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welcome back to the course on postcolonial literature
now in our previous lecture we discussed the various meanings of the term postcolonialism
and we also explored the various nuances of the two components the word colonialism as
well as the prefix post which comes together to form the word postcolonialism in todays
lecture ah we will try to understand the relevance of the term postcolonialism from within the
field of literary studies but before we begin our discussion on that it is important to
note here that the word postcolonialism unlike say for instance the word imagism was not
specifically coined to signify a particular kind of literature
in fact the use of the term postcolonialism which can be traced as far back as the late
nineteenth century had little connection with the field of literature till almost the late
nineteen eighties and ah till that time in fact the word postcolonialism was primarily
used as an adjective to refer to conditions or situations which occurred or existed after
the end of colonial rule in places like america for instance or india
so in this context postcolonialism meant post-independence and it was almost always used the word postcolonialism
was almost always used with a hyphen separating post from colonialism now it was only since
the late nineteen eighties and the nineteen nineties that postcolonialism became an integral
part of literary discussions and it brought together two already existing areas of study
within the field of english literature
if you look at the slide then you will see that the first area which got incorporated
within the field of postcolonial literature was referred to as commonwealth literature
and the other area was referred to as the study of colonial discourse or colonial discourse
analysis so these two separate aspects came together to form the field of postcolonial
studies and they in a way form the roots of postcolonial literature as a field of literary
so therefore it is very important to understand these two constituent parts if we want to
explore postcolonial literature at any length so today let us start with the category of
commonwealth literature now the word commonwealth signifies a grouping of nation a grouping
of those nations or those nation states which were once british colonies the british empire
which had reached its peak in terms of occupied territory by the nineteen twenties and here
you can see it the map of the british empire nineteen twenty one
this empire as depicted in this map by the shaded area in this map had started breaking
up from nineteen forties and in fact india was one of the first nation states to break
away from the british empire now the sovereign nation states which were emerging out of the
british empire and which shared a common history of british colonialism voluntarily decided
to form a confederation with the british monarch as its head and this confederation of sovereign
states which were once british colonies came to be known as the common wealth and ah this
grouping of nation of course still exists
and ah this is a map of the states that form the commonwealth today and ah if you see that
the highlighted areas in green are the countries which are the member states if you look at
this map carefully you realise that not all countries which were british colonies are
now part of the commonwealth of course ah some states which were once part of the commonwealth
ah decided to leave later on for instance the african state of gambia or more recently
ah they have left the commonwealth initially they were part of the commonwealth but there
is one country which though it was a british colony at one point of time was never really
a part of the commonwealth of nations and that country which is conspicuous by its absence
is of course the united states of america now if you remember your history you will
know that the united states of america was part of the british empire was ruled from
britain till seventeen seventy six
indeed even today america celebrates the fourth of july every year as its date of independence
from the british rule but this erstwhile british colony does not feature in the list of commonwealth
nations and it is of course an anomaly and this anomaly is only one of the anomalies
which plague the concept of commonwealth and in fact the number of anomalies got compounded
when the term commonwealth started being used by the academicians to designate a particular
kind of literature
the first major attempt to use the term commonwealth to denote a specific literary category was
made in nineteen sixty four when the university of leeds in england organised what was called
the first commonwealth literature conference and this conference was an effort to bring
under a single umbrella the significant amount of english literature that was coming out
of the once colonised part of the british empire
for instance by the time of the conference by the nineteen sixties authors like r k narayan
from india v s naipaul from the west indian island of trinidad chinua achebe from nigeria
all this authors who belonged to the once colonised part of the world colonised by britain
were being regularly published in britain and in america and their names had become
quite familiar with in the field of literary studies
now this conference organised by the university of leeds was an attempt to bring authors like
naipaul narayan achebe to therefore and to form a field of literary studies around their
works and this ah field of literary studies was referred to as a field of commonwealth
literature now just like in the political group of commonwealth nations america remains
conspicuously absent even the category of commonwealth literature the literature of
america never featured
but what was even more curious was that the category of commonwealth literature never
included the literature of britain in spite of the fact that britain was and still is
very much a part of the commonwealth of nations and it was the metropolitan country of the
