welcome to this course is going to be a ten
lecture mock spread over about four weeks
ah this mock will have ah these lectures and
there will be some assignments that come ah
ones a week or so in addition there will be
some ah numerical problems or thought based
problems that we will discuss in class and
probably assign some problems ah you would
have time to do it and we will check up with
solutions in the next class the organization
of ah this course ah probably you may not
find in text books in a complete way ah however
two books may be useful two you can consider
them as ah reference books the first one is
shuler and kargi ah i will give you the details
in one of the files that you can download
ah from the course site ah thats a nice book
in addition there is an older book ah very
old ah eighty six it is by bailey and ollis
thats also a good book but it is somewhat
dated in um going forward ah this would be
an introduction the first ah lecture is going
to be an introductiots start with cancer we
all know that cancer is an important disease
now a days it is been an important disease
for a very long time decades may be and still
it is not been completely conquered there
is lot of progress that has been made in treating
cancer in ah diagnosing cancer but we have
still not completely overcome it and it is
still one of the important diseases of today
what is cancer very simplistically speaking
it is the uncontrolled growth of cells we
all know this the cell has lost its ability
to die when its job is done and when that
happens cancer happens and thats one of the
ways cancer happens for example ah this is
a nice example to give you if you look at
a hand and if you look at how this hands started
out ah in a fetus it would have been a complete
completely filled end of a mass then the cells
here started dying away and that is what gave
rise to the digits therefore in other words
the cells here actually committed suicide
and that is what gave us these digits which
are functioning
so cell death is an necessary part of the
developmental process the regenevation regeneration
process and so on in the body and of that
goes haywire and the cells continues to live
then it is also an cancer why is cancer dangerous
its just cell that is there which is lots
ah cells cells they have lost their ability
to die so why should it bother us it bothers
us because a lot of such cells in the body
can threaten life itself as they interfere
with the crucial functions of organs and tissues
for example let us take the lung if the lung
cells become cancerous they start growing
uncontrolled and they interfere with the gas
exchange that happens in the lungs which is
whittle to keep ah up life and so on so for
you can talk of ah different organs in the
body may be liver may be kidney and if there
are ah cells that continue to grow and refuse
to die then it interferes with the normal
function of those organs and that ultimately
leads to death in a simplistic sense there
are other ah complications also there but
this is one of the things that leads to death
therefore again ah straight forward thinking
fashion to treat cancer the cancerous cells
need to be killed how do you kill it you use
drugs cancer drugs and such a treatment is
called chemotherapy you could use radiation
such a treatment it is called radiotherapy
and so on to ah kill cancer cells our these
therapies you know you taken drugs to kill
the cancer cancer cells it could also kill
the other normal cells in the body and that
is what leads to the undesirable side effects
such as the hair falling out and various other
side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy
which is not desirable so it becomes ah helpful
to target the killing agents the drugs that
kill the cancer cells directly to the cancerous
cells so that the effect on the normal cells
is minimal to target these drugs to the cancer
cells now a days something called monoclonal
antibodies or m a bs are used at least for
some cancers some cancers it is been very
effective these um ideas started decades probably
at decade and a half ago or more ago and then
they have come to flowtion ah probably a few
years ago now they are effective again some
types of cancer
monoclonal antibodies are made by cells called
hybridomas hybridoma as the name suggest hybrid
oma it is a fusion or a mixture of a cell
that can produce one type of antibody and
therefore you call them monoclonal antibodies
and an other type which does not die ah which
this is a cancerous cell so if you use them
together you have a cell that produces one
type of antibodies monoclonal antibodies and
can live forever which becomes useful outside
the body when you trying to produce these
monoclonal antibodies that are used to target
the drugs to cancerous cells the ah hybridomas
themselves were developed in the mid seventies
by kohler and milstein and its potential was
ah realized quite soon as soon as it was developed
and ah monoclonal antibodies became a rates
even in the early eighties some of my work
doctoral work was related to monoclonal antibody
production in a bioreactor these are some
of the monoclonal antibodies that have been
used now a days to treat cancer rituximab
trastuzumab bevacizumab cetuximab panitumumab
ipilimumab and so on and so forth
if you see here it ends in m a b which stands
for monoclonal antibody and each one is effective
against certain kinds of cancers for more
information you could look at this website
i am going to list all these websites in a
separate file and ah put it up on your course
page so that is it is easier for you to reach
