most welcome to the course entitle soft skills
the very first lecture is entitled introduction
to soft skills soft skills nowadays is not
a new term as you hear it quite often by your
friends relatives and in various other circles
you often attained but then hearing alone
is not enough you often think what actually
ah soft skills you might have come across
the term skills but when the world soft is
added it makes you more curious the other
day when father returned from the bank and
said oh the new manager has very excellent
soft skills you started thinking what what
this soft skills you not only thought to yourself
but then the other morning you asked your
father what she so handsome does he get a
very good salary then you decided you should
rather go to the bank and see how was the
manager that his soft skills are being appreciated
every now and then on you are reaching there
you saw that the man was sort in height and
was not attractive also but then there was
something which could have made people appreciate
some of with his skills
suddenly the word skills created a sort of
sensation in you and you started thinking
the people have some skills say for example
a carpenter may have the carpentry skills
a doctor may have the medicinal skills a teacher
may have the teaching abilities and so on
and so forth a driver a lawyer anyone for
that matter in any of the profession will
have some skills or the other but what actually
are the soft skills perhaps they are some
special skills and you wanted to make some
more enquiries about that soft skills is actually
a buzz word all around the world it is always
better to understand soft skills before we
can come to define it and the better way to
understand it to know its specifications
let me give you an instance so that you will
understand the term soft skills better once
i was invited to a marriage party at a very
soft notice attending the party was a must
and it was the month end i didnt have much
money in my pocket and i was feeling both
guilty and assumed as to how to give a suitable
present to the couple i entered a nearby shop
and was really attracted to see so many valuable
items in the form of gifts i was really upset
i was not in a position to decide as to what
should i buy and then suddenly the young manager
of the shop intervened and said may i help
you the gesture of the young man attracted
me too much and then i could see that he sold
me so many things and then one after another
he also kept on telling me the prices as well
as the importance
according to the need of the function and
i finally bought one present from him and
was really feeling glad i was so tempted and
fascinated by the behavior of the young man
that i asked him how far have you ahead and
his answer really made me think a lot since
he said i dropped my final year at the college
because of the economic difficulties after
all what was it in the young man that attracted
me and persuaded me to buy the gift from him
actually it were some of his personal skills
he was so friendly handsome though he was
but he was always a helper his helping attitude
made me think highly of him and the way he
started analyzing my needs and made me understand
the importance of dealing really can tell
a lot about the skills that he purchased this
can collectively be called soft skills and
here there is a point of question to note
that many of us often think that soft skills
are communication skills but then was communication
skills only the remedy there because the other
salesmen who was showing me the items also
spoke but he didnt have that aura that extra
edge which is the young manager really had
he had some amount of perseverance some amount
of friendliness some amount of reassurance
which made me feel that he was the person
from whom i should buy you also come across
so many such situations where you also feel
that soft skills are very important perhaps
you could realize now what your father was
talking about the managers soft skills soft
skills thus is an umbrella term for various
now another question that arises in your mind
is because when the term soft skills is used
you are reminded of hardware and software
because you are living in a digital edge so
soft skills and hard skills do they also fall
in the same line it is really very important
to understand the difference between the two
soft skills compliment ones hard skills now
the question is what actually are the hard
skills let me give you another example in
your town you come across two doctors having
their clinics on the same road just a little
bit of difference and when you look at their
prescriptions you find that they have very
good degrees very good qualifications both
of them had a foreign degree in their hands
but then what makes you wonder is that while
one doctors ah clinic is always crowded the
others is not so though both of them had read
from the same college had been the toppers
of the batches
but what actually mattered in their cases
that while the second one had a roaring practice
the first one didnt have that here again you
will find it is a question of soft skills
because if you look at the dealings of the
two doctors you will find there is a vast
difference between the way they talk to their
clients they talk to their patients their
staff members behave
actually it is always better if you can have
a look at the two pictures here in the one
picture you find ah while the patient is analy
while the patient is describing his case to
the doctor the patient says i have pain in
my neck in my legs in my back and i feel weak
and sick the doctor after some moment says
you are suffering from hypochondria and the
patients to stares the doctor in the face
the patient couldnt understand what this hypochondria
was and started thinking that it was perhaps
some deadly disease
now here you can find this doctor could not
