Welcoming you all, on the course of Transform
Calculus and Its Applications In Differential
Equation. As you know the transform calculus
is basically a technique by which we try to
solve a we try to solve a problem from we
transform the problem from its original domain
to some other domain.
The advantage is that in the original domain
if I try to solve the original equation it
may become difficult for us to find the optimum
solution. Therefore, using this transform
techniques we convert this original problem
into some other problem in some other domain,
where it becomes easier for us to find the
solution of a particular equation.
Now, in this particular topics at first initially
we will cover integral transform. And in the
integral transform first let us see the definition
of integral transform say K s, t be a function
of two variables s and t. Where s is a parameter,
please note this it may be s may be real or
s may be complex also and s is independent
of t . So, we are taking a function K s t
which is a function of two variables s and
t, where s is a parameter which may be real
or complex and independent of t.
The function f s can be defined by the integral
like this way, it is f of s . I will show
it afterwards also f of s this is equals to
minus infinity to infinity K of s t f t d
t k of s t into f t d t. Suppose we have defined
like this, this minus infinity to infinity
K of s t f t d t, this sometimes we may write
as this also we may write as t 1 to t 2 also.
That means, on some finite domain t 1 to t
2 or it may be infinite domain minus t 1 to
minus infinity to infinity.
So, if a function f s is defined like this
minus infinity to infinity K s t f t d t,
this is called the integral transform of the
function f t and we denote it by T of F t,
we denote this thing by T of F t . So, suppose
I am removing this and if I come to this again,
here you see the thing which I told it is
now like this. The function f s has been defined
like this way f s equals minus infinity to
infinity K s t F t d t is known as the integral
transform of the function F t and is denoted
by T of F t, the function K s t is called
basically the kernel of the transformation
and also sometimes we call it as integral
kernel or nucleus.
So, effectively if you change the value of
K s t then we can find out various type of
transforms like integral Laplace transform,
Fourier transform like this way . Now, see
the input of the transform of a function and
the output is another function is small f
. So, note this one the input of a transform
is a function F t just here if you see, capital
F t is the input and your small f is the output
of this .
Next is, a integral transform is a particular
type of mathematical operator we can say.
Depending upon the specific choice of the
kernel function K there can be numerous useful
integral transform as I was telling earlier.
If I change the value of the kernel function
K I can obtain various kind of useful transforms
like Laplace transform, Fourier transform,
Hankel transform like this . Some associated
inverse which we call as K inverse u t which
we call this one as K inverse u t.
And this K inverse u t is defined as F t this
is equals u 1 to u 2 I will come to this,
u 1 to u 2 K inverse s t f s d s . So, which
will be a function of s and t and ultimately
you are integrating over s so that it will
be a function of t in the earlier one it was
f s that was a k was a function of s t and
you are integrating over a function of t.
So, therefore, this we are telling as the
inverse kernel K inverse we are defining and
from there also we can find out this F t . So,
if I go back to my original one .
And so the next is F t equals u 1 to u 2 K
inverse s t f s d s which we call as the inverse
kernel and the last one is a symmetric kernel
one that is unchanged when two variables are
permuted. A symmetric kernel one please note
this one is that one where the values will
remain unchanged, if we interchange or permute
the variables s and t and if the values remains
same then also we can do the same thing.
Now, next come to the Laplace transform, basically
if you see your Laplace transform is a mathematical
tool we say. It is a simply a mathematical
tool which is used to solve various kind of
engineering and mathematical problems and
which is used by mostly by the science departments,
engineering departments, various departments
are using this particular Laplace transform
to solve a particular type of problems this
one .
This Laplace transform was first introduced
by French mathematician Laplace . Laplace
transform was developed by French mathematician
Laplace in 1790's, please note this one. This
was defined in derived by Laplace French mathematician
Laplace in 1790.
Now, this Laplace transform is used to solve
ordinary differential equation. In general
whenever we try to find the solution of ordinary
differential solution what we do? We try to
find out the general solution and from the
general solution using the i c that is initial
conditions we try to find out the values of
arbitrary constants. Whereas, if I use the
Laplace transform in that case what happens
simply Laplace transform converts the ordinary
differential equation into an algebraic equation
So, in turn to find the solution we have to
solve only one algebraic equation which is
basically very easy to find the solution.
Similarly if we try to find out the solution
of a partial differential equation using Laplace
transform, it reduces the number of independent
variables by 1. Since it reduces the number
of independent variables by 1 the solution
process becomes easier.
So, if we go back to this one again, for Laplace
transform then . How to define the Laplace
transform? If the kernel K s t is defined
as K s t equals 0 whenever t is less than
0 e power minus s t whenever t is greater
than equals 0. If the function is defined
like this then the Laplace transform of this
capital F t is defined as f s equals 0 to
infinity e power minus s t into f t d t . So,
you have a function F t the Laplace transform
of the function capital F t is denoted by
small f s and is defined as 0 to infinity
e power minus s t F t d t.
