As part ofthe course on rheology
andthe introduction module of itin
this particularlecture we will look atsome of
the unusual flow phenomenawhich take place in
complex materials andalso equally important
is how do we visualize those phenomenato be
caused due to microstructure so lets start with
a situation which seem to be similar inrespect
for examplewe have a single sphere which is
falling through a pool of liquid andof course
we learn aboutthis problemwhenever we look at a
terminal velocityof a sphere falling in liquid and
we learn about stokes law andlets consider that
thissingle spherethere are two casesone inwhich
thesphere is falling in a newtonian fluid and then
compare the responsewith the non newtonian fluid
andwhat we can see isif the viscosities of the
newtonian and non newtonian fluids are similar
then the falling rate in a newtonian fluid will be
similar to the falling rate in non newtonian fluid
this is becausewe know that the settling velocity
related directly to the viscosity of the fluid and
if the two viscosities are similar then in this
case the falling rates will also be similar
now if the same two fluids basically the
non newtonian fluid as well as a newtonian
fluidrather than lets say having a sphere falling
through the pipe now if we justremove the bottom
of the if we remove the lets say bottom and allow
fluid to flow through the bottom of the pipe then
what happens is overall fluid flows through and
in this case againthe newtonian fluid as well
as non newtonian fluid will flow through but what
is more likely thenwe will observe that the flow
rate of the newtonian fluid will be much lower
than the flow rate of non newtonian fluids
in other words flow rate of non newtonian
fluid will be higher or it would seem as if
the viscosity of non newtonian fluid would be
lower so thereforewhat we are seeing here are
predominant examples of shear flow so in both the
casesits predominantly shearwhich isinvolved and
just to characterize and quantify the intensity
of the shear flow we can think of shear rate for
example here the velocity would be whatever
is the velocity of terminal velocity of the
sphere and then it would go to zero near
the wall and therefore you have a velocity
gradient or shear rate which is very small
because in general the terminal velocity of
a small sphere is expected to be very low
on the other sidewe have a basically tubular
flow of the fluid and in general the velocity
here will be very high in the center and overall
flow rate will be very high and thereforetowards
the tube where the velocity is zero to and that
velocity which is maximum basically what you will
have is a shear rate which is very high so what
we can again summarizes in this situation shear
rate is low while in this situation shear rate
is very high so the two situations that we have
seen andwhere the similar fluids give completely
different responses because in one case they
give a falling rate of the sphere which is
similar in the other case the flow rates of the
fluid are very different and those are caused
because of the difference in the shear rates
so effectively what we have ishigh shear rate
viscosity is lower and low shear rate viscosity
is higher andjust to understand why in a complex
material such behavior can be observed what
we can do is look atan example of colloidal
dispersion now colloidal dispersions arenothing
but collection of particles andthese particles are
agglomerated in a network form with each other
atreasonably high amount of colloidalparticles
and thensurrounded by a liquid
so therefore you can see in thishow
there is a network of these colloidal particles
and so this would be the situation at a low
shear rates also at rest and so when a sphere is
falling throughthis kind of a very high network
of a colloidal particles then the sphere is
likely to experience a higher viscosity and
there because of the larger clusters which
these colloidal particles make on the other
hand if we now lets say apply a very high shear
rate to this colloidal dispersion what ends
up happening is theselarge colloidal clusters
actually start breaking up and now what we see
is large number of smaller isolated clusters
so in because of the smaller clusters at this
higher shear rate the fluid viscosity would appear
to be lower and thereforewhat we have is low
shear rate would correspond to large clusters of
particles while high shear rate would correspond
to small clusters of particles and in turn large
clusters would imply high viscosity and small
clusters would imply low viscosity now looking
back at our two examples that we saw earlier what
we cansee isthe microstructure is very important
to explain the results in both the cases in one
case we have microstructure of the material
at rest when there was no shear rate at all
when we apply very small or low shear
rate there is a small disturbance of that
equilibrium structure retaining large clusters of
colloidal particles however when we have it under
flow and with large shear rate those clusters
break down so therefore when we visualize the
two cases that we discuss in one case we have
a sphere which is falling through basically a