colonial empire but in spite of that british literature was never a part of the category
that was studied and discussed using the name commonwealth literature
the indian born novelist salman rushdie hmhmmm while attending another conference on commonwealth
literature held nearly twenty years after the first conference at leeds noted that there
was in fact a politics going on ah behind how the term commonwealth literature the category
commonwealth literature was being used his argument was that commonwealth literature
was used to group under itself all the english literatures that were emerging from the once
colonised parts of the world but it did not include british literature
because it wanted to segregate the literature english literature emerging from the colonies
as a separate group of literature now why this segregation according to rushdie there
was no way that such a significant amount of english literature could be altogether
avoided but the next best thing was according to rushdie to separate this amount of literature
coming from the colonies under a separate category so ah and to label them in a manner
that they can be identified as english literature which was not really at par with british literature
so it was a category of inferior kind of english literature almost at this was according to
rushdie the hidden politics that was being played out in the metropolitan universities
when the commonwealth literature was being discussed as a category what also concerned
rushdie was that within the field of commonwealth literature the authors and their works were
arranged in neat subgroups according to their nations of origin it was thus expected that
an author born in india will write only about india
and his or her writings will represent an essence of indianness that was unique and
that was uncontaminated by anything else that is for instance a novel by r k narayan for
instance was supposed to embody a unique essence of indianness that was assumed to be different
from say the essence of australianness that one might find in the writings of someone
like patrick white which in turn was supposed to be different from say the essence of west
indianness that was supposedly found in the work of v s naipal
now such an attitude towards literature was problematic at two different levels firstly
the post sixteenth century period of european colonialism was also marked by a tremendous
amount of human movement people moved around a lot because travel was much easier compared
to earlier times and they moved around either because they could afford to travel or because
they were displaced forcibly evicted due to various economic and political reasons
take the case of rushdie for instance salman rushdie was born in bombay he then went to
england as a student and subsequently settled down there his family in turn moved from india
to pakistan and settle down in pakistan now rushdie of course has written a lot about
india but he has also written about britain as well as about pakistan so does this make
rushdie an indian author does it make him a pakistani author does it make him a british
author what is that national category under which we should keep the works of rushdie
it is a problem it is a conundrum and if it is so difficult to pin down an author coming
from ah one of the ex-british colonies then it is not difficult to imagine how impossible
it would be to pin down entire cultures within the confines of one nation state or another
ah take for instance again the example of another indian author rabindranath tagore
now tagores work proved to be very influential in south america after his poetry was translated
by the argentine author victoria ocampo
similarly the technique of magic realism the literary technique of magic realism which
was invented by authors like gabriel garcia marquez in south america during the nineteen
sixties and nineteen seventies influenced various indian novelists including salman
rusdie now commonwealth literature the category of commonwealth literature by not factoring
in this interconnected nature of literary and cultural influences as well as the problematic
relationship of authors from ex-colonies with the land of their origin was feeling as a
a category through which works of authors as different as rushdie achebe naipaul and
narayan can be studied together the attempt to read literature by using national framework
was also problematic in another way the literature that a commonwealth nation like india for
instance produces is produced in many different languages isn't it english is definitely one
of the languages in which indian literature is produced but that is far from being the
only language in which indian literature is produced
now though the commonwealth literature though the category of commonwealth literature used
the concept of nation and natio.. national traditions to group authors and their works
it never really looked beyond the english literature that was coming out of the colonies
and as the case of india shows us that such a focus on english literature is not only
a very limited focus but it is also not in sync with the complex literary landscape that
the erstwhile colonies of britain presented
so common wealth literature therefore soon became an unworkable category both it was
not international enough and because it was not national enough not international enough
because it did not take into account the cross-cultural influences and the cross territorial affiliations
of the authors coming from the once colonised parts of the world and simultaneously not
national enough because it was not taking into account the various kinds of non-english
literature that was also emerging out of the colonies
however the most problematic aspect of the category commonwealth literature was the way
it connected the literature coming out of the colonies with the colonial empire the
notion of a commonwealth headed by the british monarch is almost inevitably informed by a
