then
once the water gets heated up we are
going to add the tea leaves to that.
Now how much heated up means what we are
talking about it need need to a certain
kind of temperatures then only we should add the
tea leaves. So, and also how much quantity of
tea leaves we have to put in. Again once we have
added the tea leaves then if you want to add sugar
or if you want to add milk then you need to know
their quantities as well. And once you have added
all these ingredients then how much time you
will allow that mixture to boil. So, there are
several measurements involved in those that such a
simple situation also. You may think that we don’t
measure this mass of chilies or volume of water at
a time because you may be experienced with that.
You already know that ah maybe it’s a with a
particular spoon you may add one teaspoon or
rather with a particular spoon you can add
one spoon of tea leaves to get that amount
of tea. But if I change the tea spoon and you
have access to only spoons of different sizes
you may be in some trouble. So, we have to
continuously measure certain things in our
daily lives also to ah get every process or
every operation done smoothly. And the next
step to operation is control measurement is the
basis of control. We need to know the value of any
particular parameter to control it like suppose ah
in your in a simple flow channel let us say this
a channel through which some fluid is flowing.
Now, you want to control the amount of fluid that
is flowing through this channel . And for that
purpose you are adding a valve to this. Sorry,
I am quite poor in using this particular ah pen,
but ah let me try to do. Now you want to control
the flow of the fluid using this valve, but
to control the flow you need to know how much
is flowing through this. Unless you have any
idea about how much what is the flow rate of
fluid through this channel there is no point
operating the valve. Or a more complicated
one suppose you are driving a vehicle and
you want to ensure that the speed of the
vehicle never crosses say 80 kilometre per hour.
And then to control the speed to this particular
limit you ah should first measure this particular
value. Or I should not say this value whatever is
a velocity which if this car is moving it
should measure this or maybe the speed at
least. And depending on the output of this
velocity measuring instrument let us say I
have a velocity measuring instrument here which
is giving you the idea about the velocity of this
it is going to give a feedback to the engine of
the car . As long as the velocity is less than
80 kilometer per hour there is no issue.
But as soon as the velocity crosses this 80
kilometer per hour it may send some signal to
the engine to ah produce the or I should say
to reduce the work output that engine is giving.
So, that the velocity comes down or it may send
some signals to the brakes. So, that ah it can be
applied on the wheels to reduce the velocity to
some ah safer limit maybe below this 80 kilometre
per hour . So, this kind of control situation will
always start with certain kind of measurement.
Next to help establishing and enforcing standards
I shall be coming back to the standards also
again. And to identify and share resources
to know how much energy reserve is available
in a particular country. For an example like
you all know the fossil fuel reserves
are coming down drastically. But still
how much is left how many more years we can
survive with that. So, we need to know such
kind of information here we are talking about
natural resources we may talk about any other
resources also like say ah in our houses ah.
So, a day to day we have to keep a track of
how much foodstuffs or how many vegetables
etcetera they are in in store they are in the
refrigerator . Because whether it will sustain
for the next day or not if it will not sustain
then we have to go to the market and ah purchase
some new and then refill the refrigerator. So,
that is what we are talking about identifying
resources maintaining that sometimes sharing
those informations also. For trading and
commerce I have already given the example of
share market or in corresponding dealings.
So, to understand the trade proper trade
properties to understand the direction at
which it market is going we need to measure
the characteristics properly. For performance
evaluation like you guys are doing this course
and many of you may be appearing for the
exams. Now how to evaluate a performance
in terms of marks in terms of grades.
So, we have to quantify whatever you are
writing in the final exam copy somehow we
have to quantify that to get the grades. So,
that evaluation is also a kind of measurement and
there are several other kind of applications or
other kind of usefulness of measurement
also we can identify the same way.
This an example there was one point if I go back
to verify the laws of nature. So, coming here the
testing of hypothesis is basically the same thing
that we are talking about. A hypothesis refers to
certain kind of theoretical explanation about
ah something that is ah a provisionally we are
going to accept the hypothesis about certain
kind of event or certain kind of phenomenon.
You can think about that hypothesis is some
ah pre-planned kind of conclusion that this
phenomenon will lead to this kind of physics
or it will involve this kind of physics.
And once you have set up the hypothesis then we
are going to do the experiment do certain kind
of measurement to test whether our hypothesis
is correct or wrong. Any kind of ah scientific
investigation generally starts with setting
of hypothesis and then follows the process of
experimentation or measurement to check whether
your hypothesis is valid or invalid. Like one
example here; first our question is to or first
our target is to ask a question that is basically
to face a situation something we have to know
about a certain event or certain phenomenon.
We do some kind of background research and
from there we form a hypothesis that is this
phenomenon is happening because of this particular
thing. And ah once we have formed this hypothesis
then we shall be testing that with experiment
we shall be analyzing the experimental data
if the data supports our ah prior concieved
hypothesis then hypothesis will be accepted.
