Okay, we are starting on electrical machines.
We are going to look at both motors and generators
in this particular course. But it definitely
requires some amount of recalling of what
was already done, so let me give you roughly
what is the course plan initially and then
I will go over whatever is the recalling that
needs to be done.
So if you look at any of the electrical machine
normally they are going to be made up of ferromagnetic
materials, because if you look at electromechanical
energy conversion it is always through a magnetic
via media. So I am going to have a magnetic
via media and I am going to have on one side
let us say electrical energy and I am going
to have on the other side mechanical energy.
So it is converting from electrical energy
to mechanical energy through magnetic via
media. So when this is being done if electrical
energy is converted into mechanical energy
it is going to be motoring operation on one
side whereas if I am going to do from mechanical
energy to electrical energy this is known
as generator operation.
So I can have either motoring operation or
generating operation, the same machine can
work as both generator as well as motor. So
all I need to do is I have to do the controlling
such a way or if I give mechanical energy
it will convert that into electrical energy
and it can work as a generator or vice versa.
So I can in general say the construction wise
and functionality wise both are almost similar.
So the same machine can work as generator
as well as motor. But because we are using
ferromagnetic material it is very essential
to know about the behavior of ferromagnetic
materials; so, which we call as basically
magnetic circuit.
So we call this whatever is the behaviour
we try to analyze it by the help of magnetic
circuit concepts. So we will be starting off
with this first then we are going to look
at, so if I actually start the flow of the
course, the first and foremost thing we will
be doing is review of single phase and three
phase circuit. You must have studied this
already you must have seen what is complex
notation, what is phasor diagram, and how
the power is measured and so on. So we will
be revisiting these things to some extent
first, the second topic is going to be the
magnetic circuits, so we will be looking at
magnetic circuits, as the second topic where
we will be talking about the behaviour of
ferromagnetic material around that if I wind
a wire how it is going to function that is
what we are going to look at.
The third topic after this we are going to
look at, basically transformers, so in transformers
we will be actually looking at both single
phase and three phase transformers. We will
of course start with constructional details
how the transformer is constructed then after
doing that we would be looking at what is
the principle of operation and then we will
be actually looking at the phasor diagram
of the transformer; how the voltages and currents
are displaced from each other, then we will
be looking at equivalent circuit of the transformer.
Once we have the equivalent circuit derived
we should be able to really talk about the
performance characteristics of the transformers
like voltage regulation and efficiency, these
two we will be talking about and after that
we will be looking at actually open circuit
and short circuit test or testing of transformers
from which actually we derive the equivalent
circuit parameters. Then after looking at
these things we will be actually looking at
the auto transformer, and instrument transformers,
that is instruments transformer are generally
meant for instrumentation that is measurements,
so we may use potential transformer and current
After looking at all these single phase transformer
principles then we will be going over to three
phase transformers, in three phase transformers
we will be looking at star star, start delta,
delta star and delta delta connection and
any other special connections.
I forgot to tell you the number of hours roughly
I will be dwelling on each of these topics,
review of the single phase and three phase
circuits might take about maximum of 1 to
2 hours, so I am giving myself maximum 2 hours
inclusive of introduction. Magnetic circuit
again should take anywhere between 2 to 2.5
hours, nothing more than that, transformers
is a vast topic, so inclusive of three phase
transformer I may be requiring in about 8.5
to 10 hours, the entire thing.
Then the next topic that I am going to have
which is actually the third topic, fourth
topic I suppose, fourth topic, the fourth
topic actually is going to be the electromechanical
energy conversion principle, until now what
we had seen in the topic was only static machines,
they are not having any moving parts but if
mechanical to electrical energy conversion
or electrical to mechanical energy conversion
has to take place through a magnetic via media
we have to have definitely looking at energy
conversion principles themselves. So this
is just giving an introduction to how electromechanical
energy conversion takes place. This will take
anywhere between about 2 to 2.5 hours.
After this we will be looking at DC machines,
because this is one of the simpler machines
in terms of operation, I would not say constructional
principle, definitely in operation. So we
will be looking at first of all basic construction
after that we look at the classification of
DC machine, working principle, then after
that we will be looking at something called
armature reaction, what happens when the armature
is also creating some flux along with the
field so this is known as armature reaction.
