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So, this is a course on algebra, the number is 203B. And in this course, we will essentially
introduce the algebra again to you. I am sure you have all done algebra in some form of
other, used algebra in many forms actually. But, what I am going to talk about is the
modern version of algebra, the way it is used to understand and study different mathematical
concepts. And that is something that perhaps many of you have not seen, maybe partly seen,
but not seen as a development from the basics to the higher level and that is what we will
do in this course. The focus will be on abstractions that how
do we look at various concepts, abstract out the properties of those concepts, and then
study properties in the abstract level. What would be the advantage? Let me just write
down. The advantages of abstraction, first advantage of abstraction is that it allows
us to, that is very clear that it allows us to study concept without unnecessary details.
It gets rid of the specific details that are not relevant, and you can just look at it
only at the core aspects. And the second one also it is extremely important
is that it allows
us to study common properties of different concepts. You have multiple concepts, you
abstract their properties out, some of there will be common. When you once you study the
common property that is applicable across the concepts.
We will see the examples of these, I am sure you have come across examples earlier as well.
And third one, which is again very important, is that it allows us to take out the properties
that you have studied in abstract, and apply it into a completely different context which
is another way of saying that it allows for generalizations. So, we there is a specific
concept we abstracted the properties out of, study those property and now this is the abstract
world, so we can apply it anywhere that we wish to.
So, in a sense what we study would be much more general version of what that specific
thing we started with from. That’s three very big advantages of abstraction. Of course,
there is down side of it also, which is that it becomes perhaps a little boring or rather
too abstract too mathematical, i.e the intuition gets lost many times and that you see them
you know lot of symbols and manipulation of those symbol and it is not clear why exactly
are we doing it. So, it is therefore, it is very important to keep in mind the concrete
concepts from which we have abstracted out, so that we never lose sight of what is the
effect of our abstract manipulations on those concrete concepts. Any questions?
Well, let us see some example abstractions and these are something that you have already,
come across. What are the two most fundamental objects in mathematics? Numbers, yes numbers
are one, clearly. Operators of that’s that you are talking of the that’s an abstraction
of when you want to study certain operations and then you use those, but I am saying not
yet going into the abstract world in the concrete setting in mathematics, what are the two most
fundamental objects it will we like to study. One is numbers. Second?
Properties. Properties of various things sure but objects,
for concrete objects that you want to study. You have studied it for long in school.
Variables. Variables is again an abstraction, use variables
to study some concrete things. Well, geometric objects, curves, planes and so various surfaces
that’s also come from the real life, just like numbers in the sense come from real life
by count, you want to counts certain things. So, you introduce and use new numbers. Similarly,
in real life the whole world is you know lots just the whole collection of geometric objects
and you would like to study how these geometric objects behave, what are their properties.
So, with this in mind, that is how the mathematics starts in the ancient times; the study was
done for numbers or about numbers and about the geometric objects. And already the abstraction
particularly in the case of geometric objects was found extremely you useful. Take for example,
a circle that’s a geometric object, now if I want to study properties of a circle;
one way is to draw the circle and see now geometrically various properties by drawing
whatever other curves and intersections. Do you know another way? Something that you have
been using in the school very. Yes, so use compass, that’s geometric way
of studying circle and you draw circles, lines and then see how they interact. Learning geometry,
yes, you been that’s what you did in the school. The all this basic curves you studied
using coordinate geometry and what is coordinate geometry give is, for a circle instead of
drawing a circle, we write this equation x square plus y square equal to r square and
this represents a circle. So now, we introduce coordinates here which is center is at point
zero zero and there are any point of the circle is at coordinates are x y. And, the radius
of the circle is r and then this circle is represented by this equation x square plus
y square is equal to r square. And then suddenly we can study the circle
by using this equation. You can differentiate it, get the tangent, equation of the tangent
at various points, you can look at multiple two circles and see whether they intersect.
You can do all that you would do by drawing it pictorially, you can do it algebraically.
Now this is already an abstraction, because on its own, this equation is just a collection
of symbols. There is an x, there is a two on top of x, then there is a plus sign, then
there is y, two on top of y and then etc. What we do is we assign meaning to this and
the meaning we assign is that the x represents the x coordinate value of a point on circle,
the y represents the corresponding y coordinate of that point and in this is a square x with
two on top is again a representation of multiplying x with x itself and so on.
So, what we did was that we use this abstraction to represent the circle with an equation and
in such a way that all the properties of that circle are inherent in this equation and then
we study this equation. And then you as you would recall that coordinate geometry is extremely
useful in deriving properties of geometric objects. Things that you would not be able
to prove using just the pictures. You can prove using this abstraction. Okay, can you
remember or give me an example of a property that you can, some non-trivial property that
you could prove using coordinate geometry. Tangent to a hyperbola does not intersect
what. The curve
The curve ok, I will believe you, I do not recall this property, but he saying, so that
tangent to hyperbola does not intersect the curve at any other point in it.
