Welcome to this first session of this course,
psychology of everyday life . As we had told
in the introduction that we will try to understand
behavior from various angle and going to the
realm of what is normal or how do we label
abnormal . So, the most common word which
actually comes to our mind, when we talk of
behavior is of course, you understand that
everybody behaves as long as they are alive
and everybody is bothered about the behavior
of the others and this behavior and understanding,
it has been a concern from the ages since,
probably almost Homo-Sapien started thinking.
So, let me tell a word about the format which
we are going to follow is not it . What we
have decided that instead of giving you lot
of theory and you try to discuss, pickup things
from our life around us and then discuss it.
So, it will be more of a conversation and
we will try to give give you a specific inputs
In in fact; in fact, those who are interested
in theories, those who are interested in the
technical jargons,are we already have some
courses say like; introduction to psychology,
brief introduction to psychology , you have
a course on psychiatry.
Yes, psychiatry in another one on how the
brain creates mind.
Then we havea course on biological basis of
We have a course on psychology of adjustment.
So, there are five six courses already.
from where you can come across theories, models,different
kinds of jargons, which are used in the technical
This course specially, we havetailor made.
So, that we minimize on the jargons, we minimise
on the number of concepts that we discuss
or the models, the theoretical prepositions
or the empirical findings.
We do not want to engage ourselves into that.
Right .
Our intention is towith very what you call
more glaringly visible kind of examples that
we see around us, we take those examples,
we talk about them,
so that people in general can become very
much clear in terms of deciphering the nuances
of those behavior, which usually the clinical
practitioners would do and then to understand
how much of it can be considered as aberrations,
which require treatment or any other.
Kind of intervention.
So, it would help all of you and us also,
that after each weekly videos which you see
, if you can ask more and more questions which
we will get for the next session.
So, maybe it will become more tailor made
to your needs and so we are keeping it with
some broad framework and we are open to discussion.
So, please feel free to ask question at the
end of it.
So, I would ask the first question to Professor
this word psychology has become very popular
and this psychology of every behavior, of
everything of each act and of decisions of
language people are out and it has become
a very-very popular also in magazines, in
we see our article on psychology almost.
So,I would like that if you could just tell
us, whether this think of psychology is it
a phenomenon of the modern world or this process
of trying to understand behavior was present
in the form of psychology in times immemorial
and how did it evolve to the way it is now?
Um in fact, I must complement you, because
the last part of your question had the answer
human beings by default are inquisitive in
We always have shown our interest in terms
of understanding, how thing goes in and around
things which are even unseen to us say like;
sitting in a closed room, I think of a space,
I think of life after death.
So, things which are very difficult to visualize
things which are extremely abstract, human
beings have been interested even in those
So, by nature we should accept the fact that
as human beings, we have been very-very inquisitive
and this has helped us lot in terms of understanding
the world around us, which includes our own
Human beings by default have tried to understand
each and everything and there were people
who were highlyaccurate in terms ofmaking
this kind of what you call introspection,
based kind of an finding, which was derived
out of one's own experience and, because few
more people you know their experiences also
came forward, then people started collating
them and this is how knowah shape would have
come in terms of defining how human beings
behave in general and gradually, society would
have given recognition to these individuals
Who were little more capable in terms of deciphering
the behavior
of others.
And finally, this would have lead to some
kind of a stream, a discipline, which in turn
lead to taxonomy.
So, now you have no terms for each and everything
you have symptoms , you have what you call
classificatory mechanism,both what the WHO
does as the international classification of
diseases or bothwhat the who does the international
classification of diseases or what the DSM
does for psychiatric disorders and then finally,
people tried to package it,
as if this kind of behavior , a set of behavior
would be classified as one kind of an anomaly
and this kind of an anomaly would benow, subjected
to x kind of a treatment,
either through pills, drugs , injections
or kind of behavioral interventions.
So, people by default , they were inquisitive
and I think perhaps all human beings should
bekind enough and graceful enough to accept
that as you said in the beginning that people
are more keen at observing others
than observing their own selves
Their own selves.
and we find fault mostly in others compared
ourselves and therefore, when the clinical
practitioners whether it is clinical psychologist,
psychiatristeven those who are in the allied
areas of mental health and psychiatric nursing,
psychiatric social work, all of them they
have a larger scope.