Then we will be looking at characteristics
of the DC machine, so if I am talking about
motor I have to talk about speed torque characteristics
if I am talking about the generator I should
talk about voltage versus current characteristic,
so this we will be looking at then, then when
we are talking about motor we will be actually
concentrating on starting, how we start a
DC motor, then we will be looking at breaking
very briefly and we will also be looking at
speed control, how to control the speed of
a DC motor.
These are the different things we will be
looking at, of course I have left out testing
of DC machine we should actually look at the
testing of DC machines as well. Depending
upon of course time, availability of time,
then after completing DC machines we will
be actually taking up induction machines,
which is one of the most important AC machines,
if you look at the industries 80 percent of
the electrical energy actually in factories
or industries is consumed by induction motors,
three phase induction motors.
So we will be first looking at three phase
induction motor in three phase induction motor
we will be looking at construction but even
before that we should look at revolving magnetic
field theory. How we are going to have when
three phase voltages are applied to three
phase time displaced, space displaced winding
how a revolving magnetic field is created,
this is how we will start the three phase
induction motor, then in the three phase induction
motor itself we will talk about construction,
two types of construction, that is squirrel-cage
and wound rotor, then we will talk about principle
of operation.
After looking at the principle of operation
then we will be looking at phasor diagram
and equivalent circuit, after looking at the
equivalent circuit we will be able to derive
the torque expression, torque slip or torque
speed characteristics, then we will be clearly
looking at how the characteristics are dependent
upon these expressions. So we will be talking
about the speed torque characteristics mainly.
Then after that, we will be looking at starting
what are all the different starting methods,
and then we can look at speed control and
very little bit about breaking. So these are
the topics that will be covered under induction
motor then if time permits we will also look
at single phase induction motor.
Let’s see how it goes, so single phase induction
motor we will be looking at basically double
field revolving theory and then we will be
looking at again equivalent circuit characteristics,
etc. So these are going to be different topics
in single phase induction motor. I would not
like to call this as a separate topic because
this will be pretty small.
So for three phase induction motor I might
take anywhere between again in 8 to 10 hours
minimum, this might take about 1 to 2 hours,
because we are just going to touch upon this,
nothing more than that, then the next topic
that we would be looking at will be synchronous
machines. This is also a three phase machine
but we will be concentrating on this as a
So we call a three phase synchronous machine
working as a generator as an alternator so
we will be looking at alternator and its working,
basically in this particular topic, the synchronous
machines generally we will start with classification
then we will look at construction after looking
at construction here we will be concentrating
more on the winding arrangement, so we will
talk about something called winding factor
and how we influences the voltage generation
in a synchronous machine.
After that we will looking at power angle
relationship and equivalent circuit and because
it is working as a generator it is very important
to look at VI characteristics of the generator
whether it will be able to maintain a constant
voltage in case of disturbance how do we handle
it, these things will be talked about.
After this, we will be talking about power
factor control which is one of the most important
aspects of the synchronous machine. Then we
will be talking about the same machine functioning
as a motor, very briefly that is synchronous
motor under which we will be talking about
V and inverted V characteristics. One more
thing I have forgotten we also need to look
at the generator as how it can be synchronized,
how the synchronization can be done with the
three phase grid. So this is an important
thing we need to do when we want to feed power
from the synchronous generator into the three
phase grid, so we will be talking about the
synchronization as well.
In my opinion this should not take as long
as what it has taken for induction machine,
so it may be anywhere between 6 to 7 hours.
So I think on the whole if we actually compute
the total number of hours we will be spending
about 6 plus 2, 8, 8 plus 8, 16 and we are
having a electromechanical energy conversion
principle plus transformers maybe about 10
12.5 hours, so 16 plus 12, 28, have we left
to DC machine, I have not given any time here
that has to be again about 8 to 10 hours,
so about 38 hours of 36 hours gone here, then
introduction and review everything together
about 2 plus 2, 4 hours, so I think it comes
to about 40 to 42 hours. So that is the way
the entire lecture is going to be planned,
We have some reference books for this electrical
machines course, so let me write them out.
