Hello everyone, welcome to this remote sensing
and GIS course.
There will be 24 lectures on remote sensing
and GIS in this course of which this is the
first one, you can see the modules details
here and more details can be found in the
So this course will introduce you to state
of the art concepts and practices of remote
sensing and GIS.
It starts with the fundamentals of remote
sensing and GIS and subsequently advance method
will be covered.
I hope you will enjoy this course.
Before we start, let us answer few questions
like what is remote sensing?
What do we measure in this remote sensing
or through remote sensing?
And what kind of output or data we generate
from this remote sensing?
So let us start from very basics like what
is an image?
So you can see this photograph like this is
captured from a normal camera and normally
we call them image.
You can see this is another image generated
from a normal camera or may be DSLR.
Here you can see this is another image and
here you can see the coverage is more and
generally this kind of photographs are captured
using some airborne sensors or may be satellite
Here you can see this is another image produced
by a satellite.
And here this is another image from satellite.
So what exactly is the difference, you can
compare from the beginning, like this.
So here basically you can understand like
these images are generated either from a normal
camera or from a satellite.
So there mode of acquisition is different.
So here these 2 are the different modes through
which we capture the images.
So basically image is a pictorial representation
of an object or a scene.
We have 2 different types of images, first
one is analog, another one is digital.
So you can see here the left side house is
basically a sketch, which has been produced
using a paper, pencil or pen, whereas the
right hand-side image is captured through
a sensor or may be a normal camera or may
be through a mobile phone camera.
So the difference between these 2 is, first
one is analog and second one is basically
a photograph captured by a sensor.
So here this is the definition or this is
how we understand what do you mean by analog
So analog images are produced by photographic
sensor on paper based media or transparent
media and variation in scene characteristics
are represented as variation in color or gray
So it depends on our capability, how well
we can depict or we can represent the variation
of an area or of an object, whereas in camera
it depends on the technical specification
of that camera, how well it can acquire or
how good images it can produce?
Basically digital image are produced by Electro-Optical
sensors, you can see one example here and
this is actually you can see through your
mobile phone, you might have captured many
images or selfie, if you zoom those images
you will find that there are small rectangular
So those arrays are basically or those small
pixels are basically the numbers which have
been captured by your sensor or camera.
And if you import them into MATLAB or may
be in C and if you can see those values, you
can see they are arranged in a regular manner
and where each pixel is having a associated
values and object reflecting more energy or
the object which is appearing very bright
in that image that will have higher number,
whereas the darker portion or the darker areas
will have lower values.
So when you have a histogram, so from this
image you can easily generate a histogram
and which will look like this.
It will have X and Y axis.
In X axis you will have digital numbers which
has been captured by your satellite or sensor
and in Y axis you will have frequency.
So for a Gaussian distribution you may be
knowing this that you will have this kind
of distribution.
But when you generate a histogram from an
image captured in a natural setting, what
will happen?
This histogram will appear like this or may
be it may appear like this.
So here you can see that this is the Gaussian
distribution center one, but in the right
hand-side this maximum values is skewed or
may be it has concentrated in the lower range
whereas here in the left hand-side,
it is shifted towards the higher values.
So let us say that this particular image,
whatever we have consider to generate this
histogram, it is having a resolution between
0 - 255, this is also 255, this is also 0
- 255.
So by looking at this histogram which has
been generated from this satellite data or
may be from a normal camera, you can easily
find out what is the brightness and contrast
of this image.
If this image is having this Gaussian distribution,
so that means it is occupying the full range
or available range of this radiometric resolution,
but whereas in this image, this has occupied
only this particular range.
And in this image it has occupied, so if you
see the right hand side image, this image
will look darker.
This one will look darker, whereas this will
appear brighter, because it is towards the
higher values.
So now you have understood what do you mean
by an image?
And how it can be generated?
So it does not matter whether you have used
a normal camera or a sensor or a satellite
through which you have captured an object
or an area and you have generated an image.
So remote sensing is the art and science of
making measurements about an object or the
environment without being in physical contact
with it.
