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hello and welcome to this ah css moocs course entitled fundamentals of nuclear power generation
which has been offered under the nptel online certification scheme i am ah dipankar n basu
assistant professor in the department of mechanical engineering iit guwahati and i am going to
be your instructor for the entire of this course now the as i have already mentioned
in the introduction video that the topic of nuclear power generation is a bit of advanced
level topic and ah therefore i would expect the entire audience of mine to be either at
the advance level of your analogy curriculum or may be during a post graduate that is you
must be at least at the six semester of your ug course or a may during a master specializing
in mechanical thermal or nuclear or power engineering so that you already have the fundamental
knowledge about fluid mechanics and heat transfer and also you are aware about the laws of thermodynamics
and also you are ah quite aware about the differential calculus or differential equations
rather because we need to make use of those concepts some of those concepts in different
sections of this particular course ah its quite a bit odd for me that there is
no audience in front of me and i am not a in a position to have direct interaction with
you or have eye contact with you face your questions directly but ah still i would like
to keep this course as much interacting as i can so that ah ah that means i would like
to follow a more questions as i kind of a pattern so and ah i am sure all of you are
going to respond that is ah whenever you have any query or any doubt or you need any clarification
dont hesitate to drop a mail to me i would try to respond to that at the earliest and
for that purpose while my contact details are already available on the course so you
should also know the friends that is my ts i have three phd students as my ts all of
them are quite senior phd scholar in the department of mechanical engineering iit guwahati
mister kiran saikia who is working in the field of boiling water reactors and therefore
his phd topic is quite relevant to the content of this course mister bhaskarjyoti sharma
is working on micro fluidics and heat transfer at microscale whereas ah mister milan sarkar
another senior ph student he is working on super critical ah boilers or super critical
nuclear reactors which is again an advanced level nuclear reactor and ah if possible would
like to mention about that sometimes in this course ah their contact details are also available
there so you can send mail to either of them as well regarding any kind of clarification
now it is already available the course outline on the course web page but still i would like
to repeat it here here ah this course ah we shall be starting from the very fundamentals
of nuclear power generation that is ah introducing the concept of atomic power generation ah
discussing about very briefly about the atomic structures and the source of nuclear energy
and from there gradually shall be moving to more complicated or more advanced topics accordingly
the entire content has been divided in to twelve modules and ah it is span for twelve
weeks so the objective is to cover one module in
every week accordingly each of the modules some of the modules rather it be covered in
two lectures some of them may require three or four lectures and each of the module will
be followed by one tutorial where the tutorial may contain ah multiple choice questions may
contain the numerical problems or may have slightly discrete one as well depending upon
the content of that particular module again as i mentioned ah hint towards the solution
of all this tutorials will be given and we shall be there for helping you while solving
this tutorials i would also like to solve some sample problems after ah every module
or after any relevant module and ah these are the text books that we shall be following
in this course where i shall mostly be following the book of ah remand murray but ah any of
you may not be having direct access to this one so you can ah follow either of the next
two the book on power planning engineering by professor p k nag i think the third edition
is the latest one and also the look by m m el wakil on power plant technology another
classical book both of them has a chapter on ah nuclear power generation which is very
much relevant and ah if i go back to the course outline ah both of this books will be ah sufficient
to cover up to module number eight or nine for this particular course
but of course the rest of three modules where we shall be discussing about ah several advanced
topics such as biological effects of radiation the reactor safety and security and also the
waste management these are ah more ah modern day topics and ah they may not be available
in the books you can ah refer to different materials available on internet and of course
the lectures will be there for your help now the topic of nuclear power generation has
a quite rich history of course i am in history point of view i am not talking about ah the
way other sources of power generations are invented and how they came into practice rather
it has a quite a way of checkered history because the term nuclear energy where introduced
to the man kind ah only after that at hiroshima in nineteen forty five and it is quite fascinating
to think that in just about six seven decades from that point we are discussing about nuclear
power as a possible source of power generation or is a possible solution for future energy
demands ah the term which came to the concept of or
came to the knowledge of common people there is something synonymous to greater destruction
ah it is only thanks to the contribution of several researches and several scientist who
kept on working on this and ah didnt just kept it limited to atomic energy do not kept
limited atomic energy to ah ah the open related options whether divert it to the commercial
power generation and ah because of that ah only nineteen fifties first commercial nuclear