I would like to start with simplest of books,
basically for electrical machines, although
some of the topics I mentioned may not be
covered very well in this book, nevertheless
for a beginner it is very very easy to read
that book so I would rather recommend that
book, this book is written by P.C. Sen and
this is called Principles of Electrical Machines
and Power Electronics, of course we will not
be going into power electronics portion, no
doubt but this covers electrical machines
from a fundamental principle, it starts with
magnetic circuits and so on there are appendices
given on a three phase circuits and single
phase circuits . So I think it almost gives
you a very good introduction to entire machines
This is from John Wiley and second edition
is available as far as I remember, if you
ask me the year I don’t remember, the second
book I would rather recommend very strongly
is that there is one book on DC machines,
let me probably erase this, let me write this
same order as I have done, so M.G. Say and
O. Taylor, there is a book on DC machine by
these two people, it is a vast book that is
why I would not give this as a principle reference
book but it is written extremely well and
this is from probably ELBS, it used to come
from ELBS, English language books society,
low price edition, I don’t know whether
Pearson has taken it already, I am not sure.
Similarly, the counter part in the AC side
is again by M. G. Say, this is actually a
Performance and Design of Alternating Current
Machines, this is again a very vast book but
the explanations are extremely good and this
is also from ELBS, this is a low price edition,
then I would say one more book which is really
worthy of reading that is by Fitzgerald and
Kingsley, of course there is a third author,
Umans, I have left him out. So this is actually
Electric Machinery. I think seventh edition,
or something has come now as far as I remember
and this is from McGraw Hill, there are definitely
other books that are available as well from
Pearson, for example there is Electrical Technology
by Edward Hughes, this is a very good book.
There is one more which is actually Electric
Machinery by Chapman Stephen Chapman, these
are from Pearson, and one more Indian author
book, probably Electric Machinery by or by
Electrical Machine by Nagarathan Kothari.
I think this is from Tata Macgraw Hills, it
used to be from Tata Macgraw Hills so this
is now Macgraw Hill India. So these are some
of the reference books that we might like
to refer to whenever we have some confusion
in any of the topics.
So let me start with actually the recalling
of single phase AC circuits. So I am starting
with recalling single phase AC circuits, all
of you guys know that generally when we talk
about single phase AC circuit we are going
to have sinusoidal excitation basically. So
we are going to give basically a sinusoidal
excitation, what we mean by excitation is
a voltage, we are going to give a sinusoidal
So whenever we have a sinusoidal voltage rather
than using that as a sign quantity, let us
say this is t, if I am writing this with respect
to time I have to add and subtract sinusoidal
quantities, I have to multiply, I have to
differentiate, integrate, all of them needs
to be done on this sinusoidal quantity because
I am sure fundamental elements in an electric
circuit you guys know so V equal to Ri, this
is corresponding to resistance I can write
L di by dt equal to V, this is with reference
to inductance C dv by dt equal to current,
this is with reference to capacitance.
So you can very well see that I have V and
i without being differentiated or integrated
here and ultimately if I want power I should
say V times i, right? Instantaneous power.
So I will have to multiply some of the sinusoidal
quantities, I have to differentiate some of
the sinusoidal quantities, I have to integrate
if I want actually voltage equal to 1 by C
integral idt, right? So I have to integrate
these quantities.
The major advantage of using a sinusoidal
is that whether you differentiate, whether
you integrate, whether you multiply, whether
you divide, you are going to get ultimately
sinusoidal quantity itself, and in nature
most of these wave forms that are available
are sinusoidal in nature, so that is the reason
why and it does not have any abrupt rise or
fall and in nature nothing grows abruptly,
nothing really you know, may be death is the
only thing which occurs abruptly but other
than that everything is not abrupt, that is
the reason why we are using sinusoidal quantities
in all our electricity and magnets.
Now, if I have to actually refer to this quantity
in the form of a vector or rotating vector,
actually rotating vector is generally known
as phasor. So if I want to refer to this as
a phasor then what I can do is I can try to
look at the projection along this axis and
try to plot it, for example I am looking at
time T equals to 0, at that point I am having
0 value, if I look at corresponding to say
30 degree point, this is 30 degree, I am going
to have half the value of the peak, so I can
actually project this as though a vector is
rotating continuously with respect to time,
so when I had time t equals to 0 if I actually
specify this vector somewhat like this.
