Good morning, welcome to this 10 hours course
on psychiatry, an overview.
We have tried to divide this course into four
modules, and in the first week, we will be
focusing on the bases of human behavior.
But before we move on to the bases of human
behavior let us clear a confusion, in common
public and lay people there is a whole lot
of confusion between what is psychiatry and
what is psychology.
To give you a brief definition, a psychiatry
is a branch of medicine which is suppose and
it does, deal with human behavior and its
abnormalities, essentially trying to understand
the illnesses arising out of mind, the behavioral
disorders, and attempts to treat it.
So people do their medical graduation and
then they specialize in psychiatry.
Whereas psychology which is obviously an older
discipline is a study of human behavior in
And its application and education, organization,
various other psychological concepts of mind,
we will discover these interface as we move
Psychiatry also interfaces with other branches
of medicine like neurology and general medicine
and has its implication in that.
But all that we will cover in the coming few
For now, we will try to understand why do
human beings do what they do.
So this understanding of human behavior has
a basic question.
How do the thought, emotion, and behavior
arise from this portion of our body called
a brain?
As we go on in this four, five hour – two,
three hours of lectures in this week lot of
this is connected, because they all connect
it to the human brain.
So a lot of information may overlap or one
lecture may telescope into each other.
So please try to understand it as a composite
whole, there is no clear-cut division in human
behavior and so as in the brain.
But to start from the basic, there is a structure
of human body called a brain is 1.3 kg of
almost pinkish structure safely enclosed in
your skull.
But its activity creates you, it creates what
we do, it creates all the human interaction,
society and all that goes on with human life.
For practical purposes and there is a confusion
and there is a lot of philosophical debate
on what is mind and what is the brain.
But for our purpose all through this lecture,
we will use it interchangeably.
And for a common understanding as a very,
very simplistic statement, I would like to
tell and – that mind is what the brain does.
As the brain goes on with its functions mind
is created, and mind is a composite whole
of the behavior, the interactions, the feelings,
the emotion.
So let us go over this basic anatomy and physiology,
both are interrelated in the brain as history
and geography both affect each other in a
reciprocal function, so does the anatomy and
physiology in the human brain.
If you grossly look at the brain what you
will find is it's, it has the front which
is called a frontal lobe, the parietal lobe
behind it, on the sides are temporal lobe,
and there is occipital lobe at the back.
And tug in between is the midbrain and below
it is the cerebellum, and this portion, this
white portion which you see is the medulla
which continues as the spine in a spinal cord
which is safely tugged into the vertebral
They form the part of the spinal cord in the
brain form a part of the central nervous system.
We will not be bothered too much about the
spinal cord; we will focus on the brain, because
that is what we are concerned with psychiatry.
Although the peripheral systems are of interest
to us, mainly it is the behavior, so we will
focus on the brain and as a part of the central
nervous system.
Let us go back to history because we always
– we did not know always that the brain
is the seat of thinking.
So there have been a lot of philosophical
mulling over this issue, initially, it was
thought like poets still think that the heart
is the important thing.
And so, because the emotions were always predominant
and they are still predominant in most people,
they form a major spine of behavior.
So it was initially thought it is the heart
which is the center of thinking.
As thinking progressed then we evolved.
We thought it is the ventricles, those small
areas of the brain which are the site of thinking.
But now we are sufficiently sure that through
advancement in knowledge, thought, and technology.
That it is the brain eventually which is the
center of thinking and feeling.
So heart may rule the poetry, but eventually,
the emotions also lie in the brain.
This is one of the images from functional
MRI, and these are the areas which I demarc
it; we will talk about functional MRI later
where this is the area where we hear words,
just for your preliminary introduction.
What really got a Philip and an impetus to
thinking was there something called phrenology
which is no more considered as a science.
But phrenology was brought by a person called
Gall in early 1800s and he emphasized that
the brain is the organ of the mind, it is
composed of multiple distinct, innate faculties.
And because they are distinct each one of
them, each faculty must have a separate seat,
so what I was essentially saying that each
behavior or a component of behavior has a
separate seat and they really wanted to check
all this through the bumps on the forehead
This at that time probably became very popular,
but it is no more considered as a sign.
