So, good
morning everybody, now, ah I will start ah the
introductory level of this course advances in
welding and joining technologies. So, ah to
some extent we know about the different welding
techniques and we have seen in the several places
the materials are joining ah simply gas welding
processes or some other welding processes,
but if we look into the signs behind this
welding and joining technologies and then we
can find out that, ah most of the subjects are
involved ah in welding and joining technologies.
For example, here ah will be able to know that,
heat transfer analysis the involvement in welding
processes, material flow and any kind of stress
analysis distortion level and metallurgical
changes; that means, structural changes
microstructure; that means, material science,
metallurgical engineering, as well as mechanical
manufacturing ah some design and all are basically
involved ah in this in the welding processes.
So, we will try to get some idea some
basic idea ah about this process. So,
that we will try to cover the welding science
and what are the technological development of
this process till that? That we will try
to cover ah in this module. So, the module
consists of this following ah sections the we
we can say that, first is the classification of
the welding processes then what are the physics
of welding processes? And then mostly use the
fusion welding processes their development and
different types of the ah welding processes.
What are the brazing and soldering processes?
Soldering processes in regular life we we can
see that to , we can use an some electric
circuit board, that is typical application
of the soldering processes, but brazing also
industrial scale application also there, but we
will try to look into that what is the typical
mechanism of brazing and soldering processes?
Then adhesive bonding is one
kind of the joining processes,
we will try to cover this ah topics also
physics of welding arc because, so far,
much development has been done in the arc welding
processes. So, we will try to get some idea about
the physics involved the formation of the arc
and in very specific to the welding processes.
Then more advanced topics ah in this section that
is, what is the influence of the surface-active
elements? And based on that what are the
different welding processes has been developed
or maybe existing welding process? What way
we can modify this welding processes ah by
considering the effect of the surface-active
elements? And finally, we will try to cover
the magnetically impelled arc welding process.
So, these are the module of this ah different
section of this module and that, name of this
module has been given in such the way that,
fundamentals of welding and joining we will
try to get some idea basic physics involved
in the welding processes or most conventional
welding processes the different ah technology
of the welding processes we will just
get some broad idea about the processes.
If we see that, almost all sector of the industry
there is a need of joining of the materials,
that can be done either fusing of the metals or
may be using some adhesive or some other joining
techniques. If we listed some of the applications
area, so electrification, automobile, airplane,
water supply and distribution, electronics, radio
and television, agricultural sector, computer,
telephone, air conditioning and of course, almost
all sector it it is covering this thing. So, it is
indeed is very much important to know about, the
fundamentals of the different welding processes.
Now, if you see the mostly use ah this
technology in the or in the air aeroplane
or aerospace industry, highway, the health
technologies, spacecraft, and the reselling,
the different welding processes has been
developed looking into the application
of the high-performance materials.
So, it covers almost all the sector. So,
here the importance of the welding processes and
well before going into details, much details about
all the welding processes, we will try to get some
ah basic mechanism of all this process, probably
it can be a review of the different welding
processes, that mechanisms are only will be
focusing in this part. You know how you can define
that, what is the welding and joining? So, there
is no precision definition of ah welding processes
or joining processes rather we can say that,
when 2 metals specifically metallic materials
are joined by fusing ah with the application
of ah different type of the heat source.
So, that in general, that is called the
welding processes normally, welding involvement
there is a fusion is there and joining processes
may be in other way ah that for example,
that when you some first inert mechanical
riveting and use the first inert to joining the ah
2 components, that is also that is also termed as
a joining processes, but there is no need of
any kind of ah fusion or may be atom to atom
violence's is not required ah in that cases.
So, that can be considered as a joining process
for example, even in adhesive bonding also
if you use some glue and to join 2 materials,
that can be also called joining process, but here
the mechanism on joining process different from
the fusion processes. So, that fusion is happening
in the welding and joining processes specifically,
that is termed as the fusion welding process
of course, we can say that, solid state welding
processes also can be considered we generally
say some say solid state welding process,
sometimes also we can say which the solid state
joining processes even the soldering and brazing,
that is also the application of the 1 3rd 3rd
metal try to join the 2 different material by
fusing the 3rd metal, but not necessary to meld
the parent metal. So, that is the basic mechanism
of the soldering and brazing mechanism.
So, that is that also we can say one typical
joining mechanism. So, in general we can say
that, it is a not only welding or not only joining
process we can say, it is a welding and joining
processes ah of the materials irrespective of
materials or irrespective of any non-metals also.
Now, critical technologies in manufacturing mainly
recent ah or maybe huge application or I ah can
say the maximum application of welding and joining
technologies, we observed the construction
industry and as well as the mining industry
and specifically in this case the joining or
welding of the materials involves, ah there
is a huge large amount or may be thickness or this
thickness of the metal is very high in this case.
