We will talk about this particular course
on Training of Trainers.
This course is designed especially for those
who are in the profession of training either
for the Industry or for the Academia.
All of us know that is in the era of technology
it becomes very important that we develop
human capital for the organization, for the
institute and for the nation and vis-a-vis
we can say about that is for the global level.
So, this particular course has been designed
how we can conduct the training programmes
that is training techniques and tools which
are to be used for the MDPs and FDPs.
Similarly, before this particular phase we
will talk about identifying the training needs
that is what are the training needs and how
to identify the training needs in an organization
and introduction of the training.
First, I will discuss today in this particular
session which will talk about that is the
what is the training, its needs, its importance
and how we can enhance our Manpower, Skills,
Knowledge, Attitude, Ability so that we can
develop the human capital.
Now, here first I would like to share with
you the formula of success.
Whenever we talk about the success,
S= A×M×0
What is A?
, What is M?
And what is O?
A = Ability
M = Motivation
O = Opportunity
Whenever you want to make a successful training
programs first we have to identify those who
are the trainees what type of ability they
To understand the ability one should interact
with the participants and to know about the
JD that is Job Description, what is the Job
Job description will give us that is what
type of ability an individual and employee
has to develop.
Normally, if we refer this particular ability,
first one is that is the job ability or what
is called is technical skills.
Technical skills means it is not related to
the technology only, it is related to the
job that one should have that particular skill
of the, what type of the job he has to do.
Second, is those who are expert in their jobs
but they are not successful.
Why they are not successful?
Because they are not having another very important
skill that is HR skills, you will find there
are the number of leaders those who are very
strong in their job knowledge, they are very
competent but they are not successful because
they are not able to get work done from the
people those who are working with them and
for this purpose a team building skills, leadership
skills, motivational skills, conflict handling
skills, all these skills, stress management
skills, emotional intelligence, spirituality,
all these skills, these are all are the HR
skills, interpersonal skills.
If the person is very strong in the HR skills
also in addition to the job knowledge, so
we can understand that is the job knowledge
cannot be replaced but that is only job knowledge
is not enough, that has to be supported by
the HR skills.
Further, research has been done and it has
been found that is in addition to the job
knowledge, HR skills, there is a third skill
and that is the Conceptual skills.
Conceptual skills
means whatever the job person is doing he
should be very clear that what he is contributing
and where this particular this job will be
connected with the another job in the organization
and ultimately what type of products or services
are to be developed.
Once the conceptual skills are strong, HR
skills are strong and then job analytical
skill, job description skills, job knowledge
is there then definitely that person we will
say that he is an able person and he has developed
that particular ability.
To develop this ability there is a role of
a trainer.
Trainer has to develop this particular type
of the abilities, he has to understand whether
it is required the job skills, whether it
is required the HR skills, whether it is required
the conceptual skills, analytical skills are
A lot of work has been done.
Further in this one more nowadays and one
more skill has been added and that is designing
skill or creativity or creative skills, so
therefore in that case it becomes very important
that is the person is creative, we understand
that whatever theoretical knowledge will be
imparted that will not be enough unless and
until it is not skilfully practiced at the
To practice at the workplace it becomes very
important that is in every organization there
is a particular culture, in every organization
there is a particular system, procedure and
the way of working and trainer has to train
those employees those who are the trainees
in a way that if they find the situation is
different in the given situation then they
have to be more creative and more adaptive,
more flexible and this type of the skills
are also required and therefore when we talk
about the training then the training is very
much important to make the success in the
case of the ability of an individual.
The another aspect which is called the M,
M is motivation, unless and until we will
not be having that particular motivation it
will be difficult that is the how a person
will perform at the workplace.
To perform at the workplace it becomes very
important that is the employee, those who
are performing in an excellent way, in a star
way then they are supposed to be highly motivated.
We will talk in this course about the motivation
also, that is how to enhance the willingness
or motivation and before the enhancing the
motivation level of the participant or trainer
himself has to be very highly motivated.
So, therefore to conduct a training programme
this particular motivation is also very important.
How we can develop that motivation?
What type of motivation is there?
What are the various motivation?
How we can overcome those motivational barriers
and that we will discuss.
But what is required for a trainer to conduct
a training program?
An opportunity, O is for the opportunity,
unless and until one does not have that particular
opportunity he cannot deliver or develop that
particular training program.