these websites will have some of these websites
throughout the course more so in the introductory
modules ah so that ah um you can go and read
about them get in death of those aspects because
we will cover whatever is necessary for us
in this particular course but they by themselves
could be very interesting to some of you so
you could go and read about them and dig further
about them based on your interest the file
is going to be something like this the u r
l that i gave you just now is the first u
r l ah cancer treatment here this one says
websites videos recommended that could be
some videos also along with this this is a
website cancer treatment and this was the
address that was given here you could download
this file and click on the appropriate link
i guess you need to use a control or something
like that before you click here and then you
would access the website and see through it
this is a nice website for cancer treatment
ah i will highlight as we go through the lecture
the various websites there is an other website
that is given there i think which is given
number two on that list we just saw that list
and lets now come back from cancer to our
bioreactors course now what is the relevance
here the relevant question here is that how
are monoclonal antibodies or m a bs made in
large quantities that are needed for therapy
the amounts would be very small if you grow
hybridomas in small vessels as they were done
initially but the demand for m a bs is huge
now a days
so how do you produce the large quantities
of m a b that are needed for therapy the answer
is through something called a bioprocess ok
let me live it there for the time being and
we will keep visiting this bioprocess and
then i will tell you what that is lets guess
the alternative liquid fuels where in great
demand or ah where kind of hot a few years
ago they are still ah of great interest they
are ah fuels that would replace the petroleum
or diesel that comes from crude oil the justification
was the need was the crude oil sources are
running out and therefore we need alternative
liquid fuels it is rather difficult to replace
liquid fuels its rather difficult to ah imagine
um how a plane would fly without a liquid
fuel at least for some time to come or to
there are other alternatives available now
on an experimental basis ah still probably
we need a lot of liquid fuels two examples
of liquid fuel are bio ethanol and bio diesel
ethanol you know c two h five o h that is
found in a lot of theses intoxicating drinks
also but in a puro form if it is mixed with
some amount of ah petrol and ah or gas as
it is called in some countries and used in
cars then thats a very good fuel but how do
you get bio ethanol that is the source of
bio ethanol is con or other ah plant sources
that ultimately give us the ethanol how do
you go from con for example two ethanol that
is a because con contains various other things
it does not contain ethanol so how do you
contain whatever con has to the ethanol that
is useful has a bio fuel thats a long process
its also through a bio process
similarly bio diesel bio diesel is being used
in a country from plant sources to run railways
and things like that to a reasonable extent
you could also use something called micro
algae to produce bio diesel because micro
algae accumulates what is called bio oil and
that bio oil can be convert its somewhat equivalent
of the crude oil not exactly somewhat equivalent
of the crude oil and that bio oil can be processed
to produce bio diesel so if you are using
micro algae which is a higher generation bio
fuel compared to the plant based bio fuel
bio diesel then you need to use a bio process
that converts um the raw materials sometimes
it could just be the carbon dioxide in the
air and in the presence of sunlight and so
on through photosynthesis to yield bio oil
which can then be convert it to bio diesel
so this process also is a bio process so bio
processes are required for production of certain
alternative liquid fuels such as bio ethanol
and bio diesel i would like you to look at
ah this animation which gives you details
about ethanol making it gives you ah in a
nice way how ethanol is made from ah a con
or some other source here similarly ya this
is ethanol from con this is ethanol making
in general and animation and then this is
algae to fuels
ah if you are ah enable to read it here or
use it directly from this presentation please
look at i think it is four five ethanol animation
is three ethanol from con is four and algae
to fuels is number five on this list you could
go through these sites which are commonly
available videos and ah get some information
in a nice way in a non boring way and ah that
might be useful lets get back to our presentation
here so the production of bio ethanol and
bio diesel are also done through bio processes
another stretch here you all heard of insulin
what is insulin it is a drug that is used
to treat diabetes a widely used drug that
is used to treat diabetes if you look at what
kind of a molecule it is it is something called
a protein i i hope you have some background
in ah bio molecules and so on so it is one
kind of a bio molecule um amino acid and a
polymer of amino acid is a protein so insulin
is really small protein it was discovered
in the nineteen twenties a long time ago and
soon people found ah that you could use it
to treat diabetes and the initial source of
insulin was pig pancreas ok probably a few
years after this till about nineteen eighties
they were obtained from the pancreas of pigs
the numbers are quite staggering you need
about eight hundred two thousand k g of pancreas