But to give the devil its share it may not
be the bumps on the forehead which may be
telling this, but more or less through the
modern technology and by the various tools
of studying the brain.
We have this accumulated this knowledge over
years where we can demarcate grossly the areas
from which the functions are regulated.
For example, if you see this area yellow area
where it is for the motor preparation, like
this area in the frontal cortex is the anticipation.
This area is for hearing mathematical calculations,
and this underlying area is for smelling,
this area is for vision, the movement, the
shape of the objects and so on so forth.
If we look at this area, if we divide it from
in between the areas in the front is responsible
for movement, the area behind it in the parietal
lobe is responsible for perceiving, for the
sensations, pain, temperature, touch.
And the whole body is represented in this
parietal area with foot on the top having
the maximum area of representation and then
so on so forth.
So any peripheral sensation which arises from
the body goes through the nerves to this area
where it is integrated into perception and
the signal is passed, we will discover this
as we talk about physiology.
And the brain decides to act on it and sends
a signal to the spinal cord, obviously modulated
by the cerebellum and other areas to respond
to it.
That is what happens in a reflex action.
So if you suddenly touch a hot thing your
hand recedes back.
So within that milliseconds hundred of milliseconds
the signal goes to the parietal lobe, the
heat is felt here, the signal is passed, and
the brain directs the hand to recede.
So phrenology may not be true, but at least
in some way or the other within the brain
with a technology we know that there are certain
areas which are specialized for certain functions.
The microstructure of the brain was really
discovered by these two people Cajal and Golgi
where they discovered that the brain is really
made of these fiber like things which form
a network.
So neurons are the units which form the neural
network, Purkinje, Cajal, Golgi they formulated
The further discovery went on that, how are
these neurons connected?
Neurons are like fibers, they are like cables
which are running in the brain, and in the
magnitude of 1010 or 1011, and they are connected
to each other through something called synapse.
We will discover this synapse as we move on.
This guy, Phineas Gage was a person who has
had an injury with some solid iron rod, he
survived, it just pierced through his left
frontal lobe and what was found, what was
found that his behavior dramatically changed,
dramatically changed after this injury.
That was one more idea which came to the researchers
at that time, that an injury to the brain
can change your behavior and use reverse logic
it was inferred that maybe this certain behavior
which was happing before the injury is controlled
by that area.
Now, this became one of the ways of the studying
the brain so now if I go back and see how
do we study.
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What are the approaches?
So the approaches to study the brain
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Are like anatomy, physiology where we trace
the track, we do single unit recordings.
Behavioral studies were part of psychology,
patients with brain lesions, people who have
damage to the brain by illness or by injury.
The behavioral changes which they undergo
are correlated with the sight of injury and
the difference in function it gives rise to.
Postmortem anatomy, this was one of the very
popular ways that
(Refer Slide Time: 12:08)
Obviously, we cannot go into a live brain
very deep and so once we do a postmortem and
then correlate what was happening during their
lifetime gave us an idea of what was happening.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:20)
The structural imaging which is a new technology
we will be talking be about later, and neuroimaging
and brain mapping.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:28)
So in the last 40 years, we have learned about
brain more than what we did in the last 3000
years all due to technology, but this technology
is also based on what behavioral observations
and anatomical lesion studies were done in
the last 60, 70 years of between 1900 and
till late.
Penfield, Penfield was a surgeon.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:56)
Who could find out areas of the brain leading
to certain functions, motor function or sensory
functions, by stimulating those areas.
During neurosurgery, he used to stimulate
certain areas and see what was happening in
the body, either the blimps were moving or
certain sensations were felt, this gave a
(Refer Slide Time: 13:20)
It actually opened a wide window of understanding
the brain.
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In localizing of functions along with Penfield
Paul Broca, when he studied the brain of few
people who had lost language and speech after
stroke he found out this Broca’s Area,
(Refer Slide Time: 13:42)
which is on the left side tucked in the left
side of the frontal lobe in the dominant hemisphere,
so what was discovered that language area
is in the left hemisphere, in most right-handed
people it is the left area and one thing which
also came out with research was that the left
area controls the right motored area of the
body and the right brain, right side of the
brain controls the left side.