So, it becomes very important that is the,
it is a combination for a,
S= A×M×O.
The point which is to be noted is that is
here is the multiplication, it is not addition,
so any factor if I am at 0 the overall success
will be 0.
So, Dear friends, it becomes very important
that is develop the ability, develop the motivation
and then getting the opportunity that becomes
very important to conduct a successful training
Now here I would like to take the 1st slide
just by the quotation, what do you understand
by reading this particular quotation?
You will understand that is it is not an employee
is not only for doing a particular job, he
can add the value, value addition to the job
can be done if his brain has been used and
not only the hands.
When we talk about only the hands it means
that limited job opportunities for the performance.
If a person wants to develop a very high level
of the performance ability then in that case
he has to be very much situational, that is
he has as in a given situation should be allowed
to work and when we talk about the managerial
functions; planning, organising, delegating,
so when we talk about the use of brain at
the workplace it means that in addition to
the decentralisation because when you do this
decentralisation it means that only organisational
structures that is only you are talking about
the hands but when we are supposed to talk
about the brain of the employees, how to be
more creative, in a given situation allow
to do the work, creating that culture and
that is the important of the HRD, human resource
development or training and development.
That is the employees are allowed to use their
brain and that is if you if an employee uses
his brain, it is what?
No, nothing, you are not you have to pay any
additional, right it is already encompasses
in his perks but there are certain organisations
when they find that is the employees are using
their brain then definitely they are giving
more incentives as a part of their variable
pay is there.
This type of the HR culture that has to be
developed, many a times it is developed during
the orientation program, that this is whenever
there is an orientation program and during
orientation program it has been mentioned
when I was in the Shri Ram group I know that
is in the beginning itself it was told that
is it is very important for HR department
to enhance the freedom, freedom at work so
that they can make the best use of their brain
at the workplace is there and that is why
I have taken this particular concept, that
is whenever we talk about the what assets
do you have in an organization and then the
importance are normally whenever we talk about
the assets we talk about the budget.
But it is true budget has to be there but
what is important is that, that is the employee
should be self-motivated and that is only
possible when they are having the interest.
If they are having the interest in their workplace
and interest means motivated, motivation is
If that motivation is there, interest is there
then definitely that arousing that interest
at the workplace, making a feeling of a family
at the organization and that type of interest
is developed then definitely the person will
be not sleeping but that he will be contributing.
Next is the values, what type of the value
systems are there?
We know that is the personality, there are
different types of personalities and if the
personalities they are having the value system
to hard work, to contribute, to having the
affection to the organization, belongingness
to the organisation, if these type of values
are there, there is a job involvement, employee
engagement, job enrichment, all these types
of the value system are there in an organization
then that organization will be a great workplace
rather than just only a good workplace will
be there.
What is the role of a trainer?
Trainer’s role is that is these skills job
skills, HR skills, already I mention about
the different types of the skills, those skills
imbibing those values, organisational values,
developing the interest and then if this combination
is there then definitely the human resource
that will convert into the human capital.
So what is required is that is we should not
sleep on these assets, these assets are provided
employees are provided and every employee
has given by this particular type of the skills,
values, interest and naturally by the budget
is there.
What a trainer does?
So we will now talk about the role of the
trainer, the first is we have to understand
who are the stakeholders?
Days have gone when we were talking about
the external stakeholders only, we were talking
about the customers, and we were talking about
the suppliers but in addition to this now
we have to also take care of the internal
customers and internal customers are our internal
employees are there.
Trainer should educate, trainer should train
to the employees to understand that is they
are working in an overall society.
Society is also a stakeholder and every pin
and point of the society and they are the
stakeholders, so what is required?
That is employee has to manage all the stakeholders.
A trainer that he should make awareness about
the stakeholders and should train about that
is the how stakeholders are to be managed.
Now the 2nd picture, build the teams to leverage
diversity, now we know that is these type
of the meetings, whenever the organization
is conducting the different types of meetings
then that require an experienced leader.
A leader who is aware of the different strength,
weaknesses, opportunities, threats, different
types of situations, IR situations, HR situations
then all this type of interactions when he
is already having then he will be able to
address that team’s competency because enhancing
the individual’s competency is fine but
whenever we talk about the organization, Organization
should know that is how to enhance the team
And we are aware that is many organizations
or some of the departments in any one organization
that they are not able to leverage the team
Team efficiency is much more, for example
whenever we talk about the forming of the
team, how do we form the team?
