So in this class first I want to describe
electrode-electrolyte interface, okay. It
forms what is called double layer; I want
to describe that and then we also want to
see why often times we use three electrode
system and what is the role of what is called
supporting electrolyte. And if time permits,
we would see how the rate constant in an electrochemical
system will vary with potential part, okay.
If you imagine, you have metal electrode on
one side and water based electrolyte on the
other side. The moment we put a metal into
the liquid, ions in the liquid will come and
adsorb on the metal, okay. So this can be
visualized as follows: you have one layer
of ions adsorbed on this electrode and that
forms what is called inner Helmholtz plane
or IHP, that is given by the green colour
line here.
Once you have many ions adsorbed on the surface,
ions of the other polarity, positive ions
here for example, would come close to this.
So this forms what is called double layer.
Normally ions in the liquid or water will
be solvated, that means water dipoles will
be surrounding these ions. I am not showing
them here for simplicity, okay. If you have
a positive ion, like sodium, Na+, that is
a cation and chloride, Cl-, is an anion.
Normally you have sodium that loses an electron
and becomes Na+, that has a small volume.
It has unity charge, so it is having a large
charge density. Chloride on the other hand
will have a small charge density compared
to the Na+, okay. By and large anions have
small charge density, cations have large charge
density. There are exceptions to this, but
by and large this is true. So this is one
description where within 1 nanometer you have
one polarity for the metal, adsorbed ions
right next to that, and then in the outer
Helmholtz plane, another set of ions.
This can be visualized like a capacitor and
this is often called double layer capacitor.
And a typical value is between 10 to 30 microfarads
per unit area. Unit area here means per unit
square centimeter. If you visualize, you might
be supplying 1 volt across this interface.
1 volt in 1 nanometer is about 1 gigavolts
per meter. So it is a very large electric
field occurring in a very small or very short
There is an another model called Gouy-Chapman
model which says that from the electrode for
about 10 nanometer or so, the charge distribution
occurs. So it is not occurring in 1 nanometer
but it actually occurs over a 10 nanometer
distance. And there is a model called Stern
model which combines the inner Helmholtz plane,
outer Helmholtz plane and Gouy-Chapman model
which says lot of discharges are lined up
right next to the electrode but some charges
are distributed further away from the electrode.
So it is a combination of the Helmholtz plane
as well as the Gouy-Chapman model, okay. If
you have electrolyte concentration in the
range of 1 molar, then pretty much all the
charge separation or charge distribution occurs
right next to the electrode and you do not
have to use the Gouy-Chapman model. If the
concentration of the electrolyte and water
is about 1 millimolar, then probably it is
better choice to use Gouy-Chapman model.
Now if I have 1 electrode right next to that
is the electrolyte. I have shown that, you
can describe that by a capacitor and we call
that as a double layer capacitor and we represent
that by Cdl. So on the left hand side picture
in the blue colour diagram, you have got Cdl
but this assumes that there is no moment of
electron or any material across the interface.
But at sufficient potential, you may have
a reaction happening.
That means you have metal here, you have electrolyte
here. Electrolyte may take an electron or
give an electron. The material can come out
and dissolve or some material in the electrolyte
can go and deposit. If any of this happens,
this type of reaction is called electrochemical
reaction. There is a chemical reaction but
in addition to that, there is an electron
transfer. This reaction, electrochemical reaction
would also give rise to current.
And this gives rise to, you can think of a
resistance or a generalized resistance. We
call that as impedance. I will give you a
better description of impedance later. But
right now, we can take impedance can be represented
by the letter Z and we give a subscript F
to indicate it is a faradaic impedance that
means it is associated with the electrochemical
reaction. So I have a capacitor; if current
passes because of the capacitor, we call that
as a capacitor based impedance.
If the current passes because of a reaction,
we call that as a faradaic impedance. In one
electrode you may have a reaction or you may
not have a reaction. If you do not have a
reaction, we just represent by the double
layer capacitor. If we have a reaction, we
say there is a capacitor, in parallel we have
an impedance given by the Faraday process.
At the minimum in an electrochemical cell,
you will need two electrodes.
So you have 1 electrode described or modeled
by the circuit on the top left called Cdl1
and ZF1. You have another electrode which
is given by the subscript 2, and in between,
you have the electrolyte, we call it as solution
and the resistance offered by the solution
is called solution resistance or Rsol here.
So this is a model for a simple two electrode
system with electrode on 1 side, electrode
on the other side and electrolyte in between
these two , okay.
