Hello everyone. I am Girish Kumar, professor
at IIT, Bombay in the Electrical Engineering
Department and I am going to conduct this
ah course through NPTEL, the title of the
course is Microwave Theory and Techniques.
ah Just to tell little bit about myself, I
have been here at IIT, Bombay since 1991 and
I have been teaching mainly antennas and microwave
circuits course. So, this microwave theory
and technique related course; I have been
teaching for last 25 years.
So, to help me in this course, there will
be 3 teaching assistance. All 3 of them are
PhD students at IIT, Bombay and their names
are Rinkee, Rajbala and Vinay. They will be
taking some of the lectures in this particular
course. So, lets start with the formal outline
of the course. So, the course outline is we
will start with the introduction to a microwaves.
And what is the history of the microwaves,
how it really started and what are the different
applications and when we are working on microwave
radiation, we should also know; what are the
effects on the human body. So, any system
we want to develop, we must also consider;
what are the social effects of this particular
technology. After that; we are going to talk
about microwave transmission modes and we
will talk about a waveguides and transmission
So, transmission lines could be strip line
or microstrip line, after that we will talk
about Smith chart. Smith chart is used for
plotting impedance admittance a reflection
coefficient and vswr. So, it is a graphical
representation of all these quantities and
then we will talk about a very important concept
of impedance matching techniques. We all know
that for maximum power transfer, the load
impedance should be equal to source impedance,
but that may not be always the case.
So, this impedance matching network should
be lossless so that the maximum power transfer
takes place to the load or it could be an
antenna. After that we are going to talk about
ABCD and S parameters; ABCD parameters are
defined in terms of input voltages and currents
and output voltages and currents and S parameters
are defined in terms of a weight parameters
because at microwave, we are mostly concerned
with the electromagnetic waves. So, this will
be followed by power dividers. So, we will
talk about 2 way, 3 way, 4 way power dividers
equal and unequal power dividers and combiners.
Then we will talk about different types of
couplers which will be followed by microwave
filters. So, in filters, we will talk about
low pass filter, high pass filter, band pass
filter and band reject filter, then it will
be followed by microwave diodes and attenuators.
So, we will see; what are the different type
of microwave diodes are there and how these
diodes can be used for attenuation purpose
RF switches as well as phase shifters.
Now, all these things are required for developing
a microwave system. So, this will be followed
by microwave transistors and we will see that
how these microwave transistors can be used
for general purpose amplifier and LNA which
stands for low noise amplifier now in this
particular course our emphasis will be on
the design design and design our prime minister
has been saying make in India, but make in
India will be only successful if we emphasize
on the design.
So, my saying is; at this sentence should
come before make in India which is design
in India, then make in India . So, after this,
it will be followed by power amplifiers which
will be will cover about solid state power
amplifiers and followed by microwave tubes
such as klystron magnetron and so on, then
we will discuss about microwave oscillators
and mixers and this will be followed by different
type of antennas. So, we will talk about fundamentals
of antennas dipole antenna monopole antenna
arrays horn antenna helical antenna microstrip
reflector yagi uda.
Now, in this course we will basically talk
little bit about antennas if you really want
to know more about antennas through NPTEL
only, I have recorded 30 hours of lectures
on antenna. So, you can see that also to enhance
your knowledge about antennas; now till now,
we have talked about various microwave components
and now we will talk about systems also, but
first we will cover RF MEMS which is a important
emerging technology, then we will talk about
microwave measurements; how measurements can
be done and then we will talk about several
microwave systems and microwave imaging again
that is also emerging as a new technology.
And the course will be concluded with software
session as well as lab demonstration ok since
this one has a very wide course coverage.
So, no single book covers all these things.