spirit of nostalgia for the bygone days of the british empire indeed the category of
commonwealth literature can be interpreted at one level as an attempt to culturally keep
together an empire which was no longer a political reality huhummm.. (coughing) sorry
but political decolonisation was achieved by the nation states that emerged out of the
shadow of british rule through a prolonged anticolonial struggle and the authors who
came out of these parts of the world the once colonised parts of the world where is to this
anticolonial legacy as well as to the legacies of colonialism it is therefore no wonder that
the feeling of nostalgia for the colonial empire that lurked and i would say still lurks
behind the term common wealth would make the label of commonwealth literature unattractive
to some of the very authors that it supposedly describes
and ah this kind of a version towards the category of commonwealth literature was perhaps
best displayed when the novelist amitav ghosh refused to let his novel the glass palace
be considered for the two thousand one commonwealth writers prize one major reason for this decision
as ghosh writes in ah his letter that he sent to the award giving committee had to do with
the nostalgic memorialisation of the colonial past which informed the idea of commonwealth
according to ghosh such glorification or such glorified memorialisation of the colonial
past was precisely what he was trying to resist through his novels like the glass palace and
therefore he could not allow it to be included ah within the race for a prize that had the
word commonwealth associated with it and this was true for many writers who were emerging
from the ex-colonies of britain they were writing against the idea of the colonial empire
yet the category of commonwealth literature remained largely impervious to these elements
of anti-colonialism so by the nineteen nineties commonwealth literature as a literary category
was losing favour and it was losing favour for various different reasons we have already
discussed them but in this slide i have enumerated them
so common wealth literature of erstwhile colonies as a category firstly because it neither included
the literature of erstwhile colonies like america nor did it include the literature
of metropolitan britain it was also problematic because it did not take into account the cross-cultural
influences and the cross territorial affiliations of authors from the ex-colonies it did not
take into account the non-english literatures that was emerging from commonwealth nations
like india for instance
and finally the category of commonwealth literature involved a nostalgic glorification of the
legacies of colonialism so these were the various problems because of which the category
of commonwealth literature was ah um.. losing favour within literary circles and it started
losing favour by the nineteen nineties and nineteen nineties was the time when postcolonial
literature emerged as a replacement
ah if we look at the kind of literature that was being grouped together using the term
postcolonial we will see that there is not much difference between postcolonial literature
or what was being discussed as postcolonial literature and the archive of commonwealth
literature for instance authors like r k narayan derek walcott yinghua tiango chinua achebe
salman rushdie all of them who were being read under the banner of commonwealth literature
were also relevant within the category of postcolonial literature
however though the literature remained the same almost the same the critical approach
to this literature underwent a sea change as we will see later in this course unlike
commonwealth literature the field of postcolonial studies is underlined by a keen awareness
of the fact that both cultures as well as people who produce these cultures both of
them are incessantly travelling they are crossing borders they are intermixing with one another
and they are not fixed within national boundaries
also it is worth noting that though postcolonial literature too concerns itself primarily with
literature written in english it unlike common wealth literature there is a genuine attempt
to incorporate non-english literatures within its can and one good example would be ah the
works of mahasweta devi the bengali author mahasweta devi which forms today ah part of
the canon of postcolonial literature it is very much a part of ah discussions on postcolonial
literature today and the original works of mahasweta devi of course are all in bengali
and not in english
however having said this ah one should also admit that postcolonial literary studies still
predominantly confined itself to english language and even though i said that devi’s works
are popular within the field of postcolonial literature yet they are accessed only as translations
in their translated forms ah and gayatri spivak a name that will later encounter during this
course is one of the major theorist of postcolonial literature and also the translator english
translator of mahasweta devi’s work
however the most radical change in the approach to literary texts that distinguishes postcolonial
literature from commonwealth literature is the former's focus the focus of postcolonial
literature on anticolonial resistance whereas commonwealth literature was informed by colonial
nostalgia by a glorification almost of the legacies of colonialism postcolonial literature
is informed by a highly critical approach towards colonialism
indeed postcolonial literature is not merely a grouping of literature that has emerged
out of the colonies or or ex-colonies of britain rather it is a grouping of literature which
attempts to subvert and undo the effects of colonial violence this critical attitude which
informs the postcolonial studies today is a legacy of what i have referred to earlier
in this lecture as colonial discourse analysis and we will learn more about this concept
of colonial discourse analysis in our next lecture thank you
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