And whenever there is a team is formed all
or most of them are competent persons, so
there will be this storming, so after the
forming there has to be the storming session.
But, in a good organisation the storming that
goes the minimum time, it does not take much
time, so what a storming does?
Forming storming creates the norming, norms
are created, that is the….
These different members they learn from each
other that is how they will work together
and then they will come out with the common
solution, they will come out with the more
efficiency is then.
There will be the certain personalities, it
has been mentioned here that is a system’s
wizard, system’s wizard means somebody will
say, no we cannot play with the system, if
you are suggesting any solution that the solution
has to be within system, that is true but
when you talk about the definition of management,
the definition of management is balancing
the imbalances.
What does it mean?
It means that there within the system even
if you are having a short of resources you
are supposed to develop that particular type
of the system where you can manage the imbalances
and the trainer that he has to develop those
managerial skills, as I mentioned that is
the planning, organising, directing, leading
and controlling, these are the functions of
a manager.
So an experienced leader here, he should be
able to find out if there is a system wizard
employee how to handle that particular employee.
Another employee is that is the effective
communicator, we should train a leader in
such a way that is the how to develop that
particular effective communicator in the organization,
the trainer builds the team by identifying
that is the effective communication practices.
The 3rd one is that is there will be the person
who will be creative ingenious; the creative
ingenious person may have the opinion different
than whatever the traditional or conventional
ways are there.
And then in that case it becomes very important
that is this creative and genius, this type
of the people they have to be handled differently
because they are stars of the organizations
and many times they suggest a particular solution,
a particular idea and if that idea is very
useful to the organization and that can make
the sustainable and the growth of the organization,
so that is build the team to have a creative
ingenious people.
Then there will be the different minded analyst
also, so therefore nowadays we will find in
the era of the Internet that is we have a
lot of data but when we have to convert the
data, data into information, information into
knowledge, knowledge and wisdom and wisdom
into truth, this is the pyramid.
If we have to convert that particular pyramid
then you should be a strong analyst, especially
for the management jobs nowadays the two jobs
are very prominent.
One is that is the analyst’s job and other
is consultant’s job, they are highly in
Then those who…Whenever there is a data,
how effectively they analyse that particular
But analysis of data is just a part, what
is important is after analysing the data what
is the discussion.
What is the output of that particular analysis?
How you connect that output with the current
And therefore this type of analyst are also
required in a strong team.
Then practical organiser, thanks to the technology,
technology many a times give the solutions
which may not be practical, so then what to
So they are required to be certain employees
those who will be able to make the practically
organising whatever the solutions which are
coming out through the system wizard’s questions
or the effective communicator, experienced
leader, creative genius, then detail minded
Analyst and all these hot trades are also
required in the trainer to build the teams
to leverage the diversity and then practical
approach also.
What is right what is wrong, what is applicable,
what is not applicable that he should understand.
And finally the risk taker, because the training
is provided for the future requirement and
whenever we talk about future there is a risk
and one should be risk taker.
We have to also understand the differentiation
between the risk and gambling, so here I am
suggesting the risk and not the gambling and
therefore in that case one should be able
to take the risk and then build the teams
with this all type of personality traits are
Then role of a trainer is to manage communication
which already I have mentioned, that is effective
communicator and then whatever he is communicating
that should be clear, easy and one should
be able to understand what type of program
is given.
Like here you will find cartoon has been given
transfer skills, I am not sure I want to know
how to use the fax and therefore in that case
many people they may be provided the resources
but they may not be competent enough how to
make the use of it and then once you give
them the training they will become efficient.
So the trainer, when we talk about the role
of a trainer, role of a trainer is to manage
the stakeholders, build a team to leverage
the diversity, manage communication and transfer
the skills for the employees for the purpose
the training program has been provided.
So what is primary goal of a training?
The primary goal of a training is to help
users move from confusion and no acceptance
through the communication to ownership and
a high acceptance level.
Like many a times employees are not realizing
the importance of training, what they understand
is that they are confused, they are not very
clear that is why I am getting this type of
the training, what is the use of the training
and in that case trainer should ensure that
this type of the training which has been provided
to the that is the importance, need and importance
of training that should be very clear in the
beginning itself.
