dear students [vocalised-noise] today is the
first lecture [vocalised-noise] of this course
on science technology and society [vocalised-noise]
since the course involves three important
components science technology and society
we need to spend some time trying to understand
each of these components [vocalised-noise]
society to understand what is society you
need to understand what is sociology as such
this is a science technology society or otherwise
known as sociology of science is a sub branch
of sociology [vocalised-noise] since many
of you may not be familiar with the basic
idea of what is sociology i in this lecture
intend to begin by explaining the basics of
sociology what is sociology what is sociological
perspective how do we make sense of the social
world that we live in [vocalised-noise] i
will try to explain all these things very
briefly in couple of lectures then we will
move on to different [noise] dimensions of
relationship of science technology and society
now when we think of a subject like sociology
the first thing that comes to our mind is
study of society study of human social relationships
but society human social relationships [vocalised-noise]
the but broader [vocalised-noise] abstract
ideas we cannot see society we cannot see
social relationships but we can always see
the concrete manifestation of this society
in in different parts of our life in different
domains of our life for instance we can take
classroom as an example because we are ah
this is a course with online lectures but
there [vocalised-noise] can also be a sociological
analysis of [noise] a virtual classroom [vocalised-noise]
so let us take an example of any classroom
[vocalised-noise] and see how we can apply
sociology to it [vocalised-noise] now if you
look at a classroom [vocalised-noise] every
classroom ah has a [vocalised-noise] designated
space the students come to the class at a
particular time as per the schedule the teacher
come to the class and teach there some ah
[vocalised-noise] chairs tables there is a
blackboard there is a projector so all these
things that in any this is a physical structure
of a classroom right [vocalised-noise]
now let us look at how people from different
discipline would approach the classroom [vocalised-noise]
from their disciplinary perspective so if
you look at ah if you take the example of
a um photographer a photographer would be
interested in the classroom in what sense
the photographer would be interested in the
arrangement of light and shadow right [noise]
photographer would be interested in looking
at how colourful the clothes the students
are wearing would be interested in looking
at the different poses assumed by us when
you are listening to the lecture by the professor
[noise] that would be of interest of photographer
in the classroom
now if you look at an architect how would
an architect ah understand the same classroom
an architect would look at the classroom in
terms of spatial dimensions space the notion
of space is is crucial to an architects understanding
of a classroom look at how the what is the
arrangement of desk in relation to the entire
space of the classroom the design of the classroom
[vocalised-noise] the the very positioning
of different objects in the classroom whether
it serves the purpose of a classroom or not
that would be an interest of an architect
let us take an example of a physician a doctor
[vocalised-noise] what would be his or her
interest [vocalised-noise] a doctor or a physician
would be interested in in your physical health
your physical wellbeing in the physical wellbeing
of the students of the classroom right
what would be the interest of a psychiatrist
a mental doctor the same classroom [noise]
the perspective changes what they want to
study what they look at what they ah intend
to examine this changes from discipline to
discipline a mental doctor or a psychiatrist
would be interested in your mental health
would not be interested in your physical health
as much right [noise] a psychologist a psychologist
would be interested in [vocalised-noise] knowing
the interest level of the students in the
classroom how interested they are listening
to the lecture what is the ability to observe
the content of the lecture amongst the students
what is the retentive capacity of the students
how much they can retain what has been taught
what is the memory what is the motivation
of the students to sit through the class the
leadership quality is shown by the students
in the classroom [noise] stress level [vocalised-noise]
all these things will be of matter of ah will
be of interest to a psychologist [vocalised-noise]
but the psychologist will be interested in
the things that i just mentioned like m [memory]-memory
perception [vocalised-noise] retentive capacity
the common cognitive ability of the students
[vocalised-noise] mental development of the
students of each individual students but a
sociologist looking at the classroom would
arrive at three observations they are [noise]
[vocalised-noise] [noise] [noise] [vocalised-noise]
[noise] so if you look at the blackboard [vocalised-noise]
as i told you the sociologists would come
up with three observations as soon as they
enter a classroom they are the power relationship
[vocalised-noise] the rules of conduct the
class characteristics
now what is this power relationship every
in every classroom there is a power relationship
that exists a power relationship that exists
between the teachers and the students right
and who holds the power in a classroom the
teachers [vocalised-noise] so it is teacher
who has more power than the students in the
classroom [vocalised-noise] now this power
is not illegitimate this is legal power this
is legitimate power this is authority so legitimate
power is authority technically speaking in
sociology when we define authority we define
authority as legitimate power how the teacher
has legitimate power the teacher has been
given this power bestowed with this power
from the institute from the organization from
the college from the school wherever the ah
teacher is located to exercise his or her
power [vocalised-noise]
now how do the teacher exercise his or her
power in the classroom [vocalised-noise] it
is by deciding what is to be taught in the
classroom it is a teacher who decides what
