So there is a course page.
So there is a course page, for this you can
go to my homepage; under teaching you will
find CS748 for this semester. So in the course
homepage you can see the lecture notes and
assignments will be posted and mid sem end
sem will also be posted there. They will all
be takehome. And there are also some ideas
for advanced topics.
So if you want to give a talk, half an hour
talk then you can pick one of those topics
that will be optional. Other grading distribution
will be- four assignments mid sem and end
sem. Okay, so maybe 30, 30, 40%. It is not
fixed but around that. Okay, so the topic
is arithmetic circuit complexity. So arithmetic
is probably not a very good term.
So now instead we use algebraic. So this is
really a course on algebraic complexity theory.
So this is an extension of complexity theory
course. So in complexity theory you must have
or in TOC you must have seen Turing machines,
right. So instead of Turing machines we will
use in this course a different model which
will be in some sense stronger than Turing
machines, okay and it will be more algebraic,
for sure.
So classically computation is modeled as a
Turing machine. This is what you see in theory
of computation ultimately, we start with automatons
and pushed out, pushdown automata and so on.
But ultimately the real model which subsumes
all the models is Turing machine. And so maybe
I should quickly do a recap of Turing machines.
So a computer program is seen as a Turing
machine, is a Turing machine description.
So how do you see a C program as a Turing
machine description? Yeah, so Turing machine
so for Turing machine you can draw a transition
graph or you can define a transition function.
So that transition function is basically what
a C program or any computer program describes.
Okay, so you can translate, it is only a translational
issue. So you translate a computer program
into a transition function or this transition
graph of a Turing machine. Now what do you
do with memory? So if a computer program for
example, wants to store something in a variable
or if it is an array, then you may not even
know how many variables.
The variables may be unboundedly many. So
how do you simulate that on a Turing machine?
So for that we use the tape, right? So that
is it. So the control, the transition function
control is finite. That is your finite program
and whatever memory the program is using that
is actually unbounded, but for that purpose
you have the tape in a Turing machine.
So tape is bounded, okay. So this is how you
can immediately translate any computer program
into a Turing machine description. So let
us go into a bit of notation for that. So
Turing machine notation would have an alphabet,
state, and transition function delta, okay.
So where so gamma, Q, and delta. So gamma
is the alphabet of the Turing machine.
So for us the alphabet, we can take it to
be just 0, 1 okay that is what is enough to
represent any other thing that you do in computers.
So let us say the main elements are 0, 1 letters
are 0, 1 but you may also need some special
characters like start symbol and blank. So
this is the start symbol, this is the blank
Okay so on the tape, what you will you can
read is initially it is all blank with a start
symbol, let us say on the left end of your
tape. So there is only one start symbol, everything
else is blank, infinitely many blanks. Then
once the computation, and you can assume also
that the input is written in the initial part.
So that will be 0, 1 okay.
So start the 0, 1 for the input string and
then after that you have the blank, infinitely
many blanks and on that the computation begins.
So as so the remaining part of the tape can
be organized as the working space for the
algorithm. Right, so we will use the simplest
Turing machine description which is left side
is start symbol and then the tape stretches
to infinity on the right.
And it is a single tape, but actually for
one complexity class we will need another
tape which we can call the work tape. But
for most of the most of the applications one
tape is enough, except when you want to specify
how much space was used, ignoring the input.
So if you want to ignore the input then it
is better to talk about another tape, that
we can call work tape. So there is this input
tape and there is a work tape.
So Q is the set of states. So there are again
two distinguished states and beyond which
you may have your own states, but at least
you should have the start state and the final
state. So qs and qf. Okay so these are the
two distinguished states that you will always
have in a Turing machine. So start is obviously,
when the computation has not begun, and when
the machine reaches qf then the computation
just halts.
And whatever is there on the tape is considered
as the output, okay? Now meaningful computation
is one where qs to qf there are finitely many
steps, okay. We never talk about infinitely
many steps. Infinitely many steps means that
there is no computation, the computation field,
okay. So whenever we say computation we mean
that qs to qf finitely many steps were taken
and an output was given.
So finally, delta is the transition function.
So transition function basically tells the
Turing machine or the head of the Turing machine
how to move and what to do okay. So at any
point of time the configuration of the Turing
machine is given by what is there around the
head and what is the state. So based on this
what should be done next is decided by the
transition function.