And languages function in most people is in
the left dominant hemisphere in the frontal
lobe, almost following it was the people who
were able to speak but were not able to comprehend
the language and Wernicke's receptive aphasia
is a term used for it which is in the temporal
(Refer Slide Time: 14:35)
So now when we knew that in the frontal lobe
damage causes Broca’s aphasia where people
are not able to express in the language on
the side of the temporal lobe.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:48)
People here if you have damage by a stroke
or by tumor or injury, people are unable to
comprehend speech but this was still not clear.
That why these two separate areas.
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How do they connect, how does the speech connect,
so the third big thing,
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was something called the discovery of a conduction
Where Borca’s area was intact, the Wernicke's
area was intact but in-between the damage
caused condition aphasia.
The person could express, the person could
hear, but could not relate the two sinks,
this gave the idea
(Refer Slide Time: 15:31)
that brain may actually be working in a network.
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We will discover those network as we talk,
again to just to
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revise it this is the gross structure of brain
frontal lobe where I said on the left side
is Broca’s area, temporal lobe this area
is Wernicke's where you here, parietal lobe
is all sensations go in here, this area controls
the motor movement, and occipital lobe is
for version, cerebellum is for fine tuning
of motor movements, of body movements.
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So this how the brain looks like.
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And if you cut the brain we will, it is something
like this.
This is the cortex what we call we all have
heard of gray matter and white matter, this
colored area is all gray matter, actually
it is not gray human live brain looks pink,
and this is all white matter.
This white matter forms the nerves actually
the neurons it comes down, so all this if
you look at this the gray matter is composed
of neuron cell bodies and some branches coming
out of it called dendrites.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:42)
And this is the cortex, it is a six-layer
structure which covers the whole brain.
White matter, these nerves are covered with
an additional sheet of fat and which come
down and carry the signal to different areas
of the brain and down to the spinal cord.
This area is the midbrain so we have an outer
layer of cortex divided into frontal and parietal
and temporal.
Within this cortical layers is stuck the deep
areas of the brain, if we keep slicing we
will see different things.
This is all basal ganglia which are form of
a part of midbrain.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:27)
(Refer Slide Time: 17:28)
So brain is also not just not a composite
one single structure, it also is divided into
two hemispheres, so if you look at it now
we have a brain which developed in the last
millions of years after we diverted from chimpanzees,
the brain has evolved to have an older structure
which is responsible for movement which is
present in lower species of animal also, it
has a structure call midbrain which came somewhere
in between during evolution and the neocortex
we have so we have a paleocortex, we have
archicortex and we have a neocortex.
The neocortex is the latest structure which
evolved which is responsible for our thinking
and all the complexity of human brain, so
(Refer Slide Time: 18:17)
Has two hemispheres, cerebellar hemispheres,
left and right, you would have heard of right
bound and right brain and left brain, they
are, this is a part as we have understood
the behavior and its areas which control the
brain, control the behavior into, they are
specialized into some of them are well done
by the left and some by the right, but they
don't function independently though they have
an independent function, they are connected
(Refer Slide Time: 18:59)
This structure called corpus callosum, this
whole corpus callosum is a structure which
if you can see this arrow it is here, it has
a maximum number of neurons and connects both
the hemispheres.
It goes on like this, the cortex of both the
hemisphere is connected so brain is actually
taking in information, integrating it between
two hemispheres and leading to some action
on it.
So if you cut if you cut the brain
(Refer Slide Time: 19:30)
If you cut the brain from the side from between
the two hemispheres you will this is the type
of networks and fibers which you will see,
so this is within one cerebral hemisphere
so it is connected from front to back, up
to down, and with corpus callosum between
the hemispheres.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:49)
This is just a broad gross thing to show you
how we comprehend and we generate the words
using various inputs right, so like it takes
this visual thing, from here the sensations
go, the word go here and is the frontal lobe
which gives a meaning to it.