Remember here, I have written environment
So what do you mean by environment, because
normally when we take a photograph through
our camera, regular camera, so we captured
the objects or we captured our self.
But how do you capture the environment that
you will understand slowly.
Remote sensing is the art and science of making
measurements about an object or the environment
without being in physical contact with it.
So the best example of remote sensing is our
We are actually actively engaged in the remote
sensing through our eyes and our eyes sensitivity
is limited to visible range starting from
400 - 700 nanometers, 400 - 500 is our blue,
500 - 600 is our green, 600 - 700 nanometer
is our red wavelength.
So whatever we see that is the combination
of this blue, green and red wavelength.
So in general accepted meaning refers to instrument
based techniques in remote sensing.
This, I hope your familiar with this.
So here we have Radio waves, Microwaves, Infrared,
Visible, Ultra violet, X-rays and Gamma rays.
So here you can see the information which
can be captured using this electro-magnetic
wavelength range.
Here you can see this is the atmospheric window
that means these wavelengths are actually
allowed to pass through our atmosphere.
So you can see the radio-waves this is allowed
and in microwave and infrared certain portion
is not allowed.
Even in visible some portion are not allowed
and if you see the next information that is
electro-magnetic waves, third one is wavelength
you can see, then size comparison, what kind
of information we can get from all these wavelengths.
So starting from a nuclei to a building you
can always use this technology, then frequency
is also related to this and then temperature
energy for emission.
Like if you see, in this case, sun is our
sources of light.
So when sun is illuminating our surface, then
what will happen?
Either it will get reflected from our surface
or it will get transmitted or it will get
observed or if it is observing some amount
of energy, then later on it will be emitted.
So in visible it is 0.4 micrometer to 0.7
In VNIR and SWIR wavelength range it is starts
from 0.7 micrometer to 2.5 micrometer and
this comes under reflective domain.
In the next one, when there is a absorption
of this incident energy and object has to
maintain the equilibrium with the surrounding,
so what will happen?
There will be some emission so those emitted
energy will be captured through our sensor.
So this is the thermal infrared wavelength
which starts from 3 micrometer to 16 micrometer.
Then next one is microwave, its range is 0.1
centimeter to 1 meter.
And what happens here, the sensors or the
satellite it has it is own source of light.
So it will eliminate the surface and the back
scattering energy will be captured here.
So what happens, when light hits an object,
so this is actually very basic information
which I am giving you, but this is very important
in order to understand this remote sensing
So here you can see there is an object and
there is a source and light is coming from
the source to this target and the light has
Then what will happen some amount of energy
will get reflected.
Some will be scattered, some will be absorbed
and some will be emitted by this object.
So and finally transmitted, so if you add
all these energies like absorbed, transmitted,
scattered, emitted and reflected what will
It will be equal to your incident light.
Internal atomic structure and composition
are the reason of absorption feature.
Because these energies are coming from a source
to a target then, what will happen?
There will be some characteristics of this
particular object, which is causing this particular
energy to get changed in different forms.
So if you understand the reflected, emitted,
scattered, absorbed or transmitted energies
you can understand the target.
So if you have the sensor and if you can measure
the reflected or emitted energy, then your
information which has been captured this will
look like this.
So here in this case, the measurement is basically
values, we are not generating any image, so
there is an instrument which can measure emitted
energy at a regular interval for a given target.
So here using that you will have may be 100s,
1000s or may be 10000s data point captured
by the sensors and then easily you can draw
them wavelength verses that value.
Here these are the areas where you can see,
there is some change.
And remember, because this is the material
characteristic why we are getting all these
So here it is important that these troughs
need to be studied thoroughly.
Because if you do not study, you will lose
the information and that is why I have mentioned
troughs are the place where things are happening
and distribution of electromagnetic radiation
emitted or absorbed by the particular object,
it is a function of wavelength.
So always remember a material can be characterize
using this information provided their absorption
feature is actually identified at a particular
wavelength region.
And how do you plot such a spectrum?
