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Welcome friends to the course of marketing research and analysis well this course has
a great value in today’s term and everywhere you see today there is a you know the topic
of research and analysis data analysis which as in fact become one of the most discussed
topics in the world of business and around right so I am dr.
J.K Nayak Jogendra Kumar Nayak from the department of management studies I have been teaching
this course for a while now almost you can say seven years right now and maybe I have
conducted about a dozen of courses on this same subject.
So what is this course all about and what I will be going to get at the end of the day
is what we are going to discuss so I will brief you about the course my contents and
all so for example If I start like this let us say marketing research.
Analysis so there are two parts of this subject the
first part includes the theoretical portion which is where I say is most important because
after all if you do not have a foundation if you do not have a control over theory your
understanding of your theory then one cannot apply the tools and techniques in a proper
manner and this is what happens in most of the cases in the real world that there is
a miss match.
Students come to me and scholars come to me and check and ask key how to solve the problem
or how to come out with a solution and then I ask them what is your problem all about
and that’s what some time I see people do not understand okay so I will try to brief
you in this 20 sessions which I have so first few parts I will cover the aspects of marketing
research so covering what is marketing research and introduction and then what are the different
constituents of it what are the different parts of the marketing research process what
is the research design basically and how do we formulate a problem.
How do we move ahead in the research design and what are the types of research design
all these things we will see right and then finally comes the data analysis part the next
part of it the major part if it, so let us start begin the class so let me start with
the since the name marketing is there I think everybody should know what marketing is all
about right so as it say because marketing research is part of marketing.
We should understand three things what is marketing, what are the concepts of marketing
and what is marketing strategy all about right because see the basic idea is why should you
study this subject, this subject is to be studied because the end result is that you
are going to do something beneficial for a firm or a company or an organization in may
be in terms of increase in market share.
May be in terms of increases in profitability may be in terms of increasing the customer
base whatever it is, so how would you do it because one has to understand keep marketing
is got some there is some difference between marketing and others fields are the management
right marketing is more connected with the consumers at large so if you want to connect
the consumer if you want to bring the consumer to your side how what should do so that is
what marketing research talks about okay.
So let us go with what is the first definition of marketing so marketing as been defined
as a process of creating if you can see as a process of creating, communicating and delivering
value to the customers and for managing the customers relationships in fact in marketing
in management it has been said that getting a new customer is 5 times more costlier than
retaining the customer right.
So in such a condition how to connect with a costumer becomes a very important part of
marketing right okay what are the marketing concepts in fact when I say the word concept
we have to understand since the you know the time the firms evolved the time when you know
the theory of the nature of the firm was published by Coase and Ronald Coase and things like
transaction cost economics came into place at one point of time there was the production
was called to be at the helm of the affair right.
So the most important thing was the production and the customers were at the receiving end
okay but today it has changed it has changed drastically let see what has happened so if
you look at it.
Now it is a business philosophy that that holds the key to achieve the organizational
goals and consist of the companies being more effective than competitors in creating delivering
the customer value, now what are the concepts there are five concepts of you can see this
okay, these are the five concepts production concept as I said started with it, then we
moved on to the product people said in the production that whatever you produce it will
be sold in the market, so the manufacturer was the king right.
Then came the product concept where they said every good product would sell on it is own,
so nothing is required then they thought maybe it is not working so we have to push our ideas
we have to sell our products, so maybe you know sales teams where organized and things
turned up the way and companies started pushing that products right, but that also has it
is own disadvantage so then companies started realizing what to do, how to move ahead how
to bring the customer to our side now.
So that came marketing concept where they said you have to understand and identify the
customer’s needs and wants and accordingly then produce the product or service so that
then you do not have to push the product to the consumer but rather the consumer the consumer
will come towards the company or the product, so if I draw it, it is something like if you
see in this let say if this is that the firm is initially the firm was selling to the consumer
right but now.
We are trying to reverse this direction okay finally came the societal marketing now marketing
also had it is own flaws, so what are the flaws that we did not taken into account the
societal part what kind of damage or we doing to the society the nature at large are we
doing it in a sustainable manner so these are things been discussed what if we are exploiting
nature to useful as extent and tomorrow there is nothing left for a next generation, so
societal marketing talks about how to include all these things right and move in a positive
manner okay finally comes the marketing strategy.