If I look at the vertical projection or projection
along the vertical axis the magnitude is 0
which corresponds to the sinusoidal quantity
also at time t equals to 0, when I look at
30 degrees I can just take it a long, may
be it would have rotated exactly by 30 degrees
here and this is actually 30 degree and if
I call this point as A this point is going
to correspond to A.
So if I try to look at the vertical projection
it will exactly have this value. So similarly
I should be able to draw basically this corresponds
to 90 degree, this corresponds to 180 degrees,
and this corresponds to 270 degrees, and this
corresponds to 360 degrees again. So if I
say that this is actually oscillating at a
frequency of f, in one second I am going to
see f such oscillations. So if I am traversing
from 0 degree to 360 degree completely, or
if I go from small that is 0 to capital T
here, then I would have traversed this by
2 pi radiance or 360 degrees.
So if I am saying that f times it is going
to oscillate in 1 second I will have 2 pi
times f as the radiance that is traversed
within 1 second. So this is the angle that
is traversed in 1 second. So we call this
as angular velocity, which is omega. So we
are going to say this as omega equal to 2
pi f. So then we are plotting with respect
of angle, we can write this as omega t rather
than t because I can say 2 pi f is the angular
velocity so 2 pi f time t will be the angle
that is traversed, so every time when we draw
actually the wave form of voltage or current
we will always write the angle write the x
axis as omega t rather than t, this is what
we are going to do.
Now, if I am having 1 inductance probably
let us say L di by dt equal to VL, voltage
across the inductance, lets say I am going
to have i equal to some Im sin omega t, right?
So if I do that I am going to have di by dt
equal to Im omega cos omega t, right? So this
is multiplied by L, I have to do this also
multiply by L and this is going to be my VL,
and because of which cosine wave always leads
the sin wave by 90 degrees.
So I am going to have this voltage leading
the current by 90 degree, it is going to lead
by 90 degrees, so if I draw the two quantities
here I should probably show the voltage like
this and I have to show the current as though
it is 90 degrees lagging behind like this,
this is how it will be. So if I try to plot
both of these in the form of phasor at any
instant if I say this is what is my current,
then I am going to have the voltage leading
by 90 degrees. So this is what we call as
the phasor diagram when we draw two of the
quantities which are alternating in nature,
we say at any instant of time how they are
displaced from each other.
So we call this as the phasor quantity. So
if I have a circuit for example that I am
going to have an alternating voltage then
may be a resistance may be an inductance,
another resistance may be a capacitance and
another resistance, it is not going to be
very easy for me to draw for each of them,
let us say I call this as iL, I call this
as iR1, and I call this as iR2, let me call
this as may be i through C and let me call
this is iR3 and when I add these that is these
two currents I will be able to get what is
iR3 and when I add the voltage drops across
these two elements and this element I will
be able to get what is the voltage source,
but it’s not going to be easy for me to
draw all these phases and add them.
So people wanted to find out what is the easier
way out, because you are mentioning voltages
and currents, maybe another voltage something
is here, I may mention the voltage like this.
Why can’t I mention this in the form of
complex numbers, that is the thought that
came into people’s mind. So that is the
reason why if I say this is some VC or something
it can have a horizontal component, it can
have a vertical component, the horizontal
component we call as the real part of the
complex number and the vertical component
we call as the imaginary part of the complex
number, imaginary part of the complex number.
So we are essentially now diversifying from
mentioning a sinusoidal quantity as a phasor
to indicating that as a complex number. So
the complex notation mainly gives us the major
advantages if I say for example iL is going
to be some a plus jb and let us say I am going
to have iC as some C plus jd. Please note
I am not using i here, normally in complex
number we use a plus ib and c plus id but
i we use normally for current, so I am using
So a plus jb and c plus jd, so I can say iL
plus iC will give me what is iR3, it will
be very easy for me to add it. I can say a
plus C plus j times b plus d, very easy to
add, so whenever we have a complex notation,
the algebraic operation become much simpler
that is the reason why we have chosen to have
the complex number notation, right?
