Hello everyone. Welcome to this NPTEL Structural
Geology course. This course is being offered
for the undergraduate students and designed
accordingly. In the first two lectures, we will
cover the introduction and then slowly we will
jump into the other topics of the subject.
Before going into the actual course, we
will have some administrative parameters
that we will follow in this lecture and
then we will proceed. So, before we start,
I am your instructor. My name is Santanu Misra.
I am a faculty member in the Department of Earth
Sciences of IIT Kanpur.
About my academic background:
I studied Geology in Jadavpur University. I had
my Bachelor degree, Master degree and also PhD
degree from Jadavpur University. Then I moved
to ETH Zurich in Switzerland for a post doc,
later I became a lecturer in the same institute.
I learnt mostly Experimental Rock Deformation and
worked on high pressure temperature deformation
behavior of rocks. Then I moved to another
beautiful country, called New Zealand. The
institute was GNS Science. I worked there
on earthquakes and landslides phenomena.
In 2015 I decided to come back to India and
joined IIT Kanpur as a faculty member. My
research interest mostly includes primarily
experimental rock deformation, rock physics,
structural geology and tectonics. Throughout
this course or even later you can contact
me via this email. You also can call me
during the office time and to know more about my
research, my research group and other activities,
you can follow me via my webpage.
Saquib and Manab, are the two TAs of this
course. They are teaching assistants. Both
of them are my PD students. They are CSIR
Senior Research Fellows in IIT Kanpur. Saquib
joined in 2015 and Manab as well. Saqib works
on petrology of structure of Nagaland Ophiolite
sequences, and Manab works in the direction
of rock physics and he works on enhanced coal
bed methane recovery via CO2 sequestration.
About the study materials for this course there
are n number of books, there are n number of
online resources that you can explore.
I particularly recommend these four books
and a few online materials which will be helpful
for this course. And, I also derived most of the
study materials from these four books and these
online materials. The first book is the book of
Structural Geology, Fundamentals and Modern
Developments written by Professor S K Ghosh,
who was a Professor in Jadavpur University,
Kolkata. This book is little bit of advanced level
for an undergraduate student but initial sections
are written in a very general way, in a very
scientific way so that one can understand.
What I like about this book, particularly for
the students of India, that the examples of
geological structures are cited from Indian
continent, or different Indian fields. So,
if you go to the field you can see those
structures and relate yourself. The second
and third book are the two classic ones.
The second book is Structural Geology which
is the second edition of Twiss and Moores.
It covers entire span of structural geology.
And the third one of Professor John Ramsay,
Folding and Fracturing of Rocks is a classic
textbook of structural geology ever considered.
It is very important to have this book in
your library and it is worth reading book.
Fourth book is relatively new in the structural
geology field written by Professor Fossen. What
I like about this book is it is written with
examples with lot of applications; the language
is very easy to comprehend and understand. And
most importantly this book has fantastic field
photographs, colored field photographs and
in addition to this, a complimentary CD of
illustrations which are essentially helpful to
understand different structural features.
About online materials, I recommend these
three. So, the first one is a textbook in
pdf by Professor Ray Patrice, the second one is
lecture note from Professor Jean-Pierre Burg. And
the third one is one YouTube lecture series given
by Professor Janos Urai of Aachen in Germany.
In all these three materials you
will get excellent illustrations,
very nice texts and particularly for Professor
Urai's lecture he has given lots of analog
models and numerical exercises which will
be helpful for you. Needless to mention,
there are n number of, there are series of
online materials which are available.
You just have to type online that what you are
looking for, you just type the keywords or the
phrase or the sentences and you will get series
of suggestions from Google or whatever search
engine you use and you can figure out what you are
looking for. I am sure you will get it. If not,
you are always welcome to contact me or the two
teaching assistants of this course.
This is the course template of this course
outline of this Structural Geology course.
The course is designed mostly following the
general undergraduate courses that is being
followed in India and globally. So it is a twelve
weeks course. Initially we learn at least in this
lecture and in the next lecture, introduction and
basic concepts of structural geology. Then we will
follow the certain different aspects sequentially
one after another to cover different structural
elements, their measurements, stereographic
projection. We learn about strain and stress.
We learn about rheology and deformation mechanism
of rocks, then slowly we will go to the actual
real rock structures that we see in the field like
foliation and lineation, different types of folds,
their formation mechanisms, superposition of
folds, then boudinage and related structures,
fractures, joints everything. Then we move to
the ductile domain that is the ductile shear
zone which is very important in structural
geology and in general. And finally, we will
end up with some notes on structural mapping,
summarize this course and do some discussions
for the future developments and studies.