Auditory it goes to the temporal lobe and
it goes to the frontal area where the meaning
is given to it, here it is like a somatosensory,
touch is given meaning to this, so they are
as I said the temporal lobe in a very, very
gross terms is a temporal lobe where you hear,
parietal lobe you feel, and occipital where
you see, but all this information actually
is circulated through the network and it is
a frontal lobe where the meaning is given
to it.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:42)
We will discover this as we go around the
studying the physiology.
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This again as I said this is, these are the
images from functional MRI, this is a passively
viewing words when you are just seeing the
word and not thinking about it, when your
listening to the word is a temporal area again,
when you are speaking these areas get active
and this is what you are generating words,
generating words in the frontal lobe.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:11)
Now as I said if you see this broadly, this
is a sensory-motor area there is a cut in
between, here the sensations come, the foot
is on the top and rest of the areas.
This information here the words come here
it is a visual thing, there are also these
type these areas are present in all the primates,
but why human brain is different is with the
development of association areas, association
areas are more specialized area which are
used to coordinate and integrate information
like this is auditory association area in
addition to the area where you listen to word
this gives meaning to it, and this includes
a Wernicke's areas like you find the frontal
lobe where words are generated Broca’s areas,
but this also this is a frontal area we also
have prefrontal area, prefrontal area is considered
to be the chief executive where decisions
are make, prefrontal area assesses on what
action to be taken, the salients of the importance
of the stimulus which comes.
We will talk about these networks as we move
So as, so this is a, it is like a precentral
gyrus, if you see this cortex you can see
lot of these folds so this, the valley between
the folds is called sulci, sulcus and this
folds are called gyri, if you see it here
it goes like this, so almost appears as a
fractal geometry, these are called gyri and
this is called a sulci this is how, this is
a very smart trick of nature to increase the
brain area, to fit in 1010 neurons, otherwise
if you spread them you can imagine how much
space it would take.
And this is the gross structure, these are
cerebral peduncles, these are is the mid brain
the neurons come from here and they go on
to spine.
So this is a motor system again, so motor
system also is included here where because
there is a structure called basal ganglia
here, basal ganglia and cerebellum actually
fine tune the movement, initiation of movement,
decision making on the movement is done in
basal ganglia.
So any damage here can really lead to you
would have heard of an illness called Parkinson’s,
it is actually a problem in.
One of the areas called substantia nigra where
a deficit in one of the chemicals and damage
to that this substantia nigra causes difficulty
in walking, slow steps and, tremors.
Similarly, cerebellum which is tucked, here
this structure is also responsible for fine
tuning and whatever feedback loops come to
the brain regarding your orientation in space
and time, and your body, the movement of the
This is how again the motor system goes.
Right so this is again like the neurons start
from here, go to the internal capsule of basal
ganglia, go to the spine, midbrain again,
and this structure in the brain, fonds, medulla,
and then to the spinal cord, from spinal cord
the synapse with motor neurons which goes
to the muscle.
This is a typical structure of what neuron
is made of, there is a cell body, there are
branches like this, multiple branches like
this called dendrites, the cell body continuous
into the axon.
And axon and see here, but it terminates on
the dendrites of the next axon and which has
another axon so it will go again and turn
on the dendrite of something else, so this
is one structure if we look at it and this
area, this area is the synapse so now you
can understand almost 1010 neurons in various
areas of the brain.
form a huge network, each of this neuron is
a body in itself which has the nucleus.
Dendrites are the receiving ends, and axon
is the passing end, so dendrites receive information
and it is all about passing information, the
brain is just receiving information from the
environment, integrating it, passing it between
neurons and through the network and finally
taking action or a thought or emotion out
of it to keep you interfaced with the world.
So dendrites take the information, pass on
to the axon then it ends see here, that there
is a gap between the dendrites and the axon,
it is a space here but this space is managed
through chemicals, we will talk about it when
we talk about the physiology.
Again this is one of them, so this is what
I was telling you, this is how in the parietal
lobe the body is represented.
On the top is foot and you can recognize your
own organs, this is little ring middle index
finger and has a huge representation as compared
to the other thing, face has a huge representation
and this is all has happened nobody has sat
down and planned it, it is more an evolutionary
step which brain kept learning as it interacted
with it, as it turned from reptile to you
and me.