But if does not support the hypothesis will be
rejected and we have to go back to check it.
A hypothesis becomes a law only when it is
validated by experiment that is to set up
any laws of nature we have to first consider
hypothesis and then we can validate this only
through proper measurement. Here are a few
examples first is Kepler’s law planetary
motion. Now these laws were ah proposed hundreds
of years before this apple omission and others
and when Kepler ah first proposed his law that
all the planets there are three laws one of them
is all the planets ah orbit around the sun in
elliptical paths. Now, he was not able to ah go
outside the universe or I should to go outside
the planet outside our planet to see visibly to
personally see that do some kind of calculations
he did and accordingly came with this one.
And only later on it was through experiments
and through the several modern ah analysis it
was proved to be correct. A much better example
can be this one you may have heard about the
existence of aether earlier it used to be believed
that aether is some kind of invisible substance
which exists everywhere and for the ah movement of
ah all electromagnetic waves for electromagnetic
forces or gravitational forces to act we need
the need this aether. Now, it was the ah. So,
that was some kind of hypothesis and it was only
the experiments of Mickelson model is in 1887 it
was the existence of aether was ah discarded.
And they were the first experimentalist who to
prove the non-existence of aether later several
other things were also done. The experimental
proof of special theory of relativity very
recent experiment the sound experiments for
as the proof of Higgs Boson. Higgs Boson
was proposed in 1950's, but that was only
at hypothesis only certain kind of postulate
ah because that was based upon ah certain kind
of theoretical observations or theoretical
analysis. But only following this set of
experiments the existence of Boson was identified
and now it is an established scientific fact.
So, we need to go for experimentation where
measurement is probably the most important
concept to establish this kind of laws of
nature. Like the laws of thermodynamics
they are all phenomenal logical laws means
they were not proposed ah based on any kind
of mathematics rather they are proposed only from
experiments only from our observations. So, ah the
testing of hypothesis is a very important
area or to set up the laws of nature. And
a very important application of the laws of
measurements or principles of measurements.
Now, there can be several levels of measurement ah
primarily we classify different measurement scales
or levels of measurements into four categories
and the first one is a nominal or classificatory
it is a very very basic kind of measurement the
simplest one or the lowest level of measurement,
which we just check this particular
thing whether A equal to B or not. So,
it is generally used only to name
identifier classify different objects
or measurements without ah properly
quantifying them I should say.
All members in a single group are considered
to be equivalent like one example here you
can see this is a football team everyone
is having a jersey number there. But the
numbers that is given on their jerseys like
this 6 and 7 they don’t tell anything about
this persons it is not saying that the person
wearing jersey number 6 is a better player than
the one wearing 7 or the one wearing seven is a
better person better player than 6 these are just
indicators rather from nominal measurement
point of view all of them are players.
So, all of them belong to the same group that
is all the player of France football team . So,
this ah nominal measurement or nominal level of
measurement they will not be able to classify
between these two persons it will treat them
as same this kind of equivalence relationship
is ship is reflexive transitive. And also
symmetrical ah another thing is that like
say let me pick up jersey number 9. Here we have
one person ah wearing this jersey number 9 and
from the opponent team also there may be another
player who is wearing the jersey number 9.
Now they belong different groups, but that
is not because they are wearing the the same
jersey number or I should say there is no
ah effect of the jersey number ah bit for
them to be classified in different groups that
is only because these set of players belong to
the team of France and they belong to the other
group. So, it is a plain classification yes or
no kind of thing or whether here whether these
two players belong to the same group yes then
they will be put in the same group whether this
player and someone from the opponent team belong
to the same group or not the answer will be no.
So, this is more an yes or no kind of answer this
classification is going to give. It is going
to ah allow only very few limited statistical
operations like frequency percentage proportion
or maybe the mode. No arithmetic operation like
addition subtraction multiplication etcetera
are allowed. Another very good example can be
the aadhaar card that we are using in India
or any such social security cards or social
security numbers. Now the card definitely
contains lots of information about you.
But this number which has been assigned to you
that is that may be a bit random basically this
number is not going to talk anything about you
as a person ah with such a level of measurement
we can do ah as I have already mentioned very
limited operations mode may be one of them. Ah I
hope you know mode mode refers to the largest
number. Like say there are a group of students
and each of them have certain number of candies.
Now some person may be having two candies another
one may be having three candies ah one may be
having ah five candies. So, the mode will only
give you the maximum one that’s all. But this
ah level of classification is not going to not
going to put any kind of differentiation between
the students. And that is why several experts do
not even consider this as a measurement at all
they consider this just as a classification.
But most of the books on measurement put
this one as the first level of measurement
that’s why I am also mentioning it here.
Now, the second level is ordinal ordinal assign
certain kind of number, but that is more as a rank
. And not to reflect the exact performance that is
it is going to indicate the relative position
of the objector or measurand within a group,
but it will not give you any idea about the
magnitude of difference between them. Let
me give the example of the grade system.