The question that one should ask at the very
beginning that, why I should study structural
geology? Personally, I like this subject very
much. We will see in course that this subject
makes you like a detective. Like you have
something in your hand, this is a puzzle. You
have no clue what happened in the past. So,
your challenge or your task is to, whatever
you have in your hand, just looking at it,
observing it, analyzing it, you have to go and
understand what has happened in the past. So,
in a way, this is a very challenging work
and I like it very much. Apart from this,
you of course would like to ask what are the job
opportunities, what are the different aspects
like, what is the use of studying structural
geology in the context of present-day society?
The answer is: it is significant.
So, if you are structural geologist,
your demand is in many industries and also
certainly in academia. You can be recruited
or you can be hired if you are good enough in
exploration and mining industries. You can be
also hired in litho-structural mapping and
survey companies, construction engineering
and structural analysis of different surface
and sub-surface materials. If you are interested
to that, there are many industries who are
involved in this type of work and they will
certainly be interested to hire you.
For natural hazard analysis, earthquakes,
landslides and so on, your job is secured if
you are good at it. Hydrogeology is also one
of the areas where structural geologists
are in high demand. And apart from this,
I can certainly join in academia and petroleum
industry and other places where you can work on
science and technology development.
As I said that structural geology is a
subject that unravels the past of the earth, the
history of the earth in a certain way and there
is no clear picture of that. We have to figure
out things what we have today in our hand. So,
these three terms, predictions, uncertainties
and risks are somehow very much associated with
this subject. Whatever you do, you should have
some sort of prediction, some sort of risk and
some sort of uncertainty in your discussions and
in your results. Always keep this in mind.
Ok, so what is structural geology? Now if you have
heard this term before then you must have heard
also these two terms that are being always said
or always used together with structural geology.
One is tectonics and another is geodynamics.
Now these three terms, structural geology,
tectonics and geodynamics, their origin comes
from Latin and Greek languages. So structure is,
comes from the Latin word "struere" that means
build, "tektos" is a Greek word from which we
have this word tectonics that means builder
and then "dunamis" is a Greek word which
means power or force. So, you can see that
if these three terms, structural geology,
tectonics and geodynamics, well geology is "ge"
that means the earth. It is also a Greek word.
So, these three terms as I was talking about,
structural geology, tectonics and geodynamics,
these three, from their origin of these three
words can suggest you that with the help of,
or with this action of power and force, how you
can build something and who is the builder for
that? So the structural geology is certainly all
about power, forces, building something. And if
you apply power and force, you have to deform, you
have to move something from one point to another.
So scientifically you can finally conclude that
the subject structural geology together with
tectonics and geodynamics concerns in general with
the shape, that is the geometry, the displacements
which is kinematics and forces so mechanics
in our earth and other planetary bodies.
Now interestingly if you have these
terms, geometry, kinematics and mechanics,
you can certainly comprehend the fact that the
subject is highly interdisciplinary and it is
indeed. We take assistance, help and collaborate
actively with people from material science,
mechanical engineering, physicist, computer
science and remote sensing. Within the
broader umbrella of earth sciences we also
collaborate with geophysicists, petrologists,
igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary domains.
We also take active help from survey people,
and of course nowadays we are also taking people
from Geodesy on board. So this interdisciplinary
nature of the subject makes it highly
broad and in overall geology it makes
it a complete science topic together with
physics, chemistry, maths and biology.
Now these three subjects or which are
commonly used together, structural geology,
tectonics and geodynamics, these three
form a very coherent and interdependent
sub-disciplines of geology. And together with
these three topics, we try to understand that
how these rocks, different rock formations and
earth systems in general, crust, lithosphere,
asthenosphere so on deform and how do they deform
via which processes? You can understand when you
see a rock which is deformed. We will learn in
this lecture how to look at a deformed rock.
It contains a lot of information. A piece of
rock gives you a series of information. Your
idea or as a structural geologist or geologist in
general, your aim is to unravel this information
and use this information to study different
processes that happened at the past in the earth,
and also what could happen in the future.
So let us talk about these three topics,
structural geology, tectonics and geodynamics,
what these are? Whether these are different,
whether they are similar or if there is
any difference then where is this, where
is the difference? Well these individual topics,
structural geology, tectonics and geodynamics,
from science point of view; from approach point
of view they are very similar. Three of these
subjects essentially deal with displacement,
forces and kinematics, the geometry, shape
etc. But the fundamental difference between these
three topics are the scales of observation.
