Just a quick introduction, right, about what’s
Alright, so and the best way to do this, is
to ask you.
So what is infrastructure?
Ok, structure, system and I am also going
to say enabler.
Alright, anyone else want to….Do we completely
agree with what Arjun has said or do we like,
do someone want to add anything on to this
or disagree?
Yeah (points to someone) makes life simple,
Ok. ok.
Yeah now the thing is, is that ahh is that
something generic that would apply to a variety
of things or is that something specific to
Value for money, aahh right, I mean even if
I bought an apple, I would want value for
money, I don’t want an rotten apple for
50 rupees, right and I would love a juicy
apple for 1 rupee which I can never get.
h right, so that’s I think that’s something
more of a characteristic so I wouldn’t,
so I am trying to define infrastructure.
So may I should not sort of put that under
the definition.
Yeah, sure, go ahead.
h fine, structure we will sort of says, oops.
Sorry I need to get used to pressing the right
buttons on the screen.
Ok, so physical, yeah, alright.
Essentially so far we have, it could be a
physical structure, it could be not necessarily
a physical structure, it could be a system.
It enables, it facilitates, makes our life
simple, alright.
Any other , ahh, yeah (points to someone)
aahhh ok, hopefully sustainable, fine.
Alright, anyone else want to throw up anything?
h, does it necessarily though?
In some ways, in some ways, I mean, this is
the, kind of depends on how you define bringing
people together.
But one might argue that telecommunication
infrastructure actually keeps people apart.
Right, so I don’t need to come together.
Ok, so I am not quite sure that it brings
people together.
Some kinds of infrastructure connect, ahh
So roads for instance obviously provide connectivity.
h, it’s an interesting question, right.
So I am not quite sure, for instance housing
is also infrastructure and it is more of a,
I am not quite sure, it might not be a property
of all of infrastructure.
Although, it does work for several aspects,
several kinds of infrastructure, right.
Alright, so, ahh these are all interesting,
now I get the feeling though that all of you
or many of you, right, yeah (points to someone)
sorry, measurement criteria, so it is a criteria
for measurement of development right, so that’s,
that’s fine.
But is that what infrastructure is?
Right, I am talking about, I am trying to
get us to define what infrastructure is.
Now I think many of you are defining infrastructure
or thinking about infrastructure as an asset.
Right, it’s a thing.
Right, it’s sort of, I mean it’s a building,
it’s an airport or whatever.
Right, it’s an asset and that is one way
of thinking about it.
But, you got a point, yeah (points to someone).
All levels, alright.
So the question is how many of us really think
of infrastructure as a service, right?
So and this is something that we really want
to think about in terms of how we define infrastructure,
So when I define infrastructure, do I define
it as an asset, right?
It is something that I build which, or do
I define it as something that provides this
kind of a service, right.
And you will find that in what you have said,
there is a little bit of a mix of both, right.
The makes life simple is certainly more of
a service criteria, right, but the physical
structure for instance is more of an asset
kind of definition.
So I think the important thing to understand
is that infrastructure is both asset and
And this is critical, alright.
Because if we think of infrastructure as an
asset we will be tasked with building good
quality assets, which means you build the
fanciest thing that you can build, perhaps
the most expensive thing that you can build,
But it may not necessarily provide service.
It may not necessarily make life simple.
It may not necessarily enable or facilitate.
It may not be sustainable and it might not
hit all levels of society, right.
And this is actually fundamentally very important
because a lot of people when you say, Ok list
some infrastructure we often think roads,
bridges, power plants, airports, ports whatever,
We think assets and assets of course are key.
But what I want us to do in this course is
think of infrastructure as a service, right.
Infrastructure is all about providing you
the service to do something that will enable
you make your life easier, make you more productive,
make you more wealthy, make you more comfortable
whatever it is, right.
It is all about enabling.
So there is no, so there are no points for
building the most expensive, most complex
from an engineering perspective asset if you
are not delivering the service, right.
So when we think about infrastructure I think
we need to think really more in terms of service,
So you guys didn’t do the readings but essentially
some of the definitions that you will, you
can later on look at, there is a, there is
a brief intro chapter for this session.
People talk about infrastructure as something
that is public in the sense it is open to
everybody, delivers essential services, helps
achieve economic as well as social objectives
and it is essentially a foundation or a base
on which society rests.
You don’t have infrastructure then you are
in, you are in big trouble.