So, please note this one, whenever we try
to use the Laplace transform the value of
the independent variable t always will be
lying 0 to infinity or in the positive side
of this one . So, the function f s defined
by the equation 1 is called the Laplace transform
of the function and we call it also denoted
by Laplace transform of f t or small f s or
the capital F s .
Laplace transform as I told is a mathematical
tool which can be used to solve several problems
in science and engineering. It was first introduced
by Laplace as I told you earlier a French
mathematician in the year 1790. The method
reduces the solution of an ordinary differential
equation to the solution of an algebraic equation.
So, basically if I try to solve an ODE if
I applied Laplace transform then the ODE will
be transformed or converted into the other
domain and it will create one algebraic equation.
And to find the solution of the original problem
instead of solving the ODE we have to simply
solve the algebraic equation. When Laplace
transform technique is applied to an ordinary
differential equation sorry a one partial
differential equation, this will be partial
differential equation it reduces the number
of dependent variables by one .
Next is linear transformation, a transformation
is said to be linear please note this one
this definition we are giving for in general.
A transformation any transformation T you
take is said to be linear if for every pair
of function F 1 and F 2 t and for every pair
of constants a 1 and a 2, we have this one
So, linear transformation if we try to take
this will be equals to T of a 1 F 1 t plus
a 2 F 2 t. This is equals a 1 transform of
F 1 t plus a 2 into transform of F 2 t . So,
if we write down this thing .
So, you have a transform T for this transform
T if we have two functions F 1 t and F 2 t.
If you have these two functions F 1 t and
F 2 t and if for any constants a 1 and a 2
transformation of a 1 F 1 t plus a 2 F 2 t
equals a 1 transform of F 1 to F 1 t plus
a 2 into transform of a 2 t then we say that
this is a linear transformation . So, if I
have to go back to this we are writing T of
a 1 F 1 t plus a 2 F 2 t this is equals to
a 1 into T of F 1 t plus a 2 into t of F 2
Now, come to the linearity property of Laplace
transform the Laplace transform of a linear
transformation, that is Laplace transform
of a 1 F 1 t plus a 2 F 2 t this is equals
a 1 Laplace transform of F 1 t plus a 2 Laplace
transform of F 2 t where a 2 and a 1 are constants
. So, just the linearity property of general
transform what we told just before this slide
same way we can tell that the linearity property
of Laplace transform holds if this Laplace
transform of a 1 F 1 t plus a 2 F 2 t equals
a 1 Laplace transform of F 1 t plus a 2 Laplace
transform of F 2 t where a 1 and a 2 are constants.
Now, the proof is very simple here. The proof
here is simply we know that Laplace transform
of F t this is equals 0 to infinity e power
minus s t into f t d t we know this thing.
Now if we take Laplace transform of a 1 F
1 t a a 1 F 1 t plus a 2 into F 2 t . So,
when you are writing it this equals using
the definition of Laplace transform of F t
we can write it 0 to infinity e power minus
s t into this whole term that is a 1 F 1 t
plus a 2 F 2 t a 2 into F 2 t d t.
So, now I can break this into two parts two
integrals one I can write down 0 to infinity
e power minus s t a 1 into F 1 t d t that
is a 1 into e power minus s t F 1 t d t plus
0 to infinity a 2 into e power minus s t f
t d t sorry this will be F 2 t into d t . So,
this one is F 2 t into d t and this is nothing,
but a 1 into 0 to infinity e power minus s
t F 1 t d t is nothing, but Laplace transform
of F 1 t plus a 2 into 0 to infinity e power
minus s 2 minus s t this is basically your
F 2 t.
So, if F 2 into the power minus s t F 2 t
d t this I can write down Laplace transform
of this is F 2 t . So, this completes the
proof that Laplace transform of a 1 F 1 t
plus a 2 F 2 t this is equals Laplace transform
of a 1 into Laplace transform of F 1 t plus
a 2 into Laplace transform of F 2 t . So,
I can remove this and again we can go back
to earlier one .
So, just the proof whatever I told you just
I am showing here. So, that you can understand
it in better way same thing we have written
0 to infinity e power minus s t into a 1 F
1 t plus a 2 F 2 t this is equals this. And
a 1 into 0 to infinity e power minus s t F
1 t d t is Laplace transform of F 1 t plus
a 2 into Laplace transform of F 2 t .
Now, come to a piecewise continuous function,
a function F t is said to be piecewise continuous
or sectionally continuous on a closed interval
a to b if it is defined on that is interval
and in such that the interval can be subdivided
into a finite number of intervals. In each
of which F t is continuous at has finite right
and left hand limit. The meaning is that a
function is defined in a interval a to b where
the function F t is defined and t lies in
between a to b.
The function may be continuous throughout
in a to b or the function may be piecewise
continuous ; that means, if the entire domain
I ship divided into n subdomains then in each
of the subdomains the function F t will be
continuous. Then we call it the function F
t as a piecewise continuous function, say
for this one you have .