to produce hundred grams of insulin which
ah is a very very small amount compared to
the world wide demand for insulin to treat
diabetes its a very very small amount not
just that pancreas only one of these organs
of the body so you can imagine what needed
to be done to get insulin when no other method
was known
however when a bioprocess for insulin became
available because of the ease of getting insulin
this immediately reduced the cost of insulin
by twenty four fold and this is also a bioprocess
this is the next video there ah on insulin
that is given in your list you can go and
look at this to get some idea of the relevance
of insulin the production of insulin through
a bioprocess and so on ok now lets come closer
to home how do you think curd or yoghurt is
made you take milk you heat it to certain
warmth in a vessel and then you add some old
curd to this slightly warmish milk and set
is set it aside there are also curd makers
that maintain this vessel at thirty seven
degree c just by some electrical means and
when this is done in a curd maker curd forms
in about two hours or so if you live it over
night at home assuming that the outside temperature
is reasonable then curd forms over night very
what is happening here ok let me introduce
some terms that will be using frequently in
this course the milk that you initially take
we can call it the medium right the nutrients
a nutrient broth using the nutrients in the
nutrient broth the inoculum the small amount
of curd that you add it that contains organisms
the organisms utilize the nutrients in the
medium and grow when these organisms grow
these particular type of organisms ah they
are called lactobacillus when they grow they
produce something called lactic acid you all
know what an acid does it reduces the p h
and because of the controlled production of
acid in an appropriate fashion the p h gets
reduced in an appropriate way along with other
things happening in the milk and a protein
in the milk called casein curdles and thats
how we get curd appropriately ah you know
even the the taste is made appropriate in
the process because of the way in which it
gets done and then you could eat curd
very simplistically speaking curd making is
also a bio process ok you have a vessel you
have a medium and you ah which contains a
medium and then you add ah curd to it so you
have added inoculum to it the cells in the
inoculum multiply and make more cells make
a product lactic acid and the lactic acid
does something to the milk to give you curd
so this simplistics simplistically speaking
is actually a bio process if a curd making
is also a bioprocess so let us look at what
actually a bioprocess is this is an overview
of the bioprocess the bioprocess has two major
aspects one is the bioreactor aspect this
is called also called the abstream aspect
and a huge aspect here called the downstream
processing aspect the bioreactor is represented
here by this we will see this in detail later
the raw material for example it could be the
milk in the in the case of curd this enters
the bioreactor the bioreactor contains the
micro organism of interest along with the
nutrient as we saw in the case of curd making
the nutrients that are getting converted to
curd as well as the lactobacillus that converts
it into curd or it could even have just an
enzyme which does some enzymatic conversion
so after this process is done there are various
ways in which the process is done we will
look at the details later
after the process is done what comes out of
the bioreactor what is harvested from the
bioreactor contains the product of interest
the micro organism and probably other material
we all are interested only in the product
therefore we need to separate and purify the
product from these other things that are there
and that is what is done through what is called
downstream processing there could be very
many steps in downstream processing in fact
the number of steps in downstream processing
could constitute about ninety five percent
of the steps in a bioprocess so large number
of steps in downstream processing and finally
at the end of it all we have the final purified
product so this is a bioprocess this course
will focus on the abstream side or the bioreactor
side downstream processing of course is very
important but the focus in this particular
course because we need to focus on something
to get something useful out of what ever we
are doing and we are going to focus on the
bioreactor aspect or the abstream aspect typically
the bioreactor aspect and thats why this mock
is called a bioreactors
as was clear from the previous slide the bioreactor
is at the heart of a bioprocess that is necessary
for a bioprocess to exist now let us look
at some of the common bioreactor types some
of the ah kinds of bioreactors that are used
commonly the first one that we are going to
look at is called the stirred tank bioreactor
in fact this is pretty much the work hours
of the bio industry many industries use this
stirred tank bioreactor as the name suggests
it is a tank which is represented by this
rectangle here it is actually cylindrical
ah in reality it could be as small as something
that sits on this table may be a one two liter
reactor or may be something that sits on a
lab bench may be about fifteen liter reactor
to something that occupies huge spaces in
the industry may be one lakh liters few lakh
liters and so on so forth that are required
in some in some industries so stirred tank
all these are effectively the same except
their sizes are so different all these stirred
tank reactors will have a stirrer with stirs
the contents of the bioreactor and thats why