Yeah, there are two parts of the hyperbola, and they it doesn’t intersect. Okay fine.
That you can prove using this. But if you were to prove it using geometry, how would
you do that? You could draw a the hyperbola and draw a tangent at one point and observe
that it does not intersect, but that doesn’t mean that for no hyperbola for any point on
the hyperbola the tangent will not intersect the curve. So, not only you get an easier
way of studying property you get a more powerful way of studying properties by applying this
abstraction. So, that’s the observation that we can prove. So, that is very important
observation and that already demonstrates this power of abstraction.
Now, later on in this course, I will show you further abstraction of the same. There
is you have a circle we abstracted it out as equation and then I will go one more step.
This equation and is study of this properties comes under coordinate geometry. I will go
one more step and abstract data out even more and that that field is called algebraic geometry.
So, we will use more algebra to abstract out the circle and similarly other curves and
use that representation to study properties and it turns out that that representation
is even more powerful than the coordinate geometry abstraction. And we can prove further
or even more properties using that abstraction than with coordinate geometry.
Okay, let’s stay on this picture for little more while, here you see that equation x square
plus y square is equal to r square. This seems like an equation over numbers. Now, there
is addition, there is multiplication in here and addition and multiplication is what we
do for numbers. So, that is a curious things that we have that exists here. Firstly, there
is this geometric object that is been seemingly translated into numbers. In fact that’s
what the name coordinate geometry represents that you assign coordinates and coordinates
are nothing, but collection of numbers to every point and therefore represent a geometric
object as a collection of points and or collection of numbers and then you see properties or
relationship between those numbers that is given by this equation.
Second curious thing about this is that not everything in this is a number. In fact, almost
nothing is a number x is not a number, y is not a number, r is not a number. Numbers are
well; one, two, three, four, one point one, if you want to allow reals, square root two.
Those are numbers. Is x a number? y? r? These are symbols they are not numbers. So, how
can we treat them as numbers. We are seen to be treating them as numbers here. We are
multiply x to itself, adding it to y r y square. So, how can we treat them as a number? Is
something not right with this or are we taking too many liberties with our notations?
There is some abstraction. There is an abstraction that is happening
here is yes, but we need to be very careful when we abstract in precisely defining the
meaning of every symbol that we use in the abstraction. So, when we say that x, y and
r, here are going to be thought of as numbers, is that justified?
Set of numbers. If any one of, so we are at liberty when we
are doing abstraction we are at liberty to assign a meaning to any symbol that we introduce.
What we need to ensure is that that meaning is consistent with the operations we carry
out. So, if you say x represents say set of numbers, collection of numbers, then what
does this x square represents? In what way the collection of numbers of x square related
to collection of number of x. And we say that this collection is multiply
every pick number in from one collection to every number in other collection and then
that overall number is an x are they collected is that what we say. That is not what we intend
to mean anyways. Remember our intention is there is some num x y represents, specifically
one coordinate point. It represents many coordinate point but take one coordinate point then that’s
a number and then you take a square of that number in x square and y square takes the
square over y coordinate. The thing is that x and y don’t represent
a single number. They don’t stand for a single number, they stand for a collection
number that is correct. Right? But that collection of number is also not any collection. x represents
the numbers that correspond to x coordinates of points lying on the circle. So, what is
the meaning that we assign to x therefore here? Do we say that, either we can say just
draw the circle look at the x coordinates of all the points and those represent those
are represented by x here? But that’s really a kind of messy, firstly somebody has to draw
the circle then assign the meaning or atleast imagine a circle in a mind. Instead what we
can say here is it x represents any number, y represents any number such that collectively
they satisfy this equation, that x square plus y square is equal to r square. Does that
make sense? So, x is some number here, y is some other
number here. They need to satisfy this relationship x square plus y square is equal to r square,
r is a fixed number. r is not does not change. So, we can take r let’s say one itself.
Then we say this equation corresponds to collection of all pairs of numbers, which satisfy this
- for x if you substitute the first of the pair, for y substitute second of the pair,
then this equation must be true. So that’s the interpretation we assign to this abstraction.
But again it is not yet very let’s say precise, because I said x can be in any number and
y can be any number and such that they together satisfy this equation.
But when I say number what do I mean? Do I mean integers? Do I mean rational numbers?
Do I mean real numbers or do I mean complex numbers? There are different types of numbers
also. What would you suggest we should treat x as? What kind of number? Real numbers? Yeah,
that’s a natural way of thinking, because this geometric object this circle we are thinking
over a real plane. So, we can therefore, think of x and y as a real numbers. That’s good.