is to be taught in the classroom not the students
it is a teacher who decides [vocalised-noise]
how to teach teach the subject matter students
do not decide that it is a teacher who is
going to evaluate the ability of the students
and the classroom regarding if the particular
subjects that have been taught it is a teacher
who is going to our the final grade is the
teacher who is going to ah our marks to the
students the ultimate source of power in any
classroom right
so its teacher who decides who is going to
speak and when its a teacher would ah tells
the student to [noise] leave the classroom
if the student is found disturbing other students
or the class in itself [vocalised-noise] right
so the teacher exercises this power through
various means through different ways now is
this power absolute this power is not absolute
teacher does not enjoy absolute power in the
classroom [vocalised-noise] the teacher can
[vocalised-noise] always be [noise] learned
can always removed if there is complaints
among the students if the students complain
to the headmaster how the headmistress or
the principal or the director of the institute
of the dina academic affairs that that that
this particular faculty this particular professor
or the teacher is not teaching properly this
is not discussing relevant things in the class
is being very rude to the students the teacher
is misbehaving either with the students and
if such complaints are taken into account
will be taken cognizance of then probably
ah the teacher would be want or be removed
or be told to give an explanation so in that
way the power of the teacher would also be
[vocalised-noise] the chances the power would
be curtailed reduced
but overall if you look at the [vocalised-noise]
power relationship in a classroom it is teacher
who is powerful and there are different ways
in which the teacher exercises this power
now is it true of any one classroom it is
not true of any one classroom it is this power
relationship is to be found in every classroom
wherever there is a classroom there will be
power relationship and the power relationship
would invariably tilted in favour of the teacher
whether it is d p s delhi whether it is d
p s roorkee whether it is ah learner college
madras whether it is ah ah hispania college
hyderabad or it is in a science it is college
delhi or the stanford university or i i t
roorkee or or or cambridge university any
school any college any university wherever
whether in india or outside india wherever
there is a classroom you will find a power
relationship and that power relationship would
be in favour of the teacher
so from this example of classroom from the
first observation we establish the fact that
sociologists are interested in generalization
second the rules of conduct there are certain
rules of conduct that are followed in ah any
classroom every classroom that students would
come to the class on time [noise] not only
the students but also the teacher would come
to the class on time the class will there
will be no disturbance done by the students
in the classroom students are supposed to
listen to the lecture quietly make notes not
make me sense they are not supposed to ah
open their mobile phones and start talking
on the phone or start sending s m s these
are the rules of conduct unwritten rules [noise]
implicit rules that are followed in any classroom
the teacher is supposed to talk about the
matters which are relevant to the class to
the subject rather than something different
all these things are not explicitly ah ah
told to the students these are unwritten rules
which the students are expected to supposed
to follow [vocalised-noise]
now this rules of conduct is not confined
to any particular classroom as i told you
in the case of power relationship where ever
there is a classroom you will find certain
rules of conduct and this rules of conduct
is not specific to any particular classroom
or any particular student the power relationship
that exists between the teacher and the student
is not the specific property of the teacher
and the students wherever there is a classroom
there will be a power relationship if [noise]
i as a teacher has [noise] certain power in
the class the next teacher who comes into
the class will have the same power [vocalised-noise]
over the students
so students who attend a class will be subject
to power from a particular teacher and also
be subject to power when another teacher comes
in [vocalised-noise] so what i am ah getting
it is [noise] the concept of role and status
i i am right now occupying the position of
a teacher hence i am supposed to act behave
like a teacher need to conduct myself as a
teacher thats my role i am [vocalised-noise]
right my status is my relative position that
is the position of the teacher why i use the
word relative thats because at home i am father
to my daughter i am husband to my wife at
sports ground i am i am team members to my
other team members of the cricket team at
office i am cooling
so my position changes in different social
context and since my position changes my role
also changes how i am supposed to act in in
office situation is different from how i am
supposed to act in home environment right
so coming back to this example of classroom
[vocalised-noise] the teacher whoever comes
in my position will have the same power on
whoever that replaces the set of students
were attending the class right so and this
is not a specific property of any particular
individual this is a property of the entire
group rules of conduct is to be followed by
the entire class which includes the teacher
as well as the students now let us look at
the third example class characteristics [vocalised-noise]
every class has certain characteristics of
its own it takes place at a designated place
it has a certain class size because certain
class strengths now all these class characteristics
are the students who attend the class have
have ah something common amongst them they
may be ah m a second year students of hyderabad
university sociology department they can be
the [vocalised-noise] [noise] third year b
tech students of i i t roorkee [noise] at
at lecture hall complex room number ah ah
zero zero four
so this things are common characteristics
this class characteristics is common to all
the individuals all the students in the classroom