it is called a stirred tank bioreactor
it is any bioreactor for that matter is an
instrumented there are various instruments
here and highly controlled kind of an environment
here the typical instruments that are used
are those that are needed to measure temperature
there is a thermometer or an r t d device
that measures the temperature of the bioreactor
contents there are something called d o this
is not do this is d o which stands for dissolved
oxygen which happens to be an important parameter
especially when we use certain kinds of micro
organisms in the bioreactor p h is an important
parameter that is measured controlled ah e
many bioprocesses or bioreactions take place
in a narrow range of p h the aeration happens
here air is used here agitation of course
we talked about and the medium we already
talked about what i would like you to wear
in mind is that the stirred tank is a vessel
ok that is a bioreactor where as the actual
reactors the bioreactors or the factories
that are producing the products are the cells
in the bioreactor that make these products
it could be the ethanol that we talked about
the lactic acid that we talked about the m
a bs that we talked about the insulin that
we talked about or the bio oil that we talked
about all these are made by these microscopic
cells the size of these cells are ah anywhere
between thats a two microns to ten microns
typically there could be larger too and um
therefore these cells in so called culture
are the actual factories that produce a product
we need to keep this in mind when ever we
look at bioreactors in the initial part of
the course we will look at the bioreactor
as this vessel and do things necessary for
this vessel and this will be in the background
and later towards the data part of the course
we will focus some attention on how to operate
or come up with strategies based on how these
cells actually function thats what makes more
sense because these cells are the actual factories
that produce products and therefore we need
to have an ideas to how their doing for the
bioreactor to be effective ok this ah looking
at it as sum sort of a black box may not be
very helpful in many situations so that is
a stirred tank bioreactor the second type
second common type that is used is what is
called an air lift bioreactor
this ah schematic shows some important features
of an air lift bioreactor the main ah difference
that you would immediately notice between
a stirred tank bioreactor and a air lift bioreactor
is that there is no stirrer here ok [hower/however]
you need to keep the bioreactor broth in agitation
only then ah will the bioreactor function
properly the agitation the mixed nature is
brought about by air which is pumped in here
somewhere the air rises through this it takes
in this is a cylinder inside the reactor the
air rises through this and when it rises through
this it carries the cells along with it and
then it kind of circulates this is a cylinder
i hope you are able to visualize this this
is one cylinder this is the outer cylinder
and therefore air rises through the center
comes like this quite vigorously and because
of that it is able to keep the cells in suspension
and there by the reactor operates this is
the liquid level that is shown as the dotted
line here
so this is an air lift bioreactor this has
some advantages over these stirred tank bioreactor
and some disadvantages we had probably look
at ah some of them in the passing after we
know something more about bioreactors the
third kind that i would like to present to
you is something called a packed bed bioreactor
you have a bed here which is packed there
is an inlet here there is an outlet here it
could be continuous typically these bio packed
bed bioreactor are operated in a continuous
way and ah this is where the bioreactions
take place to convert the reactant into the
desired product this is a video that you may
want to watch ah i think it is um let me go
back to the packed bed fluidized bed that
is the fluidized bed i will come to that next
the packed bed is just a packed bed is a stationary
bed ah which contains is organisms which convert
the reactance to the products the fluidized
bed which is a variant of the packed bed would
have this part fluidized fluidized in the
sense fluid like so that it will be the bed
would not be stationary it will be jiggling
around jumping around and so on so forth that
brings in certain desired aspects in the operation
of bioreactors and fluidized bed bioreactor
are used in some situations
a packed bed bioreactor is used ah commonly
in water treatment and so on so forth and
this could just be a sand bed through which
ah the water to be treated flows and what
flows out of here is cleaner water another
type of bioreactor is called the solid state
bioreactors as a name indicates there is typically
no liquid here ok it is all solid and um this
can be used for producing ah useful substances
say enzymes and so forth from natural substances
which are end of solids they could be cut
down chopped on and so on forth and then place
on these trays in probably a large enclosure
and appropriate conditions maintained here
and the organisms added to the appropriate
sub state as these sub state is a solid ah
the organisms convert the sub state into the
desired product so such a reactor is called
a solid state bioreactors they are used in
the industry they were heavily used in the
industry at one point in time to produce very
useful products such is enzyme they could
still be used
this is a video that would talk something
about these solid state bioreactors you might