So, this is you are defining x sorry this
is your t this is your 0 on this side you
are defining say any function y equals f x.
Your entire domain maybe from here to here
a is here b is here in between something like
that is there. Say a to b 1 the function behaves
like this this is say a 1 from this point
b again it has something like this, up to
this. Then again from here it is coming something
like this way and it is reaching here.
So, if I take the entire point a to b in a
to b the function f x may not be fully continuous
, but if I subdivide this one into some smaller
subsections say a to a 1, a 1 to b 1, b 1
to b 2, b 2 to b then in each of these subdomains
the function is continuous then we can tell
that the function is piecewise continuous.
I hope it is clear that a function may not
be continuous in a particular domain a to
b, but if I subdivide the function a to b
into n subdomains and if in each subdomain
the function is continuous we call the function
as piecewise continuous function. Again let
us go back .
So, now come to the other one that is function
of exponential order a function F t is said
to be of exponential order as t approaches
infinity if there exists a positive constant
real number capital M and a number a and a
finite number t 0 such that absolute value
of f t modulus of F t less than m into e power
a t. So, please note this one, a function
F t is said to be exponential order if whenever
t approaches infinity if there exists a positive
constant real number M one a some number a
which is greater than 0 and a finite number
t 0 such that absolute value of F t is less
than M into a power t. Or I can write down
absolute value of e power minus a t into F
t less than M for all t greater than equals
t 0 .
So, please note this one that e power minus
a t f t is absolute value of this must be
less than M for some t greater than t 0 then
we say that the function is of exponential
order. Sometimes we write this like this way
also. So, what we do sometimes limit t approaches
infinity e power minus a t into f t. If this
value is a finite constant if you get for
some a greater than where a is greater than
0. Then we can say that F t is of exponential
order a then we say that f t is of exponential
order a .
So, in the other way also as t approaches
infinity e power minus a t F t if this limiting
value is a finite value then also we say that
F t is of exponential order or we can say
that absolute value of e power minus a t f
t is less than equal m whenever t approaches
infinity. So, we can define it in any one
of these two ways .
So, these already we are writing . Now, if
a function f t is of exponential order a and
it is also of order b please note this one
a function F t is of exponential order a.
And also it is of order b where b is greater
than a then we write sometimes F t equals
order of e e power a t as t approaches infinity.
That means, whenever it is of exponential
order a and if I know that is a b where b
is greater than a then also we can tell the
same thing that f t is an exponential order
alpha where we can write down order of e power
a t and please note that as t approaches infinity
then only this condition should be satisfied
Example say we have to show that t power n
is of exponential order as t approaches infinity
n being any positive integer . So, what we
have to do we have to find out limit t approaches
infinity e power minus a t into t power n
because we want to find out the its whether
t power n is of exponential order alpha or
not where a is greater than 0. Now what is
happening this you can write down limit t
approaches infinity e power t power n by e
power a t . So, that you are bringing it in
the form of infinity by infinity .
So, once it is coming in the form of infinity
by infinity to evaluate this limit you can
use L hospital rule n times. If I use the
L hospital rule n times in that case I can
obtain this is equals limit t t approaches
infinity factorial n by a power n into e power
a t.
So, once we are doing this after successively
we are derivating finding the derivative using
L hospital rules ultimately you will get this
one. Factorial n by a power n into e power
a t and whose value this lower portion always
goes to infinity so, that the value becomes
0. The value limiting value of this as t approaches
infinity always will be 0 therefore, since
limit t approaches infinity e power minus
a t t power n as a as a finite value 0 we
can say that t power n is of exponential order
on the .
So, this only I am just showing here you can
just see factorial n by infinity and 0 . So,
this example shows that t power n is of exponential
order alpha. So, I hope now you can understand
whether a function is of exponential order
alpha or not for that one we have to just
find out limit t approaches infinity e power
minus a t into F t d t. And if the value is
a finite value we say that this function is
of exponential order alpha .
Next example you see that so that F t equals
e power t square is not of exponential order
as t approaches infinity n being the of positive
integer. Means the opposite one now we are
showing that e power t square is not of exponential
order alpha. So, for this one again we have
to find out the limiting value that is limit
t approaches infinity, it will be e power
t into t minus a. If you calculate the value
e power minus a t into f t f t is e power
t square . So, e power t square minus a t
and if I try to find the limiting value of
this always this will be infinity if of course,
a is greater than 0.
So, once I am getting this limit t approaches
infinity e power t into t minus a this limiting
value is infinity . So, I can say that e power
t a e power t squared function is not of exponential
order alpha. . So, simply we can show this
that limit is this e power minus a t into
t square which we can write down as a power
t into t minus a for a greater than 0 and
the value is infinity .
So, by this way we will we can find out whether
a function is of exponential order or not.
In the next lecture what we will study what
is the use of this exponential order or how
it relates in the transform calculus if a
function is of exponential order alpha then
what will be the effect that we will see in
the next class.