its ah visual literacy that we're going to
discuss we are literate in many different
ways we can read write but ah expressing our
ideas through visual means is also another
kind of literacy that ah we ah are all in
all are not very comfortable ah about there
are reasons that sometimes we feel that we
need to depend on ah a common intuition or
totally depend on a common world view to communicate
through visuals and there is no particular
symbol available nobody is there to ah teach
certain thing in a certain ah manner there's
no fixed language or people have different
ways of communicating their ideas so in that
way let's just go to the basic and try to
decode and simplify always these problems
ah slowly
now as children we all doodle and scribble
on wall on ah floor ah or any given surface
that is perhaps our natural tendency to ah
keep on scribbling on different surfaces ah
but then as we grow older we are told ah and
oriented in a particular order those scribbling
those [vocalized-noise] innocent and [vocalized-noise]
effortless doodling are slowly oriented into
a bit of formation so we learn by doing different
things we learn how to make a standing line
a vertical line ah sleepy line maybe a half
circle of full circle and of course the slanting
lines to ah use them as units and slowly we
learn how to form sentences how to form words
to begin with so a slanting line another line
from a different order and a horizontal line
can make a slanting line or a vertical line
and two half circle can form a b and a half
circle in a different direction can't form
a c and that way we go on and on in our learning
so there is always someone older who takes
the charge to orient us ah into writing we
are thought ah handwriting we are also ah
to know put formula ah into learning so these
are the way we convert our experience into
formula now at this point it's more like that
we forget how to doodle many of us we forget
and we do not feel like doodling anymore that
ah comes as meaningless ah scribble for us
whereas writing becomes more meaningless in
our formation like if we just put a b c it
doesn't mean anything but if you write p o
t it of course give us some meaning and we
are happy with that now of course it becomes
ah more convincing it also work as a practical
tool but many of us we also ah continue with
both we scribble we doodle we come up him
with images we also study from nature we try
to imitate nature and we come up with different
complex forms and formations all our life
along with writing
there are also people who do not get oriented
they cannot even write but ah those are special
cases but there are people who are not just
comfortable with the formula and they just
want to depend on experience so it becomes
very difficult to lead a practical life but
ah there are different ways of expressing
our ideas that is for sure so who should we
consider as a visually literate person that
ah the person who can think visually so you
may have one idea of a pot and you write a
three letter p o t u read them together and
that gives you the idea of a pot that is one
way of expression you can also imagine a pot
because the other pot which is a written pot
that is a generalized it doesn't really tell
you ah anything about a particular shape so
you may have a pot in your mind which looks
different from any other pots so this is in
your mind in your imagination and the visually
literate person he should look like any other
person that like he is not actually made with
a special feature but of course with special
talent so he is a person let me just ah consider
this person as a visually literate person
and he knows how to imagine how to think visually
so this is something that he has in his imagination
and given a brush in his hand he can al[so]
also produce an image of a similar kind so
whatever he has in his mind or whatever he
has ah thought or conceived he is able to
produce that on paper or on canvasses or any
given surface so that makes him a visually
literate one that he can write he cal also
produce images
now that is all about visual literacy and
we need that visual literacy to make our ideas
more simplified we use it for many different
aspects where ah the language is not sufficient
for communication we can think of interesting
and new images ah that we do not have a form
and we are the first person to come up with
a new form so this is useful and visual references
makes communication convenient ah in many
different ways and we express some ideas through
visual image because we consider it is to
be the most suitable for our purpose so some
people or maybe the artist the graphic artist
the designers they feel that that is the most
suitable way to discuss or express our ideas
so it just goes on that way
now as we talk about formula and experience
in visual communication or expressing visual
ideas this is very important to understand
how we formulate and how we experience from
nature now maybe we are familiar with animals
if somebody tells us to make an animal we
just cannot ah write now the question is what
is this you have some example to give some
visual example so you can quickly draw a figure
that doesn't look like human being but this
is a very simplified thing what like ah this
is one comes under this category so this is
not a human figure or bird this is an animal
but what if we talk about a particular animal
let's say a donkey and you need to make somebody
understand that this is a donkey and it it's
not any other animal but donkey
now you can go by the same formula and make
a donkey here but there is no surety that
the donkey will look like a donkey what if
somebody reads this as a horse so we need
some special observation to make a donkey
look like a donkey now we go for special formula
because by experience we may not make observations
that accurately so in that way maybe we are
taught in some point of time in our life the
donkey is more cylindrical and dwarfish than
a horse so in a donkey ah like the formula
of making a donkey becomes like you have a
cylinder here you make another cylinder you
make a face here you have it has different
ears and that gives you a satisfactory shape
of a donkey you do it with a lot of confidence
so this tells us not look like a donkey so
it's not a cylinder and you know that the
cylinder has to be carved out after certain
point so that is our way of creating a donkey
and you are happy with this because you know
this particular form looks more like a donkey
and it also gives you a normal shape so ah
you can easily ah erase out certain part that
are not needed and nobody can make out that
you have used a block for this now this is
how we look at things we learn and we make
our learning easier for us so these are certain
that are derived from our ah understanding
it's not just observation but understanding
that comes handy for it and we have many formulas
like that for example if you ask like somebody
to make a bird and you make a shape like this
that may look two dimensional and it may just
ah look like a bird but a very decorative
and very ordinary bird whereas if you tell
somebody like the they may not make your hand
move in much for confidence to work on the
but given the basic format it's much easier
to create a bird so you have a support there
and the bird is made once you are thought
this formula you may not feel like doing anything
else this so comfortable and convenient that
you keep on making birds in a particular way
and every time you try to idealize it's as
a bird and this as a donkey so all donkeys
will look like this and all birds will look
like this to your understanding so it totally
depends on what we want as visual ah expression
so a visual literate visually illiterate person
doesn't go by symbols and formulas always
they have a wide range of understanding they
have a wide range of example in front of them
in nature and they go with it
so a visually literate person when he decides
to ah explore forms in many different ways
and he creates things ah by creating new formula
everyday and following it ah he makes some
mark and that's how we get into art and in
the next lecture we are going to discuss what
art is and what makes art art what are the
different ways of expressions what we can
ah how we can develop ah our own style how
we do not ah just follow others formula and
create the formulas of our own and move in
the individualistic manner as a modern artists