But, at the same time if we find out the
very precision application of the welding
and joining technologies that, we observed in the
weld technologies by medical devices ah there, we
can find out the requirement of the joining of the
very small thickness may be, less sometimes it is
requirement is may be less than 100 micrometre.
So, we say that, as such the application of
the welding and joining observed from the very
precision instrument ah in the level of ah 100
micrometre or less than that to a large extent
that, we observe in the huge thickness of the bulk
joining of the material we can find out in the
construction and the construction specifically,
if you try to make bridge there also apart
from the rubber join the welding join can
also be done ah for the construction industry
specifically the example is the making the
bridge the river bridge and then, another cases
is the mining industry also we can find out,
that is huge application of the large scale
welding processes. So, apart from very large
scale to very small case there is importance of
the different welding and joining technologies
So now, here we will try to focus in
general of the welding technologies
and there is a separate module of the micro
joining and ah nano joining section where,
we will try to focus on the very precision
ah welding processes in very small scale.
But, why it is important? The welding and joining
analysis of all this welding and joining because,
from the past it has been observed that, if
the technologies of welding and joining are
not proper probably we can find out, there is
a formation of the defects and presents of the
defects may leads to the catastrophic failure of
the whole structure, and that can lead to the loss
of property as well as the human life. So, here
is the important to analyse the different welding
processes and if there is a permission of the
defects or whether, we can ah chose the different
welding technologies for ah without any defects.
So, this is not only the problem in the welding
industry the permission of the defects by the
improper choice of the welding materials or
improper selection of the materials ah in the
sense that, with respect to the material the
if welding process has not proper then, there may
be the problem of the formation of the ah welding
defects not only this finally, if we use ah
any kind of ah ah welding processes whether,
it is solids welding processes or fusion welding
processes we can found out that, there may be the
formation of the some amount of the residual
stress and distortion, that can be controlled
what that cannot be completely avoided?
So, presence of residual stress also affect
the life of the ah welded join. So, always we try
to target to reduce the the nature of distortion
and nature of the ah residual stress. So,
that is also another problem or maybe I
can say that , it is the ah inherit ah that is
the that, comes by inheritance the presence of
the any kind of residual stress and defects
ah during the welding process. So, in that
sense ah it is also necessary to analyse the or
to know ah basic mechanism or basic engineering
of the ah different welding processes.
Now, before that which welding and joining
processes can be ah classified in the following
way that, based on the different types of welding
of course, the classification can be done from
the different perspectives, so with respect to
that one perspective you can say that, there
a ah 3 different 1 is the fusion welding,
pressure welding and friction welding.
So, here basically the difference is
that, ah nature of the heat source and how we
can control the heat source? Or how heat can be
generated to join 2 different or similar kind
of materials? Fusion welding definitely the we
apply the source of heat source in such a way
that, it should cross the melting point of the
subset material. So, that it can fused together
and upper solidification it makes the structure.
Pressure welding simply application of the
pressure or may be application of the load
is the main mechanism to do the joining of the
materials. Friction welding of course, the heat
is generated in this case due to the friction. So,
in friction welding normally, we generally keep
the friction welding ah the maximum temperature
is below the melting point ah temperature.
So, in that in that, case they can they can
be ah consider as a ah solid state welding
process as well. So, this 3 types of welding
processes and we can see further that, fusion
welding processes can be classified as the ah
homogeneous and heterogeneous welding processes.
And if you see other part is the heterogeneous
welding processes, that brazing and soldering.
The heterogeneous welding processes means that, we
use the ah some another 2nd or 3rd material ah to
join the similar kind of metal or 2 different type
of material. So, in that sense it is called the ah
heterogeneous welding processes and in the other
case the homogeneous welding processes here,
you can find out that not may not be necessary to
using the ah 3rd material may be, 2 similar kind
of material they can join ah it is a and can form
kind of homogeneous structure. Even for dissimilar
materials also they can join together, but
finally, they can from the homogeneous structure.
So, in that sense it is the it is called the
homogeneous and the heterogeneous joining
processes. So, homogeneous there are several
types of welding process we can see that,
gas welding process, electro flag welding process,
high beam energy and the electric arc. So,
all this all these cases the ah generation of
the heat mechanism are in the all these cases are
different, but common thing is that anyhow that,
ah when you try to join 2 ah materials may be,
there is must be some amount of the
heat generation should be there. So,
that the materials can be ah joined together.