power plant was established and gradually we moved on to get a good share of the global
energy production from the nuclear energy ah just to ah justify the need of knowing
the nuclear energy i would like to show you this couple of ah ah projection that i have
this particular one which i am sure all of you are aware that presently we get the energy
needs our day to day energy needs mostly from the fossil fuels like coal petroleum or natural
gases however as per the considering the present energy reserves available and also the present
day consumption this talks are not infinite rather they depleting at a very very fast
rate and ah just going by this projection the stock of ah petroleum and natural gas
are not expected to last longer than twenty fifty or twenty sixty whereas coal may survive
for thirty forty years more but by the year ah twenty one hundred we are expected to run
dry if we keep on depending solely on this fossil fuels and ah
now if you compare that with the other projection that is where i am showing here the global
electricity consumption you can see here the electricity consumption is not only increasing
year by year but it is actually escalating at at a very very fast rate particularly in
ah ah asian and ah middle east related countries where we can see there is an accelerated growth
if we compare the figures say from nineteen ninety to two thousand ten over this ah period
of twenty years the consumption in the asian countries has become nearly double or at least
ah one point six seven times and ah in terms of the global figure if you compare this one
and nineteen eighty which was ah around six thousand turn or tower tera or tower we should
say in two thousand ten it was around eighteen thousand
so a three time increase in thirty years and ah this electricity consumption is only going
to increase at a even faster rate because of several ah quite well known reasons like
our ah fascinations towards ah electronic gadgets we are ah depending on ah heavier
machineries for solving every day to day needs of ours our fascination towards elimination
and ah so and so several reasons and therefore we need to find some other options ah without
instead of adjust continue to depending on the fossil fuels we have to find some other
options of electricity generation and ah thats where the renewal and nuclear power comes
into the here i have some numbers to the substantiate
the same ah point if you compare the figures from nineteen ninety to two thousand eight
we can see the global population has increased by about twenty seven percent over that period
where ah in ah european countries or a in some advanced nations the growth rate is quite
moderate china has done quite amical because their growth rate is only seventeen percent
in ah middle east and african countries the growth rate is quite high um um over fifty
percent and in fact india is also not far behind thirty four percent increase in the
population you can see in period of just eighteen years
now if you compare to the energy uses on the last set of data we can see ah china has seen
one forty six percent a staggering number really one forty six percent increase in their
energy uses well their population growth is only seventeen percent that leads to an hundred
eleven percent increase in their per capita energy consumption middle east is also not
far behind there the increase in energy consumption is ah even higher one seventy percent and
so about eight percent increase in the per capita energy consumption
india has seen ah the energy consumption becoming nearly doubled ah leading to a forty two percent
increase in the per capita of energy consumption for as the advanced countries has done ah
really good job like in a usa or in european countries we have seen ah it to be more or
less the same ah in this others this involves about ah countries like australia and others
here you can see that is in fact a reduction in the per capita energy consumption
but because of the contribution coming from ah asian and middle east countries we have
more than ten percent increase in the per capita energy consumption over this period
of eighteen years and that figure that actually that keeps on increasing and ah therefore
ah we have taken for some newer option to develop a commercial electricity and thats
where the renewal energy and nuclear energy both comes into picture
now renewable while conventionally renewable sources like solar wind biomass they definitely
have a great future there are several issues as well particularly they are intermittent
in nature like you know solar energy can ah supply electricity only during the day time
and not at ah night periods or periods of ah zero or insufficient solar energy solution
wind energy requires a particular wind velocity and so they are very much location specific
ah somewhat similar about biomass and ah because of all these factors the renewable energy
till date are ah restricted more ah towards local scale or they are ah more being thought
about peak load stations that is to meet the demand during the periods of the highest consumption
of course ah effort is on to have base load solar or wind power stations ah and ah they
are coming coming up in a different countries at different ah rate and that that is only
going to increase in future but there has still several issues to solve like ah in ah
whenever you talk about nuclear ah even without knowing anything people always keeps on complaining
about the possible effects on the environment etcetera but ah the conventional power sources
like a coal and can have ah as detrimental environmental effect as nuclear wind has ah
huge reservation from environmental protection point of view like station wind powers ah
in fact and ah thats where nuclear particularly about that point on base peak load station
nuclear course higher than renewable because it cant access act as a base load station
it can supply a continuous amount of electricity throughout the year without being bothered
about the surrounding or environment or any other demographic issues etcetera
