Welcome to the new course that is a course
on Cost and Management Accounting.
In this course this a short course just for
10 hours we are going to discuss about certain
important conceptual aspects as to what cost
accounting is?
In very very brief we will discuss about the
types of cost, the methods of cost accounting
and then we will go to management accounting
part of it or the techniques of cost accounting
So, techniques include marginal costing or
breakeven point analysis or cost volume profit
analysis, then standard costing, budgetary
So, we will be also taking in to consideration
various cases of CVP analysis or of standard
costing or budgetary control.
As far as the methods or the introductory
part is concerned we will only go through
the conceptual part, I hope the course will
be very much useful those who in short in
just 10 hours want to just get a glimpse of
cost and management accounting the course
will be very much useful.
Myself Varadraj Bapat, I am a faculty in Accounting
and Finance in School of Management IIT, Mumbai.
I am a rank holder chartered accountant and
cost accountant then I have done M.Com, DISA
and have done PhD in finance from IIT Bombay.
My major teaching interests include financial
cost accounting and also Indian economic and
financial model.
My research interest are also accounting,
financial inclusion, corporate finance.
I am also into various extracurricular, but
very important activities like yoga, spirituality
or Sanskrit, Bharathiya Sanskrithi, ABVP and
so on.
Let us move to cost accounting now with this
So, in the beginning we will this particular
PPT will talk about, what is cost accounting,
what is a distinction between cost and others
streams of accounting, then what is cost and
classification of costs.
There are three majors streams; financial,
cost and management accounting; some of you
might be knowing about financial accounting.
There are three important steps in financial
accounting, first is recording of financial
So, every financial transaction as and when
happens is recorded in the financial accounting
Then it is summarized in ledger and report
is prepared which is in the form of financial
statements, the target users for financial
accounting system is external users.
So, it is meant for shareholders, it is meant
for employees, it is meant for government;
internal users also use it but, major target
is external user.
Now, in relation or in comparison with this
let us see what is cost accounting?
In cost accounting again the first step is
similar recording of cost, in financial accounting
also it was recording of financial transactions,
here it is recording of cost you may feel
it is duplication, but it is not.
So, because in cost accounting cost are recorded
with lot more details.
For example, if salary bill for an organization
is 5 crore, in financial accounting total
amount 5 crore will be include recorded.
But in cost accounting for each type of employees
how much is paid, what where the activities
done by them on daily or hourly basis, for
what that salary is paid like those details
are recorded that is why this is a more detail
recording of cost that is involved.
Next is analysis of costs so, each of the
costs are now broken down.
So, suppose we were talking about salary cost,
they would be broken down as to what are factory
related salary cost, how much are admin related,
how much are selling related, how much is
a overtime, how much is paid as incentives?
What was the nature of work being done for
that by that employee, how much is a direct
cost in the salary, how much is the indirect
cost in the salary?
Like that detailed analysis is made, comparisons
are made sometimes projections are made in
financial accounting these are only the actuals
you are not allowed to make projections.
But, in cost accounting we make estimates
and those estimates are also used to make
budgets or to make future projections.
Based on all this analysis the cost statements
are prepared as for the needs of users and
here the users are internal users.
So, manager, decision makers within the organization
right from supervisor level to mid management
to CEO and even to board of directors, this
is the confidential data.
So, it is normally shared with external users
except for a few statements ok.
So, this is in brief what is cost accounting.
Now, this is the definition of cost accounting.
It involves recording, estimating, controlling
and reporting of costs.
So, you would observe estimating is also involved
and controlling is also involved.
So, cost accounting does not just stop at
recording, it tries to keep those costs in
check, tries to control the cost.
Now, this process begins with the recording
and also the basis on which they are calculated
and ultimately we prepare the cost estimates.
Now, the objectives of cost accounting system
is ascertainment of cost so, to know the cost,
but it is not the total only; to the know
the cost for the product, for a process, category
wise, plant wise, function wise.
So, it is detail ascertainment of cost, now
this detail assessment is ascertainment is
used for cost control.
So, certain standards are set or budgets are
laid down, their actuals are compared with
the norms or the standards and efforts are
made to see that actual cost does not exceed
what is permitted or what is budgeted.
So, cost control exercises is done, cost reduction
is also done.
So, that we have permanent benefit of lesser
cost then a variety of information is generated
to help in decision making that could be for
pricing decisions.
So, if we know correct information about cost
we will be able to price our product or service
Customers might ask for some extra things,
we have to give delivery, we may have to incur
certain risk like giving guarantee; all those
aspects are calculated and built into cost.