So, but all these cases the source of the heat
are different, 1st cases the gas welding simply
bounding the gas is the that, actually converted
the basically chemical energy and the converted
to the heat energy and that, heat energy utilize
to weld the materials then, electro flag welding
also similar kind of may be in this case that,
arc can be generated then, high beam energy also
the beam means the either laser or electron beam,
that is the high source of energy can be
used and electric arc based on the electric
arc ah can be ah can also be used in this
case. So, all this ah different types of the
homogeneous welding processes, but in this case
the heterogeneous welding processes mechanism are
different from the homogeneous welding processes.
So, heterogeneous process in case in generally
generally, we conventional we can find out the
2 different types of welding process, one is the
brazing another is the soldering. So, in details
we will discuss about all this processes. Now,
other things we can see that, electric arc welding
ah there are 3 different types of mig welding,
metal inert gas welding or gas metal arc welding
then, T welding, ah tungsten inert gas welding
or gas tungsten arc welding and shielded
metal arc shielded metal arc welding also,
that is sometimes it is called the stick welding,
that most of the cases we observe the metal arc
welding process and we ah practically we can
observe and the in any kind of construction site,
that using of the different types of the welding
processes. So, that can be that are categorised
as the electric arc welding because, in this all
these cases they produce the ah electric arc.
So, in general that generic types can be
classified of the welding and joining processes
or rather I can say the, what are maybe? You
can say the rather than classification here,
we can say what are the different
types of welding processes here? So,
in this case fusion welding process see the arc,
gas, power beam, resistance that, actually can
be categorised as a fusion welding processes,
thermo mechanical processes can be considered as
the friction flask ah explosive welding process.
So, in this case the ah not only thermal condition
may be, some mechanical ah energy also required
in this case and in general, that is called the
thermo mechanical energy utilized for all
this cases and fusion welding only heat
energy or may be, thermal energy is utilised ah
to conduct all this type of welding processes.
Then mechanical joining processes. So, it is
not the welding, but it is the joining process
because, frost inert can be used simply joining
of the 2 components. So, ah that is called the
mechanical ah mechanical joining process or may
be in general, that is the joining processes,
ah solid state welding process another generic
type of ah welding ah or and joining process,
that is called solid state, that is adhesive
soldering and brazing can be categorised as ah
distance because, ah in this case the temperature
actually below the melting point temperature of
the substrate material. So, in that sense it
is called the solid-state welding processes.
Even for friction state welding process, that is
there also the mechanical steering , as as well as
frictional heat generation are responsible
for the welding of the materials. So,
that can be or can also be categorised as
the um in that, solid state welding process.
So, point is that, when we try to classify
the different welding process. So, we need
to consider the different perspective to ah
classify the different welding process. So,
this is these are the one way, the different
types of welding process normally exist. If we
see in other prospective whatever, we
can classify the welding process. So,
before that we look into that, what the different
types of welds we generally ah observed?
In the first figure if you see that, that
is the 3 types of welds the first one is the
2-common application of for the hot surfacing
basically surface welding means; that means,
the it is application of the heat and
making the joining of violences of the
materials is happening only over the surface.
Second one is the groove welding making a groove
between the 2 plate and that, can be ah that
groove is fill using some filler material. So,
the primary use of the groove welds is
to be ah complete the butt joints. So,
configuration the butt joint because, ah in this
case 2 plates are flat and they are join ah at the
edge and either use using any filler material
or not. So, that can be ah that also one type
of joint that is in general, that is called
the butt joint. Butt also can be considered
as a groove joint ah if we try to make some
groove before, the welding ah of this 2 metals.
So, another types ah types of weld, that is also
fillet weld. So, fillet weld ah the configuration
of the geometry ah or of the base metal are
different in this case. If we see although,
it waking the kinds of T section, but one side it
is weld or fill filled by the welding material.
So, that is call the ah fillet fillet weld.
So, have a triangular cross section used or
that are at 90-degree ah 90-degree ah angle.
So, filler weld it can be done for a T cross
section and the ah lab joint lab to different
metals of joint and then, that can be welded
using the materials or it can edge joints or it
can be ah 2 edges having 90 degree perpendicular
they can be join using the ah fillet.
So, these are the type of welds different
welds butt type of the joints can be other way
we can observe that, butt joint simply joining of
the ah 2 materials ah over the edge and then, lap
joint when the lapping lap joint the 1 plate is in
over the another plate and any 1 of the contact
is can be join using the filler material. So,
that is called or without the without using the
filler material, that is called the lap joints.
So, here the geometric configuration of the
joint are different in this case here, if you see
that T joint, T joint means, that ah 1 plate is
horizontal plate is there and over this 190-degree
vertical plate ah kept and then, both side can be
join or single side can be joint, ah that is that
is called the T type of joint corner joint. So,
ah the 2 plates are keeping ah perpendicular with
each other and that, corner are joined using the
welding processes and edge joint. So, over on the
edge the geometric configuration different,
but over the edge the weld can be done.