So once we have the complex number notation
let us say I have V equal to a plus jb and
let us say I have i equal to c plus jd, okay?
I may be able to mention this as some V angle
theta 1, and I may be able to mention this
as V angle, I angle, sorry let me just erase
this, I angle theta 2, right?
All of you know basically when we look at
the power we generally say VI theta 1 minus
theta 2 angle, this is what happens to be
normally the power, right? This is what we
normally write as the power. What I mean is
VI cos of theta 1 minus theta 2 will be real
power. This is what you must have learned
in circuits, AC circuits. Similarly VI sin
of theta1 minus theta 2 will be the reactive
So if want actually how to calculate this
power in the complex form let me call this
as P, let me call this as Q and ultimately
what I want is P plus jQ, this is what I want.
So if I have to write this, I have to write
this as VI cos of theta 1 cos theta 2 plus
sin theta 1 sin theta 2, right?
And similarly Q will be VI sin theta 1 cos
theta 2 minus cos theta 1 sin theta 2, so
finally when I get the power which is actually
we call that as apparent power, so we want
to get the apparent power in the format of
P plus jQ. So if I actually try to do it as
V angle theta 1 multiplied by I angle theta
2, it’s not going to work properly, so I
have to take the conjugate of this particular
If you try to calculate backwards you will
see that you are getting this expression for
P and this expression for Q, so you are going
to have basically in this particular case,
if I write this as VI conjugate which means
I am going to have V cos theta 1 plus j sin
theta 1, Euler’s formula I am using directly
plus multiplied by I, I
and I should say I conjugate it so it will
be cos theta 2 minus j sin theta 2, right?
So when you multiply you are going to get
VI commonly cos theta 1 multiplied by cos
theta 2 and j sin theta 1 multiplied by minus
j sin theta 2, j multiplied by j square which
is minus 1, so I will get plus sin theta 1
sin theta 2, so this becomes my real part
which is corresponding to the real power and
I am going to have the imaginary part, which
is going to have j , so j sin theta 1 cos
theta 2 and I am going to have minus of sin
theta 2 cos theta 1.
So you can see very clearly that these two
are matching each other, if I look at P and
Q expressions that I have got, they are exactly
matching with this. So normally we write the
apparent power expression S as either VI conjugate,
IV conjugate and so on. So we have one of
them conjugate; that is what is important.
So complex notation gives us a very easy way
for calculating power, calculating summation
of currents or multiplication of currents,
multiplication of voltages and so on.
All those things are done quite easily when
we have complex notation, right? So in general
single phase quantities when we look at single
phase AC quantity or single phase sinusoidal
AC quantities, they are represented mainly
in two forms, one is in complex form and the
complex form indicated is also indirectly
translating into phasor diagram.
So we will be repeatedly using in these form
getting our power or phasor diagram equivalence
circuit, all of them in transformers, AC machines
and so on. So this is really important to
know. Now let us recall some of the principles
corresponding to three phase circuits. So
if you look at many of the electrical machines
that are available in the market, AC machines,
they are all three phase in nature.
This was initially actually the three phase
configuration was initially introduced by
Tesla, it was invented by Tesla and he had
made the induction motor sometime in 1890’s
or something, so induction motor design had
not changed until day, it is almost remaining
the same ever since 1890. So if you actually
look at the three phase the major advantages,
if I look at the advantages of three phase
because I have in three phase I am going to
have Va, Vb, Vc and in all the three circuits
I am going to have ia, ib and ic and the overall
power is going to be Va ia plus Vb ib plus
Vc ic, this is going to be the power.
So if one of them is low, the other one may
be high, so all of them balance with each
other and ultimately you get a constant power,
or constant torque, ultimately. So if I say
constant power, power divided by omega is
going to be torque in any rotating machine,
so the torque also becomes a constant quantity
roughly, because you have the power and torque
to be constant it is very suitable for high
capacity applications, what is mean is mega
watt level application or even 100 of kilowatt
level applications, you do not want the torque
to change continuously, if the torque changes
continuously you are going to have vibrations
in the shaft, which can not be tolerated especially
at high capacity applications.
