So, welcome you all to this NPTEL course on
mechanical characterization of bituminous
The course faculty for this course will be
J Murali Krishnan, that is me, IIT Madras,
Neethu Roy from Mar Beselios College of Engineering
and Technology Trivandrum, Nivitha from a
PSG Tech.
Coimbatore and Padmarekha from SRM Institute
In fact, all of them, graduated from IIT Madras
including me, with a PhD in bituminous materials.
The source material for this course will consist
of relevant chapters from textbooks on viscoelasticity.
Relevant ASTM standards.
In addition to that, links will be provided
for documents that are available in public
I have used, in fact all of us who are giving
you lectures on this course have used images
slides from Federal Highway Administration
and AASHTO. we have also used images that
are available in public domain.
If it is necessary, we have acknowledged it
at specific places but other ways, we thank
all the people who have provided these images
in the public domain, and we will be using
them as it is.
So let’s start talking about the material
characterization part, but what is this material
characterization, why should we do material
If you talk in terms of bituminous pavement
design, there are many aspects to it.
For instance, what you see here is a simple
overview of where material characterization
comes in.
As far as the mechanistic empirical design
of bituminous pavements are concerned, it
need not have to be bituminous pavements even
the same thing holds good for the concrete
So, what you really see is, you see that there
is a traffic model, which is the actual load
that comes in pavement.
And there are different sets of input data
that is given.
So, one is the environment in which you are
planning to construct your pavement.
Then there are two types of models that are
One is the primary response model, and another
is the distress model.
So, what exactly is the primary response model?
Given any pavement cross section for a given
temperature conditions and for given any applied
load, what is the stresses- strains- displacements
that are induced in the pavement.
And that is primary response model.
As far as the distress model is concerned,
given any pavement cross section, and for
any given critical temperature, what really
is the mode of failure of the pavement structure?
So that is the distress model.
Now for doing all these things, it is necessary
that the characteristic features of the material
are known well beforehand.
For instance, what is the modulus value should
they use for main stress-strain response.
If you speak to any pavement engineer, especially
when they are talking about bit of pavement,
they are going to say that they use layered
linear elastic theory for stress analysis.
So, if you are talking to a concrete pavement,
they will be talking in terms of the Winkler
foundation, or the Pasternak foundation, a
dense liquid or solid model.
And the slab is assumed to take all the load
that is coming on top of it.
So, depending on the theory that you use for
stress analysis, the material characterization,
the material inputs that are needed also is
necessary, for instance, it could be Young’s
modulus, it could be Poisons ratio.
It could be bulk modulus, relaxation modulus,
stiffness model, many of these modulus values
are needed.
So, for all this, the input that is needed
is the material characterization.
So, unless we know how the material responds
for given load condition, in terms of stresses
strains for a wide range of time and temperature,
we really cannot go forward and design, any
So, what are the various steps that normally
is followed for any pavement design.
In fact, as I have mentioned here earlier,
the estimation of the traffic load.
The second which are related here is the material
characterization, where the pavement is going
to be constructed.
What is the expected performance?
And in case of rehabilitation, how do we really
characterize the existing pavement structure.
So, all these factors interlinked play a critical
role in the successful design of a pavement
and in this the most important link is the
material characterization and this NPTEL course
will essentially deal with material characterization,
and that too for bituminous material.
So, having understood that the let us even
a little more focus and understand in the
nutshell, what is the basic design methodology.
So you can actually see that the first thing
that we do is select the trial pavement section
and in fact, most of the pavement design process
that you see here is proof checking of any
given cross section, and we do not really
go and start playing around with the thickness,
or optimize the thickness in the manner in
which a typical structural engineering work
for your water tank or a multi storage building
or any industrial structure is carried out.
Because there are some specific limitations
related to the construction of the bituminous
pavement, the lift thickness dictates, in
a sense, what will really be the thickness
that is required.
For instance, you can have a pavement thickness
of 75mm and if your pavement engineer says,
he could do a lift of 45mm.
So, then you are going to be typically looking
at two lifts of 45 and 45 equal 90mm.
So, the lift thickness as well as the nominal
maximum aggregate the size of the material
that you use play a complete critical role.
So, most of the time, there are some standard
trial sections that are known, the thicknesses.
The only thing that varies is the kind of
material that you use.
So, you pick up a material with unmodified
bitumen, or with modified bitumen, a bituminous
Now what we have to do is, take the trial
section and calculate the required stresses
strains and deflection.
