Hi everyone welcome to this first lecture
on plotting the story world of in the flood
by Thakazhi Sivasankara Pillai I would like
to begin by offering a very brief introduction
about the author Thakazhi Sivasankara Pillai.
He was born in Thakazhi Kuttanad, Kerala and
he firmly known as Thakazhi after the place
of his birth.
He wrote about 40 novels and more than 600
short stories in the Malayalam language, some
of his most famous fiction are Thottiyude
Makan Chmmeen and Kayat.
The major concern in most of Thakazhi's writing
is for the poor the lower cast members and
the downtrodden in society at large, he is
in fact known as the friend of the oppressed,
before I dwell deeper into the story of in
the flood I would like to talk initially about
what exactly is a story and what exactly is
a plot.
What is a story a story.
A story is a set of events.
According to Manfred Jahn aa a story is a
sequence of events and actions involving characters,
so for him events generally include both natural
and unnatural happening like flood or car
accidents and actions more specifically refers
to wilful acts by characters, wilful here
referring to deliberate actions.
So what is the story of in the flood, ahh
this is a story about a dog that is trapped
in a flood and it die, so this is the story,
what exactly is a plot.
A plot is a sense making operation ahh if
we take Peter Brook's definition of a plot,
he says in his ahh book reading for the plot,
ploy is about making sense of a text and thereby
making sense of life itself.
Plot refers to the sequence of events would
it causes and effect emphasized.
E.M. Forster tells us that for example if
the king died and the queen died it is just
to story, it just talks about the sequence
of events, the king dying and the queen dying,
how ahh if we read something like if the king
died and then the queen died of grief then
that is a plot because causation is referred
to there.
Therefore in other words for E. M Forster
plotting consist in the creation and also
the suppression ahh suspenseful suppression
of causal connection between individual events.
Therefore if we understand these meanings
of plot and apply them to in the flood what
exactly is a plot there.
We could say the plot of in the flood is about
a dog dying in a floods because it is not
recued or we can say that a dog dies because
human beings refused to rescue it.
So these are the possible interpretations
of the plot of in the flood.
Now let us look at story and the plot together.
Both story and the plot involve events, however
plot talks about the creation of connection
or the suppression of connections of events
and we talk about suppression of connection
there is this associated ideas suspense involved
in it too.
Now I would like to take a look at another
deer is called Claude Bremond on plotting.
He talks about alternative and possibilities
and interesting idea in terms of mapping the
plot of a story on narrative.
So Claude Bremond talks about virtual courses
of events which may be desired or striven
for by characters but which Mein never actually
occur in the storyworld.
So the characters in the story it hope for
certain courses of events which may not be
realised in the actual narrative, so he talks
about a network at three-phased triadic branching
model where there is an initial situation
a starting point of premise.
And then we have both actualization the realisation
or the known actualization of the next stage
in the narrative.
So we have an initial state of affairs and
then we have a desired outcome and then we
have a an outcome that is desired but not
Now if we want make sense this plotting it
can be done in 3 ways, one it is about making
sense that is it is about making meaning.
The other is about causality in the events,
so causality as I said is a bad connection
and suppression of connections among the events
and the final things that we need to think
about in terms of plotting is possibility.
So what are the possibilities that the cactus
aspire for and which of them are realize and
which of them are not realised.
Now if we look at in a ahh if we look at the
story of in the flood let us see what happens.
Chenna and his family are trapped in a flood
and then the escape in a boat but his dog
is left behind and then he dies.
So this in short is the story.
So how exactly is this story set up in the
The narrative says Chennan the pariah had
been standing in water an entire night and
a day, it has been raining ahh for 3 days,
it has been 3 days since its master had escaped
to safety.
So this is the initial premise of the story
and how exactly does he survive in the flood
ahh this is how he does.
He does not own a row boat, so what he does
is inside his hut he had built an elevated
platform out of coconut fronds and twigs that
jutted above the level of the floodwaters.
So he builds a raised platform and he stays
there on it in order to avoid the waters,
in the flood ahh we see the Chennan has these
So his dependence include a pregnant wife,
4 kids, a cat and a dog.
So these are the characters in the story at
the beginning and what exactly is the crisis
in the story.
The crisis is that within the next 12 hours
the water would have listened about the roof,
hwo does Chennan avoid this crisis is mentioned
in the narrative.
So what exactly he does is that he undrawn,
he removes a portion of the cat from inside
his hut.
And he scrambled onto the roof and he looks
around, he sees a big boat moving not he cries
and then they hear him and they began to row
towards his hut and they rescue him and his
So this situation of Chennan being on a platform
about the flood waters is a precarious situation
and if we apply Bremond's possibilities to
this situation ahh what we ahh get is this.
Chennan desires escape and he is granted that,
so he gets over right to safety with his family.
So the possibility the alternator is realised
or actualized for Chennan in the flood.
I would call this as the first story written
in the flood.
The first story is Chennan's story and it
has a Happy Ending, Chennan escapes and his
dependence too at least most of the dependents
too, now there are 2 incidents from the first
story which are kind of left behind for the
second story to pick up and move forward.
So let us look at the 2 things that are left
behind and these 2 things have ramifications
for the sequence of the second story written
in the flood.
