Welcome to the Software Project Management
As has been displayed earlier the course will
be handled by myself and Professor Durga Prasad
My name is Rajib Mall as you can see on the
I belong to the Computer Science and Engineering
Department of IIT Kharagpur.
Today, we will have some introductory discussion.
First is about myself name is Rajib Mall,
did all my education Bachelors, Masters, and
PhD, from the Indian Institute of Science
So, that is the institute studied and then
worked for Motorola India for about 3 years.
And, then shifted to IIT Kharagpur in 1994
and currently a professor at the CSE department,
this is the Indian Institute of Technology
Kharagpur building.
The let us look at the topics that we will
discuss in this introductory lecture.
We will first address what is software project
Is software project management any different
from the traditional project management?
The difference between jobs, projects, and
exploration work.
What makes software project planning difficult?
And, what do we mean by project scope?
Why is it important and how does one define
the project scope?
So, these are the basic topics we will discuss
in this introductory lecture.
The IT spending worldwide is huge based on
a Gartner report roughly about 3.5 trillion
dollars in 2014.
And, gradually increase to about 4 trillion
dollar and compare this with the gross domestic
product of India is about 2.5 trillion dollars.
So, the IT spending is even much more than
all the domestic production of India is a
And therefore, software has become a very
prominent part of our living, we spend huge
amounts of money software; we encounter software
in many places.
And, especially in India we are known as a
software powerhouse, huge amount of software
gets developed, large number of companies
and they undertake large number of projects
to develop software.
So, it is a important topic all over world.
And, especially for India where large part
of the software development takes place, but
then everybody says that there is a software
But what is this crisis?
Let us first get to understand the crisis.
What are the symptoms of the crisis?
If we look at the symptoms of the crisis that
the software that had developed and delivered
to the customer very often fail to meet the
requirements of the customer, extremely expensive
these are difficult to alter, debug and enhance
and also these are delivered late to the customer.
This is unlike hardware where you get the
hardware quickly developed and given.
So, let us see, what is this after crisis,
what causes it, and how to overcome?
If we look at the Standish group report of
all projects roughly about a third we can
say success of all the projects taken all
over the world about 30 percent successful
And, about 20 percent are outright failure
nothing comes out of that project.
And, roughly about half are challenged projects,
which are delayed cost escalation, poor quality
and so on.
Let us see what is the reason behind such
a dismal figure, that only one third of the
projects is successful and 20 percent are
failure and so on.
If we look at the scenario now, we can see
that the amount that the companies spend on
hardware versus the amount of they spend on
software, the ratio is drastically reducing.
What it means is that companies are spending
less on hardware and more on software or in
other words software costs are increasing
very rapidly compared to hardware costs.
The companies spend a large part of their
budget on IT on software, just to give an
example, that how the software cost is much
more than the hardware cost look at a desktop
or a laptop, if you buy it from the market.
The hardware and also with its operating system
and so on is 45,000.
So, basically the raw hardware will be much
less than that.
But, then you get the laptop or desktop and
let us say you want to do some software development
work on that and you buy a case tool.
If, you buy a rational suite node locked costs
3,00,000, just look at this that the raw hardware
for the laptop or desktop is much less than
45,000, because 45,000 also includes the software
operating system and so on.
And on that you want to run software development
tool costing about 3,00,000, that is a node
locked a floating license will be much more.
So, just look at the irony that you buy the
hardware in such a low price and the software
that you run on it just one example there
are many software, that you might have to
So, looks like that, the software is becoming,
so, expensive that the hardware cost will
become almost negligible.
And, you buy the software and the hardware
comes free with it soon that situation is
going to come, that you buy the software and
that comes preloaded on a hardware.
The hardware is free basically, but then what
is the problem that is causing this.
But, before that let’s see that if the hardware
is such a nice thing that costs very less
delivered promptly and we said that the cost
is almost negligible to software.
Then, why not have only hardware systems entirely
on hardware system.
Because, anything that can run on software,
anything that we can do with software, we
can also do with hardware, we can design the
hardware to do whatever we were doing software.