I told you about the basal ganglia which is
tucked here and this is responsible for lot
of fine tuning of.
Movement and this is cerebellum if you take
if just take a part of it, it appears like
this, this is a different structure.
So again as you saw the motor thing coming
down from here to the muscle, this is how
it goes up from there, if you, if somebody
touches you the signal goes down, goes down
to the spinal cord, goes up to the structure
called thalamus, thalamus is a important structure
in midbrain because thalamus is the relay
center of the brain.
On both side in the mid brain almost inter
merged with basal ganglia all sensations reach
thalamus and thalamus sends it to the cortex
where you feel the sensation, but all sensations
have to pass through thalamus even vision
and hearing and touch because this is where
all sensations are integrated and given a
composite view, because imagine if all other
sensations are flying in five or ten directions.
It will be very difficult for the brain or
for us in that for that matter to make a sense
of what is happening in the world.
Even while I am talking to you there may be
thousand sensations going on in your body
and my body, but brain is making a composite
sense of it to give me a feeling of being
one and as a unity.
Auditory functions we have already mentioned
briefly, we will skip this, now vision.
Vision is very special thing and lot of information
about brain has come from vision, this is
the area of occipital lobe from where we see.
So we have 2 eyes, this you see this areas,
if you divided draw imaginary line there are,
these are left optical field and there is
a right field, so data from this both the
lefts they go round through the optic nerve
go to the retina they come down it, half the
fibers come like this, half the fibers cross,
so eventually what is happening is if you
look at it the signal from this and this will
eventually come to the left side, signal from
right will come to the this side so the left
field goes to one side the right to the other
This is for the binocular vision, otherwise
we would not able to see the, it is like you
are taking signal from 2D and you are seeing
in 3D.
Although it is a 2D vision so but and that
is why you feel differently when you are seeing
a, it in 3D but brain has to create the image.
Of the objects, it is like creating 2 copies
for us to better comprehended it in a
3 dimension, you can see this further, so
right hemi field is going here and the left
is going through crossing, you can just drag,
drag the fibers and finally it go to, goes
to both the sides to create a, so light goes
in here this is like photons go here, go to
retina, bind with some certain pigments there,
change the, the shape of this which sets in
an electrical current which goes to the optic
nerve, optic nerve goes here, half of them
cross, half of them cross here, before that
they go to what you call a lateral geniculate
nucleus which is a part of thalamus as I said,
so from here it goes to occipital lobe.
An occipital lobe has these layers of cells,
now these layer from 1 to 4 are specialized
to capture movement, to capture shape, to
capture the contrast, so if you just for a
Look at the whole thing and see how wonderfully
nature has really made it let me go back to
some signal goes in from here in the form
of photons which is electromagnetic radiation,
goes to retina photons bind, send in an electrical
current and this electrical, so there are,
there are multiple of them, so all the photons
are going and this electrical current divides
into this neurons goes to the midbrain where
the integration of signal happens and then
it goes to the occipital lobe from layer 1
to 6, the various feature extraction is done
just by interpreting the electrical current.
And the images form, this image again is transmitted
to the frontal lobe, in the process it is
compared with the existing memory or map of
the image in the brain which this area does,
and then a composite image comes to your brain
on which the bases of which the brain decides
whether it wants to act on it, it wants to
ignore it and this is, this is how the brain
keeps you in touch with reality.
So these amount of specialization of cells
has evolved over millions of years, not each
layer does the same thing, not the same set
of cells sees the whole thing, some part of
this layer is seeing the movement, some part
is seeing the color, some part is seeing the
contrast, and that whole information is put
together to form a composite image of what
you are seeing, which again is compared with
the existing, if there is a existing memory
or map of that object and both of them are
compared to give another composite image to
the frontal lobe where the prefrontal cortex
decides, and the other networks which I will
talk about decide on what to do with it and
this is how the mind or the brain keeps you
safe, imagine, imagine a lion attacking you.
Now whatever light is reflected from lion
will go into your eyes, a image of lion will
be formed, this image of lion will be sent
to your midbrain where your midbrain will
look into the memory of lion and decide that
this animal is dangerous, and then it will
send to prefrontal cortex where it will decide
to make you run because if it fails you are
dead you are, you will not be there to look
at another lion and all this happens in say
a period of say 10 milliseconds to say 500
milliseconds, okay.