So structural geology generally we study in
field based, it is a field-based discipline
and it operates from very microscale, about 100
microns or less to 100 meters or maximum 1 or 2
kilometers. So, we can say that from a grain to
outcrop if you study rocks then you are doing
structural geology, of course in the context of
deformation. The tools that are used to study
structural geology include field study, that is
very important, rock deformation experiments;
you can do analogue experiments and
essentially numerical models.
In contrary tectonics is certainly a large
scale. As you can see the entire plate tectonics
discipline is pretty large. But it does not
involve what is happening at the bottom of these
plates. It just deals with the movement of the
plates, their mutual interactions and so on. So,
tectonics in general deals from about 100 meters
to 1000 kilometers in scale. In structural geology
we learn that it is below 100 meters. So,
tectonics is certainly a large-scale study of
structural geology, you can consider it this way.
The tools we use here are again field study, you
can do field work, you can do analogue experiments
and you can do numerical models.
Geodynamics is the subject that discusses about
the forces and processes that drive the plate
tectonics and the deformation of the materials
inside the earth. So you can consider the mantle
convection, plumes etc. So as you can imagine the
scale from just, from the plate tectonics to where
the plates are to the core of the earth or at the
core mantle boundary the scale is huge. So it is,
it operates at the scale more than 100 kilometers.
And there is no way you can do field work at core
mantle boundary or even cross mantle boundary.
So there is no scope of doing field work. So
what tools we are left with are analogue
experiments and numerical models.
Now to study structural geology as I was talking
about, even for, within the subject of structural
geology apart from tectonics and geodynamics,
scale is something that is very important that
you always have to remember. Or always have
to take into account what is the scale you are
looking at, what is the scale of observation? And
structural geologists do it very, very frequently.
They jump from one scale to another.
Looking at a single grain, the deformation
of the single grain, one structural geologist can
immediately interpret an entire mountain building
process. So this is a fun, this is a scale as
well. Apart from the scale, there are three pairs
of terms. One is continuous versus discontinuous.
Second one is homogeneous versus heterogeneous,
and third one is isotropic versus anisotropic.
We are all familiar with these terms but let
us have a look at these six terminologies in the
context of studying structural geology.
For the scales we generally cover three
different terms, microscopic, mesoscopic
and megascopic. As the name suggests, microscopic
is something that you observe under microscope,
be it optical microscope or electron microscope
and we call it microscopic scale. Mesoscopic
scale is something that you can cover just by a
view. So it is scale that to structure that can
be observed without the aid of the microscopes on
a hand specimen or a single outcrop and so on.
So it is about 1000 meters or 1 kilometers or
something like that. And we call it outcrop
scale or outcrop study and then macroscopic
scale is something that you are doing a large
scale field study or regional scale field
observations, so this is greater than 1
kilometer and so on. So it is to be completely
exposed in the outcrop that you may not get in
the field. You may get something here, something
there, in-between there is no rock exposure.
So it is your background, it is your intellectual
quality of the structural geology background that
how you can correlate from this outcrop
to that outcrop. And when you do that,
you are actually doing a macroscopic field
observation or macroscopic study, macroscopic
scale study of structural geology.
So here is an example of what do we understand
by scale. What I try to convey with this slide,
you have learnt probably already that if a layer
is horizontal or at any orientation and
if there is a layer parallel compression
this layer is ductile enough then it makes
a curved feature which is known as fold.
Now in these three images, in the first one
you can see that the width of the image from
the scale is given, is about 750 microns.
In these 750 microns from here to here,
approximately what you see this green material
is an aggregate of biotite mineral which is a
kind of mica. And you can see this biotite is
not straight here, it is folded. So there must
be a layer parallel compression here.
Now if I jump to the next image, we see a
very similar structure which is fold but here the
scale is, or this distance in this entire image is
close to 50 meters. And if we look at here, this
distance is about 4 kilometer and we almost see
a very similar structure. Now if I see fold in
the first image and if I see fold in the second
or last image, then they characteristically may be
same, mechanically they may be developed in a very
similar way but their scales are different.
So, therefore I was talking about, the concept of
scale is very important in structural geology.
And one has to jump from one scale to another
scale to solve the geometrical problems that we
see in the field and also in the experiments and
when you do observations under microscope.
