Hello everyone, how is life? So, here we are
to begin this NPTEL course on Employment Communication
- A Lab Based Course. To introduce myself,
I am Doctor Seema Singh, Associate Professor
in English from the Department of Humanities
and Social Sciences IIT Kharagpur. And, we
have this course on employment communication
and today my endeavour will be to introduce
you to the course. So, let us move forward.
Right at the beginning, I would like you to
have snapshot of the course. This course has
40 lectures of half an hour each, we have
15 practice sessions since it is a lab based
course and 25 lecture sessions. These 40 units
are divided into 8 modules. And, after a set
of 5 whether it is a set of 3 lectures and
2 lab sessions, or 2 lectures and 3 lab sessions,
after each 5 units there will be a test.
So, what we mean is we have 8 modules and
5 tests to cover the 15 practice sessions
and the 25 lectures. We also have the end
term test. So, that is in brief at a glance
the course on employment communication a lab
based course.
Now, let us have a quick glance at the course
modules and what concepts I will be covering
in the course. The first module will introduce
you to the course and we begin with verbal
communication. Verbal communication that is
verbal coming from Latin verbum v e r b u
m that is words v e r b u m that is words;
I repeat. And, that is the starting of the
From that we move on to module 2 where we
go on to non-verbal communication, which is
in common parlance called body language or
anything which is non-words. Since, we have
already told you verbal that is from Latin
verbum that is words. So, non-verbal that
is non-words any sort of communication which
is occurring without the use of words. Then,
we move on in module 2 to the second aspect
which is cross cultural communication or in
simple words communication across cultures.
Module 3 consists of body language for the
development on non verbal communication and
listening skills. Listening skills is the
mother of all speaking. Listening is very
imperative in all aspects, in all components,
in all types of communication. And therefore,
there is a need to introduce you to this topic.When
we come to module 4 then in fact, we come
to the thrust of the course as such.
I will begin by introducing you to the general
aspects of CV writing or resume writing and
then we will move on to how to write impressive
CVs while remembering the fact that your CV
or resume is your very first interaction with
your perspective employer. And therefore,
the need that you get off to a new start and
you impress right from the beginning. Going
on to module 5 let us think about a stage
when you are now having may be 10, 15, 20
years of experience, but as usual you are
trying for a job shift or a job change. And
therefore, now in this module number 5 we
will be covering the nitty gritties of how
to write impressive CVs at a later point of
life in your career and this is called CV
writing stage 2.
Module 6 we will be covering the topic of
cover letter- any resume, any CV reaches the
perspective employer with a cover letter or
a letter of introduction and, how to write
this cover letter will be the first the first
stage of module 6. In the second part of module
6, we will move on to group discussions, we
remember that in this course on employment
communication, we are taking you through the
3 stages of how you will be getting employed.
What are the 3 types of employment communication
activities you will engage in before you are
absorbed or before you join the work place
or the work force as an employee?
We remember that the first stage the first
stage of the employment communication process
is the CV writing or your interaction, your
first interaction with your perspective employer
through your resume. Group 2 or moving on
to the second phase is what is called group
discussions. Group discussion is the second
stage of the employment communication process
or procedure, where the organisation or the
company will be calling you over to a fixed
prefixed place, time, venue will be specified
to you.
And, you will be discussing on a matter in
which the company or the observers of the
company, representatives of the company will
be watching you from maybe another room through
CCTV or maybe through a glass door on one
side or a glass window on one side which looks
like a door or window, but on the other side
there are people of the company. And, they
are able to observe you of course; they are
able to listen to whatever you are saying
because that is the trust of the matter.
In the group discussion the company or the
organisation is trying to assess how would
you be acting? How would you be behaving?
How would you be working in the actual work
place? So, it is an attempt to put you in
a virtual scenario and try to predict or try
to think about how this person or how this
set of people or how they will be working
if they are with us employed with us?
Then, we move on to the third stage of the
employment communication process. I have already
said that the first stage or stage 1 is CV,
or resume writing, stage 2 is group discussion,
now stage 3 or the last stage is the personal
interview. Having cross the first stage and
the second stage now you have been lucky enough
and you have been called to the headquarter
or to the place, where the personal interview
will take place, the personal interview is
one to many, one to one or whatever it is
a very purposeful planned decision making
It is not a mere conversation; it is purposeful,
planned decision making communication. And,
in this, you will be interviewed by those
who are occupying managerial and executive
positions in the organisation. And, they are
in the position or they have been sent there
or they are representing the company because
they will be able to decide. They will be
the final deciding persons. And, they will
be able to choose and select the best employees
to work in their organisation.