So that is basically your one step of your
C program execution. Okay, that is exactly
what a computer program tells you. So delta,
mathematically is a function that takes, it
takes as input current state. I am using gamma
square because I am assuming two tapes. So
there is an input tape, an input head which
is reading input bit and the second one is
the work tape head, which is reading the bit
at the current work tape head.
So those three things will then decide how
these heads should move and what should be
the next state. So and what should be written
by the head in the current position, okay.
So the tapes can also be modified by the head.
So state to go to, what to write, and finally
where to move. So either stay or left or right.
Okay, so this is the transition function description.
Since Q is finite and gamma is finite, delta
is also finite, okay. It just has a finite
description and you can think of delta as
your C program or your computer program. It
is really the same thing. Okay, let us use
color. So this part is the head movement,
“Professor - student conversation starts”
Can I find the start from this one. No, no
the start is always at the left hand. So it
should be gamma minus? Ideally yes. Yeah.
So I mean not all transition functions would
make sense, but that would be taken care of
by your program or by your algorithm. So you
would always write a meaningful algorithm
and then just translate it. “Professor - student
conversation ends”.
So in this notation, looking at the algorithm
is scary, because the details here are too
many data. I mean, this is completely non-intuitive.
So we never actually work with this notation.
We are doing it in the first class only to
formalize what computation is on a Turing
machine. But obviously, when you try to solve
a problem, then you find an algorithm in a
very intuitive high level notation, okay,
not this low level. So an example, any questions
about this since this page will be gone.
Okay, so an example configuration is
so you have a control in the start state.
So qs is the state of this control and you
have these tapes and the tape has cells. So
this is the input tape and this is the work
tape, okay. So the start symbols are here
and then you have the bits and then in the
remaining ones you have the blank. Right.
So the input here is for example 101 and the
state is start state so the computation has
not begun and there are two heads.
So these for example are the two heads, the
input tape head and the work tape head and
then as the starting from this looking at
delta, the configuration will change. That
will be called one step. Okay and then so
on. So you do not know how many steps there
will be because the tapes are infinite. Actually,
because the work tape is infinite.
Since the work tape is infinite, you do not
really know how many genuine different steps
there will be. They could be anything from
one to infinity. So this model basically is
enough to capture any real life computation
that humans have ever seen. Okay, there is
nothing beyond this model and yeah any questions
about this? So this models everything that
we know.
So Turing machines abstract every possible
man-made device or even otherwise, okay. So
till now it has always been true that whatever
computing device you think of, either man
made or natural its processes can be modeled
this way. The reason why we are defining it
is just to make sense of time and space. Okay,
so time in this notation would be the number
of steps for a given x.
So you are interested in solving some problem
and you are given an input x on the input
tape and how many steps your Turing machine
takes that is supposed to solve the problem
that will be called the time taken to solve
x. But we never really talk about a single
input, right? We always talk about all inputs
of length n, right?
So the number of steps should actually be,
is always seen or it is meaningful to see
the number of steps as a function of n, how
many bits excess, right? We should, we never
care about a specific input view, we actually
work with all the inputs of length n and so
the number of steps is just a function, that
is the time complexity of a problem and space
is the number of work tape cells used by this
Turing machine on x.
Right, so space is also a function of size
of x which is, which we are calling n.
So both time and space are functions of n
and the space we do not consider the input
length, okay. We just consider how much of
the space of work tape was used. This is usually,
this has no significance except in one complexity
class. Otherwise, you can just look at one
tape and everything is happening there.
Once you have defined time and space as functions
of n, you can define complexity classes. Okay,
this is what we do in complexity theory course,
computational complexity theory course. I
would not go into all those issues, but let
me just talk about the main ones, in case
you have forgotten. So, for a function f,
okay, real valued, positive real valued, I
would say, we can talk about complexity classes.
So the most important one is deterministic
time. So Dtime f(n) and the second important
one is space f(n). So these are, what is Dtime
f(n)? This is the set of all those problems
that can be solved on a Turing machine, on
some Turing machine, in time, big O of f (n)
and space f(n) is a set of all those problems
that can be solved in a Turing machine in
work tape space, workspace big O of f (n).