When we put an electrode or a metal in solution,
it develops a potential. Can we measure the
potential? There is a difficulty associated
with that, so I want to describe that here.
We cannot measure the potential of a single
electrode. The moment we immerse the electrode;
it forms a double layer, there is a potential.
We want to know the potential difference across
the double layer, across the electrode-electrolyte
interface. In order to do that, we will connect
it to a multimeter.
The other side of that wire which we call
as ground, normally call as ground, we want
to connect to the liquid. The moment we connect
to that liquid, that probe will also form
a double layer. It is not going to have zero
potential difference between the metal probe
that is a ground probe and the liquid. Liquid
or solid whatever the electrolyte, that is
there. So that potential, let us say it is
y and let us call the actual potential between
the metal and the liquid across this double
layer as x.
All that we can measure is x-y. We cannot
measure the exact value of x, because the
y value is comparable to x, it is not negligible
compared to x value. So we will always be
able to measure only the potential drop across
one electrode, potential drop, any potential
drop that can occur in the solution. It may
be negligible, it may not be negligible; that
is a separate issue. But we will have to take
into account, that there is 1 more electrode;
we do not mean it as an electrode, but the
moment you insert a probe into this, that
becomes an electrode. So we cannot measure
the potential across a single electrode. Not
just that, there is an additional problem.
Let us say we apply a voltage. We apply 1
volt, we have two electrodes; we apply 1 volt
and on the left side, let us say it is 0.8
volts above, meaning positive compared to
the liquid. On the right side electrode, it
may be 0.2 volts below. That means, I have
total of 1 volt between these 2 terminals
but 0.8 volts potential drop occurs in the
first electrode-liquid interface and in addition,
compared to the liquid, this is 0.2 volts
below, the metal is 0.2 volts below.
So if you take the algebraic sum, you will
get 1 volt. We do not know whether it is 0.8
or -0.2 but let us just imagine that this
is the case. If I increase, the potential
from 1 volt to 1.5 volt, can I guarantee that
increase will occur evenly? Can I guarantee
that the increase will occur only near one
electrode? Can I get anything about the distribution
of the increase? So I cannot measure the potential
across one interface. Fine.
I do not know the potential but if I increase
a little, if I increase the applied potential
a little, can I at least say that increase
will go into this or it will be going 50:50
or in some given ratio, can I guarantee that?
It may go like the example given here. If
it changes from 1 volt to 1.5, the electrode
on the left side can increase with 0.3 voltage,
the potential on the electrode on the left
side may go from 0.8 to 1.1, and the potential
across the interface for the electrode on
the right side may go from -0.2 to -0.4.
That is a possibility. It can also happen
that for the same applied voltage, on the
left side the electrode might have changed
slightly but the potential across the electrode
might have gone from 0.8 to 0.9 and on the
right side, it might have dropped from -0.2
to -0.6. This is just 2 examples. There are
many possibilities. So basically when I apply
a potential, I cannot tell how much is the
potential drop from the electrode to this
When I change it, I cannot tell how much increase
has gone here. So basically that means, if
I have an electrochemical system, I can apply
voltage, I can measure the current. I can
increase the voltage, I can measure the current.
I can say this much is the increase or change
in the current but I cannot tell, this is
the potential change here, this is the potential
change here. So you can imagine in this scenario,
it is very difficult to come up with any interpretation
of the results.
So to overcome this difficulty, we introduced
something called reference electrode. Reference
electrode is a particular type of electrode,
where the potential drop across the interface
from the metal to the liquid, is a constant.
We still cannot measure what that potential
drop is. But we know it is a constant. So
in that scenario, it is beneficial to use
the reference electrode.
Let us say that C1 is the potential drop across
the metal liquid interface. It usually consists
of multiple interfaces. From the metal to
the electrolyte liquid, let us say the potential
drop is C1. It is fixed number, okay. That
means if I apply 1 volt with the reference
electrode here and with the other electrode
that is of interest to us, we call it as a
working electrode, okay.
If the potential is applied and if it is 1
volt, I do not know what C1 is but I know
the other electrode has 1-C1 as the potential
drop. Now this is not very useful. However,
if I apply a slightly different voltage, if
I change the voltage and make it 1.5 voltage
across these two electrodes, I can guarantee
that the additional 0.5 voltage, that drop
will occur only at the working electrode.