the sociologists are interested in common
characteristics group characteristics the
train that appears from the group the train
that emerges from the group the pattern that
emerges from the group we are not in [interested]-interested
in individual students we are interested in
common property of the classroom the group
property of the classroom the group features
which would be found more less everywhere
in case of example of classroom [vocalised-noise]
if we say there is a power relationship we
can expect power relationship anywhere in
the world irrespective of time and space in
past present future [vocalised-noise] and
this is a group pattern this [noise] observations
about power relationship about rules of conduct
or class characteristics these are group patterns
regularities regularly occurring patterns
[noise] we can always expect such characteristics
to emerge wherever there is a classroom in
past present or future right
so regularly occurring patterns this patterns
would be observed wherever there is a classroom
[vocalised-noise] and this patterns a group
patterns of the group as a whole the characteristics
are not specific to any particular individual
the student in the classroom hence from this
example [noise] [noise] [vocalised-noise]
[noise] [vocalised-noise] [noise] so from
this example of classroom we can establish
a fact that sociology is the study of recurrent
group patterns regularly occurring group patterns
groups can be of any type in society there
can be so many parameters of groups class
that is the the income as as a parameter for
group upper class middle class lower class
or caste in indian society caste as a parameter
of group your your religion your lang[language]-languages
the linguistic groups there can be regional
groups region as a characteristics that can
be ethnicity there can be ah engineering students
of the entire country or all the engineering
students of i i ts all the doctors in the
country all the doctors who are working in
aims all the ah ah i i p s officers
so the group characteristics [vocalised-noise]
this group parameter can just vary there can
be innumerable possibilities of ah group formation
hence the task of sociologists is that much
challenging and bigger to study the group
patterns recurring group patterns so this
is the first example through which i try to
explain that sociology is the study of recurring
group patterns let us take [noise] take some
more examples to understand different aspects
of studying sociology [noise] now let us take
the example of suicide suicide is supposed
to be a solitary act committed by a frustrated
depressed individual when nobody is around
then where is sociology in it where is society
[noise] its the first time [vocalised-noise]
the study was ah a study of suicide was [vocalised-noise]
[noise] done by emile durkheim the first professor
of sociology he studied su[suicide]- suicide
as a as a social fact for the first time somebody
suggested that suicide is not a linked to
mental illness or suicide is not linked to
heredity it is not the result of genetic characteristics
if that were the case emile durkheim the [vocalised-noise]
french sociologist and academic first academy
professor of sociology he said if the if it
[vocalised-noise] argue that suicide is a
is a consequence of heredity [vocalised-noise]
then suicide rates why the suicide rates are
changing from [noise] one period to another
period in different periods of history there
is different rates of suicide if it is a result
of mental illness [vocalised-noise] then both
men and women would be committing nearly same
rate of suicide
but the studies is european studies of that
time that is late ah nineteenth century it
established the fact that men were committing
more suicide than women so definitely mental
illness is not the reason because in europe
of that era ah most of the women who were
in the mental hospital most of the women were
in the mental hospital compared to men so
[vocalised-noise] if that were the case then
more women would have been committing suicide
but the study european statistics on existing
statistics on suicide suggested that his men
were committing more suicide hence he rejected
this theories of mental illness or genetic
characteristics what he did he looked at he
tried to come up with some group patterns
and he found three important group patterns
regarding ah suicide rate and they are [noise]
[vocalised-noise] [noise] [vocalised-noise]
now if you look at this [noise] he came up
with three distinct group patterns that the
single and divorced commit most suicide than
the married the old people come at most aside
than the young people the protestants commit
more suicide than catholics now how do we
connect all these three group patterns and
come up with certain uniform ah law of suicide
can we establish a interrelationship between
all these three patterns [vocalised-noise]
durkheim said yes we can and he [vocalised-noise]
said that the all these three patterns can
be connected can be linked through a common
factor that is absence of meaningful social
relationship [noise] that is ah lack of social
bonding it is society which plays on the minds
of the individuals when they commit this act
solitary act it is social ah forces which
determine individual behaviour which is the
in this example [vocalised-noise] one can
understand why a single and divorce would
commit more suicide than the young people
[vocalised-noise] the social relationship
that is available to them is limited there
is social detachment in case of [noise] ah
single and divorced same is the case with
the old people the old people are a detached
lot after ah years of work after retirement
they society automatically side lines them
the regular they are not in regular touch
with other human beings the children may or
may not be in regular touch with them may
or may not be staying with them and to act
wait they have this feeling of loneliness
they have to grapple with ah health issues
they have to grapple with financial ah constraints
all these things can make them lonely absence
of meaningful social they may or may not live
with their spouses the spouses may be dead
or if if they are alive only the husband and
wife old couple must be staying alone without
so all these things can be explained through