So problems solvable in big O of f (n) time
and this is problems solvable in big O of
f (n) space. So based on this what are the
complexity classes you already know? So what
is the most natural specialization of f. If
you take f (n) to be a polynomial, then Dtime
polynomial, overall polynomials will be polynomial
time complexity class, right. So this leads
to a zoo of complexity classes.
So there are hundreds of complexity classes
if not thousands that are currently named
and studied. So we will only be talking about
P which is union of Dtime n to the c for all
c, okay. So if you look at all the problems,
any problem or if you look at the set of all
these problems that are solvable in n to the
c time for some c, c should be an absolute
constant, right like 1000.
c is constant means that c is not a function
of n, okay c is independent of n and c you
are taking everything. So this is the complexity
class P which is deterministic polynomial
time. And correspondingly you have Pspace
which is union of the Dspace or here we do
not do D because D is not important in space.
So a polynomial space is the class of those
problems that you can solve in workspace n
to the c for some c absolute c.
And furthermore, you can define, you can look
at variations of Turing machines. So for example,
if your Turing machine has the ability to
use non determinism which means that the transition
function in one step has multiple choices,
okay. Instead of transition function being
a function, it is a relation. So if the transition
if you have a transition relation delta then
that is called an NDTM non deterministic Turing
machine and the corresponding complexity class
is NP.
So NP is the union of non-deterministic time
n to the c for all c. Okay, so this is Ntime
is basically on a non-deterministic Turing
machine. And finally, I have log space which
is a very small class, because these are the
set of those problems. These are those problems
that can be solved in log space. Okay, so
this is the log space complexity class.
This is a very small class. So if you want
to compare the classes then a simple consequences
or sequence of containments is log space is
contained in, it is contained in P and P is
contained in, we have defined well we have
defined NP also, is contained in NP. And NP
is contained in, Pspace we have defined and
where is Pspace contained?
So that class we have not defined, but there
is a class where you can take Dtime f where
f is an exponential function. So then you
get EXP, okay. So problems that can be solved
in time 2 raise to poly n. So instead of poly
n it is 2 raised to poly n, so 2 raised to
n to the c for some c. So these are the problems
in x. And then based on this you can also,
based on exponential functions you can also
define EXPspace.
So EXP will be then contained in EXPspace.
And just like an exponential function you
can look at a doubly exponential function.
So 2 raised to 2 raised to n to the c. And
that will give you EEXP. Okay, yeah and so
on. So there is no reason to stop. This is
an infinite hierarchy. But we do not know
whether these containments are strict. Okay,
so many of these classes could actually be
equal. So what are the open questions?
So do we know whether log space is equal to
P? We do not know, right. That is an open
question. Do we know whether P and NP are
equal? Yes, that is an easy guess. Do we know
whether NP and Pspace are equal? Yeah and
so on. So any question you ask you it will
be a question mark. So the reason is that
whenever you are comparing different resources,
then to date we do not have a good understanding.
So log, so space versus time questions or
deterministic time versus non-deterministic
time questions. So all these will be open
and the ones which are known is when you compare
the same resource, so for example, P vs EXP.
That is the same resource, Dtime. So one has
polynomial and the other has exponential.
So that actually there is a theorem that they
are different.
Okay, so you know that P and EXP are different
but then in the middle NP, Pspace may go either
way. That we do not know and similarly Pspace
is different from EXPspace. Okay, so that
is a strict hierarchy. There is a theorem
which we cover in complexity courses. Okay,
there are also randomized versions of this.
So you can, now you can look at a third variant
of Turing machine which is probabilistic Turing
So now the transition function is still a
relation just like an NP, it is a relation,
it can, from one configuration, it can move
to two configurations. But there is a probability
attached to those events. So let us say it
moves to one of the two configurations with
probability half. So okay so when you do that,
then it is called a probabilistic Turing machine.
It is like your C program, that program is
flipping a coin in every step. Okay, so that
is a probabilistic Turing machine and that
gives you randomized classes. So using probabilistic
Turing machine. So these are, for P there
is, there are several versions ZPP, RP, BPP
and something which is much bigger than NP.
This is PP and everything is in all these
things are in Pspace.
So ZPP is, it is what, do you already know?
Zero-error probabilistic polynomial time.