It says that it consists of a selecting a segment of the market so you have to understand
what is the segment, now look at this board.
This suppose this is my board let say or this is let say my market okay, now the point is
this whole market I cannot you know get it to this whole market so what I do will I will
only cater to this may be this piece of the market or maybe this piece okay, or let say
this piece or maybe B and C together or A and B together or it could be anything like
that right, so segmenting the market becomes easier because you can divert your resources
in a much better manner okay.
In a more effective way okay so and once you have that you know you see, now if you have
design the market if you have segmented the market properly now then you do not have to
put in your resources suppose this is the market you are going to then you do not need
put your resources for A and C so B is the only market you are doing and to do that you
can design your product you can design your price right, you can design your promotion
you can design your distribution.
According to the needs of B okay so now look at this so how does the successful marketing
go it starts with the market analysis so you analyse the market right look at your competitors
your consumers your customers basically then accordingly you move ahead to create your
to launch your plan and that creates an ex-successful marketing strategy all together, okay.
now to practice marketing as I said.
But we have seen in this world that means several cases where companies have come out
with brilliant ideas organizations have come as brilliant strategies but they have met
with the disaster, they have failed miserably and sometimes not so brilliant ideas have
done wonderfully well, so let us look at a few things so what happens, what is the whole
process behind it okay, so when you see this if you look at this line many decisions require
additional information and marketing research is needed in order to supply that information.
So that means you require information to know okay, how can one do better in a particular
market or one can do better for a particular kind of customers right.
For example, let us take the Harley-Davidson case okay, very famous this company was had
started you know the profits where coming down later was not doing well but then the
company thought what to do, how could they involve so they started the peer to peer markets,
marketing techniques they wanted they a make club like a dimension club, Harley-Davidson
club and slowly they started promoting in there and it worked wonderfully well for them,
So one has to understand what is that information that is we are missing or we needed from the
market and that is where we research comes because research after all does nothing but
it helps you to search an information, research searching again and again and again till you
get into the right information, right, okay.
So these are some classic cases I have brought it for your benefit so you can enjoy and also
learn at the same time if you look at the first one.
It is a very, very powerful, very important case where because for wrong interpretation
of the market and the consumers coco cola burned its fingers, what happened here coco
cola came of with the concept of the new cola they thought that since taste was not a very
important feature they could come up with something new for the consumers, but it was
a grave great mistake because the people of US had a connection with the brand coco cola
with the culture of coco cola, they reacted very badly and coco cola had to come back
again with the new promotion saying the old cola is back again, okay.
So sometimes things are connected with your culture, your tradition and you do not want
to give it away so easily right.
This was another case where McDonalds thought the burgers were being very famous so they
thought if my burgers are famous for with the children’s it would also be famous with
the adults because you know it happens that parents also do consumer part of the burger
with the child, right.
So they thought that and they launched a premium priced burger right, product of McDonalds
which was coming up.
But the adults did not like it, they were not ready to pay higher price, they dislike
the product they were treat, they thought they were been treated like a child that is
the discouraged it and in the whole way coco cola lost 100 million dollars in the year
Yoghurt shampoo was another case of Procter & Gamble one of the most well researched well
most popular company in the world you can say easily.
Yoghurt shampoo when it came it also made a mistake the mistake was that they did not
research well to understand what do people like in a shampoo, they thought that going
back to your nature and natural products would be a good way of increasing your market share.
But to your dismay what happened is people react, some people even consumed thinking
it is yoghurt they consumed the shampoo and they were hospitalized it gave a very bad
remark and this product failed.
Another product 3D television who would think that 3D television would be ever a failure,
similarly Vizio Company established in the 2000 in early 2000 they never thought, they
thought a 3D television would be a popular thing but it failed what happened?
The reason was the head again not researched what they had not researched?
They had not researched that the number of the 3d movie is being made was very few and
people where not ready to where those glasses most of the time so why you would anybody
watch a 3d television right and lastly this is apple.