So, you know that ah the students who have
got this A grade definitely has done much
better than the student has got B grade.
But that does not give you any idea about ah
the difference in marks between A and B it
also is not going to give you any idea about ah
the exact mass that has been obtained by all the
students who belong to this A group. And say A
and A minus I should say are two ah neighbouring
groups and similarly C plus and C are two
neighbouring groups. It is also not going
to tell you any idea not going to give you
any idea that is whether the the difference
in marks between the students belonging to group
a and a minus whatever is the difference whether
that is same for this case of C and C plus that
maybe same may not be same it doesn’t matter.
Actually in this kind of classification it
gives simply a rank kind of thing it will
only check whether A is greater than
B A equal to B or A less than B. So,
it is ah and all these divisions are non-equal
divisions means it is not that ah what if say I
have total 50 samples I am dividing this 50 into
5 groups. And then I am giving them name as A B
C D and E it is not that each of the groups are
going to have 10 samples under this or or certain
equal intervals . It may happen that in group a
I have one group B I have 7 and group C I have
31 a very very random distribution it just talks
about A, B and C following some kind of order in
terms of certain quality A is better than greater
than B and B is greater than C or vice versa.
Another example of a podium; this podium
is going to show you only that the person
standing at ah one has done better than person
standing at two. And the person standing at two
is going to show you or is going to indicate
that he has done better than person standing
at three. But no other information about the
exact difference between them if this we are
talking about certain kind of athletic event say
all of them has participated in 100 meter run then
the time with which one has finished ah how much
higher is that compared to the person two or three
this kind of classification or this kind level of
measurement is not going to give you that idea.
But they will classify the performance
according to certain kind of rank there
is as there is no interval you are talking
about is purely relative one. So, there is
no need of absolute 0 like in the grading system
if C is the lowest grade that does not mean that
the students who have got C C grade has got
a 0 marks. Because that is only relative they
may have got 30 percent or 40 percent marks ah.
But there is no need of absolute 0 because our
classification or I should say this ranking is
purely a qualitative one and comparative one.
So, some more statistical operations are allowed
earlier ones definitely are allowed and if you
more like ah median is one median just speaks
of the middle of a set 50 percent is below these
50 percent above this. Another very important and
very common one you must be knowing is percentile.
Someone has obtained ninety percentile means
ah ninety percent of the student has got less
than him, but that does not tell him that he has
got ninety percent of marks. It only tells that
10 percent of student performed more better
than him and 90 percent inferior to him that
is all it is purely a relative positioning
and no idea about the absolute quantity.
Next is interval or sometimes also called equal
interval scaling equal interval model. Here we
have equal interval ah in the concerned objects or
measures through some numerically equal distance
on the scale . Here ah we use on some constant
and equality of measurement and operations like
addition and subtractions of numbers are allowed.
Ah very good example can be the temperature
scale ah here we have a thermometer which is
showing the temperature scale both in Celsius and
Fahrenheit I am sure all of you have idea about
this that’s why I am picking up this example.
Now you can ah we can clearly see from this scale
that how the purse someone ah who has sorry a
temperature value of 10 and a temperature value
of 30. Or I should say we have started with say
temperature of 10 and during some experiment
we have moved up to a temperature of 30. So,
the change is 20 that is ah exact or I should
say this equal unit of measurement or equal
distance I am talking about whatever is the
distance between minus 10 and 0 the same is
the distance between 10 and 20 that is equal. So,
there has been ah divided following certain kind
of principle and we are following that over
the entire scale of ah in the measurement.
Like a change in temperature from 0 to 50 will
concerned a change of 50 degree similarly a
change in temperature from 500 to 550 will also
constantly change of change of 50 degree same
in the Fahrenheit scale. But one problem is that
here this measurement is also somewhat relative
because we are doing everything based upon an
arbitrary reference point. Like something which
is having a temperature of ah 10 say we have an
object which is having a temperature of 10 degree
Celsius and another object having a temperature
of 20 degree Celsius; that doesn’t mean that
temperature of B is double of temperature of A.
Because here we do not have any absolute 0
temperature this 0 which is shown on the scale or
say 0 in Celsius scale this is just a choice like
the temperature at which water gets converted
to ice under normal atmospheric condition we
are calling that as 0 degree Celsius that is a
purely relative positioning. And so we can do
addition or subtraction kind of operation,
but we can’t compare ah any kind of ratio
based calculation multiplication or division
ah. But still this kind of situations allows
us several other kind of operation to be
done like mean or standard deviation.
Ah here I have another example a common manometer
this one also probably you have heard or you have
learned about in your fluid mechanics course. So,
here this particular arm is open to the atmosphere
and this arm is connected to the ah container
whose whose pressure needs to be measured. Now
we know that the fluid is fluid columns in both
arms are showing a height of height difference
of H. And so and the difference in pressure
between the two is equal to H rho into g where
rho refers to a density of this manometric
fluid g is the acceleration due to gravity.
