Modules / Lectures
Module NameDownloadDescriptionDownload Size
week-01Mod 01_Lecture 01_Amino acids IMod 01_Lecture 01_Amino acids I
week-01Mod 01_Lecture 02_Amino acids IIMod 01_Lecture 02_Amino acids II
week-01Mod 01_Lecture 03_Amino acids IIIMod 01_Lecture 03_Amino acids III
week-01Mod 01_Lecture 04_Peptide bondMod 01_Lecture 04_Peptide bond
week-01Mod 01_Lecture 05_Discussion classMod 01_Lecture 05_Discussion class
week-02Mod 02_Lecture 06_Primary StructureMod 02_Lecture 06_Primary Structure
week-02Mod 02_Lecture 07_Secondary StructureMod 02_Lecture 07_Secondary Structure
week-02Mod 02_Lecture 08_Tertiary and Quaternary StructureMod 02_Lecture 08_Tertiary and Quaternary Structure
week-02Mod 02_Lecture 09_Protein InteractionsMod 02_Lecture 09_Protein Interactions
week-02Mod 02_Lecture 10_Discussion ClassMod 02_Lecture 10_Discussion Class
week-03Mod 03_Lecture 11_Protein FoldingMod 03_Lecture 11_Protein Folding
week-03Mod 03_Lecture 12_Thermodynamics of Protein FoldingMod 03_Lecture 12_Thermodynamics of Protein Folding
week-03Mod 03_Lecture 13_Protein Structure PredictionMod 03_Lecture 13_Protein Structure Prediction
week-03Mod 03_Lecture 14_Protein DenaturationMod 03_Lecture 14_Protein Denaturation
week-03Mod 03_Lecture 15_Discussion classMod 03_Lecture 15_Discussion class
week-04Mod 04_Lecture 16_Protein Isolation methodsMod 04_Lecture 16_Protein Isolation methods
week-04Mod 04_Lecture 17_Protein PurificationMod 04_Lecture 17_Protein Purification
week-04Mod 04_Lecture 18_Biophysical Methods IMod 04_Lecture 18_Biophysical Methods I
week-04Mod 04_Lecture 19_Biophysical Methods IIMod 04_Lecture 19_Biophysical Methods II
week-04Mod 04_Lecture 20_Biophysical Methods IIIMod 04_Lecture 20_Biophysical Methods III
week-05Mod 05_Lecture 21_Types of Protein ligand interactionsMod 05_Lecture 21_Types of Protein ligand interactions
week-05Mod 05_Lecture 22_Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Protein ligand bindingMod 05_Lecture 22_Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Protein ligand binding
week-05Mod 05_Lecture 23_Experimental methods in protein-ligand interactionsMod 05_Lecture 23_Experimental methods in protein-ligand interactions
week-05Mod 05_Lecture 24_Protein ligand dockingMod 05_Lecture 24_Protein ligand docking
week-05Mod 05_Lecture 25_Protein ligand binding Discussion classMod 05_Lecture 25_Protein ligand binding Discussion class
week-06Mod 06_Lecture 26_Enzymes IMod 06_Lecture 26_Enzymes I
week-06Mod 06_Lecture 27_Enzymes IIMod 06_Lecture 27_Enzymes II
week-06Mod 06_Lecture 28_Enzyme mechanism IMod 06_Lecture 28_Enzyme mechanism I
week-06Mod 06_Lecture 29_Enzyme mechanisms IIMod 06_Lecture 29_Enzyme mechanisms II
week-06Mod 06_Lecture 30_Enzyme mechanisms IIIMod 06_Lecture 30_Enzyme mechanisms III
week-07Mod 07_Lecture 31_Enzyme kinetics IMod 07_Lecture 31_Enzyme kinetics I
week-07Mod 07_Lecture 32_Enzyme kinetics IIMod 07_Lecture 32_Enzyme kinetics II
week-07Mod 07_Lecture 33_Enzyme Inhibition IMod 07_Lecture 33_Enzyme Inhibition I
week-07Mod 07_Lecture 34_Enzyme Inhibition IIMod 07_Lecture 34_Enzyme Inhibition II
week-07Mod 07_Lecture 35_Discussion classMod 07_Lecture 35_Discussion class
week-08Mod 08_Lecture 36_Motor Proteins I Mod 08_Lecture 36_Motor Proteins I
week-08Mod 08_Lecture 37_Motor Proteins II Mod 08_Lecture 37_Motor Proteins II
week-08Mod 08_Lecture 38_Metalloproteins IMod 08_Lecture 38_Metalloproteins I
week-08Mod 08_Lecture 39_Metalloproteins IIMod 08_Lecture 39_Metalloproteins II
week-08Mod 08_Lecture 40_Myoglobin and HemoglobinMod 08_Lecture 40_Myoglobin and Hemoglobin
week-09Mod 09_Lecture 41_Membrane Proteins IMod 09_Lecture 41_Membrane Proteins I
week-09Mod 09_Lecture 42_Membrane Proteins IIMod 09_Lecture 42_Membrane Proteins II
week-09Mod 09_Lecture 43_Membrane Transport IMod 09_Lecture 43_Membrane Transport I
week-09Mod 09_Lecture 44_Membrane Transport IIMod 09_Lecture 44_Membrane Transport II
week-09Mod 09_Lecture 45_Electron Transport ChainMod 09_Lecture 45_Electron Transport Chain
week-10Mod 10_Lecture 46_Protein Carbohydrate Interactions IMod 10_Lecture 46_Protein Carbohydrate Interactions I
week-10Mod 10_Lecture 47_Protein-Carbohydrate Interactions II 2Mod 10_Lecture 47_Protein-Carbohydrate Interactions II 2
week-10Mod 10_Lecture 48_ Protein Nucleic acid interactions IMod 10_Lecture 48_ Protein Nucleic acid interactions I
week-10Mod 10_Lecture 49_Protein Nucleic Acid Interactions IIMod 10_Lecture 49_Protein Nucleic Acid Interactions II
week-10Mod 10_Lecture 50_Protein nucleic acid interactions IIIMod 10_Lecture 50_Protein nucleic acid interactions III
week-11Mod 11_Lecture 51_Protein Protein Interactions IMod 11_Lecture 51_Protein Protein Interactions I
week-11Mod 11_Lecture 52_Protein Protein Interactions IIMod 11_Lecture 52_Protein Protein Interactions II
week-11Mod 11_Lecture 53_Protein Peptide InteractionsMod 11_Lecture 53_Protein Peptide Interactions
week-11Mod 11_Lecture 54_Chaperone ProteinsMod 11_Lecture 54_Chaperone Proteins
week-11Mod 11_Lecture 55_Protein Nanoparticle InteractionsMod 11_Lecture 55_Protein Nanoparticle Interactions
week-12Mod 12 _Lecture 56_Oxidative stress in proteinsMod 12 _Lecture 56_Oxidative stress in proteins
week-12Mod 12_Lecture 57_Enzyme action and proteolytic cleavageMod 12_Lecture 57_Enzyme action and proteolytic cleavage
week-12Mod 12_Lecture 58_Intrinsically Disordered ProteinsMod 12_Lecture 58_Intrinsically Disordered Proteins
week-12Mod 12_Lecture 59_Viral proteinsMod 12_Lecture 59_Viral proteins
week-12Mod 12_Lecture 60_Overview of courseMod 12_Lecture 60_Overview of course
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1EnglishNot Available
2BengaliNot Available
3GujaratiNot Available
4HindiNot Available
5KannadaNot Available
6MalayalamNot Available
7MarathiNot Available
8TamilNot Available
9TeluguNot Available