hello i hope ah you have followed the other
course ah which i have done which is about
how to make a an enclosure now if you remember
contrary to normal engineering analytical
approach to any design the word design in
our context means integrating or synthesizing
available knowledge and technology to come
out with products
so typically if you were to take a thing like
our mobile phone which i keep using right
now this is a clone clone of a well known
thing suddenly things have exploded its like
you see at the back can you see front there
is nothing now if i touch it at the back it
will go on automatically so there is the sensor
its not as if this fingerprint sensor is older
nobody has invented or anything like that
same thing is about when you want to switch
off i just need to touch another thing and
it gets it goes off good known things so you
have a user interface and then you have a
sensor and then add it to that in this small
size it is between four to six radios antennas
and all of them are nicely packed inside
the only disadvantage or ah something which
we is a followed is heat it gets hot so putting
any protective case like this seems to beat
all the the whole thing only makes it hotter
seen this know these things keep getting hotter
and hotter so suddenly that whole back is
hot we do not know that the original designer
wanted it this way with this attached or he
wanted it raw this is where the problem of
heating starts
so we have here while this is a not a very
critical application we will end up with certain
applications like this i think i showed you
this i got ah thanks to another colleague
of mine this time i got a new piece which
is no it even works not ah damaged and all
that you see this is the temperature measuring
device you have a tip and in case i want to
see where it is i just need to touch it and
it shows a number
now when we come to more and more understanding
of the physics as well as how to use the knowledge
in developing new things we need to be a little
more what you call proficient or professional
about these things one of the first things
is it is not as if heat sink and design you
know i have not invented the heat sink or
this in my view is an ok ish something i dont
know what it is its aluminium and it is a
nice gray color can also be probably used
as heat something and to start with let me
start with a well known ah ah device i strictly
dont know what this devices it has been taken
out from i had not know something one of the
first thing you will notice is there are heat
generating components i do not know there
are some transistors or linear or ah switching
devices or anything i expect that ah there
are so many of them and then we have again
one two three four five six relays here
advantage of a relay is it has only two nice
states in the open condition there is no current
there is an voltage across it no current in
the closed curre condition of the contacts
there is no voltage but current is only passing
through as such this is an ideal switch in
contrast with that any of our active devices
which see here are not ideal even though you
can have low forward drop something you still
have a lower drop means there is a voltage
and similarly there is the current the moment
you you know multiply it obviously you get
ah the issue of heat loss and heating up how
to get over it a still a lot of what you call
science and engineering and little bit of
one because the alternatives you need to generate
the alternatives and one of the things again
meant here is you see this whitish thing which
is here i think all of us know we know what
it is we loosely call it a heat sink and we
also understand you know it is not an infinite
heat sink it is just a heat spreader a heat
whatever is picked up from here it is passed
on to this block which in turn tries to passed
on to any medium in this any fluid medium
in this case we have air it is not a what
you call its a common knowledge its just like
a car car has a radiator inside the radiator
doesnt radiate it we are in deep soup if it
radiates it doesnt radiate at all what it
does is all the time [laughter] it ah tries
to use a convective cooling sometimes natural
when the car is moving obviously another thing
which we dont have in the car is a fan built
the fan is run not in belt but we all understand
when we mean what a fan built its used for
other things for running other things what
it has instead is an electrical fan this electrical
fan tries to force air through the heat exchanger
basically its a heat exchanger from a liquid
inside typically water mixed with ah probably
propylene glycol with a ambient cold air
in some conditions it is needed and generally
when the vehicle is moving at a particular
speed often we dont need to have the fan switched
on this is a definitely a jump over the maybe
cars made about fifty years sixty years back
where to the crankshaft there used to be yes
a fan built which is which connects the what
you call ah dynamo or loosely they use the
word dynamo alternate or anything interchangeable
but we know basically it is a generator of
some sort it could be ac or dc and then you
also have a water pump and then you have the
fan belt and then the fan belt [laughter]
has a fan which throws the air on the radiator
so radiator is wrong fan is wrong we still
have that heat exchanger no more fan belt
now coming back to this thing now if my friend
can show me the monitor any design if you
have already seen this it is been there included
in the other lecture of mine about ah equipment
design equipment involves tremendous amount
of various other people which need to work
in it together in this case fortunately obviously
it is a social creature and so on so at the
thing you have a beautiful what you call ah
i mean beehive these hives are common among