There are certain problems or conditions,
whichever word one wants to use and there
are methods of identifying them, traditions
will use the word diagnose them , I am using
a softer word for them.
So, you are able to identify the problem the
nature of the problem and the kind of a mix
that you find in the behaviorwhich usually
is not found in others.
Right right
and then you say that ok this person is deviating
from the normal course and therefore, is diagnosed
with some kind of an anomaly
a disorder.
So, sitting in India ah, I think before we
go further let us go back ,
because India has a ah, all Greece also had
it, and Europe also had it, and China also
had it and that is go said 2500 3000 years
back, because all this oriental eastern culture,
they always hadwriting,
whether a scripture or writing or philosophical
writing or just sermon, but they always had,
if you look look at them now, even from the
lens of modern psychology, they always had
this element of what psychology is in the
like Upanishads, if not Vedas
at least Upanishad with very-very deep introspection.
Um um um um
The Indian philosophical systems had ways
of living, which they had devised like the
pillars of society like; Dharm, Arth, Kama,
moksha right.
So, they already society even 3000 years back
was evolving mechanism, which probably was
talking of mental well-being.
That is true that is true
and then Buddha came
who was who; obviously, Buddhist philosophy
can be translated to the today at present
day psychology to the nearest.
Right yeah
He was talking about um detachment and desires
and all which we all talk about these days.
China had Confucius and Laozi
Yeah .
and Greek philosophy , all mythology of Greece
is about psychology only . So, from this rich
traditions, modern psychology would you agree
it is just a phenomena of um in the modern
terminology of last 200 years maximum or less
than that ?
Less than that, less than that.
Less than that 100 years.
But frankly speaking as you rightly said,
we have this cultural, rich cultural repository
Yes .
ah largely what people use to consider as
philosophy or as part of religion,
but even if youbreak even the elements of
modern day psychology
you have behavior , the manifested behavior
as one of the components,
the value belief system that the person has,
and the kind of affective or the emotional
response that individual has
to the stimulus the situation that one is
encountering as well as to the outcome
after the interaction with that situation
is over.
And entire psychology is perhaps only about
how much of harmony you have been able to
maintain and how much of conflict you have
been able to invite.
An entire discourse of disorder or
order right what in psychology you know, we
go for abnormal psychology, psychopathology
clinical psychology, even counseling psychology.
For instance; it is all about harmony and
So, in from if you if you just continue this
that epics like Greek epics, Omar and specially
something like Mahabharata in India.
Um .
Mahabharata almost probably brought out all
possible conflicts and though it never talks
about the clear unconscious and conscious.
Um .
So, it would fall nearer to more cognitive
framework , but it always talked about things,
which can go or the things which can go into
a bizzare direction.
These are with persons involvement in handling
and managing those things on a daily life
Um um um
So so, probably what they were writing at
that time , they had probably realized what
psychology is trying to treat today.
Exactly exactly, it was the full spectrum.
So, right from one end to the extreme end.
Yes yes and and the so, prob in at least this
one epic, both the pros and cons, the follies
and the rewards of both good behavior and
bad behavior were mentioned.
Probably, they they were using more stories
Um um ah
directly putting theories, but even good behavior,
what appears as a good behavior does not always
good, get good rewards or or good side also
may have a flip side to it.
Um um .
Goodness of one angle can be badness.
That is true, seeonce you have a bright image
of any object ,
because you are looking from
So, say if that perspective is the light that
you are emitting on the object,
then that object by default would create a
darker shadow on the other side.
On the other side so, all good things would
also have a flip sight.
So, so, even I would say, I mean it would,
I am not trying to bring it to a very small
frame, but what Krishna was telling Arjun,
when Arjun did not want to fight at the just
at the beginning of Mahabharata and the way
that was what Krishna told opens up, then
Arjun was probably having what in modern terms
we would call as depression, acute onset of
depression or anxiety.
He was saying my hands are shivering this
slipping out of my hand, my mouth is drying
and my heart is and he was totally what he
wanted to do was, run away . So, if somebody
comes with these symptoms to a modern day
psychologist, what they would do is either
advised him cognitive behavior therapy or
some behavior therapy or may be refer to a
psychiatrist for medication.