this common factor that is absence of meaningful
social relationship or or social detachment
[noise] [vocalised-noise] [noise] but what
about the protestants why would they commit
most aside in the catholics what is how can
we bring in this explanation of social detachment
in case of protestants emile durkheim says
yes we can protestant [vocalised-noise] protestantism
emphasizes upon individual pursuit of god
one can ah reach out to god in his or her
home the person does not have to come to the
church unlike the catholics we have to attend
the sunday maus [vocalised-noise] catholic
religious rituals are much more elaborate
that involves the entire group all the other
catholics in the town and the city or in the
village they will have to be together when
they perform this religious rituals [vocalised-noise]
but because of the fact that protestantism
emphasizes upon individualism that that ah
regular social interaction is missing in the
case of protestantism so that can be one of
the reasons if you ah pray to god at home
you dont come to the church you dont meet
people on a regular basis so according to
durkheim that can be a reason the lack of
regular social interaction can drive them
to loneliness or depression so whenever they
are depressed they are not a [vocalised-noise]
around people who would give them suggestion
who would counsel them hence that that can
lead to further ah ah desperation and they
may commit suicide hence is the first time
somebody established a sociological reasoning
for seemingly psychological ah ah act that
is committing of suicide
so that is another example in which sociology
can explain a factor like [vocalised-noise]
suicide now if you look at a examples around
us now in fact it was been found that that
is a late nineteenth century study in the
book on suicide durkheim came out in eighteen
ninety seven the suicide a love suicide now
ah there is some mountain states in u s alaska
and nevada wyoming all the states have very
low density of population and this states
report more [vocalised-noise] suicides than
rest of ah states of united states [vocalised-noise]
though sociologists can always explain this
by the fact that since there are very less
number of people in the mountains where seven
or eight months of the year ah you cannot
venture out you are mostly confined to your
home there are very few people who get to
interact with the climate is a very harsh
which stops you from regular social interaction
there very few people as such in that region
that made me the reason why which drives people
to commit suicide
so [vocalised-noise] its a sociological factors
such as social relationship or absence of
that can have a determining influence on individual
behaviour this is how sociologists would argue
right now ah another example that i would
give here is that of love marriages now this
example given by anthony giddens anthony giddens
who was considered as one of the top three
sociologist living sociologist in the world
who was a former ah [vocalised-noise] political
adviser to the tony blair government and also
the former director of of the london school
of economics he has written a very popular
undergraduate book on sociology
so this material that i am ah [vocalised-noise]
discussing has drawn from that now there he
gives an example of love marriages we think
that love marriages natural it is universal
falling in love is a natural universal human
experience [vocalised-noise] so getting married
after ah in love with somebody is [vocalised-noise]
it comes naturally its a universal phenomenon
that is how we tend to believe anthony giddens
says it was not natural it was not universal
till the late medieval ah ah period love marriages
were conspicuous by their absence it is a
typical product of industrial revolution [vocalised-noise]
it is a social construct which is only two
hundred years old or three hundred years old
now this is very significant how can you bring
in sociological ah reasoning to explain why
love marriages have ah grown in number in
the last two hundred three hundred years in
the span of human history it was conspicuous
by his absence or absolutely no ah ah reporting
of love marriages [vocalised-noise] only in
literature and sent in medieval literature
you would find mention of love marriages he
would say not in actuality [noise] the reason
how i love marriages became universal or common
after the industrial revolution financial
independence of men and women [noise] industrial
revolution brought human beings individuals
from villages to the factory towns [vocalised-noise]
so they were free from the [vocalised-noise]
constraints of the parents the societal norms
societal rules the religious beliefs
so they could decide whom they want to get
married this it became their choice they became
financially independent because they were
not rooted to their ancestral occupation in
the village or in the countryside they could
take up employment of their choice they could
be dip [independent]-independent of their
family profession they could earn on their
own they could leave on their own they did
not have to stay with their ah ah parents
or the village or the countryside where they
were staying
so and to add to it the the ah changes in
legislation one of the important laws that
came into being in europe is for instance
the age of majority now once you reach a certain
age you can take your own decision regarding
not only whom to marry but what job to take
off where to stay this is completely your
decision [vocalised-noise] ah independence
granted to women which empowered them women
could also take up jobs on their own they
could be financially independent like they
co[could]- legislation helped them to take
their own decisions for all these factors
organization moving from the village and countryside
to the cities in terms in search of employment
a legislation ah ah financial independent
of all these things can be explained as possible
reasons why love marriages have grown substantially
in the last two hundred or three hundred years
i will giving a more examples in the next
lecture regarding sociology to explain what
is sociology and how sociological approach
tries to understand in the social world around
us we will stop here in the next lecture i
will continue the discussion
thank you [noise]