That we have already discussed, you have a
sensor which can captured these energies emitted
or reflected energy at regular interval and
that will be stored in some digital number
and that we are displaying here.
So there are various stages in remote sensing
and especially when we are talking about space
borne satellites.
So here you can see there are stages listed
over here, electromagnetic energy reflected
or emitted by the objects.
So first of all sun is our source and then
it is getting reflected or emitted from the
And then it is reaching to our satellite and
then satellite will record this energy and
then there is a ADC analog to digital converter
which converts this incident energy into some
values and those values will be recorded and
image will be generated and then finally those
stored values and the captured image that
will be transmitted to our ground station.
And then from ground station it will be distributed
to users through different media.
Nowadays, a link is sufficient to distribute
your data.
So this is again, this to make clear, that
sun is our source of energy which is irradiating
our surface and which actually interact with
our atmosphere and in atmosphere we have different
gases, aerosol and those will play a role
to stop this energy in particular wavelength
So here what is happening, the energy which
is coming from sun to surface that is getting
changed or modified because of our atmosphere.
And some of the energy will come directly
to our surface and once it get reflected from
the surface again it will interact it has
to pass through our atmosphere and then it
will reach to our satellite and there could
be this process also, where light is coming
directly and it is getting modified in this
particular atmospheric window and may be some
of the energy will get reflected directly
from atmosphere and which will be added to
our this reflected energy.
So this is one of the process.
In the other process where emitted energy
is involved, so some of the energy which has
got absorbed here and it will get reflected
after sometimes.
So those energies will be emitted and this
will reach to our sensor and there will be
some atmospheric emission also and then finally
you have a field data collection.
So here it is important to understand, what
are the different types of remote sensing
we do, as well as how we do this?
So there are 2 different types of remote sensing
one is active another is passive.
So you can see here.
Here this is the example of passive remote
sensing, where sun is our source and which
is illuminating our target or our surface
and which get reflected from the surface and
then it is captured by our sensors.
So here in this case, the sensor uses the
sun’s energy as source of radiation.
In the next, other case where source is actually
carried by the sensor, so here sensor uses
it is own source of radiation.
So here you can see sources also coming from
this particular sensor and then once it get
in reflected, it will be received by the same
sensor after certain times.
So here this is the flight direction.
I hope this is clear active versus passive
remote sensing because this is very important
that you will understand in the later stage.
Now, there are different types of orbit how
these satellites are fixed or how these satellites
are monitoring our surface.
So this is one of the orbit polar orbiting
satellites where orbit altitude is approximately
850 kilometers and which is actually more
or less 14 orbits per day, you can see and
it is used for earth exploration as well as
earth observation and the next one which is
very commonly used like geostationary satellites.
So these orbits are little bit farther.
So this altitude of this orbit is 35,786 kilometer
which is approximately 36,000 kilometer and
one orbit in 24 hours.
The satellite appears to be fixed on the sky
and looks at this same location of the earth
which is very clear from this image.
So here you see this particular satellite
is always looking at one particular position.
So this is very good to monitor some kind
of changes or regular monitoring of an area
but due to high altitude the spatial resolution
is very less.
The spatial resolution I know it is again
a new term for you, but just wait for few
more slides you will understand spatial resolution
and this is used for earth exploration, weather
monitoring and communication.
The next one is low inclination orbit.
So orbit altitude is approximately 160 kilometer,
orbital period is about 88 minutes provide
high receptivity of tropics, objects below
160 kilometer experience rapid orbital decay
and altitude loss.
So you can see this one, so here this is the
example of low orbiting satellites.
Here, these are the different platforms from
where we capture these remote sensing data.
So let us start with satellite.
So here you can see, this is fixed in or the
orbit is fixed in space.
So this is called space borne satellites.
And there are some space shuttles.
They are also carrying some cameras and they
are capturing the images.
In the airborne basically, we use aerial photography
or airborne SAR.
We used different cameras which are operating
in different wavelengths and which we attached
to our helicopter or flights or may be drones
you can see here.