I deliberately brought in apple here because we all talk about apple apple apple because
apple a doctor keeps the doctor away you know apple you take a doctor away there is a statement
and the same side apple as a company is the most researched company and the most successful
company in the world we say and put in terms of market capitalization.
So when apple came with the Lisa project the project Lisa they try to address it to the
B2B consumer but they did not realize one thing that the B2B consumer for that particular
category was very price sensitive consumer.
And the Lisa project again failed so why I am saying this is because such great companies
also can make great mistakes and get in to huge losses right, so because of it not a
good proper you know research either research or research design you have not made your
research well so you could land up in to trouble, so let us be very careful this is the successful
Now you tube when people you know can see the founders.
The founders Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawad Karim they thought what is there to
you know how to find out a way so that they could give it to the public without any bugs
without any problem it could you know show the videos of you know it is very popular
shows and all, they saw that sharing was a at that time was not very reliable thing it
was unreliable and most sites failed to provide dedicated video, so what happen?
They saw it an opportunity, this research help them to find an opportunity in the market
And what came up was you tube which was bought by Google for 1.65billon so who could think
that such a small idea could become such a large organization and such a large profitable
venture okay.
Similarly there are so many other examples like the case of Instagram.
I have put it here you can see that later on and I also put the case of nano, nano is
the very classic Indian case I do not want to get in to the debate of whether it was
successful or not but we can easily say that nano was a classic case of new product being
develop for a new range of consumer right.
So how it happen?
Ratan Tata finds that one day family was traveling on a scooter.
With four people and it was very uncomfortable so he decided then and there that he would
make a car of 1lakh, so this is how the nano started right so we need marketing research
to make the right decisions to implement marketing practice the concept.
And make the right decisions to the set the right marketing strategy, so how this marketing
research is defined now let us see that it says it is the function that links the customer
the consumer and the public through information.
So which we discuss just before and so this information is used to identify and define
he marketing opportunities as you tube did?
They found that there was an opportunity so they exploit it that opportunity and they
did well right so this is all the marketing research definitions says.
Now this is the classic question that comes when we are into the subject of market research
so what does this means let say if I break it up into two parts let say market and then
say again the next one marketing okay so what is this market research and what is marketing
research is there any difference between the two what is the difference we have to think
so market as the name suggest we feel it is like geographical boundary is a large potential
set of buyers and sellers.
Today they may few if I say only geography it might be wrong because we are playing on
the virtual world so okay so marketing research market research talks about specific group
in a specific geographical area but that might you can extend it to the virtual world which
is much bigger okay.
Marketing research what the purpose of market on the other side the marketing research let
see it helps to link the consumer to the marketer by providing information that can be used
on making marketing decisions for example what is the right price what is the right
product should be distributed through this channel or should we distribute some other
What is the right promotional technique should we promoted it on TV should we add it on the
cable should we add it on the let us say internet should we give it to some other kind of a
you can let say sponsors a cricket match for example anything right so how do you do it
the basically the four P’s of marketing that we talk about and it is connected to
this four P’s of marketing right.
Mostly so let see this what is the uses of marketing research identifying the marketing
opportunities and problems as I said again let us go back to examples generate refine
and evaluate potential marketing actions right so what is the right marketing action to be
taken monitor the marketing performance checking that we are able to achieve our objectives
or not is very important improve it as a process altogether.
Now this is the case of twitter as an example which you like is twitter wanted to launch
that product right but initially they have found they were computing the one of the greatest
players in the market Apple so the third podcast which was apple had launched with support
for iTunes would obviously not do well because they were computing they were small player
and they are computing directly again because they joined Apple right.
So the third they conclude that they are no real chance of computing against apple so
what they did was they did a survey to find out they realized after the survey that the
platform they had build the tremendous scalability and potential right suppose that they double
down on the simplicity and just made a portal were people could share what they were up
to then it will be wonderful right.
After researching they found new venture twitter now which would provide a basic feed of information
with a focus on news and celebrity so it seem crazy but they pull it off initially with
the every new idea people start rising and the think it will not work but they done the
research they saw there was a gap in the market which was existing and they could take advantage
of it right.