So these 2 are the dog and property which
are left behind by Chennan.
So if we go back to first story Chennan does
not immediately leave his hut as soon as the
what is begin to rise because if they left
the hut the 5 banana trees that were heavy
with fruit and his hayrick would be stolen.
Hayrick means hay dark, so he stays behind
to look after his property and the second
aspect that is very interesting for us to
kind of think about deeply is this.
No one took notice of the dog who was still
sniffing around in the western end of the
So the dog is at the western end of the roof
top of the hut ahh while Chennan and his family
escape via a boat.
Now I am going to talk about the second story,
the first stories I said was Chennan story
and the second story is his dog story.
And this dog story also has a beginning of
crisis and a desire for resolution and the
big question is is his desire ahh result or
So this is how the second story begins.
When the dog eventually returned to the spot
on the roof from which the family had made
it escape the boat was for away, the animal
begin to run around frantically on the roof,
sniffing here and there, whining all the while.
So the dog does not realise that the family
is making it scared away and when it comes
back to that spot where from which they have
left it kind of runs around almost panicking
and it starts to cry or whelm.
If you look at this phrase begin to run around
frantically it somehow resembles tenants attitude
when he remove the touch from inside his hut
and then he gets on to the top of the roof
to know rescue.
So let us go back to that slide whear Chennan
ask scrabbles just as his dog kind of frantically
looks around.
So this action scene to mirror of parallel
one another something that has very symbolic
meaning and which we will come back to in
latest session.
Now let us took how this story is set for
tenants dog.
So this dog is on a rooftop.
And we need to think about the sequence of
events that is set up for this particular
story, who or what appears in Chennan's dog's
story, what do they do and what is the significance
or role in there in this story.
Now these are the characters that appear in
Chennan's dog's story ahh.
The first character that appears is a set
of frogs, so when the dog tries to sniff around
a long the rooftop it disturbs on some frog
and one of them before it jumps or leaps into
the water urinate on the face of the dog and
this as symbolic significance which we will
come back to again later in evaluation of
the story.
The other actor that follows the frog is a
huge crocodile that floats past the house
gently brushing the half submerge roof.
At the word gently or the ideal gently is
also very interesting in the context of a
crocodile that is a very very insidious creature
and we are also constantly reminded that the
dog is in precarious situation and the phrase
half submerge roof is an indication of that.
Now the other very interesting detail that
follow these set of characters is the reference
to the Ramayana.
And in this atmosphere when there is rain
when does flood water that is affecting the
entire village we have someone reciting verses
from the Ramayana and the dog listens to this
ahh recitation.
The narrator says that ahh the dog pricked
up its ears when heard a man reciting the
It remains silent for a while almost as if
it was listening to the chanting of the world
and then began working again as loudly as
it could manage.
So the dog listen to the recitation and it
barks ahh again and implication could be that
is kind of seeking help perhaps to this person
who is chanting the word and let me give you
a little bit of the context to this recitation
ahh which is apparently in Kerala.
There is a tradition of reading and chanting
from the Ramayana to wards of what they call
the negative energy that is associated with
the monsoon season.
So apparently this recitation or singing of
the word from the Ramayana is a protective
mechanism ahh kind of utilized or implied
by the people to save themselves from injury
due to heavy rains.
Now ahh followed by the teacher or another
set of incidence of events in the story that
the writer stitches in the story of Chennan's
dog ahh.
Let us see what is the set of events we have
a fish popping up out of the water and a we
have a crow eating from hackers which Chennan's
dog notices or observe and he vines at that
action because we can understand the dog is
terribly hungry and it wants to have its share
of the characters too but and it that something
that it does not have at this particular point
of time and then we have frogs again leaping
into the water, we have a green bird twittering
in this environment.
And then we have references to fleas on the
dog's body that bite him and later we have
a colony of ants that also bite him when this
dog disturbs their nest and finally we have
another very interesting event where a snake
kind of sneaks into the roof of Chennan's
huts, these instance also very very symbolic
ahh which we need to unpack to drive their
largest significance.
Now what exactly are the meanings are embedded
in the set of events ahh some of the meanings
are that life itself is indifferent and life
goes on despite it being a tragedy or a crisis
too many others for dog this is a crisis situation
but for the green bird that twitter this is
nothing but as little bit may be different,
but it is not affected by it and life is hard.
See for example we have a dead body up carcasses
floating on the water that strategy for the
creature that had left.
But then that carcasses again comes food for
the crow and life is about survival life is
about are the features sticking on to the
life sustaining themselves one way or the
other despite being threatened by factors
from the environment.
Now we need to look closely at details that
are constantly repeated.
And one of the details that is repeated is
the idea of carcasses are floating in the
water, the narrator says that the carcasses
of drowned animals floated past the hut, the
dog looked longingly at them and barked once
or twice and we need to again remember that
the dog is starving and wants to eat from
carcases something that it eventually does
towards the finale of the story with fatal
Now ahh in terms of looking at the story ahh
the method that I would advise is a the phase
of close reading or a close scrutiny of the
text and this kind not only provide us with
textual interpretation but it will also offer
the students thematic meaning in terms of
the larger structure of the story in question,
thank you.