ah and ah therefore we also need to focus on nuclear and ah thats why if you see the
global energy scenario i have the data of two thousand fourteen here nucleus still is
this quite small fraction only ten percent of the global energy consumption but this
percentage is actually increasing despite ah despite ah reservations from ah different
sectors the nuclear energy is there to exist before you see the country wise scenario usa
is the largest contributor in fact if you see this figure this number that is production
from us nuclear energy produced from us in the year two thousand sixteen i s more than
combining the next three is france china and russia but us is the huge country and that
requires very large amount of electricity so despite such a large numbers actually nuclear
energy is a quite small portion of the total energy produced in us but there are certain
countries like ah france france gets a good share of their total energy from nuclear if
you see this figure nuclear consist of very large fraction in this ah particular case
which is well above forty five percent in france ah the principle reason being the absence
of ah fossil fuels sources in france like they are coal or oil reservoir quite limited
compared to other countries just compare that to that with their neighbor germany germany
has a very decent ah reserve of coal and thats why they are getting much larger fraction
of their energy from coal which is ah just about four point five percent in france it
is twenty four point five percent in case of germany and their nuclear share is quite
small but i would like to ah attract your attention
to another figure see the greenhouse gas emission ah in case of france was seven point eight
one whereas that for germany is eleven point four six i shall be coming back to this figure
after a few slides ah this is a global ah energy map slightly old data of two thousand
eleven you can see in europe and ah us in european countries and us there is a good
spread of nuclear energy and ah also in japan japan is a country that ah depends a lot on
nuclear energy despite that fukushima and ah associated effects
india and china has seen an increase in their total ah nuclear production over a last one
or two decades and ah therefore ah ah of course there are other areas like in africa or in
latin america there are very very few nuclear resources or in the eastern part of russia
but ah the feasible reason being the absence of ah corresponding ah uranium or other kind
of fuels now coming to the indian scenario ah by the year two thousand seventeen january
two thousand seventeen effect indian was getting only a small fraction of their total production
from nuclear just five seven eight zero if you compare that coming from thermal its extremely
small fraction but ah far about that i would like to again
ah draw your attention to this next figures where i have shown an year wise ah or the
increase in the consumption of the from different sources increasing the production from sources
over different five year plans and now if you see the ah numbers at the end of the eleventh
plan and also till january two thousand seventeen the increase in ah nuclear while it is only
about thousand megawatt ah actually ah by it is quite small covered to others but now
if we ah compare that from percentage over which period hydro energy production has seen
only an eleven percent increase whereas nuclear energy has seen twenty one percent increase
and as there are several nuclear power plants are planned in india it is expected to increase
even more in fact this twenty one percent has gone even
further because it is database ah till january two thousand seventeen but the latest indian
power nuclear power plant ah went operational in ah march two thousand seventeen which point
where which added another thousand megawatt capacity to this and these are the breakup
of union nuclear power plant started in as old as nineteen sixty nine from that tarapur
atomic power plant and that kept on increasing at a faster rate particularly see in two thousand
onwards you can see there are several plants coming on and the last one as i have mentioned
in march two thousand seventeen another thousand megahertz capacity was added which gives a
total six seven eight zero megawatt electrical of install capacity of nuclear power plant
in indian and there are several other plans ah proposed
like the map here shows quite a few such locations and ah by twenty twenty whereas several other
plans which are expected to becoming operational giving or ah giving a project data generation
capacity of eight thousand megawatt electrical or actually slightly more than that
therefore nuclear energy is here to stay and hence we need to have a detailed idea about
this now you must be aware that whenever there is a talk of setting up a new nuclear power
plant there will be lots and lots of deliberations and discussions and arguments compared to
any conventional power stations i personally feel that most of that can be
ascribed to the lack of knowledge about the technology people are not properly aware about
exactly about how this technology works exactly how energy is harnesses from the atoms exactly
how we use the fuel or on how we can ah protect the surrounding from radiation hazards exactly
what are the nature of this radiation hazards that we always keep on discussing how we ah
discovered the spent fuel or how we ah disposed the waste fuel ah if we have proper knowledge
about them then probably we shall be in a much better position to discuss whether we
should go for nuclear energy or not and i am sure that successfully completion of this
course will allow you to participate in those discussions and put on your own points for
this so let us ah start with very three basic principle
today we shall not be discussing too much about the nuclear power generation ah ah as
a topic whether we shall be discussing more about some introductory points about how energy