So now we know the brain is composed of discreet
cells, neurons as I told you.
And there are set things called Glial cells
which are much more than neurons and they
are wide spread in the brain between neurons
and they have different functions like packing,
being used as a packing material like being
used as a scavengers in case of infection,
one of them actually also buffers the sodium
potassium electrolyte level.
So the brain is composed of this six layers
which vary from area to area.
This the first one or two layers are mostly
composed of cell bodies and dendrite as you,
you can see in this image, dendrites, cell
body, axon, this is taken from here but the
layer fifth and sixth are the most important
because these are called pyramidal cells,
now pyramidal cells are obviously the word
is self explanatory and the layer six, so
in the layer four all the inputs from thalamus
come, this is the fifth, layer fifth is from
where all the commands go, the motor command
and connections to the other areas of the
brain to the spinal cord.
And layer six is the feedback from the cortex
to the thalamus again, now these layers may
vary in different areas depending on the function
of the area, like in some areas there are
only three layers which are more developed,
in some area there may four depending on what
function that area is.
But all this neurons if are, if you look at
this, this histochemistry they are arranged
in the form of columns, so there are micro
columns and there are macro column, there
are no clear division this not as if it has
been put it in a envelope or a cylinder, but
they are arranged in a form of a column when
you look at it, functionally it may not be
necessary that all columns should fire together
on a, on a certain action.
The neurons which fire together can be separated
far away with from each other, how the function
will; we will just come to it.
Now this is how it looks at a microscopic
level these are the columns, increase the
scale it is like this and each, so there are
multiple, each of this micro column are fitting
into these macro columns.
If you want to look at this scale it is like
this, mini column is 0.03 and the scale of
102 these are mostly innovatory connections,
cortico, cortico within the cortex if the
connections go like 0.3 x 104, macro column
is almost three, this is millimeters and 106
so see the increase, see the increase, so
number of mini columns which can go into this
and as you go into the region which are largely
called Brodmann areas, functional Brodmann
areas as I showed you the that okay this is
the area for hearing, this is the area they
are called Brodmann areas.
Each lobe has, this is the scale and 1010
and each hemisphere has 1011 that is half
the brain, each lobe means frontal lobe and
parietal lobe hemisphere, so see the increase
in the scale in millimeters and the increase
in number of the neurons and as it is seen
So these are the Brodmann areas which have
been numbered like 21, 42, 44, 44, in Broca’s
areas so on so forth, so these are broadly
divided according to the function.
But does it mean that all the columns, all
the cells in one column like this all have
to fire together?
Or all the areas which are specialized will
fire together, as in when the action arises?
It has been found that is it not so, it is
in fact the neurons may be sitting somewhere
else but they may be firing in coordination
or in conjunction with neurons sitting somewhere
else, it was almost like neurons which fired
together they wire together, so wiring together
does not mean that they have to be in the
same geographical location in the brain, they
can be sitting but their action may be determined
by the firing of some other neuron sitting
somewhere else.
Now this is like a from the graph theory,
if you make a graph of how the neurons can
act, so they are called Hebbian Assembly,
they are modify they are strengthening of
the connection between the neurons is when
they become active together, like for example
in say let me give an example if, in the case
of memory if certain memory has to be activated
all those neurons which were involved in forming
that memory will fire together.
So they may not be necessarily in the same
place, they may be scattered in different
areas like for example if you say a word rose,
some of you may smell rose, some of you may
see the color, some of you may see the petal,
thorn, touch anything can come, so it is very
unlikely that there will be a block sitting
in the brain where it will be all about rose,
no, no, then the whole memory will be scattered.
But one point as it triggers all this will
get activated, they are Hebbian Assemblies,
Hippocampus is a area in the brain deeply
tucked in temporal lobe which is responsible
for memory mostly, in forming memories because
the weight fires increases the synaptic strength
which is called potentiation in the case of
And the other areas which have motor memory
the other area which have all fictive memories
so there five largely, five big networks.