This I think is also called in older literature
Las Vegas algorithm. So Las Vegas algorithms
have the property that on a given input instance
x, the algorithm, whenever the algorithm halts
it will give the correct answer, okay. The
only tricky thing is that maybe the algorithm
takes a long time.
But the probability of that is guaranteed
to be small. So with high probability the
algorithm will halt soon, like in polynomial
time or polynomially many steps and the or
the guarantee the other important guarantee
is that whenever it halts it gives the correct
answer. So this is why it is called zero error.
It is also called, these algorithms are also
called Las Vegas.
Yes, so the expected time complexity is yeah,
I will not go into the formal definitions
of these classes. In RP, so RP is randomized
polynomial time. This is one-sided error,
it is also called one-sided error. So if your
string x is a yes string, then it may make
an error. But if your string is a no string
then it does not make an error, okay. So this
is one-sided error. BPP is both-sided error.
And this is called bounded probability or
bounded error probabilistic polynomial time.
So bounded error because wherever the, so
algorithm will stop in polynomial time, there
is no question about that. But when it stops
its answer you have to take with some confidence.
If it is saying yes in the answer then or
it is saying no, the probability of being
correct is more than let us say 66% okay.
So there is no, I mean both side there are
errors, but they are bounded errors. So these
are very good practical algorithms, okay?
So in practice, you would be happy to use
a BPP algorithm if it is fast. You do not
really need the full power of P. You do not
really need deterministic polynomial time
in practice. So many practical algorithms
are actually BPP algorithms.
The probability is taken as free in all practical
applications. PP is probabilistic polynomial
time. This is something very bad. So here
the algorithm stops and whatever it says the
chance of it being correct is only half. It
can be very close to half. So this yeah there
is a reason why this is not good. So error
could be half here. So both-sided error and
it is half. And all these problems, they can
be solved in Pspace, okay?
There are many probabilistic versions, you
can also look at the quantum model and then
you will get different complexity classes.
But that I will not mention here. There is
a course running in parallel on quantum complexity,
okay. And finally, there are Oracle based
classes. So Oracle based classes are, yeah
this you may or may not have seen.
For example NP to the NP. So what does that
mean? Right, so in the so you have a non-deterministic
machine Turing machine and it has access to
a subroutine that can solve for example SAT
okay. So whenever this non-deterministic Turing
machine wants to solve SAT instance, it just
transfers the SAT instance to the Oracle Turing
machine to the Oracle to SAT and an answer
is given immediately.
That is considered one step okay. So yeah,
so it is clearly a very impractical situation,
you can never implement it. Because you can
never get a subroutine to SAT but assuming
that there is a subroutine what can you solve,
okay? So those are the problems in NP to the
NP. What can you solve in a non-deterministic
polynomial time? So this is called Sigma 2.
Okay this is defined as Sigma 1 and then you
can go crazy with this. So you can look at
NP to the Sigma 2 that will be Sigma 3. This
is called Sigma 3 and so on. Okay, so this
is a hierarchy which is again not known whether
it is tight or not, whether it is a strict
hierarchy or not. These are open questions.
Well, because, even in the base of the hierarchy
this is an open question. P is Sigma 0, okay?
So everything here is an open question and
this hierarchy is called yeah, so this hierarchy
is called polynomial hierarchy. So if you
take the union of all these classes, in the
limit it is called PH. Well, there is no limit,
just the union. So the union of all these
is called PH and everything in PH can be solved
in Pspace, okay? So you can see that, in inside,
Pspace, there is a, there is a huge amount
of diversity, okay?
This hierarchy is supposed to be an infinite
hierarchy and this is all inside Pspace. Okay
so Pspace contains pretty hard problems, believed
to be even harder than NP although we do not
know whether NP and Pspace are different.
But if you believe this hierarchy to be strict
then between NP and Pspace there is a, there
are infinitely many classes which are all
different, increasingly hard.
So there are some natural problems which are
actually in Sigma 2 but not known to be in
Sigma 1 and in Sigma 3 not known to be in
Sigma 2. Yeah, but we will not be going into
that I think. So these are the things you
learn in a complexity course and then you
compare these classes and you prove theorems
about which one contains which one and so
So in this course, we will take a different
route. We will define, again complexity classes
and we will study computation but using a
different model, okay, and that model will
be in many cases related to Turing machines,
but it also will have different properties.