So, you know the pressure difference
between the two columns. But to know
the exact pressure in this gas column we need
to know the pressure at this particular point
which primarily is the atmospheric pressure.
So, whatever measurement we are doing that is
based upon atmospheric pressure only and if we
don’t want to consider the atmospheric pressure
in our calculation we are only going to get the
gauge pressure which is a relative measurement.
The statistical operations like mean standard
deviation etcetera can be done more or less
all kind of statistical operation apart
from very restricted one or two which
requires this ratio to be calculated that
can be performed on this interval scale.
And the final one is the ratio scale in case of
ratio scale we have an absolute 0 present. So, all
the characteristics of the earlier three that is
nominal ordinal and interval are present plus we
have a fixed reference point. Ah like you we take
up this example of a weight measuring dial truly
speaking a mass measuring dial. Here we have a
proper 0 and this 0 is different from the 0 which
was there in the thermometer this is this refers
to 0 mass that 0 on thermometer 0 degree Celsius
or 0 degree Fahrenheit are different locations.
And that’s why they doesn’t give us any
information or I should say that doesn’t tell
that when the temperature reading which is 0
degree Celsius there is no temperature there
But when the mass reading which is 0 here that
definitely indicates the mass is 0 so there is
an absolute 0. And hence ah suppose a reading
of 80 on this scale and 160 on this scale we can
definitely compare them like a person weighing
80 pounds and the person weighing [60] 160 pound
we can definitely say that the second person is
weighing double compared to the first person.
And ah we can also relate this scales using some
kind of multiplication factor like in case of ah
previous scale Celsius and Fahrenheit scale was
there in example. We know that we can’t write that
C is equal to k into F . This is wrong rather we
know that corresponding relation is something
like this C by 5 is is equal to F minus 32 by
9 that is because in one scale we are choosing
0. But in the other scale at 0 degree Celsius
corresponds to 32 degree Fahrenheit. So, it is
not a straight forward linear relationship.
But in this scale say if ah A refers to the mass
in kg and B refers to the mass in pound . We can
clearly say that A is equal to k into B this kind
of ratio is permitted in ratio based measurement.
So, here we can do any kind of arithmetic
operation and all kinds of statistical
operation also can be ah performed on this. This
is another very common example of a measuring
tape here again two scales are shown the inch
or feet on one side millimetre and centimetre.
On the other side we can use either of them to
measure the same thing and also we can use the
relationship between an inch and centimetre to get
their mutual conversion . Like clearly we can see
that ah a measurement of 2 feet corresponds
to something like 5.1 ah 5.1 centimetre.
So, whatever may be the conversion factor like
we know one inch correspond to 2.54 centimetres
using that kind of conversion factor we can always
interchange from one scale to another scale. So,
a figure to compare all the four kind of scales
that we are talking about. Primarily we have
to consider or any scale of measurement need to
have I should not say any scale of ah measurement
rather scale of reference scale of measurement
generally constants three factors. Factor number
one is ah the comparison or rank, number two
equal interval, number three absolute 0.
The first one doesn’t of any of them second one
the ordinal adds the rank factor into this third
one the interval or equal interval that adds
that equal interval characteristics and finally,
the fourth one the ratio add that absolute
0 as well. So, if you think about ah a an
example where several runners have participated
in say 100 meter or 200 meter run say 100 meter
run because the values are quite ah arbitrary
for 200 meter. So, here the nominal scale will
assign some kind of jersey number kind of things
to them say there are three persons they are
jersey numbers of 7 8 and 3, all belong to the
same group and no other information about them.
Ordinal scale is going to tell that who has
finished as first who has second west third
and the same way rank all the participant. If
there are 10 participants well nominal scale is
going to give you only their jersey numbers
ah ordinal scale is going to give you their
rank from 1 to 10. Interval scale ah can judge
their performance based upon a certain standard
like if we pick up a scale of a scale of 0 to 10
then it can give ah certain value it can assign
certain value which will allow us to compare their
performance somehow like ah if the first person is
given a scale 9.6 and second one 9.1 then we can
clearly see as per this particular scale there is
a 0.5 difference between them. And then there is
a difference of 0.9 between second and third. So,
from there at least this conclusion we can draw
that whatever was their difference in timing
between first and second their difference in
timing between second and third may be larger.
And that’s what ratio scale tells us that gives
us the complete picture that gives you the exact
value of the time that they have taken like
in case of ah the first one weighs well the
first person is finished in 13.4 second one has
taken 14.1; that means, there is a difference
of 0.7 seconds. But there is a difference of 1.1
second between second and third and which is also
reflected by this difference in this. But still
this interval is some kind of relative depending
upon the choice of your scale. Whereas,
the ratio is giving you the exact number.