Which function as forming and connecting all
this, one if you can just remember the names
but look at it Parieto frontal networks for
spatial attention so it is all about orienting
in time and space, so parietal lobe where
you get feedback from the body all the sensation
from the touch on the heart, your orientation
you are standing and which passes the message
and integrates with the frontal lobe.
which controls your body tone, body movement
and keeps you oriented in the space, occipitotemporal
from the back end temporal for face recognition,
temporal lobe and limbic system, limbic system
is the emotional network which is tucked within
the brain, within the cortex for learning
and memory.
Prefrontal network for attention and compartment,
so largely if you, broadly if you look at
them you can call them three networks, one
is called a default mode network which is
the neurons which are active at rest, there
is a central executive network the prime area
of which is sent it also let a prefrontal
cortex and simulate gyrus, and these are salience
network, the salience network also looks at
the features extraction, looks at the important
thing on what you are seeing.
And what you are reacting to, so all these
three, four networks actually keep you what
you are, they are the mind through this networks
always tries to keep you in touch with reality
and at the same time managing the deeper emotions
and your thought and whatever is being internally
generated at the same time, but the larger
purpose of this one is survival because if
you are not in touch with reality survival
may become difficult.
So first and foremost is survival, I am taking
actions and doing motor movements and feeling
sensations and feeling emotions and thought
which will keep you in the best fit in your
That is one concept of normalcy also that
you are best fit in your environment.
So all that normalcy comes from this firing
of networks and then when I stimulus is presented
to take that stimulus in, to analyze it, to
create a image of it, to integrate in whatever
existing memory and maps you have.
And then presenting it to the brain to take
action on it, which maybe most apt.
Memory which is formed through whatever stimulus
is presented, if your brain keeps firing on
that for some time it will become a memory.
Sometimes the sudden memory, the sudden impulse
which maybe very, very intense can alter this,
so these are like synapses which are made
between neuron and as I said if they fire
together they wire together.
So broadly I have not tried to get into deeper
things of anatomy, but this is what how the
largely the brain function, it takes in, creates
a image, compares it with the existing memory
presented to the higher centers which take
a decision on whether to act on it or save
it or emote on it.
So as I said the glia’s are the supportive
cells which are.
(Refer Slide Time: 44:00)
How does it happen?
It happens through all this, once the brain
gets active and its electrical activity is
on it never stops till somebody really falls
ill or dies and brain death
(Refer Slide Time: 44:15)
is the death actually, so it keeps firing
and as, as you had seen in earlier slides
each neuron connects to the other neuron through,
through dendrites and the end of the axon.
There is a gap as I said, synapse what happens
between the synapse.
So it is a electrical activity which is going
on in the brain between this 1011 neurons.
And each neuron is connected to the other
or many like on a dendrite many axons may
But how to they cover that small gap which
is a non-contact area which is called a synapse,
the electrical signal changes to chemical
signal there.
So ultimately brain functions through electrochemical
Now what axon.
(Refer Slide Time: 45:10)
So if you see it here, this is a synaptic
This is a gap, this is a gap, so each dendrite
here would be receiving each dendrite here,
this is a dendrite each dendrite here has
the axon coming from another neuron and this
is the synaptic cleft, you see it.
Now this synaptic cleft how does it bridge,
this is the electrical activity flowing on
air and these are myelin sheath with glia’s
at the mid.
This myelin sheath actually makes the speed
faster, current action potential we will talk
about it in just a while.
It goes on like this it comes here but how
does this axon transfer this, this is through
the chemical which is called a neurotransmitter.
(Refer Slide Time: 46:12)
If you look at this here, this is the myelin
sheath, this is the axon, the current is coming
here and it is secreted into this space, the
dendrite the other neuron takes this chemicals
and another set of electrical activity goes
into it.
(Refer Slide Time: 46:38)
Look at it, comes on here and these are receptors,
these are neurotransmitters secreted from
air, it is just a cartoon.
(Refer Slide Time: 46:51)
It comes here, this is the whole bases of.
(Refer Slide Time: 46:59)
(Refer Slide Time: 47:00)
(Refer Slide Time: 47:01)
(Refer Slide Time: 47:01)
functioning of brain.