For example, this particular type of course
which I am offering, this course is helpful
for the trainers so that they will understand
how to design identify the training needs,
how to design the training program, how to
execute the training program, how to evaluate
training programs and how to make the best
training program at their workplace.
And therefore in that case this is through
communication, however through communication
I would like to add one more terminology here
and that is the pedagogy, that is through
pedagogy that is a teaching methodologies,
different types of teaching methodologies
which further we will be discussing, that
communication process has to be used.
For example, it can be the case studies, this
can be the business games, this can be the
exercises, this can be the statistical data
collection and analysis, research method and
through this way we can make them clear their
confusion and make them to ownership.
The employee engagement is very important
if there is ownership is there amongst the
employees, if the employees are having this
particular type of this engagement, that is
commitment and that is ownership.
Unless and until that feeling of ownership
is not there amongst the employees then employees
will not be able to make the proper transfer
of that particular skills.
We have to develop that ownership, this organization
is your family you are a part of this family,
you are amongst one of the, one amongst all
of us, so therefore this type of feeling is
very important.
And then when this type of notion is there
that is I am the member of this particular
family, of this organization which the trainer
makes the miracle happens and then in that
case high acceptance level will be there.
For high acceptance level vigour is required,
according to Schaufeli vigour is required,
absorption is required and dedication is required.
Nowadays, there is a lot of demand of the
training programs to enhance the employee
Trainer should be able to develop that particular
type of the vigour, that particular type of
the energy, that particular type of commitment
that is yes I have to do, now however there
are different ways of working work from home,
work away from home, away from the workplace
but at work, so these type of concepts are
already there but ultimately commitment is
If commitment is not there in employees at
the workplace there will not be a reasonable
Employees away from the workplace but at work
and there is no commitment, again there will
be no output of the performance.
So what is required?
Trainer has to develop the ownership, that
commitment that level of acceptance at the
workplace so that employee gives more than
100 percent and then he gives voluntarily.
It is not because of the fear of punishment
or fear of losing the job but this type of
acceptance, this type of the worship, this
type of the commitment that he never realises
that he …There is no feeling, I am working
for others, I am working for myself, I am
working for developing myself, I am working
for the excellence of myself and therefore
if this mindset is there, those organisations
will be definitely a very successful organizations.
Whatever I was talking about that was not
only for the good workplace but that was for
a great workplace.
What a trainer does?
A trainer, he is not only creating a good
workplace but he is creating such a workplace
where people want to work.
I understand the practical aspect also that
even if…Because I have 11 years of the industry
experience, so I know that is the how people
work in industries, so they may go for the
betterment of this particular looking for
the better opportunities, they may go but
they will not forget their past organizations.
They will be in connect with their past organizations
because everybody has a freedom to go further
for his progress but the connectivity, the
relationship with the past organization is
the same.
So therefore in that case that…and if there
is no connect then that is not a great workplace.
The great workplace is that, as I mentioned
about how it is the commitment, loyalty, how
about the relationship, how about after leaving
the organization also people are connected
and those type of the places are called great
So now we will talk about what is a great
workplace, when people they trust, it is not
the culture when they are out from that particular
place that is they have fear that what will
happen when I am not there.
Now in that case that even if they are not
at the workplace they are having the trust
to have with their superior, colleagues and
They have pride in what you do, so it is the
question not that is whether you are in the
top management or middle management or in
the lower management cadre but it is the feeling
is there that is whatever I am doing I am
doing the best, I am doing in the great workplace,
I am working in this organization.
So whenever a person introduces himself and
before saying his name he says I am working
in this particular organization that means
that he is having the pride in for that particular
organization and therefore it becomes very
important that is the person connect, the
industry connect, the emotions connect that
becomes very important whenever we talk about
the pride in what you do.
Now whenever when we talk about that is the
enjoy the people you work with, so it becomes
very important that is the workplace is a
place of joy.
I am enjoying that particular workplace, I
am talking about that particular workplace,
I am sharing my experiences with that particular
workplace, I feel pride in saying that I am
working in this workplace, I am also having
the trust with the people those who are working
there, so you see that is the happiness index
of that particular employee is very high.
And if this type of the workplace and most
of the employees, most of the employees when
they say that this is a great workplace, I
love to work here and then in that case you
will find that is the trainer, trainer’s
role is that he creates that great workplace.
How this great workplace is to be created
and how the training can impart this type
of the culture that we will talk about into
the next session, so thank you very much.