Another way of comparing them if we talk about the
number meaning the number that these corresponding
measurements are assigning. The nominal is only
going to talk about categories where ordinal is
going to give you order or rank interval is
going to give us some equal interval about
characteristics following some uniform scale
and ratio is going to give you equal interval,
but a proper scale with an absolute
0 or a fixed point of reference.
The arithmetic ah one important or good examples
between these two can be like we have talking
about the example of thermometer. So, when
you are talking about Celsius and Fahrenheit
temperature Fahrenheit temperature scales our
choice of reference is quite arbitrary. However,
if we talk about an absolute temperature scale
the Kelvin scale Kelvin scale there we have an
absolute 0 point which is a fixed point of
reference. And so if we measure temperature
with respect to absolute Kelvin scale then
that will come under this ratio scale.
If we talk about arithmetic measurement no or
arithmetic operations nominal is only going to
allow us equality or inequality kind of operation.
Whereas, we can be the ordering in ordinal
addition subtraction kind of our arithmetic
operation is permitted on interval scale. And all
including multiplication and division any kind of
ratio based operation are permitted in this ratio.
Now we can do only the mode calculation in the
first one median and mode both can be calculated
here we can also calculate median mode mean
standard deviation etcetera in the remaining two.
Some ah very common statistical analysis are
listed here like nominal and ordinal allows
very simplistic calculation like chai square
or maybe analysis of variance. But more modern,
more advanced tools like correlation regression
can be applied only on interval or ratio scales.
Some idea about some of these methods we shall
be getting in our in our later chapter. So,
in this course we shall mostly be talking
about the interval and ratio because mechanical
measurement primarily uses either of these two.
Now, next question is how do we measure. So,
we know what is measurement, we know why we have
to measure and you also have got some idea about
different levels of measurement. Now we need to
know how to be perform the measurement. Now the
process of measurement is a kind of comparison
between the measurand and standard. Like this,
here if this is your standard we are going to
compare the value of the measurand or value of
the concerned object with the concern value of the
standard. And by the process of comparison we can
get the value for this measurand a standard should
set the reference for a measurable quantity should
be internationally known and accepted.
And also should follow a provable mode
of comparison during the measurement process.
Now, what ah can act as a standard we can take
several things like a tangible representation
of a physical quantity a natural phenomenon
which has to be repeatable and reliable and then
that can act as a very good standard. A standard
procedure of measurement using standardized
measurement methods and equipment can also
sometimes be selected. But nowadays we mostly
prefer to go by this example I hope you know
what this is. This is the ah standard mass of
cylinder or rather this is a cylinder which
corresponds to a standard mass of 1 kg.
You all know that 1 kg is designated as a
mass of thousand cc of water at 4 degree
Celsius. But to set up the standard as for
the international agreement ah in 1880's a new
material a new alloy was formed which contains
90 percent platinum and 10 percent iridium
which is generally called IPK International
Prototype Kg or International Prototype Kilogram.
And using that IPK which is generally a very hard
material with a very high corrosion resistance
and high density also. This particular cylinder
was formed ah this cylinder is having a diameter
of 3.9 centimetre and also height is also same as
the diameter and height are equal to each other.
So, it has the least possible cross section area
as I should say least possible surface area which
raises the corrosion. And then this is maintained
ah in a vault 8 meter below the office of internal
standards of weight and measures at Paris. There
you can see there are three which are put on
this this is just to protect this one there are
6 official copies of this one available this is
only one of them which is kept at this Paris. And
6 official copies in different other standard
laboratories of the world hm ah. And ah, but
it has been found that the mass of this one has
changed little bit like there is a change of about
50 microgram over this period of 120 years.
So, there is a discussion going on about to
replace this one as a standard for mass ah most of
the other standards like length or time whatever
was selected earlier that has been replaced by
natural phenomena nowadays. And this one also
may get replaced by a natural phenomena like two
of them are very much in consideration. One is to
use the Avogadro number and ah use the molecular
mass as a kind of standard other is certain kind
of gravitational force and electromagnetic force
parity using the Planck constant . So, that may
come in future, but this is a very good example
of what you are talking about under standard.
Now, there can be several kinds of standard
primary secondary and also measuring or lab
based standards whenever we are comparing a
device ah for ah as whenever we are performing
the measurement based upon the standard
for measuring instrument. Then that is
a secondary kind of measurement same for
secondary standard, but only when we are
able to compare with the primary standard we
are getting much more accurate measurement.
But above the primary also there is the
international standard which are maintained
by international agreements and can also use
for checking the primary standard like the one
I have just mentioned about. There are a couple
of organizations like ISO and international
electro technical commission they set up these
international standards. Primary standards are
generally based upon the country ah the there are
national institutions who maintain the highest
possible accuracy for this primary standard to set
up the reference for the secondary standards.