So this is useful. Although I cannot tell
exactly how much is the potential drop across
an electrode. When I change the potential,
I can say this is the change in the potential
across this electrode. Therefore, any change
in the current, I can assign it to that change
in potential. So now I can make some sense
out of this system.
Lot of times, we use what is called Luggin
capillary. Basically we want to minimize the
resistance, solution resistance between the
working electrode and the reference electrode,
okay. So if you are able to place the reference
electrode close to this working electrode
without affecting anything else in the system,
it is well and good. If you have some difficulty,
we can fill this, fill this entire system
with the normal electrolyte, and then place
the reference electrode within this Luggin
capillary system and place the tip of the
capillary right next to the working electrode,
okay. This way we always report the potential
of the working electrode with respect to a
reference electrode. It is not correct to
say potential of this electrode is 1 volt.
We have to say this is with respect to this
reference electrode. There are different types
of reference electrodes available, okay.
One is called standard hydrogen electrode,
SHE, another is called standard calomel electrode
or SCE, another is called silver-silver chloride
or Ag-AgCl immersed in various concentrations
of KCl. As long as you report it correctly,
you can translate from one reference electrode
to another reference electrode. So if you
do experiment at 1 voltage with respect to
Ag-AgCl, to do the same experiment with another
reference electrode, you have to apply a constant
offset. These are available in literature.
Now if you make the impedance of the reference
electrode as very small, okay, so the re-
should have constant potential drop. It should
ideally also have very little impedance. Then
I can describe the entire system, that is
two cells with this circuit. On the other
side, the impedance of the reference electrode
is very little, then I can just look at the
system and say only the working electrode
has double layer capacitance and the faradaic
impedance, significant faradaic impedance,
and you can possibly have solution resistance.
There is one more circuit to describe the
reference electrode but that offers very little
impedance. So when I consider the total impedance,
I can neglect that. But there is one difficulty
in using the reference electrode. If significant
current passes through the reference electrode,
then it loses the property that it has a constant
potential drop across this interface. So that
means if you apply voltage, if current comes
or current is taken up by this system, then
I have to put another electrode and supply
that current to the system or take away the
current from the system, so that any current
that comes from the working electrode is taken
up by the other electrode and that is called
auxiliary or counter electrode. Other than
taking up the current of giving this current,
it should give minimum disturbance or minimum
changes to the system.
That is one requirement of a counter electrode.
So we end up using three electrode system
so that we can have control over the potential
drop across the working electrode, okay. So
the potential is measured between the reference
electrode and the working electrode. If we
do the experiment correctly, the current will
go from working electrode to the counter electrode,
and the potential of the counter electrode
will be controlled by the instrument.
It will be adjusted so that any current that
comes through the working electrode is taken
up by the counter electrode. Normally, we
want to have a large counter electrode area,
large area counter electrode. There is a reason
for that, okay. When we change the potential,
what is controlling the electrochemical system,
is the current density. If you happen to have
a large working electrode, then for a given
current density, the current will be large.
Now all the current generated here has to
be taken up by the counter electrode, okay.
In case you have a small area counter electrode,
the current density requirement is high. So
compared to the working electrode, if the
counter electrode area is small, the current
density that is taken into the counter electrode
or current density requirement for the counter
electrode is high. That means it has to be
taken to a large potential and possibly you
can have problems.
So it is better to have a large area counter
electrode, then the load on the equipment,
the potential on this counter electrode with
respect to the reference electrode and the
load on the equipment will be less. So what
we end up doing is to use platinum mesh. Platinum
because it is inert, mesh because it permits
large area for a given geometric area, okay.
When you buy an instrument or when you look
at the specification of an instrument, it
gives you what is called applied voltage range
and the compliance voltage range.
Applied voltage tells the voltage between
the reference and working. Compliance tells
the voltage between counter and the working
electrode. Now you can imagine if current
comes through this, the counter electrode
potential has to be adjusted very fast, that
means you need a fast response system, you
need a close loop system. Based on this, the
potential has to be adjusted.
It cannot exceed a particular limit. If it
becomes too high, then too much current will
come from this, if it is too little, then
sufficient current will not be taken up by
this. Either case, you want a fast response
system, you want a closed loop control and
it has to accurately measure the current.
We want to measure current in microamps, nanoamps,
possibly picoamps, and the instrument which
controls three electrodes, the three electrode
system is much more expensive than a simple
DC current or DC potential power supply, okay.