strong network of colloidal particles and
therefore this particle experiences high
viscosity and therefore the if newtonian and non
newtonian fluids are of same viscosity we would
see that the particle falls at the same rate
now when the same fluid the colloidal particle
system is subjected to high shear rate it ends
up being in small clusters and low viscosity
therefore the flow rate is very high newtonian
fluid on the other hand in both the cases has
same microstructure same molecular structure and
therefore would have the same high viscosity in
both cases so it would have a small falling rate
for sphere in this case and correspondingly it
would also have a very small flow rate so what
we have seenin this discussion so far is thatwhen
fluids the complex materials are subjected to
shear flow we canah quantify thedeformation
that the fluid is experiencing during flowing
with shear rates andproperties of fluid seem to
be dependent on the shear rate very strongly
andthe example that we saw was that of a shear
thinning fluid because the viscosity was lower
at higher shear rate and more importantly we
also saw thatthe response of the material could
be correlated back to the microstructure that
the material has now lets move on and look at
another exampleah again now these flow phenomena
that we are seeing for complex materials one of
the most important thing to remember is that they
are in fact qualitatively very different for
example ifwe take a beaker in which there is a
fluid and then i put a rod and then i have the
rod stirred with a motor if i rotate this rod
with a motor then what we would expect is at the
center the fluid to go down and we would see that
the fluidair interface takes a shape which is
concave upwards andthis iswhat we would observe
inwhen we lets say are stirring tea or milk
using very high rates in inah day to day life
on the other hand if we take a non newtonian
fluid and do a similar exercise what happens
is the fluid actually starts climbing onto the
rod which is being used to stir and therefore
this phenomena is called rod climbing so in
this case even though the two fluids are being
subjected to same situation their response is
qualitatively different andthe importance of
rheology in general is that if you know small
amountno amount of modification of newtonian
flow behavior is going to lead to this kind
of qualitatively very different response
so clearly a different class of a fluid behavior
is required for us to explain and observe
such phenomenon anotherexample which is a very
practicalissue andwhen we are making a objects
out of polymer and these could be fibers for
example polyester fiber which are used in clothing
or upholstery or it could be a grocery bagfilms
thin films in all of these cases what is done is
we take a small capillary in whichthrough which
fluid is forced out so generally we apply a very
high pressureat this end and thenthrough pressure
we push the fluid out and this is what happens in
fact when we open a tap at home and then we have
a newtonian fluid water flowing out of the tap
because the other end of the pipe line there is
higher pressure quite often due to gravity because
the tank is located somewhere upstairs anddue to
that pressure difference the fluid flows through
and we generally observe that the jet of the
fluid is smaller than the diameter of the tap
andof course this is as long as we maintain a
flow rate which is lower and such that the jet
doesn’t breakup and forms a spray in which case
of courseit start spraying everywhere so we are
still looking at a jet nicely following and
usually the diameter of the jet would be same
or so similar order of magnitude and slightly
smaller in fact its about eighty to ninety
percent of a depending on the conditionsof
the diameter of the tube on the other hand
if we take a non newtonian fluid and again
carryout the same exercise and this is what
is done when a fiber is made or a sheet is made we
basically have a whats called a die and there is a
die opening through which a fluid is extruded
and thereforethis material which is extruded is
called extrudate andthedevice through which this
extrusion happens is called a die and given that
the fluid when it comes out its diameter is
much larger thenthe diameter of the tube this
phenomenon is referred to as die swell or extruded
swell so again this is an example of an unusual
flow phenomena in the sense that the qualitative
response itself is diametrically its opposite to
what you would see in case of newtonian fluid
in case of newtonian fluid we see the extrudate
being smaller than the diameter of the tube
or the die in the case of a a non newtonian
fluid we see that the diameter is higher
andagain we cantry to understandwhat is the origin
of this phenomena by looking at the microstructure
and so lets now look at a lets say macromolecular
solution so what we have here is a macromolecule
which is a very long molecule andgenerally it
will adopt the conformation which is coil like and
therefore we can encasethe overall macromolecule
in a hypothetical sphere andof course the radius
of this sphere would be called the radiusof
gyration of this particular macromolecule and