understand the limitation of the patient and
used the word which was actually very difficult
for him on the other hand you see another
case where the attendant tells the patient
the doctor will see you now i cant promise
that he will talk to you but he will see you
now here are the two two situations and you
will find ah that you often want to go to
a doctor who actually takes a case history
of yours a doctor who actually ah knows the
diagnosis and the doctor who prescribes you
less medicine and who the staff are very friendly
and they always have a solution for you
now this goes on to tell us that soft skills
are very important it is actually not only
in case of life but you will find as you grow
up the ladders because all of you are presently
if you are following a degree in a college
or a university you often are thinking of
nothing but your cgpa or the percentage and
then once you get your cgpn and percent is
then comes the time when either the campus
selections are there or you are looking for
jobs and then one day you come to know that
while you had a smaller package your friend
had a better package
why was it so what actually mattered here
again dear friends mattered your soft skills
now we can say the soft skills can help us
come out of difficult situations you have
seen both the situations that inherited the
one when i was looking for a gift and was
not able to decide without the help of a person
who was the soft manager
now here also is another example and the way
ditto are dealing with each other here again
the question of soft skills arises soft skills
can ensure reassurance and reliability after
going through these examples you will come
to realize that soft skills are a set of skills
now there are often people who say there either
the number of soft skills are each so many
that it is very difficult or to tell you in
brief how many skills are needed you also
often think how many skills are needed in
order to be considered a person with excellent
soft skills some people say that while there
are twenty eight skills the others say there
are sixty skills yet some others feel that
there are only ten skills because many of
them some way or the other in their answers
to soft skills they actually overlap
now the question is once we have had an analysis
of soft skills we can also create a sort of
working definition for soft skills soft skills
comprised personality traits social graces
facility with language personal habits friendliness
and optimism that mark people to varying degrees
dear friends there was a time when you were
pursuing a course and you when become eligible
you got a job and then you worked alone now
we are living in edge where you cannot work
alone nowadays you cannot work only with machines
today we are living in an edge where we have
to deal with people where we actually have
to come across certain situations where only
the machines cannot work rather the machinery
of language the etiquette the manners the
behavioral tricks and then some other extra
edges alone can help
so we can say that for skills are behavioral
skills would we talk about behavioral skills
we also have to understand what actually are
these behavioral skills are these behavioral
skills inherent in us or should we learn them
because we are going to survive in a world
today where we have to deal with people who
have different natures different tastes people
from different backgrounds different cultures
different identities and then once you get
a job what is important in your mind is to
climb the ladder of success in a short time
you cannot do that unless and until you have
learned certain personal charms what are those
first is self awareness how aware you are
of the present day needs of the world if you
might be having a look at the newspapers today
and especially if at the instant page of times
of india you will come across different sorts
of job requiring different sort of abilities
though in many cases they simply mention the
criteria such as ba ma bsc msc btech m tech
or having some other additional degrees but
actually they do not mention ah the other
criteria which come under the category of
soft skills
now it is ah it is no wonder are to come across
people who often say that many of the graduates
and post graduates today are not employable
they actually do not have that skills which
can make them employ employable this is actually
a very grim picture and you most often come
across news paper captions and headings also
now at that time you auto make yourself aware
of what are those skills that can make you
go an extra mile an extra edge
then comes flexibility and then comes persistence
and perseverance as i said earlier that soft
skills are actually life skills people skills
behavioral skills and we can treat them under
an umbrella term but then as i said earlier
many people are under the impression that
soft skills are communication skills of course
they are there but communication skills are
simply a part of the soft skills what actually
are needed are some other additional skills
such as interpersonal skills management skills
leadership skills team dynamics all these
skills cannot be learned just in one day it
is actually a life long learning process the
more you are acquainted the people the more
you are exposed to people the more you most
of the time and counter people in dealing
certain intricate problems you are to be awared
that you are going to learn something or the
other so that your soft skills will prompt
you to have an extra edge against others
now soft skills though it cannot provide you
a job instantly because whenever the question
of job comes it is actually the hard skills
now let us differentiate between hard skills
and soft skills what actually are hard skills
hard skills are the subject knowledge the
technical expertise that you garner during
your college in university days but then when