So here you can see there are different types
or different modes of acquisition and depending
upon their altitude their nomenclature will
be different.
Here, you can see this is example of airborne
So this is how it is done.
So you can see this particular area which
has been captured already and then this particular
craft is moving forward.
So and this is the active area where this
flight is basically or this airborne sensor
is capturing the image.
So there are different types of application
like site selection studies, natural resource
management, earth and planetary exploration,
environmental monitoring, change detection
defense related activities, urban and rural
development and planning, crop yield forecasting,
hazard zonation and disaster mitigation.
So here these are few examples.
These are not the complete list where you
can use remote sensing and GIS.
So here I will give you some overview, like
if you want to do some site selection for
your studies.
So here you can see this is one example where
we are using this remote sensing data to monitor
or to build a new a house or to build a new
mall for that, you can definitely used remotely
sensed data.
So this is one of the interesting application
of remote sensing, where you can always find,
what is the path of your river?
So for Environmental Studies, you can always
use this remote sensing data or for natural
Hazard monitoring, you can use this temporal
remote sensing data.
So here you can see one of the examples, this
glacier is moving.
Here you can see this area it is moving slowly.
So which has been captured through satellites
over the years now, you can always identify
what is their direction and what is the mass
which is actually coming in this flow, so
you can prepared for the hazards.
And for national security also, you can always
monitor your border areas or you can see the
changes in the forest whether is there any
forest encroachment or anything is happening,
so in inaccessible areas and preparing the
land use land cover map.
So how much area is used for agriculture,
how much for residential purpose and how much
for shopping purpose?
So those things you can easily find out using
this satellite remote sensing data.
Flood hazard monitoring, so here you can see
there are different zones which have been
highlighted, so normal, very high, high, moderate,
So these things you can always identify or
you can study using this satellite remote
River morphology, this is one of the actually
very interesting problem, where you can always
find how much shift or how much this river
has migrated from one place to another place,
you can see here.
Then for planetary exploration, so I would
say remote sensing is the only available option
or available technique to explore the planets.
So here you can see some of my work which
has been already published which I will share
with you over the time.
And this is basically one interesting thing;
here I want to highlight earth, moon and mars
and how we are exploring this one.
So basically, we have been using this remote
sensing since very long now, we are successfully
mapping this mars, moon and earth is always
in the picture.
Strength of the remote sensing data or satellite
remote sensing data, so here you have large
aerial coverage which you can get only from
space, temporal images that means how frequently
you monitor an area.
Sensor sensitive to wavelength region and
that is the best one that I would say because
our eyes are limited to visible range whereas
these sensors are capable of measuring the
energy reflected, emitted, back scattered
energies in other wavelength regions also.
Access to inaccessible areas, then earth and
planetary exploration, so these are few strength,
there are many but these are few strength
of satellite remote sensing which I wanted
to highlight.
There are 4 types of resolution which is actually
considered in the satellite remote sensing
or may be airborne remote sensing data.
So here you can see spatial, spectral, radiometric
and temporal resolution of any data.
So temporal resolution, this depends on the
return time of the satellite and return time
is a function of the altitude at which the
satellite is launched, higher the altitude
more circumference of orbit longer to orbit
the earth, with the ability to tilt the camera
view revisit capability can be increased.
This I will explain you again, but here you
can see this particular area has been captured
at 5.30, 8.30, 11.30 and 16.00.
This is another example for temporal resolution
where red color represents vegetation.
So here in this case 17th Jan, you have more
vegetation, here still you have vegetation
here color becomes dark, here again they are
reducing and then in these 2 cases vegetation
is very less.
In the next example you have these annual
changes, so you see 1995, 1996 1997, 1998
and 1999.
So every year the same area has been monitored
using satellite data and you can easily find
out vegetation changes.
This is another example where you can see
long-term change.
So from 1972 to 2002 were in the same area
there is a new lake.
Now this is another example, which I have
already showed you in an earlier slide.
So here you can see how this river is migrating
from one place to another place that you can
always track when you have good temporal resolution
of your satellite.