is produced what are the points where nuclear is separate from the conventional sources
what are the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy and also would like to plan
a very briefly into the history ah paying out homage to several great minds who have
contributed to the development of this particular field and finally shall we look into the atomic
structure so that we can prepare our self to though more in depth discussion on the
nuclear energy generation so now here we have the principle of electrical
power generation ah which ah i am sure all of you are aware about ah the electricity
production is achieved when a group of electron is availed to move through a conductor by
some that some desire direction and ah that movement of electron is generally achieved
by spinning a conductor in a magnetic field now up to that part ah more or less all power
stations or conventional power stations ah have the same kind of working principle but
how to create this motion of the conductor there is a difference in most of the common
power stations you will find a turbine which has several blades and mountains on it and
the turbine itself is mountain and on a shaft ah we create the rotary motion of the turbine
by heating the turbine blades with some high velocity fluid stream so that the kinetic
energy of the fluid steam is transferred to the blades and ah subsequently to the shaft
and alternator is mounted on the same shaft which gives us the electricity as the output
now the difference between different kinds of power stations is the way of producing
that high velocity fluids stream like in case of a coal based thermal power plant we have
thermal energy to kinetic energy conversion in the nozzle
basically coal or such kind of fuel like any gas etcetera is burnt in a boiler so that
the heat of combustion is used to ah generate stream by supplying that to water we get a
high energy or high enthalpy ah stream of ah steam that is taken through a nozzle and
it pass through the nozzle the thermal energy is converted to kinetic energy which is subsequently
taken into the turbine whereas in case of ah hydroelectric power stations here we know
that water from a higher energy ah elevation is allowed to fall through there by converting
its potential energy to the kinetic energy and when this high velocity water jet strikes
the blades of the hydraulic turbine then waste is the same and this ah kinetic energy is
readily available in case of wind turbine because the we need a certain velocity of
wind so which we will be avail to move the turbine blades by a certain ah magnitude and
certain rpm rather and that we will subsequently lead to the production of electricity
now ah there can be two types of ah this high stream energy or high velocity energy generation
we can divide in two categories one like this hyrdoller wind where we either directly get
the kinetic energy or convert potential energy into kinetic energy the other where thermal
energy involved like coal where we generate thermal energy by burning some fuel or by
some other means and that thermal energy is used to raise stream and then raised through
the nozzle and the turbine and nuclear is in this letter category that is it is quite
similar to the coal based power stations ah in both the cases ah several components are
same like you will be having the same kind of nozzels and turbines a stream generator
where ah energy is is supplied from some fuel to produce stream then you may have a condenser
and boiler keep on and all those associated accessories but their difference is how we
supply the energy to the stream in that stream generator like in case of ah coal based power
stations we have chemical energy of fuel converted to the thermal energy
now there we have basically a chemical reaction and any chemical reaction means rearrangement
of electrons inside the molecules so that ah the number of atoms are conserved but atoms
combine in different way to form different kinds of molecules so the total number of
molecules may not be conserved but total number of atoms and electrons will be conserved
but in case of a nuclear we have conversion of nuclear energy to the thermal energy where
not electrons or we are not at all talking about atoms and molecules whether we are going
inside the atoms and we are into the nucleus where the protons and neutrons they will be
rearranged to form a new nucleus giving ah words to a new atom and therefore total number
of the sub atomic particles that is protons and neutrons will be conserved but total number
atoms may not be conserved yes we shall be discussing about this in more detail then
ah i have to justify why should we go for nuclear power ah and here i have dotted out
a few points some of those will be discussed in more detail later on
the first one is no combustion of course ah in case of incase of coal based power stations
we bound the fuel and the ah exhaust gases are ah ah allowed to escape to the surrounding
leading to environmental pollution and ah such kind of greenhouse emission is absent
in case of nuclear because there is no chemical reaction involved whatever happens that is
happening at the atomic level only and ah green house emission will therefore be ah
significantly lesser i have a shown you couple of numbers for france and germany earlier
if you remember in case of germany the amount of greenhouse gas emission was ah at least
fifty percent more compare to france and one primary reason being this because germany
depends a lot on coal based power stations or power generation and ah similarly oil based
that is ah combustion related technologies whereas france gets the significant share
from nuclear so nuclear definitely is in much cleaner technology compared to coal
the operating cost is generally much lesser then lesser volume of operating zone per reactor
or higher energy density this point i shall be discussing in more detail during the next
lecture it is also highly reliable compare to wind and solar as i have mentioned they
the amount of electricity or energy that we get from nuclear plant is independent of the
