I welcome you all who have taken this opportunity
to have some learnings from my experience
in industry.
So, let us look at, you know something which
is inspirational.
The journey from an aspiration for design
to delivering a product reliably and that
is kind of the way I connected when I went
for my first job I wanted to do something
new, and I thought it is all going to be fun.
But in reality it is a mix of fun and discipline.
So, aspiration begins: you want to create
something new, and then from there you take
on you look for what is the new need or an
unsatisfied need that you are going to satisfy
with the new product design.
We are going to cover that.
The spirit of adventure exploring unknown
constraints: for me this is key like you know,
if you are looking at a profession in design
then one of the ways is do you like exploring
the unexplored; it is there that there is
a bit of inventiveness, and also an ability
to take some risk.
Ability to face failure, what might happen,
and then can you face failure, learn from
it and start all over again.
Draw inspiration from people who you know
for inventing something, like for electric
current someone struggled; you know was it
And finally, when he threw his magnet that
he discovered that there was some galvanometer
movement that led to him discovering the interrelationship
between magnetism and electricity.
So, some kind of perseverance.
And then, of course, if you want to make it
your profession you look for an opportunity
where you get this opportunity to design new
products, and you are valued for that and
then you earn management confidence.
If you do it once it satisfies customer needs,
you kind of get the confidence of management
for you to continue investing more of company’s
resources and time in new products.
Finally as you grow you want to master the
whole process from a concept to market.
Can you visualize and reliably deliver repeatedly,
so that is as you gain experience, as you
learn more processes, as you learn from your
own successes and failures you get there.
Now, let us understand what is design?
Design is to formulate a plan for the satisfaction
of a human need, and the obvious question
then is how to identify this need.
The human need may or may not be well defined
and let us take some examples.
How do we satisfy India’s energy needs without
burning fossil fuels?
And we do it in a safe manner and in an affordable
So, this need if it is taken as a requirement
for design leads to something very clear.
It says what is it that we will not do we
will not burn fossil fuels at the same time
we will look for something affordable and
something which is safe.
So, we are not going to suggest that people
start using their gas cylinders and start
generating electricity at home, it has its
obvious hazards, but something like solar
seems to be coming in and if it becomes affordable
then that is one solution.
But this need kind of straight away drives
the design process in a particular way, there
is nothing not specific about it.
Say, compressors in the computer science building
the air conditioner used for the computer
science building are failing once in 2 months,
again it is a well defined problem to solve.
So, these are two examples where the need
is clear the human need is clear, someone
wants a solution and it is pretty much straightforward
how to translate it into some specifications,
requirements and start working on that.
Then there are some not so well defined needs
and there you have to probably apply some
more thought and look at what is the real
So, a lot of people are killed in train accidents.
Now, it straightaway relates to a need for
safe travel by trains.
But what needs to be done?
Are we going to have elevated tracks throughout
the country or are we going to improve our
signaling system, what needs to be done is
not very specific.
So, some people we need to get together and
look at what constitutes safe train travel
before anyone can translate this into a design
And then in Delhi roads if you want to cross
the road it is not safe.
Now, is an underpass the answer?
Is it making some elevated or something else
or managing traffic better even I don’t
know, but it is just to let you know that
a human need not always lend itself to a straightforward
design problem; it may, it may not.
Now, we can classify design.
So, we just building the whole thing towards
refrigeration and air conditioning.
So, when we talk about design fashion design
is design right, someone is busy designing
clothes or interior designing, someone is
making the interiors nice and cozy and comfortable
for someone as per his or her choice
Highway design and you can look at the whole
Now, there is nothing great about this whole
So, you look at a particular professional
area or you look at a particular need and
you classify them and then you can say that.
Now, what happens with mechanical design?
When you say mechanical design you normally
will look at mechanical component design its
more to do with strength of materials, is
more to do with shapes and moment you say
mechanical engineering design then the whole
thing translates into a much bigger domain,
it includes the thermal sciences and therefore,
air conditioners.