And this is where first step the material
characterization comes in because if you are
really looking at a pavement cross section
like this, so let us say and if you apply
a load here.
And what we really want to know is what is
the state of the tensile strength here and
for doing them we need material properties.
I am writing in a very simplistic way about
E and Mu, but it may not have to be really,
it can be as complicated as it can get as
you will discover, when you go through this
course material.
So, calculate the stresses and strains under
So, once it is done for each and every load
application, we find out the incremental damage,
and knowing the distance transfer functions,
we compute the rutting we compute the load
related cracking.
And we also come to the non-load related cracking
which is nothing but the low temperature cracking
and this comes under the distress.
So, when I am really talking about material
characterization, I am talking in terms of
two things.
One is material characterization for design
Another is material characterization for distress
What you see here in this chart is the analysis
for the pavement structure.
What we will be talking about in this course
is the analysis that is occurred for the constituent
material that is going to be used in this
pavement structure.
So, let us understand the distinction, very
So, so if I recap again, you pick a pavement
section, and for the material that is used
to the compute the stresses and strain and
for the load that is expected to come on this
pavement structure compute the incremental
damage, rutting load related cracking and
non-load related cracking.
And we compare it with the and find out what
is the IRI if the design criteria is met we
proceed, other ways we modify the design.
So, when you modify the design, what do you
do, you could change the thickness.
You could also change the material properties.
Here there is also an input that comes in
terms of the reliability.
Now, this is the overall pavement design methodology
that is followed.
And an important input here is the material
characterization and the material characterization
comes to repeat again for the design and for
the distress.
Now, let us look at the various constituents
for the bituminous mixtures.
So, you have aggregates, you have binder,
and these two things are mixed together to
get a bituminous mixture.
Now, if you look at the mix design that some
of you may be very familiar with, you are
going to find out that your binder content
that you are going to use is hardly 5% or
So why should really be one worried about
the binder part.
And that is where the real crux lies.
What we do is we take stones of various sizes,
shapes, and percentages and mix them together,
but if you mix them together, do you really
think they will stay there as it as it worked.
So, for that purpose, what we do is we add
the binder.
So, the binder is the one that completely
binds all the aggregate particles of various
shapes, sizes together.
So that, you get one consolidated compacted
material that is capable of taking the intended
traffic load.
So, what we need to do is we cannot really
ignore the influence of the binder and as
we will see in the later part of the course,
the binder also plays exhibits, different
mechanical behavior, depending on the temperature.
At very high temperature if your mix design
is poor, the binder can start flowing out,
in which case the whole aggregate skeleton
can collapse.
At very low temperature.
When you have used a binder which is extremely
stiff, the binder can actually shatter like
glass, in which case you are going to have
an extreme case of low temperature cracking.
So, the choice of the binder plays a critical
role, from the time the mix is laid in the
field, rolled and compacted to the final design
life period.
Okay, So, we need to really understand the
binder properties and the mixture properties.
If you really want to understand the mechanical
characterization of bituminous materials.
So how do we really characterize this binder.
All of you are familiar with the penetration
test, the softening point test, ductility,
viscosity at 60 and viscosity at 135 degree
You are also familiar with some new tests
that will be discussed in detail in this course.
So, what is the sanctity of the old test,
what is the sanctity of the new test?
Why do we even real need some new test?
So, these are some of the original papers
that were published related to some of the
old test for bitumen.
In fact, this paper by Bowen, published in
School of Mines quarterly, 1889 is the very
first paper related to the penetration test,
and you can actually see how it is titled.
An apparatus for determining the relative
degree of cohesion of a semi liquid body and
the later on, in during 1916, Charles Reeve
improved this test procedure for penetration
And he titled it as the new penetration needle
for use in testing bituminous materials and
interestingly this was published in journal
of agricultural research, there were criticism
related to this test even during the time
in which this test were proposed to be used.
For instance, very interesting remark by Beckham
says that you can use it for determining the
firmness and ripeness of agricultural products
and these tests have nothing to do with the
bituminous material.
The many other good old tests are for instance,
the softening pointers, which we are using
till now, even now.
The Ductility machine, which is the first
machine invented by Dow.
And, again, Baskin makes another comment here
saying that he says, ductility is positively
the most misleading test, we have on record,
and has gone more towards imbibing people
with erroneous notions regarding asphalt than
any other test of questionable nature.