the animal kingdom you also have it for ah
hornets nest ah you also have it for ah various
other thing the common purpose we know is
to probably make store food and also know
use it for ah various other thing and then
probably a little bit of socializing i will
not talk about it i am just going to talk
about the allegorical representation about
this thing
contrary to what we think it is not pigeonhole
the activity is not pigeon holed everything
is to work together probably the next slide
will try to explain what is a times trying
to do about it all these are needed so in
this cor corner you know we have only this
what you call thermal heat technology slightly
related to is the interconnection
so if you remember i have ah mentioned this
earlier saying in our case normally as far
as possible with right only work about the
enclosure and then how to treat heat with
this i have mentioned it in passing earlier
that ah we have this dotted line you know
probably represents the external enclosure
and then we have this thermal aspects by which
inside the device how do you bring the heat
out what we have here is a breadboard ok its
made with a on a what you call i think you
would have seen these things [laughter] ok
ah board which has a lot of things and all
that and then we have this aluminium plate
here and aluminium plate here they have tried
a circuit and in this case it is easy nicely
you know things it here and there is no problem
this is a starting point
but eventually when you end up with a complicated
thing like this this is a full ip sixty seven
sealed drive from a commercial ah manufacturer
its a dc motor controller the voltage you
know is thirty six volts in the current is
hundred and fifty amps thats a lot of current
so even if we assume ninety percent ah what
you call ah efficiency it means ten percent
loss and its ten percent loss this ah one
sixty amps comes to sixteen amps into thirty
six thats a lot of power is it not sixteen
into thirty six something like ah i think
ah five hundred watts five hundred watts of
losses are associated with it but the magic
is it is not continuous not continuous neither
is the current continues obviously you know
it goes in peak side the back the manufacturer
has taken care to give us a flat plate in
fact all drives you know like this unless
you ask the manufacturer to fit the heat spreader
on the trend give they all come with its
now they give all the specifications here
saying it works with an ambient up to sixty
five degrees centigrade provided you can maintain
this at something its fashionable to use the
word twenty five degrees centigrade but impossible
to maintain anywhere like this so typically
if we can maintain this around ah fifty degree
centigrade and the ambient is around twenty
five we still have twenty five degrees to
so we need to dev make a device or ah make
a method know by which that ah twenty five
degree centigrade for a given wattage of these
five hundred watts will give you the thermal
resistance of it so you have seen that we
ended up with the beautiful twenty five by
five hundred which will come to a very small
number typically all power heat sinks are
all designed with these numbers like that
so if you take normally fifty by what you
call five hundred it will come to a point
one if you take twenty five by five hundred
it will come to a point zero five so if you
have something which can be made at point
zero five centigrade per watt it can be used
safely in continuous running conditions alternatively
you need to deride the drive which is typically
what is done
where are early full one sixty amperes passes
and then three sixty thing is there because
one sixty and three sixty sixty comes to five
kilowatt this is not intended for a motor
like that you know typically this is used
in wheelchairs it is used in a little type
of you know high power ah electrical mobility
devices and the peak currents are never used
this is only for ah this thing so typically
they use it for ah motors up to around you
know two hundred three hundred watts so if
i take it i get only thirty watts so thirty
watts i can design the heat sink for it
you will notice that most of the thing inside
is how sensitive are the components this is
where you know electronics has been improving
and in fact if you can look up the internet
you will discover things like high temperature
ah what you call electronics there are electronic
device which will work it ah i believe two
hundred degrees centigrade i will show you
the link afterwards
another is how will you make a layout and
then important thing is heat bridges how do
you bring the heat from inside to the outside
so typically the plate i have shown you had
something make sure that everything is brought
and the plate uniformly has to be at a very
high temperature its a very very interesting
thing if you have a heat sink when you put
your hand on it if it feels cold something
must be wrong either its really working very
efficiently with zero this thing and or inside
the devices already failed or its not switched
on and all and a heat sink which is at the
ambient temperature or a heat spread at ambient
temperature it can really not take any this
thing across you seen this show you it cannot
really take anything across
so we have the problems about it my lecture
is going to be a little about basics of thermal
aspects and then little bit of how to select
a little heat sink and all it and then ah
how to manage this ah what you call what are
the heat transfer mechanisms if any of you
recollect this this about sums up all that
is there in modern ah thing including face
change you will see you know we have this
beautiful face change devices and even see
here its not as if its everything is you know
cut and dry you have you have a heat pipe
flatten such that the what you call actually