we are talking about a macromolecular solution
so therefore surrounding fluid is the solvent
so we have a situation where we have a polymer
solution or a macromolecular solution being
sheared and we can look at two different cases
let’s say where there is a high shear rate
and there is a low shear rate so in case of
a shearshearing the material what we can do
visualizes the lets say the top surface of
this domain is moving faster than the bottom
surface we can think for example that the top
surface is moving with a velocity andwhile the
bottom surface lets say stationary what that
does is basically as you go higher and higher
the velocity would be higher and higher
so if you look at the macromolecule zoom in this
is of course a considerably zoomed in version in
which we are able to see the macromolecule
what we will see is the macromolecule which
is closer to the top surface will have a higher
velocity and the macromolecular portions which
are in the lower part will have lower velocity
so therefore there is a velocity gradient on
the scale of the macromolecule and what we
would end up seeing is the solvent will drag
these portions of macromolecular little faster
whilethe moleculesmacromolecular portionshere
will actually be dragged with a lower rate
and if the same situation can be seen at the
higher shear rate what we would see is
the difference between the velocity at
this end of the macromolecule and will be very
different compared to the velocity here and in
general the upper part of the macromolecule may
get dragged little a higher so in effect what
we are seeing is this macromolecule which in
general could be describedas a random a coil
object seems to have stretched a bit as
well as oriented a bit so we can see that
it is stretched and as well as oriented so
therefore whats happening is whenever we are
subjecting these macromolecules to shear what
we have is stretching as well as orientation
so stretching and orientation are
inherentphenomena which take place
at the macroat the molecular scale when we have
macromolecules under shear of course the result
of this stretching andorientation is also an
inherent elasticity which is built into these
macromolecular systems because as soon as we
lets say we stop the shear here there is a
tendency of this macromolecule to go back to the
sphericalconformation a random conformation that
it had when there was no flow so thereforewhenever
we stop the flow there is a tendency to return to
unstretched and randomly oriented macromolecule
and which is anyway what is a predominant
mechanism for elasticity in these systems
so now lets look at a given that we have
understood that how a macromolecule stretches
when its put in a shear flow what we can see here
is that a macromolecule is there in shear
flow and clearly there are shear stresses
involved because we are sharing the molecule in
along these planes we have shear stresses which
act on this macromolecule but because of the
stretching that this macromolecule experiences
as we saw what we end up also having in these
materials is the presence of normal stresses
so even though at the boundaries we are only
applying a shear stress because of the normal
stress present in the material at the boundaries
we canagain measure whats called a normal force
so due to this we can see thatthe fluid response
is again qualitatively very different compared
to what a newtonian fluid would be in case of
newtonian fluid since we are applying a shear
stress we will only observe a shear stress in
the material in case of macromolecular solution
even though we are applying shear stress we
observe normal stresses also andjust to go
back and lookthat this is the coordinate
system that we can use where x is the
direction of the flow and y is the direction
of the shear and z is the third direction
so therefore in this situation when we are
looking at these normal stresses we could
denote them as tau xx which is a normal stress
in x direction on x plane here by x plane we
mean this surface whose unit normal is in the
same direction as x direction and therefore in
the macromolecular under shear in this case we
havethe stress components which are not only
shear stress but also these normal stresses so
the normal stresses that arise which are due to
the stretching of the macromolecule anddue
to its orientationthey are very important
in explaining the unusual flow phenomena
that we saw earlier namely extruded swell
or die swell as well as rod climbing effect
so lets now try to see how do these stresses
actually explain at least qualitatively how the
rod climbing and die swell phenomena are observed
later on in the course we will actually solve the
governing equations related to such situations
and observe the response to be conforming to
what are experimental observations or what are
qualitative differences between a non newtonian
fluid which has elasticity in it when we compare
its response to newtonian fluid so now lets
look at the first example of rod climbing
that we saw where the fluid actually climbed
up on the rod andwe can use the cylindrical
coordinate system where r is this direction