So, that proper pricing can be done, it is
also useful for other decisions like profit
planning because entity should know how much
units it should produce or up to what level
it should extend it service.
Then budgeting is done so, that a systematic
allocation of resources can be done; like
that variety of management decisions are catered
and they would be taken much in a much better
way if accurate and timely cost data is available.
So, these are the objectives of cost accounting
Now, the advantages, since we know detail
cost record it helps us in identifying losses
and efficiencies.
So, unprofitable activities can be weeded
out, then certain cost reduction techniques
can be used or value analysis can be done.
So, that wasteful cost can be eliminated altogether
and more value can be provided from whatever
resources which we are using.
And the third part which you already discussed
that a better information helps in much improved
decision making.
It could be profit planning, it could be make
or buy decision or instead of we making we
can go for outsourcing that product or going
for outsourcing of a particular service.
All these types of decisions are made in much
better way because of cost accounting system.
Now, management accounting this is a kind
of umbrella concept where both financial and
cost data are taken together and it is mainly
targeted to internal users.
As the name suggest it is called management
accounting because, it is mainly for internal
So, here in this figure we are seeing a comparison
of management versus financial accounting.
In management accounting variety of decision
making is done for better control and for
a good decision making, in financial accounting
financial statements are prepared and target
are external stakeholders ok.
In this particular course we are going to
focus on cost and management accounting.
Now, the definition of cost; now, in business
or even in other activities other than business
the cost is usually a monitory valuation of
any of these things; may be of effort or of
material, resources, time, risk involved and
opportunities forgone for production or delivery
of any goods or service.
So, for any activity we are doing normally
we have to sacrifice some resources either
to we have to give up opportunities are we
have to spend on material or we have to give
our time or we have to give our resources.
All this will be included in the cost we will
try to give a monitory valuation to it and
go on adding it for calculations of cost.
Normally, this is how business functions some
production may be done, then we go for supply
chain or distribution and the product is supposed
to reach the customer.
Now, the costs are incurred all these stages
and accordingly the cost are also classified
related to production, related to marketing
and distribution, related consumer service
or related to administration for looking after
all these activities and there can be other
cost like research and development cost and
so on.
This is one more definition of cost, it can
be define as amount of resources given up
in exchange of any goods or services.
So, suppose we want to buy material, we will
have to pay the supplier that is called as
a material cost.
When we pay salaries or overtime or incur
on perquisites of the employees it will be
included as a labor cost or as salary cost
or human resource cost.
Then we buy various services like electricity
or like insurance on which costs are incurred
all these are included as an examples of cost.
There are also other type of cost known as
capitalized cost.
Now, this is a cost incurred on fixed assets
like purchase of machinery or like installation
of machinery.
Now, this cost are going to give us long term
benefits; these are not cost just for that
period, if a machinery as a life of 5 years
we will get the benefit for 5 years.
So, we will charge depreciation on that asset
for 5 years period and that depreciation is
included on day to day cost.
So, the whole of capitalized cost is not considered
as cost of that period, but a proper proportion
of that in the form of depreciation or amortization
is included in the cost.
Now, very important part that is cost classification.
Now these will tell us different chapters
in cost accounting because these is a detailed
analysis on the lines of the classification
we can go for more detail study of a cost
for a particular item or for a particular
product ok.
So, first we of classifying is by elements,
first in a sense that is one of the most traditional
ways, then by function or by direct indirect,
by controllability, variability, relevance
and so on right.
Now, let us go for first classification that
is cost classification by elements.
Do you know what are the important elements
of cost?
There are three important elements; the first
one is material, labor and expenses.
Now, the material cost; this is the cost incurred
on any tangible substance or a thing.
Best example could be purchase of raw material,
it can also be purchase of any of the components,
suppose you are purchasing any other tangible
item that will be included in the material
Next is employee cost; this is the cost on
all human resources will include salary, wages,
bonuses, perquisites, retirement benefits
any other incentives or ESOP’s.
All this is included in the labour cost or
employee cost.
Third are services so, when we purchase any
outside service the cost incurred on the same
like electricity, like insurance, like rent
that is all included in the expense, this
is also a residuary head.
So, what is not included material and labour
will be included in the expense.
Now, this is the most traditional way of classifying
as material, labour and expense.
But, to know more details or to try to control
the cost further type of classifications were
also involved and that lead to classification
by function.
So, as per the important business functions
the cost also are classified.
So, what are the important business functions?
Just think over it, I think most of you are
getting it can be production, it can be selling
and distribution, it can be administration
and so on.
According to that the costs are also classified.
So, we have got production cost, admin cost,
selling cost; there can be other functions
like R and D, those according to then the
cost will be classified.