This is another example of temporal data where
we can monitor our clouds.
So based on this basically we forecast our
weather condition, whether cloud is moving
towards our place or away from our place.
Next one is spectral resolution, so here in
spectral resolution, it refers to the number
and dimension of specific wavelength interval
in the electromagnetic spectrum to which our
sensor is sensitive.
So here you can understand like if this is
the, our wavelength starting from 0.4 this
is 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7 micrometer.
Now, you have a sensor which can capture only
this particular wavelength.
So for this particular wavelength what will
happen you will have a image for a given area?
In the next one, you have another image or
the same sensor can produce 2 images for the
same area, but they uses different wavelength
So in the next one, this is the second one
and this is the first one, this is first one,
now second one will be something like this.
So here this is the second image.
Now once you have this first image, second
image generated from your satellite data and
this is the third.
So another image you have and this is the
third one.
So now you just imagine for a normal camera,
we always get only one image, but here what
I am telling you is, for a given wavelength
you can have 3, 4, 10 or 100s of images.
So if you, if your sensor is capable of resolving
only 0.4 to 0.5 micrometer wavelength range,
then they can generate one image for that
area, the another set of detectors which are
capable of resolving this 0.5 to 0.6 micrometer
wavelength range.
They can generate this second one and the
third one likewise.
So once you have this kind of information
then what will happen for this particular
case is consider these 3 are the bands.
So now onwards I will always call them bands.
So in these 3 images the first pixel of the
lower bottom corner, so they are actually
representing the same area.
So they are looking from the top and they
are generating for the same area.
Now, if you remember these pixels, these are
nothing but the pixels.
So these pixels are basically having some
values digital numbers.
So if you extract those values from these
3 images you can always plot these 3 values.
This for example, so they will look like this.
In case if your sensor is capable of resolving
more number of bands here or smaller bandwidth,
so here 0.4 to 0.41 one image, 0.41 to 0.42
second image, 0.42 to 0.43 third image.
So likewise if you have several images here
what will happen?
Your measurement or the values will increase.
So now you will understand what I am trying
to show here.
So this is, in case you have only 5 bands
then your data will look like this.
I hope now you can understand this and when
you have 100s of bands then what will happen
for one given area you will have n number
of values then you can always generate smoother
Because in this case what is happening here
is missing, but here what is happening is
captured, because the wavelength difference
or the wavelength range for one band to another
band is very less.
So first band is 0.4 to 0.41, second band
is 0.41 to 0.42, whereas in this case you
have 0.4 to 0.5.
So that means this is actually low resolution.
So this is called low spectral resolution,
this is called high spectral resolution.
So here you have more information about that
target and remember the previous slide where
I have told you that these are the places
where things are happening.
So we need to study their shape, size and
position to identify the material characteristics
or composition.
In the next one you can see,
So here a spectral band is defined in terms
of central wavelength and bandwidth.
So you always have a; remember this, this
is for the 0.4 to 0.5 micrometer and here
this is the range, but there will be a central
wavelength that will be 0.45 micrometer.
In the next one bandwidth, so bandwidth is
basically this one, this is the bandwidth.
So in order to understand this spectral resolution,
you need to understand what is central wavelength
and bandwidth?
The bandwidth is defined by a lower and an
upper cut of wavelengths that is these values,
spectral resolution is lambda 2 - lambda 1
which describes the wavelength interval in
which the observation is made.
So this is for one image, so we have used
one sensor which is capable of resolving the
energy only between 0.4 to 0.5 and that is
generating a image and that image further
we will use for our application.
And delta lambda is basically is the full
width at half maximum.
So here you need to understand one thing,
that what I am talking about.
So here, this is your spacecraft.
Remember I am talking about the spaceborne
satellites where this is the platform, so
this is the spacecraft.
Here we may have several sensors attached
here, so in generic word, I can call it cameras,
so different cameras are attached here.
These sensors are basically generating the,
so they are looking at our ground and they
generate one image.
So what I am talking here is for these particular
sensors which are capable of generating images
in a particular wavelength range.