So, I would actually recommend several books
on microwave circuits separately and antennas
separately. So, you can see that for the microwave
circuits there are 8 different books, we have
mentioned. So, these are you can D M Pozar,
Microwave Engineering book K C Gupta and so
on. So, you can look at thing and I strongly
recommend that you please try to buy any one
of these books and many of these books are
also available as a pdf file for free from
So, you can download those and read it and
for antennas, I have actually given only 3
books which cover basically most of the theoretical
and practical concepts of the antennas. So,
the first book is by Kraus which was actually
used in many places undergraduate level, ah
Balanis book is slightly more advanced which
covers antenna theory analysis and design
and the third book is actually written by
me ah which is Broadband Microstrip Antenna.
So, I am going to cover lot of microstrip
antenna portion from this particular book.
So, now, what is the electromagnetic spectrum;
what are we really looking at. So, the electromagnetic
spectrum; as you can see from here, it starts
from DC 3 kilohertz all the way, it goes to
several tera hertz also ok. So, now, let us
just look at the application point of view.
So, you can see that extremely low frequency,
the sources are basically earth and subways.
So, which are really transmitting extremely
extremely low frequency, then you are familiar
with ac power which is 50 hertz in India and
60 hertz in USA.
Then you might have used CRT monitors and
you can say that AM FM radio. So, AM FM radio;
AM radio frequency is from 530 to 1620 kilo
hertz and then FM radio which is basically
from 88 megahertz to 108 megahertz, then we
have TV transmission. This is a picture of
a mobile phone tower and that is a cell phone.
Now there are several technologies are there
in India and abroad which starts from 800
megahertz goes up to about 2.5 gigahertz.
Then you can see here a microwave oven and
Wi-Fi ah just to tell you microwave oven works
at 2.45 gigahertz and Wi-Fi works from 2.4
to 2.483 gigahertz. So, these are almost in
the similar frequency range and then we have
satellites which work at x band or even higher
band and then we have all these other ah sources
of electromagnetic radiation. So, electromagnetic
radiations are defined in 2 zone; one is known
as a nonionizing zone, another one is known
as ionizing zone.
So, x-rays; nuclear rays gamma rays, other
thing are in the ionizing radiation form and
these are nonionizing, how do we differentiate
between the 2 ionizing radiation has more
energy which is given by the formula E equal
to Hf where f is frequency. So, higher the
frequency, it will have a higher energy. So,
it can break the molecular bond and hence,
it is known as ionizing. Now microwave frequency
in this region, basically has a lower frequency
and hence, it has a lower energy.
So, E is equal to Hf; f is smaller; however,
energy is not defined only by E equal to Hf
energy is also equal to power multiplied by
time. So, if power is more less time will
be required and if the power is less larger
time will be required to do the thing, just
think about a heating in a microwave oven.
So, when we do the heating in a microwave
oven . So, you can see that if the power is
high, let us say if you put on a full power
a cup of water may boil in about 1 to 2 minutes.
However, if you put on the lower power mode,
the water may get heated after several minutes.
So, this is what I also want to mention here
that; for example, cell phone cell phones
transmit about 1 watt of power, but people
use it for hours and hours and after almost
close to a 5 to 10 years, people start developing
various health problem. Similarly, people
who live next to the cell tower and especially
if in their main beam of the antenna, then
they will get affected quickly.
So, I am going to talk a lot about this effect
of microwave radiation in the next few lectures.
So, let us see first of all quickly application.
So, you all are familiar with fm radio with
the frequency band is 88 to 108 megahertz.
Now all these blue colors are various, you
can say a cellular phone bands. So, CDMA works
from 824 to 890 GSM 900; 890 to 915 and 935
to 960, actually speaking; one part is used
for transmit and another part is used for
So, what is transmit for cellular tower? It
becomes received frequency for mobile phone
and what is the receive for cellular phone?
It becomes transmit for the cell phone. So,
these are the GSM 1800 band 3G and 4G. Now
in between, we have a GPS band. Now most of
the mobile phones have GPS and that works
at 1575 megahertz and the bandwidth of that
is plus minus 10 megahertz, I did mention
about Wi-Fi which is from 2400 to 2483.
But Wi-Fi is also being used at 5.2 to 5.8
gigahertz band and then of course, there are
many applications in satellite and defense
and they use high frequency to all the wave
millimeter wave frequencies also. So, there
are a huge amount of applications. So, let
us see; how these applications are divided
into civil military as well as medical application.