Now, what is the advantage of this classification?
Because now it is as per the function so,
it helps us in better control of the cost.
So, whatever is a material labour or overheads
consume for production we can hold production
manager responsible for it.
We can set a target for the same according
to the level of output, we can make admin
manager responsible for admin cost and go
on adding the cost related to office or related
to administration.
This is our functional cost, help us in better
control that does not mean element wise costs
are not important.
This is overlapping, that is one way of classifying
this is another way we are going to learn
further different ways.
The third important function is selling and
So, we the classification helps us in whether
we should outsource a function, whether we
should go for better control, whether we should
give more focus, is it our strength, weakness
we come to know from cost classification by
Now, next important classification is cost
classification by direct and indirect.
So, the direct cost are those cost which can
I easily identified.
So, different cost can be divided as per cost
centres or as per products.
If we can identify a cost to a cost centre
we can consider it as a direct cost for example,
cost of fruits in fruit pulp production.
So, if you are making fruit pulps we know
that raw material in the form of fruit will
be purchased.
We also know that for which product, let us
see if your making mango juice the mangoes
which are purchased can be charged to mango
juice production unit.
If we are making some juice of some other
product, let us say guavas we can go for identifying
that purchase to that particular unit then
those costs that is purchase of raw material
will become a direct cost.
Because, it can be easily traced or identify
as against this there are certain there is
one example given over here.
That if you are into business of hardware
of computers, suppose you are assembling PC
you know that hard disc goes into making of
So, the cost of hard disk you can easily identified
with the particular PC which is getting assembled.
So, you call it a direct cost as against this
there are several cost which are common in
They may not be for a specific product then
they those are called as indirect cost, let
us say we are in we are a small unit making
So, we make we assemble PC’s, we assemble
certain other things, we also do some small
service or repair work.
Now, number of engineers or technical personnel
either work for servicing maintenance or they
also work for assembling of PC’s or certain
Now, we exactly do not know the salary paid
to a particular person and its linkage to
anyone particular product or a service job
because, different work is being done simultaneously
in our office or in the workshop.
So, salary cost cannot be as easily identified
as we are able to know the cost of hard disk,
are you getting?
So, cost of hard disk for a particular PC
is a direct cost whereas, the salary cost
become a better example of indirect cost.
Can you think of any other example of indirect
For example, rent if we are paying rent for
our shop or our factory can we identify it
to for any one product?
That will not be possible, because rent is
for the whole system in that we are making
several products, we are also doing certain
service related jobs.
So, rent remains an indirect cost, earlier
we took example of fruit pulp manufacture.
So, we know that the raw material that is
fruits purchased are for making of particular
type of pulp, it is a direct cost.
Can you think of any indirect cost?
For example, if we are if you have a maintenance
team or even one person for maintenance of
these machines, same person whenever there
is any problem services or maintains different
So, it will not be possible for us to know
exactly with accuracy salary of the person
to be charged to which unit of pulp manufacture.
So, it is an example of indirect cost, are
you getting me?
So, here is a example given maintenance support
group or security.
So, outside the factory there is a security,
that security is for let us say there are
10 units inside the factory.
Security is common for all the 10 units, we
will not know exactly the salary of security
to be charged to which unit that is why it
is considered as indirect cost.
Same way storage cost in go downs or in showrooms
this also become indirect cost.
There is another name for indirect cost which
is more popular and you might have heard it
that is over heads.
Now, the overhead cost being common in nature
cannot be charged directly or cannot be charged
at cannot be attributed directly like a direct
So, many times a rate per hour is calculated.
We take the total for that type of overhead
divided by number of hours.
Suppose here is an example of maintenance,
if we have a maintenance and support group
we calculate their total cost divided by a
number of hours for which they have work which
will give us rate per hour.
Now, whenever maintenance person is called
and suppose works for 5 hours and rate per
hour is 2000 then 5 into 2000 we will be able
to charge 10000 for the unit which has used
maintenance facility, getting it?
So, overheads are charged using rate per hour,
sometimes composite or departmental rates
are calculated.
There are also some techniques like a activity
based costing which are little advanced techniques
for charging of overheads.
Later on we will go into it, but right now
let us understand that this particular classification
direct versus indirect is very much useful
for better control of cost.
It helps us in ascertainment of cost for a
particular product or for particular cost
centre, it also helps us in better control.
Because, we will know that for this product
this is a direct cost and we will be able
to give more attention or make a budget or
a standard for more and a more suitable control
of that particular cost.
So, here will stop at whatever classification
we have discuss and we are going to continue
this and discuss some more types of classifications
in the next session.
Namaste Thank you.