want to watch that what is become popular
now a days in some industrial applications
and also in some lab applications more so
in industrial applications is the use of single
use bioreactors use it throw out this has
significant advantages in the process of validation
because a process of validation is rather
stringent and people need to establish various
different aspects in reproducible fashion
when approvals are given for the production
and approvals are given after inspections
and so on so forth such operations become
significantly simplified if you can use and
throw the bioreactor and therefore the single
use bioreactors are quite popular the same
stirred tank could be made of a disposable
plastic vessel and ah that becomes a disposable
reactor everything else remains the same even
the sizes could be reasonably large in the
if you use dis disposable plastic vessels
therefore instead of this stainless steel
or appropriate material ah that is used for
bioreactor construction which is a permanent
there you could use disposable plastic vessels
there are advantages as we talked about earlier
but there are disadvantages too um there are
some disadvantages that ah this video this
you can go on take a look at that and more
recently or i think about the same time bioreactors
called wave bioreactors came into being this
is also ah given in i think in the same video
you can take a look at what wave bioreactors
are they are nothing but plastic bags la they
could be large plastic bags with huge capacity
of twenty five liters or so ah which can be
used for the production of low volume high
value products so the disposable aspect helps
the validation ah maintenance and so on so
forth um and they they work they are essentially
plastic bags that are kept on rockers as the
video would demonstrate and the production
happens in such a condition
the next kind of bioreactor that i would like
to talk about is what is called a photobioreactor
a photobioreactor means that it employees
light when do we need light whenever an organism
needs light and some thing that requires light
is called a photo organism photosynthetic
organism photosynthetic organisms when you
use them you need to use something called
a photobioreactor remember we talked about
ah micro algae for the production of ah biodiesel
micro algae happen to be photosynthetic organisms
they convert the carbon dioxide in the air
to bio fuel and that is why it is also considered
a carbon neutral kind of a situation that
is it doesnt take any carbon from the earth
it just takes the carbon from the air converts
it into biofuel and even if it gets back into
air it is still a neutral kind of a situation
there is no addition of carbon carbon dioxide
from the earth into the atmosphere
so when an algae is grown micro algae is grown
to produce ah bio oil you use something called
a bioreactor the process is rather straight
forward and simple everything is known about
the process ah this is the vessel here which
contains the broth and this vessel has an
outlet which leads to this photo section i
think the next picture would show the photo
section a little better you know this is the
photo section lighted up ah this is from this
angle and the second photograph is from this
angle i hope you are able to understand that
is the same reactor this is taken from our
lab we have we use a photobioreactor we did
some work on ah micro algae so this vessel
there is an outlet which goes into the photo
section this the organisms receive light here
when they are in the photo section which are
made up of glass tubes and then they return
to the vessel and that happens continuously
so this is a photobioreactor coming back to
the process of ah bio diesel or bio oil production
using ah micro algae the process is rather
simple you grow micro algae the micro algae
ah convert the carbon dioxide in the air and
in that process they accumulate lipids or
bio oil the lipids can be got in on out of
the micro algae after production by pre just
pressing them using a press the oil flows
out and then you can use the oil for what
ever you need
the process is very simple a lot is known
about the process but the economic production
of bio oil from this route is still not happening
and that is the reason why this process is
still not available commercially anywhere
in the world expect on an experimental basis
may be but its not really commercially viable
it has lot of promise lot of challenges some
of which we will talk about in this course
those challenges are overcome then it could
be an economic reality and ah this could be
a very good alternative source for bio oil
and biodiesel and many other products even
jet fuel can be made from this process ok
this is the schematic of the vessel here and
the photo section here this way you might
be able to understand things a little better
here this contains the micro algae their let
out here there is a pump that takes it through
the glass tubes in the photo section they
are exposed to light as a shown here and they
come back and they photo synthesize to accumulate
bio oil this is a video that you could watch
on from that list that is taken there i think
it is ah number eleven here before to bioreactor
that would give you an idea is to how it is
possible to produce bio oil from micro algae
through a bio process that involves a bio
and there are very many kinds of bioreactors
will not possible to go through all of them
these are the common types that are used for
ah producing useful products through the biological
route and you have seen some of them next
let us look at the bioreactor operation modes
