Hello, welcome everyone, we will discuss Metal
in Biology or principles of bio inorganic
I am Debabrata Maiti from IIT Bombay, the
book we are trying to follow from this course
metals in biology is that of principles of
bioinorganic chemistry by Stephen J. Lippard
and Jeremy M. Berg.
Well as you know this course is mainly going
to be about the metals not about you not about
me, but by metals, what is the role of metal
ions in biological system are they just spectator
or they have crucial role to play?
I think all of you understand perhaps metal
has very important role to play.
We have two major avenues of study and that
is to understand the roles of naturally occurring
inorganic elements which is metal in biology.
As you may know by weight more than 50 percent
of living species or matter is inorganic,
metal ion at the core of biomolecules controls
many key life processes.
They can be used as drugs as well as probes
there are many metal ions that you are perhaps
already familiar with playing a important
role as drugs.
We will see the mechanism of their accent
and how they are modulating the overall activity.
Today in today’s class mainly we will try
to discuss how metal ions are taken up by
our body, what metals are taken up, how different
metals are assembled inside the biological
More importantly how do cells regulate metal
ion concentration so called homeostasis, what
or how do the metal ions fold biopolymers,
how is the correct metal ion inserted into
its site?
We will also try to see slowly different hydrolytic
enzymes wherein metal ions plays a key role
in hydrolysis reaction and metal is essentially
acting as Lewis acid of course, you are familiar
with metals playing a crucial role in our
respiratory systems such as hemoglobin right
that is found in biology.
We will also discuss in this course metal
proteins which are involved in just the electron
transfer nothing else, just one electron transfer
We also will see atom and group transfer such
as simply oxygen transfer or oxygen activation
and then utilize the oxygen from air for different
substrate hydroxylation chemistry.
Hydrogenas bioorganometallic chemistry essentially
other many different other metalloenzymes
such as nitrogenase and many others that we
will discuss.
We have metal ions as medicine as we are mentioning
also metalloneurochemistry or metallo metals
in zinc nitric oxide others and others where
it is playing a crucial role, we will also
discuss the role of protein in these metal
active sites.
So, let us first look at what we have seen
or learned may have already a little bit and
that is these are different metal ions that
is present and playing a crucial role in respiration
So, there are three different oxygen carriers
which are distinct and known in biology the
top one is deoxy hemoglobin on the left hand
side where you have a porphyrin centers which
is playing the key role.
There is a iron (II) active site in the top
one and the axial ligand is histidine as you
know it is a imidazole part of imidazole is
appended from the histidine and the axial
There is oxyhemoglobin where oxygen is bound
with the iron center to give oxyhemoglobin
or oxymyoglobin.
We have when we do not have such a thing present
such as these are these porphyrin iron centers
are not present in some of the species then
we have these di-copper iron centers which
is ligated by 3 histidine unit on each of
the copper center.
We have these 2 copper center binding with
the oxygen, so that is how the oxygen binds
in an side-on geometry copper dioxygen species
this is a completely reversible process.
So, is the top one completely reversible process
in this case Fe2+ is getting oxidized to Fe3+.
In this case 2 copper(I) centers getting oxidized
to 2 Cu2+ center in and oxygen is reduced
to peroxo by 2 electron one from each of these
copper center.
Where even hemoglobin myoglobin or hemocyanin
is not there we have this hemoerythrin or
deoxy-hemerythrin which is responsible for
the oxygen carriers in biological system.
Each of these iron centers are supported by
histidine in the first case these are 3 histidine
in the second case there are 2 histidine.
These pictures are taken from that principles
of bioinorganic chemistry book by Stephen
Lippard and Jeremy Berg.
We have then once again these 2 iron center
bridged by 2 carboxylate bridge 2 carboxylate
moiety we have the oxygen activation at one
of these centers to give these you know reversible
binding between the deoxy hemerythrin and
oxy hemerythrin, right.
Over all then we have different respiratory
enzyme which is responsible for carrying oxygen
from let us say in a human from the lungs
to different part of the body.
These hemoglobin or these porphyrin containing
iron center that you just have seen a moment
ago plays a crucial role in keeping us alive
by transporting binding and transporting oxygen
to deliver it at every possible position in
our body keeps us alive, so these are respiratory
So, metal as you can see plays a very important
role already right what within 2-3 minute
of the class we realized that metals has importance
in biological setup, right.
Well as you have seen we have metal ion such
as iron in hemoglobin supported by a bioinorganic
chip called porphyrin.
Porphyrin is a flat molecule, right.
It has four nitrogen centers which is coordinating
the iron both is in +2 state as well as its
+3 state, of course higher oxidation states
are also possible, but not in hemoglobin myoglobin
Now, it is also a reversible oxygen binding;
that means, it can bind with oxygen although
electron transfer happens Fe2+ goes to Fe3+
during the process, but it is a completely
reversible process.
Therefore, once it has to release oxygen is
not released as a reduced species one electron
reduced species, but it is in native form
in the dioxygen form it is getting delivered
in different parts of the body since iron
oxygen activation process is completely reversible
in nature.
You let us just take a look at the porphyrin
centers we have seen that it is a chip which
is supporting the metal ion, but more importantly
it has different peripheral carboxylate and
axial ligand such as imidazole which is part
of the histidine plays a crucial role in the
You should start drawing the porphyrin ring
and practice how to overall draw it clearly
without losing your slip you should must practice
Now, let us look at different electron transfer
protein there are major metal units in electron
transfer protein which are known as iron sulfur
cluster, they are involved in electron transfer
or electron relay process.