But suppose I want to study the rational numbers lying on the circle, that is points with have
rational coordinates, which lie on the circle. Then we can say that the it is all the rational
numbers x and y, which satisfy this equation are the points of interest to us, which mean
that we are saying that now no longer think of x and y as real numbers, but think of them
as a rational numbers. The equation remains the same just that we are saying assigning
a different meaning to x and y and we can change the meaning maybe some other time we
want to study all complex number satisfying this equation, so we change the meaning to
complex numbers or something else. So, that abstraction remains the same, but the meaning
we assign to it changes, okay, which is very good thing, because then if we study the properties
of this in abstract domain, then no matter what meaning we assign to this eventually,
those properties will continue to be true, fine. So that that is a important observation.
So, we may write it down, this is not hundred percent true because each meaning will have
its own quirks also for at least the common properties we can handle simultaneously. So,
its means we would like ideally to study this equation without assigning meaning to x and
y that’s what you want to do right. I have at least hopefully managed to convince you
that that’s a good idea. Let’s not think of x is a rational number, let us not think
of it as real number. That we will do later when we require, as and when required. To
begin with in a real abstract sense I will not assign any meaning to x and y. Are you
with me? Do you agree with me that it is a good idea? Because it is a dangerous statement
that I making. Because if you do not assign a meaning to x and y, what is it meaning of
x times x, how can you add x and y? .
That’s one way of doing it, but then you have to do it at least three examples that
I give rational, reals and complex. For each of them you have to then study it separately.
. Yes what, but what if. So, each addition may
have slightly different properties. So, then you will have to worry about those peculiarities
of each meaning. Ideally in abstraction we will would like to get rid of the specific
quirks of the particular use and you just like abstract it out so that we can study
objects, which are applicable across multiple meanings, which in this case we would be able
to do if we don’t assign meaning to x and y. The only hitch there is that and it is
a big hitch that then how do we say how do we define addition and multiplication for
x, for y for a combination of these. Let’s assume some properties of addition.
About. Addition.
Addition, yes of course that is a solution, yes, you have given it.
So, let’s attack in a more direct fashion, the concept of numbers itself. What is a number?
Okay, who can tell what is a number is? Any object that is countable.
Any object that is countable that is a number, but there are uncountable reals are uncountable,
so that is not a good enough definition. .
. .
By countable? .
Either power set of count countable . .
Okay so, let’s may give another argument against this. Let’s pick up a collection
of countable objects, which is maybe collection of all stars in the galaxy. Are they numbers?
Yes countable, surely. Are they numbers? Can you add two stars and get a third star? How
about multiplying two stars? That’s not a good definition. Let’s try to cover with
a better definition of a number. It is an ordered set with addition and multiplication.
That is a good start; yes, that is a good start. See what we really want to do with
numbers is arithmetic on it. We have four fundamental arithmetic operations addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division. We would like with that’s essentially how
we play around a number right. You do these operations for numbers. Now of course for
certain collection of numbers not all four of these operations are possible. For example,
for integers, division is not possible. Addition, subtraction, multiplication is possible. But
some others for example, rational numbers division is also possible. So, leaving a side
this slight distinction we would like to do arithmetic with numbers.
So, let us define numbers as the collection of objects on which we can do arithmetic.
But then we have to now define what does it mean to do arithmetic and you pointed already
one important property how doing arithmetic the closure; that is if I add two objects
I should get a third object from my collection. Now, we are dealing with the numbers has just
as object we are not assigning any other meaning to them. So, we just have we now therefore,
have to say what it means to do arithmetic on those objects. So, let us try to write
down the properties we want of those objects.
So, this is a formal x definition of the closure property, that capital A is the collection
of objects that we are going to think of as numbers. The first requirement is that this
collection of objects must admit the addition operation, which I am going to represent with
the symbol plus. This satisfies the following properties the first one is the closure property
that for any a and b in the collection a plus b must be defined and must be a another object
in the collection. Okay? What other property should addition have?
Associativity. Associativity, excellent, that for every a,
b, c you want to add all three of them. So, it does not matter in which order you add
them. Anything else? Commutativity yes, a plus b is same as b plus a. There are more
properties that are required. That are required means that does they do hold for typical numbers
that we have in mind. So, we should abstract those properties out as well. One very important
of these properties is this very special number 0. It has a property that if you add 0 to
any other number, the number does not change and the 0 is called the identity of addition.
So, when you add 0 to a, you get a itself and finally, that is negative numbers or this
property allows you to define subtraction. Just addition is not the sufficient to operate
a numbers, you will also like to do subtraction. Subtraction is simply when you say a minus
b we are adding a with minus b and what is minus b? Minus b is that that number, which
you when add to b you get 0. So, the fact that minus b exist is guaranteed by 5th property.