evaporation of the working flow it takes place
from there and then it comes and ah circulates
and then in this case you know probably by
definition heat pipes do not have a internal
circulator and then we have a heat spreader
one thing have you noticed the color [laughter]
heat spreader is not black
ah some reason we have all been told heat
sinks better be black have a look at this
is actually inside an equipment and its coated
black does it make sense to make it black
in due course so you will you know you can
probably take a call on that saying whether
you agree with me or not
and just look around any of the new equipment
you know instantly they have discovered that
if you coated with black contrary to whatever
theory you have been taught they tend to fail
because black absorbs heat as much as it can
radiate heat so to say i mean in one of the
lectures i heard know there three modes of
thing and then one of them is conduction another
is ah you know convection third is radiation
and they take equal thing maybe that equal
is only a simplified way of explaining to
a common man they never take an equal thing
in fact in the normal thing wherever you see
its unlikely that ah radiation you know ever
is used to lose heat
again like all rules i have give an exception
if we take a break toaster it best works with
radiation and if you ever wondered about it
we have a beautiful toaster inside you can
see the hot coils but outside ah even its
a plastic it doesnt melt and then you dont
have any what you call insulator like a polyurethane
foam and all that you instead have a simple
heat shield which is a what you call ah um
polished aluminum foil which will reflect
away all the heat that can come inside plus
there is a small air gap air gap plus this
reflective shield is sufficient to make the
walls warm ah not hot otherwise the plastic
will melt
now i will coming back ah to this again you
see here you see this beautiful what you call
ah if we drive for the electric ah vehicle
which is typically characteristic of most
of these ah things here dont ask me sir then
why is it painted black pass pass the question
it has been made for a replacement ah mechanism
hence it is even big and that was made for
a i think twenty kilowatts or something probably
its much smaller than this you dont need to
make and then this environmentally and all
i have shown
so i will now skip go back demonstrations
today i have shown you this this is a drive
we make our best interest to see that we put
a heat spreader to make sure that this is
maintained around fifty degrees centigrade
only when around fifty or sixty degree centigrade
we can take away the heat to the spreader
so typically this heat spreaders will be like
this no problem about it i have here a small
experiment you know that one ah you show me
this i have an experiment which i wanted to
zoom it out ok which i wanted to conduct to
see how do things reach a steady state know
this is a thermocol box ah which was you know
actually it has come from some biological
thing at the bottom inside what you have is
a plate and this plate uses a a heating element
a ptc what you call thermistor element mounted
on a some one type of an aluminum sheet with
spacers and all that
this is the same thing which is used in our
mosquito coils you have that small mosquito
pad there its written seven watts and then
i am sure you would have seen it also if we
take a that mosquito pad and put it on that
it feels a little hot but then by using a
insulating mechanism in this case it is a
an expanded ah po form i am sorry ps from
polystyrene expanded polystyrene form otherwise
ah we know it is thermocol and then insulating
it and leaving it here after around one or
two hours you will notice that it gets hot
really really hot you cant touch its seventy
or eighty degrees so i will get back to you
later when the time comes and then part of
this is this small instrumentation this information
typically is something which we will show
you the temperature at a contact point
if the word subjective makes some sense probably
they should this is a huge thermal mass there
by the time i touch something already the
temperature would have changed which i am
sure in your physics and or anything if you
are the curious you would have found out how
come a block of steel feels cold and a block
of wood doesnt feel cold we are at the same
temperature that both the steel and ah the
wood also feels ah its ambient lets say the
ambient has a reduced to fifteen degree centigrade
and our body is normally skin temperature
around thirty five degrees inside is thirty
seven this thing a fifteen degree steel block
feels cold and a fifteen degree wood block
no looks ok not cold or anything i am sure
you like guess the answer it is a lot to do
heat about the very very local heat the moment
you touch the what you call wood thing it
is already attained the temperature of pure
thing on the surface it will be thirty five
and if you touch the steel thing steel continues
to be at fifteen and if you touch it this
strip becomes maybe twenty or twenty five
degrees your thing there is a small error
which is exactly why instead of just depending
on this usually in very critical applications
they build the sensors also in to be other
now as we go on this let me show you this
device which we have made ok i am sure somebody
would i went right to play with it this uses
the now suddenly you know once in a while
suddenly people discover that we have a peltier
cooler like that it has a peltier cooler something
which they forget or ah i am sorry something
which needs a due attention is peltier cooler
is not an absolute cooler [laughter] it just
maintains attempts to maintain a temperature
between two surfaces
in this case we have an aluminum heat spreader
and here we have a contact block it was made
