Welcome to the course digital human modeling
and simulation, for virtual ergonomics evaluation.
So, in this course, the course digital human
modeling and simulation for virtual ergonomics
evaluation, deals not only with the basic
ergonomics, but also covers all the relevant
topics, related to virtual ergonomics evaluation
techniques, including its advantages and disadvantages.
So, now, intended audience, for whom this
course has been designed. This course is for
undergraduate and post graduate students of
engineering, then industrial design disciplines.
It is expected that engineering students of
undergraduate and postgraduate departments,
from various background like mechanical engineering,
production engineering, then civil engineering
who are also studying biomedical engineering,
all of them will be immensly mostly benefited
from this course. Not only engineering students,
but also students who are studying industrial
design, as well as architecture or various
course related to occupation health and safety,
they will also find this course very interesting
and also beneficial for their curriculum.
Now, this course is mainly elective course
and who can opt for, already mentioned both
undergraduate students and post graduate students
can opt for this course but one, there is
one prerequisite for digital human modeling
and simulation for virtual ergonomics evaluation.
If you want to learn this course, you want
to know about this course, then what is the
prerequisites? Prerequisite is the, you must
have basic knowledge of any 3D modeling CAD
software, that may be UNIGRAPHICS, that may
be CATIA, that may be SolidWorks , but at
least one of the 3D CAD modeling software
you must know. If not very proficient no problem,
but basic knowledge of any 3D CAD modeling
software is essential for this course.
Now, the course we have made like this way,
in particular, this course will run for 8
weeks and in different weeks, we will discuss
different topics. So, it will start from introduction
to ergonomics in the first week, and then
gradually we will move towards digital human
modeling so that in the second week use of
percentile anthropometric and biomechanical
data for designing various facilities or workstation
or products we will discuss, then in the third
week, we will discuss about virtual ergonomics
and its advantages. In the fourth week, introduction
to digital human modeling and simulation,
then in week 5, techniques or methods of virtual
ergonomics evaluation using digital human
modeling software.
The same will be continued in week 6. And
in week 7, we will discuss how this digital
human modeling software is used for virtual
ergonomics evaluation, across diverse industrial
sectors or occupational sectors. And in the
last week, that is 8th week, we will discuss
about the future research flow in this direction
and what steps or what initiative is needed
to be taken, to popularize this subject and
popularize this domain of knowledge in developing
countries like India. Now, moving to the course,
we are starting today the first module; module
one, and this module is related to introduction
to ergonomics.
Before moving to
the actual topic, that is digital human modeling
and simulation for virtual ergonomics evaluation,
we should discuss something related to design,
then gradually we will move to ergonomics,
then virtual ergonomics and digital human
modeling. Because, as we are studying virtual
ergonomics. For studying virtual ergonomics,
knowledge of ergonomics is required, first
you know by the contextual knowledge of ergonomics,
second is the design. You must know that,
how we use ergonomics in designing various
products or work place or different types
of facilities. If you see this statement by
Dukic et al. (2002), he mentioned contextual
knowledge is strongly recommended for virtual
ergonomics evaluation or virtual investigation,
using CAD and Digital Human Modeling software.
So, this is very important that contextual
knowledge, in which context we are evaluating
the product of or facility, using our software
CAD modeling, CAD software that is very important.
And the second important thing is that knowledge
of ergonomics is very important for that purpose.
So, while someone is going to learn digital
human modeling software or want to use digital
human modeling for virtual ergonomics evaluation,
he or she must have the knowledge of ergonomics,
otherwise interpretation will go in wrong
Now, in this course we are starting from design.
Now, very interestingly Pheasent (1986), mentioned
that there are common five fallacies regarding
the design, that how we should design. Some
people think if we design, the design is satisfactory
for me, it will therefore, satisfy everyone,
but it is not possible in the real scenario.
People also believe that if design is satisfactory
for the average person What is average person?
The person with average body dimension, average
capacity of working and is whose all other
average performance capability, then the product
will satisfy everybody, that is also not true.
Similarly, the variability in the third, understanding
or belief is that, in human population there
is huge variation. So, it is or not at all
possible to design any facility or any product,
which will satisfy everybody, but since people
are wonderfully adaptable, it does not matter,
what you are designing. So, it means some
of the people will adapt it.
The fourth design fallacy is that ergonomics
is expensive and since products are actually
purchased based on its appearance or visual
aesthetics, so, it does not matter whether
ergonomics principle has been incorporated
in the product or not. The fifth fallacy is
that ergonomics is an excellent idea, but
I always design things with ergonomics in
mind but I do it intuitively and rely on my
self-understanding, I do not need table of
data. It means many people thinks ergonomics
is the common sense. So, whatever we can do,
we apply our common sense; that is the ergonomics.
For that purpose more database or standard
is required, but that is also wrong. So, these
are the five common design fallacies is which
are believed by the people, it has been mentioned
by Pheasent (1986).
Now, if we will ask you, what is design, the
definition of design is varying defining design
is very difficult, because sometimes people
will say it is a noun, it is a verb, it is
an adjective, but what actually design is,
if I say for example, if we say that design
of this, I have a design in my mind for this
pen or I want to design a pen and I have some
concept in my mind. So, design sometimes;
it is the concept, sometimes I want to design
a chair what does it mean. It means I want
to make some chair; that is the process, I
want to follow some processes. Sometimes design
may be, I like the design of the chair what
does it mean, design mean that product. So,
sometime design is the product, sometimes
design is the process, sometimes design is
the concept or idea. So, actually defining
the word design is very difficult.
So, for that reason Heskett (2005), he nicely
mentioned what is design. Design is to design,
the design of a design. Now if you notice
the color coding, what is design. Design is
general concept or policy, it is an activity,
design is a plan or intention or concept and
the last this, green design, the finished
product or outcome. So, in general how we
can define design. So, we can define design,
as design is, design is a scientific branch,
hire where a particular product or facility
or output is developed or made following some
methods, from pre-defined ideas, means design
is a process where we are making something,
following some specific process from the pre-concept
ideas. Now, why design is important, because
here this is the course for virtual ergonomics,
in this course, why we are discussing about
design, because design is very important in
our daily life, if you see this diagram, then
what you understand.