So, I often wonder what was Krishna having
at that time, because the war was ready, everybody
was ready to fight,
and the main warrior is saying that I cannot.
So, he had mantras he could have told mantras
he say it 108 times and, but he
He was not trying for that.
So, what probably he did was and this is very
important to what our topic of our course,
because how do people handle the conflicts,
the problems, the troubles which they face
in daily life on from their own resources.
So, what Krishna probably was doing is he
gave one shortest on the field cognitive behavior
In a so, in fact, many psychologist Indian
psychologists some of them have written on
this episode.
And they call it counseling counseling.
Ok, they say that Krishna did a fantastic
And the outcome was very visible.
Yeah, but I think it is more than counseling,
because counseling is very-very problem oriented
focused which we will discuss later whereas,
psychotherapy goes to a deeper thing.
Geeta itself goes to much deeper levels.
Much deeper ha ha.
Than counseling would be what is the problem?
Why do not you want to fight?
He said no, I cannot fight my own relative.
He said fine, if you do not want to fight
means ,I will tell you why you should fight,
but he it did not end there.
He went into the philosophical system, he
went into the ancient knowledge
which was existing
before Krishna.
So, usually usually in the modern day context,
this is what will be considered to be part
of the CBT program.
CBT program or some as elements of psychodynamics
Ha ha
And, but the surprising thing was that we
have not been able to device any 90 minute
therapy till date.
So, what Krishna could do.
. So, that is one part of the psych psychology
which handles
But as a psychologistthey there are lot of
other terms which come when you talk of psychology
Like organizational psychology, social psychology
Um and so on, so forth.
In fact, so, what is your take of that I mean
are these divisions very valid or are they
just a functional divisions or
I am not sure how many psychologists would
agree to my view point.
, my understanding and take on this matter
is that it is basically psychology is one
Because we have our own limitations . We cannot
understand each and everything with the kind
of complex elements it has.
Therefore, we have split it into different
So, if you are just looking at the behavior
in an or initial set up then we call itearlier,
it was called industrial psychology, then
it become became industrial and organizational
Now, people call it organizational behavior
You study the same human dynamics in a community
set up, people call it it is community psychology.
Um .
larger social system, then you call it social
So, ah, but basically it is the nuances of
that behavior still remains the same human
being is same whether you are in your house,
in your family, in the society , in the community,
in the organization , on the table of a clinical
You are the same.
If I understand you correctly, what you mean
that is the the basic frame the foundation
the pillars of psychology are the same,
The basic processes are the same, which come
out of a general study of human behavior
And these when applied to a specific situations
can be worked out as various disciplines
Exactly exactly
This is how people name them you know this
is one field of psychology this is.
Right right
This is that field of psychology
So, this terminology, because this terminology
has also entered the um it has been altered,
where lot of young people will agree, whoever
doing management and all um what you said
of behavior dynamics and human resource management.
That is
I think all this, the moment people start
studying the behavior
whatever terminology you may give, whatever
set of parameters you want to study, but ultimately
it is all psychology.
If you are setting the behavior of a soldier
, so there is nothing called war behavior
it is like,
Um .
You have to know why somebody is fighting
ha for instance this very example you know
there is sub discipline
You are right
It says know, it is military psychology
Right right right
Now, I am a normal human being who is servingforce
My behavior
The components of my dynamics, human dynamics
is the same.
Now I might say that ok this is very exceptional
kind of a war place
Therefore I would like to rename it as military
, because I would be specifically looking
at the induction program, mid carrier training
or say post war kind of a psychological outcomes
Somebody might say, but it is still organization.
Arm forces is also an organizational set up
So, why are you trying to you know de-link
between organizational behavior and military
But people have fascination, know the world
is happy drawing lines after lines
Yes yes
So, the what you have already said that there
are, there is a behavior, there is a there
is a action, there is cognition; that is thought
and judgment
And abstraction and all those qualities, there
is a emotion and then between these three
there are attitudes, motivation
So, they remain universal as the human brain
is evolved; is not it
So, In fact, we say that cognitive,
And affective
So, everything human being can be just reduced
to these three elements and the interplay
of these three element is what is psychology.
So, for the benefit of people who are listening,
affective means emotion
Cognitive is thought process,
The thought process with all judgment, rationality,
Insight right.