specifically for a biomedical application
in this we keep two what you call ah ampules
of ah some sample and we need to maintain
the sample like various ah temperatures it
was part of some what you call ah sensor instrumentation
for biomedical applications typically ah the
effect of ah various types of biological ah
things typically antibiotics on curing some
sample so the sample is kept there it is collected
from a human body some scientifically urine
sample which when it comes out as i said know
it may be some thirty six degrees centigrade
quickly it is shield and kept back in a temperature
we want to see the rate of activity and then
afterwards it is again incubated back at thirty
seven degrees and then one is a control thing
the other is not a control the actual thing
we add ah the concentration of medicine in
it and then we are able to find out the action
if i have a urinary tract infection and if
i give a sample and if you can ah put it in
that you can easily find out what is the ideal
concentration and what is the frequency where
i need slow releaser what you say dosage and
all that which is there which instantly saves
lives the focus of it is the peltier cooler
peltier cooler has advantage the we can heat
it as well as cool it and rapidly
but everything depends on the rate of heating
and secondly which most of us will tend to
forget this surface here is expected to be
cooled this surface here is expected to be
warm and you cannot afford to have a short
circuit the moment you have a short circuit
any amount of ah you know putting your current
here will not help at all so this whole thing
has been made so should it as a cap which
we close the cap or in critical applications
we also use ah polyurethane forming arrangement
the movement you cool it and then we have
a small opening and then if you put our sample
and this mass has been calculated critically
saying quickly within given mass of the what
you call ah liquid typically which has specific
it a one and ah we have this aluminium block
and all that the moment you keep all this
you know we know the rate at which we can
heat or cool the device the issue is you need
to insulate it it works only when it is insulated
these are all well known things as to how
to mount something and how to you know attach
it to this and all that which will which is
used for temperature things
so what starts as a reasonably simple ah what
you call ah calculation we need to again remember
two or three things one is physical process
have not changed we do not know creation or
ah what you call by evolution it exists natures
vacuum exists natures ah rules exists we have
absolute zero then we have ah five thousand
six thousand degree something and then we
have flux all these that natural things our
understanding of it you know seems to be moving
a little up and down and all the more that
is why when i point out you know i suggest
you check i am sure ah several people say
may call heat sinks black first of all its
not a heat sink secondly making it black wont
make any difference
and in fact the issue is that epsilon or heat
transfer coefficient in radiation that does
not depend on the color especially in the
case of aluminum whether you use ah what you
call white or gold or black it is typically
around point eight eight you know changing
over it now we can go and check on the internet
what is the epsilon for ah various types of
materials very very carefully they have tried
to formulate certain materials slightly but
its not a ordinary application you need to
what you call it is a surface make everything
and then slightly you know you can improve
another thing
but whether a naturally anodized and you know
sealed gray color aluminum material or if
you anodize it black color of the paint which
is to the human eye does not make any difference
this understanding is new new means maybe
lasts around fifty years back
so we have physical process ah just allow
me to go here and you know do a little bit
of ah let me take it here we have several
commercial ah you know these heat sinks and
ah things nonstop you will see something very
peculiar about it you see the device which
is on the left side this is a two six three
zero one this is supposed to be a diode heat
sink one of the two things you will notice
is at the base where is attached a thick so
does the mass help or not yes it does help
here in the case to the best way this heat
spreader works is if the fins all the surfaces
are maintained at the highest possible temperature
which depends a lot on how well the heat is
conducted to this and how well the heat is
taken away from this
if you are to take this right side one mounted
small device here you will see that towards
the end in the end they already it it has
become very cold and then if we go to the
fin tip you will notice that ah a not much
of temperature differential exists between
the tip and the ambient as such it will not
be able to maintain the heat transfer rate
which we are looking for
typically things like this are meant for one
type of thing where one side you have a device
to be mounted like the drive what i have shown
you it comes in long lengths and this time
this thing is slightly different these two
limbs are used for mounting and this is cooled
by natural convection on both the directions
you have seen that know
we slowly get into this ah idea of how to
calculate or how to work on a gross thermal
resistance which we need to have so right
now ah my suggestion is right now i will take
a small break here so far we have started
please go to the go to your ah what you call
ah if you have a browser and if you have a
reasonably ah first connection i am not saying
you need the type of connection we have here
which is three hundred or four hundred mbps
even we have something around two mbps and