The other part and this is and this is a big
one is that when there is a design problem
there is no correct answer.
If you have a mathematical problem there is
one correct answer people are given the questions
answer sheets come in and then it is right
or wrong.
Similarly in physics you will have a right
or wrong, mostly, unless you go into advanced
quantum physics and look at those uncertainties
and stuff.
So, a good answer to a particular human need
today may not be good enough 2 years from
now, or 10 years from now, and we can see
how technology has been evolving.
This actually occurs due to change in expectations
of people new discoveries on ways of doing
things, we are not using the communication
say, telephones the same way as we used to
20 years back or the expectations of 2 wheeler
have changed so much for a period of time.
The way we interact in classrooms has changed.
The overhead projector was a big deal, it
satisfied a human need at certain time, and
today it is kind of obsolete.
Now, design problems by the very nature are
characterized by one or more constraints.
A large group of interrelated complex factors
are involved in arriving at a design.
So, to give you a flavor of that we say there
is an air conditioner here.
Now, what all does this air conditioner need
to take care of?
Varying loads.
So, we are more than 50 in this room today,
another time there could be just 5 people.
So, some means of controlling the cooling.
It also needs to relate to the environment,
it may be very warm inside this room even
though it is cold outside.
So, it needs to operate in a temperature like
5 degrees centigrade and right up to maybe
48 degree centigrade in summers and have some
means of reliable operation.
So, these are a few examples.
Now, when we look at a design problem we need
to have the ability to fathom all that there
is in solving that problem, and our success
in delivering what is required by the customer
depends on how well we understood, whether
the customers said it or not, whether we made
it a point to capture it and put it in a design
specification document.
Now, a few common constraints for designs
are: invariably there will be a cost, people
are willing to buy a product if it is affordable,
they may be a luxury product but still there
is a there is a cost at which it will be making
a business sense for the company to sell it,
as even as a premium product.
And then size, form, how much time it is going
to take to deliver.
And lastly design always has an authentic
So, when I say authentic means it will satisfy
a human need and it will be because it is
a new process that is created.
For example, you can look at Uber, now there
is nothing physical about it, it is an app
but it connects with people’s want or need.
And there could be a product like an iPhone
which addresses the need for people wanting
to communicate as well as have fun as well
as listen to music and all those things and
same goes on for any other product that you
Then who do we consider as a designer?
If you had come to any of my offices you would
see draftsman and they were given work.
So, they making a drawing, and that will be
a component drawing.
So, do we call him a designer?
Someone is making a complex communication
system work, is he the designer?
Is design system engineering?
Now, instead of getting stuck on specific
words let us look at it as a complete approach
towards satisfying a human need.
So, whatever you call it and whatever form,
right from you know something very irrelevant
for our course here, fashion designing to
something which is very relevant like designing
an air conditioner.
The design intent is always to satisfy human
need, and if you want to define it an engineering
design function and the design function is
still a process in which you make use of scientific
principles and engineering tools.
And some of the engineering tools you will
use are modeling, simulation software, CAD
tools, Pro-E, Catia, any other software and
you will make use of the knowledge that you
have out of material science, out of whatever
you learnt on thermodynamics and many other
If you look at the whole process from concept
to product launch then we can split this into:
recognition of need, definition of the problem.
So, recognition of need and let us pick up
an example.
And I am willing to look at any input from
You want to pick an example, just so that
all of you get connected.
So, think of a design problem, think of a
need an unmet.
Do you encounter things that are not to your
liking and you want them changed?
Alright, so, you would like to walk through
a door, right?
Like you approach it and it opens up for you
and then it closes.
Yeah it is it is something that bothers you
and it is a want, and most people will the
moment you state it and will come to that
in the next few slides.
Moment you state that others can connect to
it that, yes and we also see some demonstration
of it, it is sliding doors for example, in
many large offices you will find them move
automatically, it satisfies that need.