Every country have their own standard like NC
or ASTM for US, BSI says the British standard,
ISI for Indian standard. Whenever we are
purchasing some instrument we need to check
that whether that follows a standard properly
or not and even . And also it is also possible
that at the beginning it may not be perfectly
following the standard has a very high level
of accuracy. But over the period of operation
years of operation it may lose the accuracy a
bit because of aging drift where etcetera.
And so, time to time we may have to calibrate
it back using certain kind of secondary or other
tertiary standard. Like one example maybe if you
want to set up the time in your mobile phone
what we do either you compare this one with
time for something which you trust or maybe
nowadays we often use the time provided by
the network provider. Now that is some kind of
tertiary or even lower level of standard because
them the ah network provider is also testing or
checking of their time based upon something else.
So, that can be one way we do set up these
measurements. Calibration is a process
of ah configuring or your device or instrument to
provide result for a sample within an acceptable
range or accuracy. So, to calibrate a device
whenever you have purchasing a device or later
on if we want we to to get it recalibrated we
compare with a standard 1 ah couple of examples
are shown here regarding temperature and humidity
measurements I shall be coming back to this topic
of calibration in the next lecture and so I
am not going to continue too much about this.
Calibration generally can be of two types static
and dynamic again I shall be talking about them in
the next lecture. These are the internationally
accepted standards you know as per the SI units
there are 7 ah fundamental units and out of this
7 the length, mass and time and temperature are
the one that we have to use repeatedly in
any kind of mechanical measurement. So,
the earlier days the length of measurement
or the I should say the unit of measurement
which is meter was based upon a certain ah
cylinder again kept in a standard laboratory.
But however, nowadays it is based upon
the wavelength of krypton 86 mass. We
have already talked about the standard for
time is based upon the resonant vibration
of caesium 133 atom. Ah temperature is based upon
the absolute 0 and same for the others angle. And
solid angle these two are not fundamental
units, but sometimes they are included as
additional units. Because they don’t have they
cannot be derived from any of the other 7.
These are certain common derived units
like acceleration area, volume, force,
resistance, frequency, pressure, velocity,
which can all be all be derived by combining
one or two or more of the fundamental units.
Now, methods of measurement, measurement can be
classified into several categories. The first is
direct and indirect; direct means when we are able
to take our measuring tool to the point where
you are going to perform the measurement like
measuring the length of this particular section we
are taking a measuring tape and directly drawing
a measurement or this particular one we want
to measure the mass of some fruits. So, we are
putting it on a balance on one side you have the
fruit which your object on the other side you have
some standard weight and ah when this particular
indicator touches zero we know that the mass are
equal from there we are making measurement.
So, this is a direct measurement where we are
able to compare the standard and the measurand
directly. But there is also indirect measurement
and indirect measurement can be much more
powerful one a very good example can be
this. The ah measurement of this circumference
of earth performed by Eratosthenes in 230 BC
focus on this we are talking about 230BC more
than two thousand one hundred years from now.
And I should know two thousand two hundred years
and ah what he did he compared he observed that
on the day of summer days that is June 21
one particular whale at this sign does not
prove great any shadow. And sign was about 800
kilometres from ah an Obelix at Alexandria that
is this one about 800 kilometres from them.
So, ah he measured the arc angle using the
principle of trigonometry and from there he
got a measurement about this circumference
of the earth as per the modern technology
the pole to pole distance has been found
to be something like 40007 kilometre. Now what
measurement Eratosthenes gave his value was;
40230 230 kilometre. How much is the difference
almost negligible and this measurement he did
2200 years back that is the power of indirect
comparison. There are several others like ah you
definitely must have heard about the name of
the great mathematician Radhanath Sikdar. What
he did? He was the first person to scale or
to measure the height of Mount Everest that
time it used to be called the peak number 15 in
1852 he measured the height of Everest and gave
it a value of as per his measurement it was
measured to be 8840 meter how much is this as
per the present measurement it is said to be 8848
meter, but there is debate about the ice cap that
is on top of this. A measurement done by Chinese
agency in 2005 showed it to be about 8843 meter.
Again the you can see the power of indirect
measurement and not only for such large scale
even for smaller scale like measuring the mass
of an atom, measuring the mass of an electron,
the charge of the proton we all use or based
upon the direct measurement and there are
innumerable other examples we can find and
you can also maybe think of a few examples.
The other kind of classification can be
deflection difference and null methods.
What are this? Deflection is what the result is
entirely based upon the reading on the device
like this one. Ah while we are measuring body
temperature using a clinical thermometer we
know that the fluid which is inside the
capillarity tube commonly mercury that
is moving inside the tube. Like here you
can see on this scale I think the picture
is not clearly shown it is showing a reading
something like this for say it has expanded.