So, they act as the relay station, many different
such relay stations are there some of them
are right over here.
As you can see these are different iron sulfur
cluster we have 4 iron sulfur clusters where
this is a four iron clusters Ferredoxin iron
are in different oxidation state three iron
cluster Aconitase.
We are once again iron are in different state
we have two iron cluster ferredoxin which
is once again a key center for electron transfer.
Also we can have one iron Rubredoxin once
again it is playing a key role in electron
transfer processes.
Now, not only iron sulfur cluster there are
other metal center even the porphyrin contouring
center cytochrome C where one porphyrin ring
and 1 iron center and 2 histidine on the two
axial sites are responsible for the electron
There are many other different metal centers
involved in the electron transfer process
they are doing just nothing else, but electron
transfer process is getting facilitated by
this center.
Now, of course, the question might be in your
mind what is the necessity of these electrons
and what is the role of the metal in the process?
Well we will come back to those queries little
later as we go along in this course or of
course, when we talk metal in biology or metals
in biology we must be thinking about let us
say sodium metal Na+ K+ there are channels
So, there are passive diffusion and ion specific
channels to regulate or to modulate the concentration
of metal ions in the cell or even outside
the cell.
So, all these are ion channels and there are
selectively or they are selectively getting
accumulated at a particular site of our body.
And therefore, we need to see about these
different metal ions how they are getting
in and how they are getting controlled overall
in the process.
Well at this point metal ions channeling or
concentration maintenance can be done very
precisely and scientists have understood to
a decent level how these processes are happening.
These are the lot of biological system being
already studied and conclusion being that
we have very simple principle behind controlling
the concentration of metal ions such as sodium
potassium in the cell and outside the cell.
Another interesting part of the bioinorganic
chemistry or metals in biology is the organometallic
chemistry, even the sensitive organometallic
chemistry can be feasible inside our body
that is quite amazing you know it perhaps.
For example, Vitamin B12 we have a cobalt
center which is supported by 4 nitrogen just
like porphyrin right molecule and we have
also a cobalt active cyano bond cobalt cyanide
is involved in Vitamin B12 also we have different
bio organometallic units.
Let us see this you know this vitamin b 12
where you have a cobalt cyano bond.
We also have these different bio organometallic
you need such as nickel iron hydrogenas; iron
hydrogenas and iron different other hydrogenases
are also present.
These are nothing but a great example of the
organometallic species in our biological system
which is quite fascinating I would say.
Well as you know there are metal ions also
present in many life saving drugs or very
crucial drugs that indirectly or directly
saves our lives.
For instance we have different you know platin
series of drug cisplatin carboplatin we have
also our enough in barium sulfate which is
involved for the gastrointestinal X ray contrast
enhancement, but lithium carbonate also involved
in the manic depression.
Here in some of the drugs in different part
of the body as they have used, but all of
them have one thing common that they are metal
based and there is a ligand which holds the
metal ions into these.
Therefore overall I hope what we will be discussing
in this class is how metal ions play a crucial
role in our body, what metals are used, how
they are taken up, and how they are assembled
in our body, how do cells regulate metal ions
How do metal ions fold a biopolymer which
is having clear implications in several diseases
amyloid beta peptide are responsible for their
folding misfolding responsible for parkinson
disease, alzheimer diseases and more importantly
how is the correct metal ion inserted into
it is site why not lets say for example, zinc
is getting into the porphyrin site of myoglobin
we have also different hydrolytic enzymes
right which where metal is acting as a Lewis
acid catalyst.
As you have briefly seen metal can act as
a electron transfer site oxygen chemistry
both the reversible oxygen binding for oxygen
transport and utilizing this oxygen for doing
interesting synthetic transformations such
as hydroxylation or even in other cases halogenation
chemistry, even where oxygen has a role for
halogenation chemistry such as chlorination
and bromination.
We have different hydrogenase enzyme, nitrogenase
enzyme all these will be discussing subsequently
in different classes under this course metals
ions in biology where we are trying to discuss
the principles of bioinorganic chemistry.
So, I hope in the first class the overall
overview of this course is the importance
of the metal ions in biology and to realize
that more than 50 percent of our body weight
is metals.
Metal ions are present in many different places
of our body perhaps almost everywhere if more
than 50 percent it is of our body weight that
has to be in many different places and there
must be a role a crucial role they are playing
in our biological system.
We will see how they control these biological
processes, how these metal ions concerned
controls the biological processes, what is
the mechanism of action.
A lot of these studies are of course, still
undergoing we have some understanding better
understanding we will take perhaps decades
But slowly we are realizing how we perform,
how even our mood swing, what is the role
of metal in that of course, a number of diseases
more importantly are also associated with
the presence, excess, folding, miss folding
induced by the metal ions all these things
we will be learning in the subsequent classes.
We will see you in the next class start studying
I think as I mentioned the one of the book
that you can follow and some of the slides
which we will be discussing over here are
made from these Lippards bioinorganic Lippards
and Bergs bioinorganic chemistry and in other
sources available in the internet or different
other sources overall, we will try to discuss
briefly and try to impress upon you that how
important the metal ions are in our daily
With this let me come back to you and say
you goodbye for the first class and we will
be back in the second class soon.
Thank you very much keep studying bioinorganic
chemistry metal ions in biology.
Thank you.