So, from the figure it is obvious that, there are
there are different types of welds and or there
are different types of the joints we can observe
practically, ah by simply by by ah what way we
can configure the ah different materials? We can
say, ah different substance materials in that,
way we can find out the this ah this the
different nature of the ah types types or
nature of the weld joints observed practically.
Now, again we come back to that, classification of
the welding and the joining processes may be
other way we can in general we can say that,
joining joining processes. So, joining processes
itself include the welding processes ah also.
So, ah in the joining processes we can see the
there are 2 different one is the permanent joint,
another is the non-permanent joint,
another is the semi-permanent.
So, from that way, we can categorise the
different joining processes, first is the
permanent joint may be, welded joint can be
considered as a permanent joint and because,
violences of the material happen in this case
it can it may happen either in the liquid state;
that means, cross the melting point is above
the melting point temperature or it can happen
the in solid state as well also. So, both
can be considered as a permanent joint.
Second is the soldering and here also soldering
the soldering is when soldering is done joining
between the 2 components, the solder material
needs to melt and it can join the 2 materials ah,
but not necessary to make the parent metal.
So, this also creates the permanent joint. So,
similar philosophy also for brazing also and this
also call the permanent joint and of course, may
riveted, riveted joint ah this one kind of I can
say the mechanical joint also, but this is also a
this can be considered as a ah permanent joint .
But non-permanent joint in the sense, that bolted
joint and the screw joint because, it is possible
whenever, requirement required this possible the
disassemble of the ah joining materials. So, in
that sense it is considered as a non-permanent
joint where in, other way welds is riveted has
been when riveted joint can be considered as a
permanent joint in the sense that, if you
want to disassemble the components then,
you needs to break the ah the riveted part, that
is why it it is considered as a permanent joint,
but it is not necessary for the
bolted joint or screw joint.
Semi-permanent joint can be categorized as the ah
adhesive bonding because, adhesive bonding when we
joining 2 materials, we put the adhesive between
these 2 metals and ah at a curing of the after
certain curing time the 2 components or 2 metals
ah can be joint. So, that is the joint by using
the adhesive bonding, but these adhesive bonding
having some life after certain ah time they
can ah ah they can disassemble, but the depends
on the what type of adhesives we are using.
So, in general ah this adhesive bonding can be
considered as a semi-permanent joint. So, in
that prospect for the different ah ah permanent,
non-permanent or the semi-permanent joint. So,
this is the one way of the classifying
the different weld joining processes. So,
in other other way, the welded joint. So, that
is the classification of the welded joint.
So, several joining processes the fusion welding
then, metal deposition process and pressure
welding this 3-main categorisation can be done,
when you try to classified of the weld joint. So,
if you look into that, what are the different
types of the welding process include in fusion
welding process? That gas welding, arc welding,
high beam energy welding and thermit welding. So,
all these cases ah the we apply the heat
source intensity in such a way that,
it try to melt the ah basic material or base
material and then, after solidification the
permanent joint can be done. So, in this case.
So, here nature of the heat source is applied in
such way that, it will try to fuse the base
material. So, that is why it is comes under
the category of the fusion welding. So, that
fusion welding the source of the energy here,
in the in the by creating the arc or chemical
in the using the gas or uh using the high
beam energy like, laser and electron beam.
But, in case of metal deposition process the
sense of the classification is different in
this case of course, we use the ah source of
the energy ah different energy is it try to ah
fuse the ah material, ah which solder material,
but it is does not fuse the based material. So,
that is way the metal deposition process in the
sense, that we use the another extra material to
join between the 2 metals, without ah reaching
the melting point of of the 2 material.
So, soldering, brazing and adhesive bonding
also ah comes into under this category. So,
that; that means, we use some extra material
to join between the 2 components, ah without
melting the parent components. Pressure welding
other categorisation is that, here you can see
that, what are the different welding processes
includes in the pressure welding process?
That friction welding, ultrasonic welding,
explosive welding, diffusion welding,
resistance welding and magnetic in arc welding.
So, in this case normally the pressure welding
means, the application of the load is required.
So, that actually try to ah create the joint
or deep bonding between the 2 components or
2 materials. So, friction welding of course,
apart from the pressure some frictional heat
also generated in this case, ah that actually
helps to ah violences of the ah components or
materials similarly, ultrasonic energy can be
used in this case to joining explosive when the
using sub explosive in this case the using some
explosive and then, highly deform the components
is highly deform the high high rate of plastic
deformation happen with the component and then,
these 2 components can join in the solid state ah
creates the solid state welding processes also.