So, yeah, but start thinking.
See every day you are encountering the environment
in a way that somewhere you are not happy
with what is and you want it a different way.
Not always are you acting to create that new
design to satisfy that need, but if you want
to look at being in the profession of product
design, developing this ability is going to
be helpful.
You can start practicing, you can start practicing
from today’s lecture onwards.
So, once you recognize the need and let us
continue further on the problem that you said
door opening.
So, what do you then do?
You want to specify, we cannot solve a problem
just saying that when we walk to a door it
should open.
So, we need to say what size of doors, what
time it will take before it opens, how far
should the person moving to the door be when
it opens.
So, all that is the definition of the problem
phase, it is not always straightforward, but
it is needed.
Before you invest your time and resources
before you commit to a time in which you will
complete that design you will need a specification
document and that specification document is:
Definition of the Problem.
And then what are we going to do is synthesis,
analysis, optimization and we will cover some
of this in the next few slides.
But before I go there notice that there are
a lot of interconnected arrows, each time
you go to the next step there is a possibility
you will go back, because you will discover,
you will discover that the door does not move
fast enough.
So, ideally when you first formulate the problem
you will say fine as I approached the door
it should open, and the moment you look at
the whole weight of the door the time required
by the motor, the cost of the motor you could
well end up saying that, fine is it if I open
it 30 seconds before.
So, there is an iteration happening there.
Similarly, when you analyze, when you optimize,
you will experience cost overruns and you
may want to go back to the customer or to
the stakeholder that is it OK if I compromise
one parameter, but reduce the cost by half.
So, we have covered some of this already in
the slide.
The recognition of the need and phrasing the
need often constitute a highly creative act.
So, there is no law, no theorem that I can
give you on that act.
It is pure creativity, it comes out of your
interest, and out of your not being satisfied
with what is.
So, when sleeping in the air conditioned room
has any of any one of you being distracted
by cold air falling on your body?
You have, right.
So, when I say that a lot of you start thinking
when did this last happen?
Did you have to cover yourself while you were
sleeping and the ac was on?
And why did this happen?
The moment I formulate this and state it,
a lot of you start looking at it, and if I
said there is a product which will not let
this happen, you will be inclined to consider
buying it if it is affordable.
Let us take another example something where
a person is not satisfied and there is a human
need which is not even stated.
When you pick up your trouser from a hanger
what do you notice?
You ironed your trouser or someone ironed
it for you and it is on a hanger and you pick
it up and maybe it is a week since you last
used it.
There is a crease right, where it is hanging
there is a crease and then if it was a heavy
trouser like a jeans you will also see that
it is crumpled a little bit at that fold.
So, there is a line and then it is crumpled
because the weight the hanger bends and this
Now, how many of you really stopped and said
no this is not acceptable we need a new hanger?
We put up with it, right?
Now, the difference between a person who is
sensitive is that he will at least be knowing
this is happening he may or may not choose
to act on it because it may not be consequential,
right, does’t bother, it is fine or manageable.
Or the next time you look for something which
is sturdy which will address one part of it.
The whole idea is you start thinking what
are the needs that are there waiting to be
discovered and then which of them the customer
is willing to pay for.
So, you could have your start up!
If you really got this and you validated it
and then you got a product and then you know
if you had the good fortune of even patenting
it, you don’t have to do anything rest of
your life.
You can have fun and do whatever you want
not to work for any company or anything like
Doesn’t that sound exciting?
So far all that I am covering is like very
broad it is not just refrigeration air conditioning,
any product design that you choose to do you
will connect with a human need and the human
need is the trigger of something big happening.
And now, the big may not happen the first
time, may not happen for several years, does
not mean you stop aiming for it.
Covered this, sensitive people are more likely
to be creative.
So, sensitive people are more likely to be
creative does not mean you have to be sensitive
to be creative, right.
You will pick things, something bothers you.