many of those reactors stirred tank ah air
lift and the other kinds of reactors that
we saw the packed bed fluidized bed and so
on they can be operated in one of three modes
three main modes the first one is a batch
operation ok this is the same stirred tank
that we considered earlier and this is a stirrer
here which stirs and keeps the cells and suspension
when operated when this stirred tank is operated
in a batch mode what is done is we dump everything
in that is the medium the cells the inoculum
so on so forth and then the reaction takes
place therefore we wait for the bio products
to be made and at the end of the time we dump
everything out and proceed with further processing
the downstream processing steps to separate
and purify the product from the other things
so this kind of an operation were you dump
everything in wait for the process to complete
and dump everything out that kind of a process
is called a batch process or a batch operation
of a bioreactor and many processes in the
industry are batch is very simple ah comparatively
speaking to operate batch bioreactors compared
to other types of bioreactors a kinds of operation
the next one is a continuous operation of
a bioreactor the same stirred tank here you
could have a continuous input of the sub state
as it is called the nutrient broth as it is
called this need not even contain any cells
the cells could be here and there is a continuous
output from the bioreactor with the product
made the times are adjusted so that the product
is made appropriately and such an operation
is called continuous operation
what is important to note here is that during
this process there is growth of cells the
product formation and the flow of nutrients
all happen simultaneously ok that is important
to internalize in a continuous operation all
these happen simultaneously and that internalization
is required to appropriately look at it analyse
it and then use it ah probably design something
of interest to each one of you separately
between these two the batch and the continuous
you have something called a fed batch operation
ok it is in between the two and you could
guess what that is there could be intermittent
input there could be intermittent output and
ah or both you could have some input and some
output what i mean by that you start with
the probably a batch and then for some reason
well known reasons you add some sub state
may be in intervals not continuously in intervals
that is a fed batch you may not even remove
with anything or you could remove some part
of the broth the reacting broth intermittently
that could happen or you could do both you
could add intermittently and remove intermittently
and any how these kind of operations ah is
called a fed batch operation and there are
various reasons for example some products
that are made by this cells can be toxic to
the cells themselves simple thing is ethanol
that is ah made so much ah in a so many industries
that produce ethanol and ethanol above ah
some ah ten some sixteen percent or eighteen
percent is actually toxic to the cells so
it cannot cannot be allowed to build up here
there are other products that could be toxic
at much lower concentrations and to handle
the toxicity a part of the broth is removed
and fresh broth is added so th[at]- the concentration
of the toxic product remains in check
now those were the types of bioreactors that
we saw the common types and the modes of operation
of those types of bioreactors some bioreactors
lend themselves to all kinds of operation
modes or all the three operation modes batch
continuous and fed batch where as ah ah may
be a packed bed bioreactor or a fluidized
bed bioreactor ah it may not be very easy
to operate them on may be a batch bases a
continuous bases would be easier to operate
typically a continuous operation is a lot
more difficult many times more effort are
required to run a continuous operation continuous
batch continuous bioreactor compared to the
batch operation
ok now let us look at some other aspect we
are using organisms micro oraganisms to produce
the product of our interest therefore only
the organisms of interest need to be present
in that space that produces the product however
organisms are present everywhere in this room
around us in the space where this bioreactor
used um in hospital rooms and so on and so
forth there are organisms present in the air
in reasonably large amounts and ah that is
not good for example you dont want an infectious
organism that is present in the air to get
into your body ah the body has certain defense
mechanism that minimize the effects ah but
still it could lead to complications thats
why many of us get this infectious diseases
when the bodys defense mechanism is not able
to cope more critically when a person is operated
upon when a surgery is done the persons internals
are exposed and ah there is no skin or the
skin is compromised for a certain purpose
for the purpose of the surgery
when the skin is compromised the organisms
that are present in the air if they are present
can enter and cause infection and that should
not happen and therefore the surroundings
of the surgery must be kept clean of organisms
similarly the surroundings of a biorea[ctor]-
or the bioreactor itself must be clean with
no organisms and then the organism of interest
alone is added to the bioreactor and that
is made to multiply and produce a product
of interest therefore there is a huge need
for a clean slate you might be surprised you
have a organisms to the concentration of about
um ten power three cells or ten power four
cells per m l in the air around us there could