surrounding condition and the demographic details and therefore they are excellent as
based load power stations ah they are not suffered too much by the fluctuations in the
environmental conditions and therefore ah they are easier to control in a way also
next point may raise some eye brows renewable now renewable conventional we attach this
terms to solar wind and biomass but here i am using that on renewably nuclear also well
i shall be coming back to this ah after a few lectures but ah in certain situations
nuclear energy can also be termed as renewable and ah then possibility of mere infinity energy
generation through fusion reaction again i shall be coming back to this later on but
just into the perspective ah a projection shows that while the reserve of coal and ah
other kind of fossil fuels may not last for more than fifty sixty years common nuclear
fuels like uranium and thorium they also may not last more than hundred years but if we
use ah the fusion reaction and if you are able to master this technology that can ah
provide energy for about three hundred thousand years
so how that of course we shall be discussing later on but ah everything is not rosy about
this nuclear power because there are several factors that we need to be mindful of like
the environmental effect that everyone discusses about it is particularly with the handling
of radioactive fuels mining refining and transportation of the same there is possibility of radiation
hazards in ah module number ten we shall be discussing about this radioactivity and radioactive
hazardous and possible ways of ah getting us protected from that the radioactive waste
disposal the topic of the last module and another very highly devoted topic the high
capital cost involvement nuclear power plant as that requires ah several layers of protection
to ah protects us from the contentment and other kind of radiation related issues generally
the capital cost involvement is much higher than fossil fossil fuel based plants
the possible implication of nuclear accidents while ah so far in the history there are only
three incidents where a accidents happened in some nuclear power plant the three mile
island in us in nineteen seventy nine the chernobyl incident i think in nineteen eighty
five or eight six in the farmer soviet union and the very recent one at fukushima power
stations ah we shall be try to discuss a bit about the details of each of them and try
to see how or they happened on whatever reasons behind each of those accidents and what are
the factors we need to be careful ah learning from them ah the finite nature of uranium
and other fuels that is similar to the fossil fuels that can also be a concern
so with this factors in mind let us now try to the see a bit about historical development
of the nuclear power generation these ah being a fundamental ah portion of physics there
are contributions from several great minds and i am going to mention only a very few
of them which without mentioning this actually we cant proceed with any discussion on nuclear
power and ah the first homo we must pay to sir albert einstein because this entire concept
of ah nuclear energy generation or mass to energy conversion etcetera they all started
probably in nineteen hundred five while the topic of radio activity was already ah identified
and ah proved before that but it was only in this years nineteen hundred five which
is often refer as the annus mirabalis that is the miraculous year of sir albert einstein
that everything related to the nuclear power generation that started
because this is the year when he published four research papers and totally changed the
concepts of ah space time mass and energy and basically ah the entire ah journey of
modern physics started from that year onwards all of his papers where published in this
particular general annalen der physic which is one of the oldest publishing researcher
general which is still active now i cant remember probably i think it started its journey in
nineteen ah sorry seventeen hundred nineteen nine and it is a still a very popular one
ah on this particular journal in the year nineteen hundred five he published four papers
the paper one was on photoelectric effects which lead to the development of the quantum
mechanics later on it may be a surprise ah to many of you and
the noble prize that sir albert einstein received later on was actually related to his work
on photo electric effect or not because of the much celebrated theory of relativity in
his section paper he discussed about the brownian molecular motion which ah undoubtedly proved
the existence of atoms and the third paper special theory of relativity nothing to mention
about in ah a later year probably in nineteen hundred twelve or thirteen he published the
ah generalized theory of relativity and the paper four which is related to this mass energy
equivalence and that gave to this ah widely used and very very popular relation e equal
to m c square where m is mass and c is the velocity of light in vacuum and e is the corresponding
energy so c being generally a constant this particular one gives the mass to energy conversion
or vice versa emest rutherford was the person which is often
referred as the father of nuclear physics he proposed the atomic structure to give the
first ah feasible modular of atomic structure in nineteen hundred eleven which is quite
similar to the solar structure that we have over solar system where ah we have a heavier
mass at the center and all the electrons are orbiting around that in ah elliptical or hemispherical
or i should now say hemispherical semicircular kind of orbits the heavier nucleus ah was
identified to be positively charged and the mass of the nucleus was found to be much much
larger compared to the electrons ah the it was followed by the interpretation
of news board following the quantum physics well ah quantum physics and therefore this
mode is often referred as the rutherford more model of atoms ah there work established that