DC potential power supply, you can get it
for less than 50,000 rupees, that is less
than 1000 dollars, very easily. If you look
at potentiostats, even a small potentiostat
will probably cost about few lakhs, that is
few 1000 dollars, okay. One that can supply
large current will cost you lot more money,
okay. The main difference is that this can
handle the three electrode system, it has
to have a fast response with the closed loop
without any stability problem.
If you have a two electrode system, it is
very easy to get an instrumentation for that.
But then two electrode system is probably
useful only in electrical and in some special
cases. Electrical circuit analysis and special
cases, two electrode system is fine, electrochemical
system, it is better to employ a three electrode
So this is just a pictorial description to
tell you what is the applied voltage, where
it is measured and what is the compliance
voltage, it is measured across the working
electrode and the counter electrode.
Next in a simple electrical circuit, when
you have a resistor, you change the potential,
you will see a change in current and usually
that relationship is linear, that is V/I = R
and that is a constant. The R can vary with
temperature. Sometimes you would see a slight
difference but by and large, it is a constant.
There is a huge difference between electrical
system response and the electrochemical system
This is one curve; I have just drawn it in
the PPT here. If you take water and let us
say you put some salt to make it better conductor,
and then you control the potential and measure
the current over a range, you would find that
for a wide range, there is no current or there
is very little current. So you can go to one
potential, measure the current. Go to another
potential, measure the current.
So let us say you have a two electrode system,
two platinum meshes are there immersed into
salt water. If you measure the current and
potential, you would find that for a large
range, large range here meaning about 1.8
volts, you would see no current at all, and
after that, if you go to very positive potential
for one electrode, obviously it means negative
potential for the other electrode; current
will be higher and it is going to be positive
because oxygen will come from this electrode
and hydrogen will come from the other electrode.
If you go to very negative potential for a
given electrode, you will find hydrogen is
evolving in that electrode and oxygen is evolving
in the other electrode. Basically water splitting
happens, and if you want to study any reaction
other than water splitting, other than hydrogen
evolution or oxygen evolution reaction, then
you have to work within this window. If you
put water base system and then want to study
a reaction, then I have a limited window available
for experiments.
It is possible to extend this window by using
certain electrodes. So for hydrogen evolution,
certain electrodes are good catalysts, certain
electrodes are poor catalysts. So if you use
zinc, if I use mercury, hydrogen evolution
does not occur that easily. So thermodynamics
tells beyond this potential, hydrogen evolution
has to occur. But kinetics tells, at what
rate this occurs. So in certain electrodes
like platinum electrode, it occurs at a good
rate, it is a good catalyst.
Some electrodes like zinc, lead, or mercury,
hydrogen evolution does not occur that well.
So the rate of production of hydrogen is very
low, so I can extend the window and still
study some other reaction, this is one trick.
Another possibility is to use different electrolyte
so I can use non-water based or non-aqueous
solvents and extend the window. But every
solvent will have a breakdown voltage and
beyond that window, we cannot use it.
Now, I can increase the conductivity of this
electrolyte by using what is called supporting
electrolyte. Supporting electrolyte is basically
a salt or acid which you can use without causing
any change to the system except for change
in conductivity. That is it should not undergo
any reaction, it should just increase the
conductivity, okay.
If you have good conductivity, if you have
lot of supporting electrolyte, then you can
take this model, this is for a good reference
electrode, the model on the orange colour
is given for a good reference electrode. Working
electrode is given as Cdl and ZF. Solution
resistance is present, If it is negligible
when you have lot of supporting electrolyte;
supporting electrolyte for ex ample can be
sodium perchlorate, okay.
Then all the potential drop in the working
electrode will occur just across the interface.
If you look at the potential, I have drawn
here; It is going to go from a large voltage
to a lower voltage in a very small space.
This is to indicate about 1 nanometer or so
across the Helmholtz plane. If the conductivity
is low, if it is just water with little bit
of salt, little bit meaning like millimolar,
micromolar of salt, then when you have a reaction
that you study, current passes through this
interface, current also passes through the
electrolyte and significant potential drop
will occur across the electrolyte.
and whatever we imagine that we are applying
this potential, and we are changing the potential,
the additional potential is applied across
this electrode. We imagine that it is occurring
across the electrode but a significant change
may occur across the, or between the two electrodes
in the system. So this is a description of
how the potential will look like if you have
high solution resistance.
So in order to avoid this, many times we add
pretty much inert material, inert material
as far as the reaction is concerned but as
far as the conductivity is concerned, it increases
the conductivity, and basically, it make sure
that the electric field is such that all the
potential drop occurs only across the interface.