be many types of organisms and you dont want
them to be present either in your body or
in the bioreactor which is designed to produce
a particular type of product
what happens is if the other organisms come
may be those organisms can grow much faster
than the organism of interest and that will
compete with the organism for the food that
is available and the bioreactor will be a
failure thats called contamination of the
bioreactor you dont want that so to avoid
contamination we need a clean slate how do
we achieve this clean slate is rather interesting
let us discuss this and we will close the
introduction lecture we have ah may be about
nine minutes left will close the introductory
lecture with this discussion its very interesting
how do you sterilize a hospital room how do
you ah remove all the organisms from a bioreactor
organisms can be present anywhere corner of
the bioreactor there are three major ways
in which this is done one is we use very high
temperatures may be a hundred and twenty hundred
and twenty one degree c for about fifteen
minutes and a bit conditions typically used
ah a high temperature can be used and that
achieves a clean slate this is been shown
repeatedly it works very well
you could use chemicals liquids or vapours
and that is what is typically done to sterilize
spaces such as the operation rooms or labs
for example labs when we get contaminationed
then we want to remove all the organisms that
are contaminating our work related organisms
and therefore what we do is we use ah formalin
solution ah add potassium permanganate to
it to cause an exothermic reaction in the
formality hide actually ah formality hide
vapours that come out of it kills all the
cells in that space it is rather dangerous
and thats why when ah lab is sterilized there
are notices put up everywhere doors are sealed
with ceiling tape the windows are sealed completely
and a person of who is ah places these aluminum
boats with this formalin solution at strategic
places in the lab and works out a way by which
a person can get out and seal the glass door
the other doors are already sealed other windows
are already sealed and the person keeps dropping
these potassium permanganate pallets into
these aluminum boats as the person walks out
quickly comes out of the lab seals the door
and ah the vapours kill all the organisms
no vapour is allowed to escape into outside
the lab and the lab is kept sealed for a couple
of days and then you enter you can actually
smell the cleanliness or the lack of organisms
in the lab along with the chemical balance
so on so forth
so this is a very common procedure for ah
using chemicals ah in this case it is formalin
you could use seventy percent ethanol to kill
the organisms in on your hands on your gloves
and so on so forth while working with um organisms
while transferring organisms from one part
to another in a lab also you could use radiation
such as u v radiation gamma radiation which
are high energy radiations that can cause
changes in the ah d n a and so on so forth
of the organisms and kill the organisms when
you cannot use high temperature for example
when you working with ah temperature sensitive
plastics may be for syringes and so on so
forth you cannot use this high temperature
process the high temperature process ah is
called autoclaving and that is used for ah
substances made of ah metal such as bioreactors
ah made of metal if it is a small bioreactor
you can place a whole bioreactor inside what
is called an autoclave that helps reach the
conditions that we mentioned earlier one twenty
one degree c slightly elevated pressure steam
because steam exists a only those conditions
if you remember thermodynamics and if that
those conditions are maintained for about
fifteen minutes to half an hour then you could
get a sterile space then you take that space
and make sure that the sterility is maintained
and then at the right time you add the organisms
of interest that is how the autoclaving is
if the bioreactors are large we talked of
ah bioreactors that have capacities of may
be lakh few lakh liters then in situ sterilization
is done you use ah similar kind of mechanisms
high temperature ah caused in place ah because
you cannot move [laughter] those reactors
very easily and ah a clean slate is achieved
radiation such as u v and gamma rises we mentioned
are used to treat ah or used to kill the organisms
in um places where we probably cannot use
high temperature to kill or chemicals to kill
so these are some of the common sterilization
methods that are used to achieve the clean
slate for a bio process to begin i think we
will stop here for this lecture i think we
are almost out of time ah i briefly introduced
you to this mock its a ten hour mock on bioreactors
i mentioned a couple of books that you could
look at but only very loosely this organization
is very different um however i will also give
you the corresponding chapters as we go through
the various material some of the material
may not be there but ah whatever is there
i will give you the corresponding chapters
in the books so that you can go on read the
in the end of every week will have ah some
assignment to submit mostly through multiple
choice questions however it will be good for
you to develop the ah skills of problem solving
atleast close closed ended problem solving
where you know everything you will have to
analyze apply and get a useful result and
for that i will ah probably ah pose the problem
in one class ah give you enough time to solve
it at ah after the lecture and then show you
the solution in the next class lets ah meet
again in the next class