Okay so we will, we will look at those things
in detail.
So this course will take a different route
to build a zoo of complexity classes. Yeah
and we are doing this mostly for fun, but
it is not all fun because if you prove theorems
in this different computational model, strong
enough theorems then they will also mean something
in the classical complexity classes, okay.
So we are really studying we will ultimately
we will really be studying natural problems,
So in this model when we prove hardness it
will also mean hardness generally. So it will
not, it will not just mean that it is hard
for our algebraic model it will actually mean
that it is hard in real life okay. So there
will be a strong connection. And so this abstraction
using algebra is highly motivated. See this
is not just for fun. So any questions till
now before I give some definitions of the
algebraic model.
So instead of seeing computation as a sequence
of simple steps, as a sequence of very simple
steps, right? This is what a Turing machine
does. So Turing machine divides computation
into many steps, each of the steps is trivial.
So there is a sequence of trivial steps and
in the end something highly non trivial happens,
right? This is how Turing machine use computation.
So we instead want to view it as an algebraic
expression. So we will view it as an algebraic
expression. So that will be the main point
of departure from what we have seen before.
And so what is this computational model? So
this we will call it arithmetic circuit as
the title suggests. So an arithmetic circuit,
well let me first say in words before I write.
So an arithmetic circuit is basically, it
will have input in the leaves, it will be
a tree where the input will be fed in the
leaves. And then there will be gates like
addition, multiplication gates, which will
add or multiply the variables and that will
give you polynomials. And after a sequence
of such layers, in the end, the output will
be given which will of course be a Polynomial.
Okay, so the circuit is a tree that computes
a polynomial based on the leaves as variables.
So that is an arithmetic circuit. So an arithmetic
circuit is, circuit C, So since you want to
add or multiply, you want to work over a ring
or over a field. So you can think of just
integers. So basically, if there is a variable
X, you can multiply it by a number, let us
say 10.
And then you can add another number and then
you can square the whole thing and so on.
Right, so in the base, formally speaking,
there should be constants with addition, multiplication
operation, so this is what a ring is, but
you can simply also think of integers. So
over a field F is a rooted DAG directed acyclic
graph as follows. So there is this root which
is important that will give you a single output.
The other important places are the leaves.
So the leaves of the DAG of the tree, the
leaves are the variables x 1 to x n. These
are called the input variables. And the root
of this tree outputs a polynomial. So this
polynomial is c x bar. Okay, so x bar is just
the variables x 1 to x n. So what you have
seen is you know the input, they are in the
leaves and you know the output, it is in the
And the output is considered a polynomial.
So this polynomial lives where? What is the
polynomial ring where this polynomial lives?
So this is the polynomial ring F x bar, right?
So these are the set of polynomials in the
n variables, constant from the field F, right?
So now we are talking about something else
right? In the case of Turing machine, we are,
about computing a function that output 0 (or)
1 a decision problem.
Here it is not that is not what we are doing.
So here we are not talking about computing
a polynomial, right? The polynomial as a whole.
So this is not a functional question that
we are solving. We are actually solving something
more formal than a function. We are actually
outputting a representation, the polynomial
representation. The internal vertices are
So in the tree these internal vertices other
than root and leaves, we call them gates and
they are basically just doing addition, multiplication.
So star or so multiplication or addition in
the polynomial ring and write the, the internal.
So the edges in your tree , these are called
wires, right? Since the whole thing we want
to call a circuit it makes sense that think
of these internal vertices as gates and the
gates are connected by wires and the current
kind of flows from the leaves to the root,
okay in that direction.
So the wires can be used to multiply whatever
is flowing on them by a constant, field constant,
okay. So basically it is just scaling up whatever
is whatever is fed into the wire. So it can
scale it up and then you can add two such
things by a gate or you can multiply two such
things by the multiplication gate. So basically
this model can compute any polynomial, right
trivially and they have constants, they have
constant labels to do scalar multiplication.
So this is the full model, okay?
Any questions about this? “Professor - student
conversation starts” Analogous to Turing
machine Cartesian problems this computes two
constants, 0 and 1. So analogy in making.
Then polynomial is just 0 x not taken. “Professor
- student conversation ends”. No if you
want to make an analogy with Turing machines
then well then you have to talk about function.