just give a search go to youtube give a search
on heat and mass transfer and see whether
i can get a youtube heat and mass transfer
first of all i need to check whether i have
youtube yeah i have they have not disconnected
yeah it even works ok then i go here and say
npte l heat transfer have you noticed it gives
thousand seven hundred and thirty results
so i am not the first one even on our courses
several of them there i feel you should go
back and at your leisure try to see which
one of them is likely to make sense to you
so it your leisure kindly go through any one
of these things which you know they you fancy
and whatever i wanted to talk as i said this
is not the first time that has been done it
has been done done and again and again like
this the only difference being their analytical
methods and then there are tools for you given
a configuration very much possible for us
to estimate actually in a very very complicated
case like this we have a small conviction
here we have a mass and then this is likely
to lose heat so on this you know we have a
a cap which is so probably made with polyurethane
the other side we have this heat spreader
which it goes to the heat spreader again you
know this the surface is you know hot without
it being heat the hot it cant it transfer
anything and then we expect the surface to
be cold [laughter] ok so this whole thing
it is possible for us to very much to model
it as if this complication is not sufficient
here for good effect we have added a fan also
here so ah first cooling ah then we have you
know something which people dread at the renaults
number and i am sure renaults friends like
ah you know prandtl and all that you know
four of them nusselt and all the people also
joined and you have more numbers then what
you want to deal with
so you see a complex model like this we have
heat ah what you call a mass transfer on top
of it then we have a heat spreader in which
you see these fins are thin by definition
they are not ideally suited for this site
of mass transferred like thing how does it
matter yes in this case it make sense because
its cheap this is available for nothing if
you want to make an optimized thing you dont
ah you know you cant do it with it its used
in the case of space and all that you know
this big heavy thing probably if you optimize
it probably can be made in ah my guesses one
third to one sixth of the weight for the given
flux here for the given flux even this is
over designed all you need is probably a small
tube like thing and a small really really
tiny fan and this is where all the theory
helps alert which goes on here
so you see here that if you go here you have
seen this i will be probably repeating if
you have these things here but at your leisure
know he suggest you kindly also no read up
these things upfront and come back and then
you will not be disappointed about it
you see here nice beautiful very threatening
equations are there however the radiation
constrained epsilon is only one of the ah
things here you see here a surfaces the shape
factors because it is concave then we have
all this you know beautiful what you call
a non threatening i am sure where ah the people
are there you know and a small area in the
parallel circular disk right from various
things like this are have all been dealt already
so i am not the first and one thing have you
noticed here everything has been simplified
such that the very complicated problem can
be made into a smaller problem in spite of
the best software that you have and all these
things still every instance is a unique instance
so i have shown you that ah what you call
ah covered thing which i wanted to do kindly
go through ah these links and see what best
will help you
i have seen that very very critical things
have been put l by k and q and all are constant
that is about the same there is no variation
at all and then the thermal gradient also
is constant there is no problem about it at
all the problem is our if you take a gross
problem how do you simplify it such that in
case you have a surface which is generating
heat in case a surface does not generate heat
these are all this symbol then have you seen
in the small thing this is one hc coefficient
in conduction or in that case you know in
the ah thing
how well let you deal with it and then you
also have a transfer coefficient in convection
how do you deal with these things this is
where ah mix of ah both theory and then a
mix of ah ah practical ah things and then
finally a gross ah combined thermal resistance
we usually use the word thetas so when you
buy a commercial heat sink
directly that ah the sales person gives you
or the manufacturer know they already give
you given these conditions the ambient to
the heat sink the what you call ah heat transfer
coefficient is typically in this case you
know it may be around twenty degree centigrade
per watt small heat sink total mass is small
small area is available and then you need
to decide now you take a device and then you
mount it how well it works here
this is invariably you know the starting point
of most design so you have a physical model
which you need to do and then you can use
simple instrumentation like this and then
we want to further improve on this you know
maybe you can put a sleeve and all that touch
it wherever you want i have done this right
now its a little bit dirty but i can even
take the sublingual temperature with this
its initially very accurate and generally
they have made sufficient accuracy such that
this tip know can take ah i mean there is
in fact a a dam like thing inside it dammed
ensures that this heat is not transferred
to the tip and the tip is really really accurate
i think at this point i will take a break
and then so that the whole lecture you know
can be condensed into a manageable thing so
thank you