Now there are many neurotransmitter, each
set of neuron specializes in secreting one
type neurotransmitter and they have a concentration
in certain areas of brain.
But the receptors are there for lot of them,
the dendrites have receptors for lot of them.
(Refer Slide Time: 47:24)
Like for example this is a Dopamine System,
dopamine is one of the neurotransmitters.
These areas are where it is maximally present.
(Refer Slide Time: 47:35)
This is noradrenergic so these are the maximally
concentrated cell bodies of this and then
they have a widespread presence.
(Refer Slide Time: 47:45)
all over.
This is serotonergic thing.
You see a maximally concentrated here in raphe
(Refer Slide Time: 47:54)
Like this is in locus coeruleus.
(Refer Slide Time: 47:57)
This is in substantia nigra.
This is where actually the damage happens
in Parkinson’s disease.
(Refer Slide Time: 48:02)
(Refer Slide Time: 48:02)
Now what is happening with this neurons, see
the brain functions in
(Refer Slide Time: 48:06)
with something called a action potential.
(Refer Slide Time: 48:09)
Action potential is that normal in normal
condition the outside of the brain is positive
and this is negative, with a difference of
say -70 milli watts.
When there is a signal which comes like this,
this chemical goes, this zero transmitter
goes, binds to this protein structure called
And it goes in, it either excites or inhibits.
Excite means it will set in a current or it
may be inhibitory that it may not set in a
That is simply managed in the, simple to say
but it is a very difficult process is that
if there is a high level of sodium outside
and potassium and chloride inside this will
be positive and this will be negative, outside
positive, inside negative.
This is polarized state, but if a current
comes suppose this binds air suddenly this
will open, this channel which is normally
closed will open, lot of sodium will rush
in, this will become negative and this will
become positive.
The outside becomes negative and inside becomes
positive, so this is a depolarized state.
So this set of current goes on like a wave.
And this is called action potential, action
potential is all or none, either the neuron
is fired or it is not, it cannot go partial.
But depending on, so once it passes the current
passes through the whole neuron and it comes
here again this will decide on what is being
The glutamate is one of the excitatory so
it will always go to the next neuron and excite
That means it will set in a current, like
there is something call gaba, gaba always
goes in inhibit that is one of the inhibitory
Now what is the importance of excitation and
imagine this is, this we are just talking
about one neuron, but does not happen with
one neuron, when it is happening.
(Refer Slide Time: 50:24)
It is happening with millions of neurons which
are secreting on one cell.
So if millions of neurons are sending gaba
that neuron the next neuron is not going to
Inhibition is important because inhibition
controls the activity, because if it is all
excitation all the neurons will keep firing
and you can imagine the confusion it can cause
and the conundrum which it will cause because
the brain has to regulate activity by controlling
So inhibitory neurons in, inhibitory neurons
can also act in two ways, one that it will
go and inhibit the firing with other neuron.
Sometimes they can inhibit the one neuron
which in turn will excite the other one.
Like, let me give you an example, like if
it, if you say, you say there is a neuron
one, there is a neuron one and there is a
neuron two, there is a neuron three.
Now neuron two inhibits the firing of neuron
three, so it does not allow the neuron three
to fire, so that means the functions controlled
by neuron three will not be working when neuron
two is active.
But if neuron one inhibits the neuron two
the control of two over three will vanish
for the time being and then three will start
So it is like a loop which goes on.
(Refer Slide Time: 52:04)
One neuron controls the other, it may get
inhibited in turn by the other, and the functions
controlled by its, the other control neurons
may so it is a long feedback loop and there
are centers in the brain which keep receiving
this feedback loop to could decide about the
further action.
So, broadly this was how the brain is formed.
And as I said this as we talk about physiology
lot of this will become clear to you.
So the basic question is still remain what
makes us human?
(Refer Slide Time: 52:39)
Size, size of other animals, the brain of
other animals is pretty high in some cases,
context, continuity, or a break, or connectivity.
So in the next lecture, we will move on to
how the brain functions and then we will,
following that we will look at how do we actually
try to peep into the brain.
Thank you.