Classification of marketing research, so basically we will classify into the problem identification
research and problem solving research, identifying the problem is itself a successful thing,
for example market potential, what is my potential, am I not working to my potential, can I do
something more?
What is my market share?
What is the image in the market?
I will tell this case of you Parle.
When Parle changes it packaging, just to make it more masculine people initially felt that
it is okay to have a Parle but when the color of the packaging changed.
People started thinking that this is something like more vigour the more energy into the
Parle and it is really a fantastic product.
So there was no change in the product but only in the packaging right, so your image
also changes the way you project yourself, so what is the image that is acceptable in
the market and market wants it is very important, so the characteristics of the market forecasting
and trends in the market.
So what is the present trend?
Once upon time the fashion trend if you see change every moment, every 5 years, 10 years
there is the change in the fashion again you go back to the old times and all it so happens.
So understanding and the forecasting, for example there is a very classic case way of
you know sometimes happens, I tell in my classroom also.
That if you’re forecasting is wrong, if you go wrong go in forecasting, if you predict
you are forecast well.
You can predict your market well there is a enormous loss that a company can make because
the entire chain is getting effected.
Let say your, if it does not sell well right then automatically there is a pile up of inventory.
This entirely affects the operation and production side of the company right.
So and obviously when all these gets effected the profitability does not remain the same,
so profits go down.
I think if you can see the profits will go down.
Similarly problem solving research talks about examples like segmentation, which segment,
there is a very nice example which I will tell you.
How to segment the market?
How companies for example Godrej hair dye understood that there was a market beside
the human beings right.
In Maharashtra when they were selling their dyes, they thought and surprised to see why
the sales are going up in Maharashtra where states of hair dye had no clue, but they were
surprised that this was been used for coloring the buffaloes and you can understand how much
the buffaloes consumes.
So these are something like there was a important market that was untapped, so how to what products
to make what pricing, I can give you the dozen of example of this, for distribution the famous
Tata Ace chota hathi comes to my mind.
In the violence of the Lucknow if you have to take your truck you cannot take it is so
difficult, so Tata came up with this different concept chota hathi which is a Tata Ace and
this vehicle manure could you know move into the any lane of any place in India because
India being very congested place so and this product that is the reason became extremely
successful right.
So as I said these are the problem identification in problem solving research so which side
equally they both important.
Okay I think we have gone through this for example the test marketing for example I remember
the time when nestle was doing its test marketing for the maggi right and when I was in school
obviously right so when they doing the test marketing they were trying to influence they
were trying to see whether the market would be readily accepting the products are not
sometimes if you do not do it you are surprised because the market rejects your products because
the market rejects your products right very dangerous okay so all this you can see right
product modification package test and all very important okay.
Similarly the pricing policies what is the pricing policy if you underperform if you
under price the product you are losing valuable money if you over price you will miss out
on the customers right so you will miss out on the large number of potential customers
who could have purchased your product but now they are not but now they are not there
with you right so that is also very dangerous elasticity of price is extremely important
in the market because again that happens consumers in some cases depends on the type of product
obviously in some products they are very sensitive in some product they are less sensitive.
So if you are in a sensitive product the firm is working in sensitive product and they play
with the price it could be either very positive or it could be negative one can be very careful
so all these needs research all these need data all these needs to be you know one to
see very detailed but any research will only happen when you are very clear what is your
objective right what is your objective and how to move further into that right
okay I think what I can do I this will be my possibly like last slide of today and then
we will may be carried on to that class okay.
So if you can see this is a whole in a holistic way I have tried to show you this is marketing
research and this is the factors that affect uncontrollable factors that affect the marketing
research for example you economic condition the demonetization happened recently and that
affected many companies for example the Bajaj says there is there were heavily affected
because of demonetization people did not have money right okay technology laws and regulations
political factors controllable prices variables are your because it is hands of the company
right they can do a good research and find out what is the optimum value for it.
The groups customer groups are who are involved other consumers employees shareholders suppliers
and all this marketing managers have to look into the segmentation the target market the
programs performs and control so how do you at the end you have to monitor your performance
and to have a control over it right okay thank you so much thanks for the day we will meet
in the next class of marketing research analysis thank you so much.
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