Very strong statements made during the 1932
session of association of asphalt paving technologies
meeting, but this test have survived.
They are being used.
The ductility machine is slowly easing out,
but we have started using it for the same
machine with the minor changes for the elastic
recovery but still this is being used.
And most of the time, excepting the softening
point and the penetration.
Not much information, one can do that.
And most of the time we use this for what
is really called the consistency.
As far as the viscosity of bitumen is concerned.
This is one of the very first equipment that
you are going to see for the Pochettino viscometer
wherein you can actually see that in this
case, you can actually see that there is a
fixed assembly here and there is a rotor inside
which goes inside moves at a constant revolutions
per minute.
And the torque is measured and is used to
compute the shear stress and the variation
is used to compute the shear rate, and the
viscosity is measured.
You also have a capillary tube viscometer,
which is shown here.
There were some controlled stress viscosity
meters that were introduced, specifically
for the purpose of bitumen, this is in 1960s.
So, we have some interesting history here,
Now, when we look at the ASTM D4402.
It talks in a very interesting way about how
one should measure the viscosity of bitumen.
So, what it says is, maintain the speed and
allow the sample to equilibrate for an additional
five minutes, and we use measure, either the
viscosity, or the total torque for three minutes.
So, what it means is you take bitumen at let
us say at any given temperature 120 or 135
degrees centigrade.
This is not the vacuum capillary type; this
is for the rotational viscometer type.
So, when you add the bitumen, and then when
you start shearing it.
You are going to see, what is really called
as a stress overshoot.
And ASTM is very clearly aware of such a stress
overshoot and that is why they asked you to
average, the values for the last two or three
minutes, so that the unnecessary influence
of this whole shoot can be ignored here.
So, this is that way, which is called city
can be measured so as you can see, there are
older test.
There are new tests, and even in the new test
measurement of a simple thing like what we
think as a simple thing like viscosity seems
to be not simplistic in nature.
So, if you dwell deeper into the rotational
viscometer, the kinematics of the fluid in
the rotational viscometer when it is subjected
to a constant angular velocity, you are going
to see that the variations are going to be
completely different.
So, the shear stress and the shear rate will
now depend on the position in the fluid.
And if you really want to compare the values,
we need to compare them on the at the specific
So, what we do is we compute everything with
the inner cylinder in a rotational viscometer
So that is how the viscosity measurement is
And since these different measurements, be
it penetration softening point, elastic recovery
ductility, viscosity using capillary viscometer,
viscosity using rotational viscometer are
not really giving us the correct values, in
fact you know you can even go to the extreme
of say, if you are familiar with the measurement
of viscosity and 60 degrees centigrade.
There are a lot of empirical factors that
needs to be fixed.
For instance, the temperature at which you
are testing 60 degrees centigrade.
The vacuum that you are playing 300 mm mercury,
and the geometry of the viscometer tube that
you use.
So, if even that is a minor deviation the
values are going to be completely different.
So, what this means is when we want to characterize
the response of the bitumen.
There seems to be different ways of measuring
And each of them are very empirical, the empirical
factors dictate the response that you are
looking at.
Is that a correct way of doing it?
In fact, when we are looking at an advanced
course on bituminous material characterization
we would really like to use an equipment that
is based on a sound theory, so that we can
use the theory, and we can make whatever measurements
that we want, irrespective of the testing
conditions being enforced.
Use the output that we get from the incumbent
and use the theory to come out with the mechanical
So, here the theory that we are going to use
will be the viscoelasticity and you will hear
more about it in the later lectures.
So, the equipment of choice that has been
identified throughout the world as far as
the binder testing is concerned is the Dynamic
Shear Rheometer.
Now the working principle of the Dynamic Shear
Rheometer will be explained in detail in a
later lecture by Mr. Dharmesh Gala from Anton
The theory associated with the Dynamic Shear
Rheometer, especially in small amplitude oscillatory
shear will also be explained later.
The whole idea of this particular lecture
is to kind of gently introduce, you to the
various characterization methods that will
be discussed as part of this course.
What about mixtures, should I do with old
test, should I do with new test.
So, this is the next question that we want
to ask.
In fact, what we have been talking about this,
we have talked about why material characterization
is important.
And when we want to characterize the material,
should I characterize the binder, should I
characterize the aggregate or is it enough
if we just characterize the mixture.
Then we mentioned that no no, we have to characterize
the binder, as well as the mixture.