So, we need this property in order to define abstraction in order to define subtraction.
And in terms of abstraction, we call this property the inverse property the existence
of inverse of a every element. So, these are the 5 properties we require in order to define
addition and subtraction. Have I missed out something, then your rather can you think
of some other property that addition and subtraction should satisfy? So happens that this is the
comprehensive set of properties that the addition operation satisfies for numbers.
And now with this written down, we can define numbers to be any collection with an addition
operation subtraction comes for free which satisfies all these 5 properties. Of course,
this is not quite there because a numbers also have multiplication and division and
I am not using that. So, we should also have division and multiplication definition. But
for now let us just stay on these properties and I will introduce the multiplication, division
slightly later to have the numbers. And the reason why I am stopping here for now is that
this properties for a collection is already a very interesting abstraction.
And, I am sure you probably have seen this, that this collection So, this collection with
the addition operation defined as we just did is called a commutative group. The name
has its own the history. Let’s not get into that why is it called a group, but the key
thing or important thing is that groups are an abstraction, which are extremely useful.
We started with numbers, in order to abstract that we to came to groups. But like I initially
had suggested that once you do an abstraction, you can apply to completely different domains
and that is true with groups as well. Let me give you an example of course, the
obvious examples of groups you already know. Integers with addition operation that is a
group. That’s how we started actually. Not just integers, you take and take rational
with addition, reals with addition, complex numbers with addition. These are all groups
for obvious reasons commutative group that is. By the way I should have said that that
if you drop property three which is the commutativity property. In case of numbers we don’t need
to drop it that this is definitely satisfied by numbers.
But since we have would like to generalize this notion and apply it in other domains
also there are situation where this property doesn’t exist. And in that case, we will
do away with this property for those situations and if you drop property 3 and the remaining
property satisfied by a collection, in that case the collection is called simply a group.
So now, come back to some examples. So, these are the obvious examples coming from numbers.
Let me give you an examples for groups, which do not come from numbers. Okay, any of you
have a suggestion. Have you come across groups some time earlier?
Matrices. Matrices, the excellent example; yes, so let’s
say n cross n matrices under addition that’s a group, we can the identity element is the
all 0 matrix. You can add. It is a commutative group also we can add the all use the other
properties are easy to see that they are true. Okay. More examples.
Permutation. Permutation, yes, collection of the permutations;
let’s say look at the permutations on numbers 1 to n. Each permutation by definition is
a mapping from one to n to itself, which is a one-one onto mapping. So, what is the addition
operation for the permutations? How do you add two permutations?
Compose. Compose, under composition. So, composition
of two permutations is a permutation. So, let’s just quickly go through all the property.
Closure is true. Associativity is true again it is very easy to see. It is not commutative.
If we take two permutations, and it matters in which order you apply those permutation.
phi 1 composite phi 2 is not necessarily equal to phi 2 compose with phi 1. phi 1 may map
1 to 2, phi 2 may map 2 to 3. So, if you apply first phi 1 and then phi 2 then you will map
1 to 3. On the other hand, if you apply phi 2 – first,
phi 2 may map 1 to 7; and phi 1 may map 7 to 20, if you apply first phi 2 and then phi
1, then 1 is will goes to 20. So, it’s definitely not commutative, but identity exist what is
identity for permutation, the identity map 1 to 1, 2 to 2, 3 to 3, because we compose
it with any other permutation you get back that same permutation. Inverse? Inverse also
exists. Inverse of a permutation is just an inverse map if we compose an inverse map you
get the identity permutation. More examples. Q star which I use to denote
all nonzero rational numbers under multiplication operation. That is a group. Why is that a
group? Closure holds, associative holds, commutative holds. Identity? 1 is the identity. Inverse?
1 by a. So, if a is a rational number, 1 by a is also a rational number and that is the
inverse. So, this is actually a multiplication operation,
which is different than addition operation for numbers. But if we view it in that abstract
fashion, it is same as the addition operation. This is already a remarkable fact which was
not at all evidence and this becomes evident only when we abstract out the properties of
addition, abstract out properties of multiplication see they are the same.
Multiplication is repeated addition. Multiplication is repeated addition true,
but the fact that properties would remain the same is not at all clear. For example,
if you start with integers. There also multiplication with repeated addition, but over integers
under integers under multiplication do not form a group, because the inverse does not
exist, but over rational they do form a group. So, this is a good time to close, because
we have defined groups, we have given some examples of groups, and already thrown up
certain an unexpected fact. So, what I would like you to do is go back,
think about it. Tomorrow we will meet again at 12, and will continue the discussion.
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