and z is of course the vertical direction
ah if we look at it from this side from the what
we see is basically sphericthe circular a polar
coordinates and what we have is fluid moving like
this because of the rotation of the rod and we can
look it lets say one small element here and then
look at what may be the presence of stresses in
that fluid element similarly in the other example
of die swell we had the tube from which the fluid
was being forced out and again in this case we can
look at the zr plane r being this direction and
the velocity being in the z direction we can try
to see what are the stresses which are present
so for example what we will do is try to look at
a small element fluid element here and then try to
see what are the stresses which are present so as
i mentioned earlier because of the shearing thats
there due to the rod rotating this component of
stress which is tau r theta will always be present
in case of a newtonian fluid this is the only
stress component which would be there but given
that with the shearing here the macromolecules
are getting stretched and oriented what will
happen is they will also get the normal stresses
so therefore both tau theta theta and tau rr both
the normal stresses in theta direction as well
as r directions will also be there and its the
normal stress difference which is defined based on
these quantities which leads the fluid to actually
go in the z direction and similarly in this case
also we have againtheshear stress which is a tau
rz andwhen we havethe fluidflowingwhether
its newtonian or non newtonian because of
shear this component will always be present
but because of the normal stress differences
between tau rr and tau zz we actually have
the normal stress difference being present
and therefore a tendency for fluid to dilate
now one difference we can see in these two cases
is this difference between tau rr and tau theta
theta in this case is in this direction andbut
we have confined the fluid based on this wall
and the result of this will end up this fluid
rising here while in this case the result of
this normal stress difference is in terms of
having the fluid x two a swell in the a radial
direction while in this case the fluid actually
ends up climbing in the z direction but
later on in the course we will actually
see the governing equations which show how some
of these normal stresses arise in the material
andtherefore we will be able to quantitatively
and qualitatively describe such phenomena
insummary what we have looked at arebasically
macromolecules under shear and we have understood
the basic need for looking at the material and its
microscopic mechanisms so in macromolecules under
shear we can think of these macromolecules as if
they aremade up of a beads which are connected by
a spring so this particular mechanical analog can
actually orient when the shear is applied because
this bead which exchange exchanges friction
with the surrounding will move little faster
compared to this bead and therefore this
particular dumbbell will have a tendency
to orient itself as well as it will stretch
so you can see thatat higher and higher shear
rates thestretching as well as orientation
will be higher one other issue that we
should alwaysremember is that this picture
of macromolecule the way we have drawn here
is only one snapshot of it in generalbecause
of the thermal energy being sufficient the
macromolecular segments are undergoing thermal
motion and similarly the solvent molecule is
also undergoing thermal motion so there is
random collisions of solvent molecules andthe
macromolecules and there is segmental motion
so when we look at this bead and spring picture
what we have is actually thesebeads and springs by
themselves will also be vibrating so the between
these two there will be vibration going on as
well as the orientation of thethe dumbbell will
keep on changing even underwhen there is no flow
but when we have flow what will happens is these
beads on an average are get oriented along the
flow directionon an average they gets stretched
in the flow direction so therefore we should
remember the overall fluctuating picture at
the microscopic scale but the on averagefeature is
what is important to describe the bulk properties
such as viscosity or normal stress differences
andagain just to restatewhat we had seen earlier
thatstretching and orientation happens because
of the shear rate being imposed on the material
andconversely because of this stretching and
orientation we can have elastic recovery also
so what we have seen so far areaspects of shear
flowwhich is characterized using shear rate and
microstructure of a colloidal system as well as
molecular stretching inmacromolecular systems are
very important to understand what were the unusual
flow phenomena and of course we can quantify
and the characterize the overall phenomena using
the shear and normal stresses during the flow
so in the nextpart of the lecture what we
will see isadditional examples ofthese flow
phenomena and how they are related again to the
microstructure and if there are what we will also
see is an addition to shear flow additional
types of flows may also be encountered