So, here is origin, importance of design,
origin of cost and here potential to influence
the cost. In the typical design development
process, it is starting from design then fabrication
then assembly and remaining activities. The
first phase; that is the design. For designing
any product or any facility what is required,
only 12 percent origin cost is there, origin
cost only 12 percent means, out of hundred
only 12 is required for this purpose but the
design is such an important phase in the design
development process, that it has the potential
to increase the cost by 75 percent. So, although
in the design phase first cost requirement
is very less but if your design is not proper
or correct then what will happen. It will
increase the cost by 75 percent. So, design
is a very important phase in the product or
process development cycle.
Now, Nobel Prize winning economist, Herbert
Simon, he defined design, how will I he has
defined design. Design is the process we use
to change whatever existing; you will have
to make it better. So, that is why he mentioned
design is a the process we use to change the
existing scenario, existing situation to the
preferred situation. Now in design process,
there are various phases, pre-conceptual phases,
then conceptual, then pre-designed and finally,
detailed design. So, these are the four stages
in the design process. So, what we do; pre-conceptual
stage, then conceptual. In conceptual stage,
which it is very clear from this second one,
conceptual stage. So, we are conceptualizing
or we are going for some ideas for that product,
or the facility or that process. Then we are
going for designing, pre-design stage, but
what is pre-conceptual, means; before that
conceptualization, what we are going to make,
for that concept, before we need some information
to conceptualize the product for that process.
So, this will be much more clearer if we go
to the next slide.
So, in pre-conceptual, say for example, we
are going to design something for that purpose,
what we need, in the pre-conceptual stage,
we need to go for user study or the ethnographic
study, means who are the actual user or intended
user, but either, who they are presently using
that type of product, or you are developing
some new product which intended user will
use. Next field observation or for market
survey, then design limit selection. This
is very important, because before conceptualization
of that product you need this information,
means what is the used context, what the targeted
user, physical dimension of that product or
facility, material cost, manufacturability,
All this information you must have with you,
then only you can move for the conceptual
phase. Then in the conceptual phase, ergonomics
should be considered from this phase onwards,
not like that in the detailed design phase.
So, role of ergonomics is actually starting
from this conceptualization phase. So, first
we should go for brainstorming, then focus
group study, conceptualization, then 2D sketches,
3D sketches, then rendered CAD modeling, rendering,
concept screening or finalization, using various
techniques like quality function deployment,
analytic hierarchy process.
So, many other techniques are there. So, with
those techniques, we can screen those concepts
and we can go for mock up development if it
is required so. So, starting from pre-conceptual
phase, gradually move towards conceptual phase.
After conceptual phase, while your concept
is ready and following that concept screening,
you are entering a in pre-designed phase.
In pre-design phase what you are doing. We
are doing ergonomic evaluation in virtual
environment, if we have already developed
the 3D CAD model and rendered CAD model. So,
we can go for virtual ergonomics evaluation,
using CAD and digital human modeling software.
Then we can go for physical mock up development,
if required, then various types of engineering
evaluation like material, properties, stress-strain
strength, structures, stability, integrity,
All these issues we can study here. Following
this pre-design phase, then we can. So, ultimately
here only we are gathering the information
what are required for a conceptualization.
Then in the conceptual phase, we are making
the concept, making the following concept
screening, we are finalizing the concept in
pre-design stage, mainly we are developing
either CAD model or physical mock up. After
that we are going for prototype development.
Very important thing in pre-design stage,
what we discussed about, either physical mock
up or virtual mock up or CAD model, in this
case these are. So, as we mentioned, this
is mock up, but here it is prototype. So,
what is the difference between mock up and
prototype? In mock up generally what we do.
We make the product in its miniature form
or scale-down model and the material may not
be the original one.
Its functionality may not be like the actual
product, actual intended product but in case
of prototype it is material, is also the same
like the actual product. It is usable, its
function is similar to the original product
for intended use, and the generally prototype
is made in one is to one scale, means. Prototype
is made with the actual size, but in case
of mockup we can make any scale-down model
for our visualization, for understanding.
Now, in the detailed, now we are again coming
to detailed-design phase. In detailed-design
phase, from this mock up, while we are developing
the prototype or allowing CAD model, we are
developing the prototype, then prototype is
tested, user feedback is taken and ultimately
we move towards final product development
or production process. So, here we have given
one example. In this example, so, this is
called mopper, for floor cleaning, when we
are cleaning the floor, for that purpose we
use this type of mopper.
Now, first we need the information who are
using, then what is the dimension, what is
the size, what is the affordability of the
people who are using this type of mopper;
that is important in this phase, then gradually
while we are moving to conceptualization phase.
Then we are going for 2D sketches, with paper
pencil and ultimately developing the CAD model.
While CAD model is ready, then we are making
physical mock up CAD model, following CAD
model ergonomic evaluation or engineering
evaluation are ultimately, we are coming with
this type of mock up development, when mock
up is ready, then after testing of that mock
up, we can go for final production, we can
go for prototype, even in this prototype development
phase also we can go for prototype one, refinement
of that , then prototype two, then prototype
three, and ultimately we go for production.
So, just going back, we started from this
slide, if we look at this slide. So, we started
from design, then as we mentioned gradually
we will move towards ergonomics. So, first
slide we have covered design. What is design,
what are the steps in design, why design is
important. Now we are moving to ergonomics.
The word ergonomics is derived from Greek
word ergon, meaning work and nomos meaning
law. So, in general we can say, what is ergonomics.
Ergonomics is the law of work or principle
of work. There are various definitions of
ergonomics. Ergonomics is fitting the task
to the person, use the rule of work, works
smarter not harder, then makes things user
friendly, more useable, more comfortable.
Here I want to mention one interesting thing.
This is from Linkedin post made by Dr. Era
Poddar in 2016. This is very interesting.
I will suggest all of you to go through this
one, already link is given. So, she mentioned,
does ergonomics means only a chair, because
among various myths about the ergonomics,
the most popular one is, possibly ergonomics
is nothing, but a chair. Still now in developing
countries, as well as in few developed countries
ergonomics as a subject is not that much popular
and people are unaware about this subject.