inside the atoms there is a huge amount empty space because the average radius of nucleus
was measured to be in the range of ten to the power minus sixteen meter whereas that
average radius of atom is ah of the order of ten to the power of minus eleven meter
and these huge amount of space inside was occupied only by very very tiny electrons
this empty space is very very important which we shall be discussing later on ah there are
several sub atomic particles which are present inside the nucleus particularly in the present
age of gravitational wave we um should mention about positrons and neutrinos but here i am
not not going to mention about those because in this particular course we shall be restricting
ourselves only to this three well known ah sub atomic particles proton neutron and for
course electron ah electron was discovered by j j thompson in eighteen ninety seven during
his cathode ray experiments and the complete description of electron ah particular the
measurement of idea about its mass and energy was given by r millikan in around nineteen
hundred six golfstein was the researcher how discovered
the existence of positively charge particle inside the matter ah it was around eighteen
ninety six but he failed to reveal the nature or completely he was not able to completely
describe the nature of this positively charged particle rutherford prove the e existence
of protons through his gold foil experiment in nineteen hundred eleven and also he gave
the name proton but it has also identified that nuclears doesnt constitute only a protons
but there it is possible to have some other heavy subatomic particle which probably is
neutral and from ah the ah discovery of that neutron element was done by james chadwick
in nineteen thirty two and it was name neutron and this particularly discovery has far reaching
implication on a development of nuclear physics a henry becquerel was the person who first
discovered the concept the radioactivity around the eighteen ninety six when he identified
that uranium salt can emit ah rays with penetrating power which are quite similar to x rays but
they dont need any kind of external power to produce that rather that was found to be
coming out more spontaneously from the salt ah simultaneous experiments were also done
by the curie family that is the madame curie and pierre curie they identified the existence
of much more reactive elements they were the persons who coined the term radioactivity
and they also identified two reactive elements which are found to be much more reactive compared
to uranium and they gave the name polonium and radium ah radium was discovered around
eighteen ninety eight the name polonium actually refers to poland which was ah the birth place
of madam curie both becquerel and curie family together received the noble prize in nineteen
hundred three for the discovery of ah the radioactivity or spontaneous disintegration
of mater ah but ah this was only the natural phenomenon
or spontaneous disintegration ah natural transmutation of ah atoms that is conversation of one atom
to the other that was first observed by rutherford and frederick soddy in nineteen hundred one
ah rutherford repeatedly was ah reportedly rutherford was the first person to ah achieve
artificial transmutation of nitrogen to oxygen around nineteen nineteen but ah fully artificial
transmutation was achieved in nineteen thirty two by john cockcroft and emest walton when
they were able to convert lithium to two helium atoms ah which ah lead to ah several groups
actively working on this topic of transmutation that is converting one atom to another and
ah there by releasing the energy stored in the atom
ah envico fermi there his coworkers where the group who first claim to have developed
ah atoms heaver then uranium in nineteen thirty four because till that time uranium was ah
the atom ah known as to was ah identified as the atom with the ah heavier the mass or
the highest amount of mass but fermi claimed that they have discovered atoms higher then
this ah by bombarding uranium with neutrons their claim was neutron has absorbed the uranium
or sorry uranium has absorbed the neutron there by converting it to much heavier atom
and ah developing a newer atom but ah their claim was ah doubted by that the same time
itself but ah that failed to attract proper attention ah his claim ah ah led to led to
the noble prize in nineteen thirty but later on it was proved that fermis experiment were
wrong or rather fermi interpretation of experimental observation was wrong
ah the experiments otto hohn lise meitner they aided to the um they for contributed
or they continue to work on this particular field for several years and they were the
first group added by the theoretical explanation provided by fritz strassman and oto frisch
they successfully interpreted the observations from all earlier experiments including that
from fermi and their coworkers and were able to achieve a proper nuclear reaction under
control condition and ah also liberate the energy that is stored in the atom
ah their work led to the noble of prize of otto hahn in nineteen forty four which was
given under quite controversial circumstances because this noble prize was awarded or announced
in the later part of nineteen forty five post the second world war where the atom bomb at
hiroshima and nagasaki was already history and otto hahn was also um under the ah locker
or i should say ah he was ah in jail and ah that ah it is also quite un fair to give the
noble prize only to the otto hahn because ah meitner and strassman contributed equally
to experiment but still hahn was the person who received the noble prize for this and
ah the result of their interpretation led to the manhattan project then chicago pile
one the first ever nuclear reactor develop by mankind and then the unmentionable at the
hiroshima in nineteen forty five thank fully scientist did not stop their rather
they continued working on this and in an restrict nuclear energy only to the weapons whether
started thinking about using this huge amount of energy source for the benefits of the man