Now about the continuity and discontinuity of
structures, this is something that is also scale
dependent. So for example this picture here,
you can understand that this is a layered rock, we
are not going into the fact that how did it form
and what it is, but we can figure out certainly
that it has alternate dark and white colored
bands. Now if I follow any of these bands I see in
this scale of observation of this photograph I am
looking at, these layers are continuous.
That is, there is no discontinuity.
However when this layer got extended and it formed
a structure called boudinage we can figure out
that few of these layers are continuous here, for
example if I try to draw it here but there are few
layers. For example if I take this little packet
of layers, it comes here then it vanishes and then
it starts again from somewhere here. So there
is certainly a discontinuity. This is something
what we call continuity and discontinuity,
or continuous and discontinuous.
We have few more examples and here we would like
to highlight the fact that why this continuity
and discontinuity are also scale-dependent? For
example here in the first image we see this,
this is a shear zone, ductile shear zone and
this layer, this black layer is continuous.
However if I consider this white layer in the
second image it is going like this and then we
have some other material inside and then
probably it continues somewhere here.
Now looking at it I have a discontinuity from
here to here, the layer is not continuous. So
this is a discontinuity. Here in this image, you
see again a layered rock and we have n number of
fractures which made these layers discontinuous.
Now at this scale of observation I see them as a
discontinuous layer, an individual layer.
But if I look it from far, I may not see
these fractures and I may consider this as a
continuous feature. So therefore continuity
and discontinuity in rocks are essentially a
function of the scale you are looking at.
Again you have another example where I try to
provide, for example here this is a little complex
structure. To understand it better or to highlight
its features I made a sketch of this which is on
the right side. And you can see few layers which
are marked by this arrowhead are continuous, and
few layers here, these are getting discontinued.
And also the entire outcrop or entire image that
we can see, we can see a little discontinuous line
here that is separating by a sleeve. So there are
many ways you can produce discontinuity.
And that is also important to understand
that what is the reason for the discontinuity
in the structure you are looking at?
Coming back to two other terms that is
homogeneous, heterogeneous, isotropy and
anisotropy, now these are very classic terms
which are being used in almost all subjects. So
in brief, homogeneous materials are of uniform
composition throughout, or any properties that
you are looking which has uniform properties
throughout the material. And if that doesn't
hold then this is heterogeneous material.
Isotropic material is on the other hand,
is one which the physical properties are equal
in all directions. And if that does not happen
then it is anisotropic materials. You can also
consider it in a way that material properties
are independent of the direction in which they
are measured. We will learn more about it with
time but again I would like to remind you
the fact that this concept of homogeneity,
heterogeneity, isotropy and anisotropy
are again function of the scale.
So let us have some, have a look on some examples.
On the left side we have a photograph of a
sandstone, hand specimen of a sandstone. This is
the scale. So if it is 10 centimeters then may be,
this would be around 80 or 90 centimeters
altogether. And we see here that if we
look at the color, that is one of the
physical properties then color is mostly
homogeneous. It does not vary. The appearance
is mostly homogeneous, it does not vary.
And if we have some tools, if we can measure some
other properties like electrical conductivity of
rocks, hydraulic conductivity and so on, then
we might find that this material is very much
homogeneous. And if I make a thin section of
this little rock and then I observe it in this
scale then I figure out that it is not at all
a homogeneous material. So same piece of rock
I am looking at two different scales, one is
homogeneous, another is heterogeneous.
About this isotropy, anisotropy these two are the
photographs of two granite hand specimens. The
first one is sort of a massive granite. You can
see many different scales but statistically if I
consider this entire specimen then doesn't matter
if I am measuring a property from here to here,
that is in two different directions,
they would appear more or less same.
However in this sample if I try to measure
a property from here to here then I actually
encounter different layers. However if I
measure from here to here, the properties
would remain same because I am following the
same material. With time we will know this
is known as transverse isotropic material which
is a layered material and most of the cases our
rocks are so. So again the concept of isotropy
and anisotropy could be something that you are
considering with respect to the scale.
So we are almost at the conclusion of this
lecture. And what we learnt from this lecture
is very important when you see or when you go
to the field or when you see a photograph of a
deformed, of a rock sample, the first question
you should ask as a structural geologist,
am I looking at a deformed rock? And if yes,
then what is the scale of the structure I
am looking at? If this rock deformation or
different layers or different features that I am
looking at are homogeneous or heterogeneous, and
if this rock is isotropic and/or anisotropic? So
with this note I conclude this lecture.
And in the next lecture we will mostly
learn what are the different ways structural
geologists approach to look at deformed
rocks. Thank you very much and stay tuned.