So, whenever we ask someone what is Ergonomics,
they reply something like, this is something
related to comfort, user friendly and generally
how we can make chair table all these. So,
that is why, see rightly pointed out that
most popular myth regarding ergonomics, is
ergonomics is nothing, but a chair. People
often assume getting an ergonomic chair at
the office will solve all the problems related
to that work place, like back pain, repetitive
strain injury or any form of musculo-skeletal
disorder but in reality it is far from, that
because ergonomics is not only that comfort
or sitting or designing of that chair for
that work place, ergonomics gives us, so many
other factors. So, such just example, even
this case only, is not only office chair,
while we are talking about the office ergonomics,
it is related to hierarchical structure of
that office, then physical environment where
that person is working in that office, is
his cognitive work load, how much information
he is receiving and how much physical activity
or mental activity he has to do. So, so many
other aspects are associated with this, but
people’s only understanding is as , what
is ergonomics. Ergonomics is only comfortable
sitting posture or chair table design.
Now, as we have discussed the definition of
ergonomics that if we ask you him. We have
Here are two scenarios, this is scenario one
on the left side, and on the right side scenario
So, which one is preferred? In the first scenario,
one lady, she is in squatting posture, sitting
on the ground and cooking on chulla or stove.
On the other hand, in the right hand side,
lady is standing and cooking on an elevated
surface. Now if we look at these two pictures.
What happened in this case? This is the task
and we force that human that fit the man to
the task. So, human is bound to be fitted
with the task, even he is bound to be fitted
with the task means fit the man to the task,
this scenario. And on right side as per human
requirement, human comfortable posture, the
task has been modified; fit the task as per
the requirement of human. So; obviously, between
these two we will prefer for this one. This
is the right one, means as we discussed about
the ergonomics. Ergonomics is fitting the
task, we have to fit the task to the man,
but never, we compel the man or women to be
fitted with the task.
Now, if we elaborate the definition of ergonomics,
more elaborately what we can say about ergonomics.
Ergonomics in a single word, what is ergonomics
- Ergonomics is an interaction; Interaction
of what, ergonomics is an interaction between
human and his or her machine tools or equipment,
ultimately we can mention work elements. So,
this is; ergonomics is an interaction between
human and his or her work elements. Now more
elaborately we can mention, ergonomics is
a discipline or subject or science, where
we discuss interaction between human and work
element. And this is a two-way interaction
and this interaction is being influenced by
surrounding physical environment. Not only
physical environment, there are so many other
factors also. This interaction is influenced
by environmental factors, various environmental
factors like temperature, humidity illumination.
Similarly psycho-social factors, various types
of economic factors.
So, many factors are there, which are affecting
this interaction. Then, how we can mention
the definition of ergonomics, ergonomics is
a discipline or a subject or a science, where
we discuss about the interaction between human
and his or her work elements and all other
factors, which all other factors, which are
those factors, which affect this interaction.
Why we study this subject. To improve, enhance
the performance and efficiency of what, performance
and efficiency of the system. Now the thing
what is system. This human; I will just put
number one, work elements that is two, and
surrounding physical environment three. Man,
machine and surrounding environment. These
three components are collectively forming
overall system.
So, man, machine and environment; these collective
systems. That system’s performance, efficiency,
is enhanced, if we follow ergonomics principle.
So, we discussed this subject, we studied
this subject, so that, the performance and
efficiency of overall system can be improved.
We can increase the productivity, at the same
time we can reduce the error and accident.
Now, again we are coming to the definition
of ergonomics. So, what is ergonomics or human
factors? Ergonomics is discipline or subject
or science, as where we discuss about the
interaction between human and work elements
and all other factors, which affecting this
interaction, to improve system’s performance,
productivity, efficiency and at the same time
reduction of error and accident. So, this
is the overall definition of ergonomics by
or human factors.
Now, if we move towards the history or origin
of the subject, that how this subject ergonomics
or human factors developed. So, first the
word ergonomics, was used in 1857 by Jastrzebowski
in the journal nature and industry. He mentioned
that one scientific approach, regarding the
problems, that are imposed by work, is needed
and he suggested that there is requirement
to create a separate science, which will deal
with these issues, like in order to obtain
from this science, the best with the least
effort, with the high satisfaction, for the
own and public welfare and by acting fair,
with regard to own conscience and others.
So, long back 1857 the word ergonomics was
coined. Now, in 1949, Murrell in England reinvented
the coined word ergonomics.
So, that is in 1949, after that in 20th century,
mid of the 20th century, then not only ergonomics,
other words also came like human engineering
in German speaking areas. Anglo-American language,
they mention this science for this subject
as human factors and in European countries
they called it ergonomics. So, the human engineering
or ergonomics, which was first coined in 1857
gradually in different countries or different
parts of the world, took different names;
like human engineering, human factors or ergonomics.
Not only these names, there are so many other
precursors of ergonomics; like time study,
motion study, these are also other precursors
which has been used by various authors.
Now, most widely used or widely accepted definition
of ergonomics is given by international IEA,
international ergonomic association. International
ergonomic association, as per their definition
what is ergonomics. They define ergonomics
is a scientific discipline, concerned with
the understanding of the interactions among
humans and other relevance of a system, and
the profession. So, this is the ergonomics
as a subject, and here ergonomics as the profession
and the profession that applies theoretical
principles, data, methods, to design, in order
to design, in order to optimize human well-being
and overall system performance. So, earlier
defined ergonomics as a subject, as well as,
as a profession, now who are ergonomists?
As further definition of IEA, practitioners
of ergonomics, an ergonomist contribute to
the design and evaluation of tasks, jobs,
products, environments and systems, in order
to make them compatible with the needs, abilities
and limitation of the people. .
So, IEA define both; what is ergonomics, as
well as who are ergonomist. Then down the
line, years after years in various research
papers, various researchers, research papers
for or books, they have mentioned ergonomics;
defined ergonomics as per their understanding.
If you see this definition, by Fernandez (1995),
the design of the workplace, equipment, machine,
tool, product, environment and system taking
into consideration that human physical, physiological,
biomechanical and psychological capabilities
and optimizing the effectiveness and productivity
of the work system, while assuring the safety,
health and well-being of the workers. In general,
the aim in ergonomics is to fit the task to
the man, not individual to the task, as we
have already mentioned. So, in this way, if
you go through all these definition, so various
authors in their research paper, they have
defined differently.
Now, in the research paper, Jaffar et al.
(2011) they mentioned the commonly highlighted
view of the definition of ergonomics, is mainly
about the relationship between human, machines,
systems, job design and the work environment.