So basically now I will zoom this part, if
you see this is our sensor or in general term,
it is camera.
So now in this camera, there are many detectors
attached, so there are several detectors are
attached here.
So these array of detectors or these sets
of detectors are sensitive to a particular
wavelength range and they are looking at our
ground individually and then if you see the
complete thing, then they will generate one
image and they are moving like this.
So once they are moving and they are continuously
measuring these values they can generate one
image, so this is what happening here.
Then selection of bandwidth is a trade-off
between the energy to be collected and spectra
shape of the feature to be observed.
So if your sensor is capturing this particular
area and it is basically 0.4 to 0.5 this micrometer,
so here you can see this 0.4 to 0.5 micrometer
energy which is coming from this surface will
reach to our sensor and that will be recorded
so and then it will generate these pixels
values that we will again understand in the
next slide, how these pixels have been generated.
So here the important point is, if what is
the relationship between wavelength and energy?
Wavelength is less than energy is more, so
in the lower wavelength region you have high
energy and in the higher wavelength region
or longer wavelength region you have less
So this bandwidth is selected based on that,
if you talk about the lower wavelength range
like visible, you have enough energy to be
resolved by your space sensor.
But when you talk about thermal remote sensing
your energy is very less.
So you need to increase the size of the ground
pixels or in other word you have to increase
this wavelength range so that you will have
enough energy to be recorded by your sensor.
So here this is the concept of FWHM, so here
full width at half maximum because if you
plot the sensitivity of a detector what will
This will be like this, but if you see in
this area, basically it has very less sensitivity
but in this area, it has maximum sensitivity.
So if we say that this particular detector
is sensitive from lambda 1 to lambda 2 that
does not make any sense.
So what we need to do is we need to identify
or demarcate the effective sensitive area.
So this is the area where it is having very
good sensitivity.
So we always report this FWHM for a given
detector or sensor.
Now, this is there is another concept called
panchromatic multispectral and hyperspectral.
So in panchromatic you have only one band
image and here the bandwidth remember the
starting and end wavelength of your detector.
So the starting and end wavelength is very
far from each other, so they will have enough
energy to be resolved, So that is called panchromatic.
So this is one band image like our normal
camera, but in case of multispectral you have
4, 5 or 10 different bands.
So here you remember, whenever we say panchromatic,
so it may be 0.4 to 0.7 and this must be the
range occupied to generate your panchromatic.
But in case of multispectral data, which is
this one here to generate this, this particular
wavelength has been divided into different
So you may have 1, 2, 3 and 4 bands and that
is captured between 0.4 to 0.7 micrometer
and likewise you have generated first, second,
third, fourth and fifth image, so once you
have this 5 images, you can generate, you
can take this first pixel of this and then
you can generate 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
So here spectra will be like this, this is
for example.
Now, but here you remember in multispectral
we never bother about the in between gaps,
here we have some gaps.
So that is basically not resolved here.
In the next one, this is the hyperspectral
remote sensing data where you have 100s or
1000s of bands which are contiguous in nature.
So, what do you mean by contiguous?
So here from 0.4 to 0.7 micrometer, let us
take this example.
So this is first band, second band, third
band and here you will have more, so like
that you will have more number of bands.
So here and these are uniforms, the bandwidth
will be uniform.
So here the definition of hyperspectral includes
contiguous nature in measurement, so contiguous
means there will be no gap between first and
second image.
So this is very important, so when you have
such data sets measured from satellite or
maybe through this airborne survey or from
the lab based instrument, they are called
And why this spectral resolution is important?
Because when you have more number of values
for a given area in or across the wavelength,
then you will have this kind of information
you can see from here to here.
So for different material, you can see these
features are changing.
So why these are changing, because of the
material characteristics, so you can easily
find out what is the chemical composition
of that material based on these spectra's.
Now, the next one is spatial resolution.
So it is a measure of the smallest angular
or linear separation between 2 objects that
can be resolved by this sensor.