So turing machine computes a Boolean function
and here if you want to simulate the same
thing then you can for example maybe you can
say that I will only evaluate x i's at 0 (or)
1 and the computation will be modulo 2. So
then the output I mean, although the output
is still a polynomial over the finite field
with elements 2. So even in that case actually,
arithmetic circuit is computing something
more than a Turing machine.
So because Turing machine will only give you
an answer 0 (or) 1 but arithmetic circuit
will give you the whole representation of
that function. So you might have said that
Turing machine computes a value while this
circuit model computes a function, okay? It
is actually, it gives you the function and
then it is for you to evaluate it. You can
evaluate it at any point.
So this from the very start it is actually
a much stronger model. And it is highly algebraic,
as you can see, it is not combinatorial. “Professor
- student conversation starts” But in a
sense this will actually be it is only computing
polynomial and the transmissions in the Turing
machine and the internal if you write, the
internal working as a function and that could
be any function and not all functions could
be captured as polynomials. “Professor - student
conversation ends”.
Yeah. So there are differences for sure, yes.
You, these two are not equivalent. “Professor
- student conversation starts” Is there,
like a natural way to see problems, like sorting,
modelled as polynomials, intuitively, not
directly. No, no. So to get to an equivalence
between circuits and Turing machines, you
have to look at the model of Boolean circuits.
So Boolean circuits is where the gates are
only computing and, or, not. This is stronger
than boolean function then. Well, in some
sense it is stronger in some sense it is weaker.
It is incomparable. So very strictly speaking
these are three incomparable models, Turing
machines, Boolean circuits, arithmetic circuits.
But there are some similarities and you can
still think of any one of these three as modeling
real life computation. “Professor - student
conversation ends”.
Okay. So once we have defined the model we
have to define the resources here, right?
When do we say that the circuit is a good
circuit or it is a bad circuit? Because as
you can see, well, already you know that it
is a complete model. So it can compute any
polynomial, right? How do you do that? How
do you model a polynomial as an arithmetic
circuit? Right, a polynomial is a (sum of
monomials with coefficients from the field,
monomials) you can compute by multiplication
And then when we have computed all the monomials
you scale them up and then you use an addition
gate, right? So this you can achieve in just
two levels. Addition, multiplication and leaves.
So it is, it is a, maybe I should write it
down. Any polynomial has a depth 2 circle
circuit, depth meaning in the first layer
you have addition, in the second in the bottom
layer you have multiplication. So this is
a complete model.
So this is why we say that it is complete,
complete model of computation. But that will
not be enough that by itself is not enough
because we also want to talk about the resources
because ultimately you want to say that some
polynomial is easy for circuits and some polynomial
is hard for circuits. So for that, let us
now define the parameters, right, the resources,
the resource parameters, so that is basically
something very natural.
So the number of wires is called the size
of the circuit. Let us say, number of, basically
the graph size, the tree size. So the size
of the DAG is the size of the circuit, okay.
So size of this graph, directed acyclic graph
includes the leaves and also the edges and
also the vertices. So this the combinatorial
representation size is the size of the circuit.
And sometimes you may also but so this is
ignoring the size is ignoring something in
the representation, what is that? It is ignoring
the constants which are present on the edges
or the wires, right. So I mean in practice,
somebody can object and say that what if the
constants are huge. So ignoring it is not
natural. So sometimes you also include the
bit size of those constants.
Sometimes we include the bit size of the constants
on the wires. Yeah, but formally speaking,
we will not do that we will just, we will
continue with the size as defined by looking
at the graph only. And that is the basic resource
in algebraic complexity theory if you only
look at the graph size.
So the question is always that given a polynomial
what is the smallest graph you can design
and naturally, the depth is just the length
of the longest path from a leaf to the root.
So a max-path from a leaf to the root determines
the depth of C. Right so you have size and
depth, and we have already seen that depth
2 is enough actually. It can compute any polynomial
in the polynomial ring.
But then what will happen to the size? Well
size will be just as big as the number of
monomials here. So how many monomials are
there in an n-variate d-degree polynomial,
n plus d choose d. right. So that is a bad
thing. So number of monomials is equal to
n plus d choose d for an n-variate d-degree
polynomial, right? So n plus d choose d is
something like n by d to the d. Or it could
be d by n to the n.