Now, in 1959, we are discussing about the
history. So, after history, we have discussed
few definitions of ergonomics, and then if
you look at this one in 1959 various scientific
organizations dealt with ergonomics grouped
under the roof of international ergonomics
association. So, in 1959, ergonomics, international
ergonomics association was originated, then
in India we are talking about Indian ergonomics,
Indian society of ergonomics, because we are
from India, Indian Institute of Technology,
Guwahati. So, in this curriculum, in this
course we emphasize little bit about the ergonomics
scenario in India. So, for that purpose, here
I have mentioned the Indian society of ergonomics.
The Indian society of ergonomics was established
in 1983 and it is the only professional body
in India, which is dealing with ergonomics
and human factor professionals in India.
Now, so far during discussion of definition
of ergonomics and human factors, we have many
times used that word; sometimes you are giving
ergonomics, sometimes you are mentioning as
human factors, but now the question is coming,
are these two words human factors and ergonomics,
are they synonymous, or these two are completely
different words or what is the relation between
ergonomic human factors and ergonomics. So,
if we look at the development of both these
subject area, then well find that the subject
area human factors, actually developed in
United States of America (USA) and its root
subjects are, roots are grounded in psychology,
applied/experimental psychology, engineering
psychology and human engineering. So, the
subject human factor, human factors or human
factor engineering, actually developed from
some other discipline like psychology and
it was mainly popular in USA.
On the other hand, if we look at the ergonomics,
ergonomics is popular in European countries,
and the subjects from which this subject evolved
or flourished, those subjects are actually
anatomy, physiology, industrial medicine,
design and architecture. So, from all these
subjects, that ergonomics to input and gradually
established as a new branch; that is ergonomics.
As such, there is no difference between human
factors and ergonomics. These two words, human
factors and ergonomics, now a days are being
used synonymously, means their meanings are
same. Only difference is the, from which subject
it is originated, at the same time where it
is much more popular, in which countries,
only there is the difference. But in other
words these two, human factors and ergonomics,
these two words are synonymous. For that reason,
if you look at this portion, in USA, human,
which was earlier known as human factors society,
has recently changed its name to human factors
and ergonomics society. To emphasize that
human factors and ergonomics are not different,
this is synonymous only.
Now, while we are discussing about ergonomics,
then we are moving towards system design approach
in ergonomics. So, already during discussion
of definition of ergonomics to we mentioned,
that human, work element and surrounding physical
environment, these three components comprises
a system. So, in this example, Bishe in 2012
in his book, he mentioned, the human as a
systems component, designers must treat the
human to the component or integral component
of the system, that has been designed. The
process for designing the vehicle, should,
does involve the consideration of the following
major components; one is; obviously, driver,
then vehicle and environment, because he is
defining the system approach of ergonomics
in the field of automotive ergonomics. In
automotive ergonomics, while there is interaction
between driver and vehicle, in that interaction
there is surrounding environment in driver-vehicle
With this driver-vehicle interaction, he has
described various system components. Now,
if you look at the driver and user. Driver
and user, while we are discussing about driver
and user, we must know about the characteristics,
capabilities and limitation of driver. Similarly,
for vehicle we need to study type, size, body
shape, subsystem components, all these. Similarly,
while you are talking about environment, then
road condition, traffic, weather, dust, illumination
level or it is daytime or night. So, all these
factors are related to environmental variables.
Now this overall system, driver is interacting
with the vehicle, where there is are these
environmental factors. In this interaction,
why the study of this interaction is important?
Because we need to discuss about performance,
how will, how much task completion time, errors.
So, we need to discuss about the performance,
We need to discuss about the preference; like,
Similarly, perception, quality, craftsmanship
workmanship, harmony. So, in driver- vehicle
interaction also, that system, driver vehicle
interaction, in that case the system is comprising
of these three factors and this interaction
is going on and there is major role of ergonomics,
because that vehicle; its operation, its design,
everything is actually performed by human
being only. So, key learning from this slide
is that, if any system, while we are designing
that vehicle, we should not feel that, driver
is out of that system, the whole vehicle design
process, we include both driver or human or
passenger, and at the same time it, we should
also consider the surrounding environment.
Now, in this slide we have categorized those
three components; what we are discussing so
far, that in this system, man-machine-environment
system, there are three components. One is
human component, second is machine component
and the third one is environmental component.
So, under human component what we are discussing.
We are discussing about dimensional requirement,
physiological requirement, biomechanical requirement
and psychological requirement. So, these are
discussed under human component. Similarly,
under machine component what we discussed.
We discussed about physical attributes of
that machine or facility or the product, then
energy to run that machine, then safety and
hygiene, force requirement, moving parts all
these are actually coming under machine component.
Similarly, under environmental component what
we are discussing; the thermal condition,
visual, illumination, glare, then auditory,
vibration, radiation, dust. So, all these
characters are discussed under environmental
Now, for any system there are three elements,
three basic components; one is the input,
process and output. In man-machine system
also, these three factors will be available;
one is the input, second is process, third
one is output. Now if you look at this diagram;
in this side, man/ human or user or operator.
Human user operator, for that there are three;
first input, process, output. Similarly, this
side is the machine part, machine part for
machine also there is, output, process, input.
Now if I give the example it will be much
easier to understand. If we give the example;
say I am human being. So, we should know about
the characteristics of the human, user characteristics,
user capabilities, user limitations. Now if
we take the example of my interaction with
the laptop, then what is happening. As a human
being, I am typing on the, first input. First,
we are receiving the input. We are receiving
the input from the computer screen, I am looking
at the computer screen, input is coming through
my visual sensory system and that information
is going to my brain. First information, I
am pursuing that information, through my visual
sense, special sense, then it is going to
my next, it is going to my brain, it is being
So, first input is received by various sensory
channels. In this case, particularly in this
case I am receiving information through my
eyes and then it is going to my brain. In
the brain it is being processed. After that,
some output is there. What is that output?
After processing in the brain then I am pressing
the key. So, that is actually neo-muscular
action. So, first I am receiving the information
from the computer. I am processing that information
in my mind, in my brain, and then I am doing
some muscular activity, you know muscular
activity; that is the output, whatever is
the output from my side; that is actually
going as the input for the computer. So, my
output that is typing of that key is going
as an input for the computer or laptop.
While I am pressing any key that is actually
input for the machine, then machine processing
that one, that laptop is processing that one,
mechanical; either mechanical process is there,
or electronic process is there. Then machine
is giving some output, the screen is now changed.