kind and ah there by producing commercial electricity from that the first commercial
nuclear power plant started working in early fifties in the soviet union whom followed
by united states and other countries started slowly following that ah which ah has gived
us a good platform about nuclear power generation standing at this point and there are several
generations of nuclear reactors that has been ah designed and ah used by the mankind starting
form first generation moving to second and third and presently you are leaving in the
ah mod of four generation nuclear reactors and looking for a bright future of nuclear
power generation ah i would like just touch upon briefly on
the atomic structure before closing the shot today ah as per the bohr rutherford model
any atom of comprises of a heavy nucleus which is generally positively charged and electrons
tiny electrons orbiting around that in hemispherical or electrical orbits the electrons are ah
extreme small in terms of their mass as you can see here their mass is of the order of
ten to the power minus thirty one kgs whereas the nucleus comprises of ah proton and neutrons
who are having nearly similar mass and ah the it that is of the order of ten to the
power of minus twenty seven kg which is ten to the power of four kg higher then electrons
and therefore whenever we shall be doing any calculation from now onwards using the mass
of proton and neutron the mass of the electron will invariably will neglected
neutron is positively charged whereas proton is having equal amount of charge as the electron
which is one point six zero two into ten top the power minus nineteen coulomb but the charge
of proton and electron are of opposite sense and therefore ah they are given opposite signs
conventional proton is called positively charge whereas electron is called negatively charged
and proton and neutron as both of them comprise the nucleus they together are often called
nucleons now there are several conventions by which
we can represent a nucleus or an atom in the present course we shall be following this
particular concept is it x or a exist here is z is the atomic umber which is equal to
the number of protons present in the nucleus so atomic number is the number of protons
present in the nucleus which of course is equal to the number of electrons ah rotated
in the orbits to keep an atom electrically neutral and it is the proton which it generally
determines the chemical properties of any particular nucleus and therefore atomic number
is associated with the chemical properties a on the other hand is the mass number which
is the total number of nucleons that is number of protons plus neutrons present together
inside the nucleus it determines the nuclear characteristics which we shall be repeatedly
discussing in this course so the atomic number we can write that the mass number is related
to the atomic number plus the number of neutrons is often represented by the symbol n
now the size of the nucleons is extremely small as i have mentioned it is of the order
of ten to the power of minus sixteen meter whereas the size of the atom ranges from ten
to the power of minus nineteen ten to the power of thirteen meter leaving plenty of
voice inside the atom quite often the radius of an atom is correlated to the mass number
by a very much empirical relation like this one point four into ten to the power of minus
thirteen into a to the power one third but this an empirical nature ah nature relation
of empirical nature and the radius that we get from atom that ah is in centimeter so
please be careful about the unit of this radius now both the as we have seen in the previous
slide here we are talking about extremely small mass of the order of ten to the power
of minus twenty seven kgs or ten to the power of minus thirty one kgs ah which are quite
ah odd to ah discuss about ah using from a point of view of our ah day to day life and
then therefore a new unit of mas is ah required to be proposed and that unit is called atomic
mass unit or amu which is defined as one twelfth of the mass of the common carbon atom
proper measurements says that one amu is equal to one point six six zero five into ten to
the power of minus twenty seven kgs which subsequently gives the mass of electron proton
and neutron as like this so from now onwards we shall be using amu as the mass per energy
while amu is the commonly used unit for this but in some books you will also find this
small u is used to define the mass of ah ah this ah atomic sub atomic elements
we shall also be ah proposing an unit for energy which is electron volt it is defined
as the amount of energy gained or lost by a single electron as it passes through an
electoral potential barrier of one volt one electron passing through a potential barrier
of one volt then the amount of energy gained by the electron are amount of energy required
to make to move is called one electron volt so corresponding amount of energy you will
be one electronic charge multiplied by one volt giving one point six zero two into ten
to the power nineteen joule and electron volt generally being a small unit on mev is ah
mega electro volt which is one point six zero two into ten to the power of minus thirteen
joule we have to repeatedly make use of this particular one so from now onwards we shall
be using amu as the unit for mass and mev as the unit for energy unless ah otherwise
required this is a structure of modern periodic table
where ah means this particular one shows ah elements up to an atomic number of one one
eight but ah truly speaking up to atomic number of ninety two which is uranium ah beyond that
basically all of them are artificial that is produced in the laboratory via some kind
of nuclear experiments or nuclear reactions but till ninety two all the elements are naturally
available hydrogen is the smallest one or with the first one in the series which is
having an atomic number of one and also a mass number of one because ah its nucleus
contains only a single proton and no neutron the next one is helium which contains two