you come out of the college or the university
what actually you need are the soft skills
you of course have a technical competence
but then because of your nature either ah
sometimes you become very introvert and you
are not in a position to talk to so many people
naturally such people go in extra mile they
cannot go in it they cannot have an extra
edge over others because your technical competence
as well but what will make you excellent sign
in the job is your soft skills
here you can find the self awareness and self
confidence they are actually the tools to
enable you to face other people and then when
you are in a job what you will find is there
are certain situations where some decision
needs to be taken there are times when you
will have to participate in meeting there
are times when you will have to write certain
technical documents there are also times when
you will have to take certain decisions when
you are either the ceo or the in charge of
a company whatever profession you are in you
certainly require some amount of soft skills
without soft skills your hard skills are hard
in only
what actually you need is you actually need
to drive your hard skills through the engine
of soft skills so in order to differentiate
we can also say that these soft skills are
performance skills just you go back and look
at certain examples and you will find the
young manager who didnt have that much of
qualification as compared to an mba but had
an edge because the way he performed the way
he behaved the way he dealt with a situation
proved better so we can say the soft skills
are performance skills hard skills as i narrated
earlier are part of once college curriculum
soft skills are not taught in any college
and universities now a days you find civil
workshops are organized there are several
in service training programs all these are
there just to make employees more effective
in order to carry out the desired results
soft skills thus can be said to be a part
of continuous learning it is a process of
continuous learning every now and then you
are in search of new knowledge new skills
and how is that possible that is possible
only when you are self awared and once you
become self aware and you start learning confidence
will start coming to you you would start bubbling
with confidence after a certain amount of
time many youngsters they often once they
appear at interviews and sometimes or the
other they cannot meet the requirement of
the recruiters then they perhaps get very
frustrated some of them also become so disappointed
that they often say nothing can be done but
no dear friends it this is not only the end
of the road you actually need to learn you
need to go within you need to make some personal
enquiries you need to have a sort of analysis
of your own achievements analysis of the answers
that you provide it to the recruiters
it is very pertinent to say what a famous
recruiter one said and that will give you
a lot of clue about the need of the recruiters
as well as the need of the organizations what
the recruiter said was i would love to hire
a girl with pleasant smile and better communication
skills than one having a very good cgpa and
doing nothing now here is a clear cut statement
that tells that your cgpa alone is not the
one that can make you get a job rather there
are other skills and these other skills are
soft skills you may sometimes come across
certain captions which which actually reveal
startling facts what are the startling facts
now look at ah these data which have been
culled from some newspapers data emerging
from census two zero one one suggests unemployment
rate is high among the better qualified this
is actually a report by one of the famous
newspapers named hindu what it suggests is
the unemployment rate is high among the better
now the question is you go to the college
you get a good degree you also have a very
good cgpa but then you are not employable
you are not employable and what actually are
lacking in you you perhaps require some of
those key skills which are actually very important
from the recruiters point of view how do you
know what the recruiter wants as i told you
the newspaper advertisements will give you
a picture of the recruitment trends now there
is another caption which will make you more
painful to understand twenty three lakh people
want peons job in up engineers and doctors
also included
now this is really a very tragic figure when
we provide a lot of facilities to the budding
engineers and doctors and other professionals
at the end of the day they are not employable
this is really a very gloomy picture and we
need to analyze these pictures from the point
of view of the recruiters what actually do
the recruit recruiters need they do not need
only the people with degrees people may have
degrees but they may not have the requisite
another survey in aspiring mind that says
that a good percentage of professionals today
are not employable because of their poor communication
skills of course as i told you earlier that
you may have a good cgpa but in order to prove
yourself suitable for the job market today
what you need are the communication skills
which can help you negotiate which can help
you understand the requirements which can
help you analyze which can help you evaluate
which can help you estimate which can help
you go through a particular problem with a
solution that you have and for that you need
to go an extra mile as i said you need to
the more intelligent which you really are
but you are not utilizing your intelligence
in the right manner how to do that there nowadays
have several majors being taken by even the
government there are several ways that employability
is going to be generated but then you need
to learn certain skills
why after all soft skills are relevant you
see nowadays the nature of jobs is changing
whether it is in your country or in some other