So, in civil application, we have a wireless
communication mobile communication is part
of this particular thing, here FM radio, AM
radio, all the broadcasts are basically one
way communication.
Now recently vehicle collision avoidance has
also taken a significant step in the present
vehicle things. In fact, ah you might have
heard about that ah many companies have now
started actually developing these ah driverless
cars. So, in that we have a vehicle collision
avoidance, of course, ah remote sensing is
again a very very important thing where they
actually; it sense the weather or they can
actually find out what is the soil current
conditions or what are the other conditions
for remote sensing.
Now, there are military applications. So,
that could be aircraft safety and navigation
of course, if aircraft navigation also comes
and the civilian application also, there are
various types of radar which is which are
being used for military application, then
missile guidance and control that is all part
of microwave system, then of course, now there
are applications in the medical domain also.
So, microwave can be used for cancer or tumor
detection. In fact, a controlled microwave
radiation can also be used for cancer treatment
So, microwave radiation can cause cancer and
microwave radiation can cure cancer also.
It all depends upon if it is a controlled
radiation, then microwave can be used for
proper diagnosis as well as proper treatment,
of course, it can also be used for medical
diagnostic and therapy and along with that
to all these areas microwave imaging is finding
applications in all civil military and medical
So, let us just look at the history of electromagnetic
waves first the reason for that is that before
we start with the microwave, we must look
at what is the history of electromagnetic
waves and I would actually recommend that
you please see this particular website ah
which is of course, Wikipedia excellent coverage
is given on the history of electromagnetic
waves. So, history of electromagnetic waves
goes back to 200 years or more and ah before
ah Maxwell's equations became famous a lot
of work had been done by various people for
example, Gauss law is there, Ampere's law
is there, Faraday's law is there.
But electromagnetic wave equations were basically
first proposed by Maxwell in the 1860s and
I am sure this thing; you must have studied
in the electromagnetic waves the 4 famous
Maxwell's equation. So, I just quickly read
for you divergence of D is equal to rho divergence
of B is equal to 0 curl of E is minus del
B divided by del T and curl of H is J plus
del D by del T. Now this is of course, the
differential form of Maxwell equation there
is an integral form of Maxwell equation also.
So, then it was eighteen ninety one when hertz
basically validated Maxwell's theory and this
is the original apparatus used by hertz for
this electromagnetic experiment and you know
what is the unit of the frequency it is given
by hertz. So, that is why it is a very important
thing that the the person who really develop
all this thing and now he becomes almost immortal.
So, whenever we talk about frequency we talk
about 50 hertz or 1000 hertz or giga hertz
and so on.
So, now let us just look at the next part
which is history of microwave engineering.
So, again here we have divided into different
parts. So, first we will talk about a radio
communication what are the historical events
and it was actually Jagadish Chandra Bose
who did the first experiment demonstrated
in Calcutta, India and that was in 1895. So,
he first publicly demonstrated electromagnetic
waves and he used that to ring a bell remotely
as well as to explode some gunpowder. So,
that people can really understand; what are
the different application around that time
only Popov from Russia, he also wrote a paper,
but it was actually Marconi in 1901 who really
demonstrated a long distance thing.
So, first transatlantic radio communication
over a distance of 2000 miles from Poldhu,
UK to Newfoundland, Saint John's in December
1901 and this is what really speaking set
the tone for radio communication you can also
see the website for detailed information now
transmission line. Let us see; what are the
developments took place, it was in 1897 when
Lord Rayleigh actually speaking showed that
the waves could propagate within a hollow
conducting cylinder.
Before that of course, coaxial lines were
there, but coaxial line has a center conductor
and outer conductor, whereas, inside a waveguide
there is a low central conductor. So, it is
a hollow conducting cylinder and he first
presented the concept of critical or cutoff
frequencies in waveguide, you might have studied
in electromagnetic waves that the cutoff frequency
lambda C is equal to 2 a; however, in later
in this course we will briefly discuss about
that part.