For example, let us say a word processing
We can even have a small hardware component
entirely hardware, which can also do this
word processing.
Let us answer this very basic question, that
why not have an entirely hardware system,
get rid of software it is problematic, expensive
lot of bugs, delivered late and so on.
But, then there are some virtues of software
and because of that everybody is using software,
otherwise there will be entirely hardware
Let us look at the virtues of software because
of which software is preferred by customers,
rather than having an entirely hardware system.
The first virtue is relatively easy to change,
you want to add additional functionality,
modify a functionality, the next version can
appear quickly you give your request might
send you a patch and so on.
So, the software is very easy to change just
do a code change, recompile and that is done.
The other big advantage is that consumes no
space, it has no weight or intrinsically there
is no power associated with software.
Just imagine that, if you are running a word
processing software sorry you were doing some
word processing.
And, then you developed hardware for word
processing, then you wanted a excel and you
had to get another hardware for it.
And, you want to do a image manipulation software
sorry image manipulation functionality and
you had another piece of hardware and slowly
your hardware will occupy the entire room
not only the space, but the weight and imagine
all of these will be consuming power and that
is a big disadvantage for hardware.
But, software even for very complex functionality
where the hardware will be extremely large,
it occupies no space, weight, or intrinsic
power that runs on the hardware.
And, that is the reason why the software is
becoming more and more important in our life,
more and more functionalities are getting
implemented on hardware on software.
So, there is a basic hardware on which all
our new functionalities that are required
are developed by software.
Now, let us look at some characteristics of
software that are very important to our subsequent
There are many characteristics, but we have
singled out only two characteristics; one
is that, the more complex is a software, the
more hard the more harder it is to change,
why is that?
The reason is not very far to say.
To be able to change the software we must
first understand the software, we must first
understand where the change has to be done,
which variables are to be changed, what code
is to be written for that and so on.
The more complex is a software, the more time
effort is necessary to understand the software
and find out where exactly and what change
needs to occur.
The second thing is that each time we make
a change to a software, the greater becomes
it is complexity.
Each time we change a software the change
may be required due to various reasons, maybe
to fix a bug, maybe to enhance the functionality,
maybe to make it a better performance and
so on.
There are 100s of reasons why a specific software
would need to change, and for each change,
the software becomes more complex.
Why is that, the reason is that
the small changes that occur.
For example, bug fix for example, adding small
functionalities and so on, we just make ad
hoc changes to the software.
The initial software is developed with a good
design and so on, but each small change deteriorates
or makes the design worse, these are developed
as small fixes.
And, therefore, these make the software more
complex, more difficult to understand, more
difficult to change and so on.
Now, let us look at the basic question that
we have been trying to address in this lecture
is that, what is the reason behind software
We said the software crisis as symptoms, which
show up as poor quality software, delayed
projects, project failure and so on costly
and so on.
There are many reasons which contribute to
the software crisis; the first one is larger
Now, the software has large number of functionalities
100s or 1000s of functionalities or 10s of
1000s of functionalities for even simple software
Poor project management; project management
is an area of concern because many projects
they get developed without a proper project
manager and without proper project management
And, this happens to be one of the major reason
for the software crisis, why the projects
fail delivered late and so on.
The third point is lack of adequate training
in software engineering.
The developers start developing with some
domain knowledge, but then they ignore the
software engineering issues design requirements
specification, testing, change management
and so on.
Increasing skill shortage manpower turnover,
halfway the project, the project is halfway
and many of the key persons leave quite common
and that delays the project.
And, also other reason is low productivity
Largely software has remained manual work
even with all the automation automated tools
and so on.
Still lot of code needs to be written manually,
lot of testing has to be done manually and
so on.
But, then let us understand another very basic
question, that in what ways software project
management differs from management of other
engineering projects.
Let me just repeat that, what is the main
difference between software project management
and management of other projects non software
The first problem is that software is intangible.
You do not see the software until you see
that it is complete and running then only
you see that screens are getting displayed
it does something, but until that happens,
it is just a set of documents or some pieces
of code, you cannot make out that how much
is remaining just by looking at the documents
or the code.