The sound of the laptop fan is bothering me,
next time I look for a laptop which does not
have this kind of sound.
It might interfere with the audio recording
also, this is being sensitive.
And this I said before, once a need is stated
it is very easy.
All the examples I gave you, the moment I
state the need then it is very easy to connect
to that.
So, I want this process really to stimulate
your thinking.
Particularly the part about there being no
one right answer, as far as design is concerned
and the second part about you being sensitive
to human need, and I am not going to evaluate
you for that, it is right now in this room
I want you to experience this whole process.
So, the two unmet needs that came from this
room are not enough because there are far
too many and if you are here in a design course
you are here to learn about design then I
want you to start thinking.
So, unmet needs, things that.
The need is that my screen doesn’t crack
as often as it cracks.
In a lot of phones when the phone falls, the
screen cracks.
Right, yeah, yeah, yeah I can relate to it,
But, isn’t, one of the phone manufacturers
tried to address that?
So, Apple as a patent on it they have some
sort of vibrate
Vibrating device which ensures that your phone
falls vertical
I read about it I am not sure about.
But good I mean yeah, but right now, I want
to do to start thinking.
So, this is an unmet need as far as you are
So, great yeah thanks that example is good.
But to add to you know your research efforts
and everything else, one manufacturer and
I will not name it here on this because it
is a brand, has done that part, you drop it
and the screen is guaranteed not to break.
So, let us not go with names, but yeah there
So, this is leading to business.
See the moment you state a need like that,
the phenomenal thing about it is that you
have stated something, out of your own experience
and there is evidence that a company has invested
manufacturing resources and there is a product
available in the market, so good, OK.
So, fire extinguishers, auto in, auto what?
Auto energized right we can say that.
So, fire extinguishers that will automatically
come into action.
There is no foolproof way of waking up in
the morning.
Ok, very good .
Alarm clocks don’t work
Yeah, and if they do work you know there is
a snooze button and then you press it too
many times and then it overshoots the design,
yes, good.
See one thing you will find is that when one
person is stating a need, others are able
to relate, sometimes within this room, sometimes
even outside this room and sometimes there
is evidence of products being designed and
already in the market to address those needs.
So, think!
Lot of time we need to see a particular picture
on our phone.
I don’t think there is an app for it, I
tried to search and we want we have to see
this very particular picture and you have
to go back always to the gallery scroll down
pick up this picture.
Ok, that is the need, yes, thank you, ok.
So, let us see two more and different people,
not people who already shared something, but
two different people.
There is a need for a book shelf organizer.
I pick a book and I read and I want it to
go back the shelf automatically, I don’t
want to waste energy to find the original
location and put it back there.
Alright ok, alright.
It is a need you know, like we may not always
be able to provide a solution it is its starting
And when you look at that then the next step
is start thinking of what you already know,
are there ways to specify it first of all,
like what all do you need, what size of books
and what do you conceive as ways of it going
Like when I started thinking, I started thinking
after you said it right, I am beginning to
think could there be something elastic which
hangs from the roof or from the desk you pull
it down and it knows and then when it is not
used for a certain while it begins to you
know pull back like a cord and get it into
some position which is acceptable.
So that is the part of beginning to formulate,
Actually today when I was driving for this
lecture I came from Gurgaon and I was looking
at the IIT security system when you enter
the gate and all you require is which department
you are going and then you are in, right.
I was wondering if there was an opportunity
to look at something which is very robust.
Now, our prime minister has been linking the
aadhar to various systems.
So, this thought came to me (I do not know
how it can get executed) is that when a person
wants to come to IIT, he makes a request to
someone within IIT and then his name is biometrically
connected and all that is needed is when person
is entering, if he uses his thumb impression
which matches what is recorded he can enter,
else there is a different path.
Like an exception route, which means then
you can have someone call and do anything,
but it will improve the security manifold.
Like no one can take advantage.
Sir except this might take long
Exactly, so, this is this is the very important
part the analytical part.