So, this step after pressing the key, that
input is going, it is processed electronically
in that laptop and ultimately it is giving
some output, it is moving towards the next
Then whatever is that output is provided by
the machine in this example, laptop. So, whatever
output is provided by the laptop, that again
going as the input for human being. So, while
I am pressing, it is going to the next screen
and now I am looking at the next screen. So,
this is the input for me and this interaction
man and machine, this interaction is going
on, and this interaction is also influenced
by surrounding immediate environment as well
as the overall so many other factors; like
organizational factor psycho-social factors,
so many other factors also affect this interaction.
So, regarding the system design approach,
it is very important. in the earlier slide
also we mentioned, in this slide that human
is the prime system component because whatever
we are designing, whatever we are developing
that is for human, for the people, that is
developed by the people and for the people,
as the design process considering these three
factors, three things, so this is very important.
Now, while we are discussing about ergonomics,
there are. You will find one word, that is
ergonomic stressors. What are ergonomic stressors?
Any condition that poses biomechanical stress
or on human body leading to an increased risk
of developing musculo-skeletal problem; that
is known as ergonomic stressesors. There are
varieties of ergonomics stressors; like excessive
force exertion, awkward working posture, repetitive
motion, heavy load handling insufficient recovery
time, movement of body joints beyond the comfort
range, prolonged duration of work, psycho-social
factors, adverse physical condition; like
vibration, heat, cold, noise, illumination,
then sustained posture, means we are unable
to change the posture; we are undergoing a
constant posture. So, all these factors these
are only a few of the stressors. There is
a very lengthy list; all these factors actually
affect the human body, human performance and
ultimately productivity.
Now, after discussing the definition of ergonomics,
various system approach in ergonomics, here
we are moving towards importance of ergonomics,
why knowledge of ergonomics is important for
designing any product or facility. Because
ergonomics is such a subject, it actually
deals with occupational health. It deals with
efficiency, productivity of the system and
also it is deals with the various safety issues.
If any product, facility or process design,
if we follow ergonomic principle, then what
will? If you do not follow them what will
happen. Then there will be fatigue, pain,
illness, low morale, frustration, irritation,
all these things will happen. And ultimately
in the long run, it will lead to poor quality,
absenteeism, higher cost, higher employee
turnover, requirement of training; this will
be the output.
On the other hand, if we can use ergonomic
principle in our day to day life, where we
are developing some product, facility, then
we will get so many benefits, what are those
benefits. There will be higher productivity,
higher quality, reduced operator injury, increased
morale, greater job satisfaction, low medical
and insurance costs and reduced time and so
on. So, from this it is very clear, ergonomics
is a subject, which is dealing with these
types of important areas; like occupational
health, safety, productivity, efficiency.
And if we follow ergonomics then we will have
so many benefits. So, knowledge of ergonomics
is very much important, while we are designing
or developing some product, facility or process.
So, if we recall that slide, which is mentioned
that we start from design, first. First, we
have some basic idea about the design, then
will discuss about basics of ergonomics, its
definition. So, now, the point is that, what
is the relation between these ergonomics and
design, if you see this statement, Chowdhury
et al. (2012), they rightly pointed out that
design and ergonomics are actually complimentary
to each other, like a lock and key model,
without key, lock is useless. On the other
hand, without lock, key is valueless. So,
relationship between this design and ergonomics,
actually they are complimentary to each other,
ergonomics or human factors engineering is
a multidisciplinary science, which deals with
designing equipments or devices and work places
that fit to human body, its movement and cognitive
abilities in relation to their work performance.
Whereas, design is a scientific branch or
a particular product or facility or output
is made following specific methods from predefined
So, ergonomics is actually used in the design
process. Again we can recall that slide. In
that slide we mentioned that, in the design
development phases, we have to consider, we
have to provide ergonomic inputs from the
very beginning .Very beginning means from
conceptual phase, then; obviously, in design
phase and detailed design phase also. Dul
et al. (2012) mentioned that design becomes
successful, only by incorporation of ergonomics
features within it. So, for ergonomist or
human factors engineers, engineering is actually
a design driven discipline. So, what is ergonomics?
So, he clearly pointed out that ergonomics
or human factors engineering is actually a
design driven discipline, where we have to
put knowledge of ergonomics, so that we can
make our design better.
As we have already mentioned, design becomes
successful, only when we are incorporating
ergonomic knowledge in the design process.
So, what is successful design, what is good
design? The successful design or good design
is that, where in the design we have considered
ergonomic principle or we have provided ergonomic
consideration into that product, whatever
product we are developing or whatever facet
we are developing, we have to think, that
is, human compatibility of
that product. Now, here it is one example.
In this example, this is an existing thresher.
Thresher is one equipment that is generally
used for threshing various types of grains.
So, that thresher, if we want to redesign,
how we proceed. We in various steps, we follow,
we will provide various ergonomic input and
gradually to develop this type of redesigned
product where we made some CAD model of that
product, again go for the actual prototype
and then refinement of that prototype.
Now, ergonomically designed, is some time,
is used misnomer now a days. . This is very
true, because many places, or on many advertisements
you will find, it is written ergonomically
designed, that may be for furniture, that
may be for utensils, that may be for so many,
wide range of products, people are mentioning
widely that ergonomically designed, but what
is ergonomically designed, if you look at
those advertisements we will find nothing
is there. Those products, in many cases, those
products are really not ergonomically designed
and there are so many design loop holes or
false. For example, this type of advertisement
you will find, that this tool is ergonomically
designed, but truly speaking this is not.
If you study this one, then you will understand
that is not ergonomically designed, that is
not good for sitting also.
Similarly, ergonomically designed handle;
here you can clearly understand that there
is no coating, no cover. So, whenever you
will hold this, if this pan is hot; obviously,
you can a not hold the handle. Similarly,
this type of spoon, that manufacturer or the
seller claim that this is an ergonomically
designed, but if you check the usability,
sorry. So, if you check the usability that
is actually not good for use, but it does
not mean that all the products in the market
are not ergonomically designed or a good design;
obviously, there are so many products in the
market which are really good and various ergonomics
or human factor aspects has been considered
in their design. So, one example is this one,
finger loop bypass pruner. So, this is really
ergonomically designed. We have considered
human hand dimension, gripping and so many
other issues.