which contains protons and two neurons and ah that goes on this way ah as we are discussing
about radioactivity and nuclear reaction in this course are interest will mostly be starting
from the elements after lead lead is more or less ah in ah nuclear ah i should say it
is neutral from nuclear experiments point of view but all those elements after that
like this ah polonium and radon and radium uranium thorium plutonium they all are ah
highly radioactive of of course their radioactive level varies
but ah generally our discussion ah at least in the first part of this course will mostly
be ah ah around mostly be around this ah materials after lead but ah that is ah means ah here
of course we are showing the ah means you can see here each of this symbols are followed
by one number like if you take say oxygen ah here below the symbol we are presenting
the mass number of common oxygen nucleus in terms of amu which is fifteen point nine nine
nine but this is only the common nucleus but a any atom can have multiple nucleus which
we call as isotopes an isotopes are atoms which of the same atomic
number but may have different mass number that is they have the same number of proton
in the nucleus but may have varying number of neutrons and as we have already seen that
protons are related to the chemical nature so their chemical properties will be even
more already the same but the number of neutrons or number of nucleons that decides the nuclear
nature and therefore ah different isotopes of the same element may have different nuclear
nature while they are expected to have more or less the same chemical nature
so in an nutshell by varying the number of neutron in the nucleus we can produce different
isotopes of ah the same element and can vary their nuclear properties like here you can
see three different isotopes of hydrogen the first one which is a common one which has
only a single proton and therefore one electron orbiting around that no neutron in a nucleus
but in the second one which is called deuterium it has one neutron and one proton so the atomic
number remains one but the mass number is two in this case and the third one which has
atomic number of one again but a mass number of three because it has three neutrons
in all the cases there is only a single proton in the nucleus there will be only a single
electron in the orbits also ah these are some further examples of ah a some isotopes like
carbon can have three common isotopes c twelve thirteen and fourteen in all the cases we
are having six protons in the nucleus but number of neutrons varies respectively six
seven and eight and ah as a result of that it is also possible to have the nucleus of
ah two different elements which are having different atomic number but the same mass
number for example just compare tritium which is
the third isotope of hydrogen having one proton and two neutron it is having ah mass number
of three now you compare that with three helium or three h e it is having an atomic number
of two because there are two protons but a single neutron it is also therefore having
a mass number of three so both tritium and three h e they are having the same as number
but different atomic numbers of course the common isotope of helium is ah helium four
which has ah two protons and two neutrons mostly all natural elements can have several
isotopes like i have listed here some of them boron can have two lithium can have two some
of the substances such as the beryllium or gold they are ah having just one known isotopes
we can artificially produce several others in the laboratory but in nature we generally
found only one of them whereas some of the elements can have several like you can see
here for teen ah it has several isotopes starting from mass number of hundred twelve to one
twenty four and ah all of them are quite prevalent in nature because you can see where s n one
twenty appears about thirty two percent this is also appearing twenty four percent and
this appears fourteen percent so all of them are quite prevalent in nature
and primary interest here is uranium uranium commonly has three isotopes u two thirty four
u two thirty five and u two thirty eight all of them are having the same atomic number
which is ninety two but the number of neutrons have is u two thirty eight is the most common
one which comprises ninety nine point three percent about ah the ah of the uranium ore
that we extract form iron but it also contains ah very small amount about point seven percent
of u two thirty five and very little amount of two thirty four very little amount of two
thirty four so ah different isotopes of the same element
can have different number of neutrons and accordingly their nuclear characteristics
can be completely different like we shall be seeing later on while the difference between
u two thirty five and u two thirty eight is only the presence of three extra neutrons
in the nucleus for u a two thirty eight their nuclear nature is completely different while
u two thirty five can be used as a nuclear fuel u two thirty eight cant
ah we shall be ah taking this discussion forward in the next class ah so i would like to summarize
whatever we have discussed today today you have got a brief introduction to the course
so where discussed about the course content we ah planned a little bit in the history
by paying homage to the some of the scientist and very briefly we have discussed about the
topic of atomic structure and isotopes and ah the measure completion that we are having
from ah todays lecture is that ah most of the natural elements can have several isotopes
because of the presence of different number of neutrons and the nucleus and accordingly
with the nuclear characteristics may vary i would like to stop here for the day we shall
be starting in the next class by seeing different kinds of nuclear reaction and discussing the
source of nuclear energy and ah ah the mode of harnessing that one so
thank you bye for the day
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