Ah similarly, ah resistance welding also
ah resistance welding ah in this case that,
we apply that resistive heat also, but at the
same time to make the joining process we need
to apply some mechanical load as well ah.
So, in that sense the resistance welding of
resistance the ah it creates the due to the ohmic
heating, it creates the uh generates the heat,
but at the same time we need to apply some
constant pressure or may be some variable
pressure also. So, that the welded can be done.
So, apart from the various kind of the source of
the heat or generation of the heat, there is
also some mechanical loading condition is also
required in case of the pressure welding.
Anyway, we will try to discuss of all the
different types of the welding processes as
well individually. So, by looking into that,
different way of classification of the Ah welding
processes. Now, we will try to focus on the,
that physics of the ah welding process.
So, how ah the joining of the 2 materials comes
and what way the different development of the in
the welding industry has been terms. So, what the
type? So, first question is that, if it is
possible to being 2 metallic surfaces together,
is it possible to join these 2 surfaces or 2
components, if that is possible then I think
they are may not be necessary, that such kind of
all this ah development in the welding processes.
But, let us look into that things since the only
grain boundary separate them; that means, between
the 2 metals, if that in that case 2 metals come
in contact with the metallic surface come in
contact then, joining adherence with the large
force is possible, but this is the very ideal
case. Because, that types of metallic surface
ah may not be possible in practically because,
that metallic surface most of the cases we can
find out they are contaminated with the oxide
layer. So, ideally it is not possible to may bring
the 2-metallic surface if it is not contaminated
with any kind of ah layer of the metals.
So, in that sense in absence of that layer,
that 2 metallic surface in come in to the
contact then it is possible to join between
these 2 metals, but apart from this if there
is a no if there is ah any presence of the
oxides layer then, in ideal in that ideal
cases it is possible to join, but practical
cases most of the metallic surface equisetum
with some of the oxide layer and it is not
possible to join ah possible to join them, until
unless there is a removal of the oxide layer.
So, that presence of that oxides layers is
basically brings the concept of the different
weld ah development of the different welding
processes by the mainly by the application of
the amount of the ah or the some kind of creation
of the generated heat between the surfaces. So,
that actual practical ah that surfaces presence
that, deals with the phenomena associated with the
different welding processes and development
of the different welding processes.
Now, the formation of the weld bead
bones basically that fusion welds or even
solid-state welding commonly differentiated by
the physics of the metallic bonding mechanism. So,
that is only difference the ah in weld bond or
that is the only metallic bonding the nature
of the metallic bonding ah what way we try
to explain the fuse or solid-state welding
processes ah either in the fused welding
processes or the solid-state ah weld?
So, we will try to look into that, deviation
from the ideal cases and what are the development
of the welding processes can be done?
Now, before that we will look into that,
what is the physics ah principle of
the fusion welding processes? So,
in fusion welding processes basically they are
created by the coalescence of the molten base
metals and mixed with the molten filler metals not
necessary always the filler metals are required?
So, ah in this case the fusion welding happens
by the way, the metals must be heated to the to
raise the melting point temperature
for fusion weld to be produced. So,
in this case what happens raise to the molten
temperature and they mix up the molten metal
mix up and then finally, they solidify to
the ambient temperature and then, actually
makes the ah bonding between the 2 materials.
So, that bonding may happen either similar type
similar type of materials or maybe 2 different
types of the materials, but in this case the
typically the fusion welding process it is
characterised by the molten pool pool zone
basically the molten zone and then, heat affected
zone. So, heat affected zone also occurs because,
the heat is applied to the to melt the surface,
but up to a certain extent there may occur the
phase transition or phase transformation happens,
and that is inherent to the processes. So,
that phase transformation ah ah measure the
phase transformation affect is basically
indicated by the heat affected zone, and that
heat affected zone is basically ah identified the
ah microscopically or macroscopically as well.
But, after after solidification or may be after
cooling down of the molten pool and then, when the
it is cool down ah to the room temperature then,
there may be the possibility or definitely there
must be some amount of the distortion and residual
stress and over the solidification period the some
metallurgical changes also happen. So, like the
phase transformation also happens in this way. So,
that metallurgical transformation of this ah this
can be better identified by the different size of
the molten zone or different size of the weld zone
or different size of the heat effected zone.
So, in this case what we understand that,
in fusion welding process there is a necessary
to apply some intense heat ah to the ah focus
zone. So, that intense heat basically melts the
selective part of the material where, uh about to
join between the 2 components and after melting it
subsequently solidify and creates some different
metallurgical zones, may be that is called the
fusion zone or heat effected zone and of course,
remaining part is unaffected the base metal.