Depends on what is bigger, but for general
setting this is exponential that you are really
talking, about in fact I should put a constant
here. So if you take d equal to n, so you
are looking at 2n choose n, right. And 2n
choose n is like 2 raised to n. So this is
clearly exponential in the arity and the degree
of a generic polynomial. So if you look at
the representation at depth-2, then the size
is necessarily very, very large for almost
any polynomial.
It is exponentially large, right. So that
is the worst representation that you can have.
So we are not interested in those representations,
although they exist, or at least they exist.
We are interested in the smallest representation,
right. So we will formalize that later, but
you get the idea of the blow up that is happening.
And finally, degree of C, so what is the degree
of C for an arithmetic C? Where, at the root?
Yeah, so right.
So we want to define degree to be the maximum
possible degree at any intermediate at any
vertex. So degree of C refers, or is the degree
of the intermediate polynomials computed in
C, okay. So the reason is that it may happen
that ultimately everything cancels out and
at the root you get something very low degree,
but that does not mean that the circuit computation
needed that lower degree.
So we here we only want to define bounds.
So when we say degree of a circuit we mean
the maximum possible degree at any vertex,
not the degree of the final polynomial, although
that is also important, but not in the definition,
in the general definition. Okay, so let us
look at a small example. So let us look at
the polynomial x 1 + x 2 to the 8 minus x
1 + x 2 to the 4.
So if you expand this out how many monomials
you will see, sorry, that is too less. This
has 14 monomials, right? So this first part
has 9 and the second part has 5. And they
do not cancel. They are of different degree
where the first one is just homogeneous degree
8. The second one is homogeneous degree 4.
So you have 14 monomials.
So obviously you have a depth -2 circuit with
how many, which size? Much more than 14 because
you have to compute the monomials and then
you have to add them. So it will be 30 or
so the size or even more. So that will be
a bad representation. There is a much more
compact representation, right? So the compact
representation is sorry no, no but what is
the circuit. So what is the DAG?
So the DAG is you add, let me skip the arrows.
So you first compute x 1 + x 2. Yeah, then
you use the output, right then you use the
output twice to multiply, right? So this will
give you square; x 1 + x 2 square and you
can do it once again. And that will give you,
that will give you x 1 + x 2 to the 4. So
the 4 is computed, but you also wanted 8,
right? So for that, let us do it once again.
So now you have both 4 and 8, you just have
to add them with sign. Right, so this is the
representation. That is your f at the root,
right? So there are only 5 intermediate vertices.
So overall the size is only, well the vertices
are 7 and so many I think wires. But, you
can see that it is a much smaller representation
than what the polynomial in full expansion
is, right?
So this gives you an idea that using the circuit
operations, you can actually compress the
polynomial a lot. So one thing that we are
using here is this repeated squaring. So this
is a very useful technique. So the circuit
C, the circuit size is small because of repeated
squaring here. And another example where the
repeated squaring can do wonders is x +1 to
the 2 to the n right.
So if you look at x +1 to the 2 to the n it
has 2 to the n monomials. But by repeated
squaring you can manage in n gates, right?
So if say n was 100 then this polynomial,
it is a huge polynomial. But it has a very
small circuit, right? So the circuit representation
is a very natural way to compress a polynomial.
Obviously, it is not always possible, right?
So the question is: when is, when is it not
So when will all your clever techniques fail,
and the only way to represent your polynomial
would be depth-2 sum of monomials which is
the worst? Right, so that is the foundational
question in this area. And we still do not
know the answer to that. Well, we know the
answer in some sense, and we do not know the
answer in general sense. So we will see as
we proceed, right. In this example there are
two more parameters, resource parameters.
So one is fan-in and the other is fan-out.
So fan-in is the maximum indegree and fan-out
is the maximum outdegree. Okay which in this
case is how much? Well it is actually 3. There
is this top star which has fan-out, fan-out
3 but other than that it is 2. Yeah, so I
drew it so that it is close to 2. So fan-in
2 is fine but fan-out 2 is what is giving
you the kick.
Right because you are able to use the output
multiple times. So you do otherwise what you
will have to do is you will have to copy that
and the copying will double the size. So when
you are when copying is banned, then we call
it a formula okay. So formulas are even more
special than circuits.