And then it was in nineteen thirties when
systematic development of waveguide theory
was actually developed and this was developed
parallely by 2 groups Bell labs as well as
MIT lab, both are situated in USA and then
it was 1950 when the concept of stripline
was invented and stripline then later on the
next concept was 1952 which was microstrip
line. So, for very long time stripline was
stopped, you can say printed circuit version
which was being used for lot of applications
and development.
But later on microstrip lines have been used
for developing various microwave circuits
and component. So, in this course we will
talk more in more detail about these 2 things,
but our main focus will be on microstrip lines.
Then let us see how all these radars and other
transistors were developed. So, it was in
1942, MIT radiation laboratory first demonstrated
X-band radar, but; however, that X-band radar
did not contain any solid state devices, it
was in 1947 when bell labs actually invented
the first transistor and it was in 1954 when
bell labs actually develop the working silicon
And then later on microwave gallium arsenide
MESFETs were developed in 1965 and in 1970,
the first solid state radar was demonstrated
at X-band. So, this is the general historical
perspective; how the microwave really started,
but now, let us look at the one basic block
diagram which is used for microwave communication
system. So, here is a block diagram for transmitter
and this is the block diagram for receiver.
So, let us see one by one; what these block
diagrams are all about. So, this is the modulating
signal. In fact, in some books they use that
intelligent signal or you can say information
signal. So, it is the information which you
want to send to a faraway distant and that
can be a voice signal, it can beat at a signal
or video or audio signal and then this is
the carrier signal carrier signal is basically,
you can say in a different way that this carrier
will carry this particular signal and that
is how most of the time we define.
Let us say FM radio; the carrier frequency
is between 88 to 108 megahertz or we can say
that a mobile phone 900 megahertz. So, that
becomes the carrier frequency or for a Wi-Fi
2.45 gigahertz becomes a carrier frequency,
then these 2 signals are modulated. Now, there
are several modulation schemes are there,
for example, analog modulation and digital
modulation and the all of this thing that
modulated signal has to be amplified and basically
the here, we will have a high power amplifier
and that is connected to the antenna.
Now, many books do not include this impedance
matching network, but I think it is a very
very important thing between antennas and
amplifier ah just to give you a little bit
of an idea majority of their time antennas
are designed for let us say 50 ohm impedance,
but the amplifier output impedance may not
be 50 ohm, this impedance can be very small
or it can be very high depending upon the
application, for example, if this amplifier
is let us say op amp amplifier or a simple
low frequency transistor amplifier then the
output impedance required here may be several
hundreds of ohms to kilo ohm that cannot be
connected with 50 ohm.
Just think about if this is 50 ohm and if
this is 1 kilo ohm and this part is not there.
So, what will be the voltage at this point?
It will be 50 divided by 50 plus 1000. So,
voltage here will be very small power delivered
to the load also will be very small. Now for
high power solid said amplifier, the output
impedance may be of the order of few homes,
it can be even 2 or 3 ohm. So, if you connect
2 ohm with the 50 ohm, again, 50 divided by
you can say that 50 divided by 52, it will
still give this one here.
But the problem with this is that the current
going through here will be very small. So,
the net power will not be very good and also
the maximum power transfer theorem says that
output impedance is 2 ohm, finally, what I
should have here input impedance at this point
should be 2 ohm. So, this 50 ohm has to be
converted to either 2 ohm or kilo ohm depending
upon the application. So, what we really need
is a lossless impedance matching network.
So, in this particular course we will actually
talk about several techniques of impedance
matching network and of course, the importance
is that this technique has to be lossless
impedance matching network.
Now, the signal which is being transmitted
from this antenna through various medium it
will come over here and this is where the
power is received now that received power
goes through RF amplifier and this is the
place here where we actually have to have
a low noise amplifier because this signal
is very weak and along with the travel from
here to here it has picked up lot of noise.