So, these are the typical characteristics, but
other way also after solidified of the molten zone
it is accustomed to some amount of the distortion
and residual residual stress. So, this is the
principle of the fusion welding processes. Now,
what is the solid-state welding process? So,
solid state welding process definitely the
temperature should be below the melting
point temperature and ah arc created by
either the microscopic or the ah ah ah this is
the basically created either the macroscopic
or the microscopic violences of the materials,
and that remains in the solid state of course,
phase transformation may also happen in
the solid state, but the team that that
phase transformation is the happens below the
melting point temperature of the materials.
So, apart from this the fusion welding
and ah sorry that, principle of the fusion
welding we discussed and that principle of the
solid-state welding process. Now, we come to that,
point the physics of the arc welding process
in the sense that when you try to ah because,
arc welding is the ah mostly used ah process
and most common processes also and in arc
welding process we generally, ah control the
separate parameters first is the voltage.
So, electrical ah potential or the pressure that,
causes the current flow that voltage is the the
potential, that is required to flow the current
and basically the current can be defined is the
movement the movement of the charged particles
in a specified direction. So, voltage decides
the flow of the current and current actually
is basically in terms of the charged particle,
and that flow one direction and then, that when
the current flowing in specified direction and
when it is creates the arc between the
ah positive and ah negative charge work
piece on the electrode material and then, it
try to complete the ah electrical circuit.
So, that electrical circuit makes the ah
development of the arc welding process,
but in this case this electrical circuit
or nature of the voltage and current ah is
basically different from the ah other common
ah electricity what we use in the 2 use in the
this thing that ah normal current; that means,
for a specifically for ah in ah in a bulb here,
you can see that common electrical connection were
is the the supply is basically that high voltage
and ah low current normally the voltage around
240 volt and low current may be 5 rams like that.
But, when you try to use this electric current in
the welding purposes the we use in different way,
here the current requirement is very high
and the voltage requirement is the low maybe
standard or typical say 20 volt or 24-volt ah is
required, but current may be depending upon the
process arc welding processes or depending
of the size of the work piece it can varies
from 100 amps to say 200 amps like that.
So, that way the common electrical circuits
is different different from the ah what we
use in kind of welding purpose, but point is
that ah voltage current, that actually decides the
power of the arc ah, but polarity also is another
important factor. So, polarity means what way we
can use a positive and negative cathode and how
what we decide the cathode and anode? Which one
should be positive? Which one should be negative?
So, there are several way to decide the polarity
one is the DC; that means, ah DC minus; that
means, direct current electrode negative, DC
plus direct current electrode positive and we
can use also alternating current depending
upon the application ah of the application
or maybe depending upon the materials and they
are typical characteristic how is uh interact
typical characteristics of the molten pool?
what it is interacted with the surrounding
materials or surrounding atmosphere?
So, here specifically the heat ah that,
different type of polarity; that means, whether it
is DCEP direct current electrode positive or DCEN
direct current electrode negative or it may be
AC depending upon the polarity the amount of the
heat is generated in the electrode or amount of
the heat is generated to the work piece. So, that
depends on the in general the type of the polarity
we can use for the ah in this welding purpose.
So, that maybe it is not necessary for the
different welding processes follow the different
type of the polarity, but for example, GTAW and
GMAW the gas tungsten arc welding process and
gas metal arc welding. In these 2 processes there
that we have the choice of the using the DCEN or
DC or AC polarity depending upon the application
or depending application on on the materials.
So, I will come to that one later on ah the what
is the typical utilization of all this thing? But,
thing is that ah if electrode negative and
work piece is positive in general in that case,
the kinetic amount of the energy electrode is
basically exposed more on the work piece surface.
So, in that case we can expect the more amount of
the heat generated in the work piece surface. So,
our if our objective is to melt the
work piece material more in that case,
we should use the DCEN polarity; that means,
work piece positive and electrode should be
negative in that in that, polarity around 70
percent it will be generated in the work piece.
But, our objective is to melt the consumable
electrode for example, in case of gas metal arc
welding process we use the consumable electrode.
So, objective is to consume more electrode. So,
more amount of the heat general is more
preferable on the on the electrode. So,
in that case direct current electrode negative
is more preferable in that sense uh. So,
in this mode DCEP, that more amount of the
heat will be generated on the electrode than,
the work piece material and also AC current.
So, certain typical material for example,
aluminium this low melting point material ah,
which is having high affinity to form the oxides.
So, in that case the AC current is more
preferable. So, in this case may be in
alternatingly the 50 percent amount of the heat
generated in general in the local 50 percent in
the work piece. So, the AC current basically helps
to cleaning the oxide layer and the remaining 50
percent amount ah heat is generated on the
surface. So, in that sense the if cleaning
action is required or maybe to remove the oxides
layer. So, AC current is more preferable in
that sense , that generally observe in the
application of the ah welding of aluminium.