You are essentially going back to a period
in time where you know, human kind was essentially
congregated around small settlements and almost
completely self-sustaining because you didn’t
have the means to transport.
You didn’t have sort of sources of energy
to do things that were technologically advanced
etc right, which is obviously a situation
we can’t even imagine ourselves in now.
So it is essentially the base or the backbone
on which society rests and there are examples
of infrastructure.
There are tons, right.
h, in this class, right because ultimately
we are in an engineering institute and I am
an engineer by training and all of that, when
we talk about infrastructure we will restrict
ourselves by and large to what we call physical
infrastructure, right, which means roads,
ports, airports, waterways, water and sanitation
systems, power, telecom.
We won't really get into things like education,
right which people also classify as infrastructure,
It is also, you know backbone along which
society should rest, right.
So there are, what, some people call this
social infrastructure, right.
So we may not really get too deep into social
infrastructure, right because in my view it
becomes very difficult define performance
parameters around social infrastructure, very
tough problem, right.
If you give me a bridge and you tell me how
do I tell in 20 years if this, or in 10 years
if this bridge was successfully built or not,
I can come up with a number of criteria, right.
I can look at the physical characteristics
of the bridge.
Has it, you know, is there any sag, this,
that etc.
I can look at the use of that bridge, how
many people have used that bridge etc, what
was the cost of maintenance and I can come
up with the decision.
But when I go to a school and I say, is this
a good school or not, right?
Very difficult answer, right.
What would you say?
100 percent of people passed twelfth standard
and so it is a good school?
May be but we know that passing twelfth standard
does not mean anything.
May be these people just memorized everything
in the book perfectly, right, got great grades
but did not quite learn, right.
And therefore on the other hand, because some
people failed, is it a bad thing?
Or there is a school where the academic performance
is mediocre but they do very well in, you
know arts and sports and all of that.
Mean how do we even sort of start judging?
So metrics around social infrastructure are
much more difficult and so that to me is a
second order problem, right.
Let us first get to the easy stuff, right
and then we will get there.
So this class will focus more on the easy
part of the difficult stuff which is the physical
infrastructure, alright, by and large, right,
so not on the social infrastructure, right.
I looked at the Merriam Webster Dictionary
some years ago, it said underlying foundation
of basic framework of a system or an organization
is how they define infrastructure.
So it is an underlying backbone but is not
just a physical asset, right.
It’s tied towards the service that it delivers,
And so when we think infrastructure we need
to think service.
So we design infrastructure that provides
better service, not infrastructure that is
low-cost, right, that is the way you would
think if you were designing an asset.
If you are thinking an asset, you would say,
let me reduce the cost, right.
Let me put in as many bells and whistles as
possible so that, you know it is something
that is magnificent that people will comment
upon, right.
All of that relates to the asset.
It may not relate to the service, right.
In fact low cost and service might be inversely
It may make more sense to spend more money
upfront to provide lasting value, right.
So may be a more durable surfacing of the
road is more expensive but the road will be
in better condition for 10, 15 years
As opposed to reducing the cost of the road
today, right and giving a project plan to
government saying, oh I am going to build
you a very cost effective road and finding
that you will have to maintain it 5 years
down the line, right.
So think about it as service and not as asset,
So all kinds of infrastructure, this is the
kind of stuff we will be talking about in
this class, transportation, water sanitation,
energy, telecommunication, housing, right
may be even a little bit of, we are not really
going to talk about it but, you know parks
and all of that are also a part of, you know,
of physical infrastructure, alright.
So I have got a couple of minutes so I will
leave you guys with one thought, Ok and then
we will stop here, alright.
So there is this guy called Quieroz and I
have, sort of, his article is part of that
reader and when you guys pick it up you can
read it, right.
So Quieroz talks about this graph that people
in the World Bank came up with a long time
ago, right.
And so the graph is quite simple.
On the X axis, right you have a measure of
infrastructure quality, right.
How do you measure infrastructure?
These guys said let us measure it based on
the number of kilometers of paved roads that
are there in the country.
So if a country has lot of paved roads then
the infrastructure is better.
If a country has very few paved roads, kachcha
roads etc infrastructure is worse, right.
So that is a measure of infrastructure growth.
Now some people will say Switzerland is a
tiny country.
India is a much larger country.
So obviously in India there will be more paved
roads than in Switzerland, right.
So how does that work?
So we divide it by the number of inhabitants
or million of inhabitants or whatever so we
get some normalized figure, right.