So, we do not want to add more noise by this
Now before this RF amplifier, many a times,
we also put a band pass filter here. So, that
it selects only the frequencies which are
required now of course, sometimes antenna
itself acts as a band pass filter. So, that
is why it is not always hundred percent required
you need to put a band pass filter, but most
of the time you do require a band pass filter.
So, that you really get only the desired signal.
So, then this signal actually speaking comes
here. In fact, this RF amplifier consists
of multiple stages, it has a low noise amplifier
followed by the small signal amplifier and.
So, on because this signal could be very weak,
for example, for FM radio the signal input
may be of the order of a microwatt, but for
mobile phone this signal could be as small
as Pico watt also. So, the signal is very
small here most of the time. In fact, for
GPS it can be even a fraction of Pico watt
and even the TV transmission signal which
we receive through the satellite also may
have a very low power at this particular input.
So, that is why we need to have an amplifier
which may be amplifying the signal by forty
to even eighty db also which really comes
out to be 10,000 to even million times signal
to be amplified and then this signal goes
to a mixer. Now this is a one block diagram
of a heterodyned receiver not all the receivers
use this particular concept, but nevertheless
this is one of the most popular concept. So,
this is a heterodyned receiver. So, where
this signal which has been amplified comes
to a mixer and there is a local oscillator.
So, that local oscillator and the RF amplifier
to frequencies mix up.
And the mixer has a property that it actually
generates sum and difference of these 2 frequencies,
now of course, in majority of their receivers
it is only the difference of these 2 frequencies
which is considered. In fact, many a times
in the transmitter mixer may be used for up
conversion also where the 2 frequencies may
be added and get the sum of the 2 input frequencies,
but over here majority of that time it is
the difference of the 2 which is known as
if intermediate frequency.
So, again what we need now if filter and then
amplifier this whole thing goes to the demodulator
this demodulator is opposite of modulator.
So, if it has done analog modulation it should
do analog demodulation, if it is digital modulation
it should do the digital demodulation and
that goes to the display device speaker. So,
this is what a complete microwave communication
system chain is there. So, in this particular
course, we will talk about almost all the
things except for the modulation and demodulation
techniques which is generally covered in different
So, let us just look at what are the various
components the various microwave components
have been divided into 2 parts passive and
active microwave component. So, in the passive
we have a transmission line antennas power
divider combiners couplers filters attenuator
now in active microwave components we have
amplifiers oscillators mixers switches phase
shifters and so on and then we have several
microwave systems.
So, this is not the complete list of the microwave
system, but just to tell you; you all are
familiar with mobile phone now mobile phone
jammers are required where we do not want
the nuisance of mobile phone where signal
is very weak we need repeaters or signal enhancer
RFID stands for RF identification. In fact,
you can see that these days there are lots
of applications for RFID, then RF transceiver
RF transceivers are nothing, but transmitter
and receivers are now built into a single
IC. So, that design becomes very very simple
and convenient.
Even GPS and GSM modules are available separately
as well as a single module is there which
has both GPS and GSM of course, there are
varieties of radars are there and now since
there is a. So, much RF energy available in
the atmosphere for example, there are cellular
towers almost everywhere their Wi-Fi modems
are there, there are TV transmitters are there
fm transmitter. So, this is also becoming
a very important topic today which is the
RF energy harvesting.
So, you can harvest this ah RF energy which
is available in the environment and that can
be used to charge a battery or it can even
use a low power electronic circuits then we
will talk about microwave equipment which
are very very important for testing or developing
any microwave system. So, there are 3 main
equipments are there these are microwave generator
spectrum analyzer and network analyzer and
then we will also talk about high power microwave
systems and what are their applications.
So, just to conclude that we started with
the course outline; so, we did mentioned about
what are we going to cover in this particular
course and we also looked into history of
electromagnetic waves as well as history of
microwave. So, how the microwaves really started
and how the radio communication was established
when the transmission lines were developed
and when these ah transistors and radars were
developed. So, we will conclude today's lecture
at this particular point and then now onwards,
we will start covering these components in
detail and then we will talk about microwave
Thank you very much and we will see you next