So, electrical circuit basically the decides,
that the ah nature amount of the generation of
the heat. So, we can see the electricity flow
from the power source and through the electrode
basically if we consider the circuit in such way
that, the through the power source the electricity
flow and then, it comes to the electrode we use
electrode and then, it again it passes through
across the arc and then, that flow through the
base material and again back to the power source,
in that is way it actually creates
the ah electrical circuit here.
So, formally we can say the electrical energy
is basically converted to the thermal energy
in the arc welding process. So, arc created
by the electric current here the converted
heat into because, of the resistance of
the electric flow. So, resistance of the
electric flow that actually responsible
for the creation of the heat and the heat
melts the metal to fuse it together, after that
heat melts the metal and to fuse it together.
So, that physics of the arc welding process
then, just we will try to cover here the basic
concept of the which generally use in the arc
welding processes next to that point enthalpy
of melting basically energy required to melt the
material what we can estimate? Or what are the
factors is responsible for the to estimate
the melting of the enthalpy of melting?
So, straightforward we can find out what is
the amount of the energy required? That heat
energy required to melt are given volume of the
weld, we estimate in that way we can separate
on these 2 part the heat required to melt
the solid and then, latent heat of fusion
that actually to change the phase from liquid
phase ah sorry from solid phase to liquid phase
some amount of the latent heat is required.
So, in that way we can estimate that Q equal
to that, first component is basically the
latent heat ah sorry the heat capacity or
may be in this case, that is called the
ah specific based on the specific heat,
that component can be the melting point
temperature based from the ambient temperature
to the melting point temperature and the total
heat content to raise the or heat required to
raise the ambient temperature up to the melting
point temperature, with the same phase solid
phase that is the amount of the heat required.
And then, second part is the latent heat required
to change the phase. So, that is why the total
amount of the heat can be ah considered ah that
is required ah to the volume required to melt
a given volume of the material. So, once we
estimate the amount of the heat and typically
we can find out the weld zone is like that,
first is the fusion zone that is the molten zone
of course, molten zone not exactly the amount of
the heat generated just to melt, but here the
application of the heat says it goes up to the
some super heat temperature as a also. So, we
are neglecting basically the enthalpy melting
we are neglecting, that super heat ah that amount
of the heat required to super heat the material.
Now, apart from the fusion zone it some part
is affected up it is the solid solid state,
but that is defined in the heat affected zone.
So, that zone is affected by the heat, and that
can be identified simply the by phase transition
with this zone and of all these happens over the
in the solid state; that means, without the less
than the melting point temperature. So, that zone
is the heat affected zone and other part is the
base metal that is, the unaffected base it is not
affected by the application of the heat in the
source. So, this is the typical characteristics
of a basically the zone of the different weld
zones in in specific fusion welding process.
Now, what are the different energy sources are
generally used in case of welding processes? So,
of course, the energy here is used to produce
the bond in form in the form of the heat first
making the heat application the heat to melt
the metals and then, cooling the cooling of
the metals through solidification process. So,
here we will try to the what are the different
categorisation of the heat source may be
used ah for the fusion welding processes?
So, first is the electrical sources of course,
use the electrical energy either available in
the form of the AC alternative current or in the
form of the direct current sources for example,
the different welding processes arc welding
processes, resistant resistance welding process,
electro electro slag welding all
the different welding processes,
we just use the ah source we use the different
electrical sources to create the thermal energy.
Second is the another source of the energy
for the welding is the chemical sources. So,
here the chemical energy uh is stored ah within
a cylinder and the in the different form we
can use the ah chemical energy for example, the
oxyfuel gas welding. So, oxyfuel gas welding we
can use the ah the fuel cylinder and to make
the gas welding processes even for thermit
welding processes in this case also that,
we can use the chemical energy or of course,
we use the some ah in this case we use the thermit
is the mixture of oxides and other materials and
that, create some ah chemical reaction and the
reacts that, exothermic reaction and that creates
the some amount of the heat and that, heat
can be utilized for the welding processes.
So, in these cases the chemical sources actually
acts as to produce the generated heat. Optical
sources we can categorize the optical sources in
this way that fused beam of the electron or laser,
which is operated is actually operated according
to the law of optics. So, in this case that it
can achieve a high-power density creates it
possible to the high-power density ah; that means,
high concentrated heat can be possible as
compared to the other welding processes.