So, when we looked into some of the characterization
methods that are available for binder.
They are empirical, semi empirical, and only
one or two tests especially the one associated
with Dynamic Shear Rheometer seem to have
a strong theory, underlining it.
So, we will be exploring all those things
in detail.
Now coming to the mixtures, you are talking
about old tests, there are new test.
So, what are these old tests.
Most of the time, there is always a confusion
related to relating the parameters that you
get from a mix design, with the performance,
for instance the marshal stability or the
marshal flow.
So, these are basically values that you are
going to use for checking the adequacy of
the binder content that you are going to use
in your mixture, so they do not have any connection
whatsoever with the mechanical property of
the material.
Some attempt in the literature is available,
trying to model the marshal test, but considering
the viscoelastic nature of this material.
And if the loading rate changes, the response
also changes there has not been any recent
advances that relates such kind of tests.
So, we will not go into all those things.
Another example is the superpave, which will
be talking in terms of the performance grading,
aging, as well as the modifiers.
Okay, so there are many many outcomes that
has been come out, because of the superpave
superior performance as well.
And here also, the interesting part is the
compaction, which will be discussed in detail
And you are going to look into some of the
issues related to how to use gyratory compactor,
how one could compact a material in the laboratory
so that the properties will be identical to
that of the properties that you see in the
So even superpave, when it came out with this.
There were not many interesting outcomes there
as far as the performance or as far as the
mechanical characterization is concerned,
and the initial phases, the one only test
to the that was available was using the well-known,
T283 AASHTO test for moisture damage in which
one measures the IDT, the indirect tensile
test and find out what is really called as
the tensile strength ratio.
But the interesting thing that one needs to
understand as far as the mixer is concerned
is the volumetric which play a critical role
So, if we do not actually understand the role
of the volumetric on the mechanic and performance.
We will be at a loss to really understand
why we are getting variability in the result,
just because the voids or the voids in mineral
aggregates have changed here by 1% or half
So, I will be giving a very very brief overview
of the role of the volumetric.
This course is not about mix design.
Mix design will not be covered in detail here.
So, but we should understand that mix design,
as well as the volumetrics plays a critical
role in the mechanical characterization.
So that is something that we are going to
talk in the next few lectures.
So this is the mixture volumetrics.
So, the most important point that we need
to understand, as far as the bituminous mixtures
is concerned is by design, by purpose, you
have laid in the field a porous material.
Okay, around, when the mixer is laid and compacted
you are going to have around 6 to 8% of air
This is design, your surface may be impervious
such that there will not be any penetration
of water inside the mix, but the mixture inside
is porous in nature.
Now, what you see here, this is the aggregate
and the gray color is the binder.
It is a caricature of what are all the air
voids that you are going to see here.
So, you could have air voids in the binder.
You could have air voids on the surface of
the aggregate, you can actually see that.
And you can also have air voids within the
aggregate particles, you can actually see.
The interesting thing that you will see here
is, if you take any aggregate look at it very
Use your naked eye or use a microscope there
are going to be voids on the surface of the
aggregate, some of the voids are going to
be permeable only to bitumen, and water.
Some of the voids are going to be permeable
only to bitumen.
Now if you actually take a look at this particular
void that is shown here, you can see that
the whole thing is permeable to water, whereas
only some portion is permeable to bitumen.
So, the air voids, so depending on the amount
of bitumen that you are going to apply, depending
on the air voids that you are really looking
at, the mix design completely changes, and
in a sense it influences the mechanical performance
of the material.
So, this also tells you that the specific
gravities need not have to be the same.
There are going to be different types of specific
strategies, you are going to have what is
really called as the bulk specific gravity.
There are going to be what is really called
as the effective specific gravity.
And there is going to be, what is really called
as the apparent specific gravity.
So, depending on the volume that you are going
to compute.
So if you are going to compute volumes that
consist of water permeable voids that are
not filled with asphalt, the specific gravity
is going to be different if you use everything,
water permeable voids, including the voids
that are going to be permeable to asphalt,
you are going to have another specific gravity.
And if you are going to have asphalt permeable
that is absorbed asphalt there is going to
be another specific gravity.
So, this is what is defined here.
So bulk specific gravity includes permeable
and impermeable voids that are normal to the
surface, apparent specific gravity - volume
of an impermeable material and effective specific
gravity is volume of permeable material which
excludes voids that are permeable to asphalt.