So fan-in respectively fan-out
of a circuit. Fan-in is the max indegree respectively
outdegree of the graph, of the DAG, the underlying
graph. No. So
handwritten representation is formula. Because
in a hand in this when you write by a pen
on a paper, then there is no way to reuse
computation. So what you are writing in a
line that is naturally a formula. On the other
hand the cheating that you do in a C program
right it is not in a line.
So in a C program you define something called,
call it a variable x and then you use x in
multiple places. So that is a circuit okay
but when you are writing just a algebraic
expression in a line that is a formula. A
program is a circuit if you look. Right. So
in a program, like a C program, an expression
that you have computed, once computed, you
can use it, unlimited amount of time.
So that is like, that is exactly, the dependency
graph is like a circuit. So a circuit with
fan-out 1 is very special and natural, is
called, it is called a formula. And there
are numerous special cases of circuits which
we will see in this course. Okay. Yes, so
any questions at this point? So let me just
define the notion of problem solving or solving
a problem using an arithmetic circuit.
So one thing that you may notice here is the
size of the input is the number of variables
which is n, right and for that n when you
fix n on top of that you have drawn a circuit.
So it is conceivable that for different n
the circuit is different. I mean, obviously
it has to be drawn differently because the
leaves have changed right. So for every so
first observation is that for every input
size, there is a different circuit.
So when we talk about solving a problem or
so what is the meaning of solving a problem
that we are able to actually compute a sequence
of polynomials. But then to compute a sequence
of polynomials over different number of variables,
you have to give a family of circuits. So
this is again a departure point from Turing
machines. In the case of Turing machine just
one Turing machine description was given to
Here you will need infinitely many in the
worst case. I mean maybe all the circuits
are highly correlated and you can come up
with a even more compact representation. But,
in general you have to give a circuit for
every input size. Yes, in the case of Turing
machine if you say that for a given n there
is a C program and for different n there are
different C programs.
That will really be a different definition
of computation or resources. So suppose you
are looking at a family of polynomials f,
i-th polynomial, is in i variables. This is
a family of polynomials. So this is called
a problem. So somebody has given you this
problem which is a family of polynomials,
okay? So i-th polynomial is i variate and
to solve this problem by an arithmetic circuit
means that for every f i you will have to
produce an i variate circuit.
So you will have to design a family of circuits.
So a family of circuits solves F if for all
i, C i is f i, right. That is all. So this
is the notion of problem solving. Here the
problem is not a single polynomial because
well if somebody gives you a single polynomial
then n is fixed. If n is fixed, then everything
can be done in constant size, right? So that
does not really give you asymptotics.
So to get asymptotics you actually need a
sequence of growing arity, infinitely growing
and for that, then you have to look at the
circuit family and then you have to talk about
sizes of the C i's, how is that going with
i? So using that using this now we can define
complexity classes and we can define what
is hard and what is easy. Okay, so the notions,
notion of hard polynomials, easy polynomials
will now be based on this formalism of family.
But many times for simplicity of discussion,
we will ignore the term family. We will just
say a polynomial, but when I write a polynomial,
it would be implicit that I am not talking
about a single polynomial. But all such polynomials
for growing n. Okay, so it will be implicit.
We will not use this rigorous notation all
the time because it becomes a mouthful to
say that there is infinite family of circuit
polynomials, infinite family of circuits.
So it will be implicit from now on. Any questions?
“Professor - student conversation starts”
We look at the polynomial x + 1 to the 2 to
the n right and we were allowed to copy so
we had a small n size circuit. So but when
in a formula we will have to create copies
at every step. So naively that will still
be 2 to the n right, because and but then
do we actually know what is the formula size
of x + 1 to the 2 to the n. 2nd You can prove
that it is exponential size. 1st Is it indeed
exponential size? 2nd Because you can show
that the degree you need at least that much
size for formula. Otherwise you cannot reach
that. Yeah. So you can lower bound it by looking
at the degree parameter. So formulas cannot
exponentially blow up the degree. So formulas
are actually very slow with the degree. “Professor
- student conversation ends”.
So if the size of a formula is s, then the
degree you can show is some polynomial in
s, it cannot be more. But circuits can really
blow up the degree. It can blow up to s raised
to s because it can keep on multiplying the
thing to itself again and again. That is repeated
squaring. Yeah, that is a good point.