And the tip of this liquid column has reached
somewhere here then directly from the scale
we can get the measurement. So, here the
measuring instrument itself is showing some
kind of deflection from its initial position or
base position and the amount of deflection is
giving you the final value of the measurand. And
another common example can be the spring balance
initially it is showing the zero reading,
but whenever you are putting something on
this scale . Then because of the it is ah it
is putting some kind of force on the spring
and accordingly this indicator is coming down to
indicate certain value somewhere here which is
giving us a measure of the ah weight of whatever
we are putting in this as the measurand.
So, this is the deflection method linearity of the
scale is important I have made this term linearity
in green because in the next lecture we are going
to talk about this is one of the properties of the
measuring systems. Difference method indicates
the difference between the unknown measurand.
And known reference there is a known reference
and there will be some kind of difference between
the known reference and the measurand. So,
the result will depend partly on the reading
and partly on the choice of your reference.
Ah like the manometer we have already seen one
example earlier here here we have a known pressure
which is acting as a reference. And now here we
are getting this much of deflection which is this
h h represent the deflection and then we have the
reference here combination of these two is going
to give you the final pressure which is acting
at this particular point or vice versa if you take
this one as reference then we are going to get the
are reading at this particular point. So, here
also the linearity of the scale is important.
The next one is null, null method where entirely
the measurement is based upon reference ah the
best example can be such kind of weighing
balance here we put the put the measurand
on one side here. And on the other side
we keep on adding standard mass and we
keep on waiting till the indicator which may
be somewhere here which shows a zero value a
null value. That means, whatever deflection of
the indicator has been caused his ah measurand
that has been negated by the standard mass.
And when we can able to achieve that then we can
say that whatever standard mass that we have added
on this particular arm is equal to the mass of the
measurand null is probably the most common kind of
measurand not only this one. Another very common
example is a wheatstone which you all know about
the principle like here we have four resistance;
one of them is unknown ah this one maybe the
unknown one other three are known values. So,
we keep on changing or adjusting their values till
you get a 0 reading from this galvanometer. So,
we negated the effect of this particular
resistance and accordingly we get a measurement
from this null method is considered to be a
very very precise method of measurement.
But I am not talking about accurate because
the accuracy of measurement will depend upon
the accuracy with which you are measuring
this standard if your choice of standard
is wrong like suppose you have purchased
ah some quantity of food some quantity of
fruit and you are getting that measured by the
shopkeeper. Now the shopkeeper is showing that
it is showing a null kind of measurement with
an with a weight or with a body of 1 kg mass,
but it is written 1 kg there if that itself
is not 1 kg say if that is 970 gram then
your measurand is also 970 gram. So, it is
precisely giving a measurement of 970 gram.
But as ah there is inaccuracy in the choice of
standard itself. So, there may be inaccuracy in
the final measurement also, but it is generally
very very precise one particularly when the
measurement is measurand some kind of electrical
quantity or certain kind of force balance we are
trying to do like in this case we are doing
a force balance and here we are measuring an
electrical quantity using the galvanometer .
An example here we are trying to measure the
length of a bar which is supposed to be 100 mm in
case of first case we are ah taking it in contact
with a scale ah. And the deflection of a scale
is giving you the measurement. So, we have to
get the reading from the scale itself and you
have a ah possibility of making plus minus 100
micron micron kind of error because the scale is
shown to have an error of 10 to the power minus 3
of the reading again what we refer by this I shall
be coming to the third lecture for the moment you
take that this 10 to the power minus 3 indicates
an error of the reading. So, 10 to the power
minus 3 times 100 millimetre is 100 microns.
So, there may be an error of hundred micron. This
is the difference method here we already have
a standard whose length is ninety nine mm. And
so when we come in and take the measurand and the
standard in contact with each other there is only
this all tiny gap left. So, your indicator will
only indicate this amount of gap which is supposed
to be 1 mm. But depending on the indicator we may
have ah this amount of error coming in and also
the measurand itself may have some error like 10
to the power minus 5 as in this example. So, we
can have one micrometre coming from here and also
about one micrometre coming from here and third
one where we keep on adjusting the reference this
is the reference till we get a null reading.
So, we don’t fix up the height of the standard
initially rather we keep on changing the height
of the standard till we get zero deflection on
this reading. So, we are not going to get any kind
of error from this deflection, but the choice of
ah or the error that is present in your reference
itself may show you certain kind of error which
is here. And 1 micron in this particular case
which is 10 to the power minus 5 times of 100
millimetre which is your reference. But no error
is coming from this , but like it was mentioned
in the previous slide ah certain properties like
0 drift etcetera may be important which you
shall be discussing in the next lecture.
Another type of a method of measurement can
be the interchange and substitution method
what is interchange method it determines the
magnitude of difference between two quantities
and indicates possible asymmetry. If anything is
present in a measuring system itself like here we
have ah two arms of the measuring system. So,
we are putting 2 say 2 mass m 1 on one side m
2 on the other side and is showing a deflection
of minus 2 on the scale. Now we interchange them
now we m 2 is on the left m 1 on the right.