Maybe huge amount of code has been taken has
been written, but then the software is far
from complete, because many bugs needs to
be fixed it needs to be tested and so on.
What is difficult, what is we are unable to
see is also difficult to manage?
For example, construction of a large building,
here the project manager can estimate how
much effort time it is going to take to construct
the building maybe 6 months.
Huge building 6 months and then he can see
that the building is coming up the external
part is complete, the internal needs to be
done and so on.
At any time he can accurately tell that how
much work is remaining, but in software that
is not the case.
The second problem is change impact.
In a building you make small alterations,
let us say building project.
You know that, what exactly will be the impact
of that and you can estimate that and make
the small change that may be required.
But on the other hand and the software is
extremely complex, you change something, you
try to change something and you see that many
other things are not working or working in
a wrong way.
So, the impact of a change is very easy to
identify in case of other projects, but in
a software project it is so, complex that
you cannot estimate what will be the impact
of changes?
But, unfortunately the software is required
to change rapidly.
And, that is one of the advantages of software
we said that you can change it quickly.
And, therefore, the change requests are millions
time more in software as compared to hardware,
when you are developing a hardware you think
twice before giving a change request.
Because, that will be very hard to incorporate
in hardware, it has to be totally redone.
Whereas, everybody knows that software can
be changed and therefore, lot of change requests
The third problem is that software projects
are intellectual work.
Compared to a building construction, where
the bricks have to be laid the roof has to
be constructed, boundary wall has to be constructed,
painted and so on.
All these are largely manual work and manual
work is easy to estimate, you can easily find
out how much a painter can paint per day or
a labourer can lay the bricks per day and
so on.
Whereas, software is a intellectual work.
It is very difficult to estimate what is the
complexity of the work that somebody is doing
and how much he will be able to accomplish.
So, these are the three main differences between
other projects and software projects.
The first thing is you have to manage something,
which is invisible.
And, anything that is invisible is difficult
to manage.
The, second thing is that changes are very
frequent in software projects, but then it
is also very difficult to estimate the change
impact, the change impact is usually very
large and it is also difficult to estimate.
The third thing is that, we have to in software
project management; we have to manage intellectual
This is a much bigger problem than managing
manual work.
In manual work we can easily estimate, how
much can get down on a day, what is the complexity
of the problem and so on.
In intellectual work we can neither estimate
what is the complexity of the work and neither
how much effort will be required for that.
And, that brings us to the question, that
the software project management is hard as
we might have guessed from the previous discussion.
It is much harder than managing other types
of projects.
Software is invisible and it is hard to manage
anything that you cannot see, it is management
of intellectual and complex work, changing
customer requirements is the rule rather than
exception, and also the manpower turnover.
You may be a project manager on some project,
but then you find that some of your key developers,
they leave the project.
And, they have the domain knowledge they have
developed and once they leave it becomes very
difficult to get another person who will understand
his work and start developing from that point.
These are a few of the major problem a software
project manager has to face.
But, then there are many other problems here
smaller problems which we have not listed.
But, before that we like to discuss before
proceeding further, we like to discuss, what
are projects?
How is it different from tasks and exploration?
The tasks are routine jobs, for example, let
us say buy a movie ticket or watch a video
These are tasks or jobs, these are repetition
of very well defined well understood activity
with very little uncertainty, watching a lecture
yes you know that you have to sit there and
watch can be done you have to sit there half
an hour whereas, exploration is on the other
end where the outcome is very uncertain.
For example, finding a cure for cancer or
finding a solution to the global warming.
So, these are exploration the outcome is uncertain
you never know, whether your work will have
a success or not.
The projects are in between the projects has
challenge as well as there are some routine
tasks involved.
And, that is the reason why project management
is important here, because for the tasks or
the exploration you do not need project management.
These are purely innovative work whereas,
projects are the one where you need project
management that is important thing here, with
this introductory discussion, we will stop
here and continue from this point in the next
Thank you.