So three phase is really really good for high
capacity applications, and one more thing
is that I am sure you guys know that three
phase can be connected either in star or delta,
so if I have Va, Vb and Vc, all the three
phases voltages they can be applied to either
star connected circuit or delta connected
circuit. So throughout if I look at the transmission
lines that are going I can just have three
transmission lines, that’s it.
And I will be able to disseminate power which
is three times single phase power where as
if I am disseminating the whole thing in the
form of single phase power I am essentially
going to require two conductor for disseminating
just P whereas here I am disseminating 3 P
for which I require only 3 conductor, so the
cost what is involved in copper conductors
that comes down drastically when you go from
single phase to three phase, of course in
most of the cases we will be having a neutral
conductor also, if you look at most of the
transmission lines we will be having a neutral
So even then four conductors are able to transmit
3 P whereas here two conductors, two conductors
are transmitting only P, so obviously we are
saving on the cost of copper. So three phase
is very very commonly used for generation
transmission and as well as distribution except
for domestic application, only for domestic
application we are going to use single phase,
right? So it’s very important to learn about
three phases quantities, how we measure power,
and how we are going to actually justify measuring
the power and reactive power, so how we are
going to measure these things that is what
we are going to see next.
So we are going to look at three phase power
measurement if it is balanced load, I am not
going to take the case of unbalanced load
condition because most of the electrical machines
normally are balanced so there is no need
to really talk about t unbalanced. There are
different power measurement methods, it can
be with single watt meter but this can work
only when neutral is available, most of the
times neutral may not be available so we may
not be using it.
Similarly, three watt meter method which will
also be used only if the neutral is available,
otherwise it’s not going to be easy if it
is delta connected we can still think of using
this probably, three watt meter but two watt
meter method is a very very common method
which is used for using, used for measuring
power in a three phases balanced as well as
unbalanced system. In both the case it will
work quite well.
So what is this method all about that is what
we are going to see now, so let me draw the
circuit diagram corresponding to the 2 watt
meter method. Let us say I have a three phase
supply here, so let me call this as VA, this
as VB and this as VC and this is the neutral,
okay? Now I am going to have probably a load
here, the load can be delta connected or star
connected, so I am showing the load just like
a black box.
So I have only 2 watt meters with me so I
am going to connect one of the watt meter
current coil here another watt meter current
coil here and I am going to connect the voltage
coil or the pressure coil like this and the
pressure coil is connected between the phase
the current coils are connected and the other
phase which is not having any current coil,
then this is connected directly to the load.
I am sure you guys have seen already the watt
meters so there will be the current coil which
will be actually connected between M and L
normally this stands for load and M stands
for the mains and similarly I am going to
have here also M and L, let me call this as
M1 and L1, okay. So this is the current coil
1 and I am going to have the pressure coil
connected between the common point, which
is common between the current coil and pressure
coil and this is going to be the V.
So similarly here also I am going to have
common 1 and V1, so this is the connection
that we are going to have in the three phase
two watt meter method. Let me first of all
try to justify that this will give me three
phase power. So normally if you look at the
three phase power you are going to have V1
i1 or Va ia plus Vb ib plus Vc ic. This is
the instantaneous three phase power, right?
But if I try to look at what is the actual
value of power normally we write, we write
this as P equal to root 3 VL IL cos phi, right?
Where phi, cos phi is the power factor of
the load.
So load power factor I am calling as cos phi
in this particular case, this is going to
be the power factor, okay? So let us try to
see what is it that I am going to get in watt
meter one and watt meter two respectively.
So in watt meter one I have here voltage of
A phase and here voltage of B phase so I am
going to get VAB as the voltage across the
pressure coil of this particular watt meter
and a current through this is going to be
So I have to write this as iA, please note,
I am writing RMS quantity so all of them are
RMS quantities so this is VAB multiplied by
iA, right? And between VAB and iA whatever
is the angle that is present I should say
cos of the angle between VAB and iA. This
is going to be the reading of W1. Similarly
W2 is going to have the reading to be this
is voltage of C and this is B so I am going
to have VCB and the current that is flowing
here is iC so this is going to be iC cos of
VCB and iC, right? This is going to be W2.