And we can see now the indicator is showing plus
one on the right hand side, but what it should
have been if this indicator is a correct one if
your measuring device is a correct one there is
a difference of two unit between m 1 and m 2 and
m 2 is heavier ah compared to this red one is
heavier that is why there is a minus 2 reading
in m 1 or okay. Let us take the other forget
the minus let’s say m 1 is heavier and that is
why it is showing a two unit of deflation.
But when you have taken this side be showing
only one unit of deflection; that means, there
is some kind of error present in the measurement
system itself of course, these 2 mass m1 and m2
are not equal because there is some deflection.
But the instrument itself is also showing some
kind of error then how to get the final ah amount
value of final value of deflection between them
to take the mean between the two the mean of
the absolute value of this that is the absolute
value of minus 2 we are taking and the absolute
value of one we are taking and the ah average of
that is giving you ah the difference between the
two and also giving us some indication about
this like here none of the mass are present.
But it is showing some kind of inclination
towards the left which indicates it is 0 very
common example of with all those weight measuring
machine if you go to measure the weight. And if
the indicator of the weight measuring machine
dial is already at 5 then whatever final reading
you are going to get you have to subtract 5
from there that is a kind of 0 error. Again
I shall be talking about that later, but this
ah interchange method can very well give you
some idea about the ah asymmetry or inaccuracy
that is present in the measuring system itself.
Other is the substitution method in the
substitution method ah here the first we put
the measurand on the dial and get the reading.
So, this is the reading that you are getting
and noting the reading. And now we remove the
measurand and we keep on adding some standard. So,
we have keep the value of the measurand of the
scale position of the measurand. And then we are
keeping ah keeping on adding the standard as we
are adding the standard it keeps on changing and
keep on waiting till it comes back to the
original position. Here still we have some
difference of this much we have added something.
So, still there is some difference we need to add
some more standard. And finally here it gives
us some kind of null deflection means indicators
come back to the initial position which we
have fixed up with respect to the measurand.
And so this is ah we can get the idea about the
mass of this one by adding up the values of all
these standards this is again a very common
method of measurement the substitution and
also the substitutions are probably the most
common method of calibrating any instrument.
And finally, another this ah truly speaking is
not a method of measurement. But repeating the
measurement is sometimes very very important
one because if we ah repeat the measurement
and ah or if I should say we are trying
to measure particular quantity. We follow
a particular procedure and keep on repeating
the procedure if we don’t get the same rating
reading every time then your measurement
is not reliable. Like in this case I have
taken the diagrams ah from the bulls eye
view of a shooter you can see in the first
case every shooting is landing in a different
position every bullet is landing in a different
position which represent very very inaccurate
kind of ah performance by the shooter.
Whereas, in the second case ah there is a
very nice group within a very small zone all
the bullets have hit. So, it is a very reliable
measurement it is giving, but it still may not be
accurate one because you can see in this diagram
our target was to hit this particular zone,
but actually it is quite a bit away from this. So,
ah to indicate and ah if our measurement is for an
unknown quantity. Then we don’t know we from this
we know that our instrument is giving a reliable
reading only by repeated experimentation.
But whether it is accurate or not to know
that we need to change the instrument follow
maybe a different procedure. And see whether
we are getting the same value or not a correct
one should be something like this. So, ah by
changing the like suppose you are measuring
temperature with one thermometer by repeated
readings it is giving you a value something in
the range of ah 29.2 to 29.5 degree Celsius.
So, ah there are 10 readings you have taken
and all have come out in this small range. So,
it is a quite reliable measurement that
you are getting. But now you change the
thermometer take another one and if that
gives you 21.2 degree Celsius . Then there
has to be some ah problem with either with the
previous one or the new one , but if this new
thermometer is also giving you a value of say
21.2 then the previous one was also correct. So,
repeating the experimentation with the
same instrument and also with if possible
with the different instrument is also
a must in the process of measurement.
So, that takes us to the end of the day ah
to summarize whatever we have done we have
talked about the significance of measurement.
We have ah discussed why measurement is required
and a few fundamental aspects of measurement
like different levels of measurement you have
seen there are four different levels each one
keeps on adding some to the previous one and
the ratio level of measurement is the best
one. But there are several other instruments
which uses the equal interval or interval level
of measurements also then we have talked about
the standard and calibration calibration.
I shall be coming back again in the next
lecture and finally, we have talked
about different methods of measurement.
So, ah that takes us to the end of today's
lecture we shall be continuing this module
one. In the next lecture we shall be talking
about the general structure of a measurement
system ah the different kinds of inputs the
prop and also different kinds of properties
like some terms I mentioned linearity, zero drift
etcetera. We shall be mentioning about those.
So, thanks for your attention for the day thank
you very much and see you in the next lecture .