Before we accept a solution is to thrash it
out, what all our networks may not work right?
The server can get choked.
The road outside is the outer ring road and
we can’t afford to have a line outside.
Here is where I want you to further stimulate
your thinking.
Why would you accept a solution which takes
more time than what is right now used?
You would accept a solution which is faster.
Did you did even read that Japanese the news
item where someone is doing the victory sign
and the camera high definition camera takes
the image, and then that, that resolution
is good enough for breaching security.
So, I am just saying there are so many dimensions
to technology that we need not, not to criticize
what you said, but taking value from what
you said.
So, you bring in an aspect of how much time
it takes and the road outside is busy.
So, we cannot have a pile up of cars just
because people are verifying; valid point.
I am saying why create a solution which is
going to be slower than what is existing.
We put that into our need.
So, like it is a good input and that is the
part which is the next step when we looked
at this slide “Analysis and Optimization”,
so what you just said it took me to that analysis
and optimization which comes after synthesis.
So, the example I gave you was trying to propose
a solution, maybe try it out at a prototype
level or something and then we see what are
the issues concerned with it and then go back,
so that is why those arrows which link back
to “Definition of Problem”, then again
“Synthesizing it” and doing all this until
we can reach product launch.
Now, let us take another example “Clean
We are all concerned with clean air, in this
room, outside, walking.
When we say clean air it is a human need.
Does anyone disagree?
No one disagrees.OK.
Now, what do we do with this need?
Can we design something which will address
Yes, we can.
So, we need to break it down into requirements
which are more definitive.
So, what could those requirements be?
So, I am giving you the first one and the
remaining ones will come, but I want you to
start thinking because that again will connect
with your need.
The ppm levels of particular matter of specific
So, there is some medical evidence that pm
2.5 is hazardous, beyond a certain level.
So, we could use that as an input that, fine
in a residence we do not want that to be the
case that could be the first requirement with
which most of the people in NCR are concerned
What would be the second thing?
The level of Carbon Dioxide.
Very good; so, it will come in this list and
thank you for that, it means, it shows that
you are thinking, good.
What else?
not just carbon dioxide.
So, what I will do is now, that we have this
opportunity to write on this, let me first
start writing here and then we of course,
go through my list.
So, first one you said CO 2 levels, right.
So, you want to say some limit right CO 2
level should be less than some ppm or some
percentage we might say.
Not CO2 but Carbon Monoxide.
More importantly Nox
See now I am feeling that I am in IIT.
Sulphur Dioxide.
So, we will have again a limit right, here
we will have a limit here, we will have a
limit here.
Should we look at volatile organic compounds
Someone said it, right, yeah, right.
What else?
We are talking about no Foul smell.
Very good now, if you go through my list see
this: limits on CO, CO 2, VOC , sensitivity
to odor, so that is what I am saying you covered
it all.
Yeah, right.
Like 10,000, 20,000, 40,000 what level and
the other thing is this will need to work
in a certain environment.
So, if we go to a place near Nainital, a place
called Ramgarh and if you are designing something
there, you might discover that kuch nahin
karne ki zaroorat.
You know the indoor air quality well meets
most of the norms that you define but in a
place which is close to an intersection a
busy intersection.
So, we need to define what is the outside
air pollution level is and if you see some
of the times when there are warnings to stay
indoors it is because the outside pollution
levels have gone way too high.
Now, under those circumstances how do we get
the CO 2 proportion right, those would all
be design inputs.
Taking further the discussion we had on requirements
for the air purifier, if we got AIIMS doctors
to say that look what all these guys have
put together is just what is needed, it would
bring in a certain element of credibility.
So, we can involve the health professionals
into our requirement planning.
They could be the ideal guys to validate after
we make the prototype, right.
Now, I went through this as an example, but
the whole idea was translating a need into
a definite set of requirements creates the
opportunities for engineers, developing new
designs using scientific knowledge and engineering