So let us try to take a look at exactly how
this looks when we are having the phasor diagram
completely drawn. So let us say this is VA,
this is going to be VB and this is going to
be VC, these are the three phase voltages,
they are phase shifted by each by 120 degree
each when I want VAB, I can take VB on the
other side. So this is actually minus VB.
So when I try to look at what is VAB I have
to just take the resultant of VA and VB added
together, so I will have this as VAB.
Similarly, I should be able to draw VAC which
should be mid, in between these two, I can’t
go beyond this, so this is will be VCB, okay?
Now let us say I am going to have a lagging
load, I am just arbitrary taking this as some
at a point factor angle phi this is going
to be IA, and if I assume it as a balance
load I am going to have IB again at an angle
of phi and IC somewhere here which is also
at an angle of phi, right?
Now, I have to look at what is the angle between
VAB and IA if I want to get the power of W1,
so I am going to have W1 equal to VAB IA,
this is 30 degrees, right? So this is going
to be cos of 30 degrees plus phi. Similarly,
if I try to write what is W2, W2 is going
to be VCB IC but this angle is again 30 degrees,
so I am going to have cos of 30 degrees minus
phi, right? So I am going to have when I calculate
W1 plus W2 it will be VAB or VCB I can call
them as line voltage, VL directly.
Similarly, I can say IA or IC, if it is a
balance load condition and I can call that
as IL, I can say this is cos of 30 plus phi
plus cos of 30 minus phi, right? So this is
going to be VL IL cos, cos is actually going
to be cos of 30 and cos of phi. Cos of 30,
we are going to have two times, right? 2 cos
30 cos phi, so this is going to be root 3
VL IL cos of theta, because cos 30 is root
3 by 2.
So we wrote the power expression earlier as
root 3 VL IL cos phi, we are having essentially
the same thing, root 3 VL IL cos phi coming
out as W1 as W2. So this is essentially the
three phase power expression. So we able to
measure the three phase power just by using
two watt meters here and this is one of the
most reliable methods as far as the three
phase system is concerned.
But we wrote V1 equal to VL IL cos of 30 plus
phi and W2 we wrote as VL IL cos of 30 minus
phi, if the power factor angle happens to
be greater than 60 degrees, very clearly I
am going to have this to be cos of 90 or greater
than cos of 90. So if the power factor angle
happens to be 60, I will have one of the watt
meter reading to be 0 and the other watt meter
reading will have a value which is positive
because 30 minus whatever is the angle cos
of theta equal to cos of minus theta so I
will have a positive value.
Whereas if I am going to have the power factor
angle to be greater than 60, W1 will be negative
and W2 is going to be positive, that is why
you will see that in some of the three phase
experiments when you done of the watt meters
might be kicking back, so in which case was
either the voltage or the current you will
be able to get a positive reading but that
you have to treat as a negative value and
subtract it, you can not, in that case you
have to say W1 magnitude whatever you get
the some value X, whereas W2 is going to be
a positive value, let us say Y, then you are
going to say Y minus X is the net power in
that particular case, right?
Similarly, if I get W1 equal to W2 by chance,
right? That means I am going to have essentially
W1 plus W2 as the total power, no doubt but
I can also say from these expressions because
I am having W1 to be VL IL cos 30 plus phi
and W2 to be VL IL cos 30 minus phi. W1 minus
W2 I can write this as VL IL cos of 30 plus
phi minus cos of 30 minus phi and I can write
this as VL IL sin of 30 and sin of phi, right?
Sin 30 is half, so I am going to get basically
VL IL sin phi, so if I try to write what is
sin phi divided by cos phi which is actually
tan phi, right? That will be W1 minus W2 divided
by W1 plus W2, I will get sin phi by root
3 cos phi, so I have to multiply this by root
3. This will give me tan phi. So if W1 equal
to W2 then tan phi is going to be 0.
From here I can say tan phi is 0, which means
it is going to be unity power factor condition.
When W1 equal to W2 it will be unity power
factor condition. So we would be able to deduce
the power factor of the load if I have these
two reading with me, W1 and W2, these two
readings with me. So in general two watt meter
method is a very very advantageous method
from various viewpoints you will be able to
determine what is the power factor of the
load, you will be able to get the accurate
power whether it is balanced load condition
or unbalanced load condition normally with
the help of just two watt meters alone.