So far, what we have discussed. We discussed
about design, then gradually moved to ergonomics,
next we discussed what is the relation between
ergonomics and design then we are coming to
physical ergonomics versus virtual ergonomics.
Now what is physical ergonomics and what is
virtual ergonomics. In physical ergonomics,
if you look at these two images. So, in this
case, real human being is operating this grass-cutter
machine and this is the CAD generated human
model operating, the CAD model of the grass-cutter
machine. In both the cases, so what is happening,
human-machine interaction is going on, but
this interaction is going on in real scenario,
means in physical environment. That human
being is real, product is also real and interaction
is going on and that interaction is going
on in real life. So, while we are studying
this human-machine compatibility in physical
mode that is called physical ergonomics.
On the other hand, while the CAD generated
environment, as human modeling is CAD generated,
product model is also CAD generated, while
we are studying the compatibility between
products and human, that is coming under virtual
ergonomics. So, broadly we can categorize
ergonomics, in these two areas; one is physical
ergonomics, another is virtual ergonomics.
In digital human modeling software, we go
for this virtual man-machine interface and
virtual ergonomics evaluation.
Now, what are the challenges to ergonomist,
why ergonomics is important, and how we can
use this type of CAD software generated human
model and use that human model for various
ergonomics evaluation or providing ergonomic
input in the design. So, here you can see,
there are huge variations in human body, shape
and sizes in population. Similarly, in the
market also, there may be different types
of product in the market; otherwise in your
mind there are thousands of concepts of the
new product. Now how will you understand,
that which product will be optimally fitted
with the human requirement. Human requirement
in terms their body dimension, their capability,
mean all those points, capabilities, limitations
and all these.
Next, the same thing we can evaluate, which
product is good or for the population, for
the wide range of population. So, for that
purpose we can go for this type of physical
ergonomic evaluation, where the product model
or the product we can acquire and we can go
for real human …….[Not audible]. We can
ask different types of real human, who are
real human in different types, in terms of
say; age variation, sex variation, somatotype
variation? So, we can ask fat person, thin
person, children, adult, different types of
people we can call, we can ask them to use
the product and get the feedback.
On the other hand, what we can do, but if
we go for this type of process, then this
is time consuming. Then if we find any problem
in that design, again we have to go for redesign
and modification, that will be costly, because
already you have made that product. So, redesign,
modification will be time consuming, costly,
then there will be wastage of material, so
many problems are there, but the same evaluation,
if we do in virtual environment like this
way, if we generate CAD model of the, CAD
model for human and we can vary, we can make
male model, female model or you we can prepare
the human model as per somatotype variation,
age variation.
Similarly, we can make the CAD model of the
product. After developing CAD model of human
and CAD model of the product, what we can
do, we can go for interfacing these two, with
that appropriate working posture. We can simulate
various activities and that time we can check,
various, that whether this is compatible with
the human body dimension, dimensional requirement
or anthropometric that is anthropometric requirement,
or biomechanical requirement and whether that
human can operate this equipment or machine
comfortably or not, In this way, using virtual
environment, in virtual environment, that
CAD generated environment, using digital human
model, using CAD product model, we can evaluate,
we can go for various types of ergonomic evaluation.
Fine, so far we have discussed about design,
it should be in ergonomics, relationship between
ergonomics and design, then what is virtual
ergonomics, what is physical ergonomics, and
what is virtual ergonomics. Now as I mentioned
I am assistant professor from Indian Institute
of Technology. So, for Indian students, we
want to give some information about how ergonomics
originated and developed in India.
So, for that purpose in the next few slides
we will discuss about ergonomics in India.
In this developing country, India, ergonomics
actually started long back
in 1945. Industrial health center and advisory
committee by Indian research and research
fund association I ICMR was established. Then,
in 1955 ergonomics research started in department
of physiology, Presidency College, Calcutta.
In 1960, Industrial physiology division, Central
Labour Institute, Mumbai and Work physiology
division, Central mining research institute,
Dhanbad and they started research in the field
of occupational health and ergonomics. Here
most important thing, these are only related
to research, but in 1971, first postgraduate
course in ergonomics and work physiology was
introduced in Calcutta University, by this
person. He is Professor R.N.Sen, the first
academic course of ergonomics and work physiology
was initiated in 1971 at University of Calcutta
by this pioneer ergonomist professor R N Sen.
Then years after years, in so many colleges,
universities they introduced course, full-fledged
course on ergonomics or as a part of their
curriculum they started. Presently in India
there are various academic institutions, where
ergonomics is being taught. So, this is a
list of those colleges or universities, for
example, Calcutta University, Vidyasagar University,
Burdwan University, Kalyani University. So,
there is a, many of the IITs also, then IISC
Bangalore, NITs. So, in many institutions
of India right now, these academic institutions
are running course related to ergonomics.
And on the right side panel, we will find
various research papers, where say overview
of ergonomics, ergonomics meets and a research
in India.
So, that has been published in these journals.
So, you can go through this thing, then, will
get more ideas or more knowledge about the
development of ergonomics in India. Growth
of ergonomics in India by K K Ganguly in 2009,
he has published. Similarly, he has another
publication in 2013, ergonomics for Indian
industry. So, if we go through these literatures,
then we will get a fair idea about history
and development of ergonomics in Indian scenario,
then there are many other academic institutions,
where these course, ergonomics or human factors
related course are been taught.
So, here I have listed almost 30 institutions,
similarly in many other institutions,where
they are not teaching that course with the
name of ergonomics or human factors. In their
curriculum they have mentioned, the similar
topics under occupational health and safety.
So, these are the institutions where occupational
health and safety related forces courses are
being taught in India. So, here is also a
lengthy list, you can go through one after
another. So, here I have listed almost 24
Then, there are many research institutes which
are dealing with research, R & D, other R
& D labs on ergonomics, as well as occupational
health. So,out of those research institutions,
these are the popular one; Defence Institute
of Physiology and Allied Sciences, DRDO, Delhi,
National Institute of Occupational Health,
NIOH emdabad, Central Labour Institute, Mumbai,
Regional Occupational Health Center, Kolkata,
then National Institute of Rehabilitation
Training and Research, Orissa, National Institute
of Orthopedically Handicapped, it is also
in Calcutta.