So, typical example is the laser welding laser
beam welding processes and electric beam welding
processes in these 2 cases ah we can use the
heat source from the optical sources then,
mechanical sources the in involve the some amount
of the mechanical movement of the that, mechanical
movement of the ah movement that, actually produce
the amount of the energy for example, friction
welding if you friction welding basically if we
try to give the mechanical motion of the substrate
material the high rotational speed ah then, even
if it is contact with another material, ah that at
the contact surface they are may be the generation
of the heat ah due to the friction and that,
friction happens due to the mechanical motion of
the ah substrate material. So, in that way that,
some mechanical source can be used ah to generate
the amount of the heat. So, that friction welding,
ultrasonic welding and explosion welding all these
kind of welding processes the mechanical source is
the actually produce the amount of the heat.
Solid state sources we can separate category
the solid state sources in this case is the
categorises it is categorised by a lack of
the motion in contrast to the mechanical source
is that is, in that sense we are not using the
any mechanical ah sources here, ah may be we
do not use the mechanical motion as a source
of the generated heat rather, in this case
may be the application of the concentrated
load or may be distributed load is applied,
and that is responsible for the joining of
the material. So, that is one example is
the diffusion welding and, in this case,
may be the source of the ah energy source of the
energy can be considered as a solid-state source.
Now, when you analysing the different energy
sources is required for the welding process now,
we will look back to the what are the different
different physical properties of the material?
And which may be significant ah in very specific
to the ah welding processes or to analyse the
different welding processes? So, physical welding
properties basically of the materials influence
the applicability of the different various joining
processes. So, that is why we need to know the
different physical properties of the materials,
and that actually decides what that actually
relates to the applicability of the different
welding processes. So, that is why it is necessary
to analyse the different physical properties of
the metals, first is the electrical resistivity.
So, electrical it is having the maximum effect
in the resistance welding and significant role
in other processes like, ah gas metal arc welding
process or gas tungsten arc welding processor. So,
that is why we should know the, what is
the electrical resistivity of the material
decide the applicability of the different welding
processes in principle thermal conductivity. So,
what way the materials can transfer the heat
that, depends on the thermal conductivity.
So, for example, some material is having very
high thermal conductivity ah for example, copper,
copper is having high thermal conductivity. So,
sometimes it is very difficult to ah weld in the
sense the application of the heat immediately the
conduct away the amount of the generated heat. So,
concentration of the heat is maybe is probably
less in this case to melt the the material. So,
that is why, it is necessary to know
the thermal conductivity of the it is
a very significant parameter, that this is the
applicability of the different welding processes.
So, in general pure metal is happen good
thermal conductivity, but if we try to allow
if we add on the alloying elements generally
the thermal conductivity reduces. Next is the
coefficient of of expansion the thermal expansion
coefficients in welding of the materials also it
equally important to analyse the distortion of the
welded specimen because, the application of the
thermal energy or there may be the thermal strain
will be produce and the thermal strain is that,
amount of the strain is that, depends on the
distinguish or expansion coefficient. So,
or maybe if there are 2 different material
there is huge difference in the thermal
expansion coefficients probably in this
case there is the difficulty of joining
these 2 materials or maybe the 2 materials
having the similar range of the 2 dissimilar
materials having the similar range of the
expansion coefficients. So, probably in that
case the joining must be little bit ease.
Ah. So, that thermal expansion coefficient
is another important parameter, and that
directly linked to the distortion analysis
of a welded join specific heat we understand
the measure or amount of the heat content or
it can observer amount or it can store the
heat the amount is basically decided by the
specific heat of a pacific material, ionisation
potential. So, different materials the ease of
arc initiation basically when we try to do the
arc welding processes how is we can create the
arc? And what way easily we can maintain or
arc can be stable, that actually relates to
the ionization potential of a specific material.
So, to get a initiation of the arc easily and we
can stability as minimum as possible ionization
potation material is required in this sense metal
oxides of course, oxidation rate is another
critical problem in the welding process. So,
different materials the oxidation rate
are different and the effective stability,
when this meeting the metal oxides the
stability of the metal oxides during the
welding is basically affects the transfer
of the heat from the any source or it also
depends on the different alloying elements
ah alloying elements of the parent metal.
So, that is why it is very important to the know
the ah oxidation rate of a specific material ah or
or the nature of the metal oxides and when
you try to weld when you try to select the
an alloying process for a specific material it
is necessary to analyse the metal formation of
the metallic oxide just give the example that,
aluminium oxide aluminium is having high rate
of oxidation and easily form the aluminium oxide.
So, that is why when you try to choose the welding
process we generally use the alternative current
AC current such that, it clears or it removes
the oxide layer in the half of the cycle and
remaining time of the cycle cycle time it is
the simply heat the material. So, in that sense
the analysis of the metallic oxides is required .