country people actually require them who can
take initiatives who can take who can have
innovative ideas and these innovative ideas
will come not only from books but from other
sources also the way you become aware the
way you try to understand you know there is
a debate going on between the policymakers
and then the job agencies the organizations
that there seems to be something a miss there
is certainly a gap between academia and industry
that is why most of the organizations even
though they recruit you they take you but
after some time they actually tra try to provide
you with the training that can have better
results you know in order to be successful
with it from the point of view of individual
or from the point of view of organizations
in order to be successful what unique require
is a better employee and a better employee
is one who is aware who is confident who is
communicative who actually can take decisions
who actually can negotiate who actually can
pull the organization from the critical conditions
and from the critical situations otherwise
what will happen the way nowadays there is
actually a mushrooming a business of colleges
coming up and that is perhaps the reason that
the number of graduates and post graduates
are increasing like anything but perhaps some
way or the other we are failing to instill
in these graduates and post graduates the
requisites of skills which are actually required
by the industry
in order to cater to the needs of industry
soft skills play a major role soft skills
can make an employee more cordial it can make
him more accountable it can make him understand
his responsibilities and it can also allow
him at certain situations to take decisions
because you know there are certain situations
where some amount of risk is also involved
there are certain situations where most of
the time your boss is not sitting to give
you direction during that time you are real
initiative will have to be tested and the
way you take decision or the way you come
out of that crisis makes you a better informed
makes you a better equipped employee
now looking at the trends of the newspapers
and the gap that exists between the industry
and the academia the formal president of nasscom
mr kiran karnik had said we have to think
of ways to groom the qualified students in
an effort to make them employable in the industry
the employability is the keyword now what
actually can make you employable certain soft
skills though your personal charms may not
work always because you have to mingle your
personal charm with the sort of the felicity
of your expression the way you use words the
way you use words while writing a document
nowadays it is not a world where the written
word alone is important there are other things
which are also important are the unwritten
codes and it is very difficult to understand
those unwritten codes how to understand them
we shall be in the course of these lectures
we shall be discussing how certain situations
require certain key skills and then in certain
situations not only your words but your non
words will also prove to be more beneficial
today you have to write messages not with
a pen and paper not always with the written
document being sent and received but you have
to deal electronically also now electronic
writings they have certain limitations which
we shall discuss when you go to the writing
section likewise you also have to deal with
certain communication technologies which have
some other requirements and limitations depending
upon the situations at times we also have
to talk two people for certain deals over
telephones and all the way you talk and the
way you discuss the business deals that actually
are very important and for that what actually
you need is some amount of expertise amount
of expertise in terms of language in terms
of the organizational structure of the document
that you are going to draft in terms of the
way you are putting a problem and then finally
thinking about a solution all these are very
nowadays because of new challenges that are
being faced by us every now and then we need
to be extra conscious you cannot write anything
and everything you have to have a proper selection
of words while you are actually drafting a
business documents so is the case when you
are participating in a business meeting most
of the time you come across certain statements
that nowadays there is actually meeting after
meeting sometimes or the other you think that
these meetings are simply a waste of time
but if you think in the real spirit of the
meeting you will find that certain business
transactions can be discussed and we can reach
a solution after a meeting you will sometimes
find the way meetings are organized actually
it is organized to know the view points of
other people also because you know you alone
cannot take a better decision a better decision
should have a sort of coherence should have
a sort of mingling of the ideas because you
never know whose ideas can be more effective
whose ideas can be more saleable
on other occasions you also come across group
discussions when a company is facing a critical
problem there are times when a discussion
is being made there are times when some people
are being called to discuss both the pros
and cons of situation and then in order to
take a conclusion while you are going to discuss
you sometimes find yourself very in capable
why sometimes it is either because of the
fear factor of your boss sometimes also because
of some of your ego problems with some of
your colleagues that you try to hide your
but then this is not the right spirit actually
in a gd or in a meeting all you need to do
is you need to look at others viewpoints also
and you also need to present your own viewpoints
also as you grow up the ladder in the organization
your responsibilities will increase and you
will find the way you have to deal with people