Yeah yeah
And conative means is what is related to the
will or intent an action
Conative is action
Action yes
So, the motor outcome is
Motor outcomes
Yeah which also includes the will will
ha ha
To some extent . All these areas blur actually,
the way neuro science will talk about
Yeah, because because these are not say independent
they do not have independent existence.
Yes yes
One will affect the other
So, all three will work in coordination right.
So, the more coordinated outcome it finally,
elicits the more normal you are, you are the
most successful you are.If you have a problem
in terms of what you feel and what you have
to do,
If there is an inconsistency, if there is
adiscordance then of course, you will end
up in a trouble.
Right .
So, what you are saying essentially is that
whatever difference of behavior we may see
in people who do various things from a doctor
to a um politician, to soldier, to manager,
to businessman, they are all superficial differences
in the field of action
As we go down deeper, the basic framework
which pushes them to do will be the same
Exactly, exactly
Their attitudes,
Um um
Now yeah; obviously, because everybody will
not act in the same field
So, as it becomes more complex then the fields
differ, but the basic reason for acting, the
basic feelings, the basic thought process
is the same.
Is the same
More or less
More or less yeah
Within a certain range .
Obviously not everybody will behave in the
same way
Yeah therefore, we have a classification of
normal, subnormal, abnormal, so we areright
now looking at the broad range; Yes in which
large segment of this population will fall
So, psychology should actually on the deeper
level should unite people
It should, it should should, because if I
know that I and you are the same and we are
governed by the same operating principle
then I should be able to appreciate the weirdness
that I see in your behavior
And you should be able to appreciate the kind
of you know megalomania kind of an approach
that I show in my behavior
Right, right.
What I would know the inherent components,
the dynamics that leads to this
Yes yes
Kind of an outcome
So, that is what probably people like Gandhi
realized early in their life
Those who have realized yes, they have been
they have been a social celebrities
They have been social celebrities and they
have also probably it is a very important
word which is often .I see it is a problem
because lot of this deeper issues are been
discussed in a very very popular fashionable
manners; like empathy is one word, everybody
is talking about empathy, but I really wonder
to even practice empathy which is natural
to the brain because of
You know, when we talk biology we will talk
about it, but people ah.
So, I think what you have, you already said
it, because people have this tendency to make
theories around thing
So, when you make theories around things then
obviously, you have to tell theories and,
but um developing genuine empathy probably
would help people.
See we will of course, talk it with an with
an example when we come to understanding behavior
from clinical, biological and social cultural
prospective ah, but this is truethat something
which is a buzz word nowadays; empathy for
instance,is something that we all have within
us um and it is just a matter of saycoining
a strategy or prescribing a formatto train
somebody within a specific period
Which would magnify the reflection of this
kind of an approach
Um .
, but we all feelgood when we look at certain
We all feel attachment to certain things
we all feel clear and compassion for certain
kinds of things
And these are the integral limits of empathy
Right, right.
So, so what you said is the that the fashionable
things, because these days if you see, especially
in metros and all you have workshops on everything,
how to be a good parent, how to how to do
the, how to .
See let us let us let us take one examplenowadays,
I think for decades now perhaps
One of the widely used programs;
One is stress management the other is
Anger management,
I think that is a billion dollar industry
Exactly exactly.
Now a stress is something which has
Inherent to us
Inherent in, yeah yeah of course, it is inherent
to us.
There is a biological mechanism
And all stress will have to you know take
a particular course
There is a psychological price that you pay
for it and there is also a psychological mechanism
of handling it
Now, when thesewhat what you call as structured
kind of a training program were not there
still stress was available and people were
handling it
And especially in a collectivist culture like
ours, where if you if you are watchman does
not see you for two days, next day he will
Now, we belong to a culture like that.
Yeah absolutely, absolutely
Where you realize that people do demonstrate
their empathy towards others
Right, right, right
There is a mechanism which will work as a
buffer when you are know under duress
But still as you said know this is a million
So, of course, people practice it, there are.
I think it always has been, because everywhere
in all the cultures probably
There were people who were telling and there
were people who were always listening
So, um, so the this was a broad way that psychology
the broader term we have been able to introduce.
Um .
I think can after this next section we will
move on to how do we look at what is mental
health from whatever prospective.
Um .
Thanks .