So here let me show you the figure, so here
basically I hope you remember the detectors
in your sensor and it is looking to a particular
area and this is basically generating your
So this is the next resolution spatial resolution.
Here, we need to measure the smallest angular
or linear separation between 2 objects through
our sensors.
So it depends what is the capability of my
sensor, how much small area it can resolve
in terms of values and that will be recorded
in terms of digital number and we always call
them pixels in images.
So if you see this image has been generated
through a sensor, spaceborne sensor and the
resolution of this 23 meter by 23 meter.
That means 1 pixel of this particular image
represents 23 by 23 meter area on the ground.
So this is how the spatial resolution is important.
So if this area, this pixel represents only
one meter by one meter, then what will happen?
This image will be much clear than this, that
you can understand here.
Now, the next one is 2.5 meter by 2.5 meter.
Next one is 0.5 meter by 0.5 meter.
So here now you can just compare all these
images slowly how the information is increasing
when resolution is increasing.
So this is the importance and this is the
significance of spatial resolution in remotely
sensed data.
Now here this spatial resolution is the projection
of detector element on the ground through
optics this already I have explained to you
but this will be more, clear now.
Now there are 2 terms IFOV and FOV.
So here IFOV is basically the angle of your
detector, but field of view is the complete
angle of your sensor.
So here 1 pixel is generated using this IFOV.
So if you know the altitude of this flight,
what is the altitude and what is the look
angle of your detector?
So if you know the height
and IFOV, then you can always find out how
much area this detector will cover on the
So that is the significance of this IFOV and
FOV is basically, this explains how much area
it will cover all together and this is the
Then next one is radiometric resolution.
It defines the sensitivity of a detector to
differentiate the incoming radiation into
different labels.
So that means suppose if you have a torch,
you have a torch and you are illuminating
a target and that reflected values are reflected
energy is coming to our sensor and then sensor
is capable of differentiating only 2 values,
2 ranges of the values then what will happen?
There will be 0 or 1 either there will be
some value or there will be no values.
So this radiometric resolution is very important
in terms of the level of information which
has been captured by the sensor.
So here you can see this is 1 bit data, this
is 2 bit data, this is 3 bit data and this
is 4 bit data.
So the incoming radiation was differentiated
into 2 different levels, but here in case
of 2 bit data, you have 2 to the power 2 range,
in case of 3 bit you have 2 to the power 3
ranges, in case of 4 bit you have 2 to the
power 4 range.
So here you can understand when you have 1
bit data, 2 bit data, 3 bit data, 4 bit data
definitely your 4 bit data will give you more
information about that area, because that
can depict the smaller change in the contrast
or the values.
So here you can see 8 grey levels.
So when you are having 0 to 7 or maybe starting
from 1 to 8, so 8 kinds of sets can be depicted
here, but in case of 256 you have 0 to 255
range or 1 to 256 range and that is why you
are having more information in this particular
So as of now, we have covered this spatial
resolution, spectral resolution, radiometric,
resolution and temporal resolution and how
they are important and in the next one, we
have also covered panchromatic multispectral
and hyperspectral data and how they are different
from each other.
So now the next one is sensor technology how
these images have been generated.
So I told you that this is the platform where
you have your sensor in that sensor you have
So for time being let us take only 4 detectors
so, how they are imaging this particular area?
So how these areas have been captured in this
particular image?
So how they are moving, so they might have
started from here then move to this, but,
is it so or is there any other mode of acquisition
so how do you image this particular area,
so that we will see here.
So there is a whisk broom imaging sensor or
whisk broom imaging technology, where you
have this you can see how this image a particular
So it is something like sweeping your floor
with a broom.
I hope this is clear.
So scanning is performed by an oscillating
mirror deflecting upwelling radiation from
earth to onto wavelength sensitive photo detectors.
In the next one you have push broom when you
are pushing your sensor, so this will be like
So this is the push broom imaging technology,
sensor consists of a linear array of detectors
equal in numbers to the number of pixels in
a row of the image more stable compared to
whisk broom.
Now in push broom you also have this frame
and these are very good books.
Thank you.