So, now there is some information related
to my lab, where I am associated. This is
ergonomics laboratory and at department of
design, IIT Guwahati. So, in our lab we have
the state of art facility for different types
of ergonomic evaluation. So, I suggest all
the students to explore this website, then,
you will get much more idea about various
types of facilities and our publications and
also what types of research is going on in
Indian scenario in the field of ergonomics.
Now, domain of specialization, already we
have mentioned that ergonomics, we can categorize
physical ergonomics and virtual ergonomics,
in terms of whether that ergonomic evaluation
is going on, in physical environment or in
virtual environment, but as a subject, ergonomics,
which is being categorized in the three different
domains. What are those domains; one is physical
ergonomics, another is cognitive ergonomics,
another is organizational ergonomics. So,
these three are the domains or specialization
under ergonomics. In physical ergonomics,
we study these areas; human anatomy, anthropometry,
physiology, biomechanics.
In cognitive, mental processes, perception,
reasoning, motor response. Similarly, in organizational
ergonomics, we discuss about organizational
structure, policies, processes. Now, here
are three examples, of different types of,
different domains. So, one is this one, physical
ergonomics. So, what is in this, what it is
shown? It is shown, whether human body dimension
is compatible with the dimension of the physical
dimension of the product. So, that type of
compatibility study, in physical environment
where we are discussing about the anthropometric
compatibility or posture or comfort; that
it is coming under physical ergonomics.
Similarly, under cognitive ergonomics, say
for example, decision making. In in front
of you, there are so many products and you
have to select one particular product, you
have to make decision that which product you
like. So, that visual information processing
or auditory information processing or decision
making. So, all these areas actually coming
under cognitive ergonomics. Similarly, if
you look at this, this is an example of a
class room, in this class room example, it
is coming under organizational ergonomics,
mean that organization, that is colleges or
university, college and university administration
they have decided, that how should be the
size of the classroom, what should be the
student-teacher ratio, how should be the space
layout, all these things actually decided
by the organization. So, this is coming under
organizational ergonomics. Now, if you go
through these three domains. So, physical
ergonomics, it is concerned with human anatomical,
anthropometric, physiological and biomechanical
as they relate to the physical activity. Relevant
topics include working postures, material
handling, repetitive movement, musculo-skeletal
disorders, workplace, and so on. Similarly,
in cognitive ergonomics, is concerned with
mental a processes; that is perception, memory,
reasoning and motor response. As they affect
interaction among humans and other elements
of a system. Relevant topics include mental
workload, decision making as we have already
mentioned in the earlier slide. Like this
one physical. In the next one; this is physical
ergonomics, then cognitive ergonomics, the
next one is organizational ergonomics.
In organizational ergonomics, it is concerned
with optimization of the socio-technical system,
including their organizational structure,
policies, and processes. Relevant topics include
communication, crew resource management, work
design, design of working times, teamwork,
participatory design, community ergonomics
and cooperative work. So, these areas are
coming under organizational ergonomics. So,
now, these three domains will be much more
clear. So, we are giving in a. So, earlier
slide we have discussed with a three different
example. One example for physical, one for
cognitive and another for organizational.
But if we combine these three domains, in
a single example, and how it is coming, we
are giving. Let us take the example of this
class room. In this class room, in the same
actually these three domains are not separate;
these are integral part of any system. These
are the integral part of any discussion, while
we are discussing about physical ergonomics;
obviously, there is cognitive ergonomics and
organizational ergonomics. See if we take
this example, class room. So, while teacher
is interacting with the students, or the students
and the teacher is interacting with the overall
workplace, then different domain of ergonomics
is involved, physical ergonomics. So, where
this projection screen is placed, so that
all the students as well as the faculty members
can see it clearly.
So, positioning of the screen is very important,
that positioning of that screen, projector
screen, is coming under physical ergonomics,
so that the students as well as teacher can
visualize it very clearly without much effort
and without much neck movement. Similarly,
cognitive ergonomics; teacher is telling something,
students are listening. Then on the projection
there is some visual information, students
are perceiving those information through their
sensory modalities, particularly through vision
sense and then they are replying to teacher.
So, this is coming under cognitive ergonomics.
Similarly, the third part is, sorry, this
is mistake, this should be organizational
ergonomics. In organizational ergonomics what
is there, in organizational ergonomics.
So, providing audio visual facilities, by
the institute, in this classroom whatever
audio visual facilities has been provided,
or whatever is the arrangement of the classroom,
space layout, all these actually provided
by the institute. So, institute as an organization,
decide that what, which type of audio visual
facility to be provided or what type of the
classroom layout is required or what type
of furniture we purchased for that classroom.
So, all these actually decided by the organization
as a whole. So, in every system, all these
three domains of ergonomics can be discussed.
So, we have discussed this one with the example
of this classroom, in the same classroom example,
we can discuss about physical ergonomics,
cognitive ergonomics, as well as organizational
Next, moving to human factors to be considered
for design technology application, various
human factors or ergonomics issues, which
we need to discuss in human-machine interaction.
Now here if you look at this chart, on y-axis
it is user or operator characteristics. So,
these are the user or operator’s characteristics.
On x-axis, it is machine or product characteristics,
so human characteristics and this is product
or facility characteristics. Now how these
two characteristics are interacting with each
other. Static physical requirement from user
side; users' physical requirement at the same
time, static physical dimension of the product
or facility, that is discussed under anthropometry,
so what is anthropometry. So, here you can
look at this color coding, these are characteristics
of the user, these are the characteristics
of the product, and if you look at the color
coding. So, what it indicates. It indicates
that anthropometry is a subject, where we
discuss about static physical requirement
by the user or human and static physical dimension
of the product.
While human is interacting with a product,
human’s physical dimension whether human’s
physical dimension, is compatible with the
product’s physical dimensions; that is coming
under anthropometry. Similarly, under biomechanics
what we are discussing. We are discussing
dynamic physical requirement of the human
body, with dynamic physical dimension; that
is coming under biomechanics. For example,
one example, we can give, the reachability,
how human can move their different body parts,
mainly particularly hand or leg, for reaching
or holding some object. And physical dynamic,
physical dimension, say if someone opening
a door or closing a door. So, for that purpose
how much human hand can move, at the same
time what that further facility for door movement,
what allowances has been provided.
Similarly, if we look at this top one; aesthetic
evaluation. Under aesthetic evaluation, what
we do, effective needs of human, at the same
time ours or visual aesthetics of the product.