is not one but different because different
people may have different nature they have
different behavior since you wont have the
helms of affair you are at the tops slot and
you want that the job has to be done you also
will have to understand the needs you also
will have to understand the gaps wherever
it may be and for that the way you interact
with your senior junior superior peer level
people and others there you need to be very
particular about the sort of language that
you are going to use
on another occasions you will also come across
some other situations where you need to represent
your own organization you need to represent
your own institute and there also you have
to prove a mark however sometimes it so happens
that you may not have a very good term with
your boss but then when you are going to represent
your own organization you have to build a
positive image of your organization and for
that you sometimes have to suppress your anger
you have to suppress some of the facts but
then you have to represent in the right spirit
that will actually provide a better image
of your organization
dear friends life is full of challenges it
is full of opportunities at times you may
feel a bit low because of some other impediments
but feeling low alone is not the solution
you need to come out and for that you need
to have a sort of optimism which is also an
ingredient of soft skills you need to be optimistic
you need to look ahead you always should try
to learn lessons from past mistakes
you will also find that nowadays the world
is in a condition where the geographical boundaries
are shrinking many multinational organizations
they are also opening their offices in india
and then there are jobs that also require
foreign posting now in such situations what
you need to do is you need to be culturally
sensitive you need to be aware in the present
day world the organization is composed of
people from different states different countries
different cultures different faiths different
traditions but when you are at a particular
organization you need to respect the sentiments
of others as well and for this what you need
to do is you need all this to be more accommodative
you need to be more accommodating you need
to listen from others you will find when we
go to the section on communication we will
talk on how you can become a good listener
and then how you can become a good speaker
as well
because as i said the world is going to become
one platform somebody has rightly said that
the world is a global village because of the
spreading wings of globalization these cultural
biases will have to be eliminated you will
have to think that you are working in organization
and you are to respect the aims and objectives
of the organization and for that you need
to respect you need to respect the cultural
faith of other people also
sometimes or the other you will find you know
as as ah i was i was going through a report
of the ilo indian labor organization where
it was said that india is facing a sort of
jobless growth jobless growth now the question
is how to combat how to tackle this jobless
growth in this connection the views of a vp
vice president of indian staffing federation
mr rituparna chakravarthy is very important
and it actually needs serious attention because
what he stated was we need to invest in and
build skills among the youth you know as we
have been listening from various quarters
hence we have to look at the need of the our
what is actually mandatory today is building
skills that is why the vice president of indian
staffing federation says that we need to invest
and build inner skills especially among the
youth our prime minister also reiterates in
one talk after another that youth is the great
capital and we we need to invest in that and
how can we do that of course
according to chakravarthi there has to be
a complete overhaul of our education system
closely integrating it with an effective apprentice
resign now if the youth of the country are
skilled naturally the country will sign because
what we need today is a skilled india that
is why there are certain majors like skill
india for many of those who simply think the
jobs are the only end they should realize
that there are other majors also being started
like start of india make in india and then
one of the most important through which i
am delivering this lecture that is nptel fine
now the motive behind this program is to empower
the youth to bridge the gap to create a sort
of consciousness among the youth so that they
may come forward and make india sign like
practice my dear friends always makes a man
perfect one should try to keep practicing
always apart from ones hard skills or core
skills once you try to enhance one soft skills
and once you are holding soft skills you will
find life will have a variety of flowers life
will have variety of opportunities and success
will always wait for you at the front door
you need not feel disappointed because you
didnt get one job you should always feel optimistic
that if one job you didnt get another job
is waiting for you
but for all that what you need to tell yourself
as swami vivekananda had taken a mantra and
the mantra is and all of you should go with
a mantra arise awake and stop not till the
goal is reached dear friends in your case
when you arise you become self awared when
you awake you become self confident and when
you do not stop you become dynamic and dynamic
through soft skills so that you are going
to attain the goal that you started once with
i hope the very first lecture and soft skills
will generate a new a thought of consciousness
we have to go a long way life is a journey
and we have to prepare ourselves for the journey
both for the rainy days and for the sunny
days thank you very much we shall discuss
further in our next lecture which will be
on the various aspects of soft skills
thank you