So India for its 1.2 billion people there
are so many kilometers of paved roads per
million people; and in Singapore, in Switzerland,
in Turkey, in whatever right.
So the X axis is a measure of the infrastructure
of the country.
The Y axis is the wealth of the country, right
which is measured in terms of GNP Gross National
Product similar to GDP, Gross Domestic Product
whatever, right.
So this is wealth, this is infrastructure,
right and what does the graph tell us?
Right, the graph tells us that there is actually
a wonderful correlation, right.
So what we are saying is countries here, right
have a relatively low wealth, GDP is low,
also relatively low quality of infrastructure.
Countries here relatively high wealth, relatively
high quality of infrastructure, right.
Country is here, medium wealth, medium quality
of infrastructure.
We really don’t find countries here, high
wealth no infrastructure, right.
Or country is here, right superb infrastructure,
no wealth, right.
And if you remember your statistics, There
is something called an R squared that tells
you the goodness of fit and all of that, and
the R squared is pretty high, 0.76.
Right, I mean 1 is perfect correlation, 0.76
is pretty high and this is 98 countries, right.
So I think there are roughly, I do not know
170, 180 countries in the world I think at
the moment, right so this is a little, and
this was done a little bit earlier.
So this was probably about 60 percent of countries
in the world.
So the evidence is quite stark, right that
infra so if you want the country to go and
somebody mentioned this, right.
So if you want the country to go, you want
the country to be strong then one of the levers
that you have to change is certainly infrastructure
Doesn’t mean, don’t focus on education,
don’t focus on health care but infrastructure
is critical, right to country's growth, Ok.
So, and there is a lot of evidence.
Other people have changed this.
They have said why only look at roads?
Let us look at the amount of water supplied
per capita, right.
That is the measure of infrastructure, right.
Or the amount of energy supplied, you know
per capita whatever and you will get very
similar graphs irrespective of what you do,
So I think that the conclusion is relatively
inescapable that infrastructure and the wealth
of the country are very strongly linked.
Therefore if the, the…
At some point if we sort of say what can we
do to make India better country etc one of
the things we certainly need to focus on and
something that the government has had in its
sights for a while is infrastructure, right.
There is only one problem with this graph.
What is the problem?
One problem with the interpretation of this
(Professor – student conversation starts
– student voice not captured)
So the causality is always a question.
Now do countries become rich because they
have infrastructure or do rich countries invest
in infrastructure?
Right because I am rich I have more infrastructure,
because I have more money?
Or because I have more infrastructure am I,
so that becomes very difficult to unpack from
this graph.
Right, essentially I have 2 variables; it
is very difficult to tell which direction
the causality goes in, right.
So I don’t,
So there is a bit of truth in both, right.
Infrastructure does lead to a greater wealth,
so the more roads I have, the more produce
can get shipped faster.
So there is less sort of, less cabbages and
tomatoes get spoilt on the way because my
roads are faster, more things get sold and
there is more wealth that is created, right.
More electricity, more of us can do productive;
you know tasks after the sun has set, right
and our weekend study or whatever and therefore
the wealth of the country can increase, right.
Better quality water supply, you know we fall
ill less often because there are fewer water
borne diseases.
We are therefore more productive.
Wealth increases.
So there is certainly an argument, qualitative
argument to be made that if infrastructure
is better wealth can increase.
But clearly if you are a very wealthy country
you tend to build, you know better Special
Economic Zones and facilities.
There you attract other companies to come
in from all across the world and you know
those kinds of things, right.
So there is a little bit, but irrespective
of the direction of causality, right.
And there are pros and cons to both.
The point is infrastructure and economic growth
are linked, right.
And therefore you really need to focus on
infrastructure if you are focusing on economic
growth, Ok, is essentially the lesson here.
So and I think that is all I wanted to sort
of talk about today.
Sort of introduce what infrastructure is,
get this point home that we are thinking of
infrastructure as a service, not as an asset,
right and also show that infrastructure and
economic growth are intertwined.
So if you want the country to develop, among
other things infrastructure is key, right.
And what we are going to talk about is how
many of you believe we have wonderful infrastructure
in India?
Ok, couple of people, alright.
How many of you believe we have infrastructure
that needs to be improved considerably?
Alright, everyone else.
Alright so I fall in the, in the majority
category as well.
I think we have some good infrastructure,
right but by and large I think our infrastructure
across industries are, are performing terribly.
So then the question is why, what can we do
about it and that is what we will talk about
in the class, alright, Ok.
So I will stop here.