So, that is actually coming under aesthetic
evaluation. Similarly, cognitive ability of
human being and operatibility of the product
and machine, it is coming under information
processing. So, under information processing
we discuss about what is the operational requirement
of the machine or instrument, at the same
time whether that is compatible with the human-cognitive
ability, we will discuss about that. So, with
this schematic diagram, it is very clearly
understood that various subject or discipline
under the field of ergonomics, is actually
interaction between various characteristics
of the operator and various characteristics
of the machine or product.
Now, in this subject ergonomics or human factors,
we discussed various aspects of human or environment.
Physiological aspect, under physiological
aspect, we discussed about cardio-vascular
response, respiratory response, metabolic
response and ultimately all these response
leads to, if the product or facility, is not
ergonomically designed. So, what it will do.
It will lead to physiological load or physiological
stress, and when there is physiological load
or physiological stress, it ultimately affects
human body systems. There are various systems;
nervous system, digestive system. So, all
these systems actually will be affected by
physiological stress and human will become
thin or he or she feels discomfort.
Similarly, under anthropometry and biomechanical
aspect, various issues like anthropometric
compatibility, comfort of body joint parts,
then weight and center gravity. So, these
factors we will study and while there is anthropometric
or biomechanical incompatibility, then what
will happen. It will lead to musculo-skeletal
load. There will be enhanced musculoskeletal
load. While there is musculo-skeletal, enhanced
musculoskeletal load, it will in the long
run, it will develop different types of musculo-skeletal
disorders. .
Now, various psychological aspects, in various
psychological aspects we discuss about design,
color, texture, material of the product, concise
information, universal appeal and aesthetics.
So, this psychological aspect ultimately relates
to cognitive load. So, whatever information,
is been provided, by the instrument or human
being is perceiving from that instrument or
product, that ultimately, increasing the cognitive
work load of the human. If cognitive work
load is high, what is cognitive work load?
Cognitive work load is the human perception
about the work being performed. If he feels
that work is difficult, if he feels that work
is taking much mental effort or physical effort,
then his cognitive work load is more.
If cognitive work load is high, then it will
affect information processing, it will tell,
there will be sleep disorder , it will also
affect physical health. Then under ergonomics,
we also discussed about various environmental
aspects. We mentioned already that, level
of illumination, noise, vibration, radiation,
all these factors we studied. Similarly, there
are also other aspects like socio-cultural
aspects. Under socio-cultural aspect, we discussed
about motion-stereo type, handedness left-handed,
right- -handed user’s educational status,
economic status, language and religions. So,
many other issues actually
discussed under the field of ergonomics.
Now, moving towards the application, we already
discussed why ergonomics is important, in
the field of design. Now, if we talk about
applications where ergonomics is being applied.
Answer is ergonomics is applied everywhere,
where there is human, there is application
of ergonomics and we have already defined
that ergonomics is interaction between human
and his or her work elements. So, while human
is interacting with any sort of product or
process or article or artifact, everywhere
there is requirement of ergonomics. If In
any industrial or occupational sector, starting
from aerospace engineering, agricultural sector,
fashion technology, health care, everywhere
there is application of ergonomics. Even if
we say that, we want to design something for
our pet, dog or cat. In that case also we
have to think, we are designing, for say one
cage for that cat or dog. We are not designing
for them only; we are designing for human
convenience. So, ultimately whatever you are
designing, that always have to keep in mind
the human need, human requirement.
Now, this is only a very small list, in any
field there is application of ergonomics.
So, here are, some examples are given; say
for example, virtual environment, we are using,
we are going for ergonomic evaluation, in
all the places references are provided. In
aerospace and aviation sector, there is also
use of ergonomics, how we can design this
night vision goggles, then this type of helmet,
then in various industrial sector how we can
use the knowledge of ergonomics, for betterment
of their occupational health, for providing
their better infrastructure facility. So,
that should, they can work easily, comfortably.
Similarly, not only this type of industrial
sector or aviation sector, even in garment
industry, ergonomics is important, because
we have to think that how that garment should
be designed. Not only it should be fitted
with the human body, at the same time you
have to think that material of the garment
or fabric type, fabric or material of the
garment. It should be such that, after wearing
that garment; human should feel comfortable,
he or she should not sweat or it should not
be feeling of too hot or it is too tight,
at the same time while someone is wearing
some cloth, he or she must have the normal
range of motion of body parts. It should not
restrict hand or leg movement or body parts
movement. So, that much allowances should
be given in the design. Similarly, ergonomics
is used in different types of industrial product
design, then automobile industry, automobile
sector, vehicle design, we use, we consider
ergonomics, so that design can be improved.
So, now key learning from module one, so far
what we have learnt. So, first we discussed
about definition of design and ergonomics.
What is design, what is ergonomics, then stages
of product, workstation design. So, what are
the key definitions we have, we mentioned,
that pre-conceptual phase, conceptual phase,
pre-design stage, detailed design stage. So,
various stages in the design process, then
relationship between design and ergonomics,
then whether ergonomics and human factors,
these two words are different or they are
same, means synonymous. Then system design
approach in ergonomics, we have discussed
about that, then when knowledge of ergonomics
is required in field of industrial design
or engineering. System design approach in
ergonomics already we have mentioned, then
another is ergonomics in India, how the subject
ergonomics has been introduced in India and
how it is developing or it is flourishing,
that is we also discussed.
We discussed about various academic institutions,
research institutions, where this type of
ergonomics or occupational health and safety
related courses are being taught. Then we
discussed about domain or specialization of
ergonomics. We talked about physical ergonomics,
cognitive ergonomics and organizational ergonomics.
Then at the end we discussed application of
ergonomics in various occupational or industrial
sectors and in this slide we mentioned, particularly
that ergonomics is such a subject, its requirement
is in everywhere, any facility, product or
any process, which is used by human, which
is for the human or by the human or of the
human. There is obviously, requirement of
Now, you can note down these. All these information,
that there are various useful online resources,
you can go through all these resources to
get so many other information which has not
been covered within these slides. So, all
these resources are very important. I suggest
all of you to explore those links.
And these are the references, which I have
used in various slides for preparing the slides.
And at the end thank you all and this is a
beautiful campus of our institute; that is
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati.
I welcome you all to this beautiful campus.
Thank you.