The second part of module 6 module 7 sorry
the second part of module 7 is how to tackle
difficult questions in personal interviews,
the point being that, many a times students
you know or those preparing for interviews
or those in fact, who are seeking a change
of work place will be having these queries
or these questions in their mind. You know
that if I am asked a difficult question, if
I am asked this question, which I consider
to be difficult how will I respond, what should
my answer be, and how to tackle it successfully.
So, the second part of module 7, that is introduction
to personal interviews and tackling difficult
questions in personal interviews will be dealing
with this specific aspect, how will you crack
the tough questions when you are in the interview
situation. And, lastly we have module 8 where
in fact, since we have come to the end of
the course first stage resume writing or CV
writing, second stage that is group discussions
and cracking a GD, and the third is the personal
Therefore, the point is that what would it
take, how would it matter? If and what should
you do if you are to be successful in the
personal interviews. And, you know the point
is that if you have come all the way your
CV has been shortlisted, you have been called
for the group discussion and finally, you
are face to face with the employers or their
representatives in the organisation. You have
been called for the personal interview, and
then if you have to go back at this stage
it would not be good. In fact, nobody would
like it, it would be very you know very sad
I think. And therefore, the module number
8 covers success in personal interviews and
then the course wrap up.
Now, the point which would normally speaking
you know naturally speaking it would come
to your mind is you know that half of the
course modules have to do with the course
as such. And, we seem to be having too much
of an introduction to the course, that is
verbal communication, non-verbal communication,
cross cultural communication, listening skills.
So, we do 4 topics before we come to the thrust
of the course, to the main topics of the course.
So, in this context I thought I will just
show you a small video and then we can move
So, I hope you enjoyed that short video. At
the end in conclusion it was an add of Coca
Cola. Anyway, what I believe what I think
I wanted to communicate to the students of
this course, by making you view this video
and I am sure you enjoyed it is 2 things there
are 2 things I wanted to communicate or share
with you. The first is the individual and
that is the candidate himself/ herself, the
student or the worker.
The student who is trying for his or her first
job and the worker, or the employee who’s
now trying for a second job or a job shift
during the course of his or her career; so,
what the video perhaps a seem to tell us is
that the skills of the individual matters
at the work place. And, remember and we do
remember that each individual every individual
is a gift of the god, gift of the creator
to this planet. So, each one of us is unique
and we have our own set of skills and aptitudes,
which matter at the work place which matter
both at the personal and the professional
So, having said that now let us come to the
second point, that when it comes to the work
place there is a statement in English you
know common statement in English which goes
no man is an island. And, I base my second
point on that. In the work place it is the
team spirit, the group, the project all the
employees or the people in a group or a project
who matter.
And therefore, my second submission to all
of you is that even in employment communication,
or even in the process of getting employed,
or even in the 3 stage employment communication
process. What we must remember and I think
this is a very important must MUST bold all
caps; we must remember that we are going to
work as a group.
So, things like selfishness, things like having
a narrow view or narrow thinking of the others
who are who have come to the venue, who have
come to seek employment, who are you know
competitors with you to get may be 1 2 3 4
5 number of jobs or vacancies as they exist
as advertised by the organisation. In fact,
it would matter more, if we think in this
way you know positively let the best man win.
Let the best candidate be selected. And, as
for yourself point number one as for your
skills, strengths, as a worker, as a student,
as a person, as an individual we need to work
on that. And therefore, the first half of
the course at least up till module number
3, at least up till module number 3, we are
working on those core areas of our development
as successful communicators. And, when we
come to the course proper that is module number
4 to 8, then we move as a group, we move as
a team. We do not forget our individual strengths
we build on them, but we think in a holistic
And, we think that we are all trying to get
the job, but may the best man win again and
again we must remind ourselves, that what
happens is the best which could have happened.
And, the best persons were selected and the
best persons will be selected and therefore,
I have to try to be the best candidate for
the job. There is the right job and I have
to be the best person for that.
So, let us come to the first module and here
I will be in fact, we are not doing we are
now doing in fact, this lecture number 1,
after that we have lecture number 2 communication
and introduction to that process very important.
The third lecture will focus on the requirement
or the need or the importance of communication
skills at the work place and then we have
lecture 4 and 5 where I develop at length
on verbal communication words, that is the
building block of language and further on.
Moving to module 2 non-verbal communication
and cross cultural communication, we will
be covering non-verbal communication through
lecture number 6 and 7. And, move on to cross
cultural communication in lecture 7 8 and
9 and then we have the first of the lab sessions
practice session, which will be followed by
feedback covering all the topics which have
gone before.
Coming now to module 3 we move further and
deal at length on body language I have you
know in fact, 4 lectures in module in this
module on body language, I will be dealing
at greater length on body language because
of the fact that this is the language of the
body and this cannot be hidden. You can mask
your words, you can improve upon your diction,
vocabulary, you can be a good verbal communicator,
but as far as your body language or non-verbal
communication exist or it is in fact, it cannot
be hidden from the other.
And therefore, the need to have 2 more hours
on body language, then we come to lecture
number 13 and 14 -listening skills. And, here
we will have exercises also on listening skills
which will which will in fact, emphasize the
importance of this most important of the 4
communication skills. When you know when we
speak about communication skills the phrases
such we mean listening, speaking, reading,
and writing or in short we call them L S R
W. L S R W in this 4 communication skills
listening is the most important. And therefore,
in the practice session lecture or module
or unit number 15 of module 3, we will be
having a practice session on listening skills
and feedback on that.
Moving to module 4 module 4 is introduction
to CV writing and how to write impressive
First of all we will be continuing with the
practice session on listening skills and body
language number 17 and 18 have to do with
CV writing and introduction, which is continued
in lecture number 18 a number 19 and 20 will
be your first of the sessions, which deal
with the course at depth. Number 19 is how
to write impressive CVs as a beginner or a
As, the prerequisites for the course state
that most final year students of undergraduate
courses, whether it be arts humanities, social
sciences, management, engineering, medicine.
All need to all are eligible to attend this
course to enrol in this course, because this
is just the beginning of the employment communication
process. Number 20 is practice session one
and feedback I call it practice session 1,
because there is a need to have some more
practice sessions on how to write impressive
Some of my students whether they are post
graduate or under graduates, some of them
have volunteered to be part of this practice
sessions it will be recorded in the language
lab and after that we will have feedback session.
So, that you get a feel even if this is an
NPTEL course you get a feel as if you are
in the classroom. And of course, you can raise
your questions later on in the discussion
forum as well.
Let us move on to module number 5 the fifth
module is titled how to write impressive CVs
at later stages in one’s career or in short
CV writing phase 2 or stage 2. As, I mentioned
there will come a time in life when you will
seek a change of the work place, a change
of the organisation. And, this one is on that
we will teach you how to write impressive
CVs and in fact, there is a follow up with
practice session 1 and feedback practice session
And feedback we move on to module 6, where
we have practice session 3 and feedback on
writing CV stage 2 and module 6 is how to
write the cover letter and introduction to
group discussions. Cover letter is an important
component this is number 27, it is an important
component of the course because the cover
letter accompanies the CV.
Therefore, it is your first interaction with
the employer and the way you write or communicate
your paragraphs or words or your language
in the cover letter is very important, to
make a first impact on your perspective employer.
28 and 29 we will be starting with group discussions.
And, give you some strategies or some formulas
for success in group discussions followed
by number 30 practice session 1.
We move on to practice session 2 and practice
session 3 for group discussions supported
by feedback from me the course instructor,
when we move on to module number 7. Module
7 is titled introduction to personal interviews
and tackling difficult questions in personal
interviews. First, we introduce you to the
personal interview in lecture number 33; we
give some tips on how to prepare for the personal
interviews in lecture number 34. And in lecture
number 35, I will be giving you some ideas.
Of course, these are not pre-set answers you
do not have to go by what I say in this NPTEL
series, but just some hints on how to tackle
difficult questions in personal interviews?
Module 8 the last one in this series is titled
success in personal interviews and course
wrap up. The first lecture in this 5 lectured
lectures module is success in personal interviews.
As, I said having come all this ways stage
1 stage 2; if in stage 3 you have to face
failure. Of course, it is not good and therefore,
this lecture on that we have a 3 final concluding
lab sessions or practice sessions in this
lecture series. And, then we wrap up the course
with lecture number 40 course wrap up.
These are few of the references which I have
used to develop this first presentation. Thank
you and good bye we will meet soon